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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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already somewhere near, half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you sooner, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we... a nation united around you good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue about money, oleksandr morchivka will speak during the war, he is already with me. alexander, good evening. please. i congratulate vasylya, i congratulate the audience. in the next few minutes, i will talk about the reboot of the bureau of economic security, about international aid, and also about the market motionless where are the most expensive houses sold, for
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how much and why is the market feeling pessimistic now? wait for everything in detail, i will tell you in a moment. i'm oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and only yesterday, vasyl, we talked about possible new economic restrictions for russia today, well, at least at the level of... words , the 14th package of sanctions for the country has been approved aggressors, it will be officially approved on monday at the meeting of the council of the eu, more than 100 new individuals and legal entities have been added to the new package of restrictions, in total their number exceeded the mark of 2,200 . in addition, the sanctions include measures aimed at the import of liquefied natural gas, its transportation and investments. well , we talked to you yesterday, maybe, maybe finally. after all
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, sanctions against the russian corporation rosatom should be included in the 14th package of restrictions, but unfortunately, this did not happen to vasyl. well, the kremlin continues a kind of nuclear diplomacy. rosatom is involved in the construction of more than a third of new reactors around the world. this is reported by the newspaper financial times. we are talking about nuclear power plants in china, india, iran, egypt. these are the claws unleashed by the kremlin. the relationship that is now. moscow is building through nuclear projects, surpassing even long-term contracts for the supply of russian gas through main lines. so, the construction of a nuclear power plant takes about 10 years, and the term is a long term, here is a very long commitment for the country to also have a presence in the operation of the reactor, well, it is 60 years in general, then if it is necessary to dismantle this nuclear unit as well. a lot
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years, it is from 10 to 20 years and requires significant funds, we see that such a number of years are approaching, that the presence of russia where it builds reactors for nuclear weapons, well, i don’t know, vasyl, it’s just forever, well, besides that, that in addition to those people who are building, there are also people who are engaged in completely different matters, and who promote the interests of russia in their agents there and so on and so on and so on, that is, it is not a gas needle, it is essentially. .. a multi-year nuclear needle for those countries that cooperate with the kremlin, that are dependent on the kremlin, because any malfunctions can lead to a disaster, well, therefore, of course, this is maintenance, these are spare parts, that is, countries that build nuclear units in themselves, together with nuclear, nuclear waste and maybe, maybe really, i will not delve into subtleties, it is really difficult to do, to introduce these economic restrictions for rosatom, but it...
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it is necessary to make such an opinion also not only the expert environment, but also the representatives of many states of the european union, i am sure they will come to this. and about international aid, the lithuanian network operator will transfer a support package to ukraine for the restoration of the energy infrastructure. the company informed that they are preparing support for kyiv, this is a substation, as well as additional equipment for uninterrupted operation of the power grid. this will help to rebuild. ukrainian energy industry after the war - summed up the lithuanian partners of ukraine. rebooted. the bureau of economic security will be new. the verkhovna rada adopted the corresponding law. the text of the document was agreed with international partners. now a new head the bureau of economic security will be appointed through independent selection. there will be re-certification, personnel selection. they will take part in this process. foreign experts and
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ukrainian business. adoption of the initiative was one of the requirements of the international monetary fund, as well as a recommendation of the g7 countries. let's listen. about the direct speech of people's elected officials, in the law, for some reason not all colleagues read it, but the law says two months for the formation of the commission, clear terms that are established, and for restarting the commission for the appointment director and for the re-certification of all staff, 18 months is a cut-off period, that is, not after 18, but during 18, this is exactly the period when it is possible to do normally. i believe that if you take and put on the table the draft law, the draft law on saf, prozk, on the election of the constitutional court and the management of the ebep, the best version will be the trial law, which
