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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest ones. changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that worry ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. during this is
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a big issue, i remind you on the espresso tv channel, money during the war oleksandr moshchevka has something to say today. oleksandr, good evening, please. good evening, for the next few minutes, dear viewers, i will tell you about future sanctions, whether they will affect the russian giant rosatom, as well as the harvest in ukraine has started, and you will learn from the national bank how not to fall into the loopholes of cyber fraudsters, all this in the section about money in a moment. i am oleksandr morchank, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. consequently, sanctions against rosatom may have negative consequences from the point of view of nuclear security, since many countries depend on the technologies of the russian federation. this was announced by the general director of the international atomic energy agency magathe rafael gruosi. many countries are trying to reduce dependence, but they still need, well, for example, partial payments. components to
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its nuclear power plants from russia. let me remind you that the state concern rosatom is directly involved in erefia's armed aggression against ukraine. this statement was also made by the minister of energy herman galushchenko. rosatom employees also took part in the seizure of the chornobyl and later zaporizhia nuclear power plants, and now they are restoring order at the zaporizhia nuclear power plant. well, vasyl. now the 14th package of sanctions against the russian federation is being prepared, i hope that at least partially , such sanctions should be subject to economic sanctions limitation. in the 13th package, well, it was not possible to insert, well, after all, such specific measures are restrictive against this concern. well, i can only hope, but i'm having a hard time understanding what, what methodology they're calculating, that is, if we impose sanctions, what will happen?
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are we ready for what will happen, or are we not ready, which of russia's responses may be adequate and which may be inadequate, i simply do not know , again, what are the components of this complex equation that is being calculated, it is not simple, i am fine i understand completely, but i i think that they prepared economically, energetically, morally, and psychologically so that the kremlin knew vasyl, when the builders, i mean, whether those who will introduce these sanctions prepared themselves, that they are ready for any -any, any reaction from russia, well here i am... as soon as the position of raphael grossi, the head of the magat is clear, he often tries in his statements to approach the russian federation in a tolerant, democratic way, somehow somewhere in the subtext to justify the actions of the kremlin, of course i will add the kremlin once again, at the time when nuclear power plants were being built abroad, and in fact they are still being built, the kremlin knew what it was doing, it was such a needle on the nuclear needle, well, the european union,
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at least, well, you know how things have turned out now it is known that it turns out that angela merkel knew that the northern stream is a foothold on europe's gas needle, but she remained silent, well, i hope that now in the state of war no one will be silent, and at least from one more potential needle, and the nuclear country of the world simply they will remove it, they will remove it, because it actually succeeded with the gas plant, well, let's move on, frauds with coal mining in the lviv region exposed a group of officials who stole millions of minerals. hryvnias were reported to the police. the law enforcement officers established that the director, chief engineer and head of the technological complex of the mine were involved in the criminal scheme. the perpetrators entered fictitious data into the daily mining reports, and the remaining minerals were taken away and sold to other companies. so far , the accused have been detained, they face 12 years imprisonment. let's listen to the direct speech. the law enforcement officers established that the daily production specified in the official documents.
