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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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combating drones, they are present on the market, at the exhibition at almost every stand, here there are companies that deal with this issue, they are present complexes of radio-electronic combat and countering drones on large such complex solutions, that is, if we see, for example, the the very french-made armored personnel carrier or bmp or some other armored vehicles, then we can already say that the anti-uav element is already present, of course there is some kind of antenna sitting there and no... i understood that it will be used precisely to press , but not to communicate, if we talk about drones, there are also indeed manufacturers of fpv drones, but not much, i have to say about it, more, of course, there was, for example, what to compare the exhibition in saudi arabia, then definitely in saudi arabia there were chinese manufacturers, other manufacturers in that region, they presented a lot of drones, in this context, at this exhibition, everyone presents various, diverse versions of drones.
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of various types, combat drones, conducting reconnaissance, both wing and rotor type, both suspended drones and non-suspended drones, that is, they see what kind of war is going on, they see what challenges there are, and they definitely try to implement it in their decisions. nevertheless, i would say that this exhibition, it, how to say, such impressions are internal, it is some such certain transitional stage, that is, on the one hand, they understand that the entry of the war into... is already different, and russian - the ukrainian war just demonstrates that when on the battlefield at a distance of 15 km in one direction and the other, everything is controlled and one side and the other cannot take any measures, because everything is controlled, you can launch a guided munition, a drone at any time, there are just a bunch of them, they understand that it is a little different, on the other hand , they have many different platforms, in which , let's say, they have been developed for many years, and they understand that these platforms it is necessary to improve the calculation of this war, and they also understand... that after a while such
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large platforms 5-6 m high with large guns, where everything is inside intelligence complexes and the like, let's say it is such a complicated thing, it is one thing on one side, on the other side very a precious thing, how it will develop further , they themselves do not yet imagine, but they already see that the situation of the course of hostilities, they significantly influence the development of modern technologies, their implementation in armed wax equipment. sir? anton, you have been to the stands of all our companies, you have seen what visitors, foreign experts ask our arms manufacturers, what they ask, what they are interested in, what is the reaction to certain samples that you have, what would i say, i would said so that you know that ukrainian producers, in principle, are also present here, there is also a spec for export, that is , ukrainian private sector manufacturers are represented quite well. to these
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eurosator exhibitions, and we have to understand that we are different, frankly speaking, we are simply different in that we have a number of solutions that they look like this, well, interestingly, they look like this, and what is this, and how is this , and it works, yes, it works, and it is adopted into service, so it is used somewhere and has effectively proven itself, that is, they are still looking closely and looking at it, they are looking closely at robotic platforms, they look closely at... drinking surface ships, especially at magura, they look at drones, panicher, which was presented in a new version, they look carefully at ukraine, and if you simply analyze these stands that were at the exhibition, then of course, of course large companies, such as tales, airbus, they focus attention from the side, from the side of most visitors, but the ukrainian stand is not overlooked, people constantly come in, constantly ask, are constantly interested in the solutions that
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we have and, first of all, robotic ones platforms, and unmanned vehicles, and complexes of radio electronic intelligence, reactor combat, what is presented, it is all interesting and everyone, everyone definitely asks, and definitely asks with an eye on how it is used in the course of hostilities. and something struck you among the exhibits or technological, technical solutions from other countries, which is such that this is something that would be extremely necessary. to us on the battlefield, were there such samples that can be taken, bought and used? good question actually, to say, you know, because they, i say exhibition, it is like that, well, i got that impression, it is a certain transition stage, there is no such universal solution that can be 100% used on the battlefield, because in any case the enemy can find another means to make it possible act. i didn't
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see such, let's say, complex solutions spread over the area, systemic solutions that would allow the system to fight, where at the same time you would have a complex. this is radioactive warfare, and drones, and armor, and high-speed armor, and means of defeat, yes, there are solutions like the french solutions, and the german solutions, and which include these points, but they are cumbersome, but they are big, and we know very well how this big target will be hit through literally i don't know 10-15 minutes after its appearance on the demarcation line, so it's difficult to say that this transitional stage is just right. affects the awareness to the end of how this or that weapon can be used, nevertheless, ukrainian and our ukrainian delegation, representatives and council of the national defense security, and the ministry of defense, they emphasize the attention of all foreigners, guys, come to ukraine, let's try,