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will be today, and to check whether i am right, you will see , as in all subsequent reforms, and the biggest one is the reset of customs, will be used exactly. for wording that we they gnawed, well, with their teeth in the literal sense of the word, well, as the people's deputy said, they gnawed their teeth, and maybe in the literal sense of this, in the literal sense, and finally it happened, and it is precisely on this news that, i am convinced, the international monetary fund will soon issue us another share of money from the special fund that is with the imf, the government informed that it is about more than 2 billion dollars, well, there is a decision of the verkhovna rada, there is also money, there would be more such decisions. there is an offer, and is there a demand, why ukrainians have started to buy real estate less now, this is our topic further conversation, we will talk with
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viktoria bereshchak, a real estate market observer, she joins the column. greetings, good evening. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, ms. victoria, well, i came across it. on analytics about the real estate market and they say that it is now in such a pessimistic state, in particular, it is clear that people have less income, reserves are running out, who could buy real estate has already done it, someone has gone abroad with their capital, in your opinion, what is currently in the real estate market and what is in demand is it primary, primary apartments, new buildings, or still cheaper? they are trying to buy safer apartments on the secondary market in other regions. let's be honest with you, we're on a rollercoaster ride right now , from the market down to the so-called stagnation, and up when even a little bit of demand recovers. in fact, the market is balancing
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and it has overcome the worst first wave, which means that the developers must have licked the pace of construction. yes, they are sinking, we... know that two years of war cost us an average of 35-37% of the tempo yields have fallen, but nevertheless, the market is recovering gradually, and in the conditions we are in, this is a good signal. the restraining factor, you rightly say, is limited demand, and there is nothing to change here, because the real incomes of the population have decreased, those who could have already realized their, their desire to acquire real estate and now... in fact, the market is calculated in a certain way miraculously , this miracle can happen at the expense of government programs, there is housing and there is recovery, we also know that there are housing, there is recovery, they can even integrate, that is, you, conditionally in other words, you can integrate, there is recovery by receiving a certificate for a destroyed home, for
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destroyed property with a home, thus buying a new home, this is also an option, but these programs, ms. victoria, these programs are also essentially a bit yes.. failure, if at the beginning they were actively functioning, now there are also certain delays, and this in fact slows down the market, as you think, the language has been removed, in fact, the funding of these programs is not elastic, it is also limited, we know that there is a recovery was financed by the assets of russian banks, they are running out, our international partners join in, but not all people prefer to go to the first place, but choose the second place for themselves, according to statistics 94-96%. per hour, they fluctuate from month to month precisely on the secondary market, why so, because people are not satisfied with the real pace of construction, it is actually about the fact that the development business is now grazing the rear, and not only because of imperfect financial models, when, relatively speaking, they liked to breed pits , take money from new
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construction, start a new one to earn even more, and now, when there are no sales, there is no what to build, but also due to the fact that some companies, to be honest... take a position that is incomprehensible to me, and having capital to continue construction, in fact limits it. average delays on the market reach 18-24 months, that is 1.5-2 years. that is, one must understand that people do not want to wait for their apartment and the keys to the apartment. at the same time, a good signal for us is that the market is functioning even in these conditions, and we are talking about the fact that it managed to recover an average of 25-27% of the total volume of transactions. which were in the period before the full-scale invasion. however, not everyone is lucky to sell, as a rule, these are those who build with normal construction dynamics. at least one floor of the monolith in the warm season, or 6-8% of the total readiness, and those who build
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high-quality housing, which ukrainians need today, is primarily housing that is provided with energy independence, that is , at least there is some generator on the first lines, on among the first buildings that liven up its critical infrastructure, elevator equipment , etc., this is housing that has infrastructure and you don't need to leave the territory, because... today we still spend more time at home, and it is housing in which a community is created, it is now critically important for ukrainians to know with whom they share their space, that's why these complexes are actually now they buy, they are built and sold, but the majority of the market is the so-called mass market, it is stagnating, and this must be recognized. mrs. victoria, if we talk about the mass market, well, in particular the secondary market, i came across interesting information from the lun real estate sales site today. on ooko and there they write that now on the second most expensive city is
