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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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you are more expensive, for example, countermeasure systems, so there are, for example, the same vampires that help work on these air targets, and if we talk about the use of the same cheetahs and vampires, that is, how many of them are needed to close the territory of ukraine, well now i do, well, i understand that you will not tell me everything completely, well, at least the order, well , a lot, let's start with what, in principle , we say about these systems of small radio frequency, but here again and... i repeat that in in principle , the system of work of mobile groups is unique and it is more qualitative, that is why we say that the creation of mobile group systems will continue to be effective, but here it is necessary to directly increase detection systems, that is , when we see a group of bipols moving along a separate route, an approximate calculation is made of where they are going are moving and their mobile groups are already there waiting for them, but there will already be work, for example, an automatic system of destruction, targeting and destruction, that is , pods... speaking of this, i understand that we
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are now talking about the creation of such four levels defense, one thing is what concerns there, well, iskander, there is a caliber, something like that, more so powerful, the other is shakhet, yes, and also like that, that is, that, that sums it up, just one, two, three , starting simply by classification, we take ballistic missiles, aeroballistic missiles, cruise missiles and, for example, bepols of various types and, for example, or short-medium -range unguided missiles, that is, we are talking about the creation of low-level systems that will be intercepted at the expense of work new modern radar systems, because it should be noted that again, this is a completely new direction, and here we need more high-quality and high-tech weapons. tell me, is it theoretically possible to turn off these drones, well, with some kind of directed radio signal or something?
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such, there is such a possibility with pulse signals, when a certain problem is created and this means is simply blown up in the air both by laser systems and by electromagnetic pulses, as much as possible, but it needs to be developed, that is, we have not developed it now, i think so i understand, well , the british promised to give us a laser system, but for now there is informational silence about this, but nevertheless it should be noted that there are a number of developments in ukraine that are now a... advancing, which are now being justified, well, we just wish you very big such success and promotion, because it is very necessary, that is exactly what i believe, uh, tell me something else, what is the difficulty in closing the front-line territory from strikes, well, those, for example, by su bombers, what are the biggest problems there, the front-line zone makes high-quality work impossible, for example systems,
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air defense, because due to the radar equipment included in them, they are very visible to the enemy and can be hit, for example, from the same artillery or there from other means of close range, therefore, in principle, we are saying that in front-line it will be better for the zone to work with aircraft on air targets, which will try to drop or air-guided aerial bombs, or, for example, launch short-medium-range missiles, so it is still more effective to work from the air, but nevertheless... nevertheless, as we can see, our military well done, even with man-portable manpads that allow them to destroy russian planes. well, when these planes fly in, well, to some appreciable distance there, when they drop there from a distance of 40 km, then i think manpads will certainly not help, here a little, again, our guys work for us, enter the territory and are working out, so we see such results, and this is very positive, but in fact it is very difficult and...
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it would be much easier to manage it, for example, by aviation due to the fact that the same f16 aircraft will be able to operate at a distance of up to 185 km, shoot down any enemy target. but you know, tell me what we can solve in general, what problems can we solve, in the case of the arrival of the same f16 planes, and what , after all, should we not count on the fact that this will allow us to solve them? well, again, let 's start with the fact that the acquisition of f-16 aircraft... is a significant strengthening of the forces, the air force of ukraine, because due to the acquisition of more modern, modern aviation, we must not forget that not just f16s are being transferred to ukraine, but transferred together with airplanes long-range detection by swedish saba, this is a significant increase in the capabilities and improvement of the tactical and technical characteristics of the aircraft, because we, for example, in combination with the work with such aircraft, command aircraft, we can say that our f-16 will be 4+ generations, ah,
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again , due to the fact that they can work with exceptional radar systems and receive tasks and target guidance from directly already. remote sensing aircraft. and here we are talking about the fact that due to the operation of these planes, which will do reconnaissance, they see not only air targets, but they can also see ground targets, that is, we are talking about the air, the enemy's air defense, about the movement of military equipment, and again, there is accurate targeting and target identification for the f-16, that is, we are talking about the fact that our planes will be able to work more safely along the front line or near the border and work on... important objects both on the territory of the russian federation and on the territory of temporarily occupied ukraine, so in principle here a lot of pluses, it is clear that you want, say so, say, i hear you a large number, but nevertheless we will count on what we have now, and
