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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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who will be there until june 30, 28 , constantly monitoring you and they will have a permanent office in kyiv, then there it is like, well, how are you not spinning, that is, you have to change yourself because this eternal thing will not pass there, like what and what will you do to us to stop helping , because what is the problem of ukraine in the grand scheme of things that a certain misha podalyak comes and says "volodymyr": what will they do to us, they will still help us under any conditions, because we are fighting for civilization, that's why there like there is no cut of your god, but this is something from dostoevshchyna, but we have it that's it, we can do whatever you want there, because anyway there will be no responsibility, we will not be ordered, because by ordering the people of ukraine, they are ordering the government of the state of ukraine, they are ordering the people of ukraine, they are ordering the nation, they will do it, no , and therefore we can... we can do whatever we want,
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but this will change as soon as the war ends, it is clear that there will be money only in exchange for anti-corruption and money in exchange for reforms, as it was already there, let's say, there 15th, 16th and so on years when the majority reforms were carried out in ukraine, so far, while the war is on, our government enjoys its right of inviolability, because it represents the people of ukraine, the people of ukraine limit the weapons and the armed forces of ukraine, and no one will. friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live, and today we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you the following: do you feel that the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine is deteriorating? everything is quite simple on youtube: yes, no, or your own comment, please write under this video, do not forget to like this video in order for it to be promoted in youtube trends, well, at the end of the program, we will summarize the results of the television voting, you can see now. on the screens phone numbers 0800 211
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381, if you feel that the situation of freedom of speech in ukraine is deteriorating, no. 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to remind you once again that viktor boberenko and igor reiterovych are political experts on the air today, we are not only talking about domestic politics, but also about foreign policy. and at the very end of our program, gentlemen, we will talk about the results of the global peace summit, well, actually for me the main result of the global peace summit is that it took place and that today yarmak has officially confirmed in bloomberg that ukraine is ready for negotiations with russia during the second the global peace summit, well, i don't really know what... the fair wants to hear from the representatives
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of russia at this summit, at the second summit, where the ukrainian side would like to invite the russian side, maybe i have too much meticulous attitude to this issue, and i treat it absolutely as a ukrainian who, like all of us, suffers from the aggression of the russian federation, and so far i do not see a place. next to those whom he wants to kill, that is, next to yarmak and zelenskyi. mr. igor, how do you perceive this idea, and to what extent it can be implemented under the current conditions, and the result of these negotiations, where the representative of russia will sit at the round table, what can it be? i think there is some next summit to attend. russia may be present,
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yes, it is possible primarily due to the change in the situation on the battlefield, this is a key moment for today, because what this first summit actually demonstrated was a good representation, they returned the topic of the russian-ukrainian war to the global information space, enough countries spoke there at support for ukraine, they made the right statements, er, but we did not see any concrete practical steps, although the president... closing the summit press conference, he hinted that in the near future we will take these practical steps we will find out, maybe they will, but i saw the information literally before the air, it is difficult to verify it yet, because it comes from russian sources, but it is about the fact that some very large exchange of prisoners is being prepared, there are more than two hundred people, and as the mediator is saudi arabia, that is, the one that was at the summit, whose representative spoke, but they did not support the final communiqué, so...
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the key point is related to the practical implementation of the provisions that were made in this communiqué, and if we saw whether let's see, let's still give it a certain chance, maybe the president's office knows a little more and... until he starts this process, we will see some real steps, an increase, for example, there is pressure on russia or some new tools or mechanisms, there is coercion to peace, then it will be possible to talk about the second summit, and the way it sounded from the mouth of the head of the president's office, it seems to me that it is very similar to just an attempt to intercept the initiative and stop ukraine altogether with this idea of ​​holding some kind of next summit, about that, bye things, again... spoke and the president during the meeting in switzerland, why is this happening, because look, there is a danger, there is a danger that this second summit , theoretically, we could start talking about it, we could announce it and it could even begin to be assembled by others
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countries without any leading role of ukraine, and here in the office of the president, well , they treat it very meticulously, maybe they decided now to simply emphasize that we can theoretically do it there, but on the condition that... the russian federation will be ready, well, to give answers on key questions and will be ready for them to discuss during this next meeting, although i, like you, currently see no reason to think that russia will change its position in the next, well, at least 5-6 months and will not, on the contrary , try to raise the stakes as much as possible in order to then enter into some negotiations there, well, from a position of strength and from the position that will be maximally favorable for them, well, favorable and... accordingly, not very favorable for us, but let's hope that the armed forces will change this idea for them, and that's all after all, we will act as initiators here, and we will to dictate certain conditions. the permanent representative of the united states of america to the united nations, linda thomas greenfield, during a meeting of councils without
