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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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well, well, because the loss of power, at least, if not for zelensky, then for yermak, may end in the fact that he will be caught up, but they hold on to it, and violate, yes, violate the standards, and thus they simply - they are simply destroying our relations with civilization, they will be told about this, and not only that, they will use it against them, but we must not complain, not complain, do not talk about treason, but simply stop doing unsightly things, but they do not know how , because they can't, because they, no matter what, they are still ideologically, they are closer to dictatorial regimes than to civilization, such a paradox of ukraine, yes, the paradox in ukraine is that this is a new political generation, well, that is, relatively young and new, the newest, yes, yes , yes yes, but it
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is more prone to authoritarianism and dictatorial regimes, gentlemen, you mentioned corruption, the level of corruption in ukraine, and of course without mass media, well , we probably wouldn’t know about deputy prosecutor general dmytro verbytskyi, who became a figurehead one of the journalistic ones investigations, the prosecutor general of ukraine andriy kostin did not come to the verkhovna rada to provide explanations regarding the origin of the fortunes of his... deputy dmytro verbytsky despite an official summons. in a letter addressed to the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk, the prosecutor general suggested postponing the discussion in the parliament until the results of the official investigation are received. according to the facts published in the media, regarding the property of deputy prosecutor general orbytskyi, i have appointed an official investigation, which continues today. with due to the above-mentioned circumstances, it seems appropriate to postpone the discussion of this situation in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. receiving
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the results of the official investigation, what is actually being said, that my colleagues, journalists, recorded that the girl, deputy prosecutor general dmytro verbytskyi, has wealth, large wealth, she bought a house during the war, and for 48 million uah, and drives the cars are gorgeous, she explains that she earned it all before meeting dmytro... verbytskyi, there are different explanations, but he himself the fact remains that the deputy prosecutor general of ukraine, well, cannot explain the origin of these fortunes, andriy kostin does not come to the verkhovna rada, he also does not explain what is happening with his deputy, the public investigation has just come out, the deputy director of the dbr lives in apartments for 900 thousand dollars, although he declares a rented apartment, we are talking about...
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oleksandr udovichenko, the head of the main investigative department of the state bureau of investigation, he lives in an apartment in one of the most elite housing complexes in kyiv, and in the declaration the official mentions real estate, there is no information at all. at the same time, there is also information from the american chamber of commerce, they wrote an article and calculated that the shadow trade in tobacco products in 22-23 led to... budget losses in the amount of 42.5 billion uah, that is more than 1 billion dollars, and the chamber calls on the state authorities to start a real fight against the wall economy, and they say that 30 f-16 fighter jets could be purchased with the funds of the wall trade in cigarettes, well, that's all information and publicity, or rather this information indicates that if there was no freedom of speech, i... journalists would not
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work, maybe we would not know about it, but since there is freedom of speech and even in a limited version or in censorship in the state media, private media still provide this information, and mr. igor, how is this information perceived by our partners, and do they understand and know about the scale of corruption in ukraine, because when we... start talking about corruption in ukraine, and i have people's deputies in the studio, especially from the servant, servants of the people, they say that we exaggerate when we talk about the level of corruption that exists in ukraine, and they also say that, journalists specially emphasize that corruption is not so great in our country, no, i am here, unfortunately, probably for people's deputies from the servant of the people, i can't agree with them, i can agree in the sense that some of the data that are given, for example, about... ukrainian corruption in some
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western media, this is before the beginning of a large-scale invasion, they were indeed somewhat exaggerated, that is, it was such, well, you know, a topic that was very well dispersed, warmed up, and this created in... in ukraine a very unfavorable image of almost the most corrupt country in the world, but this does not really change the facts that exist today, and which, again still, unfortunately, they only intensified during the war, especially in the last one and a half years, and how do our partners react to this? well, firstly, i am convinced that they are absolutely aware of everything that is happening, secondly, they draw certain conclusions for themselves, and these conclusions are not only of such a, you know... theoretical nature, there are already practical, let's say, consequences that relate to the creation of additional bodies that check, for example, the aid that comes to ukraine, and the conversations that are held about what when it will be already about the real reconstruction of our state, then most likely the funds for this reconstruction
