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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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european integration and all, and there were no deputies there, there was no one, and there are none now, they no longer want to vote for it, and opz, they give away all positions and all places, this can be done without any changes to the laws, this can be done simply by a decision of the verkhovna rada itself, where the majority belongs to the servant of the people faction. as for legislative restrictions, this is already the interpretation of the constitutional court, there are many different ways in which it is possible not to deprive them of their parliamentary powers, but to deprive them of participation in the meetings of the verkhovna rada. advice for so that there was no such influence, in principle, a lot was said and proposed about it, but as i have already said, the authorities are not ready to do this, so now this issue can be said to have died, but the issue with the heads and deputy heads of the committees and with the management the positions held by members of the faction of the former opzh, of course, have not died, we constantly talk about it, but so far we have not been able to convince the majority to become our like-minded people here, and so far, as i understand it, you have not been able to convince the majority and become like-minded people regarding the draft law on .. religious restrictions
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organizations, or on the prohibition of religious organizations that have a connection with the aggressor country. we are talking specifically about the ban of the russian orthodox church, the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, they are afraid to vote for it, well , for various reasons, the influence of this russian orthodox church is very large, as a rule , their lobbyists have financial influence and have the opportunity to distribute funds to deputies, in addition , they have possible. threaten, they have the opportunity to promise, someone hopes that the russian popes will help them win the next election, since we helped choose the previous one, won the previous election, we were promised that after the 20th, when we have a prayer breakfast, we will come back to this issue, the majority promised it, we will see if we come back or not, but of course all this already looks like a farce, and simply the infiltration of agents of the russian world and this church into state structures is huge, when they write to us officially... state structures demand to enter
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into law, in fact legislative approval of the activities of the russian church in ukraine and that that it does not fall under the scope of this law, and this was a proposal of a government structure, it is difficult to call such proposals anything other than vandalism and anti-ukrainian activity. what they are most afraid of is that we have a rule that says that we have to ban the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, for reasons of protecting national security, this is exactly the rule that is in the convention on the protection of the government. people and in the practice of the european court of human rights, this is what they are most afraid of, they are demanded to be removed from the name of the law, they are required to be removed from the body of the law, and if these norms are removed from the name and the body of the law, then they will very easily later say that christians are being persecuted in our country, as they say, they bought journalists in different countries, and not the prohibition of the criminal organization of the russian of the orthodox church with complete freedom of religion, which we had as it was, and i hope it will remain in the future, what is the threat to its existence in the future? the existence of a branch
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of the russian orthodox church in ukraine? well, first of all, it is a huge espionage network, it is a huge ideological network network, this is the network through which all these problems with mobilization are happening in our country, including, this is the network through which our cities are being destroyed and hints are being given about what is happening, this is the network through which ukrainian society is instilled with disbelief in our victory, all these are huge threats, and the security service of ukraine has repeatedly confirmed this. thank you, mr. mykola, for the conversation, it was mykola. people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel. and i suggest watching a small plot: deep intelligence, a unit that makes hot waste of the enemy. their work is difficult to capture, and its results cannot be overestimated. our correspondents managed to talk with the intelligence officer of the first separate brigade of special forces named after ivan bohun, his story from the first mouth. let's see.
