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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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it becomes, for example, i want to remind you of such relatively recent, well, half-yearly events, but for american politics, these are relatively recent events, when six months ago a new speaker of the congress was elected from the republicans, he was considered so anti-ukrainian, he did not support it before, being simply a congressman, various issues and initiatives are related to ukraine, but as soon as he became the speaker, as soon as , including... various security services of america began to inform him about the current situation in ukraine, he significantly, let's say, revised my views, so i personally am not that i am not worried, i may even be happy about the increased attention and presence of our western allies here. thank you, ms. halyna, god forbid, of course, that our western allies and allies and partners are western, so that they do not pay attention to... statements and demarches, well
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, including mustafa nayem, because before the conference on the restoration of ukraine, well, this it looked, let's say, very, very strange, obviously the house should be put to rest by the parliamentary special commission about which, the temporary special commission about which says mr. oleksiy, because it is not at all clear to me who is right and who is wrong in this situation, and who will our western partners focus on, the prime minister. the minister or mustafa nayem, well, frankly, i don't understand, let's talk more, yes, please, i think that actually, colleagues, this is a funny comment, will the western allies focus on mustafa nayem or on the prime minister, because in the end there is certain in, including in western diplomacy, in world diplomacy, certain subordination and orientation to political positions, this is the first, and secondly, mr. oleksiy here spoke about the fact that mustafa was fired, but
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literally today i reviewed his recent status, where he noted that he resigned of his own free will, it was actually more his initiative, and to be honest, i can understand him, that is, he was comfortable working with the previous minister of infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov, who invited him to this position, with whom they obviously had a good partnership, working relationship, and since now... more than it is obvious that kubrakov will not be appointed to the position of minister of infrastructure , another candidacy is being considered, and perhaps, if not this plenary week, then the next, this personnel appointment will be made, then perhaps, even this was an absolutely and logical decision on the part of mustafa nayem. thank you, thank you, ms. galina, so that i , mr. oleksiy, now, mr. oleksiy, i will give you my word now that i will not appear to you.
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my comment is ridiculous, i will tell you that i have already come across publications about mustafa nayem's demarche in the western press, he is not of his own accord voluntarily resigned, he made a political démarche, and this political démarche was on the eve of the berlin meeting regarding the restoration of ukraine, this is the first and second, the team of kubrakov and naim was clearly, let's say, trained to work with western companies, the event was attended by representatives of western states, including and with the united states of america, as far as i know. mr. oleksiy, please. you know, let's have this kindergarten, which was in the 20th year, when wonderful girls and boys put on white t-shirts, ran around the hall in verkhovna glad, i have the right to make a mistake. what kind of kindergarten do you offer us here. a person sat for 2.5 years, spent tens of billions of hryvnias on key energy security facilities, key infrastructure facilities, and so on. it is not
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completely clear what is with this protection, tens of billions of hryvnias are frozen, fortifications, we understand what a scandal, and now the boy wrote a statement, the boy took it and left, and who are you, who will let him go so easily, i guarantee you, if you want a blinker, or not, we, we will insist that the audit results of the accounting chamber be made public, and accordingly i guarantee you that this will be a very serious matter for the investigative bodies and... for the political assessment of the personnel policy of the current team, no childhood is over, what a childhood, war, thank you, mr. oleksiy, let's put an end to this topic, we will wait for the results of the investigation, and then we will talk about the results of this investigation of the activities of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine. another topic, ladies and gentlemen, is the actual presence of a large fifth column in ukrainian politics. pzh
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more than 400 deputies were elected to local self-government bodies throughout the country, in 2020 the entire opzh faction repainted. sitting in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and here medvedchuk makes a statement, an appeal to putin, the leader of this entire force, which actually remains in ukrainian politics at various levels, regarding the fact that putin, if not zelensky, will not agree to the so-called peace plan , that putin should occupy odesa and show the neo-nazi regime, as medvedchuk says, the deraks are hibernating, why, ms. victoria, in your opinion... opz is still present in ukrainian politics, in particular in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, as my colleagues from the committee of voters of ukraine say, there are 30 people there in various positions in parliamentary committees, deputy heads, secretaries of parliamentary committees, why does it happen that their leader
