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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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information day of the tv channel in rozpol. well, the operational-strategic group of troops is grumbling about the threat of an enemy offensive on the border. appropriate measures are being taken. now i am quoting lieutenant colonel nazar voloshin, the commander of the khortyts operational-strategic group. so, there is no need for now to panic and raise such information in society that the enemy is already advancing. the leadership of the armed forces and the top military leadership are aware of this information and are being contacted accordingly. measures, well, from our group, the defense forces are ready for any development of events, our defenders will give an adequate repulse in this direction as well, and he assured that everything is known about the enemy, and probably information about this will also be announced in the main intelligence office , whose units are located in this direction. well, we now we will talk about another direction, about the sumy direction, we will add ihor aganenko, editor-in-chief of the kordon media publication, to our broadcast as soon as... we have such an opportunity, because
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it is important to understand what is currently happening on the northern border of our state, the situation currently looks like the enemy is trying to gain a foothold in the north of kharkiv oblast, to entrench itself, ours are trying to counterattack, and accordingly, the offensive that the russians planned to implement in sumy oblast is currently being postponed indefinitely, we hope for always, but the situation there is not easy, because they continue to work... the enemy drg, they regularly do this, they try to break through the borders in the border settlements, well, accordingly, the situation there is also unstable, not to mention the shelling of sumy oblast, which occur regularly , and this very much annoys the people who stay there, but in the meantime, the main intelligence agency identified the killers of the prisoners near the robot. the killers were the occupiers of the 42nd motorized rifle division of the 58th.
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of the army of the southern district, it is about the shooting of the military in may near the operational zaporizhzhia region, then the enemy executed four ukrainian soldiers, well, accordingly , russian interventionists filmed it, for the experts of the main intelligence department , they identified those involved in this war crime, well, what are we going to talk about the situation in sumy oblast, as announced marta ulyarna ihor. ganenko, editor-in-chief of kordon media, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. editor, congratulations. glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, we would like to ask you right away about the current operative the situation on the russian-ukrainian border, and what is the situation with enemy penetration or attempts to penetrate our territory with the help of subversive intelligence groups, and what is the situation with shelling of border areas, in particular, it is about increasing or. decrease
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in the intensity of those shellings, today, in fact, our team is on the border, we work in the north of the region, and in particular we were able to talk with local residents, with officials, and it can be noted that, unfortunately, the enemy continues to shell border towns, border towns villages, does not stop trying. also, the drg is active , but ukraine is on the ground and they are working and will try to attack examples worthy of repulse, we understand that the situation in sumy oblast is very different, yes, but in general, if we are talking about the situation with shelling, what is the intensity of these shellings, or does it change and what exactly does the enemy use the most? the enemy mostly
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uses artillery and mortars in particular, and also actively uses fpv drones and drops of various types. ammunition on civilians, civilian objects, as well as shelling during week, the intensity did not increase, but it is still quite hot on the border, because the enemy is constantly, regularly, every day, every night shelling, shelling sumy oblast, shelling villages on the border and also cities that are, well, within a radius. the enemy's use of tactical aviation, is he actively using it now, including guided aerial bombs, are they now seriously harming the population of sumy oblast? now the intensity of the use of cabs has decreased, but we all understand that
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this is such a situation that can change, therefore, well, at least during this... week , the number of shelling by kabami was less than the previous week, mr. igor, and in general , we would now like to move on to the situation in the so-called civil life of the sumy region, in particular the situation with energy, how often active disconnect emergency shutdowns, non-emergency shutdowns, and how the residents of your glorious region react to this whole thing, actually. power outages occur probably with the same intensity as throughout ukraine, and of course the majority of residents are already there even the border villages that we constantly visit have adapted, people have been without electricity for a very long time and
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have adapted as much as possible, that is, we can even say that they have become energy-independent to a certain extent, but unfortunately, of course, we understand that the situation... with electricity supply it can also worsen, so actually people are preparing every day, and according to the reports given to us by official sources, people are buying everything necessary to provide for themselves as much as possible during the shutdown electricity, what if we are talking about the situation with such basic services. as public transport, we would like to ask you about the cost, because the order of the sumy city military administration to increase the fare on sumy minibuses to 15 hryvnias did not enter into force and was canceled, as i understand it, the public was not very happy when this question at all began to be considered, and how
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the situation looks with this now, i am sure that all residents were happy when... they heard about this decision to cancel the cost in transport, it is clear that after that, as i understand it, a commission was created that will investigate the passenger flow in general, the quality of the provision of these services, and indeed the relevance of this or that tariff, because as far as i understand, it was not investigated immediately, that is why the price is now so remains at the level of uah 10 in sumy minibuses, and... well, we'll see. we would also like to ask about the situation with the fortifications. your colleague alyona yatsina tried to find out how tenders for fortification in sumy oblast were conducted, but the military administration does not provide this information. well, accordingly, we would like to ask you,