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you know, here is the last thing we heard about airplanes, that they will still be sometime this year, but we remember there once before they said that there will definitely be summer on the 24th, well, summer is already going like this, now, well, as if this year, it is not known when, do you know if there is no impression that this transfer of planes is somehow delayed, is everything normal, maybe you can clarify a little this situation, if you know, well, actually, let's go back to the fact that pilot training involves more than just teaching pilots to fly. actions, that is, we are talking about the possibility of working out as part of both the aviation link and the aviation, certain tasks that will be faced by our pilots, again, now we are talking about the fact that two long-range detection aircraft, sab command aircraft are being handed over to us, so here, too
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, it will be necessary to practice training together with these planes, and i think that there is a greater need for trained and well-practiced... eh commands that are currently taking place, that is, we are talking about the fact that even the pilots who have already undergone certain training are now practicing certain exercises and are already preparing for, for example, some combat operations or combat tasks taking into account the territory of ukraine or the territory of russia federation, that is, we are talking about the fact that there is a need to work out future ones, for example, some tasks that will be done on the territory of the russian federation or on the territory of temporarily occupied ukraine. so actually. we're talking about what's here, well, i'm not i see some kind of delay here, there is an understanding that , in principle, there is a gradual acquisition of certain opportunities and an increase in opportunities, and due to this, there is simply an understanding that it is necessary to train pilots more deeply in some direction or, for example, to obtain some
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additional knowledge, well, we should not forget, that, in principle, the infrastructure of ukraine is already ready to receive aircraft, moreover, we even already have facilities for training, ground facilities for training. we are talking directly about augmented reality simulators that will allow, for example, pilots perform certain exercises first on the ground, and then in the air, and one should not forget that there is already a trained group of engineers who are ready to meet the planes in ukraine. well, literally today the statement of the american spokesman, i just don't remember who exactly, that after all the planes will be based on the territory of ukraine, that is , it is not about the fact that they will be there. will fly from some romanian bases there or something, but it will be on the territory of ukraine. i understand that this is also a significant and already such, you know, preparatory, well, how to say, clarification, well,
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maybe there is preparation of the general atmosphere and what, speaking of approach, actually, the planes are approaching. you know, i would like to discuss one more such aspect, very briefly. er, this is actually about radio-electronic warfare on the front line, that is, directly, well, that is, our drones are flying, russian drones are flying, and at the moment, a lot of people are talking about the fact that the russians seem to have the upper hand in radio-electronic warfare, us in this regard , they succeed more easily, how do you rate this one the situation directly at the front? well , again in different directions. the situation with the presence of radio electronic warfare means both of the enemy and of us, so it should be noted here that, in principle, if we talk about russian radio electronic warfare means, then i constantly say that they are overrated, because these radio electronic warfare means, which are in classical performance, what russia has been actively developing recently are means that
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provide, for example, the suppression of signals of both navigation and mobile communication or, for example, the communication of a conventional classical radio, and therefore, what now... needs a large number, is a countermeasure against classic civilian uavs, which are now actively used as combat, and in principle, that ukraine, russia faced... the lack of such means in the armed forces , that is why we are actively developing it now, and the russians are also trying to somehow replace it, but china is actively helping them in this matter, and with regard to ukrainian means, it should be noted here that the number of companies that deal with means has increased by a lot radio-electronic warfare, and for example, on our own experience, we are already working with our own developments, with our own systems for creating interference and amplifying the signal, that is, we say that most of the components that we... we purchase components, but we do not purchase, prepare solutions and we are developing our own systems that help our
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military defend against attack or reconnaissance drones, so in principle, in perspective, i would say that more ukraine, because, tell me, do we have a connection with a guest, because something is not clear a little you hear me, i'm sorry, yes, there's just something like that, here something breaks the connection, maybe there's a light somewhere, now you can see normally, so in principle you can continue, you know, that's why, yes, yes, please, well , ask, i just, i heard the other day, just, well, the russians were bragging that they had now developed some sort of shock drone that doesn’t work... at those ee frequencies or something, that mavik, and it’s them , supposedly will allow, well, somehow
