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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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there will be such a short-term dry break, and as vasyl already announced, this week will be hot, the air temperature will really rise, already on wednesday in most regions of ukraine it is expected to be 29-34° above zero, so prepare for the heat, and of course, keep a close eye according to updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much, ms. natalie, i wish you a quiet evening, take care, i will donate to the armed forces of ukraine, i will meet you tomorrow at 6:10 p.m., well, you are staying in espresso, it will be interesting from now on, good evening, we are from ukraine, watch this week in the program collaborators, putin's army, how russia recruits children in the occupied territories, in the skadovsky district is open. but how does a former
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teacher of the university form squads of young misanthropists? we appeal to all young soldiers of russia. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. today's issue is about putin's youth and those who lead it in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the army in russia is not a group based on interests, real. children's army, by the way, it doesn't remind you of anything: putin's youth army is a direct carbon copy of hitler's hitler youth, sergei shoigu created his version of populism from sticks in 2016. junior army is a separate type of troops under the ministry of defense of the russian federation, children's units are attached to the deployment of military units throughout russia, along with adults, child soldiers routes. at the kremlin parades, paying
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tribute to the dictator. initially, admission there was voluntary, if the child reached the age of eight. later, everyone began to be forced into the youth army naughty in particular, it became one of the ways of re-educating those who came out at the anti-putin rally. children are taught not to use a compass, hold a weapon, shoot, fight, attack and eventually die. determine your path. of course, you are all very different. some of you will surely decide to connect your life with the armed forces, russia has created units of putin's youth army in almost all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. according to the center for public education, almenda is part of the so-called russian military center more than 35 thousand recruited children and this number is constantly growing. little ukrainians are instilled with the so-called love of great russia. among the regular event. in which
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young soldiers, military meetings and excursions to military units take part. these putin child army units are run by local traitors and collaborators. meet vadym maksymovich wagner, born in 1994 and originally from mariupol. on behalf of all the youth soldiers of mariupol, today i would like to congratulate all our citizens, true russians, on this wonderful day, to congratulate them that we finally reunited with... our great homeland, before becoming a collaborator, vadim owned a car wash and was a member of ge iskrenost. and with the beginning of the occupation of mariupol , he decided to quit business and devote himself completely to treason. he was appointed to head the russian organization moloda gvardiya unarmiya. now vadim is engaged in propaganda among the locals, instills in children russian views and... the ukrainian position, forces parents
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to send their children to the youth army and personally conducts master classes among children, as own weapons, how to shoot, dig, trenches, while he himself does not forget to regularly help russian soldiers, here is a video where a collaborator brought humanitarian aid for walking black bags. now we are waiting for the boys, they will come. here is one generator, the second generator, here we were driving with vadim, the artillery is working there. on may 17, 2024, our law enforcement bodies announced suspicion against vadim wagner for the production and distribution of materials that deny the temporary occupation of ukrainian territories, in particular mariupol, so vadim, you better train yourself survival skills in a ukrainian prison among the same traitors as you. she was a ukrainian journalist, but instead became responsible for filling the youth army in kherson. oblast, this is sypko yuliya olehivna
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, born in 1976, she is a journalist by education and worked in the kherson regional state administration until february 24. when the city was captured by the russian army, sypko first decided to become a ringleader of enemy propaganda in the region, got a job as a journalist and presenter on the propaganda tv channel tavria. unfortunately, the bare pier is 90% flooded. while we were there, there were shellings, there is nothing sacred from that side . they understand that there is an evacuation, while at the same time they continue to do their dirty work. and why did yulichka keep silent about who caused this disaster, or about what happened after the explosion of the kakhovskaya gas station. locals were sneakily kicked out and only those who had a russian passport were partially evacuated. sypko showed that she is worthy of serving the kremlin regime, so she was entrusted with more serious tasks, for example, interviewing volodymyr saldo. well, there is already a candidate
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from the united russia party. people were just evacuated from the flood zone, they had practically nothing. in addition, yulia became the deputy manager responsible for recruitment. putin's army in the kherson region. soon, in the skadovsky district, a new movement will be opened, a squad of young army men will be recruited so that they will later merge into the million-strong team of the all-russian organization. this narrow-minded and crooked person essentially calls the forced admission of children due to the intimidation of their parents a selection. yulia is engaged in formation new units. in particular, he is now helping to create a children's garrison named after him. kyril strymousov, a deceased kherson collaborator. despite everything, zaprodenka is afraid to even stick his nose in kherson, sitting in henichisk with his tail tucked. the security service of ukraine has already informed her about the suspicion. and this head of the regional headquarters of the un army in the temporarily occupied luhansk region will be tried for
