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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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the position expressed to them by vladimir putin is very unpleasant for them, but they understand that the next one will be even worse, the istanbul agreements, a better situation for ukraine could not be imagined, de facto, they got everything they wanted, including with the eu. it is worth talking about worse conditions, this is another myth that russia is trying to impose, of course. if compared with reality, yes, the exits of the getty are a different picture. well, let's remember, for example, the beginning of the war, the 14th year. immediately go to an agreement with russia, immediately on everything to agree, to immediately surrender everything, by god, it will be worse. this was said in the spring and at the beginning of the summer of 2014. then we remember that russian, and russian-controlled... forces
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captured slavyansk and kramatorsk and lysychan, and that is enough of such a large front line. what happened next? then they were kicked out of these places. and if they had agreed, now the russians would be slavyansk and kramatorsk. no, we didn't agree, it turned out to be no worse, right? then, when after a certain time they decided that it was necessary to look into putin's eyes, somehow it grew. what should be said more with him, well, you yourself remember, this whole story dragged on somewhere in the 18th and 19th years, that it was necessary to stop just shooting, but after all these conversations, after all these attempts to look into the eyes, there was a larger attack by the russians in the 22nd next year, and then they will also look at it immediately, agree on something, in the end istanbul was built exactly on this, immediately... agree on something, because
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it will be worse, but let's remember where the russian troops were then, they were near kiev, they were near kharkiv , they were in kherson, they were near mykolaiv, now they are not there, i am not i will say that our situation is really good, it 's so difficult for us, it's always difficult for us, we have to be constantly in tension, we just have to fight back, just in order to... the way we reject such proposals, for some reason it is not done, it gets worse after we decide that we, well, maybe somehow we need this less, we need to somehow agree on this, we need to look somewhere in putin's eyes, but let's donetsk takes something there or there's luhansk, it's okay, but as soon as these start...
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it gets worse here, as soon as we fight, the situation immediately gets better, russian troops are immediately knocked out of some positions, the territory is immediately vacated, so you know, the situation is not will be worse if we fight, it won't be worse, it will be better, and you don't have to listen to this, because every time, as soon as this starts, russia immediately finds new and new territories that it... wants to attack, she talks about the fact that she needs to go to kharkiv there, because something threatens her there, and more somewhere, and odesa is still inventing something else, and these conversations stop immediately if they are hit on the head, you just have to hit the russians on the head, that's all, and then no conditions are made worse, as soon as they stop looking into putin's eyes, no the conditions do not get worse, as soon as they start looking into his eyes, whoops, and the situation immediately gets worse, well, just every time. so what is this,
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it is about how it is worse, better, and whether such agreements in istanbul were beautiful, they were not beautiful, because now, even if you listen to what is being said now, already no one talks about the fact that ukraine should have a smaller number of weapons there, no one mentions anything about it at all, you see, even putin does not mention it, he is just there, give us something , somewhere, they will come out, yeah . come get it, it's called, let's see how you can do it. here, this is one such thesis. their second thesis, which they are actively trying to promote, is that nothing can be solved without russia. does not think at all without
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russia, the head of the foreign ministry agreed with her of saudi arabia, faisal bin farhan al saud, head of foreign affairs of turkey hakan'. what is wrong here, yes, they are trying to promote it through their own people there, with those with whom russia is actively trying to work, that only the other side, when sitting at the negotiating table, can talk about something... you know, in fact, this other side at the negotiating table, you only need it if you're going to make peace with putin, that's how you're going to make peace with him, then you need him at the negotiating table, if you're going to
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still, somehow to keep this world in a state where there is constant war, yes, somehow to stop this war. then you don't need putin at the table, you need him then, or at all, you know, just to sign how he will crawl away from all ukrainian territories, well, or not at all , and let's just recall history, where we are now with these conversations about the fact that we need to negotiate with russia at the table, and i will tell you where, we are now... we are all together in 1938, when also a bunch states were convinced that hitler must be at the negotiating table, and he was at the negotiating table, in munich, he was at the negotiating table, they negotiated with him, because what about
