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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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eh, in my opinion, yes, according to the numbers that we see, then the unlimited human resource that he constantly uses on the front line, again, to translate into civilian language, then for one attack of the assault detachment of the group or platoon, yes there, they, we neutralize it, they send the following, and in this way , for a month, there have been active hostilities directly in our area of ​​the front. you are a battalion commander and would like to ask how the effectiveness of a commander is determined, how do you determine the effectiveness of company commanders platoons, how the promotion of the commander in the hierarchy along the career ladder is ensured, relying precisely on the approaches of the third separate assault brigade, well, the management approach that we use, in my opinion... it is today a unique approach
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to the implementation of combat tasks in armed forces of ukraine, it basically starts with the microclimate that prevails in the unit, that is , today one of the main reasons for such, for the implementation of such effective work, is communication, in our brigade there are, relatively speaking, officers... and soldiers' desks, separation between officers, sergeants and soldiers of the brigade, there is a normal microclimate that is within the limits of subordination and, a certain subordination, this is what creates trust from soldiers to the middle rank of officers and senior officers, who understand not only the expediency of the task, and that this task is well planned. from the point of view of her awareness
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of all commanders who are at different echelons of the situation that is happening on the front line, her in terms of logistical support and including support, this gives ee, it gives a greater potential for the implementation of future tasks, well, the main thing is that we do not feel sorry for the soldiers, but protect them, and precisely... with such, with such, let's say, ideology, we work in the format of the third separate assault brigade , the same, shall we say, potential and the same use of its troops, uses such famous units as the kraken, which consists of former servicemen of the azov regiment, and the commanders of the azov brigade - this is also one of our military families, which. ..
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uses exactly such principles and principles which help us be more effective on the battlefield. and what is the difference between pity and protect, and how to determine the balance between the maintenance of the plot that must be received and the level of losses in one's own unit? what does your experience say? today, one, well , first of all, we must understand that the war is very dynamic and there are many changes. today , during the conduct of hostilities and technological, technical revolutions at the forefront, the use of means and the conjuncture of the use of these means change every, sometimes even every month. today we do everything for to minimize the loss of our personnel, to minimize the presence of servicemen on the front line, of course, we understand that the presence of servicemen on the front line from...
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it is not impossible to move away, but our brigade in this format works very closely, and we are one of the the first brigades that began to use unmanned systems on a large scale, both on the ground and in the air, and this is what helps us to perform combat tasks better, again, better in the format of more fire damage, more security to of military personnel who perform these tasks, mr. major, in fact... when new means appear, it probably affects the change in the staff structure, is there a need now, for example, to increase the headquarters of the brigades, given the fact that there are a lot well , the burden falls on the headquarters units, is it necessary to create separate companies of rebs as part of the brigades, what is your vision of changing staffing structures, in accordance with the conditions that change on the battlefield, we are constantly in the process of...
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constantly changing the staff we are in the process of finding new ones steps in order to implement their combat tasks, these are also pilot projects. which are then changed already in the management headquarters , including in the ministry of defense of ukraine, which change the staff structure, including our internal projects, where we make certain changes under our responsibility, which are agreed with the unit commander, and add certain new ones positions, these or other pilot new, if you can say professions, that is, from the very beginning. coco-scale invasion we use unmanned aerial systems, er, regardless of whether they are on the staff list or not, we understand that it is necessary and we understand that we need to move towards this, of course, now ee is an opportunity, including changing the staffing structures, it
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is happening permanently, that is, if the third brigade is not fighting, it is training and preparing for future combat tasks, and even if i tell you that the third brigade is fighting, the third brigade is still making some innovative approaches, some changes to staff structures, changes to planning in order to to match today's dynamics on the battlefield. well, this new experience that you gain in battle, should it crystallize in battle statutes, is this process still happening, or is the dynamics so fast so far that it is too early to think about statutes, battle statutes? from which side to look, if we are talking about conceptual and certain solutions, then they exist, for example, this is the creation of forces of unmanned systems, these are such large pieces of work regarding the structure of the armed forces of ukraine. if we 're talking about some point ee moments about
