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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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marina danylyuk yaermalayeva, don't miss this broadcast, see you tomorrow! abnormal heat has gripped the world, the air temperature is breaking records, hundreds of dead and thousands of people in hospitals, what are you waiting for? we will analyze ukraine in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polamaryuk. summer has just begun, temperatures are already high. extreme heat in saudi arabia. the air temperature rose to over 50° in zatinka. at this time , the hajj, an annual pilgrimage, takes place there. muslims from all over the world come to mecca, this year there are almost 2 million of them. but because people die in the heat. more than a thousand dead are reported. officially the government
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of saudi arabia denies it. they say only that more than 2,000 pilgrims were hospitalized with heat stroke. however, representatives of other countries, including egypt, tunisia, indonesia and jordan, report the deaths of their citizens. and this is what the imam, who is currently in metz, told on the air. when you walk, you can't go 20 meters without seeing someone suffering from the heat. people did everything they could to find it. shade, they took water from good people who were giving it out, they were hiding in the shadows in hotel receptions, it was horrible at times, i've never seen so many people suffer together, i think the saudi authorities, maybe they should start thinking about controlling the number of pilgrims that come every year, and it was discussed last year, it's a very sensitive issue, but with climate change, given that the hach ​​happens in the summer months, maybe...
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it needs to be looked at in more detail. but the exact number of the dead cannot be ascertained, because many pilgrims were not registered. bbc correspondents visited a small egyptian town whose residents died during the hajj. hundreds of egyptian pilgrims have died during the hajj. there are fears that their number may increase. i am in north cairo province. twenty pilgrims are counted from here. we spoke to the family of a 70-year-old woman who died in saudi arabia. they said that the woman had spent all her savings to make this spiritual journey to mecca. but no one could have imagined that it would have such a tragic ending. it is known that this year there are many pilgrims who died, were not officially registered. they went to saudi arabia on a tourist visa, not an official khachvisa. these people did not use the same services as the official hutch convoy. they have.
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for example, there were no air-conditioned tents, no proper place to stay, no buses to travel around, and they had to travel very long distances between holy places. given the high temperature of this season, which reached 51°, many of them did not survive. we don't have official data yet, but we've been talking to families of the dead. they are all still in mourning. they could not believe what had happened, but they told me that they were happy for their loved ones because they had died in a holy place. india is also experiencing the hottest summer. at the beginning of this month, the capital of the country, delhi , recorded a record high temperature of almost 53°c. dozens of people died from heatstroke. summers in india are usually hot and humid, but this year the heatwaves are longer, more intense and more frequent. in addition, dry weather is likely to affect the harvest. the bbc's samira hussain reports.
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a few hours ago it was over 40°, now it seems to be down to 37°, but it feels hotter because of the hot road and concrete radiating that heat. this gives an understanding of how difficult it is for the temperature to drop even in the evening. the past few evenings have seen record temperatures here, so there is no real respite from the heat. as for how people in the capital cope, it is very difficult. hospitals have reported a few more patients with heat stroke symptoms and just in the last two days in... at least five people have died due to heat stroke, this is one of the longest heat waves the country has seen, they are really looking forward to the monsoons when the rains come because when those rains come it will give some respite from this intense heat but in some in regions where the rains have already started, they are not as heavy as before, in general monsoons are said to bring 20% ​​less rain than usual, there is another problem when it is so hot, the ground becomes very, very dry and intense showers do not help... to network the earth, cause
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polygyny, which is already taking place in the north-eastern part of the country. the capital in the north of the country and further north there are a lot of farms and rain is particularly important there, but because... the fields are quite dry there, there is concern about how much rain will fall and how much will actually be absorbed by the ground, so there is a lot of worry about agriculture , because it is a country that not only produces enough food for its population, but also exports a lot of food, so it has a significant economic and socio-economic impact. but why is this happening, what happened the cause of such abnormal heat is global warming, according to the eu climate service, the average annual temperature in the period from february... 2023 to people on the 24th exceeded 1.5°c for the first time. in 2015, 196 countries signed the paris climate agreement, including ukraine. its goal is to prevent the global average annual temperature on the planet from exceeding 2 degrees, and
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not more than one and a half degrees. so meteorologists predict that climatic cataclysms will continue. but what to expect in ukraine, what will the summer be like, we say. with our guest svitlana krakowska, climatologist and delegate from ukraine in the intergovernmental group of experts on climate change, i welcome you, ms. svitlana, the first question is, will this abnormal heat reach ukraine? good evening, well, the abnormal heat in saudi arabia, which caused such deaths of believers, of course not, of course we have temperatures like 50°, of course it would be. but nevertheless it will be hot and hot will continue, it will be certain such waves, of course, and fortunately , after all, ukraine is in such climate zone where we can still enjoy more or less normal climatic conditions. yes, and what are
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the maximum temperatures we can be talking about, so you say that it will not be 50° there, but wait for 30 in ukraine? yes, of course, 30 to wait for ukraine. in general, the maximum temperature that was recorded, it was in the east of our country in the city of luhansk, it is + 42°, and this is if such a temperature is the maximum that has already been, that is , it can be expected, well, whether it will be this summer, i do not undertake to predict, because these are, as it were, such forecasts, according to which it is necessary already to follow on the website of the hydrometeorological center, but if we are talking about climate changes, such more distant prospects, then very... well, very, unfortunately, soon we will be able to feel such temperatures in ukraine as well. yes, and speaking in general according to the forecasts, what will this summer be like? well, come on, i still want to direct you to the hydromecenter about this year's summer. i work on
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climate change, and it's about what we need to do now to prevent the kind of what-ifs that you're talking about. already said at the beginning of the transmission, and for this, of course, in this intergovernmental group of experts on climate change, we are trying , well, to give such a road map of what should be done and what should not be done in order to really keep the global temperature within these limits of 2°, better one and a half, and it must be understood that these 2° we are talking about the global temperature, and even if there is a global 2°, then in ukraine it will be twice as much, that is, it is a plus. respectively, well, approximately 4°, and what is the reason for this, right? yes, i'm sorry, yes, i'm sorry that you were killed, so you say it will be twice as much, and what is the reason for this, this is the climate, no, no, this is due to purely physical processes, because we have a planet,
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it is covered with both oceans and land, we live on land, it heats up faster, and therefore , accordingly, the oceans are currently saving us from the fact that the temperature, well, i’m raising it... it would be even more, but nevertheless the temperature rises faster on land, and it also rises faster in europe, there are also certain reasons for that, but hey i don't know if i will have time to tell them in a minute, but you can you trust me, because after all, in this group of experts on climate change , we have researched it, and surely we should be listened to, so we will definitely be, well , maybe the question is not so much for you, but in a human way, such advice , because this year's summer will be difficult in view of the power outage, we know that air conditioners, fans, energy workers are asked not to use them often, what to do when the air temperature is still high, how to save yourself, well, first of all, you need to know about it,
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you are absolutely right that you should watch it forecasts, yes, that is, you need to provide yourself first of all with the fact that, well, if early warning systems are what we have... there are forecasts and you can at least plan your day so that at the time when the maximum temperatures, well to be somewhere in the shade, or, if people live in cities and there is an opportunity to go to... for example supermarkets, where there are air conditioning systems, to wait at least there, this is such a friendly advice, let's say so, especially for elderly people, in which, probably they can't install an air conditioner at home, but at least this period can be waited out somewhere in public places where it is, in general drink more water, but of course these tips are probably better to hear from a doctor again, but first of all it is still... to understand , that it is dangerous, and if we are talking about the energy industry, if we are talking
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about the state of martial law in our country, about our soldiers, about those people who will not be able to go where there are air conditioners, then about they also need to be taken care of, they too need to be provided with water at least, and well in such a way, how can you at least, at least make sure that they are in some safe places and not in the open sun, because that way they will lose... their fighting capacity as well, so you have to think about this very seriously. ms. svitlana, well, i have time to ask you one more short question, so for ukraine, what could be the consequences of this hot summer, because we have seen previous stories like this, where in india they talk about possible consequences for the harvest, but for ukraine? well, for ukraine, of course, also, if it will be very very hot and especially without rains, but luckily the rains have stopped and... after all , we have, well, moisture, at least now, well, it
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will be so much easier than just a drought, but in general, of course, for each, well, for each industry, there are certain risks, and you know, these risks are so quick to not talk about them, but they can be for almost all industries, including transport, well, they don’t fly in our country planes and passengers. recently in austria, a large hail simply beat, just completely beat the plane, who was landing at the vienna airport, and well, it's just terrible, this is when we say that extreme phenomena will increase and that hail will be of a large size, it's obvious that you can see what it can cause, it can be not only an airplane, it maybe i am, i apologize, we have to finish, svitlana krakowska was in touch with us, well , also... the united states is suffering from the heat and then the report, what is happening there.
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spectacular but deadly heat. a wall of flames and high temperatures betrothed a city in the american state of new mexico. firefighters barely had time to fight the elements, and local residents were forced to flee, leaving all their property behind. franco and connie loya, both 83. they found shelter in this evacuation center. they are said to be lucky to emerge alive. we saw the smoke rising, which then enveloped us. i was scared to death. i don't know if we will have a house. in our area, not far from us, several people lost their homes. for the state of california, this is already a familiar phenomenon. thousands of hectares were lost due to burning of dry bushes land firefighters are trying to control dozens of isolated fires. it's
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catastrophic, especially when the wind blows the fire, we have so much dry bush and relatively low humidity, so all of that causes a lot of damage. as california continues another wildfire season, extreme weather warnings are being issued across the united states, from heat waves in the northeast to a tropical storm in texas. so the country is already feeling the effects of climate change, and this is just the beginning. observers say it is extraordinary an early and aggressive fire season, with several more hot and dry months ahead. the contrast with the weather could not be more pronounced than in texas. the first tropical storm of the hurricane season in the gulf of mexico has already caused flooding in galveston, texas, and in mexico itself. and this is at a time when north america is bracing for...more extreme weather, and that's it for today, see you tomorrow.
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thursday 9:15 p.m., which means that the "great lviv speaks" project will be broadcast on tv channel uso. at the beginning of the program in ours, yes in the so-called room of frank conversations, we talk with vitaly portnikov, then we move to our studio, the largest discussion platform of the whole country. good evening once again. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations to everyone who joined us on
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the espresso tv channel. youtube allows you to view the first part of the interview with vitaly. nykovy, if you have such an opportunity, be sure to go there, it will be stored there at any time, on our youtube channel velikiy lviv says, this conversation will be, and it was interesting in the first part, but we will continue now. vitaly portnikov, journalist, publicist, is in touch with us. we would still like to return to this trip and putin's meeting with the leader of north korea, because these are his statements today. about the fact that he will not retreat from ukrainian territory in any way, well , this is the impression, you know, that he has strengthened himself so much, and felt even more strength in himself, maybe it seems so to me, but still this visit, meeting, announced support from north korea , russia, even some kind of joint document was concluded about this support, what it is about
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testifies, mr. vitaly, is the world afraid of this, because two, well, such dictates... united, how bad it is for us in general, of course, it is afraid, and not because you think, i don't think that putin somehow strengthened in in connection with the meeting with kimchanin, because you understand very well, in order to agree on weapons, in order to agree on weapons, putin does not need to go anywhere, in general, kimchanin is working all the time to transform north korea into a factory weapons for russia, it is a huge economic chance for it. because he gets paid for it money, technology, kimchanina almost never had such opportunities during the years of his rule in north korea, but what can really be an important part of this visit, and by the way, the treaty between russia and north korea can be connected with this, this is an incentive kim jong un before the war on the korean
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peninsula. it was not for nothing that putin threatened south korea today, i think this was his main statement, because this threat to south korea is different from what he has said so far, all these theses that concern ukraine, we have repeatedly heard, but threats to south korea are a huge problem, huge. why? because if putin promises a kimchan that he will, conditionally speaking, fit in for him, speaking in criminal jargon, if a kimchan starts a war on the korean peninsula, then he wants him to such a war for... you see, putin needs to have many different conflicts, ukraine, the middle east, if the korean peninsula is fine, fine, it is absolutely for him, i would say, relates to him, relates to his goals absolutely, because the west will be forced to deal with several
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conflicts at once, besides it will provoke the united states. which is an ally of south korea, there is an american army in south korea to answer to, that is, this is another serious test of the ability of the united states to protect its allies, and that is why he flew there, to convince kimchan that if he wants to take revenge for the defeat his grandfather is at war, so he is ready to help him. he is not the heirs of stalin, who threw kirsen at will and finished. war, he himself stalin. and by the way, why i think so, because you know that on the eve of putin's visit, a few months before this visit, literally 3-4 months. the kyim resident, unexpectedly, even for observers who have been dealing with north korea for many decades, renounced the main ideological doctrine of the regime, the idea of ​​peaceful reunification with south korea, the idea
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of ​​creating a united korea, which kimersen called democratic federal. republic of goryeo, he had such an idea, he advocated it for many decades, it was the main international the idea of ​​both kimersen and his heir kimchen- ir, father, kimchenin. and kim jong-un told his countrymen that south korea is another country, or south koreans are another nation, which is absolutely wild, because they are one and the same people, as you understand, it's the same again, it's... as in dnr, saying, they are the people of donbass, yes, the people of north korea, he destroyed the arch compound, it was one of the main architectural dominants of kenyano, bandage. in memory of president kimmersen and his successor kim jong il. that is, he destroyed the main family inheritance. why?
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obviously, to be able to prepare for the militarization of the situation? because if it is another state and another people, why can't we kill it? why can't we bomb it? why can't we drop a bomb on saul? we can do everything. we are at war with foreigners, not with our brothers. and here is this ideological change. it was precisely these promises of putin to help pyongyang in the event that someone attacks it. we know that no one is attacking these states, they themselves are attacking someone attack and declare those they attacked as aggressors, like putin from ukraine. thank you vitaly portnikov, guests are already waiting in our studio, so we have to move to the largest discussion platform of our country, although in fact the conversation with mr. portnikov can be continued endlessly, there is a lot of interesting stuff. analysts, we hope, mr. vitaly, that next week at 8:45 p.m. velikiy lviv will speak in the project, we will meet with you again, we are moving to the studio, good evening to everyone in our
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studio, we are working live, so already are ready to introduce those who will have a discussion with us today and share their thoughts against everything that is happening from... iryna klymenov is with us, the senior combat medic of the unmanned aerial vehicle company. yaroslav muzychko, diplomat, honorary consul of georgia in lviv. ihor vdovychyn is with us, director-doctor of political sciences, professor of ivan franko national university of lviv. vitaly smilka, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the ato union of grudochchyna. good evening. mykola bochyn, also with us, political scientist, professor of the national lviv polytechnic university. and ksenia klin, journalist. volunteer, we can say that the mother of the military, yes ms. ksenia, that is exactly what i want from maybe, we will see what
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your answer will be, but to ask you this question, we have all been waiting for this peace summit, we are in a week, maybe it is even more clear that there will not be any such extraordinary things approved, but president zelenskyi said that the next summit is being prepared, where the russian federation will already be, well, accordingly... we are hinted that some absolutely specific, maybe things will be discussed, then yermak says that the second peace summit is being prepared, where the russian federation will be expected, from putin we hear every day, well, in our subjective opinion, completely meaningless statements, today he already said that there is no only he needs kherson or zaporizhzhia, he basically wants some ukrainian territories, ukrainian territories. further , russian troops continued to stand, and this is , in fact, his only condition. what is my question? what do you think when you hear
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about these negotiations, because i'm fine i understand, let's say, what you have seen, what you know about this war, and on the other hand, i mentioned for a reason that you are the mother of a military man, and it is obvious that any mother wants to see her son at home, but... negotiations and a cease-fire on some conditions, we don’t understand what it can be, just can bring this moment closer, and here it seems to me that this nerve is very important, which in many ukrainians somewhere, you know, deeply hidden, but maybe we will be able to reveal it on the air, you know, very ambivalent feelings and for even experiencing and perceiving these negotiations, because... to be honest, since the 14th year, well, the war has never let go, and has always kept me in such a frantic tone, it 's been 10 years, i'm tired of not sitting in
