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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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pavlo lakiychuk, head of security programs at the strategy 21 center for global studies, was with us. now the moment of silence is approaching, it's time to honor the memory of all those who died because of the russian occupiers. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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people's deputies in the first reading voted for the creation of a military police in ukraine, why it is needed and why such an initiative is not supported by all people's representatives, and the topic of fortification, on at which stage of the investigation. regarding the construction of fortifications on the borders of ukraine, we will talk about this today in the svoboda ranok broadcast. my name is oleg galiv and we start in the comments, i suggest you write where you see us from. over uah 238 million for the construction of military engineering, technical and fortification facilities in the kharkiv region. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine redirected this amount from the reserve fund of the state budget. this was reported by the representative of the cabinet of ministers in the verkhovna rada taras melnychuk in telegram. previously, these... funds were allocated for mykolayivska
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and rivne regional military administrations. the need to strengthen the defense in the kharkiv region is connected with the new wave of offensive of russian forces, which began a little more than a month ago, on may 10. the army of the russian federation tried to break through the ukrainian defense line and capture, among others, the city of vovchansk. after that , the ukrainian media began to talk about the insufficient strengthening of defensive lines in the kharkiv region and their alleged absence in the area of ​​the city of vovchansk. state office of dissolution. he is currently investigating the fact of the russian breakthrough by the state border troops in the kharkiv region. the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg seniohobov , noted that the regional administration is also waiting for the results of the investigation. he informed the journalists of ukrinform about this. i will remind you that on may 22, the verkhovna rada voted to create a temporary special commission on the use of budget funds for the construction of fortifications and the production of drones. the parliamentary commission should find out whether the works on the construction of fortifications were completed, to what extent, who? and how he used budget funds. before
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the broadcast, i talked with mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from batkivshchyna. he is the deputy chairman of this temporary special commission of the verkhovna rada on the use of state budget funds for the construction of fortifications and engineering barriers on the contact line, as well as the manufacture and purchase of drones for the defense forces. let's hear what he said about how the investigation is going and finding out all the details. the situation with fortifications, it is difficult only in the kharkiv region, the most questions today are precisely for the kharkiv direction and the regional military administration of the kharkiv region, whether the same thing can happen again with the sumy region, for example, or the same story with the mykolaiv region, that is, it is some kind of complex question that concerns all oblasts, front-line regions, or is this a precedent only for kharkiv oblast? what we have is not only kharkiv oblast, we have alarm signals from others. and our task is to check that
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information and establish the truth, where it is is confirmed, then react harshly, and where it is inaccurate information, refute it, because it is a very sensitive topic, and we are well aware that most of these materials have a limited degree of state secrecy, so that... this information, which is voiced by members of the tsk, was not used by the enemy, but i emphasize, we must remember, the first line of fortification was being built, and the second was the third, and by civilian contracting organizations, with whose representatives we are now communicating, but the military provided for this, as they say, albums, that is... maps and technical
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specifications technical documentation for the construction of these difficult structures. we plan to involve experts who... to a real assessment of the cost of both materials, where the price of one and the same building material fluctuates, sometimes several times, as well as the execution of works, understanding the risks that those people who performed these works, by the way, works for today, mr. mykhailo, it is important to clarify here, but from the fact that what you say is correct, i can draw a conclusion for myself, understanding that in deputies of the verkhovna rada as such do not have any questions for the military regarding fortification, i understand correctly, that is, it is about the fact that there are still more questions both in the service, which deals with this in terms of investigation, and in the deputies, after all, to civil bodies, well, let's call them that, or the regional military
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administration, or those contracting organizations that built the second and third lines there, that is , where the forces of the armed forces of ukraine were involved, who built and established fortifications, there are no such questions for the military at the moment, well, i am. .. i will say yes, in general, the question is for everyone, because it is necessary to establish the quality of the work performed, including the first line. it is important for us, and the task of tsc is not only to establish where there were violations. it's also our job to set standards and, er, changes in regulations, both legally and bylaws and bylaws regarding construction. engineering structures, it is no secret that some maps or albums of these structures are outdated and not real, this is the first time, i emphasize, the first time in the history of an independent state, when
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the military builds such structures, previously not such works were carried out on such a scale, and these are extremely complex, i emphasize engineering... structures, and today we clearly need to establish if they were built, and such are in the wrong places, or in violation of the instructions or technical documentation, it was a mistake of the military, who were supposed to supervise the construction, or was it a mistake of the contractors, but for now we cannot name and identify the culprits... we cannot complete the task and we have very little time, life depends on the quality and place of construction of these structures, the health of our military, and also, of course , the territories are inhabited by civilians, that is, the fact that
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these maps could be outdated could cause the fact that the structures were built there, or in the wrong places, or not in the places where they should have been built , right? for the time being, we will also conduct reviews of those maps and albums that were provided by the military, but once again i emphasize the difficulty in the fact that the next stage we will go to the places themselves, so that it will be possible to establish their quality from another point of view of construction, it is very important that... the general staff, the ministry of defense, relevant departments and management units contribute to the work of the commission, and we have full understanding, and the first deputy minister of defense, general gavrylyuk, also arrives at each of our calls,
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he fulfills his duties connection in the absence of the minister on the spot, and all information is provided in full, from the latest information from the cabinet of ministers, about uah 238 million was redirected by the cabinet of ministers to the construction of fortifications in kharkiv oblast, these funds, as the media write, at least, they were previously allocated for construction in the rivne region and in the mykolaiv region, that is, in essence, what the commission understands now, the fortifications of the kharkiv region remain the highest priority, that is , the most forces are thrown there, or how can this be explained, well, if you have information from the cabinet of ministers, cabins are allocated to those areas where they need to be added... by the way, we also plan to inspect the fortifications that were built on the borders with the state of belarus, namely volyn, rivne, zhytomyr, kyiv oblast and somska went further there
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, that is, we will also check there, but, by the way, the recovery agency, it was also involved, there are... certain where some oblasts completed the work and the funds remained, and our task is to establish why they, is it cost savings, or is it more, too much was redistributed, and... in some areas , there is not enough money, because the estimate documentation is definitely being refined, because in reality everything is done, as they say from the wheels, some works are expensive and need additional funds. that number you named, it was recently assigned, and our task is, i think, this week, when we will communicate with the leadership, including that of the kharkiv region. establish why exactly and for what request additional
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funds were allocated. in addition to the tsc of the parliament, journalists are also interested in the expenditure of budget funds. the investigative project our money compared the data of 10 regional military administrations with the costs of building fortifications. the greatest number of abuses during the verification of fortification estimates was found in the mykolaiv region. this was stated by the journalist of our money yuriy nikolov. according to him , half a billion hryvnias were found in the estimate. prices for almost all items of construction materials, in particular , the price of logs was sometimes even twice as high as in other regional military administrations. after the information was released, the head of the mykolaiv regional military administration, vitaly kim, said that the journalists accused him without understanding the situation, as evidenced by a comparison table with other areas of prices for this material. it shows that the logs purchased in mykolaiv ova really cost more than in other regions, but they say that in other regions the cost of delivery is much higher. the actual cost of delivery of these materials, i note that the distance to which the logs were delivered
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is not indicated in the table from vitaly kim in the mykolaiv region, but vitaly kim is already in touch with us and we will be able to talk about it in more detail , the head of the mykolaiv regional military administration on the air svoboda ranok, i congratulate you, and good morning, thank you for joining, mr. vitaly, or the construction of fortifications in the mykolaiv region is currently continuing, is it possible that this process has already been completed, we have finished, this process is already finished, what possible... i don't know, there were questions, additional needs, was there a need for additional funds, were there additional requests on the funds for the actual construction to take place, no, on the contrary , the amount of the provided funds was reduced, initially by three times, there from one billion to 500 million, then it decreased even more, now there is an adjustment, please tell me how do you react in general to the accusations that are being made in the direction of... the regional military administration, regarding the materials that they allegedly purchased at inflated prices, how
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it was checked, actually, what measures were taken, and actually, what does the price of this region depend on exactly mykolaivskogo? i'll tell you, well, this infuriates me a little, because mykolayiv oblast finished first, although we are not at the second level of priority there, and we did it well, despite that , we reduced the military there from 1.4 billion to 500 and reduced it again. in order to to optimize this fortification, firstly, i do not understand where the journalists got this information, if they did not contact us for clarification, after that the publications carefully contacted us, we provided all the information, if i already understood the policy there, it says 11 00, and in fact , the cost there is seven or something or 6,200 and another delivery to mykolaiv, which is 650 km, because mykolaiv region after zaporizhzhia is out of... snow, that is, we have less than 4% of forests there, we simply do not have it, and high-quality and
