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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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that as of now we have been informed that this text has not been agreed with international partners, some consultations are ongoing, i do not know there at the level of the ambassadors or with the president's office, and we are waiting for another meeting of the committee, at which, according to good tradition, stepping on all rake, having received all the negativity, once again undermining trust with partners, i hope that the government will come out with a more, well, let's say an adequate position and in the end we will accept normally. text we will receive money and fulfill three requirements, well, probably the most expensive one now the demand of all that there is is one way or another to reboot the bureau of economic security. yaroslav, i have one more question, it concerns the prosecutor general's office. you called andrii kostin, the prosecutor general to the verkhovna rada, but he did not come? you wanted to ask him how his deputy, dmytro verbytskyi, is doing, from whom our colleagues found out that his common-law wife or girlfriend there acquired a lot of wealth, a car, and movable property, and you wanted
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to ask andriy koscin what he thinks about all this to do, why didn't he come, are you expecting him, what did you want to hear from him at all? well, as for his deputy , we have already seen journalists of schemes, god forbid that everyone should be like that, just the problem is that this is exactly the deputy who oversees economic crimes from the prosecutor general, and there are many questions for him, in including supervision of baby, mr. we officially summoned yesterday 216 people's deputies voted for it out of the 150 necessary for him to explain, well , for sure, in short, why this person still not suspended, at least yesterday we also learned that nabu is already conducting an investigation, and today mr. kostya did not appear, he sent a letter in which he says that there is an investigation, lifestyle monitoring is taking place at the zk and there is even an official investigation. suspects already after. our
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decision of the parliament, but he does not see it as expedient to come now, but will come later, and it is possible, and it was possible, the prosecutor general can leave the verkhovna rada with such a resignation, or was he still obliged to come? the form by which you we summoned the general prosecutor, it is completely word for word the same form in which we, the parliament of the last convocation , summoned the prosecutor general lutsenko twice, and he appeared twice, so the answer to your question is no, i think that in this case it is ignoring legitimate people's deputies, even there is a certain article of a criminal offense, moreover, when i received this letter, i asked the speaker of the parliament whether kostien was given the option to evaluate the decision of the parliament and , well, to say that mr. stepanchuk very correctly said that we sent an official invitation without any discretion whether mr. kostin wants to come or not, so why did he decide instead of... to interpret
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the expediency, well that's to say the least, it remains a question for an asterisk, well, frankly speaking, i think that in he has no explanation as to how it happened that his deputies became very, like such wealthy people, successful in the specific village of conchesas, thank you very much, yaroslav zhelizniak, people's deputy, voice faction and deputy chairman of the committee on finance, tax and customs policy, we talked about very long... long and complicated the restart of bep and the visit of the prosecutor general to the verkhovna rada, which did not take place. thank you very much. well, russia and the dprk concluded an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership. putin called this agreement a fundamental document that will form the basis of relations between moscow and pyongyang for many years to come. vladimir putin's visit to north korea will last two days. it already started the day before. he arrived in the gdr for the first time
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since 2000, when the country was still ruled by the father of the current leader of north korea, kim jong-il, this time at pyongyang airport, putin personally met kim jong-un, before putin's arrival in pyongyang, his portraits and russian flags were hung, so you can see what this whole history and city looked like. together with putin, his ministers came to north korea, including foreign minister sergei lavrov, russian defense minister andriy bilousov, who recently replaced sergei shoigu in this position, open. negotiations, kim jong-un expressed full support for the russian government in carrying out a special military operation, translating it into understandable language, kimchin declared his full support for the war that russia is waging against ukraine. after signing the agreement, the head of the kremlin said that the new agreement provides for mutual assistance in case of aggression against one of the participants. what does signing this agreement mean? how will this affect the war in ukraine? we will talk about it later. i only note that during the war. with ukraine
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, russia sharply increased military cooperation with the dprk, this, in particular, was due to the fact that after the beginning of the invasion, the russian military faced a shortage of ammunition, and just north korea has become of the few countries that were ready to supply these ammunitions to moscow. the first reports that russia was buying north korean weapons appeared in the fall of 2023, after which the western media repeatedly wrote that since then, north korea could transfer millions of missiles and projectiles to russia. andrii vasylovskyi, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, joins our broadcast. congratulations. good afternoon, welcome to see you. mutually, what do you think of such a magnificent pre... all ornament, let's talk a little to the point, about the contract, i thought about all this if the package worked, yes, you know,
