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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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of the day using a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at... actions in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well , norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues. we now add lyudmila denisova, a human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, to our list, she will be here any minute. well
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, for now we will inform you about the most important events, and in fact now we have the opportunity to talk with ms. denisova about important issues that are currently worrying many ukrainians, i mean those who are currently going to the tcc to update their credentials, many of them are eligible for deferment, in particular, with regard to the postponement, which is connected with the care of the sick and relatives, unfortunately, there are a lot of them now. such precedents, when people come, but somehow they have some difficulties in proving the correctness of their intentions, let's say, and the legality of the fact that they should be given this reprieve. lyudmila denisova, human rights defender and head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, is already in touch with us. ms. ludmila, we congratulate you, and actually, we would probably like to start with this situation, with this very sensitive issue and problematic for a lot of people who are now coming into...
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their data, let's start with the general, who is eligible now for deferment if we 're talking about taking care of sick relatives who need some kind of care? good day, since may 18 of this year, the right to postponement is granted on the basis of the one you mentioned, the presence of sick family members, nine categories of servicemen, who exactly are these, those who care. raise a seriously ill child who is not recognized as a person with a disability, or a child with a disability under the age of 18 years old, or receive full age, an adult child over 18 years old with a disability of the first or second group, have a wife or husband with a disability of the first or second group, and under certain conditions, also of the third group. can also receive such a deferment
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if they receive a disabled person. there are three more categories, the reason for postponement is the care of family members who are visible, those who constantly care for the sick, relatives, wife, child, father or mother, who according to the conclusion of the medical and social expert commission or medical consu... commission, it is written in the conclusions that they need such constant care, those who have one of their parents, spouse or husband with disabilities of the first or second group. at the same time, it should be borne in mind that a person with a disability determines for himself which of the conscripts will take care of him. this is important, pay attention to it. attention:
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family members, even from the second level of kinship, who take care of a person with a disability of the first or second group. who is this? these are relatives, brothers and sisters, grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren, persons with disabilities of the first and second groups. in the absence of such a second group of kinship, there may be a third, already the degree of kinship of a person with a disability of the first or second group, i.e. non-consanguineous. brothers or sisters, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, persons with disabilities of the first or second group, so these are nine categories of conscripts, who today, under certain conditions, namely the illness of their loved ones, have the right to deferment . ms. lyudmila, look, but we understand that we need to collect documents quickly and very often a documentary way... to confirm our
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right, the way we should be in the current situation, for example, if not the entire package of documents is collected, which they can demand, yes, but on the other hand, there is the fact itself, which... in idea and should give this a certain right, are there any mechanisms for speeding up these processes related to these various medical commissions and so on? well, you understand, if a person already has a disability, for example, yes it is established and is already a decision of the sec or lkk, where it is written that care, then you need to contact the person who is conscripted, who will be caring, to the commission, which... was created in local authorities, so that they establish that this person is really caring, then immediately write to this conscript, who is considering the issue postponement of mobilization, to the commission created at the tsc, the very submission
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of an application already gives the right to the fact that a person who is conscripted cannot be sent to the vlk, or issued a summons for... mobilization, that is, this time, with at the time of submitting this application, personally with documents that i just mentioned, and you can still look at the resolution itself, what is added to these, already suspends the effect of what may be, he can be mobilized, the commission itself considers according to the law, if and according to the resolution of the cabinet of ministers seven days, this is almost how these terms, and sometimes not at all. they accept a person where a decision is awaited while the meeting is in progress, then the commission makes a decision, either satisfies the application, or refuses, if it refuses, then it is written with the reasons for the refusal, so that the person can already say it in