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from another country, what about you, what are you doing there, someone decided to attack someone, but how can we talk without him, let's not stop him, let's talk with him about what happened after munich, after they put hitler at the negotiating table, after that there was the second world war. and where hitler was not at the negotiating table, he was not in potsdam, it was not in tehran, it was not even in yalta. for some reason, no one, no one there even thought that the aggressor country should be at the negotiating table. no, they just decided everything there and that's it, and somehow put it in front of them. fact, therefore, russia should not be at the negotiating table, it should be there at the last stage, when they tell it, the whole world offers you such and such, there will be no other offer, and this is the only way, in fact, and when
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this offer is the last, it will be supported by the fact that if not, it will fly right at you everything, this is how it happens when they really want to stop, not when... they want to sign another dubious munich agreement, after which the next world war begins, so here we just have to decide whether we want the next world war or stop everything anyway , that’s it, and finally , the third thesis, which is also being promoted very actively by the russians, is that you know, they don’t want to separate... well, they’ve been talking for a long time, it’s been several months, that zelensky is not like that, he’s like that has no authority, and something is needed there with the verkhovna rada, and now, in principle, we can say that this is the main thesis that they are trying
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to discuss not only there, they are trying to actively promote it in ukrainian society, it sounds like this. putin is ready to negotiate with anyone, since zelensky himself has ceased to be legitimate. putin has not spoken about it so openly yet, as he stated last friday, peskov said that there is a legitimate government according to the ukrainian constitution, here he repeated the thesis of the russian president according to the ukrainian constitution, that speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk. so who is delegating? what is wrong with this thesis, well, everything is wrong with it, firstly, not in russia, where there is simply no president at all, there is a tsar, to tell us what democracy is,
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secondly, well, you know, in our the constitution and laws clearly state that the president acts until a new one is elected. the president, well, well, if of course he didn't run away and die, since everything is fine with our president so far and will continue, then here he is... he will be until a new president is elected, well, that's the reality, you know , that's what we actually have our legislation is like this, the president acts until a new president is elected, and why then are the russians so actively promoting all this, that stefanchuk is the only authorized person there, that only with the verkhovna rada, and remember when the situation was, yanukovych fled, turchynov replaced all the functions there . we shouted then that it was usurpation of power, but now suddenly it is not usurpation of power, where is the logic, what is it? there is
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a nuance here, why they are talking about it, they are talking about it because they have the impression that there are forces in the verkhovna rada that are ready to to go to an agreement with them and capitulate, well , we remember that he is still sitting in the verkhovna rada. medvedchuk from opz, they are still sitting there, yuri boyko, serhii lovichke, others, they are still deputies, they are probably counting on them, especially since all the conversations that putin had there, most likely, this all there is is that he threw his own, well , medvedchuk, medvedchuk has recently become very active in russia, he was given, apparently, some... new budgets, he developed simply enormous activity in the czech republic on
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in the balkans, well, not only there, and this, apparently, now he is telling again that my colleagues are sitting in the verkhovna rada, and it will be possible to come to an agreement with them, you know, it has already happened, because probably medvedchuk also told the kremlin, taking zelenskyi and zelenskyi... will surrender ukraine, well, he didn’t surrender, as you can see, it didn’t happen, we had to literally launch a large-scale attack on ukraine, and then medvedchuk said that our people were around there, they would surrender, the army would not to fight, there is no one to fight there, that's who told, medvedchuk, it didn't turn out that way, they were beaten in the head, now they are probably telling, all those who fled from ukraine are now telling that there are some people in the verkhovna rada, if
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the verkhovna rada will decide something, then of course they will capitulate , yes, yes, because they are like that, well, shit, nothing will work out that way, it won't happen like that, absolutely, but that's exactly why these conversations arise, they are absolutely speculative, that's how they should be understood, well, one more... another one like that a mythological story that sits in putin's head, well, bogharad, like that, so what is it now it is relevant, but what happens, you know, when this mythology falls, when it breaks into pieces and reality breaks it, after that conversations begin, how they did not want to attack kyiv, you remember, at first they shouted kyiv in three days, kyiv in 3 days, but look at what they are saying now, it turns out no, never. we weren't going anywhere, directly, i don't know, tears drip when you listen, we are not trying to conquer ukraine,
