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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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he has an explosive wound, numerous shrapnel injuries and several fractures, lviv mayor andriy sadovy reported. a 47-year-old man was also injured. medics treated him on the spot. at night , five drones attacked the region, all of them were shot down by our air defense forces. due to falling debris, overhead lines and electrical equipment were damaged. no electricity, almost 300 subscribers. repair work is ongoing. also in nivychchyna. 15 private houses were damaged, there is an apartment building nearby, all the windows were blown out, and two office buildings, also the windows, everything was blown out, everything was destroyed, the car was destroyed, one building is a research institute, the second building is a private company that deals with light, sound, thank god that people were not at workplaces. the russians killed
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one resident of donetsk region, wounded three others, and the enemy shelled kurakhivka with artillery. a 70-year-old man died, another local was injured. six private vehicles were damaged houses, the head of the regional military administration vadym filashkin said. the occupiers also attacked the village of zarichne, a 58-year-old man was injured. he was in the house during the shelling. the russian invaders once again fired at the times. there, a 69-year-old resident received shrapnel wounds, nine private residences, a multi-storey building and an industrial building in nivachyna. during the day, the russians shelled populated areas of donetsk region 12 times. russian infantry and border guards are being destroyed in the direction of vovchan. the occupiers were hiding in the destroyed building, but a drone of the ukrainian defense forces struck a good blow. there were at least two
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occupants in... the premises, the exact number of mutilated occupants is being specified, the state border service reported. in odesa region , the effects of bad weather are still being eliminated in the village of vynogradivka, due to heavy rains, the roads there are destroyed everywhere, the district administration reported. in order to eliminate the consequences, almost all local utility equipment was involved. let me remind you, 5 days ago there was a downpour in the community. roads on eight streets became impassable, the flow of water destroyed the asphalt surface. locals poultry drowned. the bad weather also carried away the garbage of village ravines. recruited through a dating chat. the security service of ukraine detained another russian informer. a resident of the suburbs of kharkiv, an ideological supporter of racism, went around the northern territories of the region and covertly filmed the places of concentration of the armed forces.
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the enemy needed them for new strikes and a breakthrough of the drg. the occupiers recruited the informant to cooperate through a telegram dating chat. a liaison officer of the russian special service, pretending to be an ordinary russian woman, proposed to her husband close relationship, and then inclined him to intelligence and subversive activities. currently, the perpetrator is in custody, he faces up to eight years in prison. vladimir putin arrived in... hengyang for the first time since 2000, his council was met by north korean leader kinchen-in and expressed full support for russia's war in ukraine. kim also promised to strengthen strategic ties with moscow. the parties held negotiations at the highest level. putin said that he appreciates the dprk's consistent and unwavering support of russian policy, particularly in the ukrainian direction. kim emphasized that relations between north korea and russia are entering a period of new high prosperity.
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the united states of america is doing everything possible to stop the supply of weapons to russia from iran and north korea, the secretary of state said. us tsar anthony blinken, commenting on putin's visit to the dprk. blinken condemned north korea and iran for supplying ammunition to russia. he also called on china to stop supporting russia's defense and industrial base. the us secretary of state added that they will do everything to stop the supply of resources to russia from iran and north korea. more than 500 pilgrims died from the heat during the annual. of the muslim pilgrimage to mecca, among them citizens of egypt, jordan and tunisia, some of the pilgrims are considered missing. on monday, the temperature in the great mosque rose to almost 52 degrees celsius. four
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memorial tables dedicated to fallen soldiers were opened in lviv. they were installed on the facade of 57 of the lyceum named after king danylo, where they studied. dead servicemen. our colleague emma stadnyk also attended the opening. emma, ​​i congratulate you. who came honor the memory of heroes? tell me how it was. in the studio, congratulations. christina, i congratulate you. now i am near the 77th school named after king danylo halytskyi, where four memorial tables honor the memory of fallen servicemen. this is yaroslav bogush, andriy. memory of the fallen heroes of ukraine, relatives, friends, classmates, teachers, school students and all those who care came here today. to the youngest nazariy gladkov, the youngest nazariy gladko, i am sorry, he died on the sixth day of his stay at the front.