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collaborative activities and violation of the laws and customs of war. this is luhantseva oksana hennadiivna, born in 1978, a native of the city of sorokyne. which region about her peace almost nothing is known about her life, except that she is a former teacher of one of the local universities. in 2022, a woman began to appear in the media space with the propaganda of putin's army among parents and children. today we are addressing all young soldiers of russia, our brothers, those who this time had a wonderful opportunity to vote. those who are already 18 years old, young soldiers always remain young soldiers. the so-called children's troops began to appear in the occupied luhansk region in 2019 , they were started by the occupying second army corps of the people's militia of the lpr. after since vladimir putin called ukrainian territories russian, this formation of the russian federation acquired a new status, and
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new leaders appeared with it. from 2022, the chair is occupied by luhantsev. according to the prosecutor's office, oksana is involved in the organization of the russian movement, involving schoolchildren in it. children are taught military affairs. in addition, the collaborator promotes among schoolchildren the entry into the armed forces of the russian federation and other hostile power structures. arranges solemn dedications to the student army in the captured territories. in short, he earns bloody rubles as he can. well, and participation in political events and propaganda campaigns in support of the russian federation is so volunteering for her. a wonderful opportunity to touch the life of a huge country, to join the states. in april 2023 , luhantseva handed over humanitarian aid to the occupiers on the territory of the so-called lpr, after that in an interview she conveyed congratulations from all the youth army units of russia, clarifying that the aid was collected by the regional aid headquarters
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of the un army of the moscow region. currently, zaprodanka is opening new units of the unarmy in small cities so that as many children as possible could undergo basic military training there. an active direction of interaction is educational projects, educational projects, and, of course, military-patriotic projects. luhantseva is currently in the occupied territory of the luhansk region and has been declared wanted. i hope that soon she herself will have to go through initiation, or get a residence permit in those places where they also wear a special uniform, and instead of idle chatter about pseudo-patriotic camps, there are thoughtful considerations about the camps. it was a program. we collaborators and i, olena kononenko, if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. the g7 summit in
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the italian apulia is in the spotlight, it was expected to make a key decision on the granting of assistance in the amount of 50 billion dollars. it will be formalized as a loan, which will be paid from the income from russian assets frozen in the west. they were sad to the last. will they reach the leaders of the seven agree, and now a fundamental political decision has been made. we have reached a political agreement to provide approximately $50 billion in additional financial assistance to ukraine by the end of this year through a loan that can be paid for by additional revenues from russian assets frozen in our jurisdictions. there is still a lot of technical work ahead, but these are already details: closer to 2020. in the 25th year, this money will become available to ukraine, at the same time, not only for
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humanitarian or social needs, as was the case before, but also for the war against the aggressor. decision, i would say it gives us an opportunity to breathe, because we had a pretty good 25th year, let's say, it didn't look uncertain without this decision, but now we have the opportunity to plan and we have the opportunity to direct the resource to the needs that we we consider the security and defense sector to be a priority. the g7 meeting in apulia was preceded by a conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin. here, the focus was on the power system. after a series of massive russian attacks in the spring of this year, our state lost most of it thermal and hydrogen generation. power outages are becoming the norm for ukrainians. and winter is ahead. at the conference, the allies pledged to provide a billion dollars to help the ukrainian energy sector. so that ukraine does not freeze and plunge into darkness, the energy issue is one of
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the main issues on the agenda for us, every day russia fires at the ukrainian energy infrastructure, despite all the constant attacks, it is still possible to keep the energy supply in working order, germany helps in the repair and protection of substations and networks, as well as investments in decarbonization , energy efficiency and decentralization of the energy system. when we talk about the restoration of ukraine, we are talking... about the restoration of a country that is a future member of the european union. another important result of the meetings is the strengthening of ukrainian air defense. for the third battery of the patriot system, the germans and their allies promised to provide a hundred interceptor missiles, plus an additional airist installation. cheetahs, who showed themselves well at the front. and us president joseph biden, according to the new york publication times, finally decided to give ukraine the second. we have the support of five countries to provide patriot systems to ukraine.
