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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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to report good news, one of them from romania, the other from the united states, so the press service of the romanian president klaus iohannis reported that romania will be ready to transfer its patriot system to ukraine, considering, significantly, i am quoting now the press service of the romanian the president, taking into account the significant deterioration of the security situation in ukraine as a result of russia's constant massive attacks on the civilian population and civilians. infrastructure, the council members decided to provide ukraine with the patriot system and also, extremely important news. yes, published by the financial times. consequently, the united states is suspending all open orders from other nations for patriot air defense systems and interceptor missiles until ukraine has sufficient means to defend against retaliatory attacks from russia. well, as noted, the decision was announced today
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after president biden announced last week that the united states had committed to supplying ukraine with additional patriot systems. well, we will also continue about positive news, in particular, regarding the reboot of the economic security bureau. we will talk about it with iryna fedoriv, ​​head of the community initiative golka. mrs. irina, congratulations, and we congratulate the entire public sector on this victory without exaggeration, because they fought. and around the reboot babe lasted at least two years, it was a very long process, but nevertheless, the council adopted the draft law, and we would like your comment on this matter, do you think that this law will really allow to remove beb from the orbit of the president's office, well, the influence of the president's office is quite significant now, and we can see the influence of his advisers on the media field, and impact on other sectors. you understand that it
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is very important here, if we also obey the law and adopt a good law, that's one thing, and you need to understand whether. there will be no other influence, when we talk about censorship, for example in ukrinform, then censorship in ukrinform, it is prohibited by law, as in other media, but it exists, so you should not rely on one law here, it is necessary to continue monitoring, because in times of war there are very strong deformations, and the bank is trying to pull more and more blankets on himself can you please explain to our viewers the main changes that should... take place after the launch of this legislation regarding the work of the bureau of economic security, well, look, this law needs to be reviewed, unfortunately, i have not looked at it in its current form adopted, and well, i can't clearly tell you what
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the people's deputies have adopted in recent days. well, i just want to remind our viewers who have not been following that this law provides that the new head should be elected by a commission of six members according to... half of whom are international experts with the right to vote, this is very important, it also provides for re-certification of the bureau's employees, which should be conducted by a commission consisting of six people from the new bep director and six from the international ones partners at the suggestion of ukrainian business. let's talk more about shabunin and how they are now trying to bring the head of the anti-corruption center to justice, they are preparing a criminal case against him, at least shabunin said this personally on... his social networks, what do you actually think about it, and why in your opinion has this hunt started now? well, look, in every story you need to study the details, i can say that the center of the communist party, they have been under attack for a long time, and from
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the russian side, we also see the influence of telegram networks, attacks after attacks on the center of resistance corruption, and we can look at telegram channels that associate. with the bank, but here you need to look at the specific case, where the legs grow from, because in reality there can be a lot of final beneficiaries, yes, well , we understand that the matter is much more complicated than it seems at first glance, in any case, if you believe you know, there was also a journalist, boyko, yes, he also very actively monitors this shabuning, as he calls it, and the boy and the tailor, the lawyer, and everyone who... the kremlin network of telegram channels, somehow tries to discredit the judicial reform, well, they are hitting the anti-corruption center and it is happening, well, these are quite systemic strikes, we did research, well, we see that there is simply wave after wave, and by the way, we talked about this on a global media form in bonn about
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the fact that we need to regulate telegram, because these lawyers, as i say, the lawyer is not a tailor of ukraine, so they really work quite systematically and... in the topics of mobilization, and to discredit the public sector, and to discredit judicial reform? well, in any case, as they say, investigation will show, because criminal cases have been opened, and accordingly we understand that the factual part will also be really studied, both by shabunin's sympathizers and by people who want to understand this situation, but returning to the bureau of economic security, but based on reality, see , what do you think... will not be able, for example, the same gizouglav to head the bureau of economic security, and so on, that is , how will it all happen not on paper, yes, because there may be very excellent foreign experts from those or others questions, then it turns out that some of them may be austrian ski
