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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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how it works is not yet known, but its use is quite logical: we manufacture forum factory backpack devices, which are designed to protect a fighter or a group of fighters during movements, sorties, therefore, according to the manufacturer, this kumigator 300 m is made into a dome, this can be effective means of the enemy, we will see when it becomes massive, but its use is absolutely logical and the fact that such means are already working... on the front, this also does not cause any doubts. and mr. oleksiy, i would like to ask about such direction of your products as airborne drone detectors, which is the thing that allows our military to see that certain types of enemy drones are flying over them. this product, it is purchased from your company, is the demand for it growing, or are you trying to somehow reduce the dimensions of this sample and expand it. directions and possibilities of detection and
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analysis of enemy drones? we have an electronic intelligence line, we have a device called, called azemuth, it's currently going through the codification process, getting the nato code, and going forward, we hope that the state will contract and purchase it, we already supply it to the troops, we supply it directly to the troops to various defense forces, then... including through philanthropists, through business, in the coming months, this summer, we will combine it with our new means of electronic warfare , and i think by the end of the summer we will already demonstrate a means that will work comprehensively, will also detect enemy drones, which we can already do up to 25 km, and automatically suppress work on those frequencies at which they were detected, well, that is, you ensure the creation of such a synergistic synergistic... effect, when, relatively
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speaking, the left part of the work will be done by the devices themselves, and this will reduce the burden on the military themselves, as i understand it, yes, yes, yes, absolutely correct, our azimuth device is a radio electronic intelligence, it's not that big, it's 15-20 kilograms, it weighs, with the help of one laptop , a person sits behind it and sees, detects anything that moves, is controlled there by radio frequencies up to 25 km, and so on, next, next our stage is a combination. rer and reb, and we will demonstrate this in the next, the next one and a half to two months. and mr. oleksiy, probably the next question has some relevance to our previous conversation, about the fact that the operators of drones, our drones, complain that quite often on the collision line, they lose part of the drones precisely because of the operation of their own means , which are purchased there by neighbors, but their use is sometimes so chaotic. that
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it does not allow drone operators to use their drones in certain areas of the front means of impression, do you know about this problem, what possible solutions to this situation might be? the situation is familiar, we always hear about this problem, as far as we can see, it is purely a matter of interaction between units and within the unit, it is a matter of communication, er, well, if on the fingers... er explain, if someone oppresses drones on same purity, it means that neighbors should fly on some other frequencies so that their lot does not oppress our drones, here the question is purely communication, here is nothing else, well, you can't think of anything else. and on finalizing the question of whether your company has the ability to export your samples, because we started with the exhibition, we know that your company is showing good developments, i hope that there is ... some demand, but this
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export ban, as far as it justified, is it possible for the company to produce products for export and to meet the needs of the armed forces? eh, good question sergey, thanks for it, for now i can say that our production capacity is much larger than we have orders that from the state, from philanthropists, from business, from law enforcement agencies, and we believe that... the ban on exports should be canceled, because export activity , provided that the needs of state orders are met, is, first of all, additional funds for the state , the state can further direct these funds to strengthen its defense capabilities, and we are in favor of healthy business conduct, and if the state's needs are met, i emphasize once again, we are ready to export our means, and i want to emphasize once again, only to friendly countries, therefore. ..
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this is our position. mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for the explanation and for the work of your company, for creating technological samples that are extremely needed on the battlefield. let me remind you that it was oleksiy cherniuk, the deputy. of the director of the company kvertus, which creates and manufactures systems for the protection and countermeasures of enemy uavs, these are technological means of radio-electronic warfare. these were the main military results of the day, and more economic and international events. next, vasyl zemit will be on the air, stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you sergey zgurts, i thank his guests, well, we continue with a lot of interesting and important information ahead, we will talk about money during the war, there is something to talk about, why putin flew to north korea, what he really wants to agree on with kimchen- inom,
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who continues to support putin in this war. we clearly know that north korean missiles have landed on the territory of our country. statement on prospects in ukraine. not in nato, there are statements of the white house security adviser kirby, there are statements of jens stoltenberg, we we will definitely discuss, of course, because these are important things that one way or another determine our future, the verkhovna rada of ukraine allowed local councils to finance the defense forces, does this mean that there is simply a lack of money in the budget, but decided to return to that practice, which it was, and many other important topics, but now the most important thing: because at the front every day our soldiers give their health and give their lives so that we can continue the fight, so that we can live , and we must support the armed forces of ukraine. so, ah, we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions.
