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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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ovkva actually said that another summit is planned for september, but again, it will be a peace summit, because the peace summit is when the war ends, today i listened to many experts who mentioned, say, the paris summit after the first world war, which lasted for quite a long time, well, but then the war was already over and we had to talk about the consequences, now there are no consequences, we only have certain humanitarian issues, which god would have us solve this issue with the return of the children, with the zaporizhzhya atomic bomb, with the exchange everyone everyone, it's good that putin has finally s... said that it turns out that there is someone to talk to in kyiv, because before he didn't have one, and now he says that we already have it according to the constitution, so that's a plus , but for september, what can be real, can actually be planned, and is this summit, i already reflect two in one, this summit is some kind of preparation for the july nato summit in washington, or is it not necessary to intertwine here at all, nothing was announced there and it was discussed in advance until july, well , let's do it, i believe that if someone decided for... howling that the next peace summit or
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peace conference in ukraine will take place already in september is a huge, catastrophic mistake by those who think so, and it is a maddening challenge and risk for ukraine if it moves forward on the ukrainian side, then we must do everything for this, well , simply, if we simply set such a goal for the summit, regardless of how the situation develops on the battlefield, where... a diplomatic victory, including ukraine's , can be prepared , er, it seems to me, everyone efforts must be made so that just today, today's statements do not become er, well, the mobilization of all diplomatic resources of ukraine for the sake of this next summit, this is the first thing, and as for the connection to the nato summit, it is still more about what can go on, what can be discussed next, ae at the summit.
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what you need to prepare for was discussed in those bilateral meetings of many that were held during this week and during and during the recovery conference in berlin and during the g7 meeting, but i think that not at the summit in this world, well, in any case, many people are talking about autumn, and i understand that the main reason why they are talking about autumn is because in november the presidential elections... the united states of the united states of america, donald trump, well at least now as a candidate, i don't know what he will say if he wins the presidential election, he says that as soon as i become president, if i don't even become president, i will immediately cut off aid to ukraine because president zelensky, said trump, he is beautiful, the best of politicians, the sales manager, that's what he roughly called him, he says, he always comes to america and takes 60 billion out of here, thank god we have such a president who can withdraw the money the country needs, but very briefly, literally, this is the candidate's statement .
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trump, should she be taken seriously? well, candidate trump also stated the opposite things, and you and i know that it was with the consent of candidate trump that the republicans voted to provide aid to ukraine, so this is a political campaign, let's hope and work, work on that so that it does not become the position of the country if trump becomes the president, the next president of the united states. thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, ivanna klympush tsintsadze, people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, well indeed, it's good that it happened, yuriy fizar will tell you more about events outside ukraine today, well and i will literally tell you about the most important news at this hour, good evening, we are from ukraine, so let's get started.
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the number of wounded due to russian shelling increased to 12 three people were hospitalized in poltava region, including two children, the head of the regional military administration philip pronin said. during the day, the enemy attacked the poltava district with rockets, power lines were damaged , 53,000 household and almost 25 legal consumers were without electricity. emergency crews are already working to eliminate the consequences of the enemy attack. an attack on the civil infrastructure of the poltava district, people were injured, previously there were no casualties, several high-rise buildings were damaged, the information is being clarified. six people were evacuated by the police from the line fighting in the avdiyiv direction in donetsk region. four people were taken out of vozdvizhenka and two from vovchyo. the front approached these villages almost at close range. so there are constant explosions. unfortunately, after being hit by a russian aerial bomb. near the house in
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the village of vovche, a man and a woman decided to leave, and the police took them and their cat to their relatives in myrnograd. almost seven residents remained in the village, a family from vozdvizhenka, continued. didn't want to leave the house, but three russian shells hit their garden at night, so they, along with the chickens and ducks and rabbits left for a safer place, a few residents remain in vozdvizhenka. well, in the hot kharkiv direction , the russian occupiers became more active today in the vovchansk region, there were four combat clashes, the situation is dynamic, says the message of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy is trying to push the unit. the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on the city from the occupied positions of the defense forces with the support of aviation . russian terrorists hit the lyptsi district with three more bombs , and one near zakharivka, the enemy attacks airstrikes from belgorod and shebekino.