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the united nations, regarding the results of the global peace summit, called the peace offered to russia at gunpoint unfair and criticized china's peace initiatives. what did she say? we regret that china has published its own peace plan, formulated without any participation from ukraine itself. if china is really interested in supporting the peace process, we will welcome its help. it can begin with the termination of support defense-industrial base of russia, without a significant number of machine tools, microelectronics, optics, uavs and cruise missile technologies provided by china. it would be difficult for russia to sustain its war of aggression. mr. viktor, putin's peace plan is actually the surrender of ukraine, or the so-called putin's peace plan. there are no ambiguities here, and as with this peace plan, as with
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china's peace plan, among other things, because it is about returning the sovereignty of ukraine and ukrainian lands. how in this situation? events may develop by the end of this year and whether or not is it possible to come to at least some understanding of what peace in ukraine should be? well, the first thing that zelensky said was that if in the coming months, but let's clarify, before the elections in the united states or after, i think that everyone will postpone any peace initiatives, there are peace initiatives. well , until we find out who will be the next head of the white house, whether biden will stay, whether trump will come, whether there will be someone third, yes, for example, yes, there may be such an intrigue, but it is clear that before that, as it were what, who
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i didn't want to, er, russia will not go to any negotiations where ukraine will be the initiator, and ukraine will say, let's not raise three points from zelensky's plan, but 10, yes. russia, what about us, someone in their right mind can say that putin himself will not come, but he can send his war horse lavov and say, for example, that there are guys like that, but we are like that , but we really like the idea of ​​what we are paying for reparations, it’s generally great, it’s a cool initiative, well, someone in their right mind will accept it, or what about russia, which is now attacking and strategic initiative is located. they have, what they are saying right now, okay, we agree with your thesis, the borders of 91, well, this, i call it, this, i’m sorry, that you have a serious transfer, but we have in sumy, that’s what they say, pantherese , yes, on yermak and others from the president’s office, these are antlers for the arrival, eh, and i
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tell you that nothing will happen until the new year, conditional on what putin is counting on, he is counting on us to fall down, and the world will fall down, we are from a blackout, that we will not survive this this winter, that we will sit... as it is now, i am by candlelight with you, yes, and it will be there are not four -4 yes, but what will it be there for 4 hours, but for 20 hours there is no light, which means we will get wet. and our economy will crumble, and society will crumble, and the army will panic, and the west will panic, and he can ultimatum dictate his own conditions there, or we will surrender altogether, and he will go there, well, wherever he wants, even to transcarpathia, yes, that’s understandable , that putin will be ready for negotiations only when we survive the winter, conditionally in march, but conditionally there, like when the inauguration of the new president may take place... it is not yet a fact that trump will be, i i'm telling you that it's not a fact at all, but
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for example, putin thinks he's getting rich, yes, like a fool, i think he's getting rich, that it will be just somewhere there, like january 25, there will be an inauguration, then trump will negotiate with him and sydzenpin there about ukraine without ukraine , 30 seconds on the air, mr. victor, 30 seconds if you can, okay, and i will conclude that any negotiations will be only when the winter is over and the winter is over. will end, let's say, with us holding out, and then we will dictate the terms, and putin will agree or disagree on this. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. viktor boberenko, ihor reiterovych were guests of today's program . during the entire broadcast, we conducted a survey, friends, and asked you about the following: do you feel that the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine is deteriorating? let's look at the results of today's tv poll. 91% yes, 9% - no. friends, i'm putting an end to this, it was the program verdict in honor of serhii rudenko, tomorrow i'm waiting for you at 8:00 p.m.,
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there will be a new verdict, there will be new guests, there will be new topics. goodbye. there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on exodoril solution, 15% in podoro pharmacies. van and savings. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts, they represent. unbreakable discounts on psilobalsam gel. 15% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. allergy, no lion will overcome cetrilev. cetrilev neo protects against the most common allergens. exclusively on the air
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of our channel, congratulations friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that... cause resonance in our society, drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world. there will be trump a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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the verdict with serhiy rudenko now features even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusions from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more in the new two-hour format. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. see this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the vrb on the president's quota, how to save up for elite property while eating rations from the state. i am a person who knows how to save. but what new facts are dishonest. judge gorbasenko found the grd. the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was made
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that there are no questions. on thursday , june 20, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. destroy targets, observe, adjust fire. the working tools of these guys are rifles. leon and skiv, the sniper. the first separate special purpose brigade named after ivan bohun. they began to defend their homeland as soon as the russians launched a full-scale invasion. from the first days of... immediately there was a desire to go and help my comrades, the regular troops, who already at that moment began to repel this offensive. the first months were the same, the most interesting, because military service is one thing and another, and that's why there are so many different emotions,