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a certain system that should descend from concept, then unfortunately there is no such thing, because you answered your own questions, the situation is changing very quickly. but we are ready, because the ukrainian army, the armed forces of ukraine, the third brigade, it should be and should be, and it is so, it is about quality, not about quantity. mr. artyun, from all our viewers, we thank you and your comrades from the third assault brigade for what you are doing to destroy the russian invaders, for your experience, for your dedication to the cause. let me remind you that it was rodion kudryashov, deputy. the commander of the third separate assault brigade, i hope that the best practices of training the third assault brigade will spread among our other brigades. and then vasyl zima will continue the long broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i
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am very grateful to serhii zgurets, and i thank his guests. well, we continue, of course, the ukrainian national football team, we will not help anything. will she help herself on the eve of the next matches of the european championship, i hope not in the last matches, not the last matches will be group matches, but we will talk about the disgrace in munich a little later with yevhen pastukhov, we will help those soldiers who do not lose their moral stability, their spirit, or their attitude to the defense forces, the armed forces of ukraine, who, despite everything, continue to fight for our and their freedom and for our life. we ask you to join. before collecting for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone, in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air behind any weather day and night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular
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tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for operational operations. of foreign equipment, our goal is uah 630,000, i ask you to actively participate, as of the beginning of our, well, at the time of the announcement of this collection, we were able to collect already uah 478,748 and even 31 kopecks, each hryvnia it is important, please join us, and we will talk about the situation in sumy region, and in particular the bilopol community, natalya kalinichenko is with us, deputy of the bilopol city council, ms. natalya, i congratulate you. good day, good evening, i am glad to see and hear from her, i will first of all ask about the situation as of the evening of this day, that is, for the last day, whether there were shellings, what is the humanitarian situation, whether the enemy tried to hit drones, artillery, what happened if talk about your
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community, well, maybe there is information about others to the communities of sumy region, which are also closer to the border , the enemy is coming, or the drg launches its own, or fires both the territory and the object. and most importantly - residential buildings, and our citizens suffer from that. please. oh, for the past day, that is, from today to yesterday evening, with us. it was relatively calm in the territory of the community, in any case , it was quiet in our city, we heard shelling along the border, we have 7-10 km to the border, well, to the line of the russian-ukrainian border, and we heard explosions, but to say that we are in town there was no destruction, however shelling and destruction continue along the entire border line, we had shelled the shostka community, a person died there, there was shelling of the krasnopil... community in the esmansk community, a drone flew by bus and a person was killed there, and therefore constantly on the line
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near the border in our sumy region , events are constantly taking place that cause destruction, injury and death of people with varying intensity, and please tell me, from the five-kilometer zone, as i understand it , people have already been evicted or people have been evacuated, well, because the word was put out incorrectly, obviously, people were evacuated, do people remain who live in no... average proximity to the border, because as i understand it, after, especially after the story that happened in velyka pyserivka, well, for sure, it is definitely just a one hundred percent risk for life. well, we have our own analogy of the great piserivka, this is the village of ryzhivka, which was also actually destroyed, and it is located 300 m from the border, that is, even on the border, the border goes for housing by residential development, so we are all in march, well, starting probably with in february, in march... saw these evacuation shots, saw people who left for, as
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they say, barefoot, at night they were taken out during the day, that is why any warnings about evacuation, about danger, people now take much more seriously, because, to be honest, we don't want a repeat of what happened in ryzhivka, when people with bags with one bag ran out of the basements, in a five-kilometer zone we have up to 20 settlements, these settlements were inhabited... they were different, the same ryzhivka, it was more than 600 people, and small settlements where 5-10 people lived, today, unfortunately, somewhere around six, seven, eight settlements have been completely destroyed, there is not a single person there and in fact there is not a single whole building, this is a five-kilometer zone, there are also villages where there are still people, there are not many people left, maybe 1/5, maybe even 1/10 of what lived before, but unfortunately, these people. live, well, they have a certain risk, a certain danger, in some villages there has been no electricity for more than a year, and it is impossible to make it,