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i think, i will go, i will go, i drive up to the checkpoint, i want to go to the army, i say, i want to, tomorrow, no, i say, the day after tomorrow, because i am off, that's it, the military commissar has come, okay, go through the commission, that's all, i say fine, i 'll pass, only i'll come and that's all, well, let's go my journey through the zhytomyr military commissariat began, i already went there without a queue without anything, but like that, they just sent us twice, back there, back there, the third time they took us away, and that's how my suba began, it's a shame, how do you look at the map , you were already everything everything everything everything something how is it all, that is
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, they have res, you understand, like a monkey, they don't know what to do, but they are not scared idiots, no, for sure, but they have done everything, they are standing. all of them do not accept any movements, that is , logically, something that some tactics can do anyway, somewhere they use some kind of tactic, it’s incomprehensible to him, that is , they have a resource, they’re chumps there, and they ’re putting them, there weren’t so many drones, and now they ’re flying over you like swarms, well... you don’t even understand it yet and it makes no sense, that is, if he needs to overwhelm you, then he will overwhelm you alone, before they let two or three pass, you go to the position of two or three, it’s clear, he sees a little more, he starts pouring mines there or working hard , now for one, for one, for two
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people, at least it was six months ago, he can already spend half a cassette of hail so that they do not reach the position, that is, they are afraid of something. you were taught, if you didn't learn anything from him, then it's clear, you won't do anything, and if even a little bit, you don't need much, there is this, that, that, that, some adequate, even, well , elementary, even the school program is also running, there is a way to see the world, yes, how can you not get a phone, what else did you get the phone, that’s all, but
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how will you see it, if anything, well, you start to remember, yes, yes, yes, yes, somewhere there, they disappeared , where, orta, where, you say azimuth, here is azimu, this is an ordinary... school program, eighth grade, circle 360°, all you say, out of time, if the same person is sitting there who does not know, you, let them already tell him what it is, where there, the gun is standing straight at 12 and went to work in the rear, in the enemy's rear to work, somewhere... you go to the rear, do something there, some task there, it's already over there, if there is only one task there, let's say, go there look there, that, that, that, that, and if you can also play it, then you can play it right away, that's our task, it's a small one, she, well, if they don't
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show her on tv, but - good dirty work is done there, you can make such a plan there, and we do it, did it, if you have it... head and hands and feet, damn it, physical some elementary eta, then god, with pleasure, with pleasure, people just don’t want it, they don’t know what they are there for, nobody sends him to death, they will teach him, they will train him, watch him, because he is not needed there either , it's called, i can't understand it, demotivated, what, what motivation can it be? the enemy came to the house, that's all, to you an enemy entered the country, what could be a separate motivation, i was not born for war, we were all born, now we all have an army, everyone, i am billboards in general, glue,
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but from the forest, my eyes are high, so, well, i i just don't understand it, friends, it was a scout of the first separate special forces brigade. named after ivan bohun. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. and for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please follow the pages on these platforms and also participate in our survey. today we ask you whether it is justifiable to raise taxes in time of war. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if your answer is more extensive, you can write, please write in the comments below. video if you are watching us on tv or somewhere on other streaming platforms please vote by phone or by phone or smartphone 0800 211 381 if you think a wartime tax increase is justified no 0800 211
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382 if not . next, we have communication oleg penzyn, economist, executive director of the economic discussion club. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i also sincerely congratulate you. good evening. good evening. mr. olezh, let's start our conversation with a brief summary of the sanctions of our western partners against the russian federation, which were introduced on the 12th. june 2024, what conclusions can we draw now, the first conclusions from what has happened over the past few days, is it true that the russian economy is already starting to ionize, well it has started to ionize somewhere from about the middle of the 22nd year, when the fate of oil, which is currently russian, is falling. the federation sells, i want to remind you that oil is the main budget-forming income, it is the main