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calls for the destruction of ukraine, and they sit in the ukrainian government? i can be very brief here, as mr. oleksii urges me. you know, they're very comfortable, they're hostages, they're actually hostages to the authorities today, and the authorities are using them to, well, so to speak, to plug the holes, when they lack some votes there for the most scandalous bills, and this is just an objective reality, because if there was a political will to get rid of this fifth column, it would be removed, but instead, i regularly meet these people not only in the corridors, but ... there in the higher reception rooms, which simply come out of the offices of the heads of the country, and this simply says that these people are unfailing, it was very funny to me to watch how they cheered for
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the english language in ukrainian cinemas and for the fact that to be paid from the ukrainian budget money to these cinemas, so that english will be broadcast there, well, it is just so inconsistent with what these people have done there for more than 30 years in the ukrainian state, which is obvious that today they are simply extremely comfortable and have the political will to get rid of this p' unfortunately, there is no such thing as a column, because if they wanted it in the kyiv regional council, they got rid of them there, after the party was banned , it was simply accepted as a regulatory norm that they do not participate in meetings, similar regulatory things could be in the verkhovna rada glad, but there is no such desire, convenient partners, thank you, chairman. on the other hand , oleksiy koshel of the voters of ukraine believes that
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national security is threatened by the people's deputies of ukraine from opzh in leading positions in parliamentary committees and groups on inter-parliamentary relations with other countries. leadership positions held by deputies of banned pro-russian parties is not only a matter of political responsibility, primarily a matter of national security, but very complex. ukraine with hungary and china may also depend on the work or complete lack of work of groups on inter-parliamentary relations, which are headed by people from medvedchuk's closest circle. ms. halyna, why does your faction not insist that these 30 opz deputies, who remain in leadership positions in the parliament, at least be deprived of their positions in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i'm not saying, to nullify their powers. i thank you very much for the question, because i am obviously the person to whom this question should be asked, because i, in addition, am the author of draft law number 9081, which not only proposes to remove opzzh from politics, from ukrainian politics, but
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to ban them from any participation in politics for the next 10 years, this is the so-called draft law on anti-kremlin lustration, it was registered by me a year and a half ago, we with battles... with battles passed the committee headed by olena shulyak, who, after the start of the already full-scale invasion, declared that she was constructively cooperating with the opzh, and it is obvious that this is where the greatest difficulties lie with the implementation of this bill, when the head of the specialized committee constructively cooperates with this fifth column and prevents the adoption of this bill, but in general, i want to tell you, colleagues, that the presence of pro-russian forces in the ukrainian parliament, or were they called the party of regions , whether they were later called opz, or now they are called some different deputy groups, this is a decade-long crime, decades, because the war
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did not start two years ago, not 2.5, it started in the 14th year, and for everyone was there it's obvious what caused it in the first place. if the tragic deaths of the heavenly hundred right in the center of kyiv, then what caused it and who caused it, who prepared the basis for it actually. the occupation of part of the donetsk luhansk region and the annexation of crimea, therefore, from my point of view , the author of this draft law, the main author and ideological inspirer of which i am, i will recall number 9081, it seems to me that it was not only long overdue, but that it was needed in a good way to adopt 10 years ago, only, unfortunately, then i was not a people's deputy, now, when i am a people's deputy and i can, by virtue of my... modest capabilities , influence ukrainian politics, i do it. thank you, mrs. galina, mr. oleksiy, please
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, with your permission, we should not talk about our wonderful bills there, because there is such a parliamentary tactic : one person registers a bill, then spends the rest of his life telling how this bill was not voted on , votes for you, the majority votes first of all, because without it no law can be voted, so i am careful. and analyzed the situation with specialists, no need there is no draft law, just change the rules of the regulations in order to deprive them of the right to be in the hall and that’s it, the issue is resolved, serhiy, don’t pay attention to these committees of theirs, they are superfluous there2 to the payroll, but they are nothing in the committees there by themselves they can't, they have 35 votes in the hall, i monitor every vote, because my assistants also monitor, every scandalous ot... vote where the servants of the people do not have enough votes, because they have been divided for a long time, 35