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was three times smaller than the actual one. for example, in one official daily report to the relevant ministry, the persons involved showed 80 tons of mined coal instead. it has already been confirmed that in just six days of february 2024, their business of looting the nadra brought almost uah 2.4 million in profit. an information campaign on cyber security is underway in ukraine. how active were the fraudsters during the war and how to avoid fraudsters who can do anything with your bank cards. we will talk about this with tetyana mashlakovska, a leading expert. department of public relations and financial affairs of the national bank of ukraine. good evening. good evening mrs. tetyana, it is clear that now we are essentially dependent on social networks, how active have cyber-swindlers become in social networks, and how can you avoid
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falling into their trap, save your money first of all? and if we talk about the number of cases in general fraud, yes, indeed. during a full-scale invasion, according to statistics, the number of such cases increased, and in particular, fraudsters are very active in spreading phishing links on social networks, and there are also cases of hacking of accounts on social networks. how to protect yourself from such hacks? and the first thing to do is to set reliable passwords, that is, the password must be complex and unique to each of your accounts, because fraudsters also... use, according to the cyber police , a special program in order to pick up passwords, so the more complex and unique your password is, the more secure your accounts are. also, in order to protect your accounts, you must install multi-factor authentication, or it is also
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called two-step verification. what it is? and this is such a function if, for example, you access your account in social networks not from your smartphone, but from some other. device, or if the fraudster does it, then for that, he, he will need to enter not only the login and password to social networks, and also a special additional code that is sent to the smartphone, to the messenger or to the e-mail box, or to a special application, that is, even if the fraudster, for example, learns your login and password to the messenger or social network or e-mail, he will not be able to access of this account, because... two-factor or multi-factor authentication, it will prevent this, and besides the fact that fraudsters can pick up passwords, they also lure them out through various phishing resources, for example, if a person can come across an ad there is a job offer, so a person goes to
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the site and the site asks for this scam to apply, please log in, enter your social media login and password when the person enters this information. er, perhaps here it is necessary to distinguish between true information, for example, advertising, er, an offer from an employer or from some retail network, and distinguish between information presented by a cyber fraudster, perhaps there are some tips on how to analyze, how to understand, so as not to fall into trouble? and if we talk about such an already common social media fraud scheme where fraudsters spread messages. that they offer monetary assistance on behalf of the state or an international organization, then the first thing to do is to check the information through official sources, that is, do not follow the links that you see on social networks, even telegram channels anywhere, that is, if you
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interested in applying for financial aid, go to the official site and look at this information there, that is, do not click on the links, because if you go to links, most likely you will see: a site that really looks like an official site, and it can confuse you, so the first rule here is to check information through official sources, and of course, be careful about those offers that you you see in social networks, if the offer looks too attractive, so you can apply for financial assistance in two clicks, or you can earn money very quickly there, or you can participate in some kind of raffle, you need to check these messages twice. and what role does it play in these? in stories, a bank, for example, if it can call a person from the bank, or ask a fraudster for some data from a bank card, like
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what is the role of a financial institution, can it prejudge, can this banking institution precede, for example, that money be withdrawn from a person's bank card? and well, let's say, banks, they comply with the law of ukraine on personal data protection and ensure that the bank vault is not disclosed to clients. client. for their part, they must also follow the rules and not disclose confidential data about their cards, logins and passwords to of internet banking, if a person gave this information to fraudsters, well, consider it the same as giving a wallet with money directly into the hands of criminals, that is, citizens must follow the rules of payment security and not disclose this data, even if a person calls a person and introduces himself as a bank employee , because... most of these cases are fraudulent, and 80% of all cases are due to social engineering, when
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people independently report, disclose data on websites or by phone to fraudsters, so there is a big responsibility here, after all, too lies with the citizens, because if you disclose this information, well, you are actually putting everything in the hands of fraudsters. thank you for the advice of tetiana mashlakovska, a leading specialist in public relations and financial literacy. the national bank helped us to remind vasyl once again how not to get into halepa, how not to lose money due to various cyber scams, well, it seems such simple advice, at least do not disclose personal data, do not follow links, for example, which ones confuse you , there is no time, i am only 30 seconds, one day i get a call from a private bank, it's like, come over, you need to install something there, i say okay, well, i already understand, something. and he says, here we are in solomyanka, well, in a word, he says, let’s meet at the bank, i’ll go out, i say, and