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if you are currently on the border, if you actually see the presence of these fortifications, we are not asking you to describe some secret information that may carry a secret and be useful to the enemy, but at least to understand whether... .do you feel that this process is happening at an appropriate level? well, actually, today we drove almost the entire border along and we see that there are fortifications, they are also being built, but of course we have to assess the level and if the scale and expediency right there we cannot provide location data because... well, personally, i am not an expert in this topic, but there are fortifications, they are being built, well, of course , another question, if we had access to certain documentation, then, well, we could conduct a greater analysis . and finally, mr. editor, we would like to ask you about the pace
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of mobilization, how correctly the employees of the tsc and sp are working, and in general, what is your concern with the whole thing, how actively and how well they prepare people afterwards. again, this question is probably more for employees of territorial centers staffing, that journalist, you live there. that you are a journalist, you live there, that is, yes, yes, yes, well, the situation we see, again, again, there is no clear information there about the implementation of plans or the implementation of plans, so i think that this this information better than asking specifically. are
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the employees of tsc actually coping with the influx of these people? in my opinion, tcc employees may have certain difficulties, because there are a lot of large queues of people who really want to update their data, well, at least we don't observe it. but we are from people's conversations we know that there is a certain problem, because people do not have time to do all the necessary procedures for updating data in one day or two days, and of course there are other opportunities to update via snap or online, but some people do not know this and they continue to stand like this... yes, thank you, ihor ganenko, the editor-in-chief of the kordon media publication from sumy oblast, was with us, and here he has something
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to point out and correct a little, mr. ihor, since many people cannot simply use the reserve+plus application, since in order to get a reprieve or reservation, they still have to come to tetsk in person, and therefore it is not surprising that there are queues. we will now take a short break, after which we will have the opportunity to add to our agenda, i very much hope andriy demchenko, the spokesperson of the state border service and... i hope we will have the opportunity to ask him about how the control of conscripts is currently being carried out in the border zone, in particular, when crossing the border, whether the border guards are already starting to accept qr codes in the application, this is also important, because the previous once, when andriy demchenko was on our airwaves, he said that only a paper military document is taken into account by the border guards, whether this situation has changed now, you will find out literally in a few minutes. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special
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impartially. you draw conclusions. information day of the tv channel in rozpala, we are now adding andrii to our broadcast demchenko, spokesperson of the state border service of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. speaker, congratulations to you, heroes, glory, congratulations, studio. well, we would like to talk both about the situation at the front with our enemy, and about the situation on the poor borders of our homeland, when we talk about the western borders, that is, the border with poland, hungary, and so on. well , of course, we will not only talk about this, but first of all the battles in which our border guards take part, when we talk about the big front of the big russian-ukrainian war, sorry if you can repeat the question, because the fighting on the border with the russian federation, in which
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soldiers of the state border service take part, yes, and in general, what is the situation in the same sumy oblast, a couple of minutes. that's why we included a representative of this glorious region on our broadcast, well, actually along the border with the aggressor country, in general , the situation remains difficult, the enemy is trying to continue attacking in two directions, this is the direction of the settlement of liptsi and the direction of the settlement of vovchansk, in its defense lane, where there are units of the state border guard service of the defense forces, it is mainly. in the vovchan direction and our guys, together with other ukrainian soldiers, continue to repel enemy attacks, of course, what we see now is that the enemy does not have enough strength to advance deep into the territory of ukraine, but unfortunately, the enemy continues to strengthen this very direction with their own forces and
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means, including rotating those units that ran afoul of ukrainian... defenders, i will add that the border guards in this direction are actively using all available means, this including artillery, mortars, of course, as well as strike drones in order to allow maximum damage to our country, so the communication was unstable, paneand, the overall situation. the situation is different, of course, we do not see any attempts by the enemy to advance, but despite everything, and despite the fact that the enemy does not have sufficient forces, of course we must be ready for the development of any situations, including in the direction of sumy, and on in other areas, the enemy is insidious, his task, even if he understands that he will not be able to advance in the territory
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of ukraine, to achieve its strategic goal, but it can expand the zone of active combatants. actions in order for ukraine itself to attract the necessary forces and means to these directions, well , in fact, forcing ukraine to keep the necessary forces here, and not to use them on the front line, where more active hostilities have been taking place for a long time, at the same time the enemy does not stop shelling the borders of our country within the sumy, kharkiv, and chernihiv regions, but i can point out. that the number of shelling, for example, if compared with in the spring months, it decreased somewhat, every month in the spring, we recorded more than 300 shellings carried out by russia on the territory of these regions, using a variety of weapons, and since the beginning of this
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month, the number of shellings fluctuates somewhere around a thousand, huh . mr. andriy, look, we would like to discuss with you the difficult situation on our border, such, i would say, on the southwestern border, it is yew, it is the attempts of certain people to cross the border in an illegal way, and we see recently... sometimes there are many reports about illegal crossings of the border, this is also a car that was allegedly military, crossed the border with hungary, in the 32nd, if my memory serves me correctly, people were detained on the territory of hungary, there was also an attempt to break the border fence with a rubber boat in their hands to go to the tisza, it was five ukrainians, we understand that the situation has even reached the point that in the ivano-frankivsk region, in bukovyna, at the train stations. tsc employees check the documents of those men who come as tourists, but may intend to cross the border illegally. how now with this in
