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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, let's now talk about the economy and relevant bodies related to the economy, in particular, we will talk about the reboot of the bureau of economic security (bep). alena vasylchenko, yes, a people's deputy of ukraine and a member of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, ms. galina, congratulations, but by the way, i would like, let me start not with this, not from the bureau of economic security, but from the white business club, because you are a member of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, which includes, in particular, danylo gitmantsev, who lobbied for this bill, and this law. the project
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was approved with an amendment on economic reservation for the so-called white business club, 25% of them will be allowed to reserve, as i understand it, according to the amount of taxes they will pay, but ukrainian society did not take this information too optimistically. mrs. galina, please word. well, first of all, when we talk about the bill regarding the white business club, i want to say that i immediately have an association with the one that was once adopted. the law on investment nannies, it was very loudly advertised and lobbied for, but in reality it did not work properly, and even if it did work at certain moments, it did not have any significant effect on the growth of the economy, similarly here, to be honest, i do not see any big problems or contradictions or. barriers or
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obstacles to doing business in connection with adoption of this draft law, at the same time, i would say that it is worth looking at the effect that it will or will not give, no earlier than in six months, because the main arguments that were guided by the initiators of this draft law are to, of course, increase. tax revenues in order to bring a part of the economy into the shadows, to stimulate enterprises to pay taxes on time and officially hire employees, pay a clean white salary, and thus they should have, so to speak, certain preferences and bonuses, i.e. a moratorium for inspections and such various things, but i will repeat, in order to see... the quality
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of the adopted initiative, i would recommend waiting at least 6 months and see in general whether it works... or gives effect, that is, i am sure that nothing critical that would prevent any business from working in one way or another, this law does not carry, but at the same time, whether there will be any effect, and the arguments of the initiators are justified, it is also definitely too early to say now, look, ms. galina, well, we wanted would like to ask you about an extremely important bill, well... extremely important, this bill allows local self-government bodies to support our military units and provide them, although let's be honest, our local self-government bodies, cities, i don't know, there are villages, village councils, city councils and
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so on and so forth, they supported our soldiers and yes, that's what's the difference, we understand that there were no special violations, but the bill was passed and now it 's possible to do things directly. pluses, more pluses and so to speak, what will happen with the pace of delivery this money, we understand that the budgets of local councils are not at the best level right now, well, because the story with the personal income tax, it would also have an impact on budgeting, and absolutely, look, in the issue of assistance to the defense forces, bodies of local self-government were divided and are divided as of now. into two categories, some of which, despite the fact that until this draft law is signed by the president and enters into force, we are now talking about draft law 9559d, and will not dissolve the powers of local self-government bodies in terms of opportunities, absolutely legal legal
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transfer opportunities, procurement of drones of various equipment, surpluses for the defense forces, as of now, all this body. of local self-government, which from the point of view of morals and values ​​definitely did and do everything right and transfer and transfer and help the defense forces, then they are in a rather difficult situation, because there are many cases in ukraine where law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office have already come, and have every right to come and say, what is this... for misuse of funds, let's open inspections, cases and everything else against you, unfortunately, there have been such cases, and it was the local self-government bodies that turned to us, people's deputies, to settle this issue and make appropriate legislative changes. at the same time
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, there are local self-governing bodies that prioritize the replacement of cobblestones, the regular repair of parks, or something else and say: yes, we would be happy to help the defense forces, but we have no legal grounds for this, and we need changes in legislation. so, this bill, he solves both problems. first, it has a retrospective norm, that is, it operates from the beginning of the introduction of martial law, that is, those local self-government bodies that have already done this for more than two years, helped the defense forces, and those. local self-government bodies, which as of now said: well, we would like to, but we can't, now they definitely can, and people, society has every right to demand from them in an absolutely legal way, to help the defense forces, so i hope that this
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bill will be passed as soon as possible will be signed, enter into force, eh, and i am very sorry that since august we had to fight for this legislative initiative... to be passed in the session hall, i would like to remind you that the first author, initiator of this initiative is roman luzynskyi, my colleague from the parliamentary faction, he he himself fought directly for a year and a half, and he understands the situation very well from both sides, both from the side of the defense forces and from working in the committee on local self-government from the side of local self-government bodies. oh, thank you, well, what, ladies... well, we understand so that already, if touched on the topic of our wonderful legislative initiatives, there is also the specifics of the implementation of our criminal code, and we understand that one of the components of this whole matter is the bureau of economic security,
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in simple language bep. in the end, there were a lot of complaints about him, as well as about all law enforcement agencies, yes, well, a green rocket has arrived now, that the butyambas will reload him, but somehow... reload so that he really starts to resemble, well, some impeccable western body, so as not to hear complaints from businessmen, so to speak squeeze a little business, that's it. yes, i will remind you, this story, the creation of the bureau of economic security was to eliminate the tax police, which was a nightmare for business. we remember all these masks of the show and everything else, and actually create such a law enforcement body that would, with the help of analytics, that is , the key function of the bep at the time of its creation a few years ago... was to have a purely analytical component, and only in case of finding on the basis of