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ivano-frankivsk, is it really so and why is that geography, in your opinion? in fact, lviv, ivano-frankivsk and uzhgorod share the primacy and alternate between themselves. this is a natural fact. at the beginning of the war, we remember the jump in prices on the secondary market in the western regions, when prices rose by x2. three times both for rent and for sale, and in fact these prices will continue to be the same, due to the fact that, after all, people who left are still waiting for various reasons, some have lost money, some are not ready yet to return to their regions, even in some places they are not ready to return to kyiv, and of course the regional markets of the western regions, sensing the opportunity, they do not go to lower prices, but believe me... this situation will not always remain, however, we see that
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the regional markets are not can satisfy the offer, the quality of the offer, absolutely all the demand, and i think that it is very important that the actual state programs, in particular yeosel , can stimulate people who have the possibility of a security factor to return home and live, and distribute the load. yes, the social situation is evenly distributed across the regions, thank you for the excellent analysis, indeed, kyiv is still losing as a percentage of housing costs on the oil market, but i am sure, in particular, that the market will stabilize, well, in the fall, at least traditionally, we will see a new picture, victoria bereshchak, market observer real estate was in touch, i will finish my column, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us. a four-hour film
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about the occupation with an intermission was shown at the mykolaychuk open festival directed by steve mcqueen, which tells about the occupation of amsterdam by the nazis for five years. is it possible to draw a parallel with the occupation of ukraine? my colleague, ski spectator lina chechenina, will tell, and she will also tell which tapes are worth watching in the following days of the festival, who of course has the opportunity to join. olena, i don't have the opportunity to participate, you do, so please tell me, good evening, good evening, vasyl, i am very happy for the people of chernivtsi that they can participate in so many cool, really cool films about the occupied city, and i will talk about the parallels in a second, i would, to be honest, draw more than just parallels. i would like us to have a similar film, even a series, and we remembered that something similar,
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our directors filmed about babin yard, it is really about a film of almost four hours, 15 minutes long, an occupied city, and which tells , which shows us shots of modern amsterdam, well, not so modern, during covid, and in the background excerpts from the book wife are read. directed by yanka stinger, who wrote a huge book where she described almost every street in amsterdam, she is dutch and described what happened on that street. what happened in these houses during the nazi occupation of this city, really four hours, but it is very exciting to watch, because you understand that there are a lot of completely different dramatic facts in this film, when this film, if it is released or if there is legal access somewhere, be sure
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to watch it, and regarding the parallels with ukraine, first of all, there are really many parallels with the occupation of ukraine, also with this... and the occupation of the current territories already by russia, and well, you know, i think that anyway, it is a similar film, we already have oksana karpovich's peaceful people, which was also shown here at mykolaicha popen, you may already know, it is a tape that shows footage from de-occupied territories, and intercepted conversations of russian military personnel with their relatives are heard, of course, in general, this is a must before watching this film. when it comes out in brocade, we will remind you, well, i will also tell you what awaits the audience ahead, the festival will be closed until sunday, there are large blocks short meter, there is an industrial section where you can hear there, for example, that ukrainians have started to watch mostly on streaming platforms, it is really very interesting when the owners of these streaming sites tell, where are various films,
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shows, and what ukrainians do there they are watching what is in the charts, what films, what shows and... there will also be a film forever, forever by anna boryachkova, it will be released tomorrow, i advise you to watch it if you are in chernivtsi, it is a story about teenagers who are experiencing, well, their teenagers standard issues, but that's about it mixed with violence, it is mixed with the fact that the background is the ukrainian 90s and all the things that are happening, anna boryachkova is known for shooting music videos, and therefore the picture is very special, very bright, and... if you love it, be sure to watch it if you are in chaknivtsi, the film will be a hit at the ukrainian box office, and also the mykolaivych kopin festival will end, will close with a film about nazarry yaremchuk, and i have already been told that around this film about our singer, musician, maybe some certain scandals, because as far as i understand, there is a little misunderstanding
