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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 7:30am-7:59am EEST

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and on kramatorsk, and now there are problems in that town of borova, it's not that there is constant shelling, it's just that the russian army has already gathered there, and they are trying to advance there further, there are certain problems there. as for the fire pit, because we see that there is shelling not only in the fire pit, but also in the surrounding area, i see a roundhouse with a wounded man, who was wounded, about to be evacuated. i want to ask about the forced evacuation of five settlements for children, how it looks, whether the parents agree, and this process looks peaceful, whether it is necessary to convince, and maybe even somewhere else ways to import these children with their parents so that they would be in a safer place, ugh, thank you, the point is that you really correctly pointed out that in the boriv community, the military regional
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military administration issued a statement that there will be a forced evacuation of children from five inhabited points, these are the settlements that are located along the oskol river, in the direction of kupyansk, because there is a lot, the hostilities have intensified there, and it is very dangerous there, these are only five settlements, where the range of artillery is quite high, there is constant shelling, no from all settlements borivsk community is under forced evacuation. currently, according to the data , there are 580 children in borivsk community, well families with children, of course, they decided to forcibly evacuate only from those five settlements, there are five villages, there is a list of them, that's a little more than 30 children. here , you know, i read the russian public, how they misinform about children, but russia really doesn't like that ukraine is always on international platforms, it says that russia is a country. children, because that's how it is, and, well, they steal
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children without parents, that's what's the matter with us there was a situation when they occupied part of kharkiv region for the first time, i remember that they took them out of the boarding school from kupyansk without the consent of the parents, and the boarding school is the communal property of our kharkiv regional council, and took some of the children, without the consent of the parents, somewhere in russia, and for a very long time afterwards they were returned, that is , even now they write in the russian public that the military administration of kharkiv... announced the forced evacuation of children, but we never once heard what they do with those children and where they are taken, and they do not add one fact that forced evacuation is necessarily one of the parents with the children, if there are no parents, then the guardian, never one child is necessarily taken out with the parents, and they have, if two parents cannot, then they have to decide who will leave with this child combat zones, i also want to tell you, ms. oksana, about the borova...
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this is very much an educational situation, now we have an educational reform, unfortunately, kharkiv region is a pilot in that, in this situation, it happened before the full-scale invasion, when for that newly implemented school it is necessary to further prepare the ground for those children who are currently studying in the fourth to sixth grades, and it is necessary to create so-called academic lyceums for them in the future for high school, this is a new type of school. more of such a profile, and here kharkiv region is a pilot, and now we need to submit information by july 1, which are the best such institutions can be turned into, when those children go to high school in some such good lyceums, and here i am in that working group from the deputy corps , as i am the chairman of the commission on science, education and spirituality, then i go there, and last week we talked with the education department of the congregational community. and you know, you are sitting like this, you need
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to choose a school that is the best and that will be an academic lyceum for children in the future, that is, it is not now, but you need to prepare for it now, no one has removed the pilotage of the region from us, and this is what you are asking and you say, what kind of school can you have, and you had a good one in this village, and they say that village is gone, and the school is gone, too, and then we say, how many schools do you have, they say, we have a whole school on the entire borivsk community remained. one, one, the only one, what to choose from? and not only this community, these northern communities, there is also the savina community, where we also ask the northern communities how many schools are left, we do not ask which school is better, how many schools are left, one savina community, the vovchan community. we decided that we will not ask anything anymore, because what we wanted is already destroyed, we just write. the ministry
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that we are making one lyceum per community so far without a specific location, although i will tell you, the southern communities in that regard are oversaturated with children, because the people of kharkiv do not go far. they move to the south and there are more schools and more places for children, well, that is , moments when there are certain problems, but at the same time people somehow solve them and move to safer communities, about how problems are solved and that that you already mentioned that it became a little easier in kharkiv, we see that it is really easier, because they were even able to spend the graduation in ukrat, which is true, but still, right? it is a phenomenon for the city that graduates can gather in a shelter, underground, but to celebrate graduation after studying for the past few years, actually online, not seeing each other, almost we have literally a little less than a minute, ms. galina,