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we have also informed a number of countries that expect future patriot deliveries from us that they will have to wait. we will transfer everything to ukraine now. everything we have, we will transfer to her, and later we will move on to fulfilling our contractual obligations towards other countries. we urgently need seven patriot systems to protect cities. we discussed the possibility of getting five. of them, it is true, and partners are working on it, it does not mean that we will have five systems tomorrow, but we see good results for ukraine in the near future. the two leaders made these statements after the signing ceremony of the long-awaited defense agreement between ukraine and the united states. the document will be valid for 10 years and should strengthen cooperation between the countries in the defense sphere. as the american press emphasizes, the agreement increases the horizon of planning assistance to washington kyiv. but has a significant weakness, it has not been ratified by congress, so the next
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president can repeal it, which is quite probably if he becomes donald trump. but it seems that the event is also preparing for such a scenario: in the shadow of the summit of the group of seven countries in brussels, in fact under the auspices of nato , a face-to-face meeting of the group of countries in the rammstein format took place this week, to which argentina joined for the first time. as a result, the alliance announced its decision to take over the role. the main coordinator of military aid to ukraine, until now it was the united states, as the world press notes, this is also a kind of insurance. nato will supervise the training of the ukrainian armed forces at the bases allied countries, will support ukraine by planning and coordinating the supply of weapons, manage the transfer and repair of equipment, and provide support for the long-term development of the armed forces. forces of ukraine. these efforts do not make nato a party to the conflict, but they will strengthen our support
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for ukraine in defending its right to self-defense. this week's decisions are extremely important. they give moscow a clear signal that the west will not back down and will not leave ukraine. but is this enough for our victory? until now, many western leaders preferred in general avoid this word, hiding behind phrases like moscow must not win, or ... ukraine must not lose. at a joint conference with zelenskyi, biden was intrigued by the statement that the us is negotiating with ukraine on a victory plan. this is not an abstract declaration, but a... law on additional military assistance to ukraine, which must be submitted to congress. however, for now it is only about a draft of the document, and it is unlikely that the congress will deal with this issue before the presidential elections. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air
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vitaly portnikov on the espresso tv channel with you, two hours of conversations about what happened this week, about... the prospects for the next with our experts and my first interlocutor mykhailo samos, military expert, director of the new geopolitical research network, expert of the army research center, conversions and disarmament, congratulations, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, well, then, let's start with such an important topic as the security agreement between ukraine and the united states, which, in principle, actually provides ukraine, even on the condition that it is not interstate agreement. which is ratified by parliaments, and agreements are largely negotiated at the level of governments. well, in fact, i would say that the signing of such agreements, it forms a club of countries that commit, in principle, you can say this word, commit at any rate at the moment multilaterally, comprehensively, i would say in english in the language of comprehensive to help ukraine, to help
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ukraine precisely oppose to oppose in the war against russia. and call a spade a spade, i.e. talk about military aid, about military-technical assistance, defense-industrial cooperation, and, in principle, military-political assistance, that is , the leaders of these countries with which we sign security agreements, they do not shy away from calling things by their names, putin is an aggressor, and so on, that is, when we talk about the peace forum, the number of participants there is much larger, but it is not all those... countries that are ready, well , to actually stand with us in the war against russia, precisely the signing of security agreements, especially by the united states, this is extremely important from those components that i called united the united states is the leader of the western world, if the western world still exists, these are philosophical questions, but on the other hand, it was precisely from
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the united states that we expected, perhaps the first signal, when these processes of formulation were just beginning, what is... this security agreement in situation or in the realities, when, well, speaking realistically, we will not join nato while we are at war with russia, it is obvious, we are constantly told about this principle openly, and the summit that will be held in washington in july, he, it is now clear that no further invitations or there will be no advancement of ukraine to nato membership, and in these conditions it is really important. to have such security agreements, which should not be confused, of course , with nato, it is absolutely not the same level, and what 's more, what i saw today, sullivan himself openly said that the next president of the united states can really just tear it up, and in fact this agreement operates while president biden is in power,