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because the cable runs right along the border and our energy workers were constantly undercover, that's why there are villages without electricity, very bad communication in these villages, people are constantly being asked to evacuate, well, there are actually no children there anymore, but they say that from time to time some local residents who have left or what. .. forged, they return to their settlements to look, well, as they say, at the gardens, although maybe someone is looking at how there is and, again, here in addition to what can fly in, because in this story, died or was seriously injured by a bursting shell or mine or drop a drone in the yard of my own house, this story is in the yard of my own house, it is heard everywhere in sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, well, i am not talking about donetsk oblast, luhansk oblast, it is the same story there. is it a checkpoint or is it simply that people
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cannot be stopped or is there such a regime that one cannot drive, i.e. the territory of death, the territory of danger, is there no need to introduce similar ones, well, these are not filtering, these are security measures, obviously, well, we have some populated areas , where people cannot go for safety reasons... to enter, even if it is one's own house, that is, one must have a special pass, a special permit there, and there is such a, there is such a security moment in border settlements, but there are settlements where people who have a residence permit or have a certain economy, and either they did not leave there at all, that is, even in the village of ryzhivka, which was completely destroyed, today, according to the headman, nine people live there, they say that... this is how the experts write that the enemy withdrew, at least a large group of troops from
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territory, if i am not mistaken, it is kurshchyna, which borders with, with sumy oblast, there in kharkiv oblast, where heavy fighting is currently taking place in the vovchansk region, first of all, but not only there, and that the threat of invasion or the threat of attempted infiltration, well, quite large groups of russian troops, not the drg, but there up to... from a battalion and more in the territory of sumy oblast , have now disappeared, i understand that no one will give out secrets here, but does it mean that now we can breathe, let's say , there are no russians there in such a quantity, so... with the fact that they could form shock fists for a breakthrough or for entry into the territory of ukraine, is there now, or are they not talking about it? well, the fact is that our public expertise, or our, as they say, bazaar experts know a lot of things, we, of course, also listen to official reports, including from the military
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and from intelligence officers who are officially speaking, but there's a lot of talk on that everyday level, and unfortunately, those...talks, they contribute more to that, you know, psychological stress, and people are always very anxious it is difficult to tell any rumors how real they are, because this is the business of the military, so today we react only to the security situation, to what we hear, the shelling has decreased, there have also been fewer alarms, threats, so people conclude, that either the troops have left, or just them, they are afraid that they don't have the opportunity to shoot at us and destroy and kill us. therefore, we react mainly only to what we really see, what we really hear, all conversations, expert assessments, unfortunately, they have been spreading since the 22nd year, sometimes true, sometimes untrue, sometimes enemy propaganda also penetrates here, because telegram channels, various methods of information transmission, they cause a lot of panic and such anxiety in people, that is why
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today we believe that there are fewer troops there, because we are... all tense, constantly listening, we constantly hear these sounds of alarm, we read in the telegram whether there are cabs flying over us, so life cannot be called completely calm, you know, i will ask, it is a bit provocative question in the sense that i understand that these are various articles of the budget and a little i i manipulate mine to a question, but these are just numbers... but in two years, according to the movement, honestly, people's deputies of ukraine, we are not talking about all deputies, again, these are individual deputies for housing rent, for compensation from housing rent, because they come to kyiv, or work in kyiv, but they don’t have housing here, or they don’t, 64.5 million hryvnias were spent, and i wonder if the funds are being allocated now, i understand that this is the budget of the verkhovna rada, there
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a separate story, i will not engage in populism here, tell that let's transfer this money somewhere now, we will not transfer it, they are provided there. budget, but 64.5 million, so that individual deputies could reimburse themselves for living in the capital of ukraine, during the plenary work, as i understand it, but are the funds allocated now for reconstruction, i am not talking about those villages that were destroyed, or that were actually destroyed , i am talking about those cities that suffered from the beginning of the invasion, the okhtyrka, sumy and many other settlements that were affected, is it possible to take money now, well, not from local budgets, which i understand are not replenished much now. in view of all that is happening, and perhaps coming certain funds from the government for the fact that here is this money for you, so that people can, at least put up windows, do something else, there, those who have suffered, please, well, i can say a little about bilopyll right now, because we have reconstruction and restoration, the program is working, there is restoration, and a lot, well, i can't say exactly, but 1,500 people have had