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moreover, that is why these questions are unreasonable, i i will personally tell you honestly how it looks for me and for many who are aware of how these fortification structures were built, everything is very simple, if they say that the price is inflated in i don’t know, there in lviv, then it will not be interesting to anyone, and if they say that kiim has the most expensive price. it will go as clickbait, as news, that's the whole story, it's very simple, we don't have the highest price, firstly, secondly, we paid five cubes, i don't know how much there is 500 or 100 cubes in total, now there is an adjustment of projects under the market value so that we paid, that is, we were accused of having paid for five cubes, switched the price with delivery and without delivery, and here are the tyaplyaps in prodaction, and you say, if it will be in kima, then it will be a clickbait and so on, eh? what do you associate it with, why is it exactly like this, if you have it, let's do it without
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it, why are we talking with you, why are they reacting and recognition is there in the mykolaiv region because of this, i work honestly, that is, i have there are no shoals, and if they say, but we found them, then this is treason, this is news that will come to disagree, no, i'll just explain, probably, that today we took up the topic of fortification for a reason, a special parliamentary commission was created, and in general, first of all, fortifications were discussed in the kharkiv region. and it all started with this, now we heard the deputy chairman of this parliamentary commission, he says that signals are coming from other regions, but so far this information is not voiced, so we want to understand actually how it is in other regions, for this we you we turn on so that you tell from the first source, as i do it actually is. please tell me, you said that after this material was published, you were contacted by representatives of law enforcement agencies, you provided all the information, and the ukrainian deputies, i don’t know if they are there, contacted you, maybe from specialized committees , someone came to inspect, did not come, because now there is a lot of talk about it, deputies are preparing to go to inspect these fortifications
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there in the regions, i will finish with the first block, because you... said and moved on to the second , they did not let me answer, because i am i believe that because you quoted the journalistic publication for a long time and explained this situation, and that is why it also, let's say , attracts the attention of the audience, precisely because of this, as far as the deputies are concerned, that is how they checked, came, that is how there is a tcc that works, knows which kharkiv region was invited by some other region, i am waiting, i will come and tell everything, i have... understanding and documents have been provided, that is, to whom and to me on this issue regarding the cost there, so there is nothing to be afraid of, i have a question to contractors for quality, because really military tasks were done quickly and the deadlines were changed on the fly, and it objectively had to be done, but
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there will be no questions for me about the quality and the cost at the moment, and yes, i believe that this is it... and the deputy parliamentary control is a mandatory story, it should be so that no one has any questions. yes, mr. vitaly, i thank you once again for joining us, we are continuing our conversation, i would just like to note that we are having a constructive conversation, and radio liberty gives the floor to all parties, whoever is there and are accused by those who write, so i don’t know if mr. nikolov will have any comments after this material, we are ready to give him the floor as well, because it is important that there is a balance in this story and an understanding of what is happening, but still one thing, by the way, in order for you to react, people there of various kinds began to write about the fact that mykolaivska ova allegedly... hid who was building fortifications in the mykolaiv region already after the journalists wrote about these alleged exaggerations, or was that what they wanted would like to understand from you that they hid, they actually hid information about who exactly is building fortifications in the mykolayiv region, this is where the experts wrote, and from what authority should i say who is building fortifications for the military, well, why, to know who
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they are, where they are located, what kind of people there are, well, what is this information for? should be with journalists, the building was built, they asked what question, but how in the process, well, of course, and about the security situation, in fact, tell us about the security situation in the mykolaiv region in the last few weeks and the last days, what kind of communities suffering from shelling, what is known as of now? the kotsurub-chakiv community is constantly suffering, there were three artillery shellings today and another village was shelled, yesterday the fpv twice. two wounded a woman, that is, this is a constant story, today the s-400 rocket was shot down, yesterday, i remember, it flew into the field, that is, we constantly have such disturbing fire, thanks to our armed forces, we have few victims, but at the same time we face shelling every day, and we live so quietly, mr. vitaly,
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but considering the fact that you say that this a disturbing fire, the locals from this community there ... they leave more often, now maybe they evacuate, they don’t leave, people return, like with the migration of people, let me give an example using the example of ochakov, yes, and it’s roughly like that, in ochakov 15,000 people lived there permanently, 7.5 thousand now remain there, half, that is, not all of them have left, but in the summer it was a tourist town with 15 thousand, it is and will be, but in the summer the population there reached 70 thousand, that is, there now.. . is not working, bases are not working, people are close 7,500, but i was there recently, atb is working there, shops are working, people under umbrellas are even drinking tea and coffee there, despite the fact that shelling is daily. thank you, thank you for joining. vitaly kim, head of the mykolaiv regional military administration, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about fortifications in the mykolaiv region, as well as the security situation in the region.
