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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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understood from the fact that when he made the decision for a large-scale invasion, that he did not have adequate information and understanding about his own forces, about ukraine, well , they miscalculated the reaction of the world, first of all, of course, of free countries, the second point, it is clear that he will pretend from himself, who has set himself up for a long-term conflict, that he can mobilize all available resources for the continuation of the war, but... this may be an illusion, because of course, there are funny examples, examples from the history of the same , the same of the soviet union, which fought in afghanistan, the efficiency of the economy, which was absolutely, well, insufficient, for all those, let's say, expenses to support the eastern bloc, to participate in various projects in other parts of the world. and all this sharpened
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the soviet union together with the fact that the ideology itself was rotten. in today's russia , there is actually no ideology, it is such, you know, uh, you can say, an eclectic collection of various things from the empire of the soviet union, and plus they borrow unambiguously, even in rhetoric, from nazi germany. as far as this structure is so, you know, strong, and what it can hold in the long run, no one knows, so he... he can say whatever, the situation could be different, but it's very good that he says these things, it such, you know, a cold shower, especially for those europeans who so far do not say anything about compromises, that ukraine must make a decision, because this war has come to a dead end, this is a reminder that this war has a genocidal character, and a dedicatory character for ukraine, what if for europe, for the west. in general will be
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acceptable for ukraine to lose and cease to exist and cease to exist as an outpost of the free world on the european continent, then of course you can push ukraine to compromises or reduce aid and then of course putin will be satisfied. well , it is clear that these are his speeches, they are based on his calculations that the political situation in europe may change as a result of the elections to the european... parliament there national parliaments, let's see what will happen in france, but trump's visit to the white house is also important home next year, and it's clear that things might be a little better for him then. i don't know about trump's reaction, no one can predict now, because his horse is so unpredictable, he believes that it is very good for negotiations in both business and politics, no one guarantees that he will, let's say, turn his back on ukraine. once, or not because
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of certain calculations, because of the advice of the military and diplomats, trushniks, cannot change his mind and start putting pressure on russia, especially if he hears and feels that it is possible to win this war and enter history as a man, which like reagan, well, actually led to the collapse of the evil empire, so all these factors, of course, they will play such a negative role for us, it will mean. that he will throw whatever forces he has at his disposal, but on the other hand, we still have time to prepare, we have time to work with this administration in washington, with our european partners, making sure that we have no other options in order to, let's say, remain a sovereign state and preserve our nation, our identity, and for this we need, first of all, an ordinary defense assistance, but also the long-term commitments of our partners, well, actually...
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this is formally invested in the idea of ​​bilateral security agreements that we sign with our partners, which give us some understanding for the future, how we will be supported by our partners mr. oleksandr, immediately after the end of the global peace summit, the ukrainian side announced that work on the 2nd global peace summit was beginning, and both zelenskyi and yarmak did not rule out that this second peace summit could be... you are a representative of the russian federation, at the same time, as the head of the office of the president of ukraine writes in his telegram channel, preparations for the second peace summit are ongoing, and again, again the enemy is trying to disrupt this summit, the russians are upset by the support of ukraine in the west and among the countries of the global south , however, the reality is that there is no just peace, according to the un charter. will win
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the enemy's attempt to change the world order and the rules of the game, they will have to be accepted, is there a prospect that the enemy will accept uh... world order and the rules of the game before the second peace summit and will become one of the participants of this peace summit, as zelensky and yarmak said at one time. well, is it possible to become a participant of the summit, probably yes, there may be such a situation when our partners will insist on this, and we saw the reason why the chinese did not attend the first peace summit, because they think that if russia was there some positive result, and i understand why both the president and the head of the office say that the possibility of the participation of russian representatives is not excluded in order not to withdraw, so as not to reduce the support for us from our western partners, here it is absolutely
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clear whether the russians will blow up the next summit, whether with the participation of russia or not, of course yes, and of course they are partially satisfied. by the fact that a certain number of countries were not present, first of all, of course, this is china, and a certain number of countries did not sign the final communique, which, by and large, is not all that much anti-russian, in this communique everything was in principle from the point of view international law, primarily the un charter, everything was written correctly, and there is nothing to argue with, and it is clear that the next summit, it will consider and... points and more inconvenient for the russian federation, but i want to agree with mr. putin on one thing, that any parameters the end of this war, i am not talking about negotiations or any agreements, any compromises, any
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parameters depend on what is happening on the fronts, and it is clear that the most important diplomats now are not ukrainian diplomats and no. our partners, and this is our military, which create the basis for this war to end sooner. i do not believe in diplomacy with the russian federation as we have no room for compromise as this war is absolutely genocidal in nature. diplomacy has never stopped genocides, it could certainly help the victim of such genocide in some way in ours. in this case, this is defense, economic, humanitarian, diplomatic assistance, as well as the introduction of sanctions, limiting the resource base for the aggressor to continue this war, so diplomacy is diplomacy, but it will definitely not lead us to peace at the end of this year, wherever
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this summit will take place, the most important diplomacy is on the battlefield, and for formal diplomats, let's put it this way, the engagement of the same the same... support, give god, more, so that everyone, everything necessary for our military to protect the state and liberate the territory was at their disposal. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was diplomat oleksandr khara, and friends, we continue our work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please don't forget to subscribe to us. and also like this video and vote in our poll. do you see the strengthening of the fight against corruption in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if your answer is more extensive than two answers, either yes or no, please write
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about it in the comments, it is important for us to know your opinion. well, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and phone, and vote if you think there is an increase in ukraine. fight against corruption 0800-211381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations sergey, thank you for inviting me. so, let's start with corruption, because we are asking our tv viewers whether they... or not the strengthening of the fight against corruption, and today the washington post already writes that zelensky was disappointed by blinken's attention to corruption in ukraine during the last meeting, according to the publication, between the authorities of ukraine and the united states of america, the increasingly strained
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relationship in the fight against corruption, which poses a constant threat to aid to kyiv, i quote the publication, many in the zelenskyi camp argue in private conversations that, while corruption remains a problem, anti-corruption efforts will distract from what, in their opinion, should be the key to victory over russia, the washington post writes. in your opinion, is the current government making enough efforts to fight corruption, or rather, not even to fight corruption, but to remove corruption risks from various operations and at the stage of other operations with money or with tenders for just take away this corrupt component? well, this is a very philosophical question, well, this question should be asked not to me, but to the representatives of the authorities, do they even do this, but i
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i understand why this question is constantly being asked by our western partners, well, look, not a week goes by without some kind of information about the corrupt actions of one or another official appearing in the world media and domestic media, we know that there are more than 100 of them... people's deputies have some proceedings in the parliament, and actually this also clearly does not beautify ukraine. we know that there are proceedings against government officials, a whole, a whole range of government officials. moreover, it sometimes happens that we learn the name of a government official only when they begin to appear in some criminal chronicles. and of course, all this cannot be done. not to disturb our western partners, because money is allocated to support the budget,
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money is allocated to support the army, and actually, if you look, think about how these people, whose decisions depend on the allocation of aid, perceive this information from the outside, then it looks like no matter how much they give to ukraine, the money will still come here and disappear somewhere. accordingly, the motivation is lost, why give money to the country? more in addition, arguments are given to those opponents who do not want ukraine to receive money, and we saw this very clearly, even in the speeches of the republicans, when they categorically dismissed the issue of support for ukraine, certain, of course, representatives of the republican party, in the house of representatives, but not less, it was also. one of the arguments, in addition, when we talk about
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pro-social polls, once again the issue of corruption became dominant in these polls, and even overtook the issue of war. accordingly, this means that these are all the facts, starting from the issues there, which concerned tsc. military commissars and so on, ending with issues of mistrust of specific anti-corruption bodies, all this is put into one such, well, we can say basket, and accordingly carries a very negative, in principle, trail for those of our partners who continue to support us, well, it cannot be like that be that when we say that... we need money, so that certain people there
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explain corrupt actions by the fact that we do not steal international aid, we steal from our budget, well, it looks ridiculous, the truth is, because the ukrainian budget directly depends on direct infusions and on international organizations, on our donors, on western aid, etc. therefore , it will not work to be a fool here, we need to really deal with these issues, and it seems to me that for two years there was such a common consensus that journalists, especially experts, did not focus on the facts of corruption in order not to give precisely the arguments of those who... understanding that it will be on the reputation of ukraine, now it has resulted
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in such a full-scale, full-scale movement or, full-scale washing of her laundry, well, let's say that it is dirty laundry, and indeed every day we have some... proven facts, if this is not corrected, you can be angry with our western partners, say that they are not in the wrong place are watching, you can blame... including western journalists, but do you remember that even simon schuster wrote a very sacramental phrase a year ago: they steal like the last time, and this phrase was not liked very much then, including in office of the president, they denied it, but
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instead, you can only refute what is not true, in this case... there is still a fairly large part of the facts that, unfortunately, have confirmation, and the united states of america is well aware of what is happening with the tenders, what is happening with the use of funds, which takes place with the use of western aid funds, so you should not think that when the funds arrive in ukraine, they are simply deposited here somewhere... and no one sees where they go, well if they don't live on their salary, but they feel quite so well during the war , even ukrainian journalists see it, and of course our western partners also see it, the latest story
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by deputy prosecutor general dmytro verbytskyi, there is already an official investigation that... to his possible illegal enrichment and the property that his girlfriend has, they bought an expensive house there during the war, this deputy prosecutor general drives expensive cars together with his girlfriend, the prosecutor general of ukraine andrii kostin was summoned to the verkhovna rada, he did not appear in the verkhovna rada, although the prosecutor general's office had a prosecutor who was supposed to report on... the accusations against verbytskyi, an official investigation began there. further, the public investigation of the deputy director of the dbr, oleksandr udavichenko, who lives in an apartment in one of the most elite housing complexes in kyiv, says nothing about the fact that the official's declaration about this real estate, which is worth
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$900,000, says nothing. well, that is, stories like this over the last literally several weeks... a lot of them appear in the ukrainian press, i remember very well how in 2016 this law on anti-corruption laws was adopted and anti-corruption bodies were created, how then everyone was proud of the fact that finally such bodies of justice appear in ukraine, which cannot be influenced, what are these, how these bodies will fight corruption in ukraine, what mr. viktor did wrong, well, first of all... sorry, here i may say my subjective opinion, as a member of the commission who elected the first composition of the national assembly. even then, i stated that this was the division of responsibility into different anti-corruption ones structures, will lead to the fact that we will have a problem with the responsible ones, that is, we
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have now on zk. nabu, the special anti-corruption prosecutor's office, we have an anti-corruption court, uh, we have a security service, we have a web, we have, what else , a general prosecutor's office, we have a tax office, we have a bunch of now some bodies that by and large they should bear responsibility and should report to society for their work. instead , you see how cases are transferred from one body to another, certain cases are eliminated and somewhere they are hiding in the shadows and, accordingly , then you cannot find the extreme one, and in the 16th and
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17th years, i said that this could lead to the fact that we will really produce a lot. such similar bodies, but there will be more chaos in this than benefit, i even convinced, including our european partners, our western partners, that this is obviously not the best model that can exist, because there really is no main thing, there is no order in all this, it is already now suspected that she drained some things there affairs with the national academy of sciences. were on this issue, it is not clear how the sbi deals with what matters and how it ends, and therefore... all this rests on only one thing, that in general, this entire anti-corruption vertical, it is ineffective, and the fact that this vertical