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fighters of the 22nd mechanized brigade captured a russian t-62 tank in the bakhmud direction. drone superstructure, our military called them sheds, the crew of a combat vehicle also surrendered, a shed, one soldier of the russian federation was sitting with a grenade, wanted to blow himself up, but managed to convince him to live and surrender, the third russian escaped, managed to detain him, this was reported by the press officer of the brigade vitaliy sokolenko, after that the yellow flag was raised on the trophy tank and the saray successfully reached the ukrainian positions. the organization of illegal felling of trees in the vyzhnytskyi national nature park was stolen by law enforcement officers, the former chief forester, and now the first deputy director of the state-owned enterprise berehometsk forestry , issued a logging ticket for
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sanitary felling, while not agreeing the limits with the ministry of environmental protection of ukraine and not receiving a permit of the regional state administration due to its excess. environmental damage has been caused by official powers for 1,700,000 hryvnias. profited from the sale of weapons. the state bureau of investigation reported the suspicion to the sumy law enforcement officer. the man kept a makarov pistol, magazines with cartridges for it, as well as a grenade launcher, grenade launcher shots and grenades. he was looking for clients among acquaintances, a law enforcement officer was detained as a result of a special operation, he faces up to seven years in prison. investigators are establishing the origin of weapons and ammunition. aid from taiwan. ukrainian hospitals received more than 150 new functional medical beds. humanitarian cargo was provided taiwan organization for the development of world communities. taiwan asia center, as
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well as the country's presbyterian church. nine hospitals of kyiv region and cherkasy region receive new medical beds. this is not the first shipment of aid from taiwan in a while. full-scale invasion of ukraine , more than 150 special purpose cargoes arrived from that country. these beds are needed for, for example, an overweight person who cannot get up and sit on a rather high bed. these beds are functional, they can be raised, lowered, the back is also regulated, leg elevation, which is very important, we are a national institution under the patronage of the president, which deals with palliative care, that is, provides palliative care for seriously wounded soldiers, we have a whole building designated, where 142 beds will be located for such patients, such patients, they can't be on regular
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beds because they need functionality, to be able to be lifted up, to be comfortable and to be used in different directions like that, so it's very necessary for us. help is greatly appreciated. and there is a competition in lviv to the position of director of the palace of arts turned into a real scandal. currently, there are four applicants, however, according to the version of the public organization znay. this is one of the candidates without three years of work experience in cultural institutions. as it is written in the conditions of the competition. the organization submitted a corresponding request to verify this fact, it was considered at a meeting of commissions regarding the competition in the lviv regional council. what we are going through, so that there is still a fair decision of the commission, so that if a person does not have work experience, and this is a work book, this is not a public activity, it is not, it should still be the law written in us, the law of culture and all the provisions, and
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still, that the commission should not allow this person to apply for the head of this palace, from the public information that he published... this candidate and which are posted on the website of the lviv regional council, there are doubts that this candidate has the relevant work experience of more than 3 years in the field of culture, so that... there are no manipulations regarding the interpretation of legislation, there are no violations of legislation, such a presence such amount of thunder of the public and mass media information, deputies of the regional council and everyone who cares about the fate of the palace of arts. in-depth reconnaissance, units that do hot work behind enemy lines, their work is difficult to capture, and its results cannot be overestimated. we managed to talk with... a scout of the first separate brigade of special forces named after ivan bohun, his story from the first mouth. i
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think, i will go, er, i will go, i drive up to the checkpoint, do you want to go to the army, i say, i want, not tomorrow, i say. it's a pity, as you look at the map, everything is already there, everything
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, everything, where else have you been and how it is, well, that is they have res, they understand like a monkey with grenades , they don't know what to do, but they are fearless idiots, no, but for sure, they did everything , they all stand still, they do not accept any movements , that is, logically, something, yes, some tactic can be anyway, somewhere or other tactics they use here.