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the zaporizhia front line is a fortress, a video message with such a statement. ivan federov, the head of the zaporizhia regional military administration, published in his telegram. he says that the region is one of the leaders in the pace and volume of construction of fortifications. in four months of this year, more than 800 million hryvnias were directed to the needs of the military on the front line. according to fedorov, the construction of fortifications will be continued and the potential for fortification in the zaporizhzhya region will be increased. i will add that the day before the verkhovna rada passed a law that expands the powers of local administrations, in particular in supporting the sector. defense, now regional military administrations can build fortifications building with the funds of the own budget, although now it must receive the signatures of the speaker of the parliament and the president, and ivan fedor. whom i have already mentioned, is also in touch with us today. mr. ivan, i congratulate you. yes, congratulations, i'm you. please tell us, as of today, what is the situation with fortifications in the zaporizhzhia region, and what do you
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mean by the term fortress? we put in the term fortress the fact that we have completed the stage, or rather the stage, which was given to us as a task by the military, and we continue to saturate the zaporizhia front line defensive structures. after the first stage, we definitely continue to work in several additional directions, we focus our construction not only on the typical project that exists, but also on the challenges that our military constantly faces today in terms of the use of defense structures, the war categorically changes very quickly , that's why very quickly we... have to change protective structures for our military, that's why we initiate many changes that are made to standard designs so that they are then used by absolutely everyone
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our colleagues. therefore, after completing the first stage, we move to the second, third and so on, and this is exactly what will ensure, on the one hand, security for our residents, and on the other hand, the ability to maneuver for our military, because... unfortunately, today we are suffering great losses on the zaporozhye front line, we have suffered great losses in our state on all fronts, and concrete structures must bear these losses, and it is for this that massive fortification is being built today throughout the state. mr. ivan, let's clarify, actually the zaporizhia regional military administration, it is engaged in the construction of fortifications on which lines, second, third, does it join the first line there as well, that's how it is divided between the various institutions there. which are represented today in the zaporizhia region in the zaporizhia region, that is, between the military, between local authorities and other state structures. the first line can only be built by the military, no other person has
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access to the first line, so the first line is a trench that is directly the military, which fires at the enemy, at the opponent, and the second and third lines, it is built partly by the military, partly by civilians. where there is a safe possibility for construction, let civilians build it, then civilians build it, where there is not, then military specialized units, or engineering troops, or the state specialized transport service, those who do not directly carry out this construction, build it, it is our direct duty communication is the third line, it is a reference point, this is our main task, but none of us takes responsibility for coordination of tasks on the second line, for assistance to the army. on the first line, today it is our common interest to carry out this task, and therefore here responsibility should not be given, here it should be taken, that we should all do
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everything possible to ensure that the zaporizhia front line is not immobile. the ukrainian parliamentarians actually took it upon themselves in the commission to monitor how the construction of the fortification took place, and how it is happening now, have there already been any requests to you from this temporary parliamentary commission? from fortification about that you may provide the necessary documents or all the necessary, i don't know, the database that you have so that they can find out how it is happening in the zaporizhzhia direction, or perhaps you have already come to inspect, or are there such intentions? we had a commission of deputies of the verkhovna rada, it was 2.5 months ago, and it was a group of deputies in the number of eight people's deputies, who directly left during the construction and looked at... at what stage, what is happening, this is the time that relates directly to tsk, which created by the people's deputies, no, at the moment we have not received any requests, we have not been summoned to a hearing, but at any second we
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will definitely be ready to provide all the relevant information, all the relevant comments so that the people's deputies can familiarize themselves with the the work that was carried out both by regional military administrations and regional... military administrations in cooperation with military units, and it should also be noted that the entire construction of the fortification is under the watchful, tight control of all law enforcement structures, so today we receive a large number of requests from law enforcement structures and we can say that all this work that is being performed is monitored online, that is, in fact, law enforcement officers also monitor and follow how it is happening and you have constant communication, because within those actual processes that are going on. absolutely every law enforcement agency you can name is monitoring this and absolutely all of us are in communication to release the maximum information and objectively everyone has online this