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both bad and good, it's like that, well, it's impossible to forget. leon. the commander of the department in the first months of the large-scale war was in chernihiv region, followed by the kharkiv counteroffensive. they understood that something would happen, well, they had very good fortifications, defensive lines, but they probably did not expect such a large-scale and coordinated offensive. skiv is a shooter, he tried to join the armed forces throughout the spring of 2020, and became a soldier in june of the same year. he says that he wanted to be a sniper for a long time, but real experience can be gained only on the battlefield. there was training, of course, but probably most of the experience is gained right there on the battlefield, because it is an integral part, let's say part is practice. theory is theory, but
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practice still gives, gives much more. as the hottest direction, both of them remembered luhansk region, the silver forest, an area that the enemy is attacking with a special onslaught. there were advantages, it was easy for the infantry to dig in there, but it was difficult because the terrain was difficult , it was very difficult to navigate, especially at night, it was very difficult to pass some areas, constantly, if there were no special means for night vision, then it was very easy. is to get lost in this forest, many trees, close distances as well there were some problems that didn't quite play into their hands, there were a lot of drones, but they could be easily blocked, without night
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vision devices, during two years of full-scale war, the defenders passed a lot of hot spots. and heavy battles. it was possible to work with very complex weapons, in particular, both mention the barret m107, a modern rifle capable of destroying lightly armored vehicles. the peculiarity of this rifle is that you can easily work with it on lightly armored equipment, such as, and it penetrates armor, lightly armored, this was at the kharkiv operation. our friend destroyed a bmp, type from a barrette. snipers constantly improve their skills in order to face the enemy, who also does not stand still. at the same time, we are sure that the motivation and skill of the ukrainian army is the key to our victory. in general, everything usually
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starts with training, yes. there are also a lot of videos, there are a lot of different ones. other, say, ways to learn something new, this also helps, well, in general, the main experience comes precisely in combat conditions, during a full-scale invasion from the very from the beginning, they develop, just as we try to develop, learn something new, come up with some life hacks of our own, well , workers who will work, they also tear. there are people on that side who know how to fight, and they have always been there, and you should never underestimate the enemy. leon and skiv are now back in position, luring out russian snipers and ambushes and delivering the most unexpected blows so that ukraine can achieve a just peace as soon as possible. kateryna galko, serhii bulanenko,
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espresso tv channel. good evening. themselves from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zema, and for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk about the most important events that happened during the day, analyze and, of course, listen to comments. a new plant for ukraine, what will be produced at it when it starts working. of course, we are talking about a defense enterprise. and also, what is a war of attrition and a dire situation. other areas of the front, serhiy zgurets will talk about it. cyberaphorists at the national bank told ukrainians how not to become victims of cyber-spoofs, how to prevent criminals from clearing your bank cards, so wait. morchivka will tell you about it in detail. why did putin come to ophyenyan? the times writes that this is a step of desperation, but not everyone thinks so, some believe that putin
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will secretly bring something like this from marshal kimcheno. and finally, prosecutor general kostin came to the verkhovna rada of ukraine to explain the huge fortune of his deputy. today we will talk with a deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, fly over kharkiv, shelling, whole kherson was shelled at night, all the consequences. it's during our broadcast, but right now i 'm giving the floor to serhii zgurts, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. serhii, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl. greetings to our viewers. today, in our military column, we will talk about a new ammunition factory for ukraine and about the situation in certain areas of the front and about the dynamics of the war of attrition in a conversation with our expert. more on that in a moment. i'll start with the good
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news that was announced against the background of the exhibition eurosator in paris, namely the american defense company nortrop gruman, plans to create a production of medium-caliber ammunition in ukraine. the representatives of the company informed about this and that this project will be from to be financed from the 2 billion dollars allocated by the united states for the development of ukraine's defense and industrial capabilities. actually, these are all the details of this news so far, because so far we do not know the time frame for the implementation of this initiative, nor the scope , nor the conditions. as for the nomenclature, here i will say that ammunition of medium calibers is actually everything from 20 to 50 mm, and this is mainly ammunition for automatic guns. of infantry vehicles and various combat modules is a rather scarce commodity for the military on the battlefield. the company also noted that they plan
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to expand the production of medium calibers, expand the production of tank ammunition and 155 mm caliber ammunition. i will say that the northrop gruum company is actually one of the american defense monsters, because it ranks third after defense. revenue, and it is more than 32 billion dollars a year, and i will add that this year, it already the third announcement about the plans to build factories for the production of ammunition in ukraine, the company czechoslovak group spoke about it at one time, then the german company reid metal spoke about it, and they hope that all these statements will have a real implementation and a real continuation, because... eh, if at the beginning of this year the enemy's artillery advantage in shots was 7:1, now it has decreased five to one, but in any case we understand that this advantage