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because what you show, tell, it looks good in the picture, but the course of hostilities is sometimes completely different, and the effectiveness is proven in real conditions, not just stands, there were a lot of such beautiful... tanks from france, germany, leopard upgrades, abrams, but they actually look like, well, somewhat futuristic, futuristic, futuristic and artificial in conditions, as wonderful as this tank appears on the battlefield where our military is fighting, what is the future of these tanks, even with larger guns, what conclusions can be drawn about armored vehicles against the background of these expositions of the leading manufacturers of tank weapons, we can say with confidence. that the manufacturers of tank weapons take into account the challenges of today, they really saw how these tanks burn, they try to offer tanks immediately with dynamic protection and a complex of active protection, for the first time it was demonstrated here, maybe i just saw it for the first time, but i for the first time i saw a 140 mm gun here, and in
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principle this futuristic tank that uses this german -made gun, and therefore in principle they understand that the course of hostilities will be done. emphasis on the fact that the enemy will need to be destroyed at a greater distance than what the enemy can understand. the ammunition used must be more effective and hit the target again at a long range, the protection must again be universal from different means of impression, they simply realized that the approach that used to be for armored vehicles, where passive dynamic protection complexes were not used, but simply... there was an inclination towards the use of high-quality steel, high-quality armor, this is not, let’s put it this way, not a complete and safe solution, it needs to be improved, so we see many examples here and from rheinmetall and from other manufacturers, who simply show that it is necessary to use dynamic protection complexes, passive, let's say so, and
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again, they also add active protection complexes to this, so in principle they draw conclusions, the only thing is that again they are more futuristic, as it will again manifest itself in the course. it is difficult to say, mr. anton, thank you very much for these interesting details from the eurosattteri exhibition, i would like to remind our viewers that it was anton mikhnenko, a military expert in the fields of security and technology, these were the military results of the day, then vasyl zima will continue the great broadcast, so stay tuned on the spresso channel, thank you very much to serhiy zahorets, thank you to his guest, we will continue. great, a lot of interesting and important information is ahead, will be now conversations with guests from zaporizhzhia, we also have a conversation with people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko, a discussion of the issue of mobilization, demobilization, rates, plans, expectations and certain results, we will also talk about the military police, and now the collection
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for the repair of armored vehicles, please join and continue donating, we already have a little more than uah 130,000 left out of uah 63,000 that we need to collect, so we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in solodarskyi and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, including tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobiles to the combat zone. groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. please join us, we have already been able to collect well, we and also my colleagues who make these
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collections during their broadcasts, 497,406 hryvnias, much less than what we need to collect, so let's do a good job today and... while you donate, i called, i invite to a conversation dmytro dmytro kyrylchuk, he is a deputy of the zaporozhye city council, mr. dmytro, congratulations. good evening, i looked today at the events, at the enemy strikes, shelling, i would like you to see the general picture of the last day and in zaporizhzhia, in the zaporizhzhia region, enemy attacks, where possible were particularly noticeable, whether this day passed more or less peacefully, i mean, especially those settlements that are closer to the front line, where flights arrive more often, please, well, mr. vasyl, indicate here... yes, what against the background of the fact that the enemy once again hit the critical infrastructure there, on
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the energy facilities that night, yes, in parallel with what he continued to do during the day, that is to attack the front-line settlements of the zaporizhia region, we are talking about eight settlements, according to which he carried out 360 strikes over the past day, i will repeat, and at the same time the key thing is to note that out of everything possible that they have, and in this order, they struck novy andriivka, in particular three... airstrikes were carried out on this, unfortunately, settlement, yes, at the same time, we will note there 169, these were the launches of their various types of bepila, with which they also give nightmares already there to little tokhmachka, malynivka, nova andriivka , including, yes, levadne, and again after all, they fired 13 shots there with the srszv, where are they they can, they get, including the people of novoandriyiv, struck a blow, but... and the small takmashka, well, and most of all, as it is already traditional for them, unfortunately, yes, this is
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artillery, of which there are enough, then they fortune-telling in all populated areas, including the bare field on which they struck, and again, the hammer of the cat, the gobotin, the nuts, including the andriivka imova suffered blows from the cursed rashists, let's add to this, what else do they practice , and here at least we have. the strong point is our defense forces, let's note, yes, that this is an advantage at the moment, we are talking about four means, this is thanks in particular to all those who donate, yes to help the armed forces, all volunteers, all purchases for the brigades, but these means are with our guys now there is a slight advantage in the zaporozhye direction, and this allows us to restrain the damned rashists. including on the small takmashka, where they try everything, and during this previous day,
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their next attack there was again repulsed, but this does not change the fact that the rashists even before the fact that noted that with these attacks on populated areas, they also attack with fbv drones, and in particular, unfortunately, what distinguishes the cursed rashists, and from our specialists, our pilots of the armed forces of ukraine, that these cursed occupiers, they inflict... on the civilian population , we are talking about what, in particular, mr. dmytro, i just wanted to add that the evacuation car of a wounded policeman was attacked by an enemy drone, if i have this information correctly, it happened somewhere in gulyai in the gulyaipol area, a policeman was injured, actually the police participates in the evacuation of the population in zaporizhia oblast, donetsk oblast, kharkiv oblast, well, wherever this help is needed, kherson oblast. it is clear, but the enemy is deliberately hitting these evacuation cars,
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perhaps you have more information on this matter, whether the evacuation takes place in an ordinary car, or are these armored cars after all, and some special ones, well, because we talked recently about donetsk, there are still certain protective structures in the car, and it is not easy prey for an enemy drone, because there are armored plates, and actually more or less like this... the capsule is there to protect both those who evacuate and the residents themselves who are being evacuated, are these ordinary cars in zaporizhzhia, or are there any special vehicles that allow to guarantee a more or less safe movement, evacuation of people? mr. vasyl, you know, here we will make such an overstatement, yes, that the evacuation is forced, well, not that it is, in fact it is not forced, it is voluntary, yes, for which it is registered, and it is important and necessary to evacuate the residents from these territories, yes and here , in particular, we note that according to the statistics, yes, that in in these front-line settlements, including the field, there are about ten
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percent of the residents of these settlements left, evacuation is being carried out, but let’s talk specifically about the situation that has happened, then we should note here that some people are still forced, being in these hellish conditions, they should leave, yes , they agree, and here we note that the relevant services are working, including. the police, and here we note that this is an armored car, for that is used because everyone knows about the insidiousness and what is in the minds of the resolutes, that they are capable of delivering these blows, and 100... there is sufficient protection from the same fiwi drones, but in the hands of a pilot there, who has experience for this performance of these tasks simply does not exist, therefore, in this situation that arose in ulyapol, when the police officers took measures to evacuate a 61-year-old woman whom they, yes
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, they already got into a car and headed there in a safe direction, then this damn rashist caused precisely the blow. and here it was saved situation, that the armored car , after all, the suv was with the patrol police, or rather with the police officers who are involved in the evacuation, we will not note characteristically that this car with the appropriate marking, which is written in large letters that it is the evacuation of the civilian population, does not go here we are talking about whether there are armed forces or special forces who could be a target there, but there for, well, still... the kind of warfare that is there for the rashists, that is, they deliberately struck a blow at the civilian population, and in this situation saved you know, according to the text of this pilot, thank god that it was an armored car and that the landing took place literally a few meters from the car, so the car was damaged, but
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one of the policemen was injured, but the rest after all , there were no consequences for them for the health of the crew of this car, so this is a screaming, screaming case, yes, on the fact that they tend to rush, and they, unfortunately, continue the candy practice, well, we can see from this photo even that the glass there is unusual in this one the car was obviously armored and this fortunately saved people's lives again, but to the good to the good news, 10 children were returned from the occupied territories, in general, this return process is like these children who were... reunited with their parents, or who were abducted by the russians and moved there to some of their special institutions, and this process, how complicated it is, and who there are, is there an understanding of how many children already need to be returned, maybe there are children who remained in the occupation with their families, and how many of those children , which, let's say, are separated from their families, separated
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families, they were simply abducted by the enemy, held, and this process of negotiating, evacuating, how difficult it all is. what is happening, well, mr. vasyl, let’s start from the last position, yes, it is very difficult to negotiate with these occupiers, with this evil spirit, and of course according to the number of this population and in particular children who are under temporary occupation with their parents, this is a subject of statistics precisely these military administrations, and we are talking about military administrations that were created on the basis of these settlements, which are under temporary occupation, of course it's in... a big cluster of work, yes, it's only gratifying in this situation that sometimes, you know, because here as an exception we say in this situation, there is an opportunity there periodically, and even though they are taken away, people return from the temporarily occupied territories, in particular about the last case where the residents who were under the temporary occupation of these settlements in the zaporizhia, kherson, and donetsk