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court, yes, mrs. likola, allow me, but i i have to interrupt you, unfortunately, because i had the opportunity to talk to lawyers about this topic, and it is very important, even if a person now, under the law, a person only has one attempt to get this deferment, it can be denied, and then the mobilization process begins, which cannot be reversed, a person can then with a lawyer, a lawyer, try to somehow refute it in a court of law, demand justice, but the mobilization process cannot be stopped, and here if there is such a big threat for those people who go for this postponement, to understand that everything should be perfectly simple, each document should be perfect for... so that tcc employees do not have a question about this or that document, so i would like your own position as well in this regard, can you pay attention to something, you know, when a person is going to go to the tccsp, i simply advise resolution 560, there is an appendix and
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it is written, in which case, which documents, if, for example, to receive a postponement on the basis of caring for a sick person man, as i said, you need to add documents there about human kinship. which will be cared for, and this conclusion, it must be, and if not, then you need to apply so that it is written that it needs constant care, and these documents are submitted, but here i agree with your lawyers who consulted you or provided you such that the tsk sp can absolutely refuse and then go to these courts, yes, and then they immediately submit this mobilization order and indeed by... then you can only resign under the circumstances that i emphasized, grant a postponement, for under the same circumstances to resign services, but it is definitely already a process, and it is still necessary to keep in mind how long it is postponed, and it is given for the time when
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a person will need such care, but no more, including it should be kept in mind what is written there in the resolution providing... for the period when mobilization is announced. the president and the verkhovna rada announce this mobilization every three months, and indeed now it is in effect there until the middle of august, and therefore the postponement is granted precisely for this period. this should be taken into account. but there are such mechanisms, a conscript must know them will still receive his deferment on legal grounds, that later, when this term expires. it is possible to submit a new application in electronic form, already if any documents have changed and the tsksp is considering and already notifies about the extension of this postponement. it is very good that we have the hotline of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights on the screen, if you
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need, you can call there, because i see that there are many questions on our youtube channel, regarding certain points, i do not i will read them all now therefore, i ask you, if you are interested in ... to find out some specific points, then please contact us, because we cannot cover a specific situation, we would like to convey in general terms for our viewers the important information that they need. see also, the government has expanded the list of those who can receive payments in the event of the death of military personnel, would you like to communicate this as well, explain to the audience what changes have now come? what does the death of the military mean? that is, you are talking about wives and husbands, for example, it is said people who do not have a death, if death is one thing, and if injured, then death is another, so again to talk about the general risk, well, it is possible that there is an increase in various payments, and the main thing is that these payments are
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provided , and if you correctly said that we cannot talk about death here, we need to talk about the cause, death, disappeared under special circumstances, or died as a result of injuries received, these are different categories, different payments to be received, so i would like if we specifically about a certain person if we are going to talk, then you need to... call us, and then we will tell you specifically about a specific issue, each situation, so that it is possible to prepare the documents and receive them. today, you understand that we are approached by people who have not been able to receive one-time cash assistance for a year and a half. now we will just talk about some increases, we need to ensure what we have today. today, we have a deadlock due to congestion. about the mobilization measures of the tsk sp, as in the city, and in the oblast, people practically, the employees
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of the tckp do not take care of those who have already lost more dearly, they do not check the collected documents, do not transfer them to the oblast, and then do not send them to the ministry of defense to the commission that makes these decisions, about which we are now talking about increasing, it is necessary to pay what a person... is already entitled to by law, you see, today the situation with these payments is difficult, and therefore it is still necessary for the commanders of military units to pay attention to this in order to consider , i i understand that they defend the borders of our state, but what should people do who have already lost, and now, you understand, and such a situation arises that soon it will be three years since a person disappeared without a trace, and in general, then they can file it? to the fact that it will already be approved by the court, and the family can no longer be entitled to ogd,
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because it affects the period of receipt lyudmylo, there are many problems that need to be solved, and we thank you, in particular, and your organization, ukrainian human rights protection center, working on this, lyudmila denisova, human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, was on espresso's air, we will now go for a short one. after that we will continue the espresso information day, thank you, attention, a good offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only 99 uah, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 99 uah. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, that's all. for 99 hryvnias take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb is working