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well, elementary, even the school program also goes there to the other side of the world to see, yes, how
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can the phone not be used, what else has the phone taken out, and how will you see it? ordinary school program eighth grade around 360° everything you say is out of time if there is something sitting there that you don't know, let him tell you what it is, where the gun stands straight at 12 and left, work in the rear, work in the enemy's rear, reach rear, do something there, some task there, there is already room there, if there is only one task there, let's say, go there to see this, that, that, that, that, and if possible, also play. then you can play right away, this is our task , it's a small one, well, if only it were on tv
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they won't show it, but - we'll make a good mess there, here's a plan like this, you can make it there and we did it, if you have a head and hands and feet, damn physical, some elementary stuff , god. with pleasure, with pleasure, people just don't want to go, but they don't know what they are there for, nobody sends him to death, they will teach him, they will train him, look after him. because he is not needed there either, it ’s called, i can’t understand it, demotivated, what, what motivation can it be, if the enemy came to the house, that’s it, to you in the country was invaded by an enemy, what could be a separate motivation, i was not born for war, we were all born, but now we all have an army, everyone, i generally stick billboards, but from the forest
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, my eyes are high, but that's just me. i don’t understand, well , this is the story, and i really just want to say here, this military man is speaking the truth, and now yuriy fizar will talk about events outside ukraine, he has already joined our air, yuriy, good evening, i know that we i would like to watch a little football together with you today, but today is not about that, that will have to wait, although vasyl also has a lot to say about football, but today is not about that, today, as always, i will tell you. about the events that happened in the world during the past day, in particular about the peace summit, without peace, nato wants to bring its nuclear forces to combat readiness, and another statement by donald trump about ukraine, about this and other things in a moment in the world column about ukraine, well, i'll start with this,
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a peace summit without peace, although in the end there is none. were waiting after the meeting, which took place on saturday and sunday in the swiss city bürgenstock, although the office of the president of ukraine has already called this meeting, this summit real and successful, but 80 countries and four organizations joined the final communiqué, although the office of the president said that there is still a lot of work to be done and it will continue, in documents according to the results. there are only a few points against this summit, which showed that the participants really support ukraine, but this is a political statement, that is , there is no such real result after it, although many have different opinions about of this support, well, at least the war was called a war in the text, although switzerland, the country that hosted the summit, wanted to insert
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the word aggression, and the inviolability of the approach to territorial integrity is also emphasized. of ukraine, and besides, all participants agreed that only those proposals that correspond to norman international law and the united nations charter can be discussed. well, this, you know, ambiguous, ambiguous aftertaste after that, after this peace conference that took place in bürgenstock, in the final the statement that i have already mentioned in the communique states that this event has taken place. in order to strengthen the dialogue for the further search for different ways to a comprehensive and just peace in ukraine. i personally have only one question: what have you done so far? no, i understand that there will still be a lot of work ahead, i understand all that, but what has been done so far, there were 10 points of the ukrainian peace plan, they were narrowed down to only three in
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order to attract as many countries as possible to this summit to switzerland to they came, attracted. the countries agreed, now they will further refine something, which, could it not have been refined earlier, so that now at least some points can be discussed in more detail at this summit, and some specific groups will be created at which these will be discussed, well, that's why i the result is still unclear, and this joy that emanates from the office of the president of ukraine, and by the way, in one word, it seems to me, well, this is my subjective opinion, to sum up... the result of the work of this meeting, you can agreed, agreed, how much more will be agreed, it is not known, and by the way, there were countries at the summit that did not join the communique, well, this is predicted, saudi arabia, thailand, india, mexico, the republic of south africa, brazil, ob' the united arab emirates, china did not plan at all and did not come there, did not send
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its envoy, that is why it did not join the communiqué, although it is open and... the following countries can join it, that is the only result, you know, as in me, this is what we did show the world that 80 countries and the four organizations still want the end of the war in ukraine and want ukraine not to suffer, well, but before that there is still a lot, a lot of work, and it seems to me that we still have to prove it on the battlefield with our achievements, but today a lot about it... the summit and about it continues, the next meeting in this format to find ways to end the russian war in ukraine peacefully may take place even before the presidential elections in the united states. united states of america, that is , until november 5 of this year. such a statement after the conclusion of the global peace summit in bürgenstock was made by the minister of foreign affairs
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of the swiss confederation, ignatius cassis. according to him, the authorities of his country maintain regular contact with russia and hold discussions with it, and will hold discussions with it after the conference in bürgenstock. at the same time, there are more details of what is currently happening behind the diplomatic backstage. but what directly concerns ukraine, the head of the swiss diplomatic department did not indicate, although he agreed with the opinion of one of the journalists present during the press conference, that now the stage of so-called quiet diplomacy regarding ukraine continues. no, i understand that it very often happens in diplomacy that diplomacy likes this silence, but whether it is too little, or not too much, silence in everything that concerns ukraine and that concerns. the end of the russian war of aggression in ukraine, if this silence made things quiet on the front, you could understand, by the way, today i listened to experts who compared, i did not understand at all why they call this