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their homes damaged, that is, from completely destroyed roofs and walls there to the same destroyed ones. broken windows, windows and doors, and when people registered for this program, there is restoration, this is a state budget program, then several for months, the money was coming in, and people could put up a window, insulate the changes there, or rather close it where the pro-warriors were. now, as far as i have communicated as a deputy, people are contacting me, they said, now there is a restoration of revenues under the program, it is not working, the funds are not going, people cannot help themselves, well, if winter is coming soon, but... they cannot not to install windows, not to restore doors, damaged walls, but this program has definitely slowed down for us now very, very much, in the last month almost no funds have come in at all, but in terms of restoration of more such serious ones, yes, we have a lot of work being done in the city of trostyanets, in the city of okhtyrka, in the okhtyr community, and there, as far as i know, a large part of the funds involved, these are partnership
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funds from various budgets, from various funds, this is a large the merit of local self-government, and... those people with whom they cooperate, those organizations, institutions, those countries with whom the mayors directly cooperate, with whom the representatives cooperate, in one word, ms. natalya, i will say that the community of sumy oblast, as both in the early days of the invasion and now alone, to a greater extent tries to fight back first, and then recover. thank you very much, take care, take care. nataliya kalinichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council, sumy oblast. sumyshchyna, not only sumyshchyna, but sumyshchyna in particular has become a real terror for the russians and... has not continued to be so since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and people are organizing again, organizing again and people are fighting for their own again, this is very important, well but you see, they say that... something has not been coming from the center lately. ivan klympushtensadze, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. mrs. ivan, i congratulate you. good evening. i will immediately start with the
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topic for which we actually decided to communicate, although i am glad to see you without communication, but still. this summit that was held in switzerland, amazing things were happening, well, in particular, in terms of signatures disappearing, signatures being withdrawn by certain countries that... those signatures were put under the document, but the president said that the positive thing is that there is a perspective diplomatic unblocking of zaporozhye nuclear power plant, yesterday i heard his comment, to some journalists, he simply told in passing that there are certain positive points, it is obvious that it did not succeed, they say that this is really quite a big success of ukrainian diplomacy, you can judge with your experience and for with his understanding of the situation, what could have been and what we have, the results of the swiss summit. well, it is certainly important that when the ukrainian authorities decided, well , to force it a little hastily, to convene such a summit, they still managed to gather
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a serious representative gathering, and the participation more than 90 countries in it, the vast majority of which were represented at the level of heads of state and government, it is important, it is important that ukraine... demonstrated that it has its own vision, that it wants to offer it, that it is ready to interact, to listen others however, of course, i am also happy about the fact that thanks to the frank and honest conversation of our ukrainian journalists, who took out and brought to the surface the risks of the communique that was being prepared, which did not even contain basic, basic things that would relate to support by all the countries present there, the charter of the united nations and international law, on the basis of which ukraine definitely sees
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the restoration of peace and the end of this war, its positions, these basic things, they managed to return in this communique, which, unfortunately, did not was actually supported by 13 organizations, members of the united the nations that were, 13 countries, members of the united nations organization, that were present at this summit, and this is of course, well, such an alarm bell, because of the fact that, well, i want to remind you, practically similar things, when they called for the observance of the charter of the united nations organization at the level of the un general assembly, and we had the vote of the 141st country there. as for me, i agree with that. who says that ukraine began to work and actively promote the idea of ​​a summit at a time when it had the most unattractive and most difficult
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situation on the battlefield, there was no decision to provide us with an additional new aid package from the united states of america , well, there were serious supply interruptions additional military capabilities and ukraine. well, it was losing its parts of its territories under the pressure of the russian federation, clearly the russian federation looked more powerful because of this interaction with the evil spirit, because it does not act independently, but it acts with the support of iran, the same as the north of north korea, and now we understand that, unfortunately, it is acting even with the help of china, which at that time was still trying to demonstrate its... crazy supposed neutrality, and all these things led to the fact that we, well, have such a strong support for the west, the west in a broad sense
