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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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but what do you think, is there a chance that aid to ukraine could once again become hostage to some internal political issues? politics is politics, and the rules of congress are the rules of congress. nothing can ever be completely guaranteed. yes, it's possible that things like the southern border will come back and people will push for legislation to protect the united states before we deal with keeping other countries safe. this agreement is a declaration of intent. at the same time, there is an article that says that either party can withdraw from this agreement at any time, warning the other in six months. what do you see as the political risks in this, and is it possible that with a change in the political climate or political leadership, the us will cancel the agreement? exactly. remember what happened when president biden took office. the very next day
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he simply rescinded all of president trump's executive orders to close or severely restrict the us-mexico border, which could be similar here, president trump, if re-elected, could rescind this deal, so it's so important that it be binding treaty, like the nato treaty, which everyone understands and support, so in the end we have to achieve ukraine's membership in nato itself, which is something permanent and long-lasting. watch the full interview with. walker, as well as other exclusive materials of the voice of america on our website and in social networks. and the kremlin is deepening ties with north korea. russian president putin arrived in byeongyang for the first time in 24 years of his rule. he promised to increase trade with north korea and help the regime resist us sanctions. my colleague oleksiy kovalenko is following these events. hello, alexei last week world leaders.
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the leaders of the western democratic world gathered for the summit of the sami group in italy, as well as for a peace conference in switzerland. can we say that this visit by putin to the dprk and then to communist vietnam is a kind of message, a message of the future about the further unification of autocracies and dictatorial regimes. congratulations, maria, that's right, many call this visit symbolic, and here the most important question is what exactly this visit symbolizes. yes, this is the second visit in history. the existence of the russian federation, the second visit of the leader russia to north korea, this is the second visit of vladimir putin, he first visited north korea in 2000, after such a period in the 90s there was a cooling in the relations between north korea and russia, and now this is the second visit, this is such a visit - the answer, the answer to the former visit of the leader of north korea, kimchin inin, to russia in september of last year, of course , the leaders of russia and north
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korea will discuss such issues as economic cooperation, military cooperation, and precisely with regard to military cooperation, which is important here moment, because press in north korea published an article by vladimir putin in which he thanks north korea for supporting russia during russia's war against ukraine. and actually, here it is worth mentioning that during the last 2.5 years of the full-scale war of russia against ukraine, the cooperation between the two regimes, between russia and with north korea , both economic and agricultural cooperation have increased, and an important moment , military cooperation has increased. many experts say that this could be such an expansion of the levels of cooperation between the two countries, and some even call it such an extension of the honeymoon between north korea and russia in the relations between the two countries. actually, i suggest listening to the opinion of an expert from south korea on this matter. kanga. special relations between north
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korea and russia are taking shape. it's a honeymoon between north korea and russia, which continues because of the war in ukraine, and the visit can be seen as a way to expand relations. sanctions have been imposed against north korea at the un level, and it is likely that these un sanctions could also be applied to russia, however, with china siding with russia and north korea, i think this is unlikely. in the current situation, i think that the international community can feel a certain sense of helplessness due to the fact that there are no special means at the un level, except for the strengthening of sanctions against russia. oleksiy, can we expect that vladimir putin and kimchenin will agree on the further supply of north korean weapons to russia, for its war of aggression in ukraine. yes, in fact, so there is an expectation that negotiations will take place between. and the leaders of north korea and russia
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will conduct themselves regarding north korea's supply of weapons to russia, we have already heard, we have already heard a lot of expert opinions and a lot of data. that north korean weapons are already being supplied to russia, we have seen statements by the prosecutor general's office of ukraine that north korean weapons have already been used in russia's war against ukraine. and there are many factors that contribute to military cooperation between russia and north korea. first of all, the two countries are already subject to maximum sanctions from western countries and the vast majority of countries in the world, that is, they are not special concerned about future sanctions in this regard. second, north korea's economy, uh... is completely militarized, and north korea produces a very significant amount of weapons, and third, north korea's weapons, they are compatible with most of the russian weapons, because they were built on soviet, soviet models, and they can use, russia can