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data analysis any discrepancies, evasions, abuses on the part of the business, only then cases could be opened, and the relevant bodies could be transferred for investigation and all other actions, so unfortunately, in connection with the fact that this and that draft law was adopted with the corresponding distortions and amendments, which entered into force, this reform did not took place, and it so happened that, in fact, a large part of the tax police employees transferred to the already newly created bureau of economic security at that time, in the end, like the former head, then he began to manage this bureau of economic security, and we already remember, especially in the last two years how much was scandals with bep and it is very good that our
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foreign partners, who directly help us financially, in particular, i mean the international monetary fund, the world bank, they have drawn and are drawing the attention of our government and authorities to the fact that this body, in particular, as and tax, as well as customs, especially, simply need immediate reform, and in fact... in connection with the fact that the reform of the bep was written in the memorandum on cooperation with the international monetary fund, and there are clearly stated deadlines that by july 1 the law should be adopted as a whole, and accordingly clear criteria are described as to what should be, what should be the reform of the bep, so that the reboot really takes place. finally , today the vote was taken in the session hall and
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already in the second reading, in particular, i would like to note at such key points that not only the management will be rebooted, there will also be re-certification, and here it will take place according to the model of the creation of the nakc, nabu, when with the participation of our international experts and will be the composition of the commission. parity, and accordingly, it makes it possible, as we can already see, from the practice of creating anti-corruption bodies, to create independent, so that this bureau of economic security is professional, independent and expert, so that it does not happen that the head of state does not head the reformed bureau of economic security, so until recently the first deputy was nabu? bureau in this, according to this draft law , a corresponding commission will be created, with the same
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number of representatives from ukraine and from internationals, two candidates will be selected according to the results, and then the government will be able to select one candidate based on interviews and its respective tests, but i want to say similarly , that it is... actually very much there was also a great struggle in our committee regarding the fact that it was not only about the manager, that is, that the competition, the relevant competition commission selected the manager, but that the commission also worked on re-attestation and reviewed this draft law in the committee, halyna vasylchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, members the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs. politics was on the espresso airwaves, we are now moving on, we will now
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review the plot of our colleagues with you: the invasion of russia forced millions of ukrainians to leave to leave their homes, in particular in europe, this movement of people became the most during the second world war, every year on june 20, the world celebrates refugee day, but we will talk about this in just a few minutes and we will show you the plot after a short pause, together with the guest we will talk about it that's all... we'll talk in a few minutes. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb for. at a special promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works
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for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life. atvs for the 93rd brigade , the cold ravine in the direction of chasiv. today, the world celebrates refugee day, as we understand that since the second world war , millions of people have moved, forcibly moved from the territory of ukraine to. of other countries of the european union, we are not yet in the european union, well, but the cultural and civilizational space, plus or minus the same, yes, well, we offer it now review the plot about the main problems, and after that we will discuss the situation with volodymyr vehitov, how we should do better to return those people who were forced to leave
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home to ukraine as a result of the aggression, we will watch together and then analyze. anna radko escaped with her children from the war to germany, she is an immigrant from kovel, a ukrainian town in the volyn region on the border with the russian satellite - belarus. two months before the full-scale invasion of the russians, the woman had already seen their troops from her apartment window. then it was a day off, probably friday or saturday, i don't remember exactly. and i see, heavy equipment is going, heavy equipment is going to the border with belarus, a lot of it and half a kitchen and that's it. realizing that the war had begun, anna quickly left with her children on the night of february 24. they were sheltered in their home by a couple of german citizens, who are ukrainian refugees. i am grateful, they helped anna and her children at all stages of adaptation in the new country, however , there were still difficulties in the ukrainian family,
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it is very difficult to live here, not everyone can adapt here, the language is very different, first of all, someone can communicate in english, but not everyone here understands english, it's bureaucracy, there are a lot of papers, there are a lot of authorities where you need to go, such as anna, ukrainian refugees. the united nations provides relevant data. almost 3,700,000 more citizens are internally displaced persons, that is, forced migrants within the country. even if there are not 6 million but 4 million abroad, it is still very many, very many, especially since we do not understand, firstly, how many of them will return, and secondly, we clearly... we understand that the majority of these millions who are abroad are young people, they are either children or their young mothers. these
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children should become the future of ukraine, therefore , after the war, it is extremely important to create favorable conditions for young people to want to return home, - says ella libanova, director of the institute of demography, and emphasizes that we will be happy to welcome all our ukrainians, because they are usually refugees who return after . wars make a positive contribution to the development of the national economy and the reconstruction of the country. thank you colleagues, extremely, by the way, an eloquent plot. volodymyr vahitov, we are in touch with the director of the institute of behavioral research, associate professor at the american university kyiv. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. glory, good day. well, we would like to ask for your reflections right away. yes, the attitude towards internally displaced persons from ukraine and ukrainian refugees. within the borders of the european union is beginning to change, and this is quite a natural and characteristic phenomenon, a signal has already arrived, for example, from germany, i do not know how quickly it will be implemented, well