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between the children of nazarry yaremchuk, someone wants this film to come out and be, someone... does not want to, well, it will be interesting to watch, it will be interesting to watch this film first, and i want to say that this period of the 70s in ukrainian music is extremely popular and even got its name the 10th fan. that's all i have, vasyl, and i continue to watch films at the festival. thank you dear chechnya. we are waiting for new, new information from her, new impressions, new emotions and advice on what to watch, and i am very happy for all those people who can really join in watching films at the mykolaychuk open festival, and you can join in hearing about the weather for tomorrow from our constant host natalka didenko, mrs. natalya, i congratulate you, please
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give me a word, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, my dear viewers, now we will see, listen to what the weather will be like in the near future... and not only about the weather, as usual, literally in a second. i want to say, remind, suddenly, who forgot or didn't know, today june 20 is the day of the summer solstice, actually the longest day, well, if you fall into some kind of negativity, well, in fact, winter is already starting, but in fact it's not true, only summer is just starting, today is the day of summer. solstice, but today we will talk about strawberries, one of the brightest and tastiest symbols of the season. strawberry is the only berry in the world, the seeds of which are located outside, not inside, and these seeds are called nuts, the fruit of the strawberry itself is polycotyledonous. who would have thought? strawberries have many wonderful
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properties. its composition is very close to aspirin, so it relieves headaches. pomegranate, rich in copper, strawberry juice, a real remover of age spots and freckles, and you can also whiten the skin, that is, in cosmetology, and helps whiten teeth. cosmetologists, take heart. strawberries can have a positive effect on memory. we will need all this very much, because according to scientists, the substance contained in strawberries can even be used to treat alzheimer's disease. in addition to red, there is another white strawberry, it appeared. in the middle of the 18th century, well, it is clear that as a result of crossing, but now this species is lost. the largest berry was picked in 1983 in the state of kent. yes, her weight was 231 g, but the host said, actually, if it turns out to be a driver, sour taste, well, that's right, everything that is big is not necessarily good, and one of
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the tastiest dishes i read is considered to be strawberries fried in butter with black pepper , well, it’s already something so scary, in my opinion it’s just great to eat ordinary strawberries with ice cream, sour cream or just everyone likes to take it by the tail, and in a word, it is a wonderful, useful, tasty berry, not just a berry, but one... of the symbols of the wonderful summer season. we're moving from the delicious strawberries to the higher realms, so to speak, and we'll see if there are any magnetic storms tomorrow. and now for your attention, here you can see the forecast diagram of the earth's magnetic activity, and it is clear that at the end of the day there will be some kind of activation, but in general the situation is quite stable, so we can calmly move on to the weather of the next day and see together what will happen. on june 1, we traditionally start from the western regions of ukraine, so tomorrow , june 21, the air temperature in the west of ukraine will be quite high, 26-30°, it will be dry,
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sunny, such a moderate, good summer, and today's strong wind will subside. in the north of ukraine , the wind will also weaken, although it will remain northwesterly, the air temperature will be from 24 to 26°, and precipitation is not expected. in the east of ukraine tomorrow the heat will ease, there will not be those 33-34, as you can see, a very comfortable temperature situation, 26-28° without of rain, but wind with gusty gusts is still possible in the east tomorrow, be careful. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow , the weather will be anti-cyclonic. precipitation is unlikely, there is a lot of sun, the air temperature is 25-29° above zero, that is, the heat is so special. it is not expected, in the south, it is dry in the south, the air temperature is also, as for the south, very comfortable, 26-29°, and in kyiv tomorrow the weather will be great,
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today's strong gusty wind will weaken, the maximum air temperature is +25°, and precipitation is not expected , and literally i would like to say that there are a lot of horror stories in the media right now, which is scary. heat and indeed heat is observed in the balkans, in italy, but ukraine will not be affected by such anomalous, strong heat, we have, as always, a moderately continental climate and excellent weather. keep an eye out for our updated predictions on the espresso channel. i absolutely agree with ms. natalya that, first of all, something is abnormal right now, we have abnormal cold and abnormal heat. yes, it was like that, and once it was even worse, once it was better, once it was such that in general there was no summer for the whole year, or somewhere the sun disappeared, because there were