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sense of the word, and regardless of geographical location, still those countries that share western values, that believe that international law is important, that it is necessary, that we must return to its respect and observance, but at the same time, we must very seriously and carefully. to relate to what we heard at the end of this summit, at the end of this summit we heard that president zelenskyi talked about the fact that we need to convene another or a second summit in the next months, at which it is quite likely to even count on the presence of the russian federation, which, in my opinion , is not at all ready to conduct any real negotiations, except for capitulation negotiations and... demands that it tries to impose on ukraine as an ultimatum. and here, in my opinion, it is very important that we... in our
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efforts, in our vision of ukraine, replace this speed with the quality of what we would like to achieve in the future, and here, as, again, in my opinion, it is very important that the ukrainian leadership does not lock itself in such a separate and narrow internal vision and did not project it on the country's position without involving the best specialists. the best internationalists, all representatives of civil society who are able to speak with countries outside, representatives of the parliament who are able to do this, the media , cultural figures of ours, and first by discussing further steps with experts even behind closed doors, and then by developing such a joint strategy when we all let's act
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together, that's it, as far as i'm concerned, this understanding is not enough, it seems not the leadership of ukraine, which wants to be simply blinded, well, by partial success at this summit, in my opinion, this is a short question, i'm just interested in your opinion, as a person who knows about such things as the protocol, the appearance of the head of the president's office, is also enough andriy yaermak in a joint photo, where there were representatives of the states, leaders. of states there are people of a lower level, but in any case people who have represented their states either at the highest level or at a lower level, but still it was either government representation, or presidential representation, and among all of them there was a person who is not the head of the state, well, maybe there is some explanation, maybe i don’t know, that is, i am not criticizing anyone here now, again, maybe that’s how they agreed there, but simply from the point of view of the protocol, from the point of view of the rules, it is clear,
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but to you or not? because i don't understand, we heard an explanation that switzerland, which hosted this summit, was also represented not only by the president in this photo right in the center, but also standing next to her negotiator from the swiss side, and they say that in this way it is absolutely justified, according to those who explain it, the appearance of yermak in these photos of a person who does not actually have any legal authority to represent ukraine, a person who does not have any legal authority to give instructions to somebody else in a state that is not elected, that does not have a mandate from the citizens, i think that is quite a mythical explanation for this appearance, and i think that actually
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the swiss negotiator is... well, with appeared there in that photo, probably in order to already the swiss side could, at least partially, remove all the issues that objectively arise in ukrainian society. it is strange to me that our minister of foreign affairs, who is also in the photo, he is standing somewhere, and no one notices him in the photo, it seems that this is fundamentally wrong, if we are already talking about the vertical, the executive vertical, which from... is responsible for the foreign policy of ukraine, it is directly the president of ukraine and the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, and no head of office or administration or whatever it was not called, it is actually a bureaucratic secretarial structure, which should be solely responsible for organizing the work of the president of ukraine. in my opinion, this is a complete breach of protocol. we literally have three minutes if we have time for two
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short questions. first, deputy. the head of the president's office, ihor zhovkov, actually said that another summit is planned for september, but again, it will be a peace summit, because the peace summit is when the war ends, today i listened to many experts who mentioned, say, the paris the summit after the first world war, which lasted quite a long time, but then the war was already over and we had to talk about the consequences, now there are no consequences, we only have certain humanitarian issues, which god would have us resolve this issue with the return of the children, with zaporizhia nuclear, with the exchange of everyone for... everyone, it's good that putin has finally said that it turns out that there is someone to talk to in kyiv, because before he didn't have one, and now he says that, well, as if according to the constitution in us, that's already a plus, but for september, what can be real, can actually be planned and is there this summit, i am already reflecting two things in one, this summit is some kind of preparation for the july nato summit in washington, is it not worth mentioning here at all, nothing was announced or talked about in advance until july,
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well... let's do it, i think , what if someone decided to...


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