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regions managed to be delivered to the controlled territory of ukraine, that is, 10 children with their parents who lived there simply there, extremely there, in the current conditions, of course, it is about who can be brought here, whether these people succeed , if they are lucky there, because it is in fact lucky, when you know these people who are there for these authorities, collaborators , anyway, they are so uncharitable there in quotation marks, yes, that when people return, they tell about the horrors they have to live with, that is, there in a destroyed house and there from the arrivals in... they settle this person there, this here is the continuation of those stories, you know, when there was still the connection between the temporarily occupied territory of the zaperytsk region there through vasylivka, we are talking about this way , life was so expensive, yes, when such people, who were not liked by these collaborators, yes , were there any denunciations under the commandant's commandant's commandant there, they testified against these people are
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there any neighbors there, or are there any sycophants there , yes, you know these people, then on foot, then through the changing field... they were sent to the side of the controlled part of the zaporizhzhia region, then this situation continues now, that this is bullying where are these people, well, of course, it was lucky that the children were safe, well, we managed to deliver these people to the controlled part, but you know, unfortunately, how to get out of such a story now, thank you very much, and we believe that in the future, everyone will return from the occupation , ukrainians, children in particular, well, then of course with time... they will be able to return home, someday the territory will be de-occupied. dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhia city council, was in touch with us, and now we will talk about parliamentary issues, but directly related to military issues, mobilization, demobilization, military police, and there are still a number of questions that should be discussed, roman kostenko, with us, a people's deputy of ukraine, also
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a military serviceman, and a colonel, mr. roman, i congratulate you, good day, studio, glad to see and hear , first of all, i want you to comment on this statement that was made by one of your colleagues that if the pace of mobilization, i think you definitely have access to information about the pace of their... will not voice it, for it should not be done, but, you, you, i think you are aware of these matters, a that if the pace of mobilization, which is now in the summer, is connected with the entry into force of the law on mobilization and the consequences of this law, its implementation, then by the end of the summer it will be possible to talk about the demobilization of individual soldiers who have been on the front line for a long time and protect our state, these are words. are there any real reasons to say that this could be the case, well, because it is important for those who are now especially at the front, and especially in the third year, i understand, i understand, look, it was said incorrectly,
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the journalists presented it a little incorrectly, directly, the statement was as follows, that if the pace of mobilization remains as it is now until the end of the summer, then it will be possible to talk about a law, a bill on demobilization, er, because we remember when... the law on mobilization, a separate by a resolution , the verkhovna rada obliged the government, separately, when the demobilization provision was removed from the law, i was against this story, but it was removed, and separately we then voted for the government to work on it, and now there was a meeting in the committee, and we are just right there were the ministry of defense, government representatives, er, the general staff. and we asked you , we obliged you, what is your current decision on the preparation of this bill, and we heard that now the pace
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is satisfactory, that is, good, let's put it this way, if everything goes well, they will continue to the end summer, we can talk about developing this draft law, as we shall say, what norms will be in it, what principles will be laid down in it, what will be in it, what will be the specifics, well, no one knows that yet , but this law we obliged, it must be worked out, you know, here i understand, you were accepted that if we talk about it, then it will be demobilization right in the fall, once again we are now talking about a law that will determine this issue in general, based on the situation , and the government has approved the procedure for paying these voted... again, people's deputies of ukraine, and an additional 70,000 hryvnias for those soldiers who take part directly in hostilities, if you are there for a certain time, there is a certain procedure for up to 30 days ,
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again determined by officials, executive power in this regard, and i have a question here, i am not talking about order, i hope that those who are responsible for this will definitely pay money to those who are in certain conditions and perform certain tasks, for a certain time. not to receive what was actually written by the people's deputies is one story, but are there no problems now, at least, are they not addressing the verkhovna rada with the fact that, perhaps the budget should be revised, perhaps more money is needed in order to ensure and mobilized, because by this people who are mobilized, and many people get injuries, unfortunately, people die, and other people come in their place, but it's still money, plus 70 00, are there no requests to the top now? in the future, we will revise the budget, because we may have to allocate additional money to ensure the necessary payments,