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this agreement and other approaches to relations with the united states will be revised. ukraine, in principle, if we talk about the decisive united states in terms of the military aid to ukraine, regarding permits to strike on russian territory, can we say that there have been some serious changes in the situation now? to be honest, no, well, that is, if, if we fought back, there were serious changes, then we could say that the united states began to transfer everything that it has to us. in principle, there was just a plot, and president biden said: "we will transfer everything that is, but i'm sorry, we know how many are in warehouses in the united states, in storage bases, planes, tanks, armored vehicles and so on, there are thousands of units of all the mentioned types of weapons and military equipment, they give us there, well, for example, 31 abrams tanks, or they give us one paatriot complex there,
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well, somehow it does not come into contact with the fact that we will hand everything over, that we have and at the same time we are given units, and we still remember half a year of turbulence in the congress, when we were not given anything at all, and it really was, well, we can talk about various conspiracy theories, but it looked like this, well, almost like a pass to putin look, now you have a chance to change the situation, if you force ukraine to capitulate, then we will solve it somehow already under different conditions, but ukraine will continue. to fight, and here it is very interesting, when they say again, whether the united states is really helping us to the end, i am not talking about the conduct of troops or the participation of american troops. but if we compare what is happening in russia, then in russia, indeed, warehouses and storage bases are almost exhausted, they are now sending there to the fiercest battles in the direction of kharkiv,
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already t-62, almost without any modernization, that is, these are old tanks, which they have almost completely looted their bases, and the united states has thousands of such tanks, not such, or rather, much more modern, and if the united states refers to us. finally , as an ally, we should have been given hundreds of such tanks, which would quickly begin to change the situation on the battlefield due to simple, not even simple asymmetry, simply symmetry with russia. unfortunately, such symmetry has not yet been observed. by the way, when you say that russia is almost has run out of stockpiles and has no weapons, then why do our politicians scare the west from time to time by saying that if russia defeats ukraine, it will go further to the west, when... you yourself say that nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on approaches to the depletion of resources only in the war with ukraine, then how to fight with other countries
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, the warehouses are exhausted, yes the warehouses are exhausted, but first of all, they have production, so it is small, well, about 150-200 pieces of tanks per year, for example , it's nothing at all by today's standards, but really, when i say what the warehouses have run out, they still have equipment, and they are the equipment that ukraine... for example, damages on the battlefield, it again repairs, restores, modernizes and sends to the battlefield. in addition, they still hope to uncover the arsenals of, let's say, their allies, it is north korea, maybe china, maybe iran, who can help with certain types of weapons, and in principle, putin is constantly talking about some kind of peace negotiations. whether the conflicts will freeze or not, he calls it differently, but obviously he needs a pause in order to release new equipment and create a new fist
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to attack ukraine, obviously they are not in the best situation, and somewhere in the 25th year they may really have a shortage of armored vehicles, even now it is felt when they are attacking on motorcycles, or on some kind of buggies, golf carts and so on, so that means that they really have ... problems with armored vehicles, and with regard to our allies, i was just talking about the united states, our european allies are not many techniques, and it's obvious and that's why if you say that our european allies have to prepare for war, it's true because they're completely unprepared, when we're talking about the united states, that's another matter, but again , no one does not know how the united states will behave in terms of its alliance commitments, not only with regard to ukraine, but with respect to ... its nato allies after the elections later this year. and how did it turn out that europeans have so little conventional equipment? what
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happened to her all these decades? well, you are remember, 30 years ago, the wall fell, everyone was very romantic, peace is forever from portugal to vladivostok and so on, that is, there were a lot of naive thoughts and ideas. in general, nato lost a little of itself in a certain way on the eve of 2010, for example, they did not know what to do at all, that is, they had a certain period of fighting terrorism, but in 2010, in europe, in particular, their defense budgets simply began to fall, politicians simply had it is unprofitable to say that defense, security, and so on in countries such as slovakia, hungary, and the czech republic, defense budgets fell in 2010-12. hands by 40% annually, that is, it was simply cleaned there, well , in germany in general at that time, in fact , the army was more symbolic, and we
