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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive. interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. orban, all
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this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15, at espresso. we are working live, this project speaks for velikiy lviv, and today we are talking about whether there is any framework for the negotiation process with the aggressor, with the occupier of the russian federation. after the peace summit in switzerland, both zelensky and the head of the president's office, yarmak, said that they were at the second summit similar, the russian federation may already be present and a dialogue may begin there, and an important nuance is that we will not have to wait for this summit with our hands, but for months, and now the president's office is actively working on it, meanwhile , putin travels to the same dictators as him, in particular met with kinchener, in.
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yes, and they held a meeting, even signed agreements on joint actions, on supporting each other, in case of which, and this is actually quite dangerous, experts say about this, we showed photos, now we will return it, where that's right, the kremlin dictator in a car with the leader of north korea, and a similar photo from the end of the 30s, i understand, from the past years, this is... mussolini, the italian dictator, the actual founder of fascism, and the nazi adolf hitler. it seems to me that he even imitates this aesthetic, these are not random photos, or maybe i think so, i wanted to ask mr. musician a question, but when we talk about, well, you are not the first time in our studio, and you are the honorary consul of georgia in lviv, i understand that you are in lviv, but we want you to ask about georgia, that is, we understand that when we... try to build some
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formulas, we always draw historical parallels, and there is a historical parallel of the war in georgia, when the russian federation reached almost tbilisi, occupied certain territories, now in georgia are happening protests, while pro-russian forces at the political level managed to gain serious revenge after the russian federation almost occupied. the georgian capital and in fact the situation in could be compared, russian troops at one time stood near kyiv, stood next to georgia, what lessons for ukraine can we learn from what happened in georgia in 2008, both positive, if you think there are some positive points, let's talk about it, and negative, what kind of rake shouldn't we get up? i'd like to go back to those two shots first, huh. the similarity is not
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only between the characters, but also one and two groups of leaders of the so-called food, drive mercedes cars, well, i understand that this is not the chinese version down there, and this speaks in favor of the apologist, at least on ee cars of german production, actually, well, everything is clear with the first photo, the historical gruber, actually, a representative of this country where mercedes was produced, but with this second one... it is quite clear how this one, how this vehicle got there. regarding analogies between ukraine and georgia, i don't see any analogies here at all, except that russia is an aggressor state that occupied part of georgia, and occupied part of ukraine, as well as part of moldova in order to make it impossible in the future, or block, or for on to delay the prospects of the accession of these countries for a long time. to the european union and to the nato bloc, it
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was a far-sighted, multi-pronged, political, military operation that was born in the end. immediately after the collapse of the soviet union, and putin just implemented it. er, regarding the mistakes that may be made, i would dwell a little on other aspects, that georgia, as a state , supports ukraine on all international platforms, including on the ramstein site, voting in the un security council, georgia has always supported and voted, did not avoid - or, that is, was is present and has always supported all resolutions related to russia's aggression against ukraine. in addition, georgian president solome zurabishvili was currently at the peace summit in switzerland, met with our president volodymyr zelenskyi, they had a warm
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conversation, they exchanged opinions and positions on joint integration into the european union and ensuring security. of their states, but it must be said that in georgian society after 2008 there is really such a phantom fear of this aggression, after all, the government of the previous president, i apologize, you not that he objects, but all the same, well, we can say that in some way the russians on the territory of georgia took revenge, well , the georgian authorities themselves screwed up there by adopting the law on foreign agents, imitating the russian federation in this e. imitating, imitating , i want to dwell on something else, first of all, why the saakashvili government suffered a fiasco, why they re-elected and elected the georgian dream, why, because this president and this government lost the war, why, as of today
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, there is no consolidated opposition in georgia that would could oppose in the upcoming parliamentary elections worthy candidates for election to the parliament as well, after that... and the election of the appointment of the prime minister, as of today there is none, unfortunately, that is, there is an opposition, but it is disparate, disillusioned, unconsolidated, and most likely, the elections in october 2024 will show us the coming to power of the georgian dream again, although the collisions may be different, regarding the conclusions, unfortunately ukraine. in 2008, the conclusions were not made, but not only by ukraine, but by us by western partners too, putin's speech in 2007, the so-called munich speech, it was clearly stated there, i agree with mr. vitaly portnikov that, if putin
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says something, he clearly declares his intentions, surely one should not look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if he is not there, he is... absolutely direct and unambiguous: i want one, two, three, i, after all, through the mouth of deputy minister of foreign affairs ryabikin, it seems, or ryabchikov, well, somehow he had such a funny last name, yes, the day before full-scale aggression, it was clear and quite understandable for the event that putin's demands were first of all dotted over and simply... from that dictate and simple conditions to move back to the 1991 line. now we have to go to andriy babichev, a soldier of the 93rd brigade, the cold ravine, you know, but i am very briefly digressing, mr. yaroslav, from your words, and from what, after all, portnikov himself said on our broadcast, in the context the fact that
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putin says very often, and then does what he says, is a little alarming, what is it with putin's mouth in recent days is nuclear. it sounds much more often, that is, he does not say that russia will launch a pre-emptive strike, that is important, but today he said that a strike in response, and a strike in response to what, again, could be, that is, we must listen to it, we should not be afraid of this, but we should analyze it in order to understand the reasons for his visit to north korea, this is also raising the stakes and this is also nuclear blackmail, that is, the continuation of nuclear blackmail, not only the serviceman is with us. congratulations, glory to ukraine, mr. andrii, what is the situation now in the eastern direction, where you are, please tell us and the audience first of all, i wish you health, well, if we take the area of ​​responsibility of the 93rd brigade, this is the area of
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​​plichyivka, andriivka, kurdyumivka, then at the beginning of the week the enemy is very strong went on attacks precisely in the andriivka area. and kurdyumivka, there were such positional battles, there were such moments when some of our positions were repulsed, but the next day we repulsed it back, and thus poured heavily. that for now, for this morning, our attack was like this, that four men were walking, we shot them, that's all, today there were no more attacks in these directions, there were also heavy battles in the area of ​​klychshivka, but our artillery is working hard there, even yesterday there was such a case that a tank drove into the area. guys, our artillery began to work very closely on him, he got scared and drove into a forest there, and there
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he was already taken by guys from another brigade, then they captured the tank, as the turtle was called, along with the crew, there were two men, a mechanic, a gunner , everyone was taken prisoner, it was after that that such large-scale attacks stopped be exactly in our direction. well, it’s been literally two days like this, more or less quiet, but we were going very hard and everyone was told that we are waiting for the next influx, and please tell me , if we talk about how dynamically the situation is changing, and i am sure that it is changing dynamically at the front, and we remember, a really difficult end of winter, the beginning of spring, when... some international media, again, now referring to them, said that the enemy had
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an advantage, in particular in artillery there 10 or even 12 to one projectile, held on ukrainians, and the armed forces held their own with dignity, now the situation has changed, has it not changed, is everything still based solely on heroism, or do you really feel the supply of western weapons, which , fortunately, congress and joseph biden opened to us? well, you understand, we held our positions six months ago, when we were not given anything, and now we are holding, this is an indicator of the fact that regardless of what weapons are given to us or not, our guys are stocky, have a very developed air reconnaissance, uavs, units, who work very very closely. and artillery it works, there are foreign guns, everything, everything works,
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the main thing here is tactics, and to make sure that the enemy bears maximum losses, and we must preserve our personnel as much as possible, then i want to tell you that regardless of what they gave there, they did not give , but in practice, it is our direction of the 93rd brigade, we hold it more than alone. year, one might say, in which settlements the situation is the most difficult now, where the enemy is trying to advance, what does it look like? well, in our direction, the enemy, as i said, was advancing, but now he has stopped advancing, because we have a lot of him have broken the roof, and they do not know what to do with this, and they are stuck in this and think what to do next, but they... have such tools as hail, hurricanes, cabs, in they
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can also develop lancets and kamikaze drones, everything is there, but they also have, i want to say, much more than what we have, but thanks to the fact that we have professionals, we can say experts in their field in kamikaze drones and in other subdivisions, then we point them... you can literally tear them in half. mr. andrii, how is
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the morale of the military now and what do you lack? if we are not even talking about weapons, but in general, what do military personnel need, what should ukrainians understand? well, what do the military need? military personnel, like all people, need to be together with their family, with their children, but... we all understand that we cannot just say that, we all dreamed and we left, who will stay here, then we know , what is needed first... you are the enemy, and then we will return to a peaceful life and everything will be much better than it was before. thank you for this inclusion, and mr. vodovychyn, before i will ask you a question, well, actually about the framework of peace negotiations, if we can talk about its existence, in our chat a regular viewer tatiana prysezhniuk, quoting goldomey, is
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the head of israel when israel waged its important war against, including. egypt and its enemies in the near east. so, goldamey, can't you make peace with those who came to kill you? it would seem like a simple phrase, right? well, but nevertheless, again, there are already two worlds here, you cannot negotiate peace with those who came to kill you, and another, and another camp of people will say that all wars ended with negotiations. interesting question. "first of all, menetician personally, we hear more than once about the istanbul agreements, the new york times published, well, it was actually about the capitulation of ukraine, which scares me, that the ukrainian authorities did not measure up, she said: "well , yes, we signed, but it was in under those conditions
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of march 22, you all understand what the situation was, we had no choice, that is." from the silence of the authorities, i see that they, putin directly says, we have a document on which we agree to conduct negotiations , these are from istanbul agreements, and the ukrainian authorities have never clearly said, we threw this document out of the garbage, because it is illegitimate for one reason or another, we are disavowing it, it scares me, on the other hand, it is correct to talk about peace, i will go into a little deeper history , what we are observing here, we have already... talked about it, this is a clash between east and west, let’s say, but not in such a geographical sense, eastern despotism and western democracy, and in 500 bc such a confrontation was fought between persia, eastern iran, much wider territories and greek democracy, and also the war, which lasted almost 50 years,
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ended in peace in 449, but what kind of peace? and who ensured a demilitarized zone in favor of greek democracy, that the persian fleet was not supposed to sail there closer to the territory of greece, so on such conditions it is necessary to conclude peace, so what chances do we have now, and this is a very important question, which we have already mentioned here , what are we talking about our fatigue, objectively, the weakness of our internal resources, well, proportionality, let's talk. but this is a threat , as we have already said, not only for of ukraine, for all western democracy, and they cannot understand, did not understand in 2008, when russia occupied ukraine, georgia, in 2014, when they occupied part of the territory of ukraine, and they still
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pretend that this is not about them, in fact , putin speaks directly, we also say that he is honest. says, at least in some respects, that he is at war with nato, at war with western democracy, we want to go to lisbon, well, the question is for them, why do they not accept this challenge, mr. buchyn, i have a slightly different position, but i want more to comment on georgia, i agree with mr. ambassador, but the only thing we must not forget is that georgia is very active in helping russia avoid sanctions, and we must also talk about this, on the one hand we have, let's say, support from on the part of the president of georgia, but on the other hand, we have the economic and political practice, other agencies, laws and so on, which indicate that after all, i would not, let's say this, talk about the fact that georgia is now, as of now , i am not talking about
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the georgian people, i am talking about the georgian language the political elite, that she is currently in the category of friends of ukraine, and... now i want to express myself, you know, i am a little surprised by the phrase that putin always says everything honestly and directly, we are now talking about the person who denied the presence of little green men and russian influence in crimea, who denied the downing of the malaysian airliner, who constantly turns black into white and white into black, and so on, we are right now, we meant here that he has been repeating his thesis for a long time, before a full-scale invasion, he said: as things are, ukraine is not exists, there are no ukrainians, and everything is clear, he left, and now he says again: i will not give anything, i will not step down, i understand, but still i believe that putin says what... he needs to say, it is often corresponds to his real intentions, but i would not say that he is directly honest and always says so , and actually in this context, if we
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disagree, that is, i in general, well, my position is personal, i believe that the russian nation and in general, the russian government is probably, well, one of the most lying nations and authorities in the world, because in reality, how much propaganda and pso manipulation and the real transformation of black into white, white into black, phrases about... that it was we who attacked them, and nato attacked and they defended themselves and so on, well, this is absurd. another question is that this absurdity is believed by some, but to talk about honesty, justice and so on, i would rather talk about the incredible lying of this nation, and now for a second, and if we actually proceed from this, we should remember bismarck's phrase that the agreements with russia are not worth the paper they are written on, this is the absolute truth, and we must understand when we talk about any agreements, then... the main problem with these agreements is that they will not be fulfilled a priori. take the history of the post-soviet space after the collapse of the ussr. take the example of nagorno
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-karabakh, where armenia was initially unable to achieve its goals at the hands of russia, signed an agreement, pulled in russian forces, and occupied nagorno-karabakh. the situation was repeated a number of times. that is, russia always uses negotiations only in order to... take into account its mistakes, mobilize resources and achieve what she wants. we must clearly understand that the main problem is that when we sign agreements with russia, they will not be implemented 99 percent of the time. this is the problem. therefore, the only way out of this situation is to make it so that russia, well, give russia such a willful blow that it simply has no way out. and that means we have to pledge it in military terms. in terms of the economic pressure of the international community, the strengthening of sanctions, the maximum armament of ukraine , and so on, so that it simply understands that in there are no options, if this does not happen, we
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will have in a year, two, three, 5, 10, a repetition of the situation, and i agree with the military man who spoke about it, only it will be new russia, which will tolerate mistakes, and which will rise from it even more dangerous, we must understand this clearly, iryna klymenova, yes, actually, i completely agree, because we... understand a very important thing, this is a war for the survival of one of the nations, and it will not be any other way, or we will survive , or we won't survive, that's all, or they'll kill us, and that's what they came for, and that's what they say voice through the mouth or we will kill them, on the diplomatic background, the diplomats, yes, on the economic background, western sanctions, on the human background, our army, but we have to achieve our personal... living, and there will be no other way, and even if we now give them a break, yes, we will give the russian federation a break, and they will mobilize everything, including their
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meat personnel, and remember there that they have 0l first bekhs and something else, and they will pull out, it is unknown since which years their equipment in order to modernize it, and even more will they process some shells, and will learn to kill us, because they came here, and putin himself... does his absence change anything, from a small child, of any age, who can already speak and think a little, to the oldest person in russia, this nation wishes us death, and she hates us, they teach it in kindergarten, it's true, they teach it at any age of children who start talking, they didn't start this experiment yesterday, and they will finish it when it ends physically, and there is no other way, i... i completely agree with ira, but the only thing i ask is, don't call them a nation, it's not a nation, it's that a bunch of murderers, who are also liars, crazy liars, i completely agree with mykola
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that this is a gathering place of these liars, and eh, you know, there is another version, about that, about that power and about this power of theirs, it is also their huge myth, you look now, just yesterday, it seems, there was a study by finnish intelligence that they... took all their, all their army from the finnish border, almost 80% - that's practically all, to bring them here, but they're still they say that they will go there, and they will take the baltics and the like, to believe them is this, this, well, we need to somehow, i don't know, take off the glasses of this fear, well, this fear that they instill in us, because in reality it is not like that, and there is no such 500% increase of theirs. production of weapons, this is also a huge myth of theirs and their plan to somehow disorient us, and
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about peace negotiations, you know, i expressed myself very incorrectly, these peace negotiations are rather for europe, the entire western world, the civilized world to finally came to an agreement that they must fight back against this infrequency, this influx, absolutely not here it is about the subject russia, which must speak at these negotiations, it must be someone who will finally force this mordor, this is it... muscovy is going to fall and collapse no matter how much they support us, no matter how much they support all our partners, they are still not ready to completely cut off all cooperation, absolutely everything, to say that russia is there, well, just cut it off, for them, it is rather for the civilized world, finally this time, ms. oksano, what can this time give them, no , of the west,
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that is, they just what, will the government change? not they will begin to realize differently, well, maybe yes, because, no matter how unfortunate it is for us, but still, when ee ee wartime, er, you see, just like in ukraine, we have a war now , wartime, but everything is still managed by politicians, not the military, not the commander-in-chief, but it 's still wrong. arranged according to me, these are the main driving forces, and the same and on this global scale, this is what will give them, well, again, and the arrangement will probably change, some political players, you look how many of this fifth column in europe got resisted so there slovenes. this same orban and
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similar ones in poland, also this federation or somehow these political confederations, political forces, what is russia, and it is not only on the battlefield and not only with tanks and not only with drones, it works primarily on our heads and on our consciousness and the fear of catching up is the biggest fear of catching up. eyes of this panic, this is the most that they are capable of. first of all, i would like to object to my colleague regarding assistance in circumventing sanctions sides of georgia and russia. georgia does not help russia circumvent international sanctions. in georgia, in tbilisi, in the american embassy, ​​there are 100, out of 102, it seems, diplomats, for such a small country with a population of 3.7 million, more than 100
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diplomats. and now i have a question, if the georgian authorities really helped georgia russia to circumvent the sanctions, or the united states, what those sanctions were imposed by the european union as well, whether they would look down on it, respectively, only after the alleged adoption of the law on foreign agents, the so-called united states states said that they might impose sanctions on the visa regime of citizens of georgia to the united states, and for now they have put it on hold and... they are cautious now about the west, i cannot but agree that the west must wake up, the west has already woken up, the west he woke up, he defined certain goals and priorities for himself, and i can now explain this in the language of numbers, the european union, especially not the european union, all nato members, have determined for themselves 2%, which will be
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2% of their gdp. to finance defense, if previously germany, france, italy, and other leading european countries still avoided it, and while still president, donald trump actually insisted that all consolidated 2% of gdp should be spent on armaments and defense, it was actually the russian war against ukraine that pushed the west to this decision, even with the fact that there is a strong fall in the eurozone. economy, but speaking in the language of numbers, i explain why in my opinion the west has woken up, germany's gdp is $4.5, france's gdp is $3 trillion, italy's gdp is $2.1, it seems trillions of dollars, poland's is $700 billion, this only four countries, i took.


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