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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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there are no issues. on thursday , june 20, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become many. as relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. and then they saw the video, how our defenders work with drones on russian vessels in the dnipro, and immediately flew to donate, in a word, we understand that you like such a video, there will be more of it,
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if you donate more, thank you for this, and we will continue our work and see what the lawmakers have focused on, during the session week we will ask the people's deputy, member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence iryna friz, in connection with our studio, mrs. iryna, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, here we see that the general staff of the armed forces says that the pace of mobilization is not bad. this is now in ukraine, if they are kept during the summer, then in principle it is possible to introduce a bill on demobilization, but we remember that these terms and the demobilization itself from the law that came into effect on may 18, it was removed just at the last moment, a separate draft law, it is already ready, you have already seen it, discussed whether you will write it, the other day really. a working group
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of committee representatives was held with the participation of the ministry of defense and the general staff, at which it was heard how mobilization is currently carried out, and about the indicators that are already available for may and are indicative indicators for june, they are significantly higher than the indicators for previous months before acquisition validity of the law on mobilization, and therefore there is every reason to say that the assignment. it is absolutely possible for the cabinet of ministers to develop and introduce a relevant draft law on dismissal from military service during martial law. at this working group , an agreement was reached that if the pace and positive dynamics of mobilization will be maintained, then in october the cabinet of ministers should submit the relevant draft law for consideration by the verkhovna rada so that we can consider it in time and for it to enter into force, ideally from .. day of the month, let's hope that and
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indicators will be kept, and the terms discussed at this working group will be kept, in order to finally establish them in effective legislation and give clear guidelines, both to those who serve and to those who will be mobilized. mrs. irina, if we talk about mobilization, then we must also mention reservations. so, the bill on economy reservation has been registered. there are many supporters, there are people who say that it is absolutely impossible to do this, because it is actually, this divides society and immediately we divide that yes, you are rich, you can atone, please, and you are poorer, then go and risk your life, will there be attempts to make such a document as fair as possible. thank you very much, i am
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a supporter of the second category, who are opposed to any model of economic reservation, because i believe that... apart from the fact that it brings real discord into societies, when the poor will fight and the rich will buy off the mobilization , it will still have negative consequences directly for the current government, and it would be desirable for it to at least get acquainted with historical examples of similar economic reservations in other states, which led to riots and the actual actual change of the government that approved such economic... reservations, i am sure that the economic reservation lobbyists are putting a huge pig on the president of ukraine, because they, lobbying for these norms, or these models, as it is now customary to say, actually bring discord not only to
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society along the lines of wealth, but also to the economic sphere, and especially to business entities, what i mean, look, what... what is proposed in terms of the tax level or the wage level cannot be applied in the same uniform proportion throughout ukraine. instead of the state providing support to businesses that operate today, for example, in kharkiv oblast, we offer economic reservation models that can be used by and large only by the capital's large businesses. this is a disproportion. it is unjust, unacceptable, and shameful for a country at war to take appropriate initiatives that destroy unity. ms. iryna, look, you, you, society is already reacting, that is, this reservation model
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has already been called a club of white business, others are already saying, let's move like this, then the black lives meter will appear in ukraine, and in fact the business is concentrated in in big cities, it turns out that... war is exclusively for the rural population, they say such things, but economists still tell us that sensitive industries, including the defense industry, must not be deprived of those workers so that it does not stop, so you have to come up with something the rest, you know, roman, there is no need to invent and invent anything, there is a clear norm of the current legislation, which says that the order. is established by the cabinet of ministers. the cabinet of ministers , instead of inventing some models of economic reservation, should have clearly defined the categories of workers who need reservation, enterprises that are critically important for ensuring both the defense industry, the security and defense sector, and the needs of the armed forces
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of ukraine, including those industries that are vital for the existence of the state. instead, we see that the cabinet approves resolution, for... we are defending instead of operators and manufacturers of uavs, etc., so here it is necessary not to translate, again, you know, from a sick head to a healthy one, but it is necessary to take it also in the country in which there is a war, to clearly define which industries, which enterprises need reservations in order to provide the armed forces of ukraine, the civilian population, in war conditions, and these should be industries that are critically necessary, and not the so-called white. business, big white business that is connected to the government and which will be paid off from the mobilization, i am convinced that these businesses will grow, because they will whitewash everyone who will be their employees in order to be paid off in this way from the mobilization, this is a shameful