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the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the field. damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair teams, so that they could repair this equipment, and also pnemo hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. and we have already managed to collect uah 482,196 with you. yes, there are many of us. collected a lot, on the other hand, we have been collecting for a long time, this collection is difficult, but i clearly and well understand that now it is a difficult situation, there are many fees, summer, in a word, what we can, what you can, please donate to the armed forces the forces of ukraine, the soldiers
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believe in us, we believe in you, and all together we will definitely close this gathering, and now let's move on to the conversation, now we'll move on to the conversation. one second, igor prosaye is on the phone with us, he is a deputy of the poltava regional council, mr. igor, i congratulate you, congratulations, congratulations, mr. vasyl, first of all, i will ask about the consequences of yesterday's armed attack on the poltava region, from what is known about victims, destruction, help to those people who have suffered, are there any difficult situations of people who have been injured, are in the hospital, please, from what can be said, from what is known, wanted i would like to hear the details, i want to say one thing that the enemy is not leaving the poltava region, including the city of poltava, unfortunately, these strikes are becoming harder and more regular, the city is clearly
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already living in a sense of war, i will say this, yesterday's blow was heard literally by the whole city , it happened during a working day, there were a lot of people on the street, the rocket attack was terrible, i would say that thanking god, thanking god, the armed forces of ukraine that everyone remained alive, but the number of wounded is very large, it is more than 22 people, there are three of them children, and, unfortunately, three or four serious people, they are in the hospital, now, we will pray for their recovery. the impact itself caused a lot of damage to people, and it happened in a quite crowded place, in a populated place, i can say one thing, the information that is already known in principle, that 700 panes of glass were broken in the windows, in the windows, the impact was
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generally near children's institutions moreover, children were injured, people's property was burned. because the immediate magnitude of the impact hit some private garages and people got rid of it for all their property, the cars burned down , unfortunately they cannot be restored, for many people this is the only means of transport, they lost everything they had, now the relevant volunteer services have organized a meeting, representatives of the authorities have gone to the place, i also thank you, quite promptly they did it, all the services were activated, instantly, the emergency services prevented the fire from spreading. because there were residential buildings nearby, there were people,
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it was not clear how far the damage element of this rocket had spread, so everyone services acted in order to protect people from getting injured and injured, that is, the enemy struck what was actually civilian and residential infrastructure, and civilian and residential buildings, without having, well, we can see it now in general ... in the middle, excuse me, a rocket fell in the settlement. this, this is a scary thing. today, literally in front of the ether, i read a piece of news that evokes several thoughts. we will now discuss them with you. therefore, the verkhovna rada of ukraine allowed local councils to allocate money to the defense forces. for, for this decision 303 people's deputies voted, people's deputy yaroslav zheliznyak reported in a telegram. so, let me quote, the draft law number 5559d was finally approved, which allows local councils to finance
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units of the defense forces, so it also restores the possibility of holding remote meetings, and collegial bodies of local self-government and regulates certain personnel issues for the period of martial law, and er, as i understand it, that even before that, local councils financed or allocated funds for the purchase of certain facilities for... closing those or other needs of the armed forces of ukraine or the forces of defense or territorial defense, and what is this decision of the parliament to change, in particular, let's say, if we talk about the work of the poltava regional council, after this decision, how can the defense force and finance be officially financed and financed, this is what to pay salaries, to give some allowances, just to understand what will change, because again, i, for example, know that poltava region, lviv region, kyiv region, and many other regions, they allocated funds anyway. collected funds, allocated funds there for drones and systems protection of some, on the slaves, on some other things,
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what does this change the decision, please, well, quite an interesting decision, if we discuss it, the first decision, and our faction advocated that the pdf military, which was selected in the past year, which was mainly directed to the need of the armed forces by local self-government bodies, and well... but i do not see how the deputy of the regional council of the efficiency and accumulation of these funds at the central level, if the needs of the military at the local level were met quickly enough, that is, there is the application, and accordingly the city, city, regional, other authorities should be able to quickly gather and resolve the issue, especially since these funds were voted for allocation in programs. but we have a guest who disappeared, now we will return him to our air, if something does not