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voted, and provide newly mobilized people, and all, everything that is connected with their training and already and provision of everything necessary for passing service on the front line, so to speak, please, well... really, the verkhovna rada is just right was adopted in the same resolution, which the verkhovna rada obliged the government to develop a law on demobilization issues, and there was the question of raising the salary directly to the depth of the company, including, and this was a question precisely to raise the salary to those who are fighting on the front line, and now the question is that this norm has started to work, somewhere it is being implemented, somewhere it already is. is working there at the stage of questions about, see in general, in general , i am sure that the requests will be on, say renegotiation of the budget, let's put it this way, i
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think that... somewhere some issues need to be resolved, somewhere some funds are coming and we will need to redistribute everything, but these are the very requests that we are not paid, let's redistribute the budget right now, i don't i know, the committee makes such allocations, well, or the requests did not come, well, it means that there is money for the implementation of the law on mobilization, which is good and with... of course, if you listen to everything they say, somewhere they pay on time, somewhere there are some problems, well, there are problems always, in any way by the way, i think that if the problem arises acutely, then there will definitely be an appeal and it is worth looking for money, because you know, i will say such a trite thing here, but it is objective in a state of war, that if there are certain people somewhere in the rear, again after all, i'm not talking about the socially vulnerable, there are people who have illnesses, pensioners, somewhere someone can suffer or
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find another part-time job on the front. a soldier cannot find a part-time job, if there are delays in payments somewhere, then we understand that this is a lot of problems, because it is also something to repair somewhere, and to support our brothers, and someone died somewhere, to support the family, well, treatment is always needed, so again, i think that there should be no problems with the timely payment of salaries to the military, although again there are various nuances, i also want you, i think that you have read these stories, here you need to find out how to be a professional lawyer and know all the norms in order to talk about it professionally. therefore, i will not speak professionally, i will ask the way it is presented, and you will already say whether it is a fake or whether it is really true, lawyers are now explaining why in ukraine they are conscripted into the army, well in our country there is currently no conscription, it is meant for serving in a combat unit or there in support units for men under the age of 25, although in our country
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the age limit is reduced by law, well... from 25, are there really such facts, or are there really any norms, which give the right to tsk employees to call up and send men up to the age of 25 to military service, it is important to understand here that there was no betrayal on the one hand, and on the other hand there was an understanding that this could happen to be and in what cases, please, well, we don't have a ban to call up people up to... years, we have a simple concept of conscripts, there are military obligees, and these are two two different categories of people, conscripts are those people who have not completed military service, did not study at a military department, up to 25 years of age have not acquired the status of conscripts, and they are not enlisted, they really are not called up, they can only go at their own will, and this is important for a contract, and for them there is an opportunity to go for annual contracts, and after them, they are already demobilized.
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no one will call them to the example and there until the age of 25, this is our norm they did, and it's a good story when you can enlist for a year, even when you're not yet 25 years old. a different story, if you are conscripted and this includes, if you did military service before the age of 25, if you studied at a military department, or if , for example, you were discharged in peacetime and reached the age of 25, received a military... ticket ee, that you, for example, are not fit in peacetime, but fit in the military, you automatically become conscripted, and by law you can be called up, if you served, for example, at the time of the 22nd year, you were 19 there, at the age of 20, you went to serve and at 21 you finished the term, and 3 days later mobilization began, then you are already a military obligation, despite the fact that you are 21 years old, because you are already i did military service, so once again...
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conscripts are not accepted until the age of 25, and those who have acquired the status of conscripts, as i said, they are completely legal, the law allows this to be called up, plus we have a lot of them cadets of military schools who graduate there at the age of 22, they are also there, they do not wait for 25 years, they also go to lead in formations, companies there already in detail there in a while, therefore a conscript, mr. roman, i am just a conscript who did not do military service, did not study at a military cafe. if he is simply a conscript and is not decommissioned and is not decommissioned, then he can be invited to talk until he is 25 years old, but in principle, no, they do not have the right to take it away illegally , some deputies in the verkhovna rada also say, again, the person will say, and then everyone will discuss it, because after all, a people's deputy is a person who does not just say that he is a person who passes laws, therefore they listen, it is important, it means that it can be
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reduced. even less from 25 there to 24.


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