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votes from the opzh are added to all the scandalous ones votes, and they get in as a result, the hall got 250, 255 votes, and this is their key, a diamond, you understand, and they are polishing this diamond, this group of 35 votes of opz deputies, they are called prisoners of war, because they don't have any. even they have to sit and push buttons for all bills that the president's office demands in the first place, so it's a completely transparent issue, there's no need for any other version, there can't be any, they're needed, you understand, because if they weren't there, then it would be necessary to have a reasoned discussion with the eu, with the motherland, and then it would really... there are a lot of completely anti-ukrainian laws, they would not have passed in this version, with such amendments, with such
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nuances, to the verkhovna rada, as they passed with the help of 35 votes, a magic wand, a diamond, well, that is, they are hostages of the current government, right, well, you understand, as they were told, either you vote for every draft law, or we open cases against each of you, nationalize, kill, arma, decisions, sanctions, everything. well , nestor shufrych is already being accused in the state council, he is sitting in prison, as far as i am concerned i understand, there is already a precedent, a vivid example, sergey, this is just a demonstration of what will happen to anyone who simply refuses to comply in fact, in fact, i hope that we will still wait for the decisions on the opz, because this issue has to be resolved one way or another , the people who represent for... it is forbidden in ukraine to sit and pass laws in a party, it generally breaks the entire
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structure, this morality of the government, you understand, but you cannot vote with your enemies on 95% of your laws, well, it is immoral, it is cynical in general , you see, that's what we're talking about, ma'am industry, look, one could ask a rhetorical question here: what did the batkivshchyna faction do, what did the eu faction do in order to expel the oppositionists. treason, but i have another question, i will not ask this question, i will ask a question, but do you think that these pro-russian traitors should continue to influence politics in ukraine even after the victory, after the war, and what, in fact, is your position on the anti-kremlin lustration, i'm very interested to hear that, and i'm very interested to follow how you will vote specifically wine completely thank you follow you follow everything you follow everything. doubts that we will vote for the lustration of the fifth column, well, with opzzh, well, seriously, well, this
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is a question for me, well, it just sounds funny, but honestly, you know that we are now saying absolutely true, fair things, now, what did we do, we have 27 people, yes, we are constantly talking about the need to pass a law banning the moscow church, we are collecting signatures, so far the majority have not signed these signatures, they are being talked about. the following the parliament will not work for two weeks, they reviewed it, now again, so it is a matter of delay. already for the month of july, i understand that this is precisely why we changed our schedule, that we are meeting not in a week, not in two, but in three, precisely in connection with the fact that, in order not to carry it out there on agenda for consideration, who lobbies for this issue, sometimes it is not novinsky at all who hires these lobbyists who preach in washington that they are going
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to ban christianity in ukraine, well, that is, they are real enemies of the state, and there it is carried out... full instruments of influence, and we have been pretending for a year and a half that we don't need this draft law, it shakes something up somewhere, it shakes things up, it actually undermines only the tools of russia's influence, nothing else, everything will depend on the government in general, then you read it and knew it, so you know here, well, you don’t need to appeal to our position, you don’t need to appeal to the opposition, there should be more political will, unambiguous questions, we will vote for your draft law, satisfaction, let’s... adhere to some regulation 10 seconds more once i insist, don't be offended by mrs. halyna , the first lustration must definitely be given a political assessment. the only thing, ms. halyna, i will remind you of the parliamentary arithmetic, it is not us 264 people, the majority, without which you cannot vote for anything. you do not know this, you do not know, you, you are in
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the parliament for the fifth year, you do not know parliamentary arithmetic. so, excuse me, let's not speculate, your wonderful bill, i am personally pleased. voted, but i emphasize once again that the presence of 35 of those 40 enemies of ukraine in the hall completely breaks the country's management system, you see, it nullifies absolutely any moral value, and we don't need to talk about it at all now, in relation to the draft law on it, it's not about the ban, let's face it, it's called the ban on the moscow church, it's called about anti-ukrainian organizations there. and so on and so on, i do not understand why he is not in the hall until now, he has long been ready for the second reading, please bring him in, and everything will be there, it will be clear what kind of ritual dances around him in recent months, thank you, mr. oleksiy, i hope that your draft law, ms. galina, will be voted on, because the question is, we need to put an end to this story, because
