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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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they are spinning there and that is at the level of zimbabwe and no more, that is the whole answer, and here it is not so much the position of china that is important, here the position is important, whether the führer in moscow will give the instruction to do this, because you understand, that is the scale, the inflated scale petersburg economic forum, it was just a movie, all these numbers, stories about foreign guests, concluded investment agreements, this... thing that came out, and even in the column spent funds were spent there, even the report, the report does not have a figure, because it is clear that they got caught here, especially for inflation the information cushion has huge resources, so i don't see the possibility of such a level to make an event like switzerland is doing for ukraine, i agree, roman petrovych, but why does the führer constantly repeat his mantra. about
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their butsimba readiness for peace and repeats about the istanbul agreements, which were not just ratified, they were not signed at all, there, if there were any negotiations, then in words, and we understand that the russian position was unacceptable for a collective measure , but the führer keeps coming back, turns and walks in a circle and announces, announces, to whom he addresses all this, you understand, for mr. antin, for russia... for moscow, especially for this racist führer, for him negotiations are an instrument of war, they are not an instrument of appeasement , this is an instrument of war, and therefore the achievement of any pause, and, god forbid, a retreat from the sanctions somewhere, it will definitely be his victory, that is why he is spinning this roach, any dialogue in the current situation is real, not conversations about him, because these are conversations, these are conversations for... the unconscious and the ignorant, that's what they are
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they can bite, it's like bait for fish, well , fish are brainless, but people, at least some of them, well, not all of them, however, have brains that are able to read it, so in general, this is not a conversation, not about negotiations, not about making a decision , these are conversations as a tool of war, and he will conduct them, he always fools his own and other people's heads, both here and here the situation is the same, here it is not... it is clear, whose head is fooled more, his own or others', we already perfectly understand , that there will be absolutely no gain from this, well, for now there are still those in europe who believe in this is what can be done with it, and it is, the truth is that there is, but there are already those who have realized perfectly, this is the first and second, let's imagine for today all these 15 packages of sanctions, sanctions of the united states of america , yes, it will take more than a century to sort it out, you just understand, from the reverse already in... this process there is absolutely
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no, are you pro-sanctions or pro-military? i'm pro-military, there's no turning back, i'm trying in this coordinate system, well , after all, i've lived my life working, and remember, here's one correction was in ukraine, so we were running around with her and did not know from which side to approach her, and now this complex, these armed forces, this system, which is already set up in... well, it will not go back, because mr. antin, billions of turnover of business, finance, resources are involved here today, moreover, the russian economy is built today on the basis of the military industry, so remove these inflated artificial figures of the so-called growth from the military industry, that’s it, there is no such economy, there is no, and it is now supported on what, to the military-industrial complex, from here to the rear there is no move in russia, well... and if we
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understand it, we understand it, then look, they meet in st. petersburg, well, this is a movie, they meet in berlin, they talk about what, where to get patriots, where to get larch where to get ammunition and so on, and somewhere over there, somewhere over there in the corner, and what will we do when peace comes, somewhere in the corner, you understand, when 90... conversations at the conference on reconstruction are devoted to weapons, i.e. objectively, people understand that this is the number one issue on the agenda, the topic restoration is a topic of hope, as what the conference gives to people in europe, ukraine and so on, but there is still a situation on the front line, there is still a situation with an attack, a barbaric aggressive attack by the russians on... kharkiv, that is,
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they are demonstrating their readiness, its response by the west, that is, the permission to strike at russian interventionists who are preparing to attack on russian territory, that is , we understand that this is a very... powerful military signal from the west, as well as the issue of aviation, the minister of defense of the kingdom of the netherlands promised us that f-16 planes will already be there this summer, and there's also a french mirage signal here, so we might actually get a military aviation component this summer. i am convinced that time is the only barrier to date in this regard, including... i have already told you more than once, the entry of the countries we are talking about, our partