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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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and the assistants monitor every scandalous vote of this kind, where the servants of the people do not have enough votes, because they have been divided for a long time, 35 votes from the opzh side are added to all the scandalous votes, and they receive their 250, 255 votes in the hall as a result, and this is the key they are, well, diamt, you understand, they are polishing this diamond, this group of 35 votes of opz deputies, they have a name. prisoners of war, because they have no slack, even, they have to sit and press the buttons for all the bills that the office of the president requires in the first place, so this a completely transparent question, there is no need for any other version, there cannot be any, they are needed, you understand, because if they were not there, then it would be necessary to have a reasoned discussion with them. with the homeland, and then there would
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really be a lot of completely anti-ukrainian laws, they would not be passed in this version with such amendments, with such nuances in the verkhovna rada, as they were passed with the help of 35 votes, magic wand diamt, well, that is, they are hostages of the current government, that's right, well, you understand how they were told, either you vote for each draft law, or we open cases against each of you, nationalization. well , nestor shufrych is already accused of treason, he is sitting in prison, as far as i understand, there is already a precedent, a vivid example, serhiy, this is just a demonstration of what will happen to anyone who simply refuses to comply in reality, although i think that there stand aside, i hope that we will still wait for the decisions on the opz, because this issue is one way or another... to decide,
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people who represent a party banned in ukraine cannot sit and pass laws, this in general, it breaks the entire structure, this morality of the government, you understand, well, you can’t vote with your enemies on 95% of your laws, well, it’s immoral, it’s cynical in general, you understand, that’s what we’re talking about, mrs. galina, please, here you could ask a rhetorical question the question of what the motherland faction did, what did it do. there is a faction in order to expel the oppositionists from the council, but i have another question, i will not ask this question, i will ask a question, do you think that these pro-russian traitors should continue to influence politics in ukraine even after the victory , after war, and what exactly is your position on the anti-kremlin lustration, i'm very interested to hear that, and i'm very interested to see how you, the faction, will vote.
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well, from opzzh, well, seriously, well, this is a question for me for your needs, well, it just sounds funny, but honestly, you know that we are now saying absolutely true, fair things, now that we have been doing, we have 27 people, yes , we constantly talk about the need to pass a law banning the moscow church, we collect signatures, so far mono the majority of these signatures are no no... for this week, the next two weeks, the parliament will not work, they reviewed it, now again, so the issue is already being postponed for the month of july, as i understand it, that is precisely why we changed our schedule, that we are not we are meeting in a week, not in two, but in three, precisely in connection with the fact that, in order not to bring it to the agenda of the people there. who
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lobbies on this issue, sometimes it is not novinsky who hires these lobbyists who preach in washington that they are going to ban christianity in ukraine, well that is these are the real enemies of the state, and there is a full toolkit of influence, and we have been pretending for a year and a half that we don't need this draft law, it shakes something up somewhere, and what it shakes up is actually undermining only these tools of russia's influence, nothing else. there, everything will depend on the government in general, then you read it and knew it, so you know here, well, you don’t need to appeal to our position, you don’t need to appeal to the opposition, there should be more political will here, unambiguous questions, we will vote for your draft law, i am satisfied , let's be adhere to some regulation, 10 seconds, i insist once again, don't be offended by mrs. galina, the first lustration, definitely, you must give a political assessment, the only thing, mrs. galina, i will remind you of the parliamentary arithmetic, this is not an occasion. 264
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people, a majority without which nothing can be voted on, you don't know that, you don't know, you're in your fifth year in parliament, you don't know parliamentary arithmetic, so sorry, let's not... speculate, your wonderful bill , i personally would be happy to vote, but again i emphasize, the presence of 35, those 40 enemies of ukraine in the hall completely breaks the system of managing the country, you understand, it destroys absolutely any moral values, and about which there is no need to talk at all now, regarding the draft law on it, not about the ban, let’s say it, it’s the same called the ban of the moscow church. it is called anti-ukrainian organizations there and so on and so on, i do not understand why it is not in the hall until now, it has long been ready for the second reading, please introduce it, and everything will be there it is clear that the ritualistic dances around him in recent months, thank you, mr. oleksiy, i hope that your draft law, ms. galina,
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will be voted on, because the question must be, this story must be put to an end, because the future will be different imagine ukraine . one more short question about our nato prospects, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg has stated that ukraine will immediately become a member of nato after the war with russia is completely finished and not frozen, let's hear what stoltenberg said. ukraine will become a member of the alliance, when we have a consensus, when all the allies in the... because as you know, enlargement decisions are made by consensus, it's not enough to just have a majority of nato allies in favor of the invitation, we need all the allies to agree, and let let me add one more thing about
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membership: no one knows when and how the hostilities in ukraine will end, but when they do, we must be sure that it is peace and not just a pause before'. mrs. galina, the secretary general of nato said that no one knows when it will end and with what hostilities in ukraine will end, does this mean that the alliance allows that this war will not end in favor of ukraine. colleagues, i will allow myself a little criticism towards the previous speaker, let's call him that. in fact, it seems to me that it is more like a statement than an excuse, that is, it is unclear when the war will end. in fact, there are very simple conditions under which everything will become absolutely clear, this is the rapid, rapid provision of military assistance in full, which
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ukraine is talking about, that is, the expedited provision of f-16s that would be able to replace the situation on the front line, in particular in... could actually become an effective countermeasure to these ot kabs, which are dropped on our actual defenders on the front line from russian planes, is the provision of a sufficient number of long-range missiles, and specific, let’s say, specific missiles, in particular , i am talking now about the german tauruses, which could help us successfully carry out the operation to destroy the kerch bridge, so here are the statements that it is not clear when the war will end ... and moreover, it is necessary to wait until the war is completely over, and there will not be a certain freeze in order to consider the issue of ukraine's admission to nato, it looks more like such refusals and like questions, like prolonging the issue in fact, so i personally am not very happy with such statements, and
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they, from my point of view, are rather a manifestation of indecision and weaknesses on the part of individual officials. thank you, mr. oleksiy, why nato is so careful. this is a functionary of the alliance, and it is decided by the countries, the leaders of the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance, so well, well , well, it is not such a simple situation, believe me, i i don't want to score points there in front of the audience to tell about we all see everything with our own eyes, unfortunately, i am not, unfortunately, optimistic about the terms of our entry into us. i understand this situation, as far as it is global, and they, their diplomacy, they are trying to feed this perspective before us, so to speak, on their own, but i certainly do not like this situation, but i am simply stating pragmatically, i in this regard, i am not
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optimistic that this issue will be resolved quickly, unfortunately, it is absolutely certainly does not remove from the agenda the issue of weapons, weapons, weapons... once again, weapons are the key factor of assistance and stabilization and indeed victory in this war on the terms of ukraine, there is no other. thank you, ms. victoria. bad statements, yes, have been made recently, i think that this is actually a mistake by nato, because, you know, putin clearly voices his demand: ukraine should not be in nato, and with such statements, they actually help him, because just accepting ukraine in nato, even in the controlled borders, it would be a defeat for putin, it is obvious what is next for him there would simply be no content. to wage this war, because i am convinced that this is not a war for territories, this is a war for geopolitics, this is a war for the right of russia
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to decide what kind of international union to be, and it is very unfortunate that our allies do not fully understand this, or simply obviously afraid, obviously afraid, afraid to participate in a war with nuclear russia, and as we know from experience. to world history, the weakness of the allies, well, certainly never led to victory, i just looked at the statement of the serbian president, who said that in the next three to four months, in the next three to four months, there may be significantly more intense confrontation and the number of conflicts, this means that russia continues to play on the escalation of the situation in various parts of the world, and this. be dangerous thank you. victoria syumar, halyna yanchenko and oleksiy kucherenko were guests
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of our program today. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. let me remind you that we conducted a survey throughout the broadcast. we asked you today, friends, whether it is justified to raise taxes during war let's take a look at the final results of our tv poll. 17% - yes, 83% - no. i put an end to this. it was the program verdict in honor of serhii rudenko. come to our program tomorrow. 10:00 i will be waiting for you with our guests and with new topics, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids, flebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any oops, there are discounts represent unbreakable.
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25% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politclub is broadcast on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and others. and ukraine drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes
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that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's win. they help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people
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and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espress tv channel. my name is vasyl zima, and i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 45 minutes. the times writes that the united states of america is somehow delaying the training of ukrainian f-16 pilots, is this true or not? frankenstein, a new tank on the battlefields of ukraine, what the germans want to give us and what this armored car is capable of, putin flew to kimchenin, what the self-proclaimed president will agree on russian dictator vladimir putin and marshal kim jong-un, what can they share among themselves, and putin called on his officials to prepare russians for tax increases, the war is becoming more expensive, will
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the russians agree to this, of course, we will also talk about money with you with oleksandr morchyvko and many important and interesting topics and the verkhovna rada in... ukraine allowed local councils to finance the defense forces, which will change the financing of the actual combat units, and also about the weather for tomorrow, there is a lot of interesting and important information, but let's start as always from a conversation with serhiy skurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day column. serhii, please give me the floor. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today. we will talk briefly about the update of the reserve plus mobile bolt, about the german anti-aircraft tank frankenstein for ukraine, whether optimism is justified and about the war of technologies on the battlefield, which new developments in the reb industry are offered to our military by our leading defense companies, about this in a moment. i will start with what is
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from today. in the mobile application reserve plus the electronic military registration document has become available, the ministry of defense announced this and i can confirm that it really works, although it took a little longer than usual to update the data, but in about an hour i still received all these qr codes that now they are necessary in order to understand their status. in the previous version, this was not the case, now, conditionally speaking, it is... the qr code allows, conditionally speaking, every person liable to have a digital version, which allows you to show both the tsc and the police, in which status you are you are, and today it was reported that 200,000 ukrainians took advantage of this opportunity to get a digital accounting document, which
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seems to me such a good digital step in the right direction, especially under the conditions when the ministry of defense will ensure... compliance with all preservation of all digital data related with the mobilization reserves of our country, at this time there is already an update of weapons projects for ukraine from our partners, the western media and almost all ukrainian mass media reported that the rheinmetall concern announced that it would install a modern anti-aircraft module. skyranger on the hulls of leopard-1 tanks, and thus a new machine will be created to reference the defense capability of ukraine. this tank will be called frankenstein and will be able to fight long-range drones and subsonic cruise missiles of the enemy. quite theoretically, this is really true, because this
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new module offered by the renemetal company is already working. on a number of other mobile platforms and on the basis of bmp links, which we now see in the video, and on the basis of btr boxser, where these modules are installed, and actually the gun standing on this module can destroy the entire enemies there, when we talk about cruise missiles and drones there somewhere up to 4 km, that's a good indicator, and also it has its own means of ... detecting enemy targets with the help of radar , other sensors, and at a distance of up to 5 km there, it can detect these unmanned enemy vehicles, and by and large it is such a... continuation of the project with cheetah tanks, which are also anti-aircraft tanks based on the leopard platform, and now a new modular
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offer the solution to the armed forces, but if we have more than 100 cheetahs, they are quite effective examples of technology, then there are still many questions about frankenstein, we do not know the number of such examples, the rates of benefit. the production of these weapons, under what conditions they will be produced, but in any case we understand that this is a step in the right direction, the main thing is that the company renemetal, which announces a significant number of different weapons initiatives, also ensures in cooperation with our companies production of these samples and supplying them to the armed forces, so we expect that these first statements about the frankenstein anti-aircraft tank will be received. real practical and the main quick sequel, but you can fight enemy drones not only with the help of anti-aircraft weapons, as presented
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in the solution of the frankenstein tank, but with the help of radio electronic warfare, and this very field, where the reb means are now actively used on the battlefield, is one of the directions where ukrainian developers compete, and actually. russian developers, because about the fight against drones for everyone is talking about reb and the question is which company can present the best optimal solutions that are most effective on the battlefield. so, what is happening in ukraine on the example of our manufacturers, we will now continue to talk, and now we are joined by oleksiy chernyuk, deputy director of the kvert company. which creates and manufactures defense systems to counter the enemy's unmanned aerial vehicles. by the way, the products of
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the kwertus company are currently presented at the eurosactory exhibition, we know that in porizhe now one of the world's largest arms exhibitions is underway, there are five stands of ukrainian companies, where all the best developments are shown. and public and private companies, so one of these companies is the kvertus company, which really supplies products for the armed forces, the best samples are presented at the eurosator exhibition in paris, so now we have oleksiy cherniuk, the deputy director of the company , joining us quertus, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i congratulate you, mr. sergius, in return, i have already said that your company is currently... showing some of its samples at the exhibition in paris, at the eurosaturday show, i would like you to tell me what exactly your company is showing there?