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volcanic eruptions, there were many things in history, much worse events, therefore, in principle, the worst event in which we live is war, so i think that we should help the armed forces of ukraine in order to win this war against a more numerous enemy, but definitely not a stronger one. now , at the end of the ether, let me once again remind you about the collection. we collect for the needs of our soldiers who are fighting in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, we need to collect 630, hryvnias for minibus, you will now see a qr code that you can follow, i hope my colleagues will now demonstrate all this and we will be able to raise a certain amount of funds there, and therefore a minibus is needed to transport her mobile repair teams to the so -called gray zone, where our soldiers work in any weather during the day and... at night and of course this minibus will, first of all, facilitate and speed up the time to deliver these mobile groups, well, on the other hand, it will save the lives of those soldiers , which will be appeased in time
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equipment and they will be able to use tanks and bmps and armored personnel carriers, i see they have a qr code on the screen, well, well, in any case , you can always find a qr code on the espresso website and on our broadcast join and donate to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, this is not the only collection that we conduct. there are other meetings, so join the meetings that the espresso tv channel, the espresso website, our social media platforms are doing, at the request of our soldiers, and for sure this money will go to the victory of our country in this fair for us and unfair for the enemy, and therefore losing wars. good evening, we are from ukraine. 10 years of war, 10 years of hardening. ukrainian
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nation. espresso tv channel prepared a documentary about the key events of our history and extraordinary people who directly influenced its course. it is here that a ten-year history is documented, from the maidan to the present day to the full-scale invasion. there are many documentaries, but there has never been such a clear, concrete chronology of this particular period, well, so far. everyone will see it. to the film that he understands, or wants to understand, and everyone will see something different, it was important for me, in the context of a slightly reduced attention of the western audience , to show what is actually happening in ukraine, what happened in ukraine, why it is happening in ukraine, especially in the context of counter-propaganda with russian information...
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the voices of the ten-year history in the film were outstanding ukrainians, journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira volunteer ambulance corps, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman town hall all three named characters of this film, i.e. tyra, tatyana. chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes, they are undoubtedly those people who gave the most for their tribe, and roman also gave his life. the film tells about triumphs and defeats, challenges and victories, achievements and transformations that happened to each of us during these 10 years. all the events are there,
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starting from the maidan. and concluding with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people, the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine, he on the one hand so historical, just retelling events, and on the other hand, very emotional, because these events are retold through people's lives, and i think that's the key to understanding. work on the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work lasted almost a year. in the end, watch the film. world in two versions, in ukrainian and in english, because, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach the foreign audience and show the way ukraine and ukrainians have come over this decade. the more films there are about the war in ukraine, the larger their audience will be, because each work of art finds its own audience, and people who may not have been affected by another film will be affected by this one, and those who were not
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affected by whose film will be affected by others, the main thing is that it is author's view, so that people see war as a tragedy, so that they see people in war, and this is very important for the future. american director of slovak origin oleg garenchar became the director, scriptwriter and producer of the film. the tape was realized by the espresso tv channel together with the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum supported by the usaid media program in ukraine, which is implemented by the international organization internews and the development fund. of the us embassy in ukraine. for us it will be a movie of memories. that is, when we watch these footage, we will think where exactly i was, around which corner i was standing on the same square, when those things happened, or when the boys were shot. therefore, for us, these are memories, but we did not do it to remind ukrainians of these 10 years. we did it to show this story and these
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stories. to all ordinary citizens. the tape lasts for two hours and covers not only the stories of the heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state, the visa-free eu, the creation of the ocu, and the adoption of the law on language. the first viewers of the tape share their impressions, they were most impressed by the never -before-seen archival footage. i, since i myself live inside these events as a citizen of ukraine, to say the least... never- before-seen footage with roman ram. when i started to remember his whole life and especially from the year before the war, i honestly got goosebumps. i sat, watched, i looked at these beautiful people, on taira, on svitlana, paevska, on definitely.


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