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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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listen to yours. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions - the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. i generally think that. we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m., velikiy lviv speaks in the project on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts.
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inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known, what is happening must be understood. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. let's return to our conversation, as promised by volodymyr nazarenko, head of artillery intelligence. of the outspoken rubizh brigade
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captain of the national guard of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr. glory as a hero. good morning studio, good morning viewers. thank you for the opportunity to participate in your inclusion. thank you for waiting. i know that you have been in touch with us for a while. we will talk with you about the crematorium direction. this is the one, he explains to our viewers, whom we called bahmudsky until recently. now we are talking about kramatorsk and what is the operational situation there. at this moment, what you can usually voice on our air, please tell me. in general, the situation in the east in many areas held by our comrades, and our brigade, the fourth brigade of the national border guard, and other units of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, in general, then the situation remains as tense as possible, we can name dozens of settlements around which there is active, active fighting, daily, almost hourly contact, the situation changes little... over the course
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of months and years, because the enemy uses all available arsenal, all available forces and the means that he has, and in some ways it seems that he has the resources in reserve, or rather the reserves, with which they can replenish their losses relatively endlessly, especially in manpower, we see the summary of the general staff that that the enemy is losing thousands of killed and wounded, we can see from the reports. of the general staff, that the enemy is losing both equipment and weapons, and armored vehicles, and tanks every day, but despite this , the enemy continues to try to advance in dozens and dozens of places in the east, these are either assaults, local assaults of some enemy positions, or attempts to storm these or that settlements or on the outskirts, i specifically do not want to name. of security, where, what,
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how is it happening, because we believe in the defense forces, i call, first of all, to focus on the summary general staff and... this is one of the security considerations and security reasons, because i still remember from my experience when the occupiers in the 22nd year, having poor coordination, oriented their front edge according to the information that they tried to open sources, mass media, defense forces and ukraine, in general, and by the way, it happened that they covered their own units with their own artillery fire, so first of all... we have to voice and publicize in the public sphere that, first of all turn what is referred to general staff, and in general, i believe in the defense forces, i believe in our brothers, who by very hard efforts, heroic, titanic actions and in heroic battles
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hold the defense, and in most cases do not give the enemy even a chance to advance, sir volodymyr, because we sometimes... hear when the russians, their army, are shown to be a bit stupid, but they are some kind of bad guys, they have, as they say, zeks fighting and the like, but we cannot underestimate them, because when the enemy advances and when it conquers, when conquers our territories, then it is not only about fools, that is, their devaluation and positioning, that they are worthless, it may not play into their hands, which ones? units are now in your direction and can we talk about their quality, i.e. do they take in quantity or do they take in quality? i agree with you, in no case should the enemy be underestimated, unfortunately, the occupier has, as well as hastily assembled units of mercenaries or
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disposable soldiers, which they have been using in fact since the 22nd year, and unfortunately, the enemy has are quite united, coordinated, prepared. units that the enemy uses in one way or another, as in one way or another they commit and impose certain combat actions, therefore, unfortunately, the enemy learns from his mistakes every day, improves every day, tries certain changes in tactics , in detail to do, but in general the trend is that the enemy continues to try as much as possible to implement and... and try to advance at the expense of large firepower, large, large quantities of ammunition, guns, barrels, weapons, equipment and manpower, and in general the tendency is that using different approaches, but generally with this approach
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to try to press, press and press, exerting maximum pressure, they try to get some hope of their success, in these conditions of the defense force. they must understand clearly, lead development as much as possible, understand as much as possible which opponents, which units, what they are capable of, and in dynamic defense prioritize the preservation of the life of every ukrainian hero and inflicting maximum losses on the enemy. we, even, if you look at the dbstate map, we can to find out that their attack is actually built in a somewhat echeloned manner. their military, weapons and ammunition are concentrated in several lanes, what you said, we understand that they have the upper hand and can take it, do we have the opportunity to build our defense and potentially also for the future
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counteroffensive according to that system, when in many of our troops are concentrated, and along those lines, in those areas of the front, where there are many of them. and if necessary, whether the defensive lines behind our military are of high quality and reliable enough to withdraw go there calmly, so that the guys don’t have to, in which case they quickly dig in somewhere on the spot, everything is ready and waiting for them , and the quality is what is needed, answering the first part of your question, in modern combat, the combination of quality and... quantity of firepower is critically important impact, accuracy and how this fire impact, what damage it inflicts on the enemy, is not even as important here as the number of troops, as the number and concentration, i repeat, the ability to quickly inflict massive impact and massively accurate
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impact on enemy units, we really can to understand that the enemy, unfortunately, has many reserves in the near and far rear, and the more they are in the rear, the more... they have reserves for the accumulation of equipment or manpower, or reserves in ammunition, if the enemy accumulates somewhere, so here we first of all... have to work in a coordinated manner with units of aerial reconnaissance, uavs, other types of intelligence, and in time to break down, prepare and, let's say, have a plan a, plan b, a plan for any possible different actions of the enemy, that is why it is important to break them and work in advance and destroy the enemy, we have seen the results of mobilization. and recruiting results, when it is reported that most of those, especially self-reported volunteers,
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want to be either drones or scouts, actually the two most popular fields in the military right now, it's not surprising because we see very often actually the results of the drones and everyone would probably like to brag about them in the future, but is it that simple, i want to control drones, i want to go into reconnaissance, or is it that simple? teach new recruits as much as it takes time, is one desire enough, or should there be some additional skills? we must clearly say that we need to learn, and the more learning, the better the learning, the better, the most important factor in all of this is motivation, the desire to learn, the desire to allocate your time, and not just sit for hours while learning or just wait when time will pass, here again the most important thing, especially in... skills, learning to use one or another
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weapon, technological, in particular weapons, here again is important training, training, experience, technologies, they protect the lives of ukrainian heroes, we must clearly understand that, unfortunately, we cannot surpass the occupying army in terms of quantity, that is why we must take quality, technology, skills and coordination, i very... i'm sorry, but i really have to continue doing tasks now. thank you for your answer, thank you for the clarification and thank you for the work you do, we wish success and congratulations to your brothers. volodymyr nazarenko was with us, the intelligence chief of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade and the captain of the nsu pro the kramatorsk direction was talked about. now a short pause, then we will come back and talk more about the south, in particular about the seas, about the ukrainian neptunes, which can reach a lot already. looks, wait, if you want to wake up as if
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intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. a journalist who joined the armed forces. political expert, who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with anxiety news and to distinguish the truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. pick up early. him on time from the battlefield, it means saving his life, gave a lift to bc, gave a lift to the boys, a quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. i would also
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like to remind you that we have... another fee for mavics and for the equipment for the art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, there we need to collect 2.5 million uah 72,000 and uah 317 is already in the account, we understand that more is needed, i really ask you to join, and the military themselves are asking, i wish you health, we are soldiers of art reconnaissance hundredth brigade, we ask you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us to destroy in the future. the enemy and defend our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so you donate, and we question pavel lekiychuk, head of security programs of the global studies center strategy 21 about the situation at sea and beyond. mr. pavle, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning, i want to start with this night
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attack that took place, a huge number of 27 shaheds were killed by our defenders. we also have information. about missiles, but the situation was a little strange: in the evening there was a report that four tu bombers had taken off from olandi, there was information that they had flown to the launch sites in the caspian region, that there were launches, they wrote, or alleged fake launches, so imitation of launches, and all the monitoring channels, at least the ones i monitored, this5, wrote that the airspace of ukraine. these missiles were not included, i understand that perhaps they did not have all the information, not all the information may have been published, but as of this morning we have data that there were nine missiles, five of them were shot down and information about the fact that there are four hits, four damages on four objects of the energy infrastructure, how can it
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be that there is actually no information, they are already writing about imitations. launches, and then it turns out that they are rockets were and brought harm. the enemy uses, especially lately, he studies and uses combined attacks, various options to overcome our air defenses, to deceive our radio engineering troops, well, sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he fails, more often he fails, although i will repeat myself. they will try a wide variety of tactics, only we get used to it, we don’t even have time to get used to one combination, for example, when shahedis come from one direction, rockets go in unison from another direction, or waves of shahedis, missiles, ballistics, it must be understood that this is
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a cut of a completely different type of target, with a different speed. different effective area of ​​russia, reflectivity for radars moving at different speeds, at different altitudes, but i don't know, er, it's good that now there are many computers in ee as elements of radar stations, because if it did everything a person assessed, the roof would have come off a long time ago and... the penultimate starts, when, again, they take one direction from the same direction, almost at the same time, go in different directions. type of target and when there is such a rush goes, roughly speaking, in the direction of one division that is standing in its way, well
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, it is an extremely difficult task to destroy all targets, to hit them, so this time there was obviously something, something takchtal to that, er... and partly er-er to the russians managed to achieve its goal , nevertheless, most of the air targets were shot down by our anti-aircraft defense, well, this is very cool, and when you listen to our heroes , pilots, our heroes, anti-aircraft fighters, heroes, those simple guys who are in the field at night they wait for the shaheds as part of fire
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groups, then they are simply delighted with their endurance, because it is admirable, i would even argue that these are ordinary guys, because ordinary guys cannot do such a thing, they are actually our heroes today, we want to ... ask you about the neptunes, it seems that we modified them, and now they can fly far, hit well, and hit, hit the targets, we can use them in russia, in fact, not to use western attacks, already with our weapons to work where it is necessary, in fact, without even waiting for all the permits for the use of american missiles or others that you are on that, well i was once... at a meeting with korosilov, with the general designer of these missiles, an incredible person, this was even before
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the large-scale invasion, and then there was a big discussion between the military, well, who should get the first samples of these neptunes, they should be air-based missiles for our pilots, or should they be sea- based. on the ship are located for our sailors, korostylov said no, guys, you don't understand, you are cool and such cool strategists, but think about it, the first neptunes will be ground-based, why? because the plane is one platform, the plane is shot down, there are no neptunes, the ship is one platform, the ship is shot down, the ship is destroyed, there are no neptunes, and when the division is dispersed, these are the launchers. here is a radar station, here is a separate command and staff vehicle, that is , the survivability of such a complex is an order of magnitude greater,
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if we develop, we will succeed in making one such complex, then there is a boundless sea for its modernization, we can adapt it for both ships and aircraft, if we will make a complex for strikes on surface targets, after this... we will be able to modernize it both for ground purposes and for difficult terrain, flight over difficult terrain, everything will be fine, the main thing is to work constantly, and the words of the designer are wrong, not just wrong, our engineers are working on their implementation , moreover, modern... neptunes, they have a range of almost two orders of magnitude, two times
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more powerful than those originally thought, and this is obviously not the limit of modernization, so the enemy you should also expect surprises on land and... surprises at sea too, regarding the sea, mr. pavle, there are some strange movements happening there, on the one hand, the number of barges under the crimean bridge is simply constantly increasing, satellite images show that there are simply more and more. on the other hand, missile carriers are taken out to sea in both the black sea and the sea of ​​azov, despite the fact that they are trying to take everything from the crimea in order to save it for their own. but nevertheless in the sea they are present, what kind of activity is this? well, about missile launchers in the black sea - these are
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submarines, so... it's quite difficult to detect, but what concerns the sea of ​​azov and the kerch bridge, well, here is an interesting situation, i will probably start with the sixth, sixth or seventh number, again a large group of russian ships came out, these are three amphibious ships, large amphibious ships and three, well, all that were in them , small missile ships of the same caliber and moved to the sea of ​​azov. through the kerch strait, now they are there, well, the question arises, what are they doing there, and they are hiding there, but you said in vain that through those barriers under the crimean bridge, the bonovosks from by barges, the strength of the anti-aircraft defense equipment involved, against the boat defense, has been increased several times, in fact
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by zovsky... the sea has remained for the russians one more or less safe place, at least from the sea, wherever the russians go into the black sea, they are overtaken by our naval drones, but the entrance to the sea of ​​azov, which is surrounded on all sides by the occupied territories, is blocked by the defense of this kryp bridge, in fact, this line of defense, it closes. covers not only the city and probably not so many cities, but also the water area of ​​azov, that's why the paratroopers there are russian, forced to train in azov, and it was to azov that these small missile ships went with them, but you have to understand that they are just as dangerous from the outside as from the black sea, even
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closer to us. us, and this is bad, even if they move to the caspian sea, try to escape, they can launch their missiles from there, but in the sea of ​​azov, i remind you, this does not mean that they are completely safe there, we hope that they are there in complete danger, mr. pavle, we still have literally and a half, in this great war, it was sarato's ship in the port of berdyansk, it was to moscow, so let them know. we have a minute and a half even a little less, i also want to ask you about the resumption of ferry service between ukraine and georgia to former transport connections, one minute, to be honest, eh...
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i was a little surprised by this statement, how much there are such ferries at the moment, well, we'll see, because it's too early to talk about security in the black sea, if the ships plying between our ports, the bosphorus, they move along the coast along transport corridors, the security of which is ensured not only by the armed forces of ukraine, and the armed forces of our states. neighbors, romania, bulgaria, in the end, to georgia is a flight at risk and risk, through the central part of the black sea, well, obviously our sailors decided that the negotiations that took place in switzerland, including for what concerns, we hope it will be safe, mr. pavle, thank you for participating in our broadcast,
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head of the center's security programs. globalists strategy 21 was with us, now the moment of silence is approaching, it's time to honor the memory of all those who died because of the russian occupiers. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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