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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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do not always want to pay them when they see reports of corruption, so the issue is not only in taxes, the issue is in the administration of taxes, in the transparency of the budget, in the transparency of their distribution, if it will be, then in this case it can be justified, if it will not be and there will be mistrust, then it will be the same as what is happening with tsk, when we all understand that serving in the army, protecting the country is the duty of every citizen, but the state continues to treat citizens as slaves, as it was. once upon a time in some empires when people have been caught, instead, having a wonderful recruiting tool that works very well, giving a third of everyone because of persuasion, not enough people are using it, so from my point of view, we need the funds, we need the budget even to pay our armed forces, but if we will learn to trust our citizens, then we will be able to raise taxes. thank you, mr. mykola, let's start our conversation with the trip, with the visit, or rather, vladimir putin. to
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north korea, this is the first visit of a russian leader to the territory in the last 24 years china is a korean gift to the people's democratic republic, and the russian dictator, on the eve of the visit , published an article in which he praised this country for supporting the aggressor in the war against ukraine. putin stated that he is ready for close cooperation with north korea in order to make international relations more democratic and stable. we highly appreciate what the dprk is, writes putin. strongly supports russia's military special operation in ukraine, expressing solidarity with us on major international issues and following a single line and positions in the un. so, two or three days after putin started talking about some kind of peace talks about, well, in the ultimate form about peace talks with ukraine, he went to actually shape a new message of evil, or rather to shape the one that had already formed, that’s how it is looks like this? well, obviously. they say their own to their own
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dictator putin went to the dictator kimchenin, went to the dictator kimchenir, before that, to his father, it is obvious that these are two anti-people regimes for their countries, these are two regimes that want the destruction of the world order, who are really part of this axis of evil, and find someone bigger, who has no values, destroys his own people, and wants and threatens the world, including with nuclear weapons, than the north. it's hard to imagine, well, it's only russia, that's why these are two acrobat brothers, as they say, putin and the leader of the north, well, that is, no peace, no negotiations with putin can be discussed now, although we know that at the global summit of peace urged ukraine to enter into negotiations with russia federation, part of the participants of this global summit and encouraged the fact that peace must be negotiated with the other side, you are... a supporter of what,
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in general, are such negotiations with the russian side necessary and at what stage, and what should be the subject of such negotiations? well, i am convinced that you can talk about peace with someone who wants it, and with someone who is ready to approach it from the point of view of the justice of international law, it is definitely not putin, he himself is not ready for any peace, all his ultimatums, they look awful, sam the party summit is a positive event, because quite a lot of people supported us. country, on the other hand, we can clearly see that the communique is different from zelenskyi's peace plan, i just support zelenskyi's peace plan, but not the communique that was at this forum, because the communique was prepared based on those misleading proposals prepared by china , and they waited until the last for the presence of china at the forum, because of this they made such a rather soft communique, and thereby, i think, even worsened the international situation that was after session of the un, where... they voted for harsher
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communiqués, where russia was directly called an aggressor, here too, it is true, there is a paragraph about it, but everything else that is proposed is neither about the occupation nor the return of funds to ukraine, what is in this final communique of the forum no, because it was obvious that china would not sign it, although it was obvious to me that china would not come there, because china, like south korea, is in fact also an undemocratic, totalitarian, autocratic country that supports russia, maybe not so much obviously, because they are not transferring weapons, but... they transfer technology, they transfer household equipment, they transfer dual -purpose goods, funds, so china , just like north korea, obviously supports the russian dictatorial regime and was not going to be at this forum. well, but taking into account the rather tense foreign policy week that passed, and we saw that several events took place this week. recovery conference.
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of ukraine in germany, then the meeting of the big seven, then ramstein-23, then the ukraine-nato council, and the global peace summit, and we signed agreement with the united states of america, the so-called security agreement. can we say that in the consciousness of our western partners, or part of our western partners, there have been some radical changes that prompt them to help ukraine more, to emphasize more that ukraine must defend itself with their weapons and in this situation the truth is on their side of ukraine, is it still... tempting, we are somewhere at the same point, just an accumulation of events that indicate that, well, it happened that in one week ukraine became the center of attention of several international forums. no, in general, if you do not take the peace summit, in which i also did not see any great evil, and the fact that
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there were many countries that support us, it is positive, exactly, but all other events were more positive, because after the elections in the european parliament, where the so-called right did not take place. anshu, and those right-wing european forces that passed there are forces that, like the party of italian prime minister meleni, support ukraine, despite the fact that they are right-wing, in general i believe that since these elections to the european parliament, the situation has changed in favor of ukraine, both at the g7 forum and in berlin, people everywhere talked about supporting ukraine, and signed a number of agreements, so in general , the support of the western world and democracy is not falling. simply. so we are constantly hesitating between whether we need to find support in the western world, or whether we need to continue dancing around china and the global south, and it is clear that we need to build diplomatic relations with them, try to, but wait for their help is not worth it, but it
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is definitely worth waiting for help from the united states and european countries, and they have now testified that there will be more of this help, including military, so from this point of view, this is a positive week for ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi according to the results of the peace summit. announced the preparation of the next steps, and he said that he had already held a meeting after the global peace summit in switzerland, let's hear what zelensky said. now there are no breaks, in fact, we already have a preliminary work schedule for the summer months we will not slow down the pace, we will keep communication with partners as active as before. ukraine never wants. bodies of this war and it is natural that the most longs for a just peace, and we see that it is possible, we are bringing peace closer, during the visit to switzerland, during the global peace summit, and volodymyr
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zelenskyi and andriy yermak talked about what is possible on the second representatives of russia will be involved in the peace summit in order to start some kind of conversation about peace, you are supportive. that at this second summit peace, which will be well at the end of the year, obviously there should be the russian federation, or if so, in what status should this country be represented and what should we talk about with them? in general , it seems to me that this peace summit was once prepared with the expectation of our successful counteroffensive and the fact that many countries of the world will accept russian capitalization, and i support this approach, that is, i hope that the key to victory is still in our hands. the armed forces of ukraine, if there is sufficient support for the armed forces of ukraine and ours, ours the armed struggle will be successful, i believe in it, then it is possible to accept russia's capitulation there, or maybe fix some other status quo, which i don't fully understand, because i
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don't have the impression that russia wants to stop, if we don't show tough force, even if they want to stop in some way to fix it, i think it will be unrealistic. it is impossible, because we will never recognize the territories occupied by the aggressor country as not ours, and they will not agree to it either, because they are written in them completely illegally and it's unfair in their constitution, that's why putin doesn't name these four regions, because they wrote these four regions all in the constitution, so they will continue to think that this is the territory of russia, and we, obviously, together with the whole democratic world, will claim that it is and there is that this is the territory of ukraine, so expect such a big fast. i would not make peace, although it is obvious that there is fatigue from this war in the russian federation as well, we do not know how much their economy suffers, because it is closed, i hope which is suffering a lot, including from sanctions, the fact that the west has imposed additional sanctions on china, on certain chinese financial structures on the visa
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of chinese cars, and europe, and the united states of america, i think this is quite positive, this is a good sign for china in that it is not necessary to support russia as an aggressor country, and i believe... that sanctions will work, when sanctions were imposed against the financial sector of the russian federation, we see that the ruble jumped there and the yuan became the main currency of china, that's all must somehow influence on... on them, but so far nothing is affecting their crazy, as far as i can tell. well, in the meantime, the prime minister of italy, giorgia maloni , emphasized at the peace summit that the achievement of peace should not be confused with the subjugation of one country, another, because it would create a dangerous precedent for everyone. let's listen to ms. maloney. protecting ukraine means protecting the system of rules that unites the international community and protects everyone. country, if ukraine could not count on our support and would be forced to capitulate,
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today we would not be here to discuss minimum terms for negotiations, we would simply be discussing the invasion of a sovereign state, and we can all imagine the consequences. dear colleagues, peace does not mean surrender, as president putin seems to suggest in his latest statements. by the way, the day before... a number of mass media provided an incorrect simultaneous translation of melonia's words, if russia does not agree to these principles, we will force it to surrender, well, at least that's how it was translated, and our journalist yuri fizer, after listening again miloni's speech, said that all this was incorrectly translated and incorrectly distributed, well, of course, we would like the western countries to say to our western partners that if russia does not agree to these principles, we will force... it to surrender, well yes i would like to, but obviously this will not happen, and judging by the rhetoric of putin himself, what he
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said on the eve of the global peace summit, this is such an ultimatum two: the first was in december 21st, when he spoke about the fact that nato is not the east should expand, and that russia's sphere of influence should remain in that including in ukraine, and mr. mykola, literally a day after the global... putin's godfather peace summit and the former head of the banned opzh party viktor medvedchuk in an interview with tas called for the occupation of odesa and other cities if ukraine does not will agree to the capitulation proposed by putin, i will quote mr. medvedchuk. russia's security interests dictate the need for further hostilities to combat the neo-nazi regime in order to achieve complete demilitarization and de-nazification. at the same time, it is clearly visible that the interests of the zelenskyi regime and the interests of the ukrainian people. they are the exact opposite, ukrainians want peace, and zelenskyi is with the western leaders of war, even at the cost
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of exterminating the ukrainian people, and this people needs to be freed from this criminal nazi government. medvedchuk is nobody in the current situation, but those who represent opzh in the ukrainian government, in the verkhovna rada and in local self-government bodies, as of the 20th year, more than 4 thousand deputies of various levels were elected. these people joined some factions, created some... new factions, some new groups, but they are in power, which should say what the ukrainian government should do so that those people who represent medvedchuk and remain in the ukrainian government are not in this government after all. well, first of all, it seems to me that, returning to putin's quote, this is a quote about weakness, and medvedchuk was released specifically to show someone, not in putin's words, that no, putin does not give up, because putin himself is already talking about denazification this time and demilitarization is nothing like that. he didn't say, he talked about the four regions, about membership in nato, and me everything seems to be so, which obviously also makes
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his statement absolutely shameful, but for me this statement by putin was to some extent putin's tantrum, a way to demonstrate that they are ready to gradually back down, because they really wanted all of ukraine, and now they are only saying about four regions, which is unacceptable, shameful, no one will talk to him about it, but for this it was a step back, and when there was no reaction to him, they released medvedchuk the bear to show that no... then no, we let's stand our ground so that it doesn't look like it as a humiliation of the russian federation, as regards the members of the opz, well, obviously these people should not be in the authorities, we even submitted a corresponding draft law, but they are beneficial to the authorities, because when the authorities do not have enough votes, they are always ready to give these votes, which means , and here are the hostages of the government, the political hostages of the government in the form of former deputies of the opzzh of all levels, well, they continue to work, and it seems to me that this is a certain short-sightedness. authorities, because at any moment they will be a weapon in the hands of the occupier. well, by the way, the committee of voters
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of ukraine calculated that representatives of the opzh, or the former opzh, or the current opzh, in the verkhovna rada, they hold 30 positions, there are deputy heads of parliamentary committees, secretaries of parliamentary committees, and here it is absolutely incomprehensible, well, a collision, because the opz party is officially banned in ukraine , she. is hostile and one that works against ukraine, and the deputies who were elected from this party continue to write the laws by which society lives, continue to be involved in state... secrets, well, that is, very there are many questions about why, why exactly they are sitting there, despite the fact that obviously medvedchuk plans to return to ukraine, judging by his rhetoric, it is obvious that he plans to lead some temporary, temporary some kind of government there, well, this is very dangerous the entire large network of opz
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that exists in ukraine, and obviously, obviously, this should be a decision made either at the level... or at the level of the president, well, that is, it should not be like this during the war, well, in principle , it should not be like this, even if there was no war, it shouldn't be like that, it's obvious that you they said that they write laws, i don't think they write anything, they vote for the authorities for what the authorities ask for, they themselves don't write anything, but at the local level, when they occupied our cities and towns, the greatest number of collaborators were from the representatives of this political force, it is obvious and understandable why, now these collaborators really sit in the verkhovna rada, they are simply demoralized. society, but as i already said, the authorities need them, so they are used simply, and they are happy to serve in order not to go to prison. and if their powers or their deputy mandates were nullified, this means that further on this list other people would have to enter, or in some way, well, the verkhovna rada could solve this issue, well, relatively speaking,