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more about the commemoration itself in the walls of this lyceum and the youngest hero of the lyceum, director olga polishchak will tell. the youngest of the soldiers, nazari hladky, was about to turn 22 in a few weeks, he volunteered from the first days of the war, every day we received 100 refugees, and every day he brought various products for all needs, helped internally displaced persons, but each the day we heard from him... gotta be there, gotta be on the front lines. when anatoliy motat died, the brothers could not find and contact his relatives, so the flag used to cover the house was moved here in the walls of his native lyceum. at
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the commemoration, this flag was held by the students of this school. many people cried, many people remembered the school years they spent together with the fallen heroes. all of them studied at different times, in different periods, but all of them are remembered here with very kind and gentle words. we cannot remember and honor the memory of our colleague, this is vasyl yevorskyi, he worked as a director on the espresso tv channel and the first western trc, and since 2014 he has been working on creating films about the war, he saw the war not only in objective, he saw it with his own eyes, because in 21 years he voluntarily joined the love territorial defense, at first. during the full-scale invasion, he defended ukraine as part of the 103rd separate tro brigade, but he died in february 2022. today , a lot of people came to honor this memory and perpetuate the memory of our heroes, and we, as the school director claimed, would like
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teachers, students, and all people who pass by this school to honor , stopped, commemorated, carried flowers to the fallen and came and came to remember them. studio, i give you the floor. thank you, emo, our correspondent ema stadnyk told which military memorial plaques were opened today in lviv. and let's summarize the informative morning, already at 12 o'clock, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, my colleagues oksana vasochanska and ulyana panasiuk will continue the conversation, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. the information morning continues on the espresso tv channel, it's already 11 o'clock, friends, we remind you about our collection, qr codes will now appear on
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screens, you can scan them and donate a comfortable amount for you for the hundredth separate, hundredth art reconnaissance brigade, we collect. together with iryna koval's fund , 2.5 million hryvnias are needed for helicopters and components for this brigade, we believe that we will be able to collect this amount, especially since... this morning in our company we have already collected 12 hryvnias. thank you to everyone who has contributed, but anyone who hasn't yet, hasn't, hasn't donated this morning, you have the opportunity to see the qr codes on our screens, there will also be a qr code in the to one side of the screen, join in too, don't ignore this gathering, because drones are about safety and saved lives. our military let's listen to the fighters. i wish you health.
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we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of reconnaissance, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. meanwhile, putin visited the dprk. we will talk about it with an international. in touch with us, mr. maksym, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory, i received a very magnificent reception an orchestra, banners, a bunch of people, everyone is very happy, because he came himself, after all, a person close to them, obviously, forgive me, i will quickly ask, what do you think, mr. maksym, in your opinion, the reception of putin in the dprk was more elegant than the reception. .. a korean dictator in russia or vice versa? who outdid who? listen, when i saw this video,
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i thought at first that this video was generated by artificial intelligence, or some kind of editing, people were just amused because it is such surrealism that it seems that it simply cannot exist, i think you have seen , maybe and broadcast today this video of driving along this road, where these flags, russian portraits of putin are on every pole. relaxed, it's, i don't know, it's something like some kind of dystopia, some kind of computer game, it shows absolutely unrealistic, some kind of conditions, some kind of surreal world, and it was just, just shocking, when i found out that it was really , no, not montage, not artificial intelligence, well, of course, listen, there in north korea, people are directly trained to ... hold all kinds of parades, rallies and such cult, cult actions, this
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the only such activity of the holiday plan that they have, that is why here north korea, russia has clearly missed it, orwell would have cried, putin now has a field for activity, he can train his population to repeat it, because after all, russia is like that can't do it. you mentioned orwell, i immediately have such a visualization in my speech, it seems to me that he is now spinning at such a speed in the coffin that if you connect the wires there, then there will be no problems with energy in ukraine, because, in fact, i i say, i read a lot of dystopias, but it's just that sometimes reality surpasses even some of the wildest fantasies, a period of new prosperity, so i call it... relations between russia and north korea kimchen, they say, a new fundamental document was signed between these