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information and did you have any questions or comments about the actual structures that build these fortifications? the previous speaker on our broadcast, your colleague, actually the head of the mykolaiv ove, said that he had some questions about the quality of the fortifications, as in zaporizhzhia, there in the zaporizhzhia region, how good are these fortifications and whether you, as the head of the regional military administration, accept this work, satisfied with them? and today we have no complaints against contracting organizations. who perform work in part quality, today we monitor the process thanks to technical supervision, customer service, and of course in the working order, if there are any objections, comments, they are all improved in the working mode, and today there is not a single signed act of completed work that does not clearly correspond to those
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norms , the rules by which it should be built. so, of course, there is a standard construction process, during which there are complaints, there are comments, there is a desire to do better. this is a workflow that we definitely do in the work mode. people's deputy mykhailo tsimbalyuk, who, as a deputy of the temporary parliamentary commission, told me in a comment that there are regions in which they used the entire amount that was given to them in order to actually build these fortifications, there are those regions where this amount was not used in full, there are those regions where additional funds were directed, as in zaporizhzhia. oblast, what about the money that was there, that you used, that remains, that will be used, tell me more about it? to us, we have been fully secured the amount of funding has been fully secured, to us we managed to save due to the purchase of materials earlier, before such an uproar, we managed to save approximately 100 million hryvnias, which we will now direct to the construction
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of... the following lines, those that we currently have as a task from the military, so today, for the first stage, we are completely provided with funding, but i also think that we definitely do not think, i know that in the coming days we will go with a new request for additional funding to our leadership, including the cabinet of ministers, and what amount is missing , there is no such that the amount is not enough, there is no request from us yet, so we can... say that something is missing, i am sure that fortification is a priority for the state of ukraine, so any request that we send for fortification, based on request of the military, then he will be satisfied. ivan, you said that the first stage has been completed, if in percentage terms, that is , the zaporizhia region, the tasks that both you and the military set before themselves, if you can comment on it, in percentage terms, how many percent have already been built fortifications in those areas where it should have been
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done? no, where it was supposed to be done, 100 were built, and if we look at the entire spectrum of what to build there, it is probably 70, but we also have to understand that it is not static, it is not, it is not static number, this is a dynamic number, the front can change, our units can move forward, somewhere our units can maneuver, retreat, so somewhere the number of defensive structures can be added, it can decrease, so this is a dynamic, so i don't i can say that the construction of the fortification will be clearly finished by the level of the decree, no, it is not a fact. i have one more question to conclude, it is not related to fortification, it concerns the peace summit, there they talked about safety, in particular at the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, in the final communique of the participants of the summit, it is stated that the zaporizhia nuclear power plant should work under the full and sovereign control of ukraine. has something changed at zaporizhzhia as since
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the communiuke final? was adopted by the participants of the peace summit and as it is now russian the military is behaving properly at the occupied zaporizhzhia as, what is happening there? unfortunately, nothing has changed, the enemy both controlled one hundred percent of the territory of the zaporizhia os and controls it, today electricity is not produced in the zaporizhia uest, there are constant risks that even the reserve power lines that participate in the cooling they are , they recover, so it is a high -threat object under the control of an enemy that definitely poses a threat absolutely for all the inhabitants of our continent. i thank you very much sir for joining and informing. the topic is important, as people's deputies say, it is very sensitive, and it is necessary to understand all the information surrounding the construction of fortification structures, including ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhzhya regional village administration, our guest.


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