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story and it will be reflected very quickly on the ratings of mr. zelenskyi, and the minister of digital information of the ministry of digital affairs fodorov, he said that there will be... even this reservation in the application will work, that is, what will be booked there, how will it work? it means digitalization of processes, nothing more and nothing less. the fact itself, the booking algorithm, that's all exactly takes place from the relevant heads of ministries in agreement with the ministry of defense and is adopted in accordance with the regulations that are in force, therefore it is only bringing these... er aspects into a digital format, which will shorten the terms that will be displayed , including in the documents a person who is stopped in order to check his documents, who can show that he has a reservation, preferably that this reservation was
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not due to an action, was pulled up automatically to the reserve plus application, so that the person had immediately in one the application all the information about itself that it can present. in case of its stopping for document verification. mrs. irina, going back to mobilization and to reservation and to where it can be. this cannot be, when we talk about the circus, then everyone laughs, and this is already such a first test, this idea does not pass, on the other hand, when we talk about the reservation of agrarians, for example, it is already a more serious matter, because more than once , even small enterprises, offices and something else are faced with the fact that sometimes there are simply no employees who could to come to replace something, to repair something and have to cooperate, for example, to attract one master to several companies and... or to involve people in the work through somewhere outsourced, so that
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the entire work process does not stop, and what you mentioned may appear here there are also loopholes for corruption, so the employee agreed with his manager, let me tell you, i don’t know, i will return the amount you pay for my reservation, and i will be booked and i will sit quietly in the back, or some similar things , or? this can be predicted and avoid it? it is impossible, whether there will be corruption, it exists now, whether it will increase or decrease, depends on the quality of the work of law enforcement agencies, which have and tax authorities, which should check to what extent these employees are really involved in the activities of a critically identified enterprise and the production of that product, which today needs in... law in the armed forces of ukraine,
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whether directly civilians, therefore, from my point of view, the reduction of corruption is possible only when these rules, which will be established, they will be clear, transparent and understandable for all business entities, will it be possible to avoid corruption at all, no, because even now there are already examples when during the... great war since the 22nd year, some enterprises that have reservations, doubled and tripled the number of their employees, it already exists, so how to deal with it, well, we actually have enough verticals and law enforcement agencies, and anti-corruption agencies, and there is a tax department, that is, if they will work to withdraw everything it is from the gray area to adequate formats. activities, then there will be a result if they are involved and there will be a round robin,
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unfortunately, corruption on this issue, on the issue of reservation, will only increase. mrs. iryna, let's steal one more minute of your working time, ivan tymochka and i were just talking about the military police, and in fact, it would be logical to have a fully functioning system, military police, military prosecutor's office, and military courts. we have had enough. the resonant history of the 14th and 15th years, when civil courts completely ignored the aggressor and tried to blame defenders for some events at the front. in this case, we already have the police, or will we move further according to this logic, that is , military courts and the military prosecutor's office? well, unfortunately, they really started from the end, instead of implementing a comprehensive revival of military justice, which is a system ... which does include the authorities you listed, and in particular the military courts, because we directly have a sufficiently large
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number of appeals, when the military demands that something be done to avoid being judged civil courts, courts, because there is a bias, especially indeed in the donetsk-luhansk region, when the courts there were completely done with the aggressor and in fact the most brutal were applied to military personnel. verdicts, yes, but for civilians or collaborators, who are recognized as collaborators, some kind of reduced punishment, therefore, from my point of view, it was necessary to start with a discussion, a broad discussion, the revival of the entire system of military justice, but in our country the monomajority went its own way, as always, she decided to do another one of those, you know, beats for to now try to influence... or, well, i don't know, to put pressure on military personnel, from
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our point of view, during martial law, this is unacceptable, because the formation of this military police as a law enforcement body with a new status, which will be directly subordinated head committee, and which will be formed at the expense of servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, is not on time, the vsp is now able to cope with the amount of work it has. there is, but to do, you know, as they have already said, the army, the military sdf, from my point of view there is a false story that will only. be used and have negative consequences due to the possibility of putting pressure on the military. ms. iryna, thank you for the conversation, iryna friz was with us, a people's deputy of ukraine and a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. and now we are joining the conversation with yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. mr. yevgeny, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good day.
