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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions in order to to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktu bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 a.m. in the legal expertise program on we
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'll be back in touch with maria tsaturyan, director of communications at ukrenergo. mrs. maria, we congratulate you. good day. good day. we have an announcement for today that the schedules will be valid for today, i'm talking about unlocking of light, and the question is, will we also have gray areas without light, or are emergency offs possible? in connection with today's night attack, while the dispatch center of ukrenergo does not predict the possibility of introducing emergency shutdowns, as you know, the introduction of emergency shutdowns is an emergency response measure when it is urgently necessary to balance the power system and equalize the consumption and the available amount of power in the system one to one, and for now oblenergo... are carrying out
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the command of the dispatcher on the restrictions that was given to them, we have a possible intensity during the day outages will become a little more, due to the fact that it is very hot outside today all over ukraine, and it is possible with an increase in electricity consumption due to the use of air conditioners and cooling devices, we will just have to tighten the schedules a little and as you say, then outages in the gray zone are possible, although everyone should see in their regions how the local oblenergos paint their schedule in each region, because the gray area, it is peculiar to kyiv, the kyiv region company detek, but here and when very hot, bad, and when the weather is bad too.
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bad, because solar power plants work worse, in a word, you have to pray, except for the weather and for the best temperature, by the way, what kind of weather is best for balancing the energy in the system, that’s by the way, well, you’re right , ukraine's energy system has now suffered significant damage, and the russians have carried out six massive... missile-no-drone attacks only from march 22 to june 1, we have lost 9 gw of electricity generation capacity, to make it clear to your viewers, this consumption a small european country, that is why we are now very dependent on weather conditions, and accordingly, consumption depends on these weather conditions, ah, because when it is very cold, people warm up with heaters, they use them not only in their houses, in their households, but and in... offices,
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when it's hot, like today, for example, air conditioners and other cooling devices are used, which consume a lot of electricity, so we urge everyone to be responsible and economical with consumption, not to turn on all powerful devices at the same time and as limited as possible to use air conditioners during the entire daylight hours, and the optimal temperature you asked about for the power system, well... probably a moderately sunny 23-25°, and so that this temperature does not fluctuate, windy weather, so that we have wind farms working , and periodic rains so that our water resources are replenished and the dnipro cascade of the hydroelectric power plant works, well , it is clear that , unfortunately, no one can influence the weather in our country, and so on...
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it is impossible to promote, no matter what was, perhaps, in your company has been told that by the end of july the situation may worsen and significant outages are possible, what is the reason for this, what are the factors affecting this, and why... what are the forecasts that are quite disappointing? i would not tie the situation only to the end of july, but rather it means that the summer period, which is characterized by hot days, as we have already discussed with you, and this is also the period when the energy industry prepares for the next winter period, and in we are currently in the midst of a significant large-scale repair campaign to restore damaged power units ukrainian power plants. as a result of russian shelling, planned repairs are still taking place at nuclear power plants, nuclear units are preparing for winter , they are being reloaded with fuel, a very simplified technical inspection is taking place, which they must pass in order to work at their maximum capacity in winter, this is absolutely
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inherent not only in wartime , but also in peacetime, the situation is that nuclear power plants prepare for winter every summer in order to prepare... the nuclear unit for winter, reload the fuel, it must be taken out of operation, i.e. disconnect, therefore, the summer period is a period when, in addition to the deficit in the energy system that we have, due to the fact that thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants have suffered significant damage, i remind you once again that we lost 9 gw due to russian attacks, it is also added periodic repairs of nuclear units that leave, return from... accordingly , the situation will depend on this, the duration of power supply restrictions may be a little longer for a week, when the unit goes for repair, when it returns, well, it becomes a little easier. ms. maria, in fact, regarding the winter, about the weather, because
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it can be different, it can be completely cold, and it will actually be necessary to reheat, what will happen to the power system, what will happen to the shutdowns, can you already make some approximate, water and forecasts, what to prepare for ukrainians? well, ukrainian... all scenarios, even the worst, are our work, but objectively, none of us can say for sure what will happen in the winter, because none of us knows what the intensity of further russian attacks, we can only claim that they are they will definitely be, the enemy will not abandon his goal, to cause significant damage to the ukrainian nervous system, what will happen, god forbid, where they will hit, what the consequences will be, we do not know, therefore... it is very difficult to predict the situation in the winter according to this , the only thing that can be said for sure is that this winter will be hard, as hard as the winter of 22-23, when the russians carried out constant massive attacks on the power system,
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so i think it is worth preparing for the fact that this winter will not pass without restrictions, as we had winter has passed for 23-24 years, so everyone should take care. about your energy sustainability and think already today what you can do in your home, in your house, in your apartment, in order to better protect yourself from possible outages and more comfortably, so to speak, to endure them. well , continuing on this topic, i will ask you after all , from the point of view of the energy system operator, there are now programs for the installation of private solar panels. windmills, and we understand that it is possible to stream there, or there, well at least minimally somehow to provide energy to your home there, or at least some household items are needed in the first place, during blackouts, this program can
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help, or it can help somehow balance the system in general, for example, if there a person installs solar panels on the roof of his house . or if some utility institution will do it in the same way, for example, uh, the energy that is not used by this institution, it can be given to the network, how does it work, how can it help ukraine? it really can help, and if there is an opportunity to install alternative power sources, and it can be optional, a rooftop solar panel or some small power for... a household wind turbine, it can be heat pumps, it can be generators that use alternative fuels, here everyone should look according to their capabilities, well, both engineering and financial, regarding renewable
