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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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we see that through the un, well, it seems that 141 countries united there, voted for all the right things, but the aggressors are currently there, well , let's try to use this track, as you can say now, in which, after all, not only western countries and non-western countries as well, but we have to be aware that it's going to be... that it's also going to be very difficult, and again, if we're saying that the next global summit is going to be in two months, then i i think that here it is necessary to explain what we expect from this, or that is there going to be a peace summit, is it going to be a meeting at the level of advisers, is it going to be working groups, so that again, we don't create too many expectations and then we start to get frustrated, why didn't that happen? and why
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didn't it work out, once again what happened in 90 countries, even 92 countries, yes, what is not bad, the fact that 80 countries signed the communique is good, well, well, but it doesn't end there, well here here the question is why we had inflated expectations, it is not only us, western politicians all the time proceed from the fact that russia sooner or later will be... ready for negotiations, but they do not explain the mechanism of involving russia in real negotiations, not in talks about putin's ultimatums, but in real negotiations in which we, ukraine and russia would appear to be equal parties, and russia at least agreed to the fact of ukraine's existence? well, i could already, i think that there is still a turning point in western countries, if it were to happen, yes, but some western figures and leaders. well, the
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same roman pope, yes, i think that this change did not occur in him, that is, yes, there is people who continue to believe that it is necessary to sit down with ukraine and russia and talk directly, as the president of switzerland has been saying all the time, that this is all being done in order to bring russia and ukraine to direct negotiations, well, what will it do, given that more recent statements. that is, yes, i think that in the minds of some countries, they still have a misunderstanding that it is not possible to simply sit down as a victim and agree on something that the aggressor does not want to agree on at all, that it is necessary to continue the pressure, pressure in various forms, if this the peace summit will be like this an instrument of pressure, perhaps, well, at least a partial one, then it will be a plus, and if it is simple... it will turn into conversations about
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what we will seat there at the next meeting, we will invite russia, we will also seat it among the participants and we will to negotiate with her, well, it is unlikely to give results. well, then the question arises, in principle, how do we assess the possibilities of international pressure on russia in the near future, as you imagine? i think that this pressure... well, we see, from the side, from the side of the western countries, it is increasing, yes, and in particular what will be, well, it looks yes, that arms deliveries to ukraine will finally be paid for from interest on frozen russian assets, yes, this is a plus, of course, that will increase in general, if military aid to ukraine, this is a plus, ah,... that
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economic sanctions will deepen, this is pressure, and by god there can be, there can be pressure also, let's say, in the legal sphere, well , putin's announcement, putin's announcement, the warrant for putin's arrest, yes, which international criminal court has been implemented, well, but, that is, there can be such pressure, but well at the moment... it's missing for now, for now is not enough, although i carefully listened to the experts in your program, they say that gradually it gives results and will give results, well, but this gradually it has been going on for too long, of course i would like it faster, but what are the chances of speeding up, what? strike in order to
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speed up, if we say, arms deliveries, economic ones, i think this decision is actually about... the use of frozen interest on frozen russian assets is a very, very good step, they are collecting more weapons for ukraine, well, they are doing it primarily countries the west, yes, but from the countries of the global south , we can still hope for some kind of moral moral support, and of course here, putin is already counting on something, that putin... is counting on what in the west democracies, each of these countries will have its own national elections and they will in one way or another affect the balance of power, well, of course, the results
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of the elections in the united states will have colossal consequences, the results of early parliamentary elections in france, well here truth. the president heads foreign policy and security policy, the president is his sphere of activity, but if some kind of government is formed with the participation of le pen, either it will be a minority government, or there will be no stability in the french parliament, of course, it will make life difficult for macron as well , which will force him to, let's say there... more cautious statements, or to maneuver, in order to satisfy both this and that electorate, because the elections of the 27th year seem to be far away, but it will actually be a test of the entire party
