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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. seven energy workers were injured as a result of the russian attack on two. on two energy facilities, all of them are in the hospital, one is in serious condition, ukrenergo reported. i would like to remind you that as a result of an enemy night attack, energy facilities in the vinnytsia, donetsk, kyiv and dnipropetrovsk regions and one of the dtek thermal power plants were damaged. there were passes with light, due to russian shelling, kherson remained without light. energy workers eliminate the consequences of an enemy strike. electricity has already been returned to consumers in dnipropetrovsk oblast and he. currently,
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the recovery of consumers in the kyiv region continues. and today, electricity restrictions throughout ukraine will be longer due to the enemy's night attack. the lights will be turned off from 11 a.m., ukrenergo reported. energy consumption of critical infrastructure facilities will not be limited. the air force of ukraine showed the wreckage of the cruise missiles that the occupiers used to attack ukraine at night. they were launched with a strategic. tu-95 bombers. let me remind you that at night the russians launched a ukraine has nine missiles of various types and 27 drones. our defenders of the sky shot down four kh-101 cruise missiles, one guided kh-59 and all drones over several regions. anti-aircraft fire was operating in vinnytsia, dnipropetrovsk, donetsk and kyiv regions, explosions were also heard in zaporizhzhia. an 11-year-old boy died in the hospital after hitting the road. ducks, the tragedy
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happened yesterday in lviv. at the pedestrian crossing, the bus hit a child who was crossing the road on a bicycle. at that time , the traffic lights were not working due to the blackout . the boy was pulled out from under the bus, he was taken to the hospital in serious condition. this was reported to the regional police. the 60-year-old driver was arrested and faces up to eight years in prison. the child was taken to the hospital in serious condition after being hit by a car. an 11-year-old boy, unfortunately, the injuries were incompatible with life, the child was given all the necessary help in the form of a massive blood transfusion, surgery for a ruptured lung and trauma to the hollow and parenchymal organs, but unfortunately, the child died within four hours of the assistance. the body of a 16-year-old the teenager was found in the tisza river in transcarpathia, the state emergency service reported . the boy drowned yesterday while swimming, because of the strong... divers
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tried to find the teenager for almost a day. this is how the eu countries agreed on the 14th package of sanctions against russia, the belgian presidency of the eu council announced. the new restrictions relate to the ban on liquefied natural gas, as well as penalties for sanctions violations by subsidiaries and partners in third countries. let me remind you that until recently i blocked new restrictions germany. differences arose in the country between chancellor olaf scholz and the ministry of foreign affairs. zambia has joined the communiqué of the peace summit, volodymyr zelenskyy announced this on x social networks. the president thanked the country for supporting efforts to achieve a just peace. the head of state also announced the growing support for the summit and its final document on all continents. let me remind you that the first final...
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document was supported by 80 countries and four organizations, later three countries withdrew their signature, but the state of antigua and barbuda, the organization of american states and the ecumenical patriarchate. legitimate targets in the white house confirmed the permission to use american weapons on the territory of the russian federation, namely on russian positions across the border of the kharkiv and sumy regions. this was announced by the director. michael carpenter of the national security council of europe, according to him, the terrorist country should be deprived of the opportunity to attack ukraine. in kyiv, vandals vandalized the graves of fallen soldiers da vinci, jus and petrichenko. this was reported by combat medic alina mikhailov. the incident happened at night at askold's grave. voyskova appealed to the law enforcement agencies with a request to find the vandals and ensure that... the sign
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was ripped off, causing damage of over uah 2 million, the police reported the suspicion to an official and a contractor in volyn. according to the case file , the employees of the apartment and operation department concluded five contracts with the company. it is about the repair of the warehouse, guard rooms and the adjacent territory of the military unit. however, the announced purchases were carried out in violation procedures the suspects pleaded guilty. general budget over uah 2 million. directed missile strikes of the russian federation in the zaporizhzhia region. the security service of ukraine detained an fsb agent. according to the case file, a 47-year-old man in zaporizhzhia fixed logistics warehouses and
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tracked the movement of tank trucks for the armed forces. he passed all the information to the enemy. the law enforcement officers detained the intruder near the critical infrastructure facility. he faces up to... imprisonment. 8-year-old ukrainian oleksandr zheltyakov won the historic gold in the european water sports championship. he swam the fastest in the 200 m backstroke, the national olympic committee reported. the boy started the competition in sixth place in the first 50 meters, in the end he became the champion and overtook the representative of greece. i note that this is ukraine's first such award. distances explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied crimea, local media reported. smoke rises from cape chauda. according to local residents, the sounds were similar to ammunition explosions. ambulances are on their way to the scene. details
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are currently unknown. successful operation service security of ukraine. ukrainian drones attacked oil depots in the tambov region and republic of adegeya. this was reported by the public with reference to its own sources in the sbu. it was possible to impress the composition of fuel and lubricants. there was a petroleum product and a lukoil oil depot. raw materials for the needs of the russian army were processed and stored at these facilities. as a result of the hits , large-scale fires broke out there. according to local authorities , windows of nearby houses were blown out. also , one of the drones allegedly fell on a private house. is somewhat dead. simultaneously the russian ministry of defense has already reported the shooting down of 15 drones in six regions of the aggressor country. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid
