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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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participation in our survey, today we ask you about the following: do you feel the worsening of the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, your own, your own opinion, if you have one that goes beyond these two, unequivocal answers, please write in the comments below this video if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you feel that the situation with freedom of speech is deteriorating in... ukraine 0800-211381, no, 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and the next guest will appear in just a few seconds, in the meantime i will tell you the following, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that thanks to the help of western partners...
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the defenders managed to destroy the enemy on the territory of russia near the border exactly as planned. let's listen to what the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine said? thanks to everyone who helped and is helping. we see how the determination of the world opens up new perspectives for restoring our security. among other things, this concerns the security of kharkiv. destruction near the border by our forces. by our soldiers, the positions and launchers of russian terrorists really matter, it works exactly as we expected. and we already have our next guest on the phone, this is mykhailo prytula, a reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, an expert in military counterintelligence. mr. colonel, good evening and thank you for being with us today. good evening. mr.
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colonel, president zelenskyy is talking about the fact that thanks to the help of our western partners, it is possible to destroy the enemy on the territory of russia. thus, this buffer zone, which putin dreamed of on the territory of the ukrainian state, appears on the territory of the russian state. biden says that american missiles can fly deep into the territory of the russian federation for 320 km or 200. does this mean that ukraine can create a buffer between ukraine and russia in this way, and keep this buffer, this buffer zone in such a lively state , destroying the enemy and preventing them from getting close to the ukrainian border. well, today we see that a lot of trouble is caused by cabs, that is, guided aerial bombs or. they are called differently,
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which are dropped there from a distance of at least 40 km, at an altitude of 10 km, and accordingly, in order to neutralize them, it is necessary to destroy the carriers of these bombs, aviation bombs, otherwise it is simply impossible to overcome them, accordingly, for this, certain the technical means that our partners have provided us, or are currently providing? because for now the bombs are flying, and in order to be safe our troops, we at least have to secure this forty-kilometer security zone so that russia cannot carry out strikes on our positions, besides, well, technology is being improved, so the russians can come up with something else there, including attacks on our... positions with complexes s-300, s-400
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with old anti-aircraft missiles, respectively, in order to secure, it is necessary to increase this zone, in which there will be no launchers of the russian federation. can it be called the security zone that putin dreamed of, well, probably that's right, this is a really safe zone so that there are no russian troops there. what will happen next, well, it is difficult to predict, but in any case it depends on the number. which will come to us from our partners, because weapons only work when there are enough of them, that is, it is not a question of single launches, as was the case with the a50, for example, but it is a question of a sufficiently large number of weapons that would provide the entire the perimeter of the ukrainian border, both now and in the future, mr. colonel, let us know... how our defense forces destroy the enemy
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on the approaches to the borders, in ukraine itself, representatives of the fifth column, the russian column , feel themselves. safe, well, at least opz deputies, whose leader medvedchuk just a few days ago declared that putin should occupy odesa, and in general speak out against the so-called nazi regime, as he says, deputies of various levels, not only of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, but and not at the level of the local level, they feel completely at ease, although they were elected from this pro-russian e. force, which is banned in ukraine. the branch of the russian orthodox church continues to work. what threatens the existence of this fifth column for ukraine, and what it, this fifth column, can do in the current situation, well, having
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an indisputable connection with moscow. the fact is that the enemy, he will try in any case, mm, to break ukrainian unity and will do harm. our e-e to our people is that we simply cannot even understand that we are one people, and this is what his actions are aimed at, well, we see that it is not very successful, but the remains of this hydra, they remain, and it is not always enemies of ukraine, as experience shows, simply people who were members of this party there for a certain period of time, eh, but the fact that it... had nothing to do with ukraine, they could have no idea, therefore the very fact of being related to this party is not a crime there , it is a crime to support russian aggression against ukraine, if a person does not help ukraine, on the contrary, helps
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russia, then of course he is already subject to the criminal code, there are completely different articles, and not the very fact of belonging to this party, however, among its leaders this one party, of course, there were those people who understood what is it about, what are they doing and why are they doing it, uh, however, one of the values ​​that you and i are fighting for is our democracy, and there is a very fine line between democracy and the right, as a russian mercenary, to create whatever they want, about this very fine line we need to understand how to overcome it. well, of course , we also have a certain religious community that prays for russian russia to win, being in ukraine, while rockets fly directly at these communities, well, in this case, the issue is religious education
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of our society, because someone has to deal with this too, and when people are religiously literate, then they will not succumb to... these tricks, cunning tricks, when, under the guise of god, people commit aggression against ukraine. but it is clear that there is democracy, there is freedom of religion, but during the war there is the concept of national security, and if some political forces or political figures through... religious organizations work against the ukrainian nation, against the ukrainian state, then is it not possible to use these conditions as a tool of the national security and defense council, which can collegially determine whether
