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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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18:00 in ukraine news time on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval and i will tell you about the most important events at this time. so, about the terrible crime of the russian federation, the occupiers beheaded a ukrainian soldier in donetsk region. prosecutor general andriy kostin said this. according to him, the russian commanders ordered their soldiers not to capture our defenders. instead, kill the military of the armed forces of ukraine. these criminal orders. given at the level of battalion and company leadership of the occupying troops. in the capital, they said goodbye to the pilot of the 40th brigade of tactical aviation by valentin korenchuk with the call sign beekeeper. he was one of the first to defend kyiv in air battles. the pilot died at the end of april during a combat mission. the farewell ceremony took place in
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the mykhailivskyi zolotoverkhovy monastery. his relatives, friends and brothers came to see the hero on his last journey. the beekeeper was buried at the lukyaniv military cemetery. valentyn korenchuk is one of the combat pilots around whom the myth of the ghost of kyiv was born. he made more than 80 sorties and hit dozens of enemy targets. lotchyk owns a historic achievement for ukrainian aviation. beating of a russian attack aircraft near the capital, for which he was awarded the state order for courage of the third degree with official and departmental awards. this is the very person who had the courage to tell me about my son's death. and now they are all together. these are our heavenly knights, they held the sky with all their might. on those planes that have that
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skill, with that weapon, with that courage that they have so that we now go up to new wings, so that we finally gain that advantage, gain that strength that ukraine now needs in order to defeat the evil enemy. an important decision, local councils will now be able to officially. to finance units of the defense forces. the corresponding law was supported in the parliament. 303 deputies voted for it. drones, first-aid kits, pickup trucks, spare parts for cars, and others can be purchased and transferred to units from the community budget. also, local councils will be able to finance the creation of fortifications. the adopted law expands the list of authorities of local self-government and amends article 26 on the competence of rural. village
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and city councils. it is the communities that decide in what amounts and when exactly to transfer the funds? this is their right, not their duty. and this is a right that many communities have already used. we saw how cities and even small towns or villages were transferred from the budgets of communities, the same pickup trucks, the same buckets. now all this will be much larger, because finally this right has been returned to the communities to dispose of their funds and for the military. parts extremely it is important, there are fuses in the draft law, it is not possible to purchase weapons, ammunition, the creation of private armies or feudal principalities is excluded, we are talking exclusively about non-lethal forms and what is most scarce at the front today. the government is expanding the scope of the 579 credit program to centralize the energy system. this was announced by prime minister denys shmegal during the government meeting. therefore, loans will be available. for the construction
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of gas turbine and biogas plants, also shortened the terms of connecting to the power grids and gas distribution systems. now available loans can be obtained for the construction and installation of gas turbine, gas piston and biogas generation plants. in joint work with the national bank, a program of interest-free lending is being developed for the installation of solar panels and wind turbines by households, so that people can provide for themselves and even realize their surplus. in kyiv , an unknown person attempted an assassination attempt on kazakh journalist haydos sadikov. the man is in a... serious condition, the prosecutor general's office announced. the shooting happened in shevchenko district of kyiv. previously, an unknown person tried to kill sadikov, who was in a car with his wife. the attacker shot and ran away. the prosecutor's office started an investigation. aidos sadikov is known
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for his criticism of the kazakh authorities on his own youtube channel. he also supported protests in kazakhstan in 2022. i really ask everyone to understand that this event is related to his professional activities. our opposition channel basse, and only today in the morning we released the latest video about the fact that tukaev - this is putin's puppet, and today we were returning home and it all happened before my eyes. volodymyr zelenskyi congratulated the graduates of the national defense university, and the head of state also presented them with diplomas with distinction. during. his holiness the president noted that the experience of ukrainian defense in this war should be scaled to the entire system of defense forces. at the end of the event , those present honored the fallen soldiers with a moment of silence. i am glad to welcome the new graduation
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of the defense university of ukraine, commanders whose task is to increase strength and professionalism. our of national defense, during such a war, the defense force of ukraine, thousands and thousands of soldiers and sergeants, thousands of officers, showed the best qualities of ukrainians. the speaker of the seimas of lithuania, viktoria chmelite nielsen, is in kyiv on an official visit. at the capital station, the guest was met by the deputy speaker of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, olena kondratyuk. lithuanian official. noted that their parliament adopted 15 resolutions in support of ukraine, and there is constant work between other countries at the regional and interparliamentary level. the speaker also added that lithuania will continue to support ukraine's accession to nato. in these
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darkest moments, the human spirit becomes the brightest. your resilience and hope are inspiring. world. the parliaments of the democratic countries of the world are responsible for preserving this spirit. we must unite in support of ukraine and ensure the victory of freedom, democracy and human dignity. thank you. glory to ukraine. got water. centralized water supply was launched in marhanka and pokrov in dnipropetrovsk oblast. i will tell you about it. head of the region serhii lysak. due to the undermining by the russians of the kakhovskaya hps, local residents received water thanks to temporary alternative solutions. as of today , two lines of the main water pipeline from the dnipro, with a capacity of 150 thousand cubic meters, were put into operation.