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remove them from the vote and remove them from the leadership these, look, you can remove them from the leadership, but they did not give leadership. committees of the pro-ukrainian opposition, for example, european solidarity, there was one chairman of the european integration committee and that was it, and there were no deputies there, there was no one, and now no, they no longer want to vote for it, and they are giving away all positions and all seats to opzzh, it can be done without any changes to the laws, it can be done simply by a decision of the verkhovna rada itself, where the majority belongs to the servant of the people faction. as for legislative restrictions, this is already the interpretation of the constitutional court, there are many different ways in which, when it is possible not to... deprive them of their parliamentary powers, but to deprive them of participation in the meetings of the verkhovna rada in order not to have this influence, in principle, a lot was said about it and was proposed, but, as i have already said, the authorities are not ready to do this, so now this issue can be said to have died, but the issue with the heads and deputy heads of committees with leading positions held by members of the faction of the former opzh is certainly not dead, we we talk about it all the time, but so far
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we haven't been able to convince the majority, to become our like-minded people here, and so far, i understand, you haven't been able to. convince the majority and become like-minded about the bill on the restriction of religious organizations, or on the ban religious organizations that have a connection with the aggressor country, we are talking specifically about the ban of the russian orthodox church, the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, they are afraid to vote for it, well, various reasons, the influence of this russian orthodox church is very large, as a rule, their lobbyists have a financial impact. have the opportunity to distribute funds to the deputies, yes, in addition, they have the opportunity to threaten, they have the opportunity to promise, someone hopes that the russian popes will help them to win the next election, since we helped to choose the previous one, to win the previous election, we were promised that after the 20th, when we have a prayer breakfast, we will return to this issue, the majority promised it,
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we will see if we return or not, but of course everything it already looks like a farce, and simply the infiltration... of the agents of the russian empire and this church in the state structure is huge, when the state structures officially write to us a demand to enter into law the actual legislative approval of the activities of the russian church in ukraine and the fact that it is not subject to this law, and this was a proposal of a government structure, it is difficult to call such proposals anything other than vandalism and anti-ukrainian activity. what they are most afraid of is that we have a rule that says that we have to ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine, er,... for reasons of national security protection, this is exactly the rule that is in the convention on protection of human rights and in the practice of the european court of human rights, this is what they are most afraid of: they are demanded to be removed from the name of the law, they are demanded to be removed from the body of the law, and if these norms are removed from the name and the body of the law, then they will very easily later say that there is a persecution of christians in our country, as
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the journalists bought by them in various countries say, and not a ban on the criminal organization of the russian orthodox church with complete freedom from telling, which was how we had it, and i hope it will remain so in the future, what threatens the existence, the further existence of the branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine? well, first of all, it's a huge spy network, it's huge an ideological network, it is a network through which all these problems with mobilization occur in our country, including, it is a network through which our cities are destroyed and hints are given about what is happening where, it is a network through which disbelief in our victory is instilled to ukrainian society, all these are huge threats and the security service of ukraine has repeatedly confirmed this. thank you, mr. mykola, for the conversation, it was mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on telekanaluso. and i suggest watching a small plot, deep intelligence, a unit that makes hot waste of the enemy, their work is difficult to capture, and its results cannot
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be overestimated. our correspondents managed to talk with the intelligence officer of the first separate brigade of special forces named after ivan bohun, his story from the first mouth. let's see. i think, i will go, i will go, i drive up to the checkpoint, do you want to go to the army, i say, i want, not tomorrow, i say, the day after tomorrow, because i am off, that's it, the military commissar came, okay, go through the commission, that's all, i i say, okay, i'll pass, only i'll come and that's it, well, let's start my sister-in-law in the zhytomyr military commissariat, i already went there... zocheriyas with nothing, just like that, they sent us twice, back there, back there, the third time they took me away, and that’s it, yes,
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my fate has begun, it’s a pity, how do you look at it on the map, that's all, that's all, where have you been, how is it all, well, they have resources, they understand how the gang had you, they don't know what to do. they are not frightened idiots, no , they did everything, they are standing still, they do not accept any movements, that is, something , what, some tactics, maybe they they apply it to him unfathomably, that is, they have a resource, these chumps are there, and they put them. it wasn't, but now they fly over you like swarms, well, you can't even open your neck and it makes no sense, that is, if he needs to overwhelm you,
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then he will overwhelm you alone, before when they let two or three pass, you go to the position of two- three is understandable, he can see a little more, he starts to pour mines or orta work there, now one on one, on two people, at least it was six months ago, he can already spend... half a hail of cassettes so that they do not reach the position, then they are something they are afraid, some people there say, i am not made for war, who is made, who is made, you just need something of your own, all this, this, this is what you need, training means you were sent to someone, you were sent there for something, you learned that, that's why, that's why, there 's a lot, you're not needed, that's all...