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the trenches, as well as at ground zero, but to talk about those guys who are at ground zero and girls from some of the 14th, some even from the 22nd, it is more than possible to survive it. i have always said: yes, we must go to victory so final that we must drive the enemy to the borders of the year 91, i do not deny these words and i do not deny this desire of mine, and i believe that everyone who holds a weapon and not only a weapon, helps, thinks the same way, but recently i heard these words from my son, which cooled down a little this kind of... passion, he asked, mom, what are you hearing, when they will come to an agreement, this is real... these are the simple words of a simple boy who,
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from the age of 14, because he was 14 in the 14th, was preparing for the war. 22 years after february 24, it was from someone else's phone, mom, i'm alive, tell everyone, it was a week after the full-scale invasion, and the second text message is already from his phone, well, you knew, i dreamed about smoking them. since the 14th year, and here he says, when they will come to an agreement, the point is, he says that in the near future, if events continue to develop like this, then there will simply be no one to hold these weapons in their hands, so, well the possibilities of those who have been on the front line for the third year have run out, it’s nothing to say,
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when the guys see these... standoffs, how can they, well, i don’t know what the name is, well, you can’t call these people women, there they can beat representatives of the tsk, call them names, in principle, to create now probably a bigger, even an enemy of tetskashnyk, than an orc, well, it is very painful, a lot has already been lost, a lot has already been paid, and... but probably, well, all wars end with negotiations, here, only it is very important for us to occupy these are the right positions, you must work on them very clearly, don’t give yourself a chance to break through in order to get out on the most favorable terms for yourself, listen to this nonsense of this kremlin dwarf, well
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, it’s the same as... just fooling yourself, that’s it no one takes this seriously, but still it must say it, because the electorate listens to it, so there must be negotiations, it is important, i say, what position we are in, in what position we will now work out for ourselves the opportunity to negotiate and not negotiate with putin, but to negotiate at the international level with... . by the key political players about how this horror should now end, well, after the negotiations, everyone should clearly prepare for the fact that it may happen again, and this is certainly not a secret for anyone, who does not believe fakes who can analyze information that it will happen again. these are the biggest
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consequences of all this, which ukrainians must also be aware of, we started talking about it today with vitaly portnikov, we will have this conversation on the youtube channel, and it is important, because even if we start talking about it live in this studio to speak, the ukrainians who are watching us must also understand what we are ready to go to, and what we will be ready to sacrifice in case of what, because everyone is already talking about the fact that this will only be a temporary pause, and this is also necessary to understand, we literally have a few. the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine will be activated in a few seconds, we are now calling him, because it is important to hear from them official information about what is happening in our country, but he is not there yet. vitaly smilka, you have a word, what are your feelings and thoughts about all those statements that sound: we really heard from putin, we will not leave the territory of ukraine in any way, our government says that we are ready for and preparing for the next the peace summit, to sit down and talk to the whole world, well... and how
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it will all mean, but we see what is, mr. lazutkin, dmytro lazutkin, spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, my congratulations, dmytro, about the work of the plus reserve, tell us how it is now , how many people have updated their details, and how can you generate an electronic military document on this service, or is this application already a document? currently, this application is an electronic military registration document, its status is absolutely identical to the status of a paper document, it can be downloaded, feel free now the qr code is being generated, those technical glitches, the little problems that were there on the first day, they are gone, they have been fixed, let's say, they were technical points, if we talk about the number of people, then 2 million... 250,000 have now
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updated data in...


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