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instructors there, you remember, there at one time we experienced, so to speak, experienced more than one such story, here's how to do it so that the ideal formula is laid out on. .. on paper was implemented in our ukrainian realities? well, there are you and us, journalists and the public sector, well, there are also international partners, and we have to monitor compliance with all this, but we see that when there are some revelations, especially when we talk about journalists, men, then subpoenas from the tsc may come as a tool and method, so let's do our own thing. if such methods are used, then it should also be talked about, because journalists are doing their work, the public sector is doing its work, i hope that international partners will listen to this, and this should become some kind of safeguards, but they will also be countered, and
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there is some feedback from our foreign partners, well, we understand that foreign partners are also guided by messages from their embassies, from their intelligence and analytical ones. communities and so on and so on, but still key decisions are still made in ukraine, yes, because it is a sovereign right, so to speak, to stand on the rake or, on the contrary, not to stand on the rake. well, look, the partners are monitoring all this, i am more than convinced that my colleagues from the public sector and i, we meet with them, we convey information about what we see in our political system, in the media sector, in the law enforcement sector in the courts, we tell it publicly to the citizens, there is none here there is no secret, and in fact, when we talk about the assistance of international partners, it is not their decisions, it is the citizens of ukraine who emphasize. attention to what we need to change and where to pay attention, because i emphasize that the citizens of ukraine declare censorship,
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the citizens of ukraine declare corruption, and this is important for partners, because they give their funds from, in fact, these are the funds of taxpayers countries that we receive, and it is important for them that they are not stretched here, well, it is also important for them, of course, that ukraine remains democratic, and by the way, regarding kostin and regarding his deputy, who has girlfriends. with huge fortunes, the schemes recently reported about it, kostin did not come to the parliament to report, and now it looks like the general prosecutor's office avoids coming directly to the hall of the parliament and somehow communicate all this not only to the people's deputies, but also to the ukrainian society, what do you think about it at all, why, and also, by the way, here i must also mention that the director of nabu also refused to participate in the meeting. the council committee, where they were supposed to actually discuss the situation with the leak information from naboo. that is, we understand that
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the heads of law enforcement agencies are absolutely sabotaging legal demands to appear and explain the situation. well, look, we really have a problem with the subjectivity of the parliament, unfortunately, in times of war, the subjectivity of the bank grows, it was already strong, and now it has grown incredibly, and these are not the first cases when the parliament someone does not come, appears, if you remember when, more than a year ago, there was a ban on the deputies of local councils from traveling abroad, and this also applied to women, then the same we asked shmyhal to be invited to the committee to mrs. shulyak, the head of the servant of the people party, and the people's deputies told us then that he simply won't come to talk about it, well, it's really a big trouble, because the parliament loses its subjectivity in times of war, and we are parliamentary - presidential i emphasize this, and we need to do everything to raise this subjectivity of the parliament, but it
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is impossible to do it without the people's deputies themselves, that is, they have to react to such cases, write again and somehow settle these issues? well, just now we will talk about the specifics of the work of the parliament, we will now be contacted by oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, mrs. iryna, we thank you, we were contacted by iryna fedoriv, ​​head of the public initiative golka, and we are waiting for ms. oksana, we hope that she will join us now after a short break, yes, after a break, well, after a break, then after a break, again these blackouts, and you didn’t have time to charge your phones, sitting in the dark is also not an option, unpack the tv solutions, even for the toughest blackouts, solar batteries, energy plus, energy plus - innovative development, many options for use in one, portable solar station, reliable hand lantern, source of full-fledged light and
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as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55. in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. the information day of oksana savchuk tv channel continues. a people's deputy of ukraine is currently in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mrs. oksano, we congratulate you. glory to the hero, glad to see and hear you. well, first of all we wanted to ask you about the visit of prosecutor general kostin, yes