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will once again be taken care of by some specially created body, well, in the form of a commission or an agency, it does not matter what it will be called, which will once again be fully controlled by our partners, and they will control where these funds will go. this, of course, is not a very positive moment, because it says that certain institutions in ukraine, institutions, they actually do not work, despite statements about very significant reforms there and so on, and the responsibility for these failures lies primarily with the government , i am saying now impersonally, if, although on the other hand, if we mention the people's deputies from the servant of the people, then i will simply remind our dear tv viewers that as of the beginning of... february, the beginning of february 22, well, that is, there a couple of weeks before the start of the large-scale war started by russia, it means that more than 100 cases were opened in nabu, in nazk, in nazk, there were 1004, it seems cases against 104 people's deputies from the people's servants,
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which related, well, let's say this, inconsistencies in theirs, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, that is, this is what was done based on the results of the minimum elementary. there were some checks, then the declarations were closed, then they were opened relatively recently, and we see that now there are already criminal cases that have been opened there, because they cannot explain the correspondence of their own wealth to the income they received, the situation, for example, with the deputy prosecutor general, it is clearly not in the plan, of course this is a court, there should be an investigation and so on, maybe it will not reach the court , we understand all the specifics there, but it is glaring in the sense that, unfortunately... please forgive me the people's deputies who really work from morning to night, but once again they simply wiped their feet on the verkhovna rada, because this not even disrespect, that a demonstrative rejection of the key right and duty of the verkhovna rada to exercise proper
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parliamentary control, including over law enforcement agencies. i think the prosecutor general did not have, well , it was not a problem, a long time ago, to get the results of some kind of official investigation, because this information appears in zmi, it is not the first day or the first week, and in principle, no he needs a lot of time there to bring this investigation to some logical conclusion, if he is not going to he should have gone, he should have come to the verkhovna rada and said we have already checked everything, everything is fine, but he does not do this, because he hopes that somehow this situation will, you know, simply fall out of this information flow, it will no longer be so relevant, perhaps he will no longer have to... report and tell what is happening there with his deputies, although, well, now the verkhovna rada , in principle, has the opportunity to summon him once again, only in a more rigid and certain format , if not, well then to make any decisions, including those of a personnel nature, to contact the president, because
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this is an absolutely unacceptable situation, there are facts made public by journalists, at least to come and publicly report on the state of this official investigation, on some materials that are there, and so on. the general prosecutor should have, of course, if he did not do it, well, what does this show, it shows that the problem is again , including in the presence of political will to deal with such issues, so what should our guests who come to our studio or include deputies from the servants of the people, did not think that only corruption exists in the heads of tv channel presenters and our experts, i will give one more fact: the council of the european union created. the mission to combat corruption and embezzlement of western aid to ukraine. according to the resolution, it will operate until june 30 , 2028 and will be based in brussels. at the same time, an auxiliary body will be located in kyiv. mr. viktor, the fact that the council of the eu has created a commission to combat corruption and
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embezzlement of western aid to ukraine, or this shows that they do know about this corruption and embezzlement of western aid. well, of course they know, they do. have a hand in the course, i will also say in simple words from my own experience, yes, if, well, i am a regional expert, or rather an expert who lives there in the region. i am not from kyiv, yes, and if some ambassadors come to sumy, then of course, of course, what is their business, they make an official visit there to the regional military administration, somewhere to the mayor, then they will be shown where what else can the authorities show, they of course, they show some kind of potomkin village, or the beauty of yakiban there, what do you see, here it’s cool, here it’s cool, cool, cool, but then m... there must be an ambassador or there are representatives of large international organizations there, there are a lot of them here, yes,
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what work in ukraine, they want to meet with scientists, with the media, with some, well, investigative journalists, with public activists, in the end they go there, have several such meetings, including there, for example, lunch or dinner, and where everyone just... speaks if the head the administration says: everything is cool with us, we are the whitest, the fluffiest, and then we show the facts, look, the first, second, third, fourth, plus they read something in the embassies from open sources, they make a picture from activists, and not necessarily, well, that is, i think that they do not draw conclusions based on a single marathon, yes, including this program, yes? there like and they make some conclusions, prejudices, of course, they, like smart people
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, check there whether it is true or not the fact that that journalist said, whether bigus or boberenko said something, of course, it is from many sources, but if they have information from many sources, and everyone and everyone says that something is wrong there, but then the deputy, some woman will return there... the deputy prosecutor general cannot explain where she got such beauty, yes, there are such cars, such houses, such apartments, and the same with 104 people's deputies, then the conclusion suggests itself by yourself, that is, as in an old russian film, they will judge you, but you will not thief, but it can't be otherwise, and that's why, of course, when they... make a decision that we will have a special commission that will be there until june 30, 2028