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now clearly see that there are very few serviceable tanks with very few personnel, few planes and so on, and this germany, and what about other countries, spain or the same portugal, which i already mentioned in another context, well, that is, europe was preparing for peace for 30 years and even i remember it very well. own expression, european armies prepare to to peace, not to war, and this was their credo, which they successfully implemented, but in fact now they are in a very difficult and difficult situation, i understand that everything is now being revised in such an emergency way, laws are changing, even terms are changing military service and changes to the approach to military service even in such countries as germany, but now it is happening, of course, well, this new law, where... under martial law they will mobilize from the age of 18, well, there is no mobilization for military service , but subject to mobilization and labor and military since the age of 18, and well, with the germans, i think that... everything will be
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much tougher for us than in ukraine and more clearly, the evasives will not feel that way there, somewhere there they will not swim across some river to france, but i think that such processes, they are going on all over europe, everyone actually understands that ukraine has faced, ukraine, as a democratic european state, has faced a huge challenge, if we are talking about the mobilization itself, about those formats where society . european society in the 21st century in the 20th century, it is necessary to solve such a difficult problem when you simply go and die on the battlefield, well, i talk to europeans, they say that in our country there may be a disaster in general, that is , similar surveys were conducted in the same germany, it seems 20 %, and in the czech republic 20% are ready to go to war, well , imagine when the mobilization will be announced,
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what it could be and... conflicts that, of course, russia will use. in general, we know that the production of defense industry is really increasing now not only munitions, and missile programs are being implemented there, the same thing, rheinmetall, for example, is increasing production of tanks and armored vehicles, the french, the netherlands and so on are trying to do the same, well, that is, the only thing that is really for europeans, for now, without the united states will be very difficult to implement. some concepts or doctrines for conducting a strategic defense operation against russia, so in fact ukraine now plays an extremely important role, gaining time, including for europe, so that they really try would prepare, especially if the new president of the united states says that we are leaving a nuclear umbrella over you, and sorry, the russian-ukrainian war is our
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problem. in general, we are dealing with china, we have other problems, so please, you are rich countries, as trump always says, for example, you have a lot of money, pay for your defense and good luck, well, from this point of view, it turns out that the west may be interested in order for ukraine not to lose, the war continued, but did not end, because it weakens russia is taking time, well, of course, if we look at how the war will end, of course we, if we look at the actual situation, of course we want it to end then. and it is possible not to end up with such options, well, first of all, europe pays, well, they pay at least in money, finally there are certain funds that will now be in nato and the european union, including this trick, i would call it that, frozen russian assets, after all, europe, including not only the united states, europe also provides us with economic stability, well, in principle,
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military and economic, because... obviously, without our european allies, we would not be able to fight, but of course one can find motives such that they are super-strategic, that if ukraine continues to wage a war of attrition with russia, then at some point russia simply will not be able to continue this war and in this way it will be possible to simply, i don't know , throw it somewhere in the middle ages and then try to solve it. this русский вопрос in a mild way, without causing some chaos that can hit europe, still more predicted, but on the other hand, well, in principle, i don't think that most, even european politicians, politicians would like to fight there for another 10 or 20 years, after all , they have a need to move on to more
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familiar problems in your flight life, especially since if you look at the processes and trends that are taking place in europe and the united states, i.e. the right bias, the bias towards conservatism, it means that the politicians who are talking to us now are losing their influence precisely because that war is a no no no them, let's put it this way, well, not only not them, this is an uncomfortable topic that does not give them dividends in the elections, and the right plays absolutely on this. on the contrary, they play on this topic and get more and more seats both in parliaments and in the governments of various countries, well, because people are afraid of war, obviously, yes, especially in europe, in europe people were pacified for 30 years, and now they are trying to prove that war is normal, what, what, you have to go to the army, you have to ...


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