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energy sources in particular, this is a rather promising direction, installing such, for example, roof solar panels, there is an opportunity. not only to cover our consumption in certain periods of the year, we understand that the solar panel depends on solar activity, but also to sell electricity to the general network at a specially established rate. tariffs, green tariffs, that is, it can also be profitable, of course, if there is an opportunity for many, for example, multi-storey buildings, usb can take care of installing solar panels on the roofs, can take care of heating with alternative sources, for example, indoor pumps that pump water and work on heating systems, that's for sure it must be done, therefore... this is exactly what i said earlier, that people should also take care of
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their own energy sustainability, while energy workers are working 24x7 to restore as many objects as possible damaged by the russians and return them to work before winter. maria, thank you for the clarification, for participating in our broadcast, maria tsaturyan, director of communications of ukrenergo was with us. we remind you that we are gathering for maviks for our military, for the 100th brigade. this is artozvidka, they know very well what to do with those maviks, 2.5 million we need to collect, you will donate constantly, because i see that larger and smaller donations are constantly arriving in the bank, but we have not yet collected the entire amount, so please use these qr codes, card numbers, so that we can accumulate as much as possible as soon as possible , as much as needed, and send to the front, let's listen to our military, they are the best. cities and they are in a good mood, because they are convinced that together we will cope with this task very quickly. i wish you good health,
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we, the fighters of the 100th brigade art intelligence, are asking you to join our gathering for drones and their components that will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. like this. about why mavics are important, why they are important in general. you probably don’t need to tell anyone about drones, because each of them can hit a target, there are drones that work as scouts, there are as shock drones, various drones can also transport, carry something, ammunition, sometimes they take prisoners, but sometimes for a single task you need a little more than one drone, so it's actually consumable, here's the sharp ones carthusians are the national guard, they are very stubborn and on the field. left operators and they were not afraid, they spent as many as five drones, but they achieved their goal,
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they saw a t-80 tank in the zelenka, now it is very clearly visible, and they tried, succeeded, tore off the tower, this is the kharkiv direction, it is hot there, there is a lot of zelenka , it complicates the work of our military a little, but you see, they used five drones and minus a tank, and... tanks are something that the russians are actively using now, in fact they are forming whole tank regiments, because they will try this way, obviously somewhere something to break through, but minus one already. also, we have a collection here , specifically for drones and components for them, we remind you, we are collecting, and in general now they say that the war of russia against ukraine, the war in which, in which we are now choosing independence, is a war of drones, in primarily because... this is a modern tool that costs
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relatively little, but can destroy equipment that costs ten times as much, and we have repeatedly shown videos of how this happens, so join us, we need to close this collection as soon as possible so that all these maviks have already flown to our defenders at the front and there they worked for our victory. meanwhile, the speaker arrived in ukraine. szymon holovnia of the polish seimas . and this is the first visit of the speaker of the polish diet to ukraine. it is very important and valuable that one's visit begins with honoring and placing flowers at the memorial wall to the soldiers who died for ukraine. this is mykhailo square. and this is also an important visit for the development of inter-parliamentary cooperation, for close and friendly, in fact, already ukrainian-polish relations. we understand that any such visit is important because it is a demonstration support, and on the other hand, each such
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visit can have behind it and after it, some certain even material things that we will receive, so denmark from denmark we have not had visits recently, but an aid package of almost 161 million euros, this is already the 19th aid package from denmark, we receive, that's all... it goes to support the ukrainian defense industry, with this money you can buy equipment for the f-16, which denmark also gives us, part of it will go to the production of military equipment, and this is all for the short term. and for a long-term perspective as well, i.e. us we see that copenhagen constantly provides maximum support, maximum support for our armed forces and our ukrainian needs on the battlefield . will help us
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overcome the russian evil. vadym korchenko, a bigusinfo journalist, is already in touch with us. mr. vadim, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we are talking with you about our internal affairs in bigusiy there was an investigation about property on 300 thousand dollars and which was found in the possession of a former official of ukrzaliznytsia. in fact, if all our viewers haven't seen it yet, patvadim made a wonderful investigation, you can watch it on biguz-info, just about these. enrichment, fantastic, we ask you to tell the details, because well, the sums are not bad, and how for a person who is already freed and invests money in real estate, does not leave anything for himself, which is the most alarming thing in this whole story? in this whole story, what is alarming is that, firstly, this is edward critson, he was a busboy with
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the issu, over many years, has come out. structure of the security service of ukraine somewhere in the 20th year, in the 21st he appeared at ukrzaliznytsia, where he was the head of economic and information security. as early as in the 23rd year, he was searched as part of the criminal proceedings, in connection with which artem shil is now suspected, this is one, one might say, of the sbu, and in the past an advisor. cop. this is actually the main problem, that a person who had been in the civil service all his life, in fact, suddenly passed away after his dismissal and after a rather strange search of $300,000 worth of property. and is anyone the law enforcement officers have already taken an interest in your
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work, in the sense that i mean this investigation and whether there are any open cases specifically against mr. eduard, as far as i know, no, no, nothing has been opened yet, and the law enforcement officers have not personally been interested in anything yet, you know , they always said about the railway that it is a state within a state, that there they have their own history, their own rules and that no one can even control them, where are these loopholes to actually have enrichment, thousands, dozens.
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some tenders, and they have a russian one should and that is why they should not give it to themselves in order to do it in order to shave off those competitors who are not needed, so that the right company received the contract, and the company that received the contract, or rather the order, it supplied, as it were, according to the version of the investigation overpriced goods. this morning we also spoke with dmytro snigerov and discussed the issue of f16, why they are still not transferred, why the event is delayed, and actually our guest had a different point of view, he says that the problem is not necessarily in our partners that we ourselves do not follow the rules, we ourselves do not ensure the part
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of the agreements that is our responsibility, and in this case we are building roads somewhere in the sumy oblast, a few... from russia in the front-line zone, why, for whom it is asked to build now to invest money in these roads, and not, for example, to provide adequate shelter for the same fighters, to build high-quality airstrips on which these fighters can land, from which these fighters can take off, have such cases also happened to you, or have you already there is an investigation maybe work, or you see where the similar... stories, because the third year of the full-scale invasion, it seems that not everyone has yet realized that maybe it's time to stop and no longer sulk, like me, well... well, we will not eradicate the nearest corruption in the near future, but on the part of the state , a process
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of punishment for corruption and for all kinds of such moments of misuse of funds during the war could be properly established, but we see it as a mass phenomenon, it seems not, you and your colleagues publish an investigation for... following, every time there is a lot of noise, sensationalism, people wonder how this can be, because it already seems that, well , as much as possible, do you observe that your investigations do not just give a result in the form of panic and that they are becoming a little more careful up there, but what maybe something is changing, maybe activists are picking up your initiative, are they controlling more somewhere? sometimes activists pick up, but i received material about the dismantling during the construction of the metro branch to vynogradar, and
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there was an initiative that wanted to cancel the tender for a new tender for the construction of this branches are not grapes, for example, and what are the results already? i'm navitslikov, well, obviously, it's not my party, my business is to show, then, let them do what they do. obviously, the very process of filming these possible crimes, and then the reaction of society and ultimately the support of various public organizations, publicity, this is extremely important, thank you for what you do, for your important work. vadim korchenko, journalist. cenfo was in touch with us, talking about one of the possible schemes, about how the family of an ex-official of ukrzaliznytsia, got rich after he left
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office. we have a new week and a new work of our legislators, and there is already information about changes in the recruitment process for the armed forces of ukraine coming into force, we have been talking about the fact for six months that... recruiting processes can partially supplant mobilization processes, and the military themselves say that this is very good, because they allow units, battalions to find exactly the people they need, and conscripts to find their place, that is, not to get to where they can be not very effective, of course, the majority want to work with drones or in intelligence, these are the statistics, but there are also... other candidates, in fact, we will talk about these changes a little more tomorrow on our air, because now it is officially all it is written down,
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you can choose a position, a unit in advance and voluntarily join the army on mobilization after the usual passing of the vlk, and all this is written down, that is, there will be less worries about this, we will talk about it further, now it is time for ulyana and i to say goodbye, we wish you a peaceful and have a safe day, protect yourself not only with air warning signals, but in a few minutes do not miss the latest news on the air of the tv channel. khrystyna parobiy will summarize this morning and, of course, give a note. qr code, card number always remain on the screen, you can find them on our page, and in general. join all meetings, because this is our common cause. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers unpack tv with a discount from only 799
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12:00 pm
khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. two wounded in lviv oblast due to a russian attack by shaheds, due to falling debris, were injured power lines and electrical equipment. without light - almost 300 subscribers. repair work is ongoing. five drones attacked the region at night. consequences of the shelling of a high-rise building in the village of malykhiv and a research institute in lviv. our correspondent emma stadnyk is currently at the scene. emma, ​​i congratulate you, tell me.


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