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the length of the water pipeline is about 120 km, so in the near future water will also be available in nikopol. according to the head of the region, this is the largest project that will finally allow. solve the problem with water supply. creation of academic lyceums and reform of secondary education. in the capital, they discussed the reform of education according to the new concept ukrainian school, which will be implemented from 2027. it will apply to three levels of education: full, general, secondary, professional, as well as professional pre-university. the reform provides that academic lyceums will conduct high-quality career guidance work and take into account the needs of students, who from the 10th grade will be able to independently choose a study profile, all this will be aimed at a single
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goal, which is to improve the quality of knowledge, reduce gaps between different categories of students from small schools, from large schools, from rural... territories, from urban areas, from cities, and there is another separate reform challenge, and this is basically what we are working on, and what we discussed with the communities today, is the formation of a network, a network of academic lyceums, in a network of professional colleges, this is a completely different quality of education, first of all we are talking about children rural and urban communities, which today according to the results of the pisa test is an international test, today they have fewer opportunities to study in really high-quality schools, unfortunately, we are very sorry to admit the fact that the backwardness of children in rural urban communities, from children in urban communities is 4.5 years on average. of course, this should not be the case, because it is not the child's fault that she was born in a small village. that was
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the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and see you tomorrow, meet vasyl zima and the great broadcast in just a moment. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs occur spontaneously and are disturbing you. the special complex of active substances dolgit antineuro helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuro helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules. helping your nervous system. fm.
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serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format even more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on , verdict and... from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must end it must win the most important thing is that every thursday at 21:15 the big one speaks in the project. lviv on the espresso tv channel.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zima, i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 45 minutes. the times writes that for some reason the united states of america is delaying the training of ukrainian f-16 pilots, is it true or not, frankenstein, a new tank on the battlefields of ukraine, what the germans want to give us and for what... this one is armored the machine is capable, putin flew to kimchenin, what will the self-proclaimed president of russia, dictator vladimir putin and marshal kim jong-un agree on, what can they share among themselves, and putin called on his officials to prepare russians for tax increases, the war is getting more expensive, will they agree
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and that's the russians, well, of course , you and i will talk about our money with oleksandr morchenko, many important and interesting topics. the supreme council of ukraine allowed local councils to finance the defense forces, which will change the financing of the actual combat units, well and also about the weather for tomorrow, a lot of interesting and important information, but we start, as always, with a conversation with serhii zgurets, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. serhii, please give me the floor. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our. today we will talk briefly about the update of the reserve plus mobile bolt, about the german anti-aircraft tank frankenstein for ukraine, whether optimism is justified and about the war of technologies on the battlefield, which new developments in the field of reb offer our military leading defense companies, more on that in a moment.
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i'll start with what's from it. today in the mobile application the reserve plus electronic military registration document became available, this was announced by the ministry of defense and i can confirm that it really works, although it took a little longer than usual to update the data, but in about an hour i still received all these qr codes, which are now necessary to understand your status. in the previous version, this was not the case, now... have a digital version that allows you to show both the tsk and the police, in which status you are in, and today it was reported that 200,000 ukrainians took advantage of this opportunity to get a cif digital registration document, in my opinion, this is a good
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digital step in the right direction, especially under the conditions when the ministry of defense ensures... that means compliance with all , the preservation of all digital data related to the mobilization reserve of our country, at this time there is already an update of weapons projects for ukraine from our partners, the western media and almost all ukrainian mass media reported that the rheinmetall concern announced that it would install a modern anti-aircraft gun. the fate of the skyranger is on leopard 1 tank hulls, and this is how a new machine will be created to strengthen ukraine's defense capabilities, this tank will be called frankenstein and will be able to fight long-range drones and subsonic cruise missiles of the enemy. quite theoretically, this is really all the case, because this
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new module offered by the company reinmetal already. developed on a number of other mobile platforms and on the basis of bmp links, which we now see in the video, and on the basis of her btr box, where these modules are installed, and actually this gun, which is standing on this module, can destroy enemy targets there, when we are talking about cruise missiles and drones there somewhere up to 4 km away, this is a good indicator, and it also has its own... means of detecting enemy targets using radar, other sensors, and at a distance of up to 5 km , it can detect these enemy unmanned vehicles, and by and large this is a continuation of the project with cheetah tanks, which are also serious tanks based on the leopard platform, and now a new modular is offered
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decision to offer the armed forces, but if g'. we have more than 100, they are quite effective samples of equipment, so there are still many questions about frankenstein, we do not know the number of such samples, the pace of production of these weapons, under what conditions they will be produced, but in any case we understand that this is a step in quite the right direction, the main thing is that the company arnemetal, which announces a significant number of different weapons initiatives, also provides... in cooperation with our companies the production of these samples and supplying them to the armed forces, so we expect that these are the first statements about the frankenstein anti-aircraft tank. have a real practical and , most importantly, quick continuation, but it is possible to fight enemy drones not only with the help of anti-aircraft weapons, as presented in
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the solution of the frankenstein tank, but with the help of radio electronic warfare, and this very field, where the reb means are now actively used in combat, is one of the directions where ukrainian developers and... and actually russian developers compete, because it is about the fight against everyone is talking about drones with the help of rebs and the question is which company can present the best optimal solutions that are the most effective on the battlefield. so, what is happening in ukraine on the example of our manufacturers, we will now talk further, and now we are joined by oleksiy chernyuk, deputy director of the company. kwertus, which creates and manufactures defense systems to counter enemy unmanned aerial vehicles. by the way, the products of
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the kvertus company are currently presented at the eurosactory exhibition. we know what's in paris now one of the world's largest arms exhibitions is underway. there are five stands of ukrainian companies, where they show all the best works of both state and private companies, so one of these companies is the kvertus company, which actually supplies products for the armed forces, the best samples are presented at the exhibition in eurosator in paris, so now we have oleksiy cherniuk, deputy director of kvertus company, joining us, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, in return, i already said that your company in... is currently showing certain samples at the exhibition in paris, at the eurosateri exhibition, i would like you to tell us what exactly your company is showing there,
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we took some samples of our products to the arms exhibition in paris, these are various modifications of the trench reb, which are designed to counter fpv drone, kvertus adeconter fpv, cvertus adeconter fpv bacpack, lucky few. application of anti-drone guns and carried the azemot radio-electronic intelligence complex. but you listed a number of products of your company, which of these products is in the highest demand by our defense forces and do you have long-term contracts to manufacture these models to meet the needs of the military? well, let me start with the fact that all our products are made for specific tasks. and to counter a specific type of drone, so to counter reconnaissance drones or bomber drones, our customers order, contract one type of products, to
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counter fpv kamikat drones for other types, to counter both that and therefore, the third type of products, therefore, is currently in demand the entire line of our devices, but considering the situation at the front, of course, countermeasures against drones are contracted. by our customers more often, for example, kvertus ad kraken conter fpv, which neutralizes the operation of most fpv drones. as for government contracts, yes, we have such contracts, i can't call them long-term at the moment, eh, there is no such situation that we are, sorry, overwhelmed by government contracts, our production capacity, they are much larger than the volumes of government orders. if we then we are talking about the fact that there are different directions of orders, there are state orders, there are through the ministry of statistics, there are through volunteer funds, there are
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through the own initiatives of military units and people who purchase such means of reb for their loved ones, most of all, which of these sectors is the most powerful, for you, compared to the state component, in 2002. in 2002, the most powerful component, the most, the largest orders, it comes from the state, of course, this changed in 2024, before that there were, more, more orders we have volunteers, military units directly, various defense forces, business helped the army, in the 24th year, most of it is the state, it is direct state procurement. oleksiy, i would like to ask about some, well , technical things, because when i read there... about the peculiarities of the use of military equipment, about the dynamics on the part of the enemy and our military, i often have to see
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things that often need to be... worried about there are changes in the design or to correspond there to the change in frequencies used by the enemy as part of their unmanned systems, how does this process affect the change in the design of your developments and whether it is somehow possible to ensure the renewal of those samples that have already been bought by the military in previous iterations of your developments, i will start with the fact that constructively from... we make changes whether or not constantly, we always receive feedback from the front, something like adding a button there, lengthening the control panel or something, these kinds of changes are made there daily by our designers, the same goes for the new frequency bands, we go to the front line every week to get feedback from the fighters and to show our new products, so we get first-hand information that the enemy...
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begins to change the operating frequencies of drones, we accordingly develop a new solution, pass it to the guys for testing, if the product has proven itself positively, the enemy really begins to use drones on a larger scale other frequencies, the product goes into the series, as for updating, we have a separate service department that deals with updating our products, so to speak, so it is possible, oleksiy, but now on the latest... russian tanks, in particular the t-90 , another example of the reb was found, where the different ranges on which this product works were written, there seem to be six or seven ranges, now we will show photos of this product, you will surely see it now, i think that you
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have seen it before me, i would like you to... appreciate how logical this direction is, here we can see the repyuchon, where all frequency ranges are prescribed, and whether your developments of the tank reb for armored vehicles, well, they are actually built according to the same principle, or relatively speaking, this general trend where both sides use similar approaches? yes, this solution is logical, as you rightly noted, and but the solution is not breakthrough, which further we see means more and more often. birep on armored vehicles, both on our side and on the enemy's side, whether it works, it works, including our enemy, whether it works against all drones, does not work, does not work against all that are in any rap does our tools work on armored vehicles yes they do our tools are installed on many types of armored vehicles in including on the equipment transferred to us by our western partners, so to sum it up, it's a waste. is being prepared at
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the front and in the future, and we and the enemy will increasingly cover armored vehicles with means of ret. and i would like you, oleksiy, based on your own experience, to comment on one more development of the enemy: there is such a sample of the russian re called a fumigator, which, as written, generates a protective dome, which allows you to protect the drone from drones within a radius of 300 m , and this is how it ... looks, and i would like you to evaluate whether this way the enemy will create certain, let's say, threats to our drones, is it a road to nowhere, or somewhere or is it somewhere in the middle? the first thing i see is that it does not look very convenient, how it works is not yet known, but its use is quite logical, we make form factory backpack devices.
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which are designed to protect a fighter or a group of fighters during movements, sorties, therefore, as the manufacturer of this 300 m kumigator states, they make a dome, this may be the effectiveness of the enemy’s tool, we will see when it becomes mass, but its application is accurate logical, and the fact that such means are already working at the front, this also does not raise any doubts, and mr. oleksiy, i would like to ask about such a direction of your... products as analyzers for detecting the presence of drones in the air, that is, this is something that allows our military to see that there are certain types of enemy drones above them, this product, it is purchased from your company, is the demand for it increasing, or are you seeking to somehow reduce the dimensions of this model and expand...


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