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to silence the mavics, without being afraid, at the same time to silence their own saw, well, first of all, to what extent is it possible in general, is this a reality, is this some kind of boasting, and secondly, well, actually in this context, what are the possibilities in general, well , let's not reveal a lot of details there. but we note that, for example, most of the systems that are purchased by the russians, and we know about this in advance and understand what frequencies they will switch to, so if they are happy about some frequencies, they can be happy, but they must be ready that in there is already opposition to us, because in fact we are actively working in in this direction, we need to understand where the enemy plans to move, so again, we have a ready solution at all ranges that can use weight. and how to make sure that these ready-made solutions do not jam our own uavs, because as i
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understand it, this is also a serious enough problem that someone constantly starts working with radio-electronic warfare, and as a result, ours also fall, communication issues in fact, here we are talking about the fact that, for example, we have some systems that we can implement already artificial intelligence that will allow us to check and detect, for example, the possibility of suppression by ... a certain means that belongs to our defense forces, so in principle there are certain developments here that will allow us to actively work and not harm our own disembodied systems, but again at the moment, while it is being implemented, so to speak, we need to, well , most of the military knows that the key to success is good communication between units, thank you, we spoke with anatoly khrapchynskyi, the deputy general director of the company, that deals with radioelectronics... bobo is an aviation expert. thank you very much for joining us and
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explaining everything in such sufficient detail. i remind you about our collection for the repair of armored vehicles, be sure to join it, because it is very important in the war zone to restore vehicles. it is very important when our fighters have the opportunity to use it. that she, you know, recovers and actually goes into battle again. well, we will meet with you in a week. stay with us on the express tv channel, we still have a lot of interesting things for you. oleksandra talks about her father, who went to defend ukraine from the invaders. oleksandr kovton, with the call sign a student, almost never had anything to do with the army before the great war, he worked on the railway. the woman says that she and her father did not communicate much, because the parents lived separately, but the war changed everything. despite all the refusals of his relatives, he firmly decided to go to war. even
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a head injury he received in his youth did not stop the warrior. the man passed a medical examination and was not contacted for a month. he called me back to say, hello, i'm fine, i'm alive. it the very first words were and then i say to him: papa, do you know, i say, that you have, i say, born, i say, a fourth granddaughter. and he says, no, he says, no one told me. i say, yes, i say, you have four grandchildren, two grandsons and two granddaughters, and he was so happy, he is a mess, are you serious, i say yes, and from that moment we started talking, he asked me, drop me a photo... oleksandr kept all the photos in his phone, was proud of his grandchildren and often asked about them and, whenever possible, went on a video call. fought a man in the area of ​​the village of urozhayne, volnuva district, served in a separate presidential regiment named after hetman bohdan khmelnytskyi. the daughter remembers that the most terrible moments were those when dad did not get in touch for longer
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than he promised. at the front, the student did not lose his positivity and did not even show his inner excitement. always said: "i will come soon, we will all be together, and everything will be fine." on march 15, 2024, he left for the position and was supposed to return in a few weeks, but the woman did not wait for an answer. later she started on her own search for information about the father, but without results. i felt as if he had either been captured or was very badly wounded. it happened, i have only two versions, but... the fact that he died, i couldn't even think about it, and literally 40 minutes later someone knocks on my door, i open it, and my mother is standing in tears, i say, what's up, i say, what's with dad, she says, dad isn't there, i say, he's not there, what are you kidding, she says, you can't joke with someone like that, she says, you can't, i say, are you serious, she tells me, yes, i'm here on in the corridor, i spat on the wall,
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oleksandra could not believe that it was her father until she was identified, later it became known that the brigade was covered by a tank... shelling and it is difficult to find out the details of the event for sure, because the brother who witnessed the tragedy is in a coma to this day. the defender did not serve two weeks to a year, and his older brother oleg cannot recover from the tragedy. he remembers a relative with tears in his eyes, because there was a close connection between them. they were at zero for 12 days each, and they only rested for three days at most, or even less. the last time... especially before that, when he died, when they came only to rest, then on the second day right away, he called in the morning, said that brother, i'm going, i don't know how long, anxiety, we're all leaving, 20 days to be exact, well, it turned out that way, my brother was always a fighter, a strong, strong guy was , his friends all