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or not to adopt certain decisions, and then these decisions can be implemented by presidential decree, i mean that this long chain, when... there is the verkhovna rada, it makes decisions, there are various forces in the verkhovna rada, including those affiliated there with the russian orthodox church. in your opinion, in extraordinary cases, as was the case, by the way, with medvedchuk's tv channels, then a decision was not made separately there the decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine or some other court regarding the closure of tv channels that openly worked in russia was the decision of the national security council, and this decision of the national security council was put into effect. through the national security council. the fact is that it is a very delicate game, and if we talk about solving this issue, then we have to talk about complex, comprehensive measures, that is, simply
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ban some religious community, we will make a martyr out of it, and the number of its apologists, there witnesses some kind she is the number will simply increase and that's all, and they will shout that we are being beaten and that everyone is wrong and so on, that is, this issue is not resolved that way, the issue is resolved through crime. cases, regarding those persons who may belong to any denomination, but violate the criminal laws of ukraine, that is, the criminal code, this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, there should be, well, quite serious religious education in ukraine, this is again i emphasize, it is very, very important that a person can consciously make a choice and freely consciously understand where the community that it represents. because without religious education, well , nothing will happen, it is very easy to find a person,
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especially against the background of faith in god and faith in something greater than the material world, so of course this plane, it always is and has been such an arena , not only for the light forces to act, but for people. well , accordingly, now we have to explain to people, to do some serious things so that people have a choice, and as long as they are under the influence of foreign churches, then they, accordingly, do not have such choice, they simply don't know that there could be something else, that actually there is a moscow church, it is not there. nothing to do with the canonical universal patriarchy there and so on, well, i am taking this as an example, or you can
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take more common things, but uh, again, we must understand here that freedom of conscience is one of the basic freedoms, and a person can believe as she wishes, er, as she likes, but don't confuse belief in god with approval. armed aggression and war, it has nothing to do with god. and one more short one a question, mr. colonel, to you as a professional, russia is currently recruiting ukrainian children so that they set fire to the cars of ukrainian armed forces servicemen, they offer several thousand dollars for this. by the russian special services, not only children, but also adults, and
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in what way can this be prevented? well, first of all, you need to understand what they are doing, that is , you need to educate people again, because when the russians offer 300 dollars children for a seemingly hooligan act, then in fact it leads to more serious articles. which, well, for these 300 dollars, you can sit for a very, very long time, that is why it is education and re-explanation of all these things to people, they are absolutely necessary in order to protect both adults and children from the influence of foreign special services, in addition, it is necessary to to clarify that the russian special services like to use disposable agents, a disposable agent is some kind of fool. who cooperated with the russian special service, received some 30 there
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silversmiths, then he was arrested, he is sitting and he is not happy that he did that, but the fact is that he thought that some big and powerful special service would stand up for him, in fact no, because he is in to the class of disposable agents who were used and forgotten, well, these things must be explained, friends, no one will take you for... for exchange, because you are not medvedchuk, you are not putin's best man, you are disposable agents, so you have to face the truth in old age, you can earn 3,000 hryvnias and sit for 30 years, well, the truth is that we do not sit that far, but well, roughly so, i understood, well, thank you, colonel, for the conversation, it was mykhailo prytula, a reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, an expert in military counter-intelligence. friends, we are working on the air of the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who
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are currently watching us there live. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you feel that the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine is deteriorating. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, please write your own opinion in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you feel worse. situations with freedom of speech in ukraine 0800-211381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will... sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with oleg hrybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, ex-vice prime minister for european integration and former head of the presidential administration, yushchenko. mr. oleg, congratulations, you have so many regalia that i wanted to list them all, but they have numbers. congratulations. people's
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deputy, also people's deputy, in my opinion , two convocations, if i'm not mistaken. not a complete one, but not important. mr. oleg, let's start our conversation with putin's visit to north korea, and at 11 o'clock , putin was on the territory of north korea, met with kimchenin, there were their pioneers, or khitge, it's called there, and actually he was received there, as in the past accepted for of the times of the soviet union, brezhnev and... and the north korean dictator kimchinin, during the negotiations with the russian dictator putin, expressed his full support for the aggression against ukraine. let's listen to what the leader of north korea said. we use this opportunity to confirm once again that we will continue to further
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strengthen strategic communication with the russian leadership and russia, even in a difficult global environment. in the political situation and will continue to unconditionally support all russian policies. we express the full support and solidarity with the russian government, army and people in carrying out a special military operation in ukraine to protect sovereignty, security interests and territorial integrity. mr. oleg, putin has decided to clearly outline this axis of evil and personally... to fight with this axis of evil so that the whole world does not even doubt his intentions and his determination, whether he will succeed in creating this axis of evil, starting with a visit to north korea? yes, it is happening before our eyes, and it just shows what authoritarian countries are building