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we are not trying to deprive them of their statehood, we are not trying to deprive them of their sovereignty, as such, although they didn't have any, we are not trying to conquer western europe, we are conducting a police operation to enforce peace, which is understandable with the number of troops, we explain why we are actually going this way, that it is connected exclusively, volodymyrovych is a big step for what, in order to break the lie of the west to take kyiv in three days, although putin says that he did not explain this topic to us in detail, it’s just that everyone was not even close to the political decision to take kyiv, this topic was not there at all, and putin does not accidentally say: a city of three million such with the amount of forces and means, well, you see, as they were hit on the head, now they say that there was not even an intention, but what is there? an alternative to beating the russians in the head, an alternative is their impression of
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the fact that you know what should be the most important thing in the country, let's listen. the theme was that we need to revive smerzh, and even i probably said in some broadcasts that smerzh is good, smerzh is appropriate. you know what i will tell you. "i repent, i was wrong, what a shame, what a shame, we wish we had some elements, excuse me, someone can be hurt by the gulag, the experience of the gulag can be mastered." a colossal system, incredibly efficient, complex, that managed to shovel so many people. to keep them under control, to use them as labor. to build
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fantastic industrial facilities, which we still are, as a country, as heirs, we don't need to wince or shudder at the word prison. we don't have serials about prison for 30 years, an important topic, and in general it's a scrap. so the alternative to fighting is not negotiations, the alternative is death and the gulag. all! see you soon! we will not die in paris, now i know it for sure, the legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive kyiv program, meet
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tips on how to withstand attacks on the power system. the story of the road to blood. the madness of ugandan dictator idi amin. interesting stories and quality analytics. with the country at the center of the main events. buy at press outlets. summer. this is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they are like no other they need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that
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travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i... am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of the fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive help from qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners big businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz.
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this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help survive these ska. days and a terrible moment. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is that every thursday at... 21:15 veliky lviv speaks in the project on the espresso tv channel. see this week in
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the collaborators program. as a traitor with melitopol headed the russian youth movement. i thank vladimir vladimirovich putin for his strong-willed decision to start the svo. but which of the kremlin propagandists received 15 years in prison. russia has already said that this is an effigy, no one will talk to him at all. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who, following the call of their heart and soul, went to serve the rashis occupiers. in today's issue, we will continue to talk about those who exchanged hryvnias for rubles, and their native country for the bolotyan nedo empire. he called for the capture of ukraine and pointed rockets at mykolaiv, for which he was punished by the ukrainian themis. this is yuri podoliaka, he is 48. he was born in sumy. lived in the upper sandy, that's where his father, a retired doctor, lives now. yuriy is a graduate of sumy state university, was a private entrepreneur, specializing in auto repair. with
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the beginning of russia's invasion of donbas before the occupation of crimea in the 14th year, he left for bolot. from there, he has been conducting subversive activities for more than 10 years. for me, this is routine work, i will not be afraid of this word, professional of this case. some directions and himself. developing in russia, podoliaka takes an active part in the information and psychological operations of the russian special services, regularly appears on propaganda tv channels, in particular on solovyov's talk show. during the broadcasts, he calls for the capture of ukraine and the support of the russian occupation groups in the destruction of the civilian infrastructure of our country. legitimacy in ukraine and before the maidan was such a conditional concept. i can compare the russian reality and the ukrainian one. and he will destroy everything. it is on a large audience, has almost 3 million subscribers in telegram and almost 500 thousand in russian roorub.