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where did you go, arta, where are you talking about, this is an ordinary school program for the eighth grade, about 360°, you're talking out of time, if there's something sitting there that you don't know, give it to him they are already telling what it is, where the gun is going straight stands at 12 and went to work. to work in the rear of the enemy, to get to the rear, to do something there, some task, if there is only one task there, let's say, go
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there and see this, that, that, and if you can also win, then you can win right away , this is our task, it’s a small one, it’s, well, if they don’t show it on tv, but they made a good mess there, yes... you can make your own plan there, and we did it, if you have a head and hands, legs, damn it, physical, some kind of elementary, oh my god, with pleasure, p pleasure, people just don't want to go, but i don't know why they are there, nobody sends him to death, they will teach him, they will coach him, watch him, because he is not needed there either. it's called, i can't understand it, demotivated, what can be the motivation, if the enemy has come to the house, that's all, the enemy has entered your country, what can be
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a separate motivation? "i wasn't born for war, we were all born, but now we all have an army, everyone, i generally glue billboards, from the ladder the eyes are high, here, and yes, well, i just don't understand it, friends, it was scout of the first separate brigade of special forces named after ivan bohun. friends, we continue to work live on the channel as well as on our platforms" and on facebook, and for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to the pages on these platforms and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, is it justified to raise taxes during the war? please comment below this video if you are watching us on tv or somewhere else on streaming platforms
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please vote by: phone or by phone or smartphone 0800 211 381 if you think the wartime tax increase is justified, no 0.800 211 382 unless justified. next, we will be in touch with oleg penzyn, economist, executive director of the economic discussion club. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i also sincerely congratulate you. good evening. good evening. mr. oleg, let's start our conversation with a brief summary. the sanctions of our western partners against the russian federation, which were introduced on june 12, 2024, what conclusions can we draw now, the first conclusions from what has happened over the past few days, is it true that the russian economy is already starting to yuanize, well, it has started to ionize somewhere from about the middle of the 22nd year. when
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the fate of the oil, which the russian federation currently sells, i want to remind you that oil is the main budget-generating income, it is the main budget-forming product of the russian federation, in fact, a large share of oil began to flow to china, this is one moment, the second, after european brands... of complex equipment, cars, household appliances, spare parts, left the russian market, or because sanctions restrictions, or purely from a moral point of view, the chinese began to take their place quite actively, it should be understood that the chinese also began
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to conduct all calculations within the scope of this measure. in the national currency of china, i.e. thus really today the ionization of the russian economy is actively taking place. well, by the way, this fact was confirmed by the official statement of the central bank of the russian federation, after the sanctions imposed on the moscow interbank currency exchange and the national clearing center essentially destroyed the mechanism of market pricing of the russian ruble against the dollar. and at that moment there were quite serious problems related to the possibility of forming a market rate, to which the central bank of the russian federation said: "and we don't care about the dollar, we are currently concerned only with the yuan, and the main peg of the russian ruble will actually be only to the yuan, all the latter will be calculated. actually, this is another sign that, let's be honest,
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russia is slowly losing its economic sovereignty, that is, this yuanization of the economy, if you and i remember that the yuan is a currency with limited convertibility, that is, for example, the yuan cannot settle, for example, in any other foreign trade transactions with another country, neither with turkey nor with the arab emirates, with whom else does the russian federation trade, actually the yuan is the currency at best in mutual... settlements between the russian federation and china, and for every export transaction on chinese products, which is paid in yuan, an individual license of the people's bank of china, so there are actually quite big complications related to these transactions, the dollar, that is , mr. oleg, i understand correctly that in this case it becomes absolutely clear why china supported the war.


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