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unions are much faster and more efficient, without any kind of t ... there was a thesis that they are reaching some kind of unlimited agreement on... together, and there we will see, russian chinese, brothers forever, russian koreans, brothers forever, and then there is putin, by the way, he wants not just to cement this message of evil, but you've heard that he's sort of he is going to jump into vietnam, because he is in every country, both in china and in korea, he also builds bridges to the past, they don't have them in the future, in the past he reminds us that here we are
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after the second world war together with the koreans fought against these american ones. imperialists, and he reminds the chinese that they also fought together, and the vietnamese, for sure, he will remind that they fought, so he builds the past, transfers it to the present, but he just really lost it, let himself go , because well, when the united states verbally, in my opinion, sullivan expressed another concern there and said that they will do everything possible to prevent the supply there by china and now especially korea, i watched the american channels, they pay a lot of attention to this visit, they they put them on the shelves like this, well, because unheard of things are happening, north korea is one of the most sanctioned countries compared somewhere parallel to iran, and having any
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relations with this country was a complete taboo, but now this taboo has disappeared, putin after.. . of his next coronation , he is building this axis of evil right before our eyes, and from the west , what we often mocked in russia is happening, when russia draws new red lines, we cross them easily, nothing happens, but now the united states is no longer once there, back in the days of barack obama, red lines were drawn on the use of chemical weapons by assad in syria, they used nothing, now... they warn that they will simply do everything, everything, to prevent the supply of weapons, so weapons are already being supplied to korea , and and and are even the number of containers. there you can say 2 million more of these shells, but korea has land and sea connections with russia, and in principle everyone knows that weapons are going there, not only
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that, let selivan come to us, we will show him the downed missiles and other equipment that is produced in korea, that is, i wonder how the west, in particular, the united states, which understands this threat, because who or what is this individual... pepper in this campaign, because he, he really is not just there rattling weapons , he, well, he is like that, he does not feel any at all deterrence, and for north korea to get such a partner who can easily invest several tens of billions in armaments, just send their managers there, right in korea, there are factories, give technology, and it is profitable for russia, then... because it is for you not lukashenko, this is north korea, it may not have very high-quality weapons, but it has nuclear weapons, it constantly releases some missiles, now north korea uses ukraine as
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a training ground, that is, it is a very, very dangerous alliance, because the radius of flight of these missiles there already thousands of kilometers, and how to restrain it, what sanctions have already been decades of sanctions, i just don't really understand how the americans, having issued such a very threatening warning, how they are going to prevent the supply of weapons by china and korea, weapons to russia for the war in ukraine, i just really don't understand. by the way, you mentioned sullivan, but there was also a statement by the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, during a joint press conference with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, and he expressed concern putin's visit to north korea. let's hear what antony blinken had to say. we see how russia is desperately trying to develop and strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs
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to continue its aggressive war. we are very concerned about this because it perpetuates the war, and the quickest way to end the war is to destroy putin's confidence that he can outlast ukraine and all its supporters. mr. olezhe was told that you have no idea what else is possible, what the world can do to do against north korea, which is already under sanctions, as well as iran, these are two countries which, two countries are exiles of the world, that is, outcasts, yes, yes, yes, yes, and they, they basically do whatever they want, and we see how kimchenin also pissed off everyone, he is already under sanctions, he has nothing to lose, does russia still have anything to lose? because if north korea has nothing to lose, then this sanctions, this stranglehold, with which the scumbags, which the west is trying to throw at putin, is
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much longer, and there is still some way to drag this scumbag, well, yes, but it must be to tighten, well, here, well, what kurt walker said, there is this anaconda loop, you have to squeeze until the pain becomes unbearable, well, damn it. well, let's do everything like this, do it, no, no, don't measure step by step the distance that we can strike there on the territory of russia, give it to us, don't hold back the training of pilots, no, well, no, don't dose the delivery of weapons, do it, do it, because if you don't do it, the europeans already understand very well that there are no resolutions, we collect 100 signatures under the peace forum, a million signatures. it doesn't matter the resolution of the un general assembly, so hundreds of countries demanded the liberation of ukrainian territory, and what, and
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simply the europeans realized that it is much cheaper, and it sounds cynical, because for us it is the life of ours, our citizens, our military and our civilians, but from their cynical point of view it is cheaper now to allocate to the maximum. well, the amount of military aid, than then having to deal with russia itself, because the german minister of defense says that in five years the germans may be ready, there sociology shows in poland that there 20 poles are only ready to fight with russia, that is, they generally consider this situation very hypothetically, but the largest european countries have realized that providing aid to ukraine is their only chance. and to the question, what can stop putin, it is only a significant increase in unity and the quantity and quality of weapons, armaments and removal of all kinds of weapons.