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but about the reduction of payments, well , we understand accordingly, here we from martoulyarnykh, we discussed this during the screening of the plot, so there are refugees, for example, from the kharkiv region, there are refugees from the front-line regions, there zaporizhia, kherson, donetsk, luhansk regions are fertile. is there a blessed ivano-frankivsk region, so we understand that, well, when we talk about support from the european union, yes, we feel that attitudes will change, yes, but the key task is to make sure that the people who left wanted to return home, situation extremely complex and extremely complex, please, we beg you, to the floor, and i think that's one of the reasons why some people don't come back. to ukraine, it is, first of all, security, despite the fact that there is blessed vinnytsia and blessed volyn, ivano-frankivsk is quite safe, but
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rockets fly everywhere, debris can fall everywhere, and in general, all people perceive the situation as sufficiently dangerous , in fact anywhere in ukraine, including transcarpathia, so expect that before the end of active hostilities, before the end of artillery... until the end of the drone attacks, and that part of the people who are worried about their safety will return home, i think it is useless, secondly, it is a financial issue, and it is a housing issue, those residents of the eastern regions, northern regions who either were before occupation, but who lost their property, their houses, apartments during hostilities, and they have nowhere to return. and we do not currently see large programs for the restoration of housing, for the provision of housing, social housing, even on the example of those 3.5 million internally displaced persons,
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most of them have to look for housing on the commercial market, and refugees abroad see this, and they understand that if they return to ukraine, they simply will not have a place to live, and the plus is that the economy will not grow. let's say this, and there is more and more labor shortage, but on the other hand, there is also a contraction of the economy, a decrease in the economy, so those who , mr. volodymyr, let me interrupt you here, because now the labor market is overwhelmed with vacancies, there is no one to work , and for example, you mentioned the frankiv region, volyn, for example, those people have no problems with housing, fortunately they have whole houses, i can understand people. who lost everything and went abroad, but now, as you say, the economic situation is not conducive, in order for it to contribute, ukrainians should be at home and develop this economy, not to give
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the opportunity to these economies. fall to zero, and accordingly, if at least some of the people who are there conditionally from more or less safe regions return back, then they will help us maintain the economy in proper condition, and they have no problems with housing, i do not think that i agree, because in western ukraine i drove through a bombed-out tez, burshtynska tez, and there are the same problems with lights, there are the same... the same problems with shelling, and plus there is a great distrust of the state towards people, people towards the state, people , who have dual citizenship, it is very difficult for them to go abroad if they came here, people who have permanent consequences for living abroad, they also cannot enter ukraine now because they will not be released, and we are talking about men , and therefore, if
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a person has lived abroad enough... for a long time, and she has somehow made a life for herself there, she does not really want to return to ukraine, even temporarily, if she is not released after that. our research , on the contrary, shows that those who come to ukraine often enough tend to return to ukraine, that is, if a person has been living abroad for a long time, and you give such people the opportunity to enter and leave, then they are more likely to return. when they, when i arrive. our war can last for decades, well, that is us we live in conditions when everything can only begin, because conflicts are unfolding all over the planet, and conditionally, if this war will last not two years, not three, not five, but 10, maybe then these people will never will not return, and that means for us then we need to speak honestly with people and say that we are sorry, but for example, those people who are abroad, they will not return here, because if the war is very long, then they will not return people back, well, in general...
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talks to people honestly, it's very, very good a habit in any circumstances, and therefore to talk about how the economy can work, what laws are passed, how fair these laws are, why there are preferences for certain types of business and others are not, why certain people have preferences and others do not, why there is or isn't economic reservation, why there is or isn't mobilization, demobilization, all these things need to be talked about honestly, and in this sense in... when an honest conversation begins between the state and citizens, then some solution can be found, because just driving people to ukraine and cut off their exit routes so that they cannot leave, leave, this does not solve the problem, it does not solve the problem of mobilization, nor the problem of the fact that there will be some economic policy, interrupting, not providing ukrainian citizens with services for the border also does not solve the problem, it does not
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stimulate people to return. and what’s more , i will drive people away from ukraine, so what is the state’s policy in terms of returning people to ukraine mentally, to show that ukraine is there with you, despite the fact that you are there for border, also mental, and not treating everyone, all ukrainians, is definitely negative, it seems to me that this is a very big task, so it is a task that needs to be solved, and to look at it more broadly, because now. .. it is not entirely clear what problem we are trying to solve by not giving ukrainians some part of their rights, ukrainians living abroad. thank you, volodymyr vehitov, director of the institute of behavioral research, associate professor of american university, kyiv, was on our airwaves, we thank him for his position and for those research conducted by the institute of behavioral research, together with mr. volodymyr. today, antin and i are already
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finishing our work. our colleagues will continue to work for you, in a few moments there will be a fresh issue from our iryna koval and the news editorial office, and for today we wish you well and see you tomorrow. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and just now i will tell you about the most important events at this time. so, four people died and four were injured as a result shelling of donetsk region. this was announced by the head of the region, vadym filashkin. on the day of the occupiers.


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