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respected him, but now... the family often comes to the walk of fame to their hero, grandchildren bring flowers, the youngest kisses the photo every time he sees his grandfather. and the daughter made a tattoo on her arm in memory of her father. everyone believes that alexander is watching them from heaven and is proud of his family lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. glory to ukraine, dear tv on the tv channel studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, how international politics may or may not affect russian aggression against ukraine, and of course we will analyze the so-called alternative summits, which are talked about in beijing and moscow. our guests today are roman bezsmertnyi and andriy pionkovskyi. and now
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roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, will work on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. roman. i congratulate you. glory as a hero. i congratulate you. mr. roman. swiss summit. history is extremely important. we understand that not all issues that should be discussed publicly and come to cumenike will be there. but on the other hand, we understand that there will still be a part that is not public. and we understand that our friends and allies will shape their agenda, which, unfortunately, is not accepted by china, and china wants to create or wait for a situation when... there will be a need to create a so-called other summit with the participation, in particular, of russia, this is the official position of beijing, and accordingly i would like to ask you, well, the threats here are obvious, what are the possible solutions, how should we do it right, yes, well, because the swiss summit is basically our allies or neutral towards us
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countries, but there is also russia and china, who will try to push their agenda, mr. antin, if you look at this week that we've been through, starting, let's say, with the press conference of viola amhert, the president of switzerland, and what she said after the summit, and the reaction that came from beijing, from moscow, the reaction that was heard at the meeting of foreign ministers of the brics countries on the preparation of the summit, and what is being drawn, first of all, we must thank the swiss, they very... maturely carry out their powers, that is, they keep in touch with everyone, they do not interrupt anyone and they don't close the door, here you have to give it to... well, it's obvious that this is a school, this is a decade of the position that switzerland takes, and they know how to do it, and i would n't scold them very much for what the minister said there
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of foreign affairs, ignacios regarding the fact that what is there today and what will happen tomorrow with russia, we will see, i would not quarrel here, because this is switzerland, and these are the swiss, they should be thanked for what they are doing, now, as far as this is concerned, i am convinced therefore, since the brics foreign affairs ministerial meeting was almost prepared for an alternative summit, a global peace summit, and this role should be played by the august-september summit of the brics countries, the date of which has not yet been determined. i will remind you that we draw and assume that there are at least five of them, and today there are already 10 of them, because the united arabs have already joined there. the emirates and saudi arabia, and egypt, and ethiopia, and at this meeting that took place in moscow, they all talked about it, and there i attracted so much attention, these are statements that sound calm, because
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the summit shos also joins in here , and when they talk in beijing, they are currently looking at whether to do it at the brics summit, or to do it at the shoos summit, but what is there, what is there, they have dynamite, because in one... case, india, and here it can happen that this summit is simple will be failed, in principle, as soon as they start to drag the issue of an alternative conference into it, and there is the disagreement of the central asian republics, there everything is not as smooth as they wanted, to hold the third summit, after russia spent trillions of rubles on the st. petersburg international conference , and now conducts sports... igor briks, they are going to all industry exhibitions there, it is unlikely that they will spend on it, china itself will not do it, so
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i would accept these conversations about alternative information, simply as for now, which must be followed, and i will tell you this, if it was possible to further promote this meeting that was held in moscow, the technical meeting on the preparation of the brics summit. because for the first time in history i have seen such importance attached to the opening speech of minister lavrov at the technical meeting, where he talked about global ideas and so on, so for now we have to treat it like that, whether it will be or not, but the fact that this is the appearance of, let's say , the summit in switzerland and the alternative controversy... this is evidence, you know, of the formation of the rome, berlin-tokyo axis there in its time, and the alternatives to this are, let's