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is ineffective proves in particular, the law adopted by the verkhovna rada today on the restart of the bureau of economic security (bep) with the independent selection of a new chairman, which is provided for by this document, regardless of the collective director must... certification of employees, personnel selection with participation international partners and the independence of institutions, well let's actually hope that this whole anti-corruption machine will still run correctly and will not depend on any political decisions or political influences, because they, all these structures were supposed to be independent in relation to the authorities and act proportionally to all authorities and to no one. never mind, one more topic is short enough, we don't have much time on the air, mr. viktor, putin continues to destroy the ukrainian energy industry, and according to the results of a meeting
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with government officials on energy security, president zelenskyi said that this issue will be dealt with by one of the first groups to implement the peace formula, let's listen to the president of ukraine. we have to bring back real energy security in all its aspects and overcome. the russian attitude to energy, to energy resources, as to weapons. this also applies to protection against russian energy terror. the world can help in this as well. already in july, we are preparing the first steps in this direction. also, today i held a meeting with government officials, the office team and the secretary of the nsdc regarding the current situation with the energy sector. we we are preparing solutions that will make the heating season more reliable and give. people have more opportunities to get through this extremely difficult period in terms of energy, shortages and blackouts now. i instructed to present all the details of what
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the state can do and the details of what specific directions in the field of energy should continue to mobilize partners. mr. viktor, how can the world help ukraine and in what way? well, firstly, the equipment. it took about a year to order the equipment, everyone perfectly understands that what was broken russian missiles, the restoration of this will simply take not months, but maybe even years, and accordingly, unfortunately, we have stocks of what we bought there last year to replace the blocks, all these blocks, accordingly, are in very small quantities, i don't know who wrote the speech to the president when he said that we can
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reach large capacities there by the end of the year, now all the energy experts say that it is simply not impossible, uh, the most important thing now is that our, in including western... partners in the current conditions, in the current conditions realities, helped us plan what we need to rebuild, first of all, and what kind of energy, energy system we want to see in, say, 5 years, because it is obvious that the war in gave the opportunity to completely reboot this system now, and it is necessary to understand. that, for example, those samotets, do we need to restore them, or maybe we need to orient ourselves in a completely different way? by the way,
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today president zelenskyi said that schools and hospitals should be equipped with solar panels, that is, there are some moments which, in principle, we are now trying to decide in such an emergency order, of course, that it will take months, and of course that the winter will be extremely difficult, everyone states this and everyone warns about it, but so far there is not a single one, well let's say, a recipe for how to minimize all these challenges that will face us in the winter, well, but this question is not only a question of ukrainians and ukraine, but also obvious. international structures, such as the un, because what putin is doing is inevitably leading to a humanitarian disaster, and this the destruction of civil infrastructure, of course,
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the un should have reacted to this a long time ago, but in the current situation, it seems to me that this is just the right reason now to say, or somehow influence russia, because in fact, they are creating a humanitarian disaster in ukraine , well, they not only create a humanitarian catastrophe, they will thus artificially create an influx of refugees, new refugees. to european countries, because if ukraine freezes in winter, it is clear that some ukrainian families will try to go to countries during this time the european union, where energy will be just fine. accordingly, in this case, there are several tasks that putin sets before himself. thank you, mr. viktor, for the conversation, it was viktor shlichak, the chairman
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of the board of the institute. tutu world politics. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel and on our platforms in youtube and facebook, but we are already summing up our television results of our survey. let me remind you that we conducted a survey throughout our broadcast and asked you about such and such do you see the strengthening of the fight against corruption in ukraine? so 6% yes, 94% no. these are the results of our today. friends, i am concluding our program for today, on friday we will traditionally meet at 20:00 in our studio, there will be the prosecutor general, former prosecutor general of ukraine yury lutsenko, we will talk about everything, there will be a big broadcast, and plus there will be my fellow journalists, kateryna nekrech and marina danylyuk yarmalyaeva, don't miss this broadcast, see you tomorrow.
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