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budget-forming product of the russian federation, actually the majority of oil began to flow to china, this is one moment, the second, after the european brands of complex machinery, cars, household appliances... your spare parts left the russian market, either due to sanctions restrictions, or purely from a moral point of view, in their place began the chinese come in quite actively. it must be understood that the chinese also began to make all calculations within the framework of this measure in the national currency of china, that is , this is how it really is... today , the ionization of the russian economy is actively taking place. well, by the way, this fact was confirmed
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by the official statement of the central bank of the russian federation, after, as a result of the sanctions imposed on the moscow interbank currency exchange and the national clearing center, the market pricing mechanism of the russian ruble exchange rate to dollar was essentially destroyed. and at that moment there were quite serious ones. the problems are related to the possibility of forming a market rate, to which the central bank of the russian federation said, we are not concerned about the dollar, we are only concerned about the yuan at the moment, and the main peg of the russian ruble will actually be only to the yuan, all the latter will be calculated , actually this is another sign that, let's be honest, russia is slowly losing its economic sovereignty, that is, this zionization of the economy. if we are with you let's remember that the yuan is a currency with limited convertibility, that is, for example, the yuan
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cannot be settled, for example, in any other foreign trade transactions with another country, neither with turkey, nor with the arab emirates, with whom else is the russian federation trades, actually yuan is the currency at best in mutual settlements between the russian federation and china, and that for every transaction. well, for chinese products, which are paid in yuan, you need an individual license from the people's bank of china, so there is enough reality there great difficulties are connected with these operations, the dollar, that is, mr. oleg, i understand correctly that in this case it becomes absolutely clear why china supported russia's war against ukraine, because this yuenization, which began and is being carried out in russia, is profitable for chinese manufacturers and... in general chinese chinese national currency and in general for all of china? well, look,
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first of all, it is beneficial because russia has a much lower level of freedom related to its external economic activities. well, let us recall a very interesting fact that according to the first visits, the first visits of the russian president, formally, dictator, in reality. mr. putin actually had a visit to china, where a very interesting thing happened behind the scenes: the chinese demanded that the russian federation sell gas to china at domestic russian prices, which, by the way, are approximately three to four times cheaper than foreign trade prices, which russia offers gas to its partners abroad, that is, this fact is extremely telling. the point of view that is already on today, china is beginning to demand
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from the russian federation sufficiently large preferences for chinese companies, well , first of all for the purchase of energy, so please, i am asking for what i actually said, this is a slow loss of economic sovereignty, and we understand that that loving sovereignty begins with economic sovereignty. thank you, mr. oleg, let's hope that our westerners. partners will introduce further sanctions against russia, which will be painful for the russian economy. let's talk about the ukrainian economy, because danylo gitmans. already announced an increase in taxes in ukraine, he said that the cabinet of ministers is preparing proposals to increase some military levy taxes and value-added taxes, but at the moment it is not known what the new rates will be, he said in an interview to the telegraph that he said, sometimes it seems that society is in a paradigm of whether to raise taxes or not, but we
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don't really have such a paradigm, because if there is nothing to finance the army, there will be no ammunition, there will be no weapons, russians... will be under our capital, for example, or we, in order to prevent this, will still raise taxes and finance these projectiles with our own funds, - said danylo hetmantsev. do you think it is justified to raise taxes during the war? this is a question we ask our tv audience and the audience on other streaming platforms. how do you feel about this idea and how the government can create this new one. tax reality during the war. tell me, please, our soldiers will they fight for free? i think no. well, really. and for today, someone will provide us with some additional weapons
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free of charge, in addition to the military and technical assistance that we will receive within clearly defined limits. no, we are the enterprises of the military-industrial complex that are working today. moment and provide our soldiers with weapons, they will work for free, you and i have an absolutely, well, unique situation, let’s imagine a ukrainian military-industrial complex complex, so what does that mean? there are ukrainian enterprises that produce weapons during the war, please tell me if there is a possible option when this enterprise, conventionally some one there, which produces heavy armored equipment, produced... under a contract with the ministry of defense this equipment, and the ministry of defense cannot take away this equipment for six months, it is in warehouses, produced, but not taken away. our european partner is watching all this, allocating 18 billion and millions of euros in order to buy from ukrainian enterprises