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well, this is a very good event that they finally see each other and they wanted it very much, i will tell you, the students also want to see each other, i look at the photos of students who take... exams and take pictures from other regions of ukraine, but i am now the head of the state examination commission, for students, this is a specialty of international relations, and so on they want so to see each other, and this is the first generation of students who hardly studied offline, they first had two years of a pandemic, and then two years of martial law, and they are happy to see that our diploma defenses last so long, they want to talk, and this such a moment is very poignant and very important for kharkiv. well , we have what we have. thank you, mrs. galina, thank you for your optimism, for being with us. halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was with us, and we can see that in the city, which is very close to the border, where flights are constantly arriving, although it became easier, but the cabs, as we can see, reach and
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hit places of rest, dormitories, places where there may be many civilians, places where there may be many children, after all, the city. is learning, looking for ways to continue to allow children and youth to live, have fun, have fun, because this is also an integral element of our life, even during the war, because children and youth must have all these things, so it is quite normal that in kharkiv, by the way, an underground school, actually the first in ukraine in the metro, was created precisely for this life continued, and this is also a demonstration of russia and the russians that they... cannot break us. next, we will talk about kherson and the kherson region. oleksandr samoilenko, chairman of the kherson regional council, is in touch with us. mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. how was this night in kherson oblast, did you have to shoot a lot? well, you know,
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it is already a bad norm in the kherson region that every night our enemy keeps the regional center awake, not at all. sunshine, let's say so, except that the alleged attack took place there drones, which, unfortunately, passed through the kherson region and they were going towards, let's say, the whole of central ukraine, we also had shelling that took place, well, let's say locally, it's artillery, it was the night before, it's generally mlrs, what are there they destroyed the regional center, there, well, let's put it this way, they ironed it out, let's say. but unfortunately, and in the past day we have one dead person and one wounded person who came under fire, this is the bilozersk community, this is the city of kherson, it was fired upon yesterday evening, well, if we say so, then somewhere at 7:20, again after all, there was an arrival in itself
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the regional center, it was heard, i don’t know the consequences yet, but i repeat myself, the enemy does not leave the kherson region without its own... so in quotation marks, well, in fact , everything that flies from crimea, i’m talking about the shaheds, that too through the kherson region, mostly flies, and probably the load on your mobile groups is very high, whether these mobile groups have time to recover, whether they have time to replace each other in order to work effectively, well, let’s say, i will not report for the military , but i... want to say that it is really in the kherson region, and the kherson region is the first to receive all those, let 's say, shahedi, rockets that fly from crimea, fly from the temporarily occupied territory of the region, fly this, i think that the armed
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forces of ukraine, the defense forces of ukraine have shown their capabilities and have shown what really well, we can, we can say that not all damage was done there on the territory. region, but the fact that the targets were primarily identified and tracked, starting with kherson region, is one hundred percent information, but the work of mobile groups. you see, it's such a hassle work, which has a lot of components there, and fortunately, the number of these groups and functional ones, i think, shows that, well, the air defense and the defense forces in general work effectively in this, let's say, mode, we see that and the weather is not very favorable in the kherson region, wind, thunderstorms, did they cause a lot of trouble, or vice versa, maybe i will simplify a little... there is life, because we understand that when the weather is bad, they also cannot launch the same drones, at least not in
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such a quantity , and maybe then less will arrive or not? well, if you say so, the previous day we had it, it was +36, and it was very, very hot, very hot, and let's say, a clear, starry sky, so it's not very good, let's say, for the situation in... the territory of the kherson region, because during such a clear the weather, well, let's say so, the scouts who work in the sky, the enemy's scouts, they see everything, and unfortunately, they fix exactly the objects that they need to attack, the bad weather that stole the previous days, let's say, to this, she, well, let's say, she contributes more to the fact that, let's say, the defense is stronger, therefore what... they really, they don't have the ability to launch reconnaissance drones, they don't have
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the ability to launch small drones that also bother kherson oblast, because let's be honest, the enemy has a sufficient number of such equipment, which they also use and against the servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, and unfortunately, we have very good examples when they use against the civilian population, these are the drops that they... or the kumikadzi drones that they use in large numbers in the former beryslavskyi area on the territory of the former beryslavsky district, the vilosersky district, well, let 's say, the presence of bad weather in quotes, whether it's wind or rain, it just makes the enemy's work very difficult and gives the opportunity, well , to concentrate more on the defense forces in order to in order to repel such attacks, which... well, they still exist in kherson oblast, and they have not stopped since the very day of its liberation and the regional center and, in general
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, the liberation of the part of kherson oblast, where the most and for what the most work is now their intelligence, what they are watching the most, what they are looking for, well, we understand, of course , the main goal for them is such equipment, which they hope to find and see there, well, our armed forces... well, if we are not talking about this night, but the previous one, again, their target was a critical infrastructure object, this is one of the hospitals of the regional center, into which they sent their mlrs, they were affected accordingly, we understand that this is not such a targeted weapon that hits there the target is in one place, so the whole is affected a neighborhood of private houses that were nearby. and to say what i have already said more than once, to say that
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the enemy has a system, well, it will be, let's put it this way, an outright lie, because they are terrorists, they are causing terror on the territory of the kherson region, at least the targets there to defeat, let's say, manpower or equipment, well, i'm sure that there is no such thing, there is no system, they hit wherever they can get. they hit the civilian population, they hit the infrastructure, that's why it's terror, it's terrorism, they are ordinary criminals, just dressed in military uniforms. we remember that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and for a certain time , the occupiers constantly hunted the locals and took away all means of transportation on water, some boats, boats, anything, or now on... the right bank, people restored their such private
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watercraft, do they dare to swim on the dnieper, how safe is it, dangerous, what about it? well, if we say that with regard to shipping in general on the territory of the dnipro river, which, well, let's say, flows in kherson region, and its straits, estuaries, which are downstream, relative to the floodplain. no, because we have a large number today, the first is the ammunition mines that are in the river, in the water, they were... partially washed away during the accident there on the kykhovsky gesture, partially mined, in addition, well, we will so to speak, the enemy controls that part of the coast with dense fire and, well, conditionally the coast is temporarily occupied, and let's say so, does not allow any class of means of the civilian population at all, let's say heroic works, heroic
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the work of the marines there in... the territory, as we know, there are the villages of krynka and those there, the area that is a bridgehead, they work out, again with the use of naval equipment there, but we must understand that this is only military, let's say, military operations, the civilian population does not have the opportunity to use watercraft on the water, in general, on the territory of the kherson region, it is currently prohibited by the decision of the defense council. from the side of ukraine, well, you know, let's say this, with fire, the invaders forbid to do this, from the side temporarily of the occupied territory of the kherson region. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation. oleksandr samolenko was with us, the head of the kherson regional council, and already in the morning there is a briefing from the air force of ukraine. four kh101 kha-555 missiles were shot down,
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one kh-59 guided air missile and 20. seven shahed attack missiles were shot down, in fact all the shaheds that were flying were shot down, there were nine missiles and we have information about five shot down, with that we are going for a short break , we’ll talk about odeschina next, stay with us, these outages again, and you didn’t have time to charge phones, sitting in the dark is also not an option, unpack the tv... there is a solution, even for the most severe blackouts. solar batteries energia plus. energy plus is an innovative development. many uses in one. a portable solar station, a reliable flashlight, a source of full-fledged light and , of course, a power bank. order now while the special prices are valid. energia plus solar batteries are ready for
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espresso. your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, goy! long walks and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house about... they see you in dreams, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you,
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they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew, that you are somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how difficult victory is. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. so when you at home, when we are together, we are more than family. we are a nation united around you. we are returning to our airwaves, valentina shults, deputy of the odesa district council and volunteer mrs. valentina, will talk about odesa on the phone, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. ballistics is probably