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what, i say, not under the garages, i say near the bank, let’s ask at the bank, well, i, i already understand that this is a scammer, but such funny things, we, i will go to the bank, i will update something for you there, you will bring the data, i say girlishly, i say, well, don't make me laugh, please, let's end the conversation, but you see , basil, if such stories still happen, someone understands them, someone can get into trouble and simply lose all their money, be careful. and keep an eye on your funds, i will say goodbye to you, but the long broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us, thanks to oleksandr morchavka, here people write in the comments for our youtube broadcast, saying that they really appreciate espresso, the channel does a lot of good, take care of us, they even gave me some praise, oleksandr, thank you very much, thank you for watching, thank you for trusting, and not only great. all projects which has the espressa tv channel for your attention, in particular
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the verdict program, which starts at 8:00 p.m., they know that you definitely like it, but when serhiy was not there on monday, i read posts about serhii rudenko, how are we without him, here he is today, serhiy, tell me, please, what will be discussed. good evening, vasyl, at 20:00 we start the two-hour verdict in the first block from 8 to 9 p.m. we will have three guests, oleksiy goncharenko, who... today or yesterday was convicted by rote in russia for allegedly slandering the russian army, but it's easier saying, for the fact that he told the truth , including to the russians. oleksiy goncharenko will talk about the details of this case, because the russian court gave him 10 years in prison in absentia, and of course, oleksiy himself is ironic about this, but we will talk about his current state. is the russian federation and the so-called russian justice system. in addition, the main topic that
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is currently being discussed, including in russia, is the statement by the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak, that the russian will be invited to the next global peace summit side. what do oleksiy honcharenko and the members of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in general think about this? we will hear from mr. honcharenko himself from the university. then we will have an expert who... mykhailo prytula, a military expert and former colonel of the security service of ukraine, is working, he will tell us about how best to arrange a sanitary zone on the territory of the russian federation, simply put, that gap, which is called a buffer zone, well , of course, let's talk about the internal enemies that are in ukraine. about the so-called fifth column, the opz faction, and in general opzh deputies in
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local councils, as well as a branch of the russian orthodox church, why the authorities do not want to deprive either the former or the latter of power and influence in ukraine, we will talk about all this with mykhailo prytula, and the very end of the first hours, we will have oleg hrybachuk, the former head of yushchenko's presidential office, we will talk about putin's visit to north korea, he spent 11 hours with kimchenin, they agreed there that together they will participate in the war against ukraine, well at least to putin thanked kimchynin for his participation in the russian-ukrainian war, and it is also a great challenge for the whole world that putin demonstratively shows one of those who are part of the so-called axis of evil, and in the second half of our program, which will begin at 9:15 p.m. , we will have two political experts,
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these are igor reiterovych and viktor boberenko, we will talk about military censorship, about censorship in... the new york times is already writing about the fact that in ukraine there are problems with freedom of speech and problems with mass media, yes it or not, let's listen to our experts, except let's talk about corruption in the ukrainian government, about how the top management of law enforcement agencies is now involved in various journalistic investigations, and these investigations show that they do not live on their salaries at all. we will have such a big two-hour broadcast, we start at 8:00 p.m., literally in 14 minutes, don’t switch, stay with espresso, watch vasyl zima’s big broadcast next, well, we’ll meet with you exactly at 8 p.m., vasyl, i promise you, thank you very much serhii, so at 20:00 and the verdict program with serhii rudenko, well, now we will
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talking about sports with yevhen postykov, of course, that is the top topic, at least for these weeks, and while our national team is at the euros, even more so, it is euro-2024. evgeny, please, two words yevhen pastykhov is already with us. good evening, vasyl, greetings, dear viewers of the espresso tv channel, in a few seconds we will talk about what is happening in the camp of the national team of ukraine on the eve of the second match at the european championship, and of course, we will also talk about the results of other matches. so, the national team of ukraine is slowly recovering. after a stunning defeat at the start of the european championship in his first match against the national team of romania. serhii rebrov's team is currently preparing for its second match against slovakia, which will take place on friday, june 21 in dusseldorf and the ukrainians are located near frankfurt. vitaliy mykolenko, the left defender of the blue and yellows,