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it's about us, have there been more such attempts now and how are the border guards trying to get away with it? well, unfortunately, attempts to illegally cross the border continue every day, every day the border guards of ukraine cooperate, including with other law enforcement agencies. border guards are prejudicing the attempts of violators to illegally cross the border, i cannot say that recently the number of tests there has increased sharply, but unfortunately such cases are not decreasing, you mentioned the direction of the border, where it passes along the tisza river, this is it can be said that the majority of people simply pay attention to this, to this area, perhaps to some extent exclusively. but by land , attempts to illegally cross the border also continue, and i can note that over the last period, well, as before, in principle
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, we record the majority of attempts at the border with moldova and romania, if we take quantitative indicators there, then these are actually the same data of those the number of violators who were detained at the border or when trying to reach... the border in order to illegally cross it later. direction of the tisza river, it is more dangerous, because it was on this part of the border that more than 40 people were found who died because they tried to cross the border in an illegal way through this natural water obstacle, although there were, of course, cases when people died , trying to overcome difficult-to-reach mountain areas, either froze or had injuries from seizures, quite often
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border guards save the lives of such violators, having information, including from them, when they call and ask for help, because found themselves in such a situation that there is a threat to their lives, or when we pulled out... violators directly from the tisza river, there is also the audacity of organized criminal groups that help violators illegally cross the border, this is the case you mentioned, regarding the detention on the hungarian side of 32 citizens of ukraine, then our technical means of control over the area recorded the movement of the truck towards the border, it was moving through the fields, the license plate was traced on it... the car belonged to a military unit, but further verification is did not confirm, in fact, most likely the violators or the organizers even used such camouflage in order to
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make this car less attention to its presence at the border, er, when we recorded this attempt and actually the traces of illegal crossing we passed the information on the border to the hungarian side. who later informed us about the detention of 32 men who were detained in hungary and were sent to ukraine for citizenship? they are currently on the territory of hungary, the hungarian side did not return them ukraine, noting that, on their part, they are also conducting the necessary verification measures in relation to this situation, including, most likely, for the purpose of arrest.
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plus, since yesterday, the electronic qr code is equated to a paper military ticket with a barcode, i remember at our previous inclusion you talked about the fact that currently the border guards take into account only the paper version of the document, has this situation changed, or now the border guards also take into account the qr code that is in the reserve+n application? considering that they were a ministry of defense, including work carried out at the regulatory level. in the normalization of this application , a reserve plus to the application, which should in the future generate and e-e have some affiliation to the military accounting document in electronic form, then of course, at the moment we can take into account this document, which will be presented persons who cross the border and whose
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military registration documents we are currently... checking, i will mention separate categories of citizens, this does not apply to all, but it is worth understanding that the norms of the current legislation, the border guards will observe constantly, including by checking this military registration document in electronic form, if all the necessary information that gives the right to cross the border is displayed there, then of course we will let people through this document, but... in case, if this information is not enough there, regarding one or another person who demonstrates it, will demonstrate it at the border, we will definitely check the information about such persons additionally through the auberg system, because we noted earlier that since march
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, border guards at the border have access to this system and actually use it in order to confirm information about their military ... to cross the border, including in the coastal system, and not allow the use of forged documents. but with regard to forged documents, how many law-abiding citizens of ukraine manage to be detained at the border now, and if we talk about falsification attempts, then which one? the falsification plan is applied, over the last period, the number of attempts to use forged documents has probably decreased, because previously we could detain and identify such persons who use forgeries about 10 per day, now this number is less, but in fact such persons continue to be detected almost every day, but the number documents and the number of persons decreased somewhat, in the same the time
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of forgery, they can refer to all directions that allow a person to cross the border, well, actually, this is language again more about male citizens of ukraine between the ages of 18 and 60, because these categories are temporarily prohibited from leaving the borders of ukraine during martial law, and this may apply to fakes, such as those allegedly issued in territorial recruitment centers, this is also about disability, this also. or what concerns the accompanying of persons with disabilities, or documents regarding other conditions of crossing the border, well, in particular, to the example of rich parentage. thank you andriy damchenko, spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, was ateri espresso. we thank him and it is important for us to note that now the border guards will take into account the electronic military registration document when crossing the border, if you have
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a qr code. who can actually confirm the available information, but it is important to clarify, if relevant questions arise, whether the documentation will not be enough, well then, dear, if you want to cross the state border, you will have to communicate this whole matter with the tcc and the sp, that's right, well, now we will learn more news already from iryna koval, maybe she will share some details about it with us how many people have already created this electronic military document in the reserve plus application, iro, congratulations. we give you the floor and ask you to share with us what this issue will be about. and i congratulate you, marta, well, literally in a moment, unfortunately, i do not have this information yet, but i will tell you about the consequences after the night shelling by the russians of various territories of our country, and also about the plenary day in the verkhovna rada, what is voted for deputies, so wait for more details in a moment.


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