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you can welcome the step of the united states, that they canceled the contract there, moved it with switzerland, and the patriots will sell to us, well, for almost the third year of the war, it is time to change something in this, but in general it is necessary to remove any restrictions, it is necessary to really show putin that this is a war, that it is necessary to remove the managers of the escalation of the conflict, because it does not work, it does not work, russia, the russians do not... pay attention to these attempts to escalate , they understand only brute force, a number of europeans understood this, and at the nato summit, well, we need, we understand that there will be no political invitation, but we must be clearly convinced, guaranteed that there will be an uninterrupted supply of weapons, which we need, with the characteristics that we need needed, and there will be no restrictions on where... we have to
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hit the enemy and and and with what weapons, and not run, one pilot flies on an f-16, where he can shoot down targets on the territory of russia, and another pilot on the same the f-16 is flying from another country, which says: "no, no, you can't shoot there." well, this is nonsense, it cannot be. meanwhile, while we are thinking with you and the world is thinking about what to do with putin and kimchenin, putin believes that... we should develop military-technical cooperation with north korea, violating numerous un security council resolutions. let's listen what did the dictator say i draw attention to the statements of the usa and other nato countries about the supply of high-precision long-range weapons, f-16 aircraft and other high-tech weapons and ammunition for launching strikes on the territory of russia. actually, these are not just statements, but... this is already
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happening, and it grossly violates the international obligations undertaken by western countries. in this regard, russia does not rule out the development of military-technical cooperation with the dprk, according to the document signed today. well, that is, putin said that to him in general, to be angry at everything, and he will do everything as he sees fit. that is, he provokes our western partners to something more. our western partners are not provoked, why? well, they are leading the escalation, they are being provoked, but very slowly, and it's, well, realistically, it's time to realize that, because, well, let's remember the recent peace summit, and why some countries didn't vote there, and let's project this situation again, there is such a situation, there is a resolution of the un general assembly, where the absolute majority of countries
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recognized russia as an aggressor and... demands it withdrawal, there is a un charter that is currently violated, there is an international convention on the protection of human rights, children, nuclear safety, all this has been trampled, and putin already has it, he, he just does it like this, and we attacked, but we didn't attack, we, we were forced, or we were attacked, or we were forced to defend ourselves, and therefore acted in advance, and when in response to us? aggression, you begin to defend yourself, well, in response to your defense, we inflict additional blows there, that is , imagine this person, what is in his head, when he says that the west treacherously violated all international agreements and provides aid to a country that is a victim of aggression, what agreements he is talking about, and in general, how can you try to conduct some kind of dialogue with such a person there, i want to see a better form. the peace formula, and
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now there will be a certain crystallization, in particular the positions of china, well, china or the saudis, the saudis are the ones acting in alliance there, even the same switzerland, because when you good people say that it is necessary for there to be two sides, but one side is like that, russia, it understands peace that way, fair, this is how she understands international, international order, this is how she understands territorial integrity. "how are you going to look for common points of contact with such a country, it does not at all recognize the treaties in which it itself signed, starting there, i don't know, from the moment of the creation of the united nations, because it, although russia, by the way, never went through the procedure of acquiring membership in the united nations correctly, she got it outside the procedural rules of this organization, well..."


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