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happen, well, you know, but there is, mr. igor, please continue, but you disappeared for a while, so it is possible, i think that our viewers have not lost the thread of your opinion, please, yes, now the approval of such an allocation once again proves that the effectiveness of assistance by local self-government bodies much better. than from the central administration, it is more effective, faster and more precise, mr. igor, i will just clarify that later, because then i will get lost in my own thoughts, i mean, but the money that is taken from the personal income tax , that they will now, conditionally speaking, in june or july be left on the ground to finance the defense forces with this money, or this money will not be returned. but for those left over from another personal income tax, well, let’s say, it is quite cynical
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to accept, so you and so, well, that is, local councils already allocate funds for the defense forces, well, i know this clearly from kyiv, but from lviv, we lived in lviv, well, you allocate, well, that’s why, that’s why i consider the adopted law quite populist, it duplicates what is happening and yes, the locals, you know what they will say later, but we passed the law, and why are they not financed, although again very often they simply do not say, about what is financed, i know that they are financed, well, kyiv is clear, lviv is clear, there may be more business somewhere, there are some relocated businesses in the west of ukraine, but also poltava region and sumy region. on the black, well, everyone is trying to allocate funds, because these people are protecting you, here it turns out that in two years, people's deputies of ukraine, this is data from the movement honestly, spent on renting housing, i will simply call this phrase to this figure already second day and third day and thursday day, uah 64.5 million, these are people who can pay for housing, well
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, internally displaced persons cannot pay, but they were allocated some sums before, now in my opinion nothing is allocated there at all, here 60. but this number is not it is called, but they will say, oh, you know, in poltava or in cherkasy they built a park for 200 hryvnias, and why didn’t they give the money there for something else, even though i give it, that’s the cynicism, you see, and now they tell you and we gave you all the leverage, we discussed everything legislatively, decided everything, here you go, please finance, i absolutely agree with you, you said absolutely everything clearly, a populist... decision without any basis. i thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, take care, ihor protsai, deputy of poltava of the regional council, about the consequences of a terrible enemy attack on poltava oblast. three or four people are in serious condition in the hospital, we believe in the strength of our doctors and, of course, in god's providence, so that these
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people remain alive. the enemy cynically hit the residential buildings, huge destruction and... there are victims as a result of the enemy attack on the poltava region. well, now we are adding to the conversation volodymyr tsyvolyuk, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, public figure, blogger and poet. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. now i want to hear your opinion about this decision. so, parliament, i am not saying this with the intention of offending or insulting anyone. no, absolutely. the parliament is so simple - well, it allowed the local councils to allocate money for the defense forces, so we talked with the poltava region, but i think, maybe, maybe they return the pdf that was taken from the local people, from the local level and say, give you this money back, it's probably better you yourself there you find out who needs to allocate how much, because the defense forces are there with you, you allocate there, no, they don't return it, but they say from
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what you have left, you now allocate the money of the defense forces, so how is that? well, it is necessary to peel it to the skin, and then call for patriotic actions, this is so characteristic of the current ukrainian government, they basically drank the blood of the economy, that is, finances from local self-government, and now they are allowed from such a big one, well, how is it from the lord’s shoulder . the local self-government has yet to spend money on the war, someone thought about the fact that the local self-government has now also deprived a small reserve of personnel, i.e. a lot in the background, a decrease in the wages of dependents on the local economy, the housing commune farm,
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even now it happens that specialists important for defense are withdrawn from local... farms, and here just when it is allowed to spend more on the war, the question , and how the economy, how the city economy generally survives during the war, when a large number of specialists have been removed from it for defense problems, and now they are also allowed to spend money, of course, that... people will to insist on buying something else for the local military, and we see that, for example, the kyiv council spent almost a billion hryvnias in addition, well, the kyiv council can, although huge sums of money were taken from it, but the kyiv council still shares with the military, and well i looked, there are some cities that, especially
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the local councils, really throw pennies to the armed forces, and there are cities that loyally help the military, well , in particular, i just lived in lviv for a while, a beautiful city, and of course a lot of business was relaxing, there are a lot of people, taxes have increased, but the money is allocated, i can't say what percentage it is, but it is allocated, as well as you correctly said that there are needs of the city, well , it's banal, if the pipe is not repaired, what we once saw on lviv, when there will be a fanta... or instead of a fountain there will be a smelly fountain, or somewhere there will be a subway, or somewhere there will not be enough, well, that is, the city must live in any case, we, well, we buy food for ourselves, we we brush our teeth, we still live. so the city itself is almost, i want to remind you that before we are faced with a new challenge, to survive the winter with a minimum supply of electricity,
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now is precisely the period when, well, really the front in the first place, but look, different cities , against the background of blows to the infrastructure, have learned not only to reformat the city economy, but also to completely decentralize, for example, heat generation electricity generation, and they are now independent of centralized supply, khmelnytskyi, for example, the city, uzhhorod did it much earlier, that is , we actually have a situation where local self-government now has to to get angry with such, well, not returned personal income tax, but we still need to decentralize heating, we need to make backup generation, we need to protect. well, heating networks and water networks, water networks from the coming winter, for the coming winter we need to think about something, not just
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to transfer some already exhausted pipelines, but also to think about how to save it in case of a power outage, and we need to prepare, you know, for emergencies moments, let's say, many people will need to warm up, dock generators are needed somewhere, well, in a word, many things need to be done and to prepare even for something that may not happen, but because if it happens, and we are not ready, i am not talking about kyiv now , i am talking about most of those cities that can at least plan something, because let's say such settlements , for example, zaporizhzhia can plan many things to a lesser extent, because it is 70 km from the front line, although they also plan, but there are cities that are generally even more difficult to plan, like there, for example, times and so on. but about money, you know, i always like that in some people, it's not a telegram channel, it's a telegram slops, i’m not insulting anyone here, because it’s the truth, there, it will be washed, where something
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was thrown, thrown, not checked, not cleaned, thrown, and you don’t know what it is, well, it’s soup or that and wash it, this telegram will wash it, so 300 million, well , how many millions for a bridge in kyiv, or a square in cherkassy, ​​or in kropyvnytskyi, somewhere there is a lounge area for children, well, something, and every penny and as if the war is going on, what have you done, what are you spending, at the same time, i will remind you about the 64.5 million money that the deputies took for rent housing in two years, i'm just reminding you once again that 64.5 million hryvnias were taken for housing rent by people who can pay for their own housing, well , there are no poor people among the deputies, well, there simply aren't, but by the way, tomorrow the deputies are tomorrow.. . the deputies summon the prosecutor general andrii kostin to the verkhovna rada, and in order for him to explain the property status of his deputy dmytro verbytskyi, who bought, well, his nephew bought
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a horse in an elite residential complex, well, such and such houses there, six times cheaper times a house, his nephew bought it, and his girlfriend owns the property for 52 hryvnias and she cannot explain the origin of this property, she says that it is her ex- husband who gives everything, the ex says, no, no, i am nothing did not give such a thing, and here it even got to the point where the deputies say, listen, dear mr. prosecutor general, and please come to us and explain, and how it happens that during the war, when we are all fighting corruption, here we shout that in our country bridges cannot be rebuilt, but simply deputy, well, such money, explain it again, because understanding, well, there is probably a request. after all, the fact that certain things must be explained when such sums appear of incomprehensible origin, well, this is wonderful, by the way,
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the reaction of the prosecutor general's office regarding mr. golyk, who was the curator of a large construction project and through the zdym zdym system to vienna, is not unknown , he had he had an office in the president's office, i'll just remind you, yes, yes, yes, uh, and now, when it comes up... this story with verbytsky, wait, it's simple mockery out of common sense, because a whole caste of people close to the authorities or appointees of the authorities has developed, which, for example, has usurped all the supplies for the ministry of defense, so let mr. kostin tell you how the affairs of the ministry of defense are investigated, because no major... he has not yet been arrested, there is still no verdict against any major corruptor, and they, they are all under, they are all out on bail, basically all of them are on