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production of heavy equipment, this equipment and put it in the armed forces of ukraine, because... the ukrainian budget does not have money to pay for this contract, is it normal or not, what do you think, of course it is normal, i think, i think that no, here is the answer, how justified is the increase in taxes, it is not about taxes, it is not about justice, it is about money, i have a question, if there is no money, ukraine will be able to defend itself from the enemy, from the aggressor. i want to remind you of the famous phrase of one of the french emperors, mr. napoleon, who said that war is money, money and money again, unfortunately, this is the absolute truth, that is, at the moment, well, even according to the statements of the minister of finance, mr. marchenko, due to the fact that we did not have the first from the americans three months
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of military and technical assistance, ukraine was forced in order to... finance at least part of the ammunition, withdraw part of the funds from the cash receipts of the soldiers of our boys, which were to be paid at the end of the year, and pay in january and february for ammunition for a total of 5 billion dollars, please tell me where to get money at the moment in order to find the 200 billion hryvnias to pay the soldiers at the end of the year. sources, that is , the first question is the source, where to get the money? well, our dear people's deputies propose to raise taxes, although i repeat once again, the funds that they propose to raise in the form of taxes will not even be enough to cover these 200 billion uah, because, well, in the best case, those taxes will give 70- 80 billion from where else? well, now
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there is economic reservation in the verkhovna rada, rightly? no, the bill is not about justice, it is a bill about money, because if there is no money, there will be no reason to mobilize, why, one mobilized person costs uah 1,300 per year to the state budget, does anyone like it or not, do we want more mobilize 100,000, please, 130 billion in the budget, we want 200, 160, 260, and so on... for that amount, at the moment, there is a direct deficit of what is not enough to equip those people, train and mobilize, properly, is missing somewhere... okay from 500 to 700 billion uah, where to get them? our partners provide us with macro-financial
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assistance with strict restrictions, those funds cannot be used for security and defense, and it is good that they give us this money, because we use it to finance social expenses, pensions, salaries of state employees, uh, assistance to pensioners, well, in the end, there are 350 billion. of this money goes to the pension fund, that is, at least this burden is removed from us, but everything that we earn goes to the war, that is , everything that we can invest in the state budget, based on the economy of ukraine, therefore, the question is whether taxes are fair or unfair, well , you gave mr. hetmantsev's statement, no matter how controversial it is, but unfortunately, it is true, there will be no money, there will be no defense... for what ukraine, that's all. you have already mentioned, mr. olezh, about economic reservation, there are already two alternative bills in the verkhovna rada of ukraine
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regarding the reservation of conscripts, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, fedir venislavskyi in an interview with radio nv named the issue of economic defense is very complicated, because on the one hand it puts the total equality of citizens before the law, but on the other hand it allows significant funds to be withdrawn from the wall. let's listen to what he said. slavsky, if we are discussing economic reservation, then we are talking about precisely the flow of this money from the shadow sector, from bribery, from corruption components to the legal sector of the economy, because if a person understands that he can pay certain taxes, fees and it will allow her to work, to perform too to provide important social functions, including economic development of the state and... will not be mobilized, because this coincides with her vision, then surely here, well , there are questions for discussion. mr. oleg, when
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we talk about detinization of the economy, how do you assess the current state of this shadow economy, its volume? well, before the war it was 32%, now the shadow sector is estimated at 37-38%. there are clear calculations that the state, the state budget does not receive approximately 800-850 billion hryvnias in the form of taxes and fees and the shadow economy, well to completely transform the economy from the shadows to the light, well, it is unrealistic, there is no such precedent in the world, there is a shadow economy in any society, but there it is... in developed democratic countries, it occupies somewhere around 10-15 percent at most, the shadow economy includes semi-criminal
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things there connected there with the drug trade, weapons there outside the limits of the law, and so on. you and i have a completely legal business sitting in the shadow sector, which simply stupidly does not pay taxes, and i agree with one of the people's deputies who said that if you... owe the state budget 100 hryvnias, you donated 100 hryvnias to the armed forces of ukraine, and the latter were not paid to the budget, so this means that you stole 900 hryvnias from the armed forces of ukraine, so that no one has any illusions. unfortunately, this is a deep truth, but the economic reservation, in which there is a specificity: firstly, the economic reservation that is planned today, it should be carried out under... enterprises in relation to the hired legal workers who work in them, that is, itself a person cannot pay 20 thousand for himself