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use north korean weapons in their own in their systems, and last fall we heard from south korean intelligence that... north korea was supplying russia already about 1 million guns. oleksiy, how is this visit commented on in the white house? yes, in fact, we heard from the white house that this visit is a potential expansion of military cooperation and a danger for both korea and ukraine. i suggest listening to a quote from the white house. i am not surprised that putin went to north korea after his own. the so-called elections, it looks like an attempt to flirt, we are not concerned about this trip, what really concerns us is the steady deepening of relations between these countries, not only because of the influence that it will have on the ukrainian people, because we know that north korean ballistic missiles, everything that is used to hit ukrainian
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facilities, but also because russia can provide support in response, and this can affect the security of the korean peninsula, so far we did not see any specific actions at'. in practice, but obviously we'll be watching it very, very closely. oleksii, thank you for your analysis, it was oleksii kovalenko. these days, ukraine received assurances from the g7 allies and the united states regarding new aid. yes, countries of the group seven agreed to provide a $50 billion loan with... using russian assets, and donors are mobilizing investments in reconstruction. our economic columnist oksana bedratenko will tell you more about this. oksana, hello. over the past years, ukraine has built a number of anti-corruption institutions and is carrying out certain reforms in this area. do western allies believe that ukraine has really
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made progress in fighting corruption? yes, precisely to explain to the world that ukraine has really succeeded. in its efforts to combat corruption is a strategic task for of the country's communications, observers believe, and it is indeed worth noting that ukraine has improved its position in the corruption perception index, which is calculated by transparency international, and a recent survey conducted by the international republican institute in ukraine showed an improvement in the situation with corruption on the ground, the vast majority of adults surveyed from 79 . up to 93% in all regions where surveys were conducted said that they had not personally encountered any manifestations of corruption, especially local corruption, but this question remains, and it is worth it. to note that many in the west
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believe that corruption in ukraine is even worse than it really is. i spoke with an expert from the marsh foundation institute. josh rudolph, who said that the west often overlooks the progress ukraine has made in this area over the past 10 years. many understand that this is a difficult challenge that ukrainians have been working very hard on for the past 10 years, and have created more anti-corruption institutions in the past 10 years than any other country in 10 years. united states. and the countries of the west needed 200 years to to create similar powerful, independent and accountable institutions. the west does not understand this enough. unfortunately, there are those who began to learn about ukraine's accusations of corruption only in 2019, in the context
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of the polarizing and manipulative coverage of the first impeachment of the then us president donald trump. yes, this issue has become known in the usa at the national level. such people... greatly exaggerate the problem, they may believe that corruption in ukraine is as bad as in russia, this is delusional, they are unaware of progress, this is a challenge to of strategic communication, which we are working on... tell me, please, how ukraine's communication in this area was affected by the resignations of a number of officials who were engaged in the actual restoration of ukraine? yes, the events of last week were a real blow to ukraine's strategic communications in this area - says rudolph, because at the main conference on the restoration of ukraine , there was no profile head of the department and also his deputies, mustafa nayem resigned before it happened. will hold this conference complained about the obstacles in his work, rudolph says that this became a signal
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to donors that it is not necessary to rely on personnel and interpersonal relations, but to ensure that the agency's independence from political influence is enshrined at the legislative level. the events of last week were led by very professional anti-corruption reformers. to this most transparent system of procurement of materials for reconstruction, which the world has not seen. it was a dream. they created a liquidation fund that was well managed. now that the leadership has been removed, we must to see the preservation of these important aspects, and perhaps the consolidation of the independence of this agency. independence needs to be enshrined in law, as well as a competitive leadership selection process that will involve foreign experts, just as we advocate. corrupt institutions from political influence, we need this and more. obviously, the president's office is not ready
