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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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to talk with the whole world, well, what will it all mean, but we see that there is mr. lazutkin, dmytro lazutkin, the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, my congratulations, dmytro, about the work of the plus reserve, tell us , as of now, how many people have updated their details, and how can you generate an electronic military document on this service, or is this... app already a document? currently, this application is an electronic military registration document, its status is absolutely identical the status of a paper document, it can be downloaded, it's easy to generate a qr code now, those technical glitches, small problems that were there on the first day, they are gone, you have eliminated them, let's say, those were technical points, if we talk about...
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the number of people, then 2,250,000 have now updated the data in the reserve plus, generated a qr code and have already generated this, in fact, military accounting electronic document, now more than 760 thousand military conscripts and reservists, if we talk about the number of people, who have updated their data directly into the reserve plus, that's 1,700 people, all the others there are almost at... goes to the tcc and tsnapa, that is, there are about 300 thousand a little less in tsc, a little more in snapa. well, these are the statistics we have at the moment, ukrainians prefer digitization to digitization in a certain sense, which probably indicates that it is convenient for people to make this option in their smartphone and comply with the law, in this way. tell me, please, well... there were a lot of expectations for the actual appearance
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of the qr code, it appeared, i literally the day before yesterday, it was necessary to remove the application from the phone, reinstall the application and then the qr code appeared, because it did not appear just like that, there is a qr code that he changed, but if we talk about practical things, the presence of a qr code and when it was not there, well, again, this is actually an electronic military registration document, it can be carried with you. and at the request of a representative of the police, tcc isp or border service to show it, but you must have some kind of identification with you, for example, a passport, or again in the same phone in valid passport, so that you can be identified that it is you, and besides, all agreements have already been reached with the border service, with the state border service, and accordingly , at the border, this document is also in electronic form, electronically, electronic military registration document. is also valid,
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and i think it will make life easier for many ukrainians when crossing the border, well, that's it, vitaly, at the moment, another important issue that really worries ukrainian society, very often, around this, well indeed, there may be too many conversations and discussions, but we must ask these questions, do the representatives of the tsc have the right to detain persons and deliver them to the tsc for renewal. military registration data, because you are probably sitting in the ukrainian segment of social networks and understand very well how much dissatisfaction there is about this, but we also need to understand what the situation is in the state, again , uh, really, there is a war going on in the state , and people are needed, including in combat units, i understand this perfectly, because i am there constantly in contact with his comrades from the 59th separate infantry brigade. 47, in
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which i served this winter, including near avdiivka, er, and, in fact, there are indeed cases of exaggeration of their powers by representatives of the state central committee and sp, we are in contact with the ground forces command, which directly the tccsp is subject to, and the ministry of defense notes, does not tolerate such cases, while at the same time it can deliver by law. let's say, in these notification groups there is a representative of the tccsp and there should be a representative of the police, who actually and has the right to do so, and tsk representatives of tskk can accompany and can provide their own means of transport, well, yes, this is probably the correct way to formulate it. dmitry, but at the same time, when, when we see videos that are being scaled, now on the internet, when there are representatives of the tsc isp using force, this cannot be done, of course, and we are... categorically against it,
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we are trying to monitor it with them , so that an official investigation is conducted and each individual case is analyzed, depending on what actually happened there. more about recruiting wanted to ask, what is his role now in the mobilization process, and where do they most want, yes, where is the greatest demand, and what is the need for the armed forces of ukraine? well, we understand that now there is no such influx of people who are willing, who are volunteers, who have combat experience, as was the case in the first days of the war, when people who fought in the ato were ready to defend immediately. motherland and had such a pure impulse from the heart, now it is necessary to explain to people so that there is no uncertainty that scares, and so that there is no such unknown that service in the army is something that immediately will lead to some tragic consequences,
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it is clear that war is a risk, it is clear that war is a danger, but at the same time we have launched a program to be yourself, a recruiting program, an informational program, including vacancies on the website that are currently relevant. in the army, we try to explain that a person with the same specialty that he worked for in civilian life, that he has an education, accordingly, achievements, talents, flair, desire, that he has the same specialty can also serve in the defense forces and be useful , including in the ranks of the armed forces in ukraine, there is now a great demand for drivers, and for her, for attack aircraft, of course, for infantrymen, riflemen, medics, and operators. in general, there was a competition for every job vacancy in the army of those who wanted to, well, a good higher educational institution is quite prestigious, that is , there are four, five, seven for a certain position, a competition depending on the unit, that is, people want to take participation, let's say in
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the mastery of modern technologies, and it's no secret that the current war is becoming more and more technological, another question, too i also wanted... to say that it people should also not neglect the service of the armed forces, because software developers are needed, and now the demand for them is growing, well , let's say so, in terms of financial security, what can be provided to such people now , that is not given, we know that now there is a basic financial support for a soldier from 20,500 hryvnias, then there is an additional financial support, or 30,00 hryvnias, or 50, or 100, plus 70%. for 30 days in total directly in the execution zone, that is, from, let's say, from zero to vop, espshki, rob, well, that is, it is also important for those people who are in infantry units, riflemen, machine gunners, grenade launchers, who go there, this financial
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support is also important for them. dmytro, in short , one more official information, or to get it all from the official source, the ministry of defense of ukraine launched army plus, it's... a chatbot, how did it work? yes, a chatbot, and it is a chatbot for both civilians and military, there you can define yourself, so to speak, you define, there you click that you are a civilian or you are a military person, the corresponding ones are the question, for civilians, this is a very important issue, there is an explanation and step-by-step instructions on how to get a reservation, who has the right to postpone, and where the tcc and sp points are located, how to pass the vlk and some norms of the law. it is clarified for the military and for the families of the military, there are also services regarding the registration of certain benefits, ubd, for the families of the dead or missing, again, step-by-step instructions, where to apply, what documents need to be provided, and there is also an application for military personnel
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of a similar reserve, plus the army plus will be launched in the near future, well, this summer for sure, and there will be eased document flow, electronic sample reports and so on, that is, there will be many very... such useful moments for active servicemen, well, plus will also be generated the document is there in electronic form. thank you, yes, this was the official position of the ministry of defense of ukraine, and in the end, we need to be guided by this in order to obtain information, it is better to look for information that is from them, and not to read something in telegram channels, to be afraid of something, to tell some gossip, because it makes it worse for us. dmytro. zudutin was with us the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine. vitaly smilka. good evening. you raised the issue of putin, negotiations and the like. yes, of course, every war ends with negotiations. but first you need to understand, negotiations with whom, subjectivity of whom? to talk with putin, well, it's
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unrealistic. who is not a person, you understand, he has the blood of our children, parents, people, ukrainians, and to sit down with him at the same table for negotiations, that's it. nonsense, it's nonsense - even a person legally, according to international law, the kidnapper of our children, that is, for the first time, in order to conduct sentences , it is necessary to know with whom, these must be people who do not have ukrainian blood. on the hands, yes, it will be the russians, but yes, the first thing to be determined is who we are negotiating with, you know, like the cossacks, i see putin somewhere like that, you know, it’s a pity that there is no cossack for days, as the cossacks used to do, like a dog that putin, there is no reason to even sit down to talk with him, that is the first thing, and secondly, from the position of what to talk about, you see, now a very good example is vovchansk, when politicians stopped getting into work the military, to ask what, how, whether they have plans, what plans they have, they gave
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the military the opportunity to do their work, we have excellent generals, an excellent general staff, excellent officers and the bravest soldiers of the armed forces, and they showed, they were given the opportunity to do their job, they did, we now have a cauldron of russian orcs, let's say this, the military did their job, and the more ours showed the ability to do their job. the environment is so small that they have caught them in this factory, the unit is essentially the first, it is important, it is the first boiler in a while full-scale, i talked with the guys the other day and the guys said, well, sometimes ours may exaggerate a little bit, 400, 500 people , well, 200, well, maybe 300, well, in the end, he says, we will count them as they are later, we will tell them later and by the heads of what is left, then we will count them they have a chance to give up what they are already doing. that is why, you understand, we must be at the moment when we sit down at
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the negotiating table, we must dictate on what terms, where and how, not russia, but us together with the support of the world, you understand, i am not a politician, i military, so somewhere there are some political negotiations, negotiations, agreements, i will not comment, but now, for example, i really saw that trip to korea, when he went to putin, which i noticed very interesting, remember putin once for... the ukrainian people, the armed forces of ukraine forced putin to discipline himself, once he allowed himself to arrive with a delay to every state leader, even the queen of england waited for putin, the pope of rome waited for him, the presidents were waiting for him for 10-15 times, and even half an hour, until he comes, now he runs to them himself, no one is waiting for him anymore, he runs to them himself, this already shows what russia means in such a state. that they have to run around the world and say who made him do it? we are ukrainians,
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and with the support of the whole world. mr. buchyn, and by the way, what will you say in the continuation, but i will formulate a question, what is the role of china in all this, because we know that they have influence on north korea, is this meeting with their approval? happened, what do you think? yes, let me give the answer to your question, but first i want to smoothly finish what... my predecessors talked about, well, look, we don't have, it makes no sense to talk about any negotiations at all, because putin before these negotiations is not ready, he does not want them, that is, those initiatives that putin calls peaceful, they are actually an ultimatum, and on the contrary, they rather indicate that putin will not sit down at the negotiating table, so we do not need to entertain ourselves with illusions that putin really wants peace, well, let it be on some of its own terms, but he wants if we fulfill him... and leave there and give him the four oblasts completely, then tomorrow he will ask questions, sell
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me dnipro, petrovsk oblast, give me some more there, for what, i don’t know, poltava oblast and so on, that is , putin has no desire to go to negotiations and there is no reason for us to think about them, moreover, those ultimatums, plus those trips that putin has made to north korea, vietnam, they indicate that putin is preparing to a protracted war. putin is ready to go to the end, and also shows that that is forming, let's say, have two opposing blocs already formed, this is the bloc of western countries, conditionally, the democratic west and the bloc of the authoritarian east, which includes china, that is why the answer is: china is the geopolitical enemy of ukraine, the american west. another issue is that china, first of all, is more flexible and wiser than russia, and it, let's say, has its own. the whole achieves such hidden, disguised, covered-up methods, or waits to get positive
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results. second, the issue is that china is economically very dependent on the west, and actually, considering that its main market is america and europe, it is still forced to act covertly, otherwise, taking similar steps as russia, it will simply have very serious economic problems, and the main power of china - this is the economy, this... must also be taken into account, so it is clear that if it were not for the silent or even approving role of china, then it is clear that the meeting between kim jong-un and... putin might not take place at all, or if if she was, she would not be so pompous, showy, demonstrative. ago china is doing its job, and china is betting that ukraine will lose, although it actually declares that the negotiations there are peaceful, it wants peace, and so on. therefore, unfortunately, i completely understand ms. ksenia, but unfortunately,
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there is no reason now to talk about peace, and we talked about a pause, it seems to me that 90% of the time the pause will be beneficial to russia, because russia suffered a pretty significant blow in the early stages of the war, and now it is very important for her to have time to recover, and if we pause now, then we will have much more problems in the future than we have now, so we should not in any way give pause to the enemy, well , unfortunately, it turns out that we have to go to the end and we just have to understand it, and one more moment, we talked about boilers. i may be wrong, of course, but it seems to me that this is not the first cauldron that ukraine made, we had a cauldron in izyum when there was a kharkiv counteroffensive, and we had a cauldron when kherson was liberated, there were also russian paratroopers who got there, why and i ask again, because, well, we, i despite the fact that there is no military expert, but we understand that from the point of view of the military forces, to take the enemy into the cauldron, well, this
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is a great tactical and strategic success, to emphasize all of ours. of course, it is solid, it is very cool, especially in the conditions when russia has the initiative in the field of pain, but this is not the first time, we have such experience, and i hope that we will repeat it, so this is not the first cauldron, but if i am not mistaken, the first such serious operation was in general, such an operational situation was in lyman, when yampil was liberated lyman, i remember it very well, i have a state award for these operations, for rescuing many wounded people, actually, there was an operational situation there, there was a cauldron, there was the only way out for the russian federation, which was completely shot at by us and it was very difficult, i remember it very well, but believe me, it was incredible, it was an incredible pleasure, realizing that there were fewer of us there, ugh, but they were running away from us, and they were running away they had a very strong
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front, and this was actually the 22nd year, when their advantage was huge. and they they outnumbered us then in terms of ammunition and equipment, and outnumbered us in many other factors, so yes, we can do it when we have the tactical and strategic resources for it. yury fedorenko, commander of the battalion of the achilles attack unmanned aviation complexes of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoi taman ivan sirk, is with us on skype. we understand that you are away for a long time, you are here. where it is much louder than in lviv, although there were also flights in lviv this week, so, sir, mr. yuriy, please tell me what the situation is now in to the kharkiv direction, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, i will say a greeting, where we are directly serving the enemy, it is
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very sticky, at the current moment we can say that the situation is fully stable. on the defense forces, the enemy has not been successful on the battlefield for the last 2.5 weeks, the defense forces are implementing work, in particular, the 92nd separate assault force to knock out the enemy behind positions, very active work is underway, and over the past week and a half, the 92nd assault force has taken the enemy two landings, which now securely held, for every action we have a counter-attack, for every advanced position we have a counterattack from the enemy, but one way or another, the positions are reliably held at the current one. and further work is being done to eliminate the enemy from our land. there are very important components that have been added to the general execution of combat tasks for the benefit of the defense forces, this is the powerful work of our diplomats multiplied by the results of the multi-combat. the fact that international partners made a decision and gave the opportunity to hit the territory of the russian federation with high-precision weapons. this spoils
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essential logistics for the enemy. he can't to accumulate right next to the state border line, like this... the enemy clearly said in radio intercepts that in the language of the region, we will say that there will be nothing for us in zalentochka, and the more the enemy can accumulate closer, the faster he heals logistics to replenish his losses, occupation positions, evacuation, transport of various necessary means and so on, now the enemy is forced to migrate in one way or another, we are forced to withdraw our forces and means in order not to be directly affected by the weapons that are transferred to us by our partners and accordingly enough... an impact type of action, for which we would like to thank every ukrainian, in particular those who are currently broadcasting this broadcast, friends, you give us, the main thing, you give us a mace. how we can effectively destroy the enemy across the border, thereby saving the lives of our boys and bringing the war closer, i heard part of the conversation in your studio, if you allow me,
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of course, i will say, i will say the following, there are three steps that the state of ukraine should take here and now , at the present moment we must dig in, dig in as fast as we have ever dug the first, second, third line of defense, the equipment should not stop for a minute, why is this important, so as long as the weapons arrive from our international... partners, a number of agreements have been signed on the systemic support of ukraine there for 5-10 years from various countries, but the main aid is the united states of america, as long as we get this military aid package, we should make the most of the opportunity and shore up our defense positions. also, when the concentration of weapons will be maximally at a high level in the defense forces, plus additional mobilization processes will take place, which will help strengthen combat brigades. it is about the fact that to improve the position of the previous edge means to knock out. the enemy, from those positions that are extremely necessary for further defense. everything else will be, let's look at the schedule of forces, resources, what will the enemy be able to do, what will
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we be capable of? it is possible that we may even be talking about the de-occupation of a certain part of our territory, but one way or another we must have a powerful line of defense. what will happen next? in the event that ukraine will receive a permanent military help, we will be able to fight quite actively in a certain period of time, and it may not only be about victory. in maintaining our positions, but also in the concrete additional occupation of our sectoral lands. if there are failures in the united states of america, one way or another, this war will end in some negative format for ukraine. and it is important to realize that the process of preparation for the second ukrainian company should begin now. the russian federation will come to us again. only it will be a completely different russian army, with conclusions of those shortcomings and problematic moments, let's call it that, which arose in them. on the battlefield, and in 3, 5, 7 years we will enter the battle, where there will be forces, not that they are not equal, but ukraine, i am not sure that it will be able to shoot.
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therefore, when there are talks about mobilization, and now there are a lot of complaints, there are deviations on the ground, i will not argue, but nevertheless, mobilization, it is important when it comes to the preparation of the ukrainian nation, that everyone should be militarily prepared, it doesn't mean that everyone will fight, but it it means that we will have a powerful core... a core that will beat the enemy in the teeth when it is necessary and necessary, so state programs should work already now, politicians should come out and say clearly: friends, from the age of 18 everyone is in the military obliged, there will be a state program, we prepare general military training, give specialized training, put in the reserve, from the age of two to 24 you will not fight on the front line, but at the same time, after reaching the age of 24, you will work in your military profession in case it is necessary state, if the war is over by then. we will have a powerful reserve, with which we will definitely, in general , renew our knowledge, and the russian federation , realizing that we have a powerful army, enough personnel potential, enough
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reserves, god forbid, we will not be eaten by corruption, we will be able to develop a military-orthodox complex, will think twice about whether it is worth crossing the state border line with ukraine again, therefore there is an extremely large amount of work ahead, and addressing the ukrainian nation, i thanked, and now i will say the following, friends, we cannot be defeated by the enemy in battle, we can only be defeated by discord, if we quarrel within ourselves, then it will be easy for the enemy to implement the initiatives and tasks he has set before himself, to destroy ukraine, to destroy each of us, that is why we we should be much friendlier than we were at the beginning of the full-scale war with the russian federation. this should be our permanent state. yuri, what do you observe now in the tactics of the enemy's actions, have they somehow changed their behavior, or is it possible? some new forces in they arrive, that is, has the enemy changed for the summer of 2024 and how, if so, compared to what period? well, let's talk about
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the last six months, because it is important to understand how quickly it changes, yes, that is, we still have to move towards something, in the last six months there has been a significant saturation of uav means, and therefore the front line from... its collision 10 km to the enemy, 10 km to us, it has become as dangerous as possible for any living thing that is there, so robotics are actively developing system is equal to the enemy, and one way or another the relevance and firepower of lightly armored armored vehicles has completely decreased, everything that is in the access zone is somehow damaged or destroyed by the defense forces, so the enemy changes tactics, it accumulates in small groups on foot. uses highly maneuverable vehicles, bugs, adopted two-wheeled motorcycles to maneuver, and many other things that the enemy is used to in order to
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continue to perform those tasks. on vytynykh, if you compare, as you know, the 92nd assault division always fights on vytynykh, where complex events take place from the point of view of combat clashes, what on bakhmut, on the yar stretch of time, what is in the line, what is now in kharkiv region, the tactics of the enemy's actions, it remains essentially unchanged, depending on the circumstances, was the opportunity for them to use a large number of lightly armored armored vehicles, they did it, they got it in the teeth, the strength of the defense was burned, they switched to the tactics used at the time of yar or ocheretin, when they use other highly maneuverable equipment, but at the same time, the enemy can never be underestimated, the enemy draws conclusions, improves, prepares its personnel, and its intentions for ukraine, i emphasize, remain with this enemy, unfortunately, do not change, this is our complete destruction. thank you, mr. yuriy, for this comprehensive, thorough and comprehensive answer, we
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thank you not only for ... negative information, but for that civil position, which i think is worth the attention of many, because really, even if we say about potential let there be negotiations even in the 25th year, because the 24th is somehow not believed, we must understand that on the second day, after the conclusion of which there will be no peace, we must prepare for an even bigger and even more serious offensive from the side. of the russian federation, as long as the russian federation exists, we must remember that ukraine will always be under threat. a short commercial on espresso, we'll be back in 3 minutes and continue our studies. in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why russia has the right of veto on the accession of ukraine to nato. resonant investigation is a road to nowhere.
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