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say, allies, there are three allies, vital or four, here are allies, i.e. positioning, what it shows is that there is a split, this split positions and groups forces, on the one hand it is formed in ... evil, on the other hand, the power of good, and this only proves that the situation in the world both on the continental and global level is worsening, and in principle, this is the road, as we understand it, to the expansion of the conflict, and if we answer to the question is, what is this, it is not an alternative summit, no, it is of a kind chain. as, with which they continue to keep a certain group of countries in their environment, because from the point of view of the system of relations that is currently being formed between russia, china, iran, these
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are all others, like this, north korean, which sends garbage there to south korea and so on, and it is unlikely that such a forum could be held between them, because... because these are clearly not equal, not proportional values, to arrange this for billions, as was the case in st. petersburg, when the president of zimbabwe and the president of bolivia were imprisoned together with the führer of moscow, and it was the highest achievements, i'm not touching now, no, well , zimbabwe is one story, and the people's republic of china is another story, as well as my non-appearance in switzerland. they justify the fact that they see the creation of such a platform on which the country of the victim and the country of the aggressor would be represented, this worries me, because this is the official
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position of beijing. we understand that some states will try to listen to or play out similar stories, we understand that this is not only a question of pressure, but also a question of, so to speak, so- called countermeasures on the part of china, which can strengthen, for example, economic and not only economic support for moscow, it may not do it, but it will undoubtedly affect the negotiation, so-called or diplomatic process, what do you think, it can be reflected in concrete decisions for ukraine, in particular: when we we are talking about possible pressure, or about the possible supply of some additional weapons, well, as an alternative, the aviation itself. mr. antin, the fact is that china has a very narrow maneuver, and it does not come from relations with moscow or relations with ukraine, this maneuver is narrow due to the relations between washington and beijing, and even these sanctions that are now...
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the ministry of finance of the united states of america announced, and they are very long, with long arms, and actually, pay attention, two months, you and i are on they talked about this topic for two months, as janet allin warned, she was in beijing, secretary of state blinkin was also in beijing, they explained that do not do this, do not finance the enterprise. don't supply dual technology, no, as already said, if it is not stopped, it will be sanctions, sanctions, who are they hitting? china, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, all five states of central central asia, namely tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, and so on, through which even american, british, and french equipment went to
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russia. in principle, this is capable of seriously undermining the financial and currency sector of russia, i am not talking about the it sector, because it will actually lose the possibility of obtaining the volumes that china provided, because it is not so much connected with the possibility of china to supply to russia, as with china itself, because if the united states of america would block lending, it would stop the enterprise. there, i am not saying the supply of technologies there, because the first question, when during the visit of helen and blinken, was that china uses advanced american technologies in order to then supply them in the form of microcircuits to russia, the question was already asked there, that is why the current steps are delayed until the third decade of september in order to stay in china... these
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smart and not so smart things and thought about what to do next to do, because china is already at a stage of stagnation with the growth of the gross national product, and therefore the situation there is not easy, therefore there is no such maneuver in china that we can talk about, but as an answer, this is what i would like to emphasize, as an answer, why not go to switzerland, as an answer, it could... not interfere at such a level, but it is unlikely that there can be an own initiative of training on our own, we are fighting now, 160 invitations were invited, there the president of switzerland said that 90 if there will be, and if in that direction let's see how many invitations there will be, well, 50, how many will come, well, five or six, well, 10 have strengthened those who are spinning there, and then at the level... there is
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zimbabwe and no more, that's the whole answer, and here it is not so much the position of china that is important, here the position is important, whether the führer of moscow will give instructions to do this, because you understand, the scale, the inflated scale of the st. petersburg economic forum, it was just a movie, all these numbers, stories about foreign guests, concluded investment deals, it's a lie that came out, ah... ah spent there even in the column spent funds, even the report, there is no figure in the report, because it is clear that huge resources have been used here, especially for inflating the information cushion, so i do not see the possibility of such a level of action, as switzerland is doing for ukraine, i agree, roman petrovich, but why does the führer constantly repeat his mantra.


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