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even if it was at night, he would have arrived and left the same night, and it would not have changed much, the essence would remain, which here's the bottom line, i have the impression that... this trip and this rapprochement has two aspects: one is technical and the other is strategic. the technical aspect is to get more iron, iron that will kill ukrainians. according to various sources, we know, various media, various experts reported that it was already during this period north korea sent. of the russian federation up to 5 million artillery shells of various types, this is one and allegedly thousands of ballistic missiles, the british say this, the americans say this, ukrainian experts
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also say this, this is the first question, and this is the first technical question, it continues to interest the russian federation, because what are 5 million shells when they fire 3-4 million per year. so, if they are still in korea, then korea should give them again. to which korea can add something else, some medium and heavy equipment. well, for example, if in the russian federation thousands of tanks were stored, so why should they not be stored in north korea, which began to prepare for war. since its creation in 53, since the end of the war in korea in 53, that is, these accumulated shells, the production that exists for these shells and also for artillery systems,
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it is all in north korea, and it will continue to work for the needs of the russian federation , some tanks may be added, some bmps may be added, of course... average quality, of course old- fashioned, not the most modern, but that's what it is what is fighting against us today at the front, new equipment is practically not visible there, so this is a technical issue, the second issue is strategic, and it seems to me to be much more dangerous, and it is about the fact that a kind of triangle is actually being created, and... aggression, against, let's say, against the united states against their allies in asia in the broad sense of the word, and we know that the americans
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have made a lot of efforts in the last two years to reconcile south korea with japan, who have serious problems, had serious moral, ethical problems since the end of the second world war, after the occupation of south korea, and to attract other countries of the pacific region to this triangle, they partially succeeded, they succeeded with the philippines, but not only, the movement continues, and now - in fact, the same similar triangle in russian. federation, north korea and china, and china seems to be a bit on the side here, but the logic is that it cannot quarrel with these two, and it will be forced sooner or later to support them to some extent
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or to join them. this is a very dangerous development, if it happens, it will have a significant impact on the situation in the pacific region. becomes more difficult, the united states will be forced to pay much more attention to this situation, at greater risk. taiwan and, let's say, the escalation on the border between the two koreas, it can distract, distract, can divert attention from ukraine or how, definitely, definitely, the more the united states pays attention to the pacific region, the less they pay attention to the european region. and not only in the plan, let's say yes, political attention, but in terms of finances,
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if a nuclear alliance is created between the russian federation and north korea, and so-and-so is added, but china's support, technical, financial, and so on, then that means that the united states will have to send more armed forces, more aircraft carriers, allocate more money for it, and all this will go to that corner. east asia, who is the ideologist of the creation of this triangle, china or russia? and, of course, russia, because china does not need it, it does not like it, but china does always had such a kid with me to scare the american people, and it was north korea. and when it was necessary to once again spoil the mood of washington, north
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korea was released into the arena, and it conducted another missile test or threatened the united states with some other sins. and then suddenly this kid grew up, grew to dangerous proportions, more than that, he was listening. and moreover, as the servant of china no longer wants to obey, he has a new friend, and this new friend promises to give him cheap food, cheap fuel and maybe something else, maybe some technologies, i don’t really believe that the russian federation would scatter its technologies, well , it doesn’t really know how to implement them itself , we know how an armata tank is from...somewhere in 2000 or 2010 everything shows how
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he drives through the red square and where he finally stops and stops there, but besides that, these technologies are still there, and so china doesn't like it, but in this situation, what can he do, this way he is forced drag into aggressive, i emphasize aggressive not... no, no matter how it is to say hysterical, hysterical union, because we see from two sides, and the russian federation, and korea, north korea, these are actually hysterical states that threaten everyone all the time, scare everyone all the time, they always say that this is it, but we are used to hearing from a number of political scientists and diplomats there that russia is a vassal of china. and you have now portrayed such a putin, a very talented strategist, who is now forming this
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axis of evil, or a triangle, as you say, in order to oppose or frighten american partners, allies in asia, and a talented strategist or not, but the move is very successful, i would say so, ee china must now be on the side of these two, china has no... where to go, ee, yes, he wanted russia to be his vassal, and he sought it , and he largely achieved that, but now uh, the move to north korea, which is profitable, to get out of complete dependence on china, 95% of everything that north korea lived on came from china, it has its own industry, it has its own technology, but they are of a completely different... scale than this country needs for weapons, for nuclear weapons, and even now
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this kid, i repeat, has grown into a bloodthirsty uncle like that and has already got along with the russian federation, which also has enough funds and techniques, unfortunately, time has run out, but i thank you very much, andriy vasylovskyi, the extraordinary honorable ambassador of ukraine, we talked about... or the consequences of putin's visit to kimchona, that 's all we have for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty page until tomorrow. fm galicia. listen to yours. anatomy of hate.