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evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they are every day. win the victory, do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. your support significantly increases the chances of holodoyariv students not only being successful to perform combat tasks, and to return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. you can find more information on our youtube channel. there is a live broadcast of etero, all program releases. special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the schorst section. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your
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preferences. i'll say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with me by us today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. it works. president zelensky is satisfied with the results of strikes by western weapons on enemy targets on russian territory. will the armed forces manage to create a buffer zone on the other side of the northeastern border? strategic partnership of dictators. kim jong-un and vladimir putin signed an agreement providing for military-technical cooperation between russia and north korea. how will the world community respond? 10 years of imaginary
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imprisonment. in russia, narodny was convicted in absentia deputy of ukraine oleksiy honcharenko. are there real dangers for? ukrainian politicians under fake russian justice. glory to ukraine, this. the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about putin's visit to kimchynin, now he has gone on to vietnam. the russian dictator is trying to get support in both north korea and vietnam. what it means for the world and means for the russian-ukrainian war. we will talk about all this later. of our two-hour broadcast, today our guests will be oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy
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of ukraine, reserve colonel of the sbu, mykhailo prytula and oleg hrybachuk, former head of yushchenko's presidential office. in the second half of the program, we will have political experts viktor boberenko and ihor reiterovych. however, before starting our big conversation today, i suggest you see how the ukrainian fighters succeeded. repelled by another enemy assault in the east of ukraine. soldiers of the 23rd separate rifle battalion showed a spectacular video of the destruction of the enemy. let's see.
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glory to the ukrainian soldiers and death to the russian invaders. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our... on these platforms and take our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you feel that
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the situation with freedom of speech has worsened in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a much broader answer than these two questions, please write in the comments below this video, support this video on youtube. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you feel freedom of speech is getting worse. in ukraine 0800 211 381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first guest on call, this is oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, president of the committee on migration and refugees. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. well, first of all, first of all, mr. oleksiy, i wanted to ask you. regarding this sentencing of you in absentia for 10 years in the russian federation, what are
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the details of what happened in russia, and did they officially try to inform you of this, or did you learn about it from the propaganda media from russia? well, the press service of the russian court, for the western district the military court of the city of moscow distributed this information, well, before that. passed before that , they first opened a case, declared me wanted, and now, it means that they have already been sentenced to 10 years, i learned about it from the mass media, well, of course, that this is an award for me, it means that everything that i am doing it, i am doing it right, which is very annoying to russia, i am the first people's deputy, the first people's deputy convicted by the russian federation, that is, there is someone else there, well, i was declared a terrorist, such extremists a long time ago there are many sanctions were imposed against various ukrainian figures, there are many of them, but
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i am the first ukrainian politician convicted by russia, well, i believe that this is a serious first place and a serious assessment of my work. well, what i read in the russian propaganda media, 10 years, the first three years the person convicted in absentia must spend in prison, the next seven years in a general regime colony, in addition, you were banned from... for three years to administer sites, well, honestly, i don't know how they can implement this whole story, it is after all, not a warrant between criminal court, like putin's. why do you think the russians took such a step for a rather strange verdict, a verdict in absentia, and for spreading, here they wrote fakes about the russian army, there also for justifying terrorism, there seem to be three or three articles, if i am not mistaken, inciting hatred,
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justifying terrorism and there's something like that, well , why, because i really annoy them, look, two, well, one. on the one hand, well, you and i are laughing, on the other hand, russia has a number of treaties with various countries on mutual extradition and mutual assistance in such matters, for me, the world has narrowed down a lot now, there are many countries in the world that i cannot go to now, because once i get there, i can be sent from them in only one direction to russia, so this is definitely pressure and efforts of such moral and psychological pressure, well for me this is... news, over the past 10 years, russia, well , in addition to what they announced, whom they did not announce, they twice ordered my murder and once abduction, the security service of ukraine warned about this, and they did not hide, there, for example, probably the most serious attempt of this kidnapping, i think it was 2017 or 2018, then