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, constantly monitoring you, and they will have a permanent office in kyiv, then it’s like, well, how, how the blame is spinning, that is, you either have to change yourself, because this eternal thing will not pass there , like, what, what are you going to do to stop helping us, because what is the problem of ukraine, on a large scale, what... a certain misha podalyak comes and says: volodymyr oleksandrovich, what are they going to do to us? they they will still help us under any conditions, because we are fighting for civilization, so there is no such thing as kroy vaska god, yes, this is something from gostoevshchyna, yes, we got it, there, like, we can, what do you want to do, because all the same , there will be no responsibility, we will not be ordered in any way, because by ordering the people of ukraine, in fact, by ordering the government of the state of ukraine, they are ordering the people of ukraine. they command the nation, will they do it? no, and therefore we can do what we want, but this
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will change as soon as the war ends, it is clear that there will be money only in exchange on anti-corruption and money in exchange for reforms, as it was already there, let's say there in the 15th and 16th and so on years, when most of the reforms were carried out in ukraine, so far, until the war, our government uses its right of inviolability, because she represents the people of ukraine, the people of ukraine... no one will limit money and weapons and the armed forces of ukraine. friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live, and today we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following: do you feel the deterioration of the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine, on everything is quite simple on youtube, isn’t it, or your own comment, please write under this video, do not forget to like this video so that it advances in youtube trends, and at the end of the program we will go... the results of the television vote, you now you see phone numbers 0800 211
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381 on the screens, if you feel that the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine is deteriorating, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i will remind you once again that on our broadcast today viktor boberenko and ihor reiterovych, political experts, we are talking not only about... domestic politics, but also about foreign policy, and at the very end of our program, gentlemen, we will talk about the results of the global peace summit, well actually for me. the conclusion of the global peace summit, that it took place, and that today yarmak officially confirmed in bloomberg that ukraine is ready for negotiations with russia during the second global peace summit, well, i don't know, actually, what yermak wants to hear from
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russian representatives at this summit , on to the second summit, where i wanted... the ukrainian side to invite the russian side, maybe i am too picky about this issue, and i treat it absolutely as a ukrainian who, like all of us , suffers from the aggression of the russian federation, and so far, i don't see a place for an aggressor next to those he wants to kill, that is, next to yarmak and zelensky, mr. igor, how about you? have this idea and to what extent it can be implemented under the current conditions, and the result of these negotiations, where at the round table the representative of russia will sit, what can it be? it seems to me that some next summit, at which russia may be present, may be present, yes, it is possible
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primarily because of the change in the situation on the battlefield, this is the key moment for today, because... this first summit actually demonstrated, a good representation, they returned the topic of the russian-ukrainian war to such a world information space, enough countries came out in support of ukraine there, made the right statements, but we did not see some concrete practical steps, although the president, closing the summit press conference, hinted that in the near future we will find out these practical steps, maybe they will, i have literally seen the information, it is difficult to verify it yet, because it comes from russian sources, but it is about the fact that some very large exchange of prisoners is being prepared, there are more than two hundred people, and saudi arabia acts as an intermediary, that is, the one that was at the summit, whose representative spoke, but they did not support the final communiqué, so the key point is related to the practical
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implementation of the provisions that were made in this communique, and if we saw or will see, let's give a certain one. a chance, maybe the president's office knows a little more and until this process is launched, we will see some real steps, an increase, for example, there is pressure on russia or some new tools or mechanisms to force it to peace, then we can talk about the second summit, and the way it sounded from the mouth of the head of the president's office, it seems to me it is very similar to simply an attempt to seize the initiative and stop ukraine from holding this idea in general. some next summit, by the way, the president spoke about this again during the meeting in switzerland, why is this happening, because look, there is a danger, there is a danger that this second summit could theoretically, we could start talking about it , it could be announced and it could even be collected by other countries without any leading role of ukraine, and
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in the office of the president, well, very much so before that are meticulous, perhaps they have decided now to simply emphasize that we can theoretically do it there, but on the condition that, of course, the russian federation will be ready to give answers to the key questions and will be ready to discuss them during the next meeting there, although i, like today, i do not see any reason to think that russia will change its position in the next 5-6 months and will not , on the contrary, try to raise the stakes as much as possible in order to then enter into some negotiations, well, from a position of strength and from that a position that will be... maximally favorable for them and, accordingly, not very favorable for us, but let's hope that the armed forces will change this idea for them, and nevertheless, we will be the initiators here, and we will dictate certain conditions. the permanent representative of the united states of america at the un, linda thomas greenfield, during the meeting