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in the case of his deputy verbytskyi. kostin was there, he wasn't, what were the explanations. did it just disappear, so to speak, and someday maybe they will explain to us the situation, what is going on with such incompletely declared millions? well, we really wanted to see if we lived in a different situation, when the parliament would be more subjective and the servants of the people still understood that today, because they allow a lot of things, this subjectivity... then kostyan would have been forced to come to the parliament, but he did not do so, although he had been before elected representative of the people, believes that he has doubly insulted the highest legislative body, sent a letter to the speaker that there are some reasons why he cannot do this, well, in fact, unfortunately, this meeting did not take place, and i am very
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sorry that here we we can state that in such situations, when such shadows fall, the first thing that the judicial and law enforcement system should do is to clearly show and explain and remove this shadow from the entire service, if you do not do this, then there is something to doubt, well, in anything let's be objective, i'm quoting radio liberty now. the girlfriend of deputy prosecutor general verbytskyi wrote a letter to the schemes, claims that she bought all the property with her own money, that is, we cannot verify this case, i will not be able to tell the amount now due to lack of time. to name everyone, well, but, but, we hope that our glorious prosecutor general’s office will explain what kind of story this is and where, so to speak, the rather expensive funds come from, so to speak, uh, buy, ugh, well, let’s move on to another legislative initiatives, people's deputies about local financing the councils of the defense of funds voted
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an important bill, because it turns out that all this time our local... self-government bodies did not have any legal, let's say, mechanisms, how they can use this budget money, if we are talking about helping our defense forces. ms. oksano, were there any deputies, for example, who were not very in favor of this option, and actually, what will the adoption of this law bring in practice? well, look, in fact, we could have voted on the draft law as early as last year, which is a very long time. uh was actually supported by the committee and did not appear at the parliament session for a very long time, i remember it very well, it was parallel to the situation when... wanted to take away the military personal income tax, that is, from last year, as we remember we are pushing, and finally it was introduced, and here, after all, i believe that the great merit
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goes to roman luzynskyi, because he constantly emphasized this bill, that even when we voted now and some servants write less e cobblestones more drones, to be honest , i don't think they're all that far understand... what is happening today, then i have the opposite questions, i want to listen to a report on where the government sent the funds that were taken from local communities from the military personal income tax, and for them to show us where these drones are, how many of them were removed, purchased, as for the local councils, what they have been doing since the past years, indeed, when the active phase of the war began, some still bought spare parts there. they could not buy, but when there was an opportunity through public procurement to buy military aid for the military, then
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without waiting for this law, most of the councils held public procurements every week and bought everything they needed, mavics, drones, and they still do, i know it for sure, many councils do it, and they can submit reports on it, and the military... really to they are applied and applied everywhere, and many councils do this, which have budgets, if there are communities that do not have this budget, in principle it is clear that they do this less, in fact, if it is correct to say, now there will be no law enforcement bodies have claims against them for the fact that they did the right thing and bought from local budgets, bought everything they needed. bottom to the front, and this draft law should have been adopted a long, long time ago and not, again, not to quarrel with local self-government, for some reason at the very beginning of this
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term of this parliament, for some reason the servants of the people are terribly fond of sending a lot of things, you know, to places, to accuse the mayors of non-publicity, non-transparency, although they themselves do not quite demonstrate it today in the parliament, that is why i always say that it must be stopped in time war we should unite and not look for any stone, who is more guilty, who is less, on the contrary, encourage her local budget to help more, but thereby show the report, how the central government took the funds from local pdfs, where they spent them, which brigade , what are the armed forces and what exactly, where did they get them, where are the drones, where are the mavics, where are the cars, so that local councils can also see where these funds went, but we understand that this information would be classified, we understand that this is about supply and here accordingly, i don't know whether to create some additional commission of people's deputies who would have
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access to state secrets or military secrets, or how, yes, the information is really, it is information of a general plan, how much was purchased, where, how, it can really be shown well, i'm not sure, i'm not sure, we need to look for some additional control mechanisms, but i see that marta oliarnyk has... something no less important, the military police, there was also a lot of debate about this bill, we understand what someone says, that the adoption of such a law is premature, someone is the opposite, but on the other hand, well, we now have certain actions that are not very legal on the part of some of the commanders and employees of the tsk, and it all has to be regulated by someone, i understand that this military police should actually deal with this, ms. oksana, please explain in more detail, well, look, this is... again not systemic, that is, we have to finally understand that we have to propose and discuss a set of legislative initiatives that are