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russia changed the organizers of this, then exchanged them for ukrainian prisoners of war, to make it easy to understand. that is, they did not even hide who is behind all this madness, but yes, russia is trying to increase the pressure on ukraine, it all fits into their theses about the illegitimacy of the ukrainian government, that is another matter, and you see that their deputies, leading politicians, these are just criminals who have been convicted, and so on, that's why it's such a story, well, i think that there is still a possibility there... direct, considering that i say directly that i believe that putin should be hanged on a pole, and he deserves only this death, no other, and by the way, a case has been opened against me in belarus for threats to kill lukashenko, that's why i think that there may also be a personal desire here, so, leader, they are trying to show that they are, therefore, persecuting the enemies of the reich, you know, such
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ones, well, everything has probably come together somehow, thank you, mr. oleksiy, we will actually watch according to how the events in russia will develop, like the russians, well, obviously, they will continue to take some steps against ukrainian politicians, because you are right that russia is trying to prove the illegitimacy of the current ukrainian government, they say there is no one to negotiate with, neither with zelensky, nor with those in power, instead the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak, after the conclusion of the peace summit in an interview. bloomberg stated that ukraine is open to russia's participation in the next peace summit, preparations for which are already underway. i will quote mr. yermak. we think it will be possible to invite a representative of russia, yermak quotes and adds that ukraine's peace plan always envisaged the presence of moscow at the negotiating table as the final goal, but only after the involvement of
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world leaders in kyiv's demands for the withdrawal of russian troops from the occupied territory and the recognition of ukraine's borders. in your opinion, should we even enter into peace talks or invite russia to a peace summit, taking into account the status that putin has and in general what the russian federation is doing on the territory of ukraine, and this has been proven by the international criminal court, or should criminals from russia to sit down at the negotiating table with the ukrainian leadership. look, of course we want to accept. the capitulation of russia, this is the only thing we want, at the same time it is obvious that it is not happening yet, we want to believe that for now, well, but it is not known how long it will last, so i would not talk about, you know, in we have a discussion all the time, and it is strange here, i will remind you that it is president zelensky himself, who himself has forbidden himself to negotiate with russia, there was already a decision of the national security council prohibiting them from negotiating
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with putin, and the nsdc is actually the president, that is. he forbade himself, and now he is trying to open this gate for negotiations, well, it is a little strange, to me the very fact of negotiations with russia, well, it is not treason in itself, we are already in negotiations with russia, but we are talking about prisoners of war we are conducting negotiations, we are conducting, and we conducted negotiations about the grain corridor, conducted, that is, the question is not in the negotiations as such, the question is in the subject of the negotiations, that is, if the subject of the negotiations... russian capitulation or the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of ukraine, i think what's up no one in ukraine will object to such negotiations, if the goal of the negotiations, as putin stated... give me kherson and zaporizhzhia, that is, in addition to what he has now seized, plus give them back, that is, these regions to the end , well, well, these are the kinds
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of negotiations that no ukrainian government should ever go to, that is, it depends on the subject, there is only one answer to such ultimatums, i sent putin three letters from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, because he is the only one, that he understands only this language, and therefore it is possible here and there volodin has already said something, what type... zelenskyi is illegitimate, and we turn to the ukrainian deputies, well, as a ukrainian deputy, and putin, and volodin, and their courts, which condemn them there, i sent them to where, in my opinion, they should be sent, but , but in general i would like to say about this summit, i don't really understand, they say, we are already preparing the second summit, i apologize, about what, i don't really understand, no, that ukraine was on the international agenda there. the fact that the leaders of 56 countries, it seems, met, supported ukraine, and 79 countries signed this communique, it's good, well, let's move on
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that, well, in my opinion, today our main task is to bring western troops into ukraine, this is a battalion of estonians or lithuanians, or poles or french on the border with belarus, without even taking a direct part in hostilities, that 's about this is out of the question today, but at least on the border with belarus, which our battalion liberates and guarantees security there, it is 100 times more important than any communique today, well, believe me, today everything is decided on the battlefield, and without we will not have success without results on the battlefield good results in the negotiations as well, and in general we will not have a good result of the war, but with success, we can do without many communiqués, once again i do not... i do not want to say, i do not want to say that this summit there is bad, nothing he did not bring anything bad, our friends gathered again, somewhere the circle expanded a little, they supported ukraine, well
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, but to see in this some kind of breakthrough, a way to victory, well, it seems to me, it is strange and in general there is no such thing here, in general, the time of the summit is very unsuccessful, i will say so, and this summit was a year ago before the start of ours a counteroffensive, failed, would have a completely different weight and representation, today the world is looking at the battlefield, unfortunately, ukraine has no success there, and also the whole world is already immersed in the american elections, and against this background, well, they were held, they were held, but when i hear talk about the second summit, about other things, i don't really understand what they are talking about, and petro poroshenko, during his speech from the podium in the verkhovna rada, said that... the second peace summit should be held within the framework of the un general assembly , which will increase its effectiveness. let's listen to poroshenko. so, i totally am