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it is difficult to imagine the future of ukraine in any other way, and it would be easier for everyone to live became yes yes. one more question, quite briefly, he stated that ukraine will immediately become a member of nato, after the war with russia is completely finished, and not frozen. let's listen to what stoltenberg said. ukraine will become a member of the alliance when we have a consensus, when all allies agree, because, as you know, expansion decisions are made by consensus. it is not enough to simply be the majority. nato allies have come forward for the invitation, we need all allies to agree, and let me add one more thing about membership: nobody knows when or how the fighting in ukraine will end, but when it does, we must be sure that it peace, not just a pause before a new russian attack. ms. galina, the secretary general of nato
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said that no one... when will the hostilities in ukraine end and how will it end, does this mean that the alliance allows that this war will not end in favor of ukraine. my colleagues allow me a little criticism towards the previous speaker, let's call him that. in fact, it seems to me that it is more like a statement than an excuse, that is, it is not clear when the war will end. in fact, there are very simple conditions under which everything will become absolutely clear, this is a quick, quick provision of military aid in full, which ukraine is talking about, that is, an accelerated provision of f-16s that could change the situation on the front line, in particular would be able to
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to become actually an effective countermeasure to these ot kabs, which are dropped on our actual defenders on the front line. from russian aircraft, this is the provision of long-range missiles in sufficient quantity, and specific, let's say, specific missiles, in particular, i am talking now about the german taurus, which could help us successfully carry out the operation to destroy the kerch bridge, so this is the statement about , that it is not clear when the war ends, and moreover, it is necessary to wait until the war is completely over, and not a certain freeze occurs, so that considering the issue of...ukraine in nato, it looks more like such refusals and like asking, like actually prolonging the issue, so i personally am not very happy with such statements, and they are on my point. rather, it is a manifestation of indecision and weakness on the part of individual officials. thank you, mr. oleksiy, why is nato so careful, or rather the secretary general of nato, because the secretary general of nato is
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a functionary of the alliance, and the countries, the leaders of the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance, decide. therefore, therefore, well, well, therefore, well, not such a simple situation, believe me, i i don't want to score points in front of the audience right now, talk about it, we can all see it. everything with my own eyes, i, unfortunately, i am not, unfortunately, an optimist regarding the timing of our entry into nato, i understand this situation, how global it is, and they, their diplomacy, they are trying one way or another, we have to feed this prospect on our own, so to speak, but i certainly do not like this situation, but i am simply stating pragmatically, i am not an optimist in this regard. that this issue will be resolved quickly, unfortunately, it is absolutely certainly does not remove from the agenda the issue of weapons, weapons, weapons, and once again weapons,
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this is a key factor of assistance and stabilization and indeed victory in this war on the terms of ukraine, there is no other. thank you, mrs. victoria, bad statements, yes, have been made recently, i think that this is actually a mistake by nato, because... you know, putin clearly voices his demand: ukraine should not be in nato, and with such statements, they are actually him help, because it would be precisely the acceptance of ukraine into nato, even within the controlled borders with the defeat of putin, it is obvious that it would simply not make sense for him to continue this war, because i am convinced that this is not a war for territories, this is a war for geopolitics, this is a war for rights. to decide what kind of international union to be, and here it is very unfortunate that our allies do not fully understand this, or they are simply obviously
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afraid, obviously afraid, afraid to participate in a war with nuclear russia, and as we know from the experience of world history, weakness allies, well, it definitely never led to victory, but i just looked at the... statement of the serbian president, who said that in the next three to four months, in the next three to four months, there may be significantly more intense confrontation and the number of conflicts, which means that russia continues to play for the aggravation of the situation in various parts of the world, and this may to be dangerous, thank you victoria syumar, galina yanchenko , the dolgit antineuro system helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness. help your nervous system, mom, i threw up and i'm sick, sfeko always just poisons me. in case of intoxication, dehydration may occur, and
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early evacuation. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv ya . it is 2 p.m. in ukraine and for your attention a news release on the spresa tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all the viewers and just now i will tell you about the most important events for this one time. the occupiers hit zhetlovy districts of kherson. the enemy hit the health facility. a woman was injured, she was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds to the abdomen. roman mrochko, the head of the city, informed. the invaders also attacked the village of olhivka in kherson.


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