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to advance these priorities on its own, so it should be an important part of the donor conditions of the us and the european union. well, how exactly do experts advise to protect the institution from political influence? the us government, for example, cites the example of oil and gas of ukraine. us deputy secretary of state geoffrey paet told my colleague miroslava gongadze about this. naftogaz is a company that has had huge problems in the past, in part because russia used gas transit and gas sales as a vector of corruption to keep the people of ukraine under control. the answer to this is the construction of a corporate governance structure that meets the highest eu and oecd standards. the head of naftogaz chernyshov is committed to this goal. he created a new stupid administration which is trusted by the international community. partners, this does not mean that the problem has been solved, but you can look at the results of naftogaz activity for
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the past year, for the first time domestic gas production by naftogaz increased. i can't tell you if these are new molecules or if they are molecules that have not been reported before, but either way, this is a positive development that shows progress. thank you, oksana, it was oksana bedratenko. former us president donald trump faces prison terms. formerly a trial by jury in new york found him guilty of falsifying business records in the case of payment of hush money to porn actress stormy daniels. the lawsuit casts uncertainty over trump's campaign and his chances in the upcoming election. details are further in the plot. donald trump was recognized. guilty of falsifying business records as part of a conspiracy to cover up damaging information before the 2016 election, the verdict
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comes amid the throes of this year's presidential campaign and raises the question of how trump will be able to continue campaigning if he is sent to prison. former federal prosecutor steven cohen believes that it is not worth expecting that trump will be imprisoned soon. after the trial will be intense. political drama than a story about the fate of donald trump as a result of this verdict. the announcement of trump's punishment is scheduled for july 11. legal experts say that if he is sentenced to prison, the term will be much shorter than the maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. if you take into account his age and lack of criminal history, you should not
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expect a long term or a long one punishment. others point to the prison term already served by trump's former personal attorney, michael cohen, as a precedent for punishing trump himself. it is very rare for a subordinate in a conspiracy to receive a prison term , no. donald trump. was at the head of this criminal conspiracy and michael cohen served a serious term of months behind bars, so the judge who chooses the punishment in mr. trump's case has some precedent. an alternative to prison. there could be probation, house arrest or a fine, but most likely none the sentence will not be carried out until the end of the appeals process, which may end as soon as the november 5 election. whatever sentence is handed down next month will affect the other three criminal cases against donald trump. the fact of this
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conviction, if it remains on the record, could lead to a potentially longer prison term in future cases. so there will be consequences, after all. now he will have a criminal record, his criminal history is taken into account when sentencing. speaking of the other allegations against trump made at at the federal and state levels, the trial on the mishandling of classified documents has been postponed for an even longer period of time. ivanna pidborska, yulia yarmolenko, tina green, voice of america. 46 mobile medical teams provide medical services to residents of the frontline towns and villages of ukraine. they were organized by the american charitable organization project hope. usually, the brigades consist of narrow-profile specialists who are difficult for local residents to reach due to the war-damaged infrastructure, says yaroslava movchan a minibus with medics from
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the american organization project hope passes by. gutted private houses and a burned-out high-rise building, doctors are heading to the polyclinic of one of the front-line cities , many patients have gathered in the local medical institution, pensioner serhiy mishin is waiting for an appointment with a cardiologist, the latter was with the doctor even before the war. i have been sick since 2002, i had a heart attack, my health is not very good, the test is sometimes elevated, sometimes decreased, i want to get a consultation. lor oleksandr minav and nurse tetiana are working in the office next door tkacheva during the appointment, the doctor can examine from 15 to 30 patients. look, the boy is 12 years old, he does not speak through his nose at all, he was not helped properly. for the locals, says anton's mother lyudmila, such visits
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by doctors are not only useful, but also very convenient. stood in line, but you're at home, you don't need to take a bus, so go to slovyansk, that or further, there's a line there, and you're tied to public transport. as part of this mobile brigade of the american organization project hope, specialized doctors from kramatorsk, group curator yulia dymnich, program coordinator of this international institution. the front line is my family. no matter what it's called, the donetsk region is mine, and i wouldn't trade it for anything, because there are people here, those whom i feel, i am among them, i feel myself in this environment. yulia comes to kramatorsk from dnipro, every time they stay in the apartment where she lived before the war, her house