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macron's party. macron will no longer be president, but will this party be able to survive without macron. this will be a big, big question. i... i want to return to the global south, you were in south africa, you spoke with politicians there, and here the question is whether we are able to influence countries like this, if there are any serious political changes taking place there, we somehow did not notice this changes these days, cyril ramaphosa was just re-elected for a second term as president of the republic of south africa, but for this re-election he had to the last parliamentary elections, where the african national congress of par did not get the majority of votes, had to go to the creation of a national government... agreement on national unity with the democratic alliance party, it is such a liberal party, its leader john stay hazen was in ukraine during the war, before thing, one of the few african politicians, not state leaders, namely opposition leaders, visited ukraine, was in lviv, met with politicians there,
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expressed support for ukraine, and if such parties with an unambiguous position on the war gain power in the countries of the global cock, even part of the power, can we use it? certainly, i would like to clarify here that the newly re-elected president, he did propose a government of national unity, yes, but, his pro-russian opponents, they just did not agree with it, and therefore now there will be a coalition government with, first of all, this with the democratic alliance, which with... takes sufficiently pro-ukrainian positions, and secondly, the second will be another partner, or rather, the third partner is, incata, the incata party freedom, yes, so it's a party that's based in the province of kwazulu natal, so this
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proukra, this coalition, it's definitely going to be more, more favorable to the... country, so we, i don't think we can expect any quick reversals, you know, some, but that there will be changes, i think they will , whether it is the western cape or the eastern cape, here, but in any case in the most. they have been for many years when in power, the parliament building is lit up in blue and yellow colors, that is, their pro-ukrainian position is known, that's why there are changes here, there can be changes here, of course, but
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these changes can be both positive and negative, so we don't know. well, for example, president of chile burych, who is leftist and who is pro-ukrainian. the position that was at the summit, but, well, it is not excluded that in the upcoming elections parties will come to power, right-wing parties will come to power and... then we will have to find a common language with them, that is, this option, this option too maybe that's why we say that democracy is always a problem, as we see it, and unfortunately we cannot fully predict how it will develop, but we are able to influence, again, we should not overestimate our ability to influence these countries. and moreover, we must understand that sometimes, you know, attempts to solve some
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problems out of the blue, or to blame these countries for not supporting russia enough, to blame them for this, here it can play a negative role, it is necessary be very, very, very, very careful, again in those countries especially, if we are talking about asia, about africa, then... there is really a very strong anti-westernism in latin america, it is anti-americanism, so it is deep in their curve, and therefore, we also need it, we also need to take it into account, but i gave the example of qatar, yes, that is, saudi arabia refused to accept the communique, and qatar on the contrary, that is, we know that there are... contradictions between these countries, including for leadership, and here and
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there, perhaps such things can also be used, but again well, it is very, very careful and very tactful, but in a different way side, you see that the president accused, the president of ukraine, accused china of trying to disrupt the peace summit, but today he said that ukraine does not consider china an enemy, it just wants it to be a friend, if... the formula, well , well, the formula, the formula is good, but we understand that china actively worked, worked with these countries so that they either did not send their representatives at all, or sent delegations of a lower rank, or, for example, like the same brazil, it was simply represented as an observer. we understand how close the relationship between brazil and china is, unfortunately, with lula and
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xi jinping, and lula also spoke a lot about the future settlement of the multipolar world and so on and so forth, and that is definitely, it is now these conversations, they play along just... from china and play along with russia as well, to what extent do you think that these countries are now dependent on china, by the way, those countries that are between china and russia, specifically, they just did not come, true countries of central asia, mongolia, they simply did not come, well, we can even, i think that these countries are under the influence of both russia and china, and to a large extent under the influence, and under the influence of russia. yes, i think that even the russian influence here would be enough to prevent them from coming to this,