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choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in... the csso a-sbu team. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. we are now involving oleg in our marathon baby girl people's deputy of ukraine. glory to ukraine, oleg mykhailovych. glory to the heroes, i congratulate the tv viewers of espress. well, the verkhovna rada worked fruitfully, that is, i say this without irony, an extremely important bill, in particular, when we talk about prospects and the permission, well, i am there in quotes or without quotes, but the permission for local communities to support the armed forces of ukraine. we remember what huge discussions we had at one time, yes, in particular, when we
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talk about personal income tax, yes, and accordingly, what were the formulas. local offers communities in order to support our fighters, yes, well, because the fighters were also supported by the cities, but now it is as if this permission has already been written in the draft law, so let's hope that it will be signed in the near future. oleg mykhailovych, you have the floor. local communities supported the ukrainian army, starting not only from the moment of full-scale aggression, but starting from 2014. year and this support is truly invaluable. it is a pity that in a certain period of time the government took away income from communities the appearance of the so-called military pdpo and the ability to support the armed forces from the community became smaller, although both before and after, when we, for example, talked about drones, most of the drones delivered to
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the troops were drones not purchased through state structures and... from the state budget, and these are drones that are purchased by communities, which are supplied by our volunteers, and this decision, this decision is not about opening an even wider road for communities to help the military, they already did it and did very well, it is a safeguard against the fact that law enforcement agencies do not abuse the representatives of local communities, do not demand additional checks from them, so that this norm, which in essence already functions, today everyone must help the military, is legislated and legitimized, and now no law enforcement officer will have a question for territorial communities, and why do you give money to the armed forces of ukraine, because from now on it is not only a moral obligation and a norm that corresponded to the current legislation, it is already
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today is a direct norm of the law, so i have an appeal to local communities: help: our armed forces of ukraine, i have an appeal to representatives of the authorities in the ukrainian state: do not interfere with the communities, and of course, return the funds to the communities, because it is important for the communities today to help the army , today it is very important for communities to maintain education, health care, cultural workers, but now it is also very important for communities to prepare their settlements for winter due to this huge number. electricity connection, which were and how today, representatives of the authorities say that they will not decrease until the heating season. mr. oleg, but the council could not do without a spoon of dykh. supported the amendment on the economic reservation of members of the so-called white business club. i want to briefly tell our viewers what it is about? therefore, the head of the tax committee, danylo hetmantse
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, proposed an amendment to the law on the so-called white business club, which recommends introducing e-booking for entrepreneurs included in this list. among others, the deputies supported his amendment, which recommends of the cabinet of ministers to make changes to the order of reservation of conscripts, to introduce automatic reservation of the payer. taxes included in the white business club, the share of reserved up to 25% of conscript workers, this is the news, please, your reaction, another bill, i believe that this is not a spoonful of tar, that it is a bucket of shit on ukrainian business and ukrainian entrepreneurs , because today in ukraine, according to experts' estimates, there are about 500 thousand, more precisely 470 thousand subjects of entrepreneurial activity. and they want to choose a thousand of them subjects and put them in some separate list, that will be a legal form of whitewashing the so-called from on the part of representatives
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of controlling and checking structures in order to get into some new list, that is not what you are doing, dear gentlemen, the same rules of the game must be made for everyone , it is necessary for all businesses to feel protected in the country, they have already gone through the history of the notorious investments... not money, where they wanted to allocate again to individuals and help individuals at the expense of, well, i don't know, administrative concessions or corruption schemes, what about it it turned out, investments came from this, and likewise this white brotherhood or white list or an incomprehensible list of enterprises that will be formed by officials, this is another path to corruption, and to add such, you know, attractiveness to this corruption feeder, let's we will... reserve more workers, it seems to me that these are absolutely wrong approaches, and thereby the ukrainian state in the person of the representatives of the authorities, it demonstrates that
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there are no transparent rules of the game, there are no uniform approaches, in order for you to have some especially a positive attitude, you have to get on some lists, that's why european solidarity voted the same as it once did against pseudonyms, so also against this. white list with a dark shade. oleg mykhailovych, we would like to ask you about the visit of the head of the polish sejm, shim, to the main ones, namely to the verkhovna rada, whether there were any additional meetings with representatives of the ukrainian parliament. if what was said about happened, if it is not a secret, well, we only know that there was a conversation with the president of ukraine. yesterday ukrainian the parliament received the speaker. lithuania, today mr. holovnia marshalyk spoke in the ukrainian parliament, and in fact, these are very important meetings, these are very important visits, because