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is located next to the pizzeria, which was destroyed by the russians in june of last year. i was. that day in the city of kramatorsk, the windows on the ninth floor opened for me, which were tightly closed from the shock wave. her way to the office passes by the dilapidated riya pizza restaurant, i thought something about it, the waiters are probably angry just for... you know, they increase our hatred, they don't scare us. yulia has been working at project hop since the beginning of the great war. an international non-governmental organization from the usa then opened its representative office in the donetsk region. these are donetsk, zaporizhzhya, dnipropetrovsk
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regions, regions such as nikopol, which are constantly under fire, so we work under fire. let's say so. we also provide assistance to the population in the form of fuel briquettes, hygiene kits, bottled water. after the victory, yulia dreams of returning to donetsk, where she left with her family in 2014, her eldest son was born there, the youngest is already in kramatorsk. project hop organized 46 mobile medical teams that... help the population of the frontline regions of ukraine. during the two years of the war, doctors examined 24,000 patients in donetsk region. in general, the american organization passed. in the field of medicines and medical equipment worth almost half a billion uah. yaroslava movchank, dmytro glushko from donetsk region for voice of america. download
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the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, and listen to podcasts. voice of america ukrainian service. we conclude with this. maria prus worked for you in the studio. see other stories of the ukrainian voice of america service on our website and social networks. also subscribe to our youtube and telegram channels. and connect every day to the broadcasts of the briefing program, where you can ask questions to our presenters live and receive interesting comments and. answers from various experts. thank you for your trust, see you on the air.
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joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to do to quarrel let's get out, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is every thursday ot... 21:15 velikiy lviv speaks in the project on the espresso tv channel.
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another russian terminals. from transshipment of oil products, explosions also rang out in crimea. what prospects for the deoccupation of the peninsula will the f-16 open for ukraine. the peace process and kremlin ultimatums. the global peace summit in switzerland divided the world over the issue of support for ukraine. can putin be invited to the next summit? tax increases are inevitable. the budget deficit of uah 200 billion forces the ukrainian government to look for additional sources of income, which will lead to increasing the tax burden on business during wartime? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine,
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the world, the war, and ours. victory mykola knyazhytskyi, the people's deputy of ukraine, oleg penzyn, the economist, and general ihor romanenko will be on our broadcast today. let's talk about ukraine, about the world, about the results, the foreign policy results that were in history, literally a week ago, in the history of the ukrainian state and all that history. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how this night in russia... in the rostov region, drones hit an oil depot in the city of azov, there were at least five explosions, let's see how it was.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these sites, please subscribe to ours page, and also take part in our survey. today we ask you this: is it justified to raise taxes in time of war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, and if you have your own personal opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv,
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grab your smartphone or phones. vote if you think wartime tax increases are justified (0800-211-381) no (0800-211-382) all calls to these numbers are free, vote. at the end of the program, we will pick you up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada subcommittee on cultural policy. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. hello, thank you for the invitation. well, since we 're asking. of our television viewers on whether they think a wartime tax increase is justified, let's blitz poll whether you think it's a move that's being projected, that's already being proposed, and is discussed, there is no blitz here, because on the one hand, ukraine has one of the lowest taxes in europe and in many other countries, on the other hand, on the other hand, citizens do not always want to pay them when they see reports of corruption, so the issue is not only in
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taxes , questions in hell. taxes in the transparency of the budget, in the transparency of their distribution, if it is, then in this case it can be justified, if it is not, and there is distrust, then it will be the same as what happens with the tsc, when we all understand that serving in army, protecting the country is everyone's duty citizen, but the state continues to treat citizens as slaves, as it was once in some empires, when people were captured, instead, having a wonderful recruitment tool that works very well, they give a third of all through. belief is not using it enough, so from my point of view, we need funds, we need a budget even to pay our armed forces, but if we learn to trust our citizens, then we can also raise taxes. thank you, mr. mykola, let's start ours a conversation from a trip, from a visit, or rather, vladimir putin.


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