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two states, what is it, what is it about but actually they could agree, because at the moment we can assume, we understand that there may also be some such secret part of these agreements, well , of course, to a greater extent it will be about some agreements that will not be public. because it will concern some defense there cooperation, where korea will supply ammunition there from its own stocks, possibly some ballistic missiles for the russian federation, the russian federation will share some technologies there with north korea, mostly soviet ones, i think, so they clearly do not talk about such moments publicly. .. they will be there, they will write about the fact that they are there for everything good against everything bad, the two
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most peaceful and democratic countries in the world and so on. mr. maxim, can you hear us? yes, yes, i hear you, i have a connection disappeared, everything, everything is fine, everything has already been restored, about natural resources too, in particular it is said that it is very likely that putin will agree to provide what... korea needs oil and gas, but they already promise to give the chinese access to the sea, the river, that they can give korea for weapons, what? is russia ready to sacrifice in order to feel better at the front? well, the first measure, as i said, probably when the z'zok disappeared, is some technology from soviet times that they can share with korea, besides, it's food, of course, it's at the expense of what will china receive in the blink of an eye
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from the north korean regime, because in fact they simply cannot even feed themselves, and that is why here... the russian federation can take it from its ivans and give it to the koreans, and oil, oil, gas is what what russia is now doing to gain the favor of its partners there, which it still has left. and what about china, we understand that china is a huge power and can dictate the rules, but when it sees that north korea and russia are nearby , they start to agree on something or not strain they will not stress, if we draw an analogy, north korea is like belarus, that is, in fact, as here belarus is controlled by russia, in the same way north korea is controlled by china, and if north korea does something, it means that china allowed it to do it, that is, china cannot directly provide its weapons, artillery and
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so on there, they simply said, whoever we allow, let's pour, so here... unfortunately, such a story will not work out in our conflict between the chinese authoritarian regime and the korean authoritarian chinese regime and the korean dictatorship? well, i would like to say that in response to your question, oksana, that russia can sell its soul to china and the dprk for help in the war, but what kind of soul do russians have, then they remembered how stupid, but - stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato, said that china must pay for russia's support in the war against ukraine, but here is the question: the western world very often talks about it and talks about all the countries that help the russian federation in one way or another, and what are the real ways of influence? well, sanctions
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can work more effectively than they do now, and already some secondary ones they start sanctions. extend to individual legal er, well to individual companies in china, but in addition, tariffs, tariffs are the most powerful weapon against china, and they are already using it effectively, see for example, china has bet very heavily on green energy, they spend huge amounts of money on lobbying for it in the european union, in the states, in other developed countries, even in germany... these nuclear power plants will not be built anymore, although in fact, well, it is quite green energy by its nature, but those no less, and they say that there is no trace of china left there, china is pouring a lot of money into this story, into its companies that manufacture batteries, electric cars,
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solar panels, and these aerial power generators. er, and buys up lithium deposits in latin america, if we often talk about taiwan, that they are almost monopolies in the field of semiconductors and microchips, then for example, if we are, well, there they have 65% of the market depends on them, then if we let's take latin america, then there is more than 70% of all the world's lithium is located, there are lycium deposits, china is actively buying them up, spending everything on it. tens and hundreds of billions of dollars, respectively , the states come out and impose all duties on it, on electric cars 100% there on batteries 70 and so on, well, according to this list, other countries in this field can do the same, according to others, and although china is the largest factory in the world, conditionally, but without a sales market
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there is no sense in all this, well, okay, china is a large economy and there are definitely ways of influence there, which you mentioned. and here, for example, in the dprk, how, what methods of influence can there be on this country, taking into account the fact that it is such a small state, but it is completely closed and supplies russia with a lot of weapons, missiles are already flying over ukraine, not only iranian, but also from the dprk, here it is somehow the western world may affect, well, this is also a country with nuclear weapons, which can also be stated as a fact, and in the north. you don't particularly influence korea, because it does not have such a full-fledged subjectivity, but i will continue to draw an analogy with belarus in order to influence north korea. need to influence china. mr. maxim, we first discussed such a strange phenomenon as the countries that signed the communiqué at
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the peace summit, and then let's withdraw, somewhere there they thought, realized that something was wrong in their opinion, and withdrew their votes. and now we have the opposite phenomenon: antigua and barbuda. this is actually the first country. they were not at the summit in switzerland, but they read, thought and... signed this final document, a small country, the caribbean basin, the same with a small country, it was on the sidelines of the peace summit with palau that zelensky signed the agreement on cooperation, also documents signed, cooperation with such countries and documents with such countries, what can we get from this, what does it give us? well, first of all it gives us... of course it was difficult yesterday to comment on this opening of signatures, who is there iraq, jordan and rwanda rwanda very very
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someone from the media asked me what signal they send in ukraine, but some things they don't really need very, very deep analysis and attention. which, which is assigned to them, ah-ah, here, somehow, how, somehow, when we see the signatures there, well, of course, we need to pay attention to the context first of all, somewhere, if we are talking about jordan, then somehow influence the iranians there, say that you signed up there, they are our allies, er, and so on, but in general, well, i i don't see anything in that, but if he had withdrawn his signature there, france or germany would have withdrawn there. there would be a problem that should be talked about, and so far , there is really nothing to talk about here, i am now referring more to the fact that new countries are joining,
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that small countries that may not be they support us, they don’t have the opportunity, maybe, or sometimes there are some other moments, why we don’t receive, for example, carriage weapons, why we don’t call them our military partners, but they say, yes, we are... for ukraine, we are for ukrainian peace formula, we want peace to come on the basis that kyiv is announcing, what is the role of these countries in the process of establishing peace, and in general in further negotiations? well, such countries, they are just trying to find a way out for themselves, see where, where, where they can do more profit from western countries. of the world or from china, from that evil language block, to then say: look, we signed, we see, we have such a correct and cool position, give us money for some program there,
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for some reforms, for something, money, resources, anyway, i don’t think that this is a sincere concern for the fate of ukrainians, let’s be honest, because, well, for many countries, the further away the country is, the more it is for it... this whole story with the war, it is so, very relative, well, again, to frankness, how much ukrainians were worried about the war in syria, well, that's exactly how much ukrainians were worried about this war, so that we were so included and so on, so it's all just the geopolitical interests of certain countries, and they are trying to get at least some minimal benefit from this story. mr. maxim, and probably the last question, can we take any steps to, well , peacefully agree to ask china, we see
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that it is not working, so were our signals that we invite them to the peace summit, not came and made it clear that we are not interested in this, are there any other ways, perhaps less diplomatic, something like, i don't know, blackmail. through taiwan or something to influence them, or can we do it ourselves directly? eh, we can’t do this directly to a certain extent, i heard the opinions of my colleagues there that it is possible to somehow play more boldly with china, push somewhere, say, and we will open a representative office for taiwan in ukraine, well, somehow it is there, i forgot what it is called specifically, it's not an embassy, ​​but basically it's... the embassy is just in name, not an embassy to taiwan, to establish such as diplomatic relations, if you
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do not soften your position there somewhere. but so far i do not think that we have such a great geopolitical weight to blackmail china with something and pressure china with something, but together with our partners we can encourage them to take more decisive actions in relation to china, that is , not directly, but indirectly we can play , because unfortunately for china, we are not yet a player, because china is a country that understands well, you have some kind of nuclear power. you are a player, you are somehow included in the top 10 economies of the world, you are a player, if you do not have one or the other, well, we also talked about this today with the previous guest, thank you, maksym nasvytaylo, political scientist, internationalist, was in touch with us, we talked about putin's two-day visit to the dprk and the results of the global peace summit for ukraine, a short pause on the air of ispress and we will continue
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