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putin went to north korea, vietnam next. they celebrated. the huge one that putin so dreams of, maybe will it come to the formation of this alliance , and at the head of this alliance would like to stand in opposition to nato, or are the forces not the same, well, it is difficult, to be honest, to imagine such a development of events, because... the countries that putin visits, well , i i understand that their karma is such that they will not comply with the decision of the international criminal court to arrest him, but this does not mean that they are all so ready to cooperate with the russian dictator,
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especially, for example, in the dprk, he was an obvious target, he flew there in order... to exchange stolen ukrainian grain for north korean ammunition and weapons, and this is, at the moment, i think, a fairly realistic development of events. i am not sure that in this sense he will receive the same warm welcome in vietnam, because in henian, putin and kimchanin signed. the treaty on comprehensive cooperation is indefinite, that is, it is actually a factual indication that russia is de facto withdrawing from the regime of sanctions against the dprk, which existed for tests in the field of nuclear and missile technologies, but do not
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forget that on the one hand there are such tests, and on the other hand, north korea is quite... often in need of grain and other products, so it is, well, actually the situation is like this, you know, when putin chooses from him, he resembles a soviet tourist who could go, let's say, when everything was going to bulgaria or to... which democratic republic, but according to the decision of the party's reich committee, which appropriately sent him there and even conducted the appropriate briefing there, putin is now quite limited in which countries to visit, and of course we will now monitor the whose
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countries he will fly in order to show his own importance, mr. yevgeny, look, here you are... you said that it is still unknown how it will be in vietnam, i am just now watching the video report, maybe we will even show separate personnel, in fact, it is a mix between pyongyang, north korea and the always three-color serbia with cousins, that is, they also gave him a super warm welcome and with all the signs of a scoop, waving, flags, children, military, orchestras and so on. if... hengyang and north korea are always about debts, food, deficit, then it is clear how the formula of this comprehensive exchange of something for projectiles will work, vietnam quickly developed such a semi-southern technological cluster, they
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now have a lot of high-quality, for example, production companies went there and... others, what can putin sell to the descendants of ho chi minh? i think that the descendants of ho chi minh are primarily interested in russia as a market for their own goods, and this does not exclude the fact that russia will create some proposals for the supply of weapons, so to speak, from old memory, but on the other hand side, well, that's also... the technological development of vietnam shows the prospects that russia is a sales market for it, well, let's say frankly that if there are about 150 million people living in the country, then for those eh, who produces technologies, well, quite high-tech goods, this sales market is
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obvious, because high added value and a large population allow you to count on profits, so i don’t see anything in this, well , i’ll say it like this, nothing surprising, but sanctions must work, they concern including and these high-tech things that are being assembled in vietnam, they can't get to the bottom. european union sanctions, there are no united nations sanctions or against russia, for example, there are american sanctions, there are european union sanctions, there are ukrainian sanctions, but china and india, for example, well, obviously, vietnam, they never supported sanctions against russia, introduced for the war against ukraine, let's just see what statements will be heard in the and how will the vietnamese leadership listen to what putin will say? minus three the signatories of the communiqué of the peace summit and plus four
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from the other side, the first were antigua and barbuda, then the ecumenical patriarchate said: we support, then there was the organization of american states and now zambia, they also sign this document, and it looks like they came, thought, looked, even who did not participate. was not at the summit, they decided that supporting ukraine and declaring it out loud could be to their advantage, in fact, in this way it looks like what these countries want to show: we are with ukraine, we are for democracy, we are on the side, on the side of good and claim also for some kind of cooperation, for some bonuses from those great states that are our partners, or what? well, i think that eh... it is still too early to talk about bonuses, but if ukraine would more actively bind, or maybe bind in backroom conversations, support for
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the peace summit and, accordingly, the prospects of participation in the restoration of ukraine, the ukrainian economy, infrastructure, maybe the number of signatories would have been more, but let's also... understand that the peace summit was only the first step in the struggle for ending the russian-ukrainian war on ukrainian terms, and we should not absolutize this first step, but we should work with them and refine it, bring it to a certain, well, i would say, logical result, if this does not happen in our country, well then it's going to be some, some problems, actually. communique, well to join this communique, i wouldn't say it's a great feat, any more than to refuse to sign this, which is to inform what
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was discussed at this summit, and really none of three points, out of three points, any person who professes humanistic views on the surrounding world can hardly raise objections, mr. yevgeny, thank you for the answers, yevhen magda, the executive director of the institute of world aviation was with us. we have information from the energy experts that from 11 o'clock today there will be major power outages due to a night attack, and it is already known that the rockets entered through the dnipropetrovsk region, they flew over the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, and that is why they were so poorly visible. now it's short pause, then don't miss the news, there will be more. discounts represent unbreakable discounts on citramon pills darnytsia 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. attention, a profitable offer, order a smart
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11:00 am
11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. today , electricity restrictions across ukraine will be longer due to... a night attack by the enemy. the lights will be turned off from 11:00 a.m., ukrenergo reported. energy consumption of critical infrastructure facilities will not be limited. and for operational news: two people were killed as a result of shelling in donetsk region, four more were seriously injured, the national police reported. the russians covered fire the village "


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