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it is a demonstration that our partners in the west were, are and remain loyal to ukraine, that they are our promoters who have not given up on the idea of ​​ukraine joining nato, who, on the contrary, are lobbying for us to become members of the north atlantic treaty organization. defense alliance. it is very nice that yesterday the speaker of the lithuanian parliament concluded his speech in ukrainian. today , marshalyk began his speech in ukrainian . this is a demonstration of respect, not just for the ukrainian parliament, it is a demonstration of respect for our country, it is a demonstration of respect for the armed forces of ukraine. and this is, probably, once again a testimony to all those... that's why , even now, in the 10th year of the war, in the third year of full-scale aggression, somehow his jaw is not so composed, and he can no longer speak his native state language, and
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of course, that we heard once again that poland is our friend, that poland is our partner, and poland - this country, which defended and will defend the interests of ukraine in the western community. i am convinced that the active role i... played during the preparation of the visit and during the visit itself, the chairman of the parliamentary group of friendship between ukraine and poland, people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi, actually served to strengthen communication not only between ukrainian and polish parliamentarians, and between our peoples, ukrainians and poles must stick together. we had a very difficult and long history, but we should have a common future. we agree with you sir oleg, look at another not very pleasant situation: prosecutor general kostin did not come to the verkhovna rada to comment on the investigation into the fortunes of his deputy verbytsky, instead he sent a letter about
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it. reports people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak, i don't want to repeat, you probably, as a person who was directly present at the hearing in the hall of the verkhovna rada, you also probably had the opportunity to see what happened there in the context of kostin's report, regarding his zam veribytskyi . well, the servants of the people are starting to marry all those things the discrediting of the parliament, which they laid, starting from 2019, that is, a single body. power, the activity of which is directly foreseen during martial law, which means the continuation of the work of the parliament, today high-ranking officials are taking such actions, think about it, this is despite the fact that the prosecutor general is elected to his position by the decision of the ukrainian parliament, and we simply see this detargeting, leveling a key branch of the legislature and a key branch
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just in time. the action of martial law, it is, well, of course, a very small danger, and that a big bell to discredit the government in society, we oppose russia , including at the expense of unity and compliance with the current legislation, and when today our western partners see such a leveling of parliamentarism, believe me, this does not play into the hands of our victory, and it forces many to... think about whether the democratic principles that will lead us to the european community to nato are really maintained in ukraine. on june 25, which is less than a week from now, we hope that the so-called negotiating framework will be approved for the start of negotiations for ukraine's accession to the european union. and issues of democracy, issues of parliamentarism, issues of freedom of speech were,
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are and will be key at the time. of this negotiation procedure, and when at the moment parliamentarism is being publicly destroyed and the very institutionality in ukraine, authorities, society is being discredited, it is very, very dangerous, and unfortunately, it can have very dangerous consequences. oleg mykhailovych, finally, i would like to briefly ask you about the draft law on the creation of the military police, we understand that we have a military law enforcement agency, and we understand that now... we have a new body with possible new additional powers, unfortunately, we have about a minute and a half, but outline, please, a very dangerous bill , and i believe that the parliamentarians made a mistake when, in the first reading, they supported this bill, because it is the creation of such a military dbr, which i don't know what it will do in the kodumstvo, where it is stipulated that
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these representatives of this new... structures will be able to break into the appropriate housing, that is, we believe that this draft law is not just imperfect, it is very dangerous from the point of view of pressure on ukrainian military personnel, it is a wrong policy that is carried out in the state today, when the military is intimidated, when the tsk has already discredited its role , when the law on mobilization is ambiguously perceived in society, we need to very quickly... revise it, because the armed forces must be replenished with motivational fighters, we understand very well, helping the armed forces is a priority, soldiers in the armed forces of ukraine - this is a priority, but the armed forces of ukraine should not be staffed from fear and coercion, but should be staffed from motivation and conviction, this is our road that will lead to victory, yes mr. oleg, we agree with you, oleg senyutka, people's deputy
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of ukraine, was on espresso, now antin and i will say goodbye to you, for today we finish working for you, but our colleagues will continue their work, in just a few moments there will be news from iryna koval, we are with you we say goodbye to tomorrow, take care and be with espresso. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. let's start with the situation: in kharkiv , the russians hit the city with guided aerial bombs, the mayor of the city, ihor
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terekhov, said. recorded on the outskirts of the city.


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