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putin and ukraine. the book of espresso tv presenter serhii rudenko. insight - information from the first mouth behind the scenes of russian politics and events that the author himself witnessed. unsuccessful attempts to change presidents, poisoning of political leaders of the ukrainian state, murder and a bloody war, all this is described in serhii rudenko's book, anatomy of hate. putin and ukraine. search in bookstores of ukraine. there are discounts, they represent, unbreakable discounts on s'. 20% in travel pharmacies, vaf and savings. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in the symptoms of pachia. your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts that are unbreakable discounts on eurofast soft cups. 20% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and what the world lives by. yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yurii dobryvechir. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morcha. on the field in winter and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alena chechenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell, good evening, presenters, who have become like movrodnidenko to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished studio guests. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two
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hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring. espresso in the evening. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the vrp according to the president's quota. how to save up for luxury property, eating rations from the state. i am a person who knows how to save. but what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty did the state administrative court discover. the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was made that there are no questions. on thursday, june 20, at 5:45 p.m., the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. congratulations, we are asking for your help in finding this girl. her name is nastya tymoshenko, she is 17 years old and disappeared in the city of
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svitlodarsk - this is the donetsk region, bakhmut district. svitlodarsk was occupied on may 24. in 2022, already from mid-june, nastya stopped communicating. unfortunately, nothing is known about the fate of the girl, and due to the fact that she disappeared during the occupation, the search process is very complicated. so, without exaggeration, hope is very high for you, and especially for those who live in the occupied city of svitlodarsk. i know that ukrainians under occupation see us, of course, not on ukrainian television. which is not there is broadcast, and in particular on youtube and social networks. and that is why i am asking the residents of occupied svitlodarsk to provide us with at least some information about nastya tymoshenko. you can do this by writing to us in the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram or by calling the short number 11630. this is the hotline of the
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children's search service. we will be grateful for any, even the smallest information. so. also , 13-year-old sashko korsynskyi disappeared in horlivka, donetsk region. it happened in the summer of 2023, namely on august 17. and imagine from that time about there is no news of the boy, where and with whom he is now unknown. of course, it is not excluded that sashka could be taken to russia, as unfortunately often happens with children in the occupied territories, but this is only an assumption, and in fact the boy could be anywhere, for example, still in the occupation. i really hope that everything is fine with sashko, that he is alive and well, and with your help we will be able to find him. and by the way, it may also be the case that the boy, for example, is together with his parents. fleeing from the war, ended up in one of the european countries. so please remember or write down this number 116.30. this is the only european hotline
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for missing children that works in 28 european countries. therefore, if you are in one of the european countries and suddenly see a boy who looks like sashko korsonsky, immediately report to the short number 116/30. do not remain indifferent and let's do our best together. to find the missing boy. i have told only two of the many difficult stories of children who have gone missing. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find look on the website of the child tracing service. here are photos of children who have disappeared and need our help. so please don't be indifferent, look into the faces of these children and if you know any information about anyone. of them, please contact us immediately, the hotline number of the child tracing service is 116/30, calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. it is clear
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that now the vast majority of children we are trying to trace have disappeared due to circumstances related to the war in one way or another, in the occupation or in the frontline cities or villages, but at the same time, just like before the war, now there are many cases when... children disappear due to running away from home. mostly boys and girls in adolescence resort to this. so the child tracing service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is to be genuinely interested in your child's interests. why is this so important? let's listen. be interested in your child's interests. invite in... and her friends, even if it will be very noisy, even if after it will be a terrible disaster in the house, it is still useful, it is still good, why? because firstly, the child will be in front of you, he
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will be next to you, secondly, you will know what he is interested in, who he communicates with, who to turn to in case of what, thirdly, you will be able to simply to share interest and get pleasure, because sometimes what your children are interested in can be genuinely interesting for you too, and last but not least, even if it is not your child who will need help, but one of his friends, maybe because you will be the one the only adult who will be able to provide this help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the crimes.