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exists for the enemy, and it allows the enemy to implement creeping tactics attack in particular, this is noticeable in the same kharkiv direction, where the third separate assault brigade operates, which after avdiivka was transferred to the defense of borova. this is the kharkiv region just opposite the enemy-captured svatovo luhansk region, and we all saw the report from the brigade, which stated that despite the overwhelming number of the enemy and the lack of reserves, the brigade has continued to hold the defined lines for more than a month, and according to the estimates of the third assault division, this is one of the most intense areas of the enemy's offensive, and may 3... the assault brigade destroyed more than a thousand occupiers killed and twice as many wounded, but there are nuances here, because every week
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to compensate for the losses, the enemy sends reinforcements, and one of the battalion commanders of the third separate assault brigade, dmytro kukharchuk, said that every day the enemy storms, we manage to repel them, but among the dead and captured... there were no people captured by the enemy who have served for more than a month, this means that the enemy is forming these storming battalions literally and units literally from wheels, but he provides them powerful fire support, and such a creeping attack, which the enemy chose, as dmytro kukharchuk says, can have difficult, unpleasant, and sometimes critical consequences for us, because... they have a lot of people and a lot of ammunition so far, and these two advantages the enemy is now trying to use in many areas of the front, and how does this
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happen, what are the consequences? conclusions should be drawn from this, we will talk with our guest, we are joined by mykhailo samus, head of the international analytical organization new geopolitics research network, as well as deputy director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, mr. mykhailo, welcome to the air, glad to see and hear, greetings, mr. sergey, glad to see, i would like to start with such a general question, how do you now assess the current situation at the front, respectively to these... what are our military-political leadership and what goals is the enemy pursuing now, what are the peculiarities of the current stage of our war with the russian federation? well, the current moment, in principle, as predicted, is actually a critical moment, in any case the current stage of the war. that is, when we talked about what russia will try to accomplish, let's say this. critical advances
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on the front or even breakthroughs on the front before the elections in the united states, in order to then prepare its platform for a proposal to the new president, it was precisely what was meant that russia would throw out its last reserves, throw out all the recruited uh or twisted, let's say , human resources, in order to fulfill the main task - the breakthrough of the front and the maximum occupation. territories of donetsk, luhansk, possibly kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, kherson regions. that's what he's focused on. they used one more technique, this is the stretching of our reserves, which, in principle, it did not succeed, and it was not possible to break through the front, precisely from the operational and tactical point of view, i think that the main task was, after all, to break through the front from vovchansk to kupyansk, if
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you look at... where the enemy is now concentrating its reserves, it is precisely in the kupyansk direction, that is, it turns out that somewhere around this period they should have already broken through from vovchansk to the direction kupyansk and now from the east to strike in the same way in order to break through and it began to crack on our front, this did not happen, the fact that they are now concentrating on different areas of the front, of course they will try while they have it. .. the window of opportunity, while we don’t have enough ammunition, while we don’t have f-16 aircraft, is a memory and they will try to push, push and push again in order to provide themselves with comfortable conditions as much as possible, or at the next peace forum, because now they are talking about the fact that the peace summit will be with the participation of russia, or already in negotiations with...
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the president of the united states, and the ultimatum put forward by putin, on the eve of the peace forum in switzerland, demonstrates the modern platform, the negotiating platform of russia, how do they think it is, and why do they put forward such a brazen platform, because they are pressing on the battlefield, that is, until we can stop this advance, and until we try to turn the tide of the war, russia will try to ... declare maximum demands to the ukrainian side. mr. mykhailo, one way or another, we understand that our side, the russian side, experts, and our partners are talking about the fact that the war has been in the format of a war of attrition for a long time, and when they talk about attrition, they immediately take calculators, they begin to count the number of personnel, the number of economic opportunities there, the potential of economic opportunities, the number of tanks and so on, and it looks like, relatively speaking...
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the russians have more of certain components, and then they say, oh, everything is gone, something is needed think, to go to negotiations or some other versions, how would you answer these people who use such a linear approach to the situation, what should be considered first of all in this story? well, really, this is a completely linear calculation, really, just statistically count how many men we have from 18 to 65 years old, for example, russians, and it turns out that we... can mathematically continue to defend ourselves there until the 33rd year, they are up to in the 63rd, well, this is, if you roughly take it and calculate it, break down the statistics, but from the other side, well, for example, the ability of the russian military-industrial complex to produce ammunition, although they are significant, but obviously they are not enough, it is not for nothing that putin was in pyongyang today and we saw it.


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