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of the councils without the un, regarding the results of the global peace summit, called the peace offered to russia under the muzzle of a gun unfair. criticized china's peace initiatives. let's hear what it said. we regret that china has published its own peace plan, formulated without any participation on the part of ukraine itself. if china is really interested in supporting the peace process, we will welcome its help. it can begin with the termination of support for russia's defense and industrial base. without a significant amount of machines, microelectronics, optics, uavs and techno. cruise missiles provided by china, russia would find it difficult to sustain its aggressive war. mr. viktor, putin's peace plan is actually the surrender of ukraine. or putin's so-called peace plan, there are no ambiguities here, and how, as with this peace plan, as well as china's peace plan, among other things, because it
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is about the return of the sovereignty of ukraine and ukrainian lands, how events can develop in this situation by the end of this year, and whether it is possible to come at least to some understanding of what peace in ukraine should be? well, the first thing zelensky said was that if in the coming months, but let's clarify, before the elections in the united states or after, i think that everyone will postpone any peace initiatives, there are peace initiatives, then until then time until we find out who will be the next head of the white house, whether biden will stay, whether trump will come, whether there will be someone third, yes on... for example, yes, there can be such an intrigue, but it is clear that before that, if so, that, who did not want, er, russia will not go to any
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negotiations where ukraine will be the initiator, and ukraine will say, let's not raise three points from zelenskyi's plan, but 10, yes, and russia, that we, someone in their right mind, they can say that putin himself will not come, but he can bring his war horse lavrov send. and say, for example, what is it like there, guys, yes, we are like there, but we really like the idea that we are about to pay reparations, it’s generally great, it’s a cool initiative, well, someone in their right mind will accept it, or that russia which is now attacking and the strategic initiative is with them, what are they saying right now, okay, we agree with your thesis, the borders of 1991, well, that’s what i call it, i’m sorry that you have... a serious transfer, but we are in sumam this is what the punters say to yermak and others from the president's office, these are punts for the visit, and i i say that nothing will happen until the new year,
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conditional on what putin is counting on, he is counting on us to fall down and the world will fall down, we are from a blackout, that we will not survive this this winter, that we will sit like now, i by a candle with you yes, and it will not be there for four -4 yes, but that it will be there for four hours is a. 20 hours there is no light, which means we will fall, and our economy will fall, and society will fall, and the army will panic, and the west will panic, and he can ultimatum dictate his own conditions there, or we will surrender altogether, and he will get there, well, where he wants, at least to transcarpathia, yes, well, and it’s clear that putin will be ready for negotiations only when we survive the winter, conditionally in march, yes, with a new president, it’s not yet a fact that trump will , i’m telling you that it’s not a fact at all, but, for example, putin thinks he’s getting rich, yes, he’s
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a fool, i think he’s getting rich, that it will be just somewhere there, like on january 25, there will be an inauguration, and then trump will negotiate with him and sydzenpin there about ukraine without ukraine, 30 seconds on the air, mr. viktor, 30 seconds if possible, okay, and i will conclude that any negotiations will be only then. when the winter ends, and the winter ends, let's say, with what we endured, and then we will dictate the terms, and putin will agree or not agree to it. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. viktor boberenko, ihor reiterovych were guests of our program today. during the entire broadcast, we conducted surveys. friends, you were asked about this, do you feel the worsening of the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine. let's look at the results of the television poll today. 91% yes, 9% no. on this, friends, i put an end to it there was a verdict previ serhiy rudenko program, tomorrow i'm waiting for you at 8:00 p.m., there will be a new
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verdict, there will be new guests, there will be new topics. goodbye. in the spring, many people went, including me. through acquaintances , i found a job easily, a new country, and the salary was good, the escort immediately collected the documents so that we wouldn’t be delayed at the border, but i didn’t see the passport anymore, we were driven from house to house and forced to work for maintenance, and without money and documents, how to return, and what now, you have been taken advantage of, do not be afraid, call 527 free and confidential, suffer from heartburn, i recommend izoto. interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a decrease in the symptoms of pachia. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat
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an air alert has been announced for the entire territory of our country from the enemy mig, so let's come out to you from the shelter, and with you i, iryna koval, will tell you about the most important events at this time. so, vandalism at askold's grave in kyiv. law enforcement officers are looking for a woman who at night desecrated the graves of fallen soldiers dmytro kotsyubail with the call sign davincha, andriy pylshchikov with the call sign jus, as well as pavel petrichenko.


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