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already needed today, and they were needed even last year. we are talking about the military justice, about military courts, and in order for them to work, these people really have to learn and understand a lot more, and we are talking about the military police, that is, to drag out one issue and that... it without proposing global changes at all, like this will be, i think it is wrong, that is, it will be a reorganization of the vsp, it will be a structure, in principle, most likely a new one, which will deal with what it will investigate, and if it will investigate the facts, why should it not be considered by the military court itself and reinforcement military prosecutor, of course there are a lot of situations now. this, when interventions are needed, and believe me, we, as people's deputies, those who really work with the military, and with the families, servicemen, with the relatives of the dead,
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sometimes have to take the hand... that person who has problems and lead her step by step, because she cannot achieve anything in this wall of military bureaucracy, unfortunately, this is true, i will tell you this personally, because i have a lot of personal examples when i had to do this, even raise some personal people's questions at the meetings of the tsk, to give the tsk's reaction to the military, and even then the question moved from its place, that is, i understand that... there is, just look, we have the first a before the second reading, even if this law is voted in the first reading , before the second reading, we must make this structure as transparent as possible, in terms of control, in terms of activity, in terms of the trust of military personnel, and in terms of the structure that will not be such a punitive body in the first place, but it will be a body in which soldiers and privates will
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to feel justice. well, that's it the most important task, and the second is military justice, which should go in the package, then i understand that this issue will really go in the right direction. and look, there are some changes being talked about, well, we understand that the military service of law was already in order, so, well, this is a functional issue, it is so now, that is, we will create an additional tool, i don’t know, really, whether certain vsp employees will be rotated there, dovi. of the military police, but, but, but, yes, and the question of powers is also a key story, so that this structure, it worked within the limits of the current ukrainian legislation, not only the letter of the law, but also the spirit of the law, yes, because , well, the issue of control, penetration and so on, because, well, sometimes we understand that individual employees of the newly created structure with certain powers and authorities, can
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get too excited. their implementation, well , look, the vsp, for example, today also has a shortage of personnel, we do not think that we have problems everywhere, but there are not, they also have their own problems, they also go on rotation, they are also constantly there, well, of course there is a number of military personnel who will never like the vsp, well, that's understandable, they are the ones who control them, there are those who try to solve problems with the help of this service, they work not only. on the front line, they work in the rear, so i just don't support those things when we want to mix everything up, but we don't see the whole picture, you understand, that's why the military police won't globally solve these problems that exist in the armed forces of ukraine today , not only that, believe me honestly, when this bill is going and not even in consultation with the committee national security, it is called when someone,
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excuse me, pushes something, but not... wants to make this process as public as possible and as correct as possible, because both the national security committee and the legal committee should discuss and meet and come up with a common position, because because after all, this is the basis, what will be the structure that will work in the armed forces, and just doing it like that, you know, without discussion, without the ministers present, already at the start i had the feeling that they had given an order to create it, and until now. .. this, how it will work, there is no, well it is the same as with the law on strengthening the mobilization of the normative, normative legal framework, the cabinet has completely failed and we have a complete mess. oksana savchuk, this is definitely demotivation, which, unfortunately, is a shame to state. so. oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was on our airwaves, and we thank her, the important ones spoke about the legislative initiatives and bills that were adopted this week
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in the session hall. well, now it's news time on the spresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who already the news editor has prepared an updated edition. iro, let's spread the word and share what we managed to find out. thank you, marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about which country promised to protect the ukrainian sky, and also about the return of our children home. so stay tuned, there's a lot more to come in this release. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. protection of the ukrainian sky.


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