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i welcome voice of america in ukrainian and our program chas time. my name is ostap yarysh. russia and north korea signed a comprehensive strategic agreement. partnership, which involves even closer cooperation between the two countries. it happened in the background volodymyr putin's visit to the dprk. among other things, the agreement contains provisions on providing mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the countries. as the western media write, such deepening of cooperation and joint opposition to sanctions is actually a return to cold war-era relations. in turn, state secretary antony blinken, commenting on putin's visit to north korea, said that washington would make every effort to stop supplies. from north korea to russia. despite the west's efforts to limit such cooperation, russia continues to use it unhindered north korean weapons in their war against
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ukraine. debris of rockets, in particular, was found in kharkiv. in ukraine, they say, to effectively counter such attacks , a proportional response from the west is required. among other things, absolute permission to hit targets on the territory of russia without any geographical restrictions. let's talk about the answer in washington with our correspondent in the congress , kateryna lisunova, who is now joining the broadcast. katya, i congratulate you. katya, we have previously seen a statement from the head of the house intelligence committee, congressman, republican mike turner. it was a letter to the biden administration with a demand to remove all restrictions from ukraine on the use, in particular, of long-range atakams missiles. have we seen any reaction from the white house to katya and are they ready to remove restrictions for the ukrainian army or not? briefly about the reaction of the white house, nothing has changed now, the ban on the ukrainian army using long-range american weapons, in particular the atakamsy, on the territory of russia remains unchanged, at least that's how
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john kirby commented on the situation. adviser. of the white house on communications in the field of national security. he answered journalists' questions about whether washington is concerned about moscow's threats against great britain, because the british allowed the ukrainians to use their long-range weapons on the territory of the russian federation. answering this question, kirby said that this is a rather hypothetical question, because as of now , washington does not plan to remove the current restrictions on the ukrainian army, so it does not plan to provoke, so to speak. he offered to listen to russia, so that russia would threaten washington in fact, what did kirby say about the possible expansion of the opportunity for the ukrainian army this monday. this is a hypothetical question that i should not worry about because the president's policy has not changed regarding the use of american long -range weapons on russian territory. my answer to putin is this: if you are so worried about
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being a victim. completely restrictions, what are they saying about it in congress, what is the position of american legislators, i know, you had the opportunity to ask them about it, the biggest development and so on in other words, the change of positions is now observed precisely among the demos. because they are more and more in favor of lifting all restrictions on the ukrainian army and thus contrast and contradict the statements of the biden administration, that is, the administration that represents the party of democrats, that is, the party of the president, but nevertheless the democrats are more and more often and more and more in favor of , in order to remove all restrictions from the ukrainian army, and in particular, in our comments, you can trace the evolution, so to speak, in the statements of the democrats from criticism to doubts and even today... to
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categorical support for the lifting of all restrictions on the ukrainian army's use of american weapons, in particular attacks, in order to fire deep into the russian federation in response to russian attacks. as for the republicans, they are more consistent on this issue, as you remember from our broadcasts, the republicans were one of the first to say that they criticize and oppose bans or restrictions on the use of american weapons by the ukrainian army, and in fact, commenting last week. they don't change their position, remain at the same position and call on the administration to remove all restrictions. in more detail about what both democrats and republicans think, i suggest you listen right now and more carefully, even listen to exactly what the democrats are saying. i think the position that we have to take, and i see the administration is doing this, is that we have to monitor what's happening on the battlefield and negotiate accordingly. and
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i think that makes sense if you actually see russia firing from a certain point area near the border, then ukraine should be able to shoot back there. if it is any other place of shelling, then ukraine must reach it with fire as well. it's not an attack, it's a defense. you are shooting to defend against an offensive that the russians will try to launch into ukraine. congressman mike turner is calling for all restrictions on taka use to be lifted. yes, and i'm very much in favor of it, i'd like to see it put into legislation. the current situation is simply ridiculous. we give them attacks, but we say you can't shoot the centers supplies that fuel the russian offensive on the central and eastern part of ukraine, on strategically very important areas. the administration approved the use of takams on the territory of russia on the border with the kharkiv region, but not deep, to the south.
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the administration says to shoot there for... why force ukraine to fight with its hands tied? i am a big supporter of allowing ukraine to lift these restrictions and hit the russians. for now, they just need it. the ukrainian delegations that visited washington did so phenomenal job, talking about ukrainian bravery and resilience and how ukraine can win this war if we provide the necessary support. therefore, i support loosening these restrictions. i believe it is important to provide the necessary intelligence support, material support and arms support, including the relaxation of these restrictions. in order for both ukraine and israel to be able to wage respective wars, they must be able not only to defend themselves, but also to wage war in such a way as to destroy the military enemy. and i think that the administration must admit that many of the decisions they made during this war had...


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