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continues to train according to an individual program. this is if we talk about personnel news. of course, our team. far from high spirits now, the analysis of mistakes in the lost match against romania continues, ruslan malinovskyi and volodymyr brashko talked to journalists today, the football players actually talked about the team's reaction to the defeat, as well as how it is to play at the euros when their hometowns are under russian fire, i suggest you hear the direct speech. there was a theory that ... someone said some things are very important for everyone, so now it's important to transfer it to the training process, to work in training, because everything from training is transferred to the game, from the captain, from the guys who are already experienced, we heard a lot of kind words, let's say this, i am always in
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touch with my parents, and with friends who are there... zaporizhzhia, of course, every day there, almost every day shelling, but they are holding on, i am very worried about them, and i want to please as much as possible with my game, for the national team and to please all ukrainians, but it didn't work out in the match with romania, it really didn't work out in the match with romania, but we really believe that everything will work out for our mother in the match against... . slovakia, at least, that the team will demonstrate fighting qualities and character, this is exactly what the fans are waiting for from the ukrainian national team. and today the second round of the group stage of the european championship started. croatia and albania gave us a dramatic match. both teams were defeated in the first round. croats from the spaniards, albanians yielded to the italians. and both
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teams wanted to win today, which they proved on the football field. albania scored first in the 11th minute, the score from... kazimlachi's goal, the croatians responded right in the middle of the second half, hitting the opponent's goal twice within three minutes. autohol gyasula and andrey kramerich's goal. however, gyasula recovered with a well-hit shot, saving the team from defeat in the time compensated by the referee. in this way, albania surprises football europe, and croatia does not live up to the expectations of its fans. and at 19:00 , the match in the group started for kyiv. and the hosts of the tournament , the germans, meet with the national team of hungary. currently, the hosts of the tournament are ahead with a score of 1:0, although the hungarians are also playing quite aggressively, they are responding to their own. the meeting of the national teams of scotland and switzerland, i will remind you that in the first round , germany crushed scotland 5:1, and switzerland beat hungary with a score of 3:1.
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well, here, as they say, as germany can already decide the question of its participation in the playoffs, so can one of the teams, scotland or switzerland, as far as i understand, well no, scotland can definitely say goodbye to the euro, in principle, if loses to the swiss, it will also be such an interesting match, but we would like to be in this group. said goodbye today, probably another team from euro, let's not campaign too much, here, in fact, everyone chooses whom to root for, so let's continue. the day before , the georgian national team played its first ever match at the european championships. in the first round of the group, fruzyna lost to the national team of turkey with a score of 1:3. and this game certainly didn't disappoint the neutral fans, i'm talking about those fans who didn't support either team. spectacular, passionate football, often without a center of the field, with mistakes, but with... possession. the teams exchanged goals in the first half, and turkey scored twice more in the second half one of these goals into an empty net, after a counterattack in the last moments of the game, when
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the goalkeeper of georgians left his own goal to participate in the attack of his team. and the final match of the first round of the group stage of the european championship was held on the eve of portugal and the czech republic. the pyreneans predicted that they possessed more of the ball and attacked more, but it was che... who took the lead thanks to the efforts of lukash provod in the 62nd minute of the match. however, portugal not only restored the paratet, but also witnessed victory in the end. first, robin granach upset the czechs with an own goal, in the 92nd minute of the game, three points were brought to roberto martinez's team by a good shot by cons isan. 2:1 in favor of portugal. and now let's move on from the european championship to club affairs, which are no less interesting. ukrainian clubs were the first to know. rivals in the european cup tournaments, kyiv dynamo in the second round of champions league qualification drew with serbian partizan from the city of belgrade. the first
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game for kiyan will be nominally at home. dynamo and partizan matches will take place on july 23 or 24 and on the 30 or 31 of the second month summer the winner of the duel will advance to the third qualifying round of the champions league and guarantee himself the european cup in the fall. the losing team will be relegated to... the europa league qualifying round. kyivans qualified for the champions league based on the results of their performances in the championship of ukraine. let me remind you, they took second place in the ukrainian premier league. partizan won silver in the serbian championship last season. and in conclusion, i will also say that polissya and dnipro-1 found out their rivals in the conference league. polissia's rival was slovenian olympia, the bronze medalist of the slovenian championship, and dnipro-1 will play against puskas academy. it. the hungarian team is the bronze medalist of the hungarian championship. the first match against the ukrainians will be nominally at home, the games are scheduled for august 25 and 1. july 25 and august 1. well,