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bail, so starting with... the same guy who appears in the case against about billion 200 ee millions of hryvnias, and then it went, it went to the ministry of defense in the 22nd year alone, more than uah 35 billion in corruption cases were accumulated, and now, fresh off, we have an investigator, or rather a temporary special commission in the verkhovna rada created on the matter of fortification, and there the sum of 20 hryvnias, wait, what are the claims to local self-government? so right away figure it out first? here is another interesting thing, mr. volodymyr, just to continue the topic about golyk, at first it was a leak from nabu, then it was confirmed, golyk got in touch, said yes, i am indeed in austria, but how carlson said that he would definitely return, and the same story is that when he bought it, he was a witness in this case about the big
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construction like this. riznychenko's question was another one, but his correspondence in the phone, which phones were issued, well, taken away, acquired, added to the case, but the correspondence disappeared, which means that someone warned mr. golyk that he would be checked, and this is the worst, what could be, because, well, a plus, let's say, a plus to all this, that corruption is there, people go there through the road system, and no one checks the road, does not stop at roadblocks, does not say that... you are wanted, under surveillance, whether you are there or not, this is not a stone in the city of the tcc, absolutely, i understand everything perfectly, the realities in which we live , that is, well, that is, if you go with certain papers and permits, no one will stop you, unfortunately, but this is reality, so again, it’s not a matter now to the shopping center or to the police, i understand in what world on sorry, we live and really perceive, perceive our life, but before that everything else, well, let's say, er, the new york the times wrote about the growing pressure and
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political interference in... the work of the media in ukraine, and the last example, well, let's say, i 'm not saying sorry to our tv channel in particular, but how many of these signals can be sent, and why are these signals being blocked by some such an invisible rebom that exists somewhere in the cave hills, where that reb is standing, i don’t know, but the signals are somehow lost, the bank trumps the latest security agreements signed with japan and the usa, so i will remind japan... they asked the question very harshly corruption before the ukrainian leadership, very much hard japan, which has already provided almost 5 billion dollars in aid to ukraine and will continue to help, and has taken on a lot of obligations, it wants the ukrainian leadership to fight corruption, but we do not observe any intentions, any movements, well, until the court, until the verdict ,
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more precisely, will not prove. no high-profile corruption case, on the contrary, these corrupt officials feel very confident and even convinced that they will avoid punishment. for, instead, colonel chervinsky, this is all bullying, in general, this, this is some kind of judicial trolling, that is, well, well, this, this is nonsense level of the russian federation, only there the hapless oppositionists are judged with such hatred for human rights, to, and this is, combat. colonel, by the way, i want to remind you, well , obviously, there is someone sitting there who does not like him, i am the end, just what do you think, but after the conversation with kostin, if he comes to the parliament tomorrow, i hope that he has to come, some conclusions will be drawn, or i understand that many among the deputies are interested in order to bring order to this matter, perhaps to return the golic, but we have a majority, and among the majority,
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i think, there are definitely deputies and the majority... deputies, even servants of the people, who sincerely, perhaps, want the truth to be true, because people cannot be loyal to people for a long time it is impossible to lie and deceive everyone, this is the law of politics, well, here it is precisely the servants who will turn out to be extreme in the end, if the parliament did not react to kostin's visit and what conclusions it did not make, but the people will start playing with the servants. i thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, thank you for joining, volodymyr tsybolko, political expert. people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, you know, the most embarrassing thing in this story i remember is the story about the chekists, the bolsheviks, who came to power after the revolution, overthrew the government, and famine throughout russia, the former russian empire, and there it was about st. petersburg then, and they are eating red caviar, and such a bolshevik, honest, sincere, who believed in the ideals of the revolution, comes and says: why are you eating red caviar, people are hungry on the street, and there is such a chekist girl...


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