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the most terrible thing for odessa right now, because there is no time to even run to the shelter, for a few minutes literally about yesterday's, evening's iskander m, as far as i understand, i want to ask what is known at this moment, well, what is known. that the rocket hit the city chornomorsk, it is not far from odesa, in the recreation area, and they wrote that fortunately there were no victims, this is what is known as of now, are there any assumptions where they tried to shoot, or did they decide on the recreation area, and how in kharkiv oblast, in recreation areas? beat? well, judging by everything, there is still a sheport in chornomorsk, i think that most likely the target was
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the port through which agricultural products are shipped in the odesa region, there are three such ports, the main ones, through which agricultural products are shipped, and exports in general. everything, but the ports are working, the truth is, yes , of course, the ports are working, the ports are working and even now we are talking about reaching the pre-war volumes, this is all thanks to our armed forces of ukraine, such a grain corridor became possible, and as for the beaches, what is the situation there now, we saw footage a few days ago that people... are having fun and is this process becoming more and more intense, because we have both good weather and summer in rozpala, or after such strikes as
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yesterday, does this hold people back? i wouldn't say that it deters people, people in odessa, that is june is the month, we understand that the sea, the sun, people who cannot go abroad, they still go to odesa for a weekend vacation. that's why you need to choose safe beaches where there are mobile shelters, because ballistics, as you said, it's very scary, because the missile flies somewhere for two or three minutes, and you still need to choose beaches where there are shelters, that's it you need to pay attention, because the enemy, as we see in kharkiv oblast, they attack recreational areas, where... holiday homes, where people rest, therefore, people should be safe and when they go to the beach, the first thing to pay attention to is
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where exactly the shelter is located. we know that such a special center has now been created in odesa, and it should look for missing people, but first of all it will focus on looking for servicemen with whom contact has disappeared, or the main directions. is there work, or has a team been formed that will deal with it? well, as far as i know, there was a press conference, and if we launch such a project, then i think that the team is formed, it really a very good project, because currently there are also a lot of missing servicemen in odesa. and it's good that such a service appeared precisely in the odesa region, because there are a lot of relatives, they have already lost hope, and there is a protocol for searching
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for military personnel, but... if there will be another such service working precisely in the odesa region, then it will be me i think that it is a big plus and we hope for positive results of the work, whether this special body will search for missing servicemen only from odesa, or all from the whole of ukraine, that is, you can go to them ask anyone what it should look like, to be honest, i can't answer you, i will prepare for the next... broadcast and will be able to tell you in more detail how this service works, the results of the work, maybe yes, maybe we hope on this, but for now , as i mentioned, there are a lot of families who have gone missing, i think that this situation is not only in odesa, but also in other regions, we understand that together with the tourist season,
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with the summer season... too always the season of fullness of infectious disease departments of hospitals begins, and that you may even be there appear? i think that after all, more people go to odesa, some recreation centers work like that, because people need to work somewhere and still need to support their business, and as far as i know, i am in contact with one of the owners such a recreation center, customers who have visited in previous years usually visit the station, and it is precisely for such clients that they support, for example, the recreation center located outside odessa, are there enough employees, are there enough personnel who can work, to ensure the work of these institutions, unfortunately,
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no. unfortunately, no, there is a shortage of workers not only in such areas, but also in all areas, i would say, both in the public sector and in the private sector, now, unfortunately, there is a shortage of specialists. what do you associate this with, mrs. vantelo? well, of course, with a full-scale invasion, the fact that a lot of people left the country, ah, people went to the front, the tsk is working. and very massive layoffs of men, we've seen it all, how transport companies were on the verge of bankruptcy because people were leaving for the border, they simply dropped the trucks and stayed, stayed abroad, but there is also a positive trend, which is that such transport companies have begun to approach recruitment in a new way and train women for such professions, and they have such a good
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quality program. with leisure for women, they fully pay for it all, this is such a moment of advertising, thank you, ms. valentina, valentina shultz, a deputy of the odesa district council and a volunteer, was with us, now is the time for news, khrystyna parubiy already has a selection of the latest and most important information on this one wait a minute, so christina, congratulations, you have a word, tell me. greetings, oksana, thank you for the work of our defenders of the sky this night, i will tell you in the release, as well as about the losses of the enemy in a moment, wait. khrystyna porubiy works in the espresso studio. russians at night.


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