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it's scary to imagine how many rotten kremlin narratives pour out of these channels. russia has already said that this is an effigy, no one will talk to it at all, because it is not clear what it is. most of the world is listening to us, not that green scarecrow sitting over there. according to the sbu, podolyak is involved in the correction of massive russian missile attacks on mykola. and to guide russian weapons, he formed his own networks of informants in the region. in april in 2023, the people of podolya reported suspicion on five articles at once, among them calls to violate the territorial integrity of ukraine, propaganda of war and high treason. at the beginning of 2024, the ukrainian court sentenced him to 15 years in prison, so far in absentia. hopefully, this mouthpiece of kremlin propaganda is no longer in... will conduct its broadcasts only for its cellmates. the youth of the zaporizhia region, most of them support russia, that
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russia has come to us. all these years , very strong propaganda was carried out at my school, they forced me wear red t-shirts, speak ukrainian. they literally forced 20-year-old yulia klymenko to speak the state language in ukraine. before the full-scale war, she had another. surname verzhak, graduated from lyceum number 16, after which she entered the melitopol state pedagogical university named after bohdan khmelnytskyi, won prizes in the regional stage of the all-ukrainian competition for student creativity, dedicated to the centenary of the formation of the ukrainian central rada and the proclamation of the ukrainian people's republic on the topic the motherland is not someone and somewhere, i am also the motherland. now she has another family and new political ambitions. the youth of the zaporizhia region invites all regions of the russian federation to visit our beautiful sea of ​​azov. we are waiting for you. when russian troops
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occupied melitopol. julia was in the first year of university. the 80-year-old student quickly gave up everything she used to live for during independent ukraine. so, the ukrainian yulia varzhak became a collaborator of yulia klymenko. i am yulia, a resident of melitopol. i thank vladimir vladimirovich putin for his strong-willed decision regarding the beginning of the svo, regarding the liberation of donbas. we have been waiting for this for 8 years. klymenko waited and started a career in russian youth organizations. became the head of the volunteers for russia movement, here is a photo where the traitor delivers humanitarian aid with the inscription "i will help you , son, to the russian chmobiks". thanks to diligent work for the invaders, klymenko's career went up. later, she headed the south-young movement. the south-young youth movement congratulates all residents of crimea and sevastopol on the day of reunification with russia. and very recently, klymenko became the head
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regional wing. of the so-called young guard of putin's united russia party. now, in fact, she was given complete control over the entire youth movement in melitopol and the region. with this action, all the youth of the zaporizhia region want to prove to the whole world that melitopol is russia. on march 27, 2024, our law enforcement agencies announced suspicion against this star of the russian world for justifying the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. hopefully, the suspicion will very soon become a court sentence with a long term. and this is our next traitor from mariupol, 30 years old nikita avirkin. we celebrate this day with honor, with pride that we are part of our great and powerful country. until february 24, he managed his own security company, worked as an instructor in the federation of service and sports dog breeding, and was also a member of the iskrinost public organization. when mariupol
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was occupied, he decided that... now it was time for him to be an obedient dog to his new masters in exchange for a bone, and he eventually got that bone. he assumed the position of the so-called head of the department issues of the youth policy of the mariupol city administration, the so-called dnr. today we came as a team and vote for the president, for donbas and for victory. he evidently served his masters faithfully, so he soon received another promotion. became the leader of putin's youth. organization in mariupol young guard united russia. thanks to our federal leaders, we have the opportunity to organize this event on a grand scale. his main task from the kremlin in this position is to instill russian peace in children. and one of the main theses in all his speeches is distortion of the events currently taking place in ukraine. when russia held illegal elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, and verkin managed to get a mandate
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and become a member of parliament. of the mariupol council from the united russia party, his work is actively covered by the propaganda tv channel mariupol-24. in order for everything to be in accordance with the letter of the law, you enter the right of ownership, draw up all the documents. in 2023 , the zhoptneve district court of dnipro sentenced him in absentia to 10 years of imprisonment for collaborationism. may 17, 2024, averkin became a suspect in a new criminal proceeding. received suspicion through. production and distribution of materials that deny the temporary occupation of part of ukraine. this traitor is serving the russians so conscientiously that soon he may serve another article of the criminal code. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. we'll see in a week
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ether espresso.


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