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conference peaceful, the peace conference was in paris following the consequences of the first world war war and after the consequences of the second world war, there was postdam, yalton, well, it was already clear there, nothing is clear here by and large, we still have to push, they give us money, they give us weapons, mobilization continues, somewhere, well, it’s simple, but maybe there were some differences '. speeches that were supposed to take place, but whether it was all worth it is currently unknown, but finland will help us with the working groups that are supposed to prepare for the second peace conference, the country's president, alexander stup, announced this after the meeting in switzerland. for his in his words, volodymyr zelenskyy asked him for this, but at the same time mr. president clarified that it is not about help from the organization. the next summit, but only about changing the situation at a lower level and preparing these developments, moreover, mr. president stup strongly called on the leadership
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of china to influence putin so that he stops his aggressive and unmotivated war. well, in china they heard all that happened in bürgenstock, they heard the statement of the president of finland, alexander stub, and as if - urod was recruited. official beijing is not comments on the results of the peace summit. an official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of china, linqian, said this during a briefing today. he motivated this refusal by the fact that chinese representatives did not participate in the work of the meeting. at the same time, he added that china's position on the ukrainian issue is consistent, namely. such things cannot be discussed without the equal participation of all septo parties involved. ukraine and russia, well , that is, you have to listen to russia, and maybe she had some thoughts, questions about this, but
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russia wasn't there, that's why we weren't there, and that's why, well, why go to such summits, let's move on, in order to sit down at the negotiating table with russia, ukraine must be in the best possible position on the battlefield, and as of today this process is not completed, this is according to the results of the peace conference, said the adviser of the us president on national security issues, jake salevan. at the same time , he considers the summit itself a very important step, which may lead to negotiations sometime in the future. however, the councilor emphasized that at the same time, russia has no right to dictate its terms for these negotiations, and even more so, it has no right to blackmail ukraine, and putin's so-called peace plan, which the master of the kremlin said last friday, mr. salvan said in general, quote: no one is responsible for ... the nation cannot say that this is a reasonable basis for peace, it contradicts the un charter, the foundations of morality and common sense. in the end, everything
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putin does and everything he says contradicts common sense, because a reasonable person cannot do such things and say such things. and by the way, today i was pleased by another statement from the minister of foreign affairs of turkey, hakan fidan. obviously amused, i said sarcastically. so ... he said regarding this friday putin's offer, hakan fidan's quote: the conditions for the start of peace talks with ukraine, proposed by russia by volodymyr putin, are an important step on the way to resolving the conflict, regardless of their content. so, you see, it turns out that someone thinks that what putin says does not contradict common sense, and unfortunately, says... these are people from turkey. all. enough about the peace summit for today. let's go further. nato member countries have started consultations on the issue of the need
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to bring nuclear. weapons in a state of combat readiness, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, jens stoltenberg , said in an interview with the british newspaper daily telegram. he did not give details, only emphasized that discussions are ongoing on this issue. well, here's a quote from the head of the north atlantic alliance. nato's goal is to keep the world nuclear-free , but as long as it exists, we will remain nuclear alliance. because a world where russia, china and north korea have nuclear weapons and nato does not is a dangerous world. in the end, i would not only talk about nuclear weapons, i would say that the world in which putin is the head of russia is already a dangerous world. and, by the way, russia has already reacted to this statement by the head of the north atlantic alliance. dmitry piskov is the one who is putin's spokesman. uh, that's how
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he commented on this statement about the transfer of nuclear forces to a state of combat readiness, piskov's quote, this is nothing more than further escalation tension, you thought he would say something else, i honestly didn't, i was even waiting for him to say it. well, in conclusion, another scandalous statement by donald trump, and again it concerns ukraine, unfortunately. i will deal with billions in payouts. which ukraine receives from the united states of america, the 45th president, the host of the white house said during a meeting with supporters in detroit, michigan. at the same time , in his statement, donald trump called volodymyr zelensky possibly the best trader in the world. next, a quote from the ex-owner white house. zelensky is perhaps the biggest trader of all politicians who ever lived, every time he comes to our country, he leaves it with...
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and then he returns to his homeland and says he needs another 60 billion, and so on and on, i'll deal with it, donald trump promises to deal with a lot of things, he promises to deal with the war quickly, that is , to end it now and that's it, but it can't help but be alarming, these are the statements, and trump, by the way , so that he does not speak there, he does not change. by the way, he expected, this was also written by the american mass media, that after the jury in new york found him guilty in the court case, he thought that the members of the congress of the united states of america from the republican party would start to act more actively stand up for him. what did mr. trump mean when he spoke more actively, according to
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rolling stone, an american publication. sources even brought such information during a meeting with close associates, he literally said the following: i need actions, therefore, what will happen on november 5 of this year is already worrying, what actions he is talking about now and what actions he expects in the future - this is a question. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis, objectively and meaningfully there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from
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the hottest points of the front. shot! svoboda live, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. the big ether is on, time to talk about money. oleksandr morchyvka is next to me. oleksandr, good evening. please, do you have more good or bad news today. i congratulate vasylya, i congratulate the audience. let's take a closer look at the details, what is economy booking? to whom it is beneficial, to whom it supports whom and to what extent it will complement the state the budget, not only that, i'll tell you everything in a moment, i'm oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i traditionally start with numbers: canada allocates 53 million dollars for our country, fathers reported.


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