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to this summit, here it is interesting to look at southeast, east asia, yes, where are the southeast asian countries, they, cambodia and malaysia did not go there, thailand was there, thailand went, but... refrained from joining the communique, by the way, singapore came, for that there was little hope, yes, that is, the work with singapore, it gave its results, at least if we talk about participation, the philippines was represented, it seems, at the level, at the level of the ambassador, but the same indonesia, it also resulted in the adoption of the communiqué, so that these countries. i think that yes , they are influenced by the position of russia and
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china, unfortunately, we have to be here, we have to understand it and we have to be realistic. and to what extent is it possible to modify the position of china under some kind of american pressure, what about the chinese representatives, they say that it's the americans who are inciting everyone, supporting neutral positions in china, china just wants russia and ukraine to sit down at the table for victory, that's what they said. literally on the days of the peace summit again, well, we understand that in fact the chinese peace plan is actually playing along, playing along with russia, that's obvious and the rhetoric. which is used by china in the world, but american policy can affect it, well, again, we know that the americans also say that china does not supply weapons to russia, but the goods of the double the purpose is yes, and here it is necessary to see whether
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it will be harsh, whether the position of the usa and the west will actually become tougher. with regard to china, china can maneuver, of course, and, but, well, now i see no reason, again, in prolonging the conflict, it, in principle, it is winning so far, so far it is winning, the only thing is when russia starts rattling nuclear weapons, then china can say with india, no, no, no, well, so far they... i think they will win if the americans and the west in general take a stricter position on ties chinese banks with russia, regarding the export of dual purpose goods, well then i think that certain restrictions are possible, but again,
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i will try to control all this, if he says, that is, i look, i... you know, i always want to comment so that there is more to be more positive, but here i think when we talk about and this topic of the global summit, about the participation of the global south about the participation of china, it seems to me that our comments, they should be very, very measured and careful, again , so that we don't create some... some overpriced ones hopes, we don't need to shout that china is our enemy, maybe in this sense the president is right, but the fact that china has really played along with russia recently, well, it's true, how much do you understand the meaning of the fact that india lowered its representation to this forum, well, by and large, india was supposed
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to be a competitor of china, for it there is no need to receive. from the presence at this forum, nevertheless, as you can see, she was represented at the level of the deputy minister of foreign affairs, see, i i think it's good to say what was presented at all, i would say yes, because the mod constantly talks about the politics of multipolarity, they even have their own special term for it, if i say it. plurilateralism, oh, said, and modi, modi constantly, if he shows that he takes an independent position, he again benefits from the prices at which, at which india can buy russian goods, and at
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the same time india needs western technologies and innovation and weapons. why, because well , the main competitor is who is the main enemy for india, here we can use the word enemy, it is china. so, but india, therefore, india is afraid of that, it needs to be friends with the west, and be friends with russia, and in order not to strengthen, say, the alliance along the lines of china, pakistan, pakistan, by the way, did not come at all, bangladesh did not come, nepal didn't come and that's why i think that if, let's say, it was a higher level of representation, well, for fashion it would probably be too radical, a radical change, a change of course, once again this position is very cautious, cautious, pragmatic, and in certain things cynical, again, i say what our
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diplomats cannot say about the cynical position of india, well, but the expert... they can talk about it, but i understand that it is primarily a position of economic benefit, because when oil became cheaper in the gulf countries, india calmly refused to purchase russian oil, without even thinking for a minute, absolutely fair, but i say that russia, the problem of russia is not only, it is not only oil, yes, it is not only goods, it is this strategic quadrilateral: moscow, islamabad, beijing. and india, yes, and del, new del, that's why every step here must be balanced by some, some other steps. by the way, the indians still remind us that you sold tanks to pakistan, i say when it was, well, in the early 2000s, i say, so what, they sold, yes, but you see, you
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sold tanks to pakistan then, well, it is clear that these are also denials, but if stereotypes at the level of these countries also exist, and relations between india and pakistan, they are extremely, extremely tense. where do you think russia will act to create some new conflict after the ukrainian middle east, india, pakistan, the balkans, the caucasus, where is the most favorable zone for a new war to break out? you really want me to give such advice to putin, no, well, we can just look at the most risky places, he himself knows what to do without our advice. well i think again, it's africa, it's the middle east, yeah, so it's countries where it 's easy enough, easy enough, in