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i support the self-critical position of the authorities regarding the need to hold a second summit immediately. i strongly advise you to hold it in new york during the general assembly, and to take a position that will ensure. peace is what we seek. despite everything, the un secretary general did not come to the meeting of this summit, the global peace summit. but returning to whether the ukrainian authorities should negotiate with the russians, on the eve of this global peace summit in switzerland , documents, drafts of this so-called istanbul agreement were published. and apparently, the ukrainian authorities agreed on something like that. because on the other hand, well, arakhamia and the other members of the ukrainian delegation could not sign or sign at least some drafts of these
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agreements without directives, that is what these agreements, mr. oleksiyu , testify to, you have read them, seen them, well, i will be honest, i still haven't fully read the new york times publication, it's certainly interesting, but still they were never signed these so-called agreements, either. what i know there is what i saw about the demilitarization of ukraine, well, it would definitely be a simple way to the destruction of ukraine. the only thing standing between ukraine and death is the armed forces of ukraine. therefore, any condition on the demilitarization of ukraine is actually, well, let's just disarm before they kill us. that is, this is the first act of the finale. therefore, such negotiations and such agreements definitely cannot happen. you know, i think that... it's quite difficult to evaluate istanbul, because the authorities can say that it was a kind of diplomatic game, a distraction, when the goal there was
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to clean up after... over kiev, for example, or something else something, i this, this, this, this government loves very much to speak our mind there, about the fact that there were minsk agreements, not like that, one more thing, i want to say that i am very careful about this, because i remember the conditions in which the agreements were made in minsk, i remember the conditions , when the negotiations were going on in istanbul, it was a super difficult situation, a super dangerous situation, super dangerous, so i'm not inclined to give estimates now, we don't... know many more details, i think we will definitely find out, sooner rather than later already after the war, and of course we will give all our assessments, but let me repeat once again, the important thing is not the fact of the changes, indeed, you even mentioned that in fact there were negotiations between ukraine and russia, and no one renounced them and there was nothing bad about it, but what were the negotiations about, what about, this is the key, in fact , and i would also pay attention to this,
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eh... considering that last week, mr. oleksiyu, was so full of foreign policy meetings and certain decisions regarding ukraine, can we say that there was a turning point in the current situation last week? , in the perception of those countries that were not before us supported or supported somehow indirectly, and from the side that we attracted more countries and more support at the expense of... a series of summits that took place and conferences on the restoration of ukraine, the big seven, the council of ukraine, nato, that we still had ramshtein 23 , the signing of the security agreement with japan and the usa, it was a super-full week, definitely, super important, in it, of everything we listed, i think the peace summit was just the weakest link, in my opinion. did
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we manage to expand the range of countries? not really. in in principle, these signatures are all the same countries that were on the battlefield of ukraine. and that's exactly the problem. such key world players as china, india, brazil, we could not involve them. well, for now anyway. that's why it was a good week for ukraine, but it wasn't, there was some kind of gap and fracture and something else. and in general, i want to tell you about the negotiations. you and i spent a lot of time talking about whether we are ready for negotiations with russia or not, there is another nuance here: russia does not really want any negotiations with by us, it is simply absolutely necessary to understand, and this ultimatum, this boorish putin's so-called proposal, is evidence that he does not want any negotiations, because it is obvious that this is unacceptable, and in general, putin wants to negotiate, if he wants to negotiate with someone, then with the americans, he does not want any negotiations with ukraine, in
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principle, he wants to... negotiate with the americans, the obstacle to this is that it is unclear with whom to negotiate, because the usa is a democracy, and who will be elected as president there in november is not known as of today day absolutely no one, that's why i think that very much an important such fork will be the elections in the usa, their result and the position of the re-elected or newly elected president in relation to ukraine and to russian aggression against ukraine. that is, the main events. more to come, absolutely, and the american election will be key. thank you, mr. oleksii, for the conversation, it was oleksii goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages, be sure to like this video so that it is trending on youtube, and take
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part in our survey. today we bring you... a topic about the following: do you feel the worsening of the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, your own, your own opinion, if you have one that goes beyond these two, unequivocal answers, please write in the comments below this video if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you feel that the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine is deteriorating, 0800 2113 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will tally up the results of this vote, and the next guest will appear at our place literally a few seconds, in the meantime i will tell you the following: president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that thanks to the help of western partners...


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