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we brought several samples of our products to the arms exhibition in paris, these are various modifications of the trench reb, which are designed to counter fpv drones, cvertus adeconter fpv, cvertus ade fpv backpack, we brought several modifications. anti-drone guns and took the azemot radio-electronic intelligence complex. but you have hidden a number of products of your company, which which of these products are most in demand by our defense forces and do you have long-term contracts to manufacture these models to meet the needs of the military? well, let me start with the fact that all our products are made for specific tasks and for against. actions by a specific type of drones, so in order to counter reconnaissance drones or bomber drones, our customers order and contract one type of product, in order to
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counter fpv kamikaze drones - other types, in order to counter this and that, the third type, products, so the entire line of our devices is in demand at the moment, but considering the situation at the front, of course, the countermeasures against drones are contracted by us. clients more often, for example, kvertus ad kraken conter fpv, which neutralizes the work of most fpv drones, as for government contracts, then yes, we have such contracts, i cannot call them long-term at the moment, there is no such situation that we are, sorry, overwhelmed state contracts, the capacity of our production, they are many greater than the volumes of government orders. if we then talk about the fact that there are different directions of ordering, there are state orders, there are through the ministry of statistics, there are through volunteer funds, there are
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through the own initiatives of military units and... people who purchase such means of reb for their loved ones, that most of all, which of these sectors are the most powerful for you compared to the state component? in 2024, the most powerful component, the largest orders, it comes from the state, of course, this changed in 2024, before that there were, more, more orders from us. volunteers, er, military units of the direction, various defense forces, business helped the army, in the 24th year, most of it is the state, it is direct state procurement. oleksiy, i would like to ask about some, well, technical things, because when you read there about the peculiarities of the use of rep tools, about the dynamics on the part of the enemy and our military, you often have to see
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what needs to be provided often. there are changes in the design or to correspond there to a change in frequencies, which are used by the enemy as part of their unmanned systems, how this process affects the change in the design of your developments, and whether it is somehow possible to ensure the renewal of those samples that have already been bought by the military in previous iterations of your developments, i will start with the fact that we are constructively changing in. .. not all the time, we always get feedback from the front, something like adding a button there, lengthening the control panel or something, this kind of changes are made there daily by our designers, the same applies to new ranges frequencies, we go to the front line every week to get feedback from the fighters and show our new products, so we get first-hand information that the enemy
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is starting to... change the frequencies of the drones, we develop a new solution accordingly, we hand it over to the guys for testing, if the product has shown itself to be positive, the enemy is really starting to use drones on other frequencies more massively, the product is going into a series, as for the update, then we have a separate service department that deals with, well so to speak, to update our products, that is why it is possible. oleksiy, now on the latest... samples of trophy russian tanks, in particular the t-90 , another example of the reb was found, where the different ranges on which this product works were prescribed, there seem to be six or seven ranges, now we let's show you photos of this product, you will surely see it now, i think you have seen it before me, i would like you to rate it.
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to what extent this direction is so logical, we can see the rape hood, where everything is written frequency ranges, and are your developments of the tank reb for armored vehicles, well, actually built according to the same principle, or, relatively speaking, is this a general trend, where both sides use similar approaches? and yes, this decision is logical, as you would correctly note, and yet the decision is unbreakable, that further we increasingly see the means of rap... on technology, both from our side and from the enemy side, so whether it works, it works, including our enemy, does it work against all drones, does it not work, does it not work against all, which in any rap, do our tools work on armored vehicles, yes they do, our tools are installed on many types of armored vehicles, including equipment that is given to us by our western partners, so to sum it up, it applies to... and
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in the future, both we and the enemy will increasingly cover armored vehicles with rocket launchers. and i would like you, oleksiy, based on your own experience, to comment on another development of the enemy, there is such a sample of russian re called a fumigator, which, as written, generates a protective dome, which there allows you to protect the drone from drones within a radius of 300 m, this is how it looks... and i would like you to assess whether this way the enemy will create certain, let's say, threats to our drones, whether it is a way to nowhere, or where, or ister somewhere in the middle, the first thing i see is that it does not look very convenient, how it works is still unknown, but its use is quite logical, we manufacture it.


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