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there, pay a conditional sum and receive it indulgence for mobilization during the month, this should be done by a legal enterprise that, in addition to this type of payment, makes other types of payment, tax is added. the cost, er, of other income taxes, there are excise taxes, if these are excise products, and so on. that is, in this way, by making businesses interested in being in the light and keeping their employees, such a system of incentives is introduced in the form of economic reservation. and one more point, i often hear that the poor will be redeemed, the rich will be redeem for account of the poor, i have a question, tell me, please, is the person sitting on the payroll of the company, is he a rich person or not, well, really, we are talking about the fact that the reservation will
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be made under... the company in relation to the employee who works for him, is this employee a rich person or not? if he lives from paycheck to paycheck, where is the wealth? rich people are business owners and those people who work in businesses as employees are the middle class ukrainian, which actually carries the entire burden of the tax burden, by the way, one more point, you and i discussed a little beforehand the issue of raising taxes. then let's remember what exactly our people's deputies want to raise in the form of taxes, to increase the value added tax by 3%, conditionally by 3%, who is the ultimate payer of this tax, business, no, it's us and you, to increase excise taxes on tobacco , alcoholic and fuel-lubricating materials, who is the ultimate payer of excise duty, you and i, is it possible that the tax on
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profits of businesses, no. taxes on the final consumer, that is, on you and me, are increasing , that is, by and large, at the moment, the entire burden of the future tax burden is placed on our shoulders. thank you, mr. oleg, for the conversation, it was oleg penzyn, economist, executive director of the economic discussion club. dear friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. today we ask you about whether the promotion is justified taxes during war, please vote on youtube, yes no, or if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below the video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the tax increase during the war is justified (0800-211-381, not 0800 211382), all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. ihor
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romanenko, the founder, is still in touch with us. fund will close the sky of ukraine, retired lieutenant general, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, first of all, tell me about the last time, since our western partners announced that they are giving permission for their strikes weapons on the territory of the russian federation, how it changed the course of the russian-ukrainian war and whether it changed the course of the ukrainian-russian war and... most importantly, how it opens up prospects for us to create a buffer zone at the expense of the territory of the russian federation of the border or bordering the ukrainian state? well , yes, they have not changed significantly yet, we are at the beginning of this, then we have to figure out what they provided, that is, the americans, germans, artillery provided at the same level - this is up to 40 km barrel artillery and up to km haimarsey. in addition,
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the patriots are still on the territory of the russian federation. and then the americans gave this kind of permission, so when they set a record of 5 minutes of five aircraft, they definitely forbade them after that and threatened what they actually did, they did not supply us with missiles for these complexes, which are very difficult for us rockets are needed for anti-threaded anti-missile systems. of missile defense, so it is not very important for them, but the work on it continues, and there is a corresponding prospect, the russians are trying to draw new features around it, so, well, what about threatening that they will create such buffer zones as in the direction of kharkiv, in sumy and in chernihiv, here
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the americans are already... taking all this into account, they are going to the meeting, so gradually, well , once they spoke, victory is very difficult for ukraine, they were silent for two years, somehow it was not possible to talk them out, but now they said that the goal of our joint actions is the victory of ukraine, before that they did everything to help the russian federation not to lose and ukraine not to win, and now they are starting somehow, maybe, but we are in the words... this is the case, they also taught us, we taught them to pronounce ukrainian victory, they could not solve anything, not even like that, and now i think we will teach them to fundamentally change the strategy related to the provision of aid , that is, it should be modern, well, the weapons we have are so military, but with a modern component, how are they trying to supply them to taiwan, israel, that is, we in this team were waiting for six months,
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but israel and during. pauses helped, i'm 35 and it's a long way off.


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