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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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another fresh changes in the ministry of defense, well and you know, they are discussing, let's say, more on the sidelines, because somehow they are trying to say something publicly about what is happening there, well , they are trying officially and not very much, but they are still talking about it, well, let's see what it is changes, maybe they will seem second-rate to you, because they are deputy ministers. defense, but if you listen to who was appointed, everything becomes much more interesting. new appointees leonid volodymyrovych hornin, born in novosibirsk, worked in commercial structures. since september 2012, deputy minister of finance of russia, and since 2018, first deputy minister of finance. supervised
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the budget policy department in the field of state, military and law enforcement services and state defense orders. another new deputy minister of defense, hanna yevgenivna tsivilyova. in general, we have heard a lot about her recently. by presidential decree, she was recently appointed head of the state support fund for participants in a special military operation, defenders. since the 19th year, a member of the council under the government of russia on matters of care in the social sphere. paul mykhailovych fradkov was born in 1981 in the family of mykhailo fradkov, former head of the government of russia, director of the service, also former director of the external russia service, excellent education, graduated from moscow suvorivskoye, fsb academy, dipakademy. from the 12th to the 15th
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year he held the position of deputy head of the federal agency for state property management, from the 15th year the first deputy manager of the affairs of the president of russia, the acting state adviser of the russian federation of the second class, by the way, by the way, that's it, that's it yes well , it is interesting that if it is about fradkov, which one the second generation, one might say russian. of this ruling class, that is, they already know, it seems that not only wealth, but also power is passed on to their children, so somehow they don’t talk about him very much, that ’s right, the propagandists are prominent, well, for some reason, it is precisely with regard to this civilized woman that they consider it necessary to say something good, for example,
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of course, ms. civilova, who brilliantly knows the problems related to the entire social part, and the defenders of the fatherland fund has already proven itself, well , yevhen piddubny, with whom we are, can say a lot on this topic we are working, he is also in this fund, and he is a great fellow. today, today, i want to emphasize this, the deputy of social affairs, i spoke about this probably a year ago, well, guys, come on, we have no one to do this, and no one really does social work, only two points, it is clear that the fund of defenders of the fatherland today goes to all the pain that has accumulated and which is not resolved, and the second point that was given to even a civilian, this is housing, that is, a separate topic, well, for... a year, we did not have problems with housing for
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of the military, in general, it was closed at that time, moreover, it was closed so immediately that it could not be closed since soviet times, but, unfortunately, as of today, we have a che... on housing compensation payment is seven years, today they receive only for the 17th year, and this problem is one of the most serious, well, somehow gurulyov so carelessly took and broke the russian myth that these svos get apartments, it turns out, no, they don’t get apartments, you see, it’s time for 7 years, and still receive those who are there in 2017, they were supposed to get it, but that’s not interesting, but... that is, putin didn’t just put a person, such as the younger fradkov, who he had in the presidential administration, in this ministry of defense, he also pushed his relative there,
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and it's really very interesting, because everything becomes absolutely clear when you understand that a third of the budget goes through the ministry. defense, and this is a nice piece of money, and if one family of the shoigu is going to squander all this, then it is necessary to distribute it somehow and in a different way, and you see, putin personally sent his relatives so that the funds of the ministry of defense, well, they somehow diverged in the right pockets, and it is also great that it was putin who gave his relatives the opportunity for such a privilege. left and to distribute such a monetary sphere, this is the very housing, i will simply remind you that the minister of defense, the previous one, who was in this place before, and who was a relative of putin, timur ivanov,
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he was arrested, and for what he was arrested, and he was arrested precisely for frauds with housing, and for these very frauds that are around... this, because he just stole billions there, so now it will steal, it will not be stolen by a person close to shogo, but by a person close to putin directly, because there is no reason to arrange any transfers, you know, and it is obvious that none of putin’s relatives are from the position, so they will calmly steal everything , what is needed and where it is needed, so that the improvement has already happened today, well, actually, now you can say that the money that they are redistributing... they allocate the state budget with a generous hand to the war, will go not only to the war, will go directly to putin's pocket through his relative, well it's great, i think that the russians should be happy, they finally got it, but really, if, for example, in chechnya, kadyrov has put his children there,
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some nephews there, a bunch of them all in all positions, then somehow putin has to limit himself, this no, well, you see, i won't limit it. he's doing fine, so what's up, i guess we can end this issue at this point, because actually this was exhausted, but now a relative of putin is sitting on the streams of the ministry of defense, everything is fine, everything is finally as it should be, yes, as it should have been, well, another one a topic that russian propagandists are very actively discussing these days is, of course, that putin made his proposals there, some that they called peace proposals. well, actually, what he managed to say there on friday, well, you know, russian propagandists don't hold back, it's not just someone there, it's a direct peace plan for the whole of eurasia, no less. russia is putting forward
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a fundamental peace plan, both for ukraine and for the whole of eurasia. eurasia is the largest continent on the planet, 5.5 people live here billions of people, more. 70% of the population of the earth. in this way, putin offers peace to the whole planet on new principles, well, let's have these peace plans and principles, let's listen to what they were about, well, mostly you have all heard, but so that it is completely clear what we are talking about. and these conditions are very simple: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from donetsk and luhansk.
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as soon as kyiv declares that it is ready for such a decision and begins the real withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well as officially announces the rejection of plans to enter nato, and from our side immediately, will kill, well, as soon as this happens, well, then they will immediately cease fire, well , stupid, stupid, because before that putin talked for a long time about why we should go to any negotiations now , if ukraine does not have enough weapons, somehow, when, as soon as the west said that we should probably give ukraine weapons in the end, peace plans immediately appeared, you know, well, we know about this peace plan, but a few things are interesting , well, first of all, it is interesting that for some reason more... part of the russian government, you know, is smeared with this peace plan, that is, it is obvious, some kind of non-general
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peace plan of theirs, as it turned out, and this is putin's personal one, well, i don't know, maybe they are trying to put everything on him in this way, well, you know, how to tell later that, well, we shouldn't have nothing to do with that, it's all putin, well, i know, this story is also old and there's nothing to pay attention to it, but... it's funny how they talk about it now, that it's literally all putin personally, putin's plan is very original, if you wish, personal, although it is understandable, is put forward from the whole of russia, and personal and authorial, because it feels like the president sketched it out, wrote it himself, did anyone know that today the president would speak with such theses, i didn't know, and others? i'm the press secretary of one person, well, it's funny to listen to, because the fact that
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they constantly talk about how they would like to conquer all the territories there, and that they , you know, introduced something into the constitution, well, i would, i i don't know, piskov would ask what putin can say there, i would tell him if he , as a press secretary, does not know, then, for example, it was clear to me, because i actually told you about it too... i have been telling you about it for almost a year now about their views on how these four regions should be taken for themselves here and there, and i don't know exactly what they are the only thing they can offer, and that's the only thing they can imagine, as peace plans, well, i don't know who you have to be, you have to be completely stupid, i guess, here, well, but you know, there are still three theses that i believe that in the context of these, er, such proposals should be discussed, because everyone understands that this is such a, you know, plan,
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this, or i don’t know what to call it, ultimatum, rather, putin issued it not in order to go to any negotiations, in principle, but rather in order to show that these negotiations with putin are absolutely impossible now, well, it was understandable, because he stated this, as if to throw something... this is before the peace summit that was held in switzerland at the initiative of ukraine, and to try to impose his agenda on this summit. it turned out badly, because everyone understood it exactly like this, that it was not a plan, not a peaceful one, that it was actually absolutely imperialist literally some accusations, and it’s more like, you know, a desire to carry on... the war, and everyone absolutely commented like that, but what
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the russian propagandists are trying to promote next are three theses, well, the first of them , that, and they somehow try it on those who are ready to listen to them somewhere in the world, well, or even here, that right now, right away and very quickly, it all has to be accepted, but everyone is in a hurry for some reason. these proposals require urgent consideration. they have a short shelf life because they are made in the conditions of a specific situation on the fronts. since the situation there is dynamic, our initiative may also expire . that is, in a sense, we are dealing with a perishable product, but for now it is fresh and... and why can it spoil quickly, well, because
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the situation at the front can change, yes, it happens, and then somehow, well, completely something else may happen, and again, you know, how ukraine sat without weapons for six months is one story, and how ukraine will be with weapons, it will be a different story, probably history, that's why it has such a quick expiration date, well, you know, more about quick expiration dates. i would say that , you know, if you eat something untimely, something that has such a literally instantaneous expiration date, you can, you know, get sick. butulism, this is a very relevant topic for russia now, in principle, the main news there is that in moscow, kazan, and somewhere else, a lot of people got sick with butulism, after eating something that has such and such an expiration date, so it is not worth it it's a sacrifice, no it is worth leaning towards it somehow, and it is not worth it, accordingly, you know,
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to treat such fleeting things with some such piety, well... but again, here are all the expiration dates, they are associated with that , what do you know, it will be worse in the future, well, let's listen, it is now coming from various russian mouths that it will be worse in the future, there are some proposals, they will be worse for ukraine in the future. russia has outlined new terms, and putin has said that if they don't like them, the next ones will be even worse.
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to impose, here of course, if compared with reality, yes, then the results are a completely different picture. well, let's remember, for example, the beginning of the war, the 14th year. immediately go to agreements with russia, immediately agree to everything, immediately surrender everything, because it will be worse. this was said in the spring and at the beginning of the summer of 2014. then we remember russian. and the forces controlled by the russians captured slavyansk, kramatorsk, and lysychan, well, that is, such a large front line that it was further, further they were knocked out of these places, and if they had agreed, now they would the russians were in slavyansk and kramatorsk, no, they didn't agree, it turned out to be no worse than that, yes, later, when after a certain
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time they decided that it was necessary to look into the eyes of the people. somehow relaxed so much that we need to talk more with him, well, you yourself remember, this whole story dragged on somewhere like this, in the 18th and 19th years, that it was necessary to stop just shooting, but after all these conversations, after all these attempts to look into the eyes, there was a bigger attack by the russians in the 22nd year, and then he will also look immediately, agree on something, istanbul in the end was being built it is on this that we must immediately agree on something, because it will be worse, but let's remember where the russian troops were then, they were near kiev, they were near kharkiv, they were in kherson, they were near mykolaiv, now they are not there, i will not say , that our situation is so good, it's so difficult for us, it's always
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difficult for us, we have to be constantly in tension, we just have to fight back... just in order to fight back, we have to exert some extra effort, but the situation doesn't get worse after how do we reject any such proposals, she for some reason it is not done, it gets worse after we decide that we, well, maybe we need less of this somehow, we need to somehow agree, we need to look somewhere in putin's eyes, and let donetsk or luhansk take something there, no problem, oh... as soon as these talks start, it gets worse, as soon as we fight, the situation immediately gets better, russian troops are immediately knocked out of some positions, the territory is immediately vacated, so you know, the situation will not be worse if we fight, it will not be worse, it will be better, and there is no need for this listen, because every time, as soon as
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this starts, russia immediately finds new and new... territories that it wants to attack, it talks about the fact that it needs to go to kharkov there, because something threatens it there, and also somewhere else, odessa is inventing something else, and these talks stop immediately if they are hit on the head, you just have to hit the russians on the head, that's all, and then no conditions are made worse, as soon as they stop looking into putin's eyes, no conditions they don't do worse, as soon as they start looking into his eyes, boy and the situation immediately gets worse, well, it's simple. every time, so what is this, it's about how it 's worse, better, and whether the istanbul agreements were beautiful, they weren't beautiful, because now, even if you listen... what we're talking about now is already no one talks about the fact that ukraine has a smaller amount of weapons there, no one mentions anything about it at all, you see,
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even putin does not mention it, he is just there, give us something, somewhere , they will come out, yeah, come get it, it's called let's see how you can do it, this is one such thesis, their second thesis, which they are trying to promote... and actively, about the fact that nothing can be solved without russia. the president of switzerland, viola amerd , said that a peaceful settlement would not be possible without russia. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of saudi arabia, faisal bin farhan al saud, agreed with her.
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they are trying to do this through their own people there with those with whom russia is actively trying to work to promote that only the other side, when sitting at the negotiating table, only then... and you can agree on something, you know, actually, this other side, at the negotiating table, you need it only if you are going to appease putin, that's how you are going to appease him, then you need him at the negotiating table, if you are going to everything well, if you somehow keep this world in a state where there is constant war, yes, in some way, in order to actually stop this war, then you don’t need putin at the table, you need him then, or at all, well , you know, just to
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sign off on how he's going to creep off everyone ukrainian territories, well, or not at all necessary, and let's just recall history, that's where we are now with all these conversations about the need to negotiate with russia at the table, and i... i tell you where we are, we are all together now in 1938 , when a bunch of countries were also convinced that hitler had to be at the negotiating table, and he was at the negotiating table, in munich, he was at the negotiating table, they were negotiating with him, because what about from another country, how about you what's up, someone decided to attack someone, but how can we talk without him, let's not be him to stop, let's talk with him about what happened after the moon. after hitler was brought to the negotiating table, what followed was world war ii. and where hitler was not at the negotiating table, he
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was not in potsdam, he was not in tehran, he was not even in yalta. for some reason, no one, no one there even thought that the aggressor country should be at the negotiating table, no, everything was just decided there and that's it. and somehow they put it before the fact, therefore russia should not be at the negotiating table, it should be there at the last stage, when she is told that the whole world is offering you this, there will be no other offer, and this is the only way really, and then when this offer is the last, it will be reinforced by the fact that if not, everything will just fly at you, like it happens when they really want to... stop, and not when they want to sign another dubious munich agreement, after which the next world war begins, so here we just have to
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decide what we want, the next world war or to stop everything anyway, such here, and finally the third thesis, which is also very active the russians are promoting the fact that, you know , they don't want to, well, for a long time now, they have been talking for several months about the fact that zelensky is not like that, that he somehow does not have the powers, and that something needs to be done with the verkhovna rada, well, now, in principle, you can say that this is the main thesis that they are trying to discuss not only there, they are trying to actively promote it in ukrainian society, it sounds like this. putin is ready to negotiate with no one, since zelensky himself has ceased to be
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legitimate. putin is not so frank about it spoke again, as he stated last friday. peskov said there is a legitimate government according to the ukrainian constitution. here he repeated the thesis of the president of russia according to the ukrainian constitution, this is the speaker of the verkhovna rada, stefanchuk. so, whoever the verkhovna rada delegates, we will be ready to communicate with them. what is wrong with this thesis? well, everything is wrong with her. first. er, not in russia, where there is simply no president at all, there is a tsar, to tell us what democracy is, secondly, well, you know, in our constitution and laws it is clearly written that the president acts until the election of a new president, well, if of course he didn't run away and die, since everything is fine with our president so far and
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will continue. so he will be there until a new president is elected, well, this is the reality, you know, this is how we actually have legislation, the president acts until a new president is elected, and why then are the russians so actively promoting all this, that stefanchuk is the only one there plenipotentiary, that only with the verkhovna rada, and remember when there was a situation where yanukovych fled, turchynov replaced him. all there functions, they then shouted, that this is usurpation of power, and now suddenly it is not usurpation of power, where is the logic, what is it? there is a nuance here, why do they talk about it? they talk about it because they have the impression that there are some forces in the verkhovna rada that are ready to come to an agreement with them and capitulate, well, we remember that
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the verkhovna rada still exists. associates of medvedchuk from opz are sitting there, they are still sitting there, yuriy boyko, serhii lyovichkin, others, they are still deputies, they are probably counting on them, especially since all the conversations that putin had there, most likely, this everything is that he threw his own, well, medvedchuk, medvedchuk has recently become very active in russia, he... was given, apparently, some new budgets, he developed simply enormous activity in the czech republic in the balkans, well, not only there, and this, apparently , now he is telling me again that my colleagues are sitting in the verkhovna rada, and it will be possible to come to an agreement with them, you know, this has already happened, because probably medvedchuk
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also told the kremlin what they were taking. zelensky, zelensky will surrender ukraine, well, he didn't surrender, as you can see, it didn't happen, he had to, literally to organize a large-scale attack on ukraine, and at that time medvedchuk said that our people were all around, they would surrender, the army would not fight, there was no one to fight, that’s who said it, medvedchuk, it didn’t turn out that way, they were hit on the head, now apparently they ... they are telling, here are all those who fled from ukraine, now they are telling that there are some people there to the verkhovna rada, if the verkhovna rada will decide something, then of course they will capitulate, yes, yes, because they are like that, well dude, nothing will work out that way, it won't happen that way, absolutely, but that's why there are conversations that are completely speculative, so they should be understood. you know,
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well, one more, one more such mythological story that sits in putin’s head, well , god, so it’s so relevant now, well, what happens, you know, when this mythology falls, when it breaks into pieces and reality breaks it, after that they start talking about how they didn't want to attack kyiv, you remember, at first they shouted kyiv in three days, kyiv in 3 days, and look at it now... we are not trying to conquer ukraine, we are not we are trying to deprive them of their statehood, we are not trying to deprive them of their sovereignty as such, although they did not have any, we are not trying to conquer western europe, we are conducting a police operation.


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