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this concludes our sports column , i wish you a calm, peaceful evening, the big broadcast on espresso continues and my colleagues will continue it in a moment. thank you very much yevhen pastokhov, well, now i will call you to join the gathering, you guys, today it has already reached 490,000, and let's collect more for our soldiers, so we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone open air in any weather day and night. so, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, the cloudiness is what you see now on your screens, this anvil cloud, for example, on june 17, well, the other day
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literally, in zaporizhzhia , such a cumulonimbus cloud with an anvil was observed over the city, it is called a cumulonimbus incus, it also looks like a mushroom, they say and there have already been jokes on social networks that there is also some kind of ice-nuclear explosion, hoo-hoo-hoo, well, in a word, it is ordinary . rather an unusual cumulus rain cloud, how is it formed? it is formed in those cases when a powerful mass of warm air rises very high, reaches the tropopause, this is the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere, and having reached the tropopause, the cloud stops developing and due to the strong wind at such heights, it begins to blur and forms such a shape, which resembles an anvil, the top spreads under this layer, you see, i observed this cloud before the war. photo, but i witnessed just such a cloud and i am very proud of this, i love this photo, er, these clouds are the cause of such dangerous meteorological
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phenomena as thunderstorms. hail, squall, well, of course in the summer, there is nothing extraordinary, absolutely abnormal, in the summer there are such clouds, well, maybe not often they happen, but from time to time they develop, and who else, of course, will suddenly witness the development of such a cloud, please take photos and send them to me, i will be happy to share with all viewers, your evidence of clouds, well, now we move on to the behavior, the magnetic field earth, we return to the heights again, so to speak, tomorrow, as you can see, the situation is quite calm, there will not be any powerful or even such a small geomagnetic activity, so we calmly just move on to the actual weather forecast, and here we have news, the fact is that tomorrow a cold atmospheric front will cross ukraine and therefore there will be changes in the weather, well, but we will start about everything in order traditionally from the western regions, so tomorrow due to
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the movement of a cold... atmospheric front, in the western part short-term rains, thunderstorms are expected in ukraine, even squalls and hail are possible in some areas, the air temperature, as you can see, is low, comfortable, 21-25°. the air temperature will also decrease in the northern part of ukraine, vasyl and i recently mentioned today's heat, tomorrow it won't be there, 20-23, in sumy oblast it's even around +19° and there will also be rain and heavy rain, well, when exactly will it rain and heavy, sometime in the morning somewhere... in the afternoon, but here is a front with the promise of rain and weakening the heat in the east of ukraine tomorrow in luhansk region and donetsk region without precipitation, dry, still hot, as you can see, 30-34°, in kharkiv region , short-term rains and thunderstorms may pass through this front until late in the evening. in the central part of ukraine , the air temperature will range from 24-26 to 30, that is , where the cold front will pass, it will already be hot
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will sink, for example, to the bottom. the air temperature will still be high in lithuania and the rains will pass in vinnytsia and cherkasy. in the south of ukraine , a classic, real summer is expected tomorrow, hot, lots of sun, dry air, no precipitation, 30-33° above zero. well, kyivites who do not like the heat, i have comforting news for you: a cold atmospheric front, tomorrow will cause short-term rain in the capital, cargo, during cargo , gusty wind, strong wind is possible, tomorrow will be very... park your cars, especially under old trees, and temperature the air will drop significantly tomorrow, as you can see on your screens, around 23° despite 29:30 today, so once again, wet or dry, so to speak, an atmospheric front tomorrow, showers, thunderstorms and easing heat in the west, north and parts of the central regions, the south and the east are still hot, of course, keep a close eye on our updated weather forecasts on
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the espresso channel. thank you very much for the information about the weather, i always listen to it myself and understand what to expect tomorrow, we continue to inform the armed forces of ukraine, we support one one, and of course stay, i ask you together with the espresso tv channel, your faithful, just as you are faithful to us, literally in a few moments the verdicta program with serhiy rudenko, stay with us, it will be interesting. good evening, we are from ukraine, today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. it works, president zelensky is satisfied with the results of strikes by western weapons on enemy targets on russian territory. will the armed forces succeed?


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