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latin america, well it's just hard to do, yeah, because, well, what in latin america to organize some conflict between, interstate, interstate conflict is difficult, and the middle east and africa, well... i think it's easier, but the balkans, you know, in the balkans, i still hope that uh, what's the impact, well maybe, maybe yes, but i still hope that the role of the west , including the european union, will be more restraining here. and the balkans are closer to europe, and on the one hand it may be more painful for europe, but on the other hand it
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will mean that europe pays attention to these countries and tries to contain the situation, and we see that, for example, in the same africa, yes, these possibilities of limitations, so become limited, either or on the near side. in the east, after what happened, after the attack by hamas, after the breakdown of the agreement between israel and saudi arabia, so uh, that is, there are fewer such opportunities, well, you yourself know very well what the situation is there, you constantly talk about it, that the situation is so complicated that even hypothetically imagining how to find a way out of this situation is very difficult, and by the way, the minister. of foreign affairs of serbia was at the swiss peace forum, also such an interesting telling fact, well , next to him was the president of macedonia, the president of slovenia, the prime minister
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of croatia, the president of montenegro and the president of kosovo, so the prime minister of albania and the president of albania, i think, were, well, it also says a lot about which side of the balkans and a member of the presidium of bosnia and herzegovina, that's how i'll finish. by the way, armenia was also there, but azerbaijan was not there, was not there, although azerbaijan is our strategic ally, i understand what territorial integrity is, as it were, maybe now i don't understand, but that's a good remark, thank you, mr. oleksiy, oleksiy, oleksiy haran, professor of political science at the kyiv-hylian academy, scientific director of the democratic initiative fund named after lko
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kuchrev . i think i'll go, i'll go, i'm approaching the roadblock to the army, do you want to go, i say. it's a pity how you look at the map there and it's all there, where have you been, how is it all, well, they have
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res they. you see, like a monkey with grenades, they don't know what to do, but they're not scared idiots, no one, that’s all, they’ve done everything, they’re standing, that’s all, they don’t accept any movements, that is, but logically, something, that ’s right, some tactics, maybe tactics they use, it’s incomprehensible to him, that is, they have a resource, these are the chumps there, and they put them. it wasn't, but now they fly like swarms over you, well, you can't even distinguish them and it makes no sense, that is, if they need to overwhelm you, then they will overwhelm you alone, before they let two or three pass, you go to the position, two- three is understandable, he sees a little more, it starts to rain there, or it is hard to work, now for one, for one for two people...
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at least it was six months ago, he can already spend half a hail of tapes so that they do not reach the position, that is, they are afraid of something, some people say, i am not made for war , who is created, who is created, you just need something in your head, that everything, this, this, this you need, to study means you were sent somewhere, you were sent there for something, you learned that, that. that's why, you don't need much there, it's all in a fraction of a second, that is, even when you're lying down, you shoot, you remember what was shown to you, what was taught to you, if you did not learn anything from you, then it is clear that you will not do anything, and if even a little bit, it is not necessary much, there is this, that, that, that, some kind of adequate, even, well , elementary, even the school program is also going, there to look around the world, yes, as the phone is impossible, what now, the phone was taken out, that's all, but how will you see it, if anything, well, you
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start. work in the rear, work in the enemy's rear, get to the rear, do something there, do some task there, if there is only one task there, let's say we go there to see this, that, that, and if we can also win, then we can win right away, well, that's our task, it's a small one, well, if they don't show about it on tv, but -
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we'll make a good mess there, here's a plan like this, you can make it there, and we did it, if you have a head and arms and legs, damn it, physical, some elementary thing, then god, with pleasure, with pleasure, people just don't want to go, oh i don't know what they are there, nobody sends him to death, he will be taught, he will be... look after him, because he is not needed there either, it is called, but i cannot understand this, where is he motivated, what is the motivation, if the enemy came into the house, that's all, an enemy has crept into your country, which can be separate motivation, i wasn't born for war, we were all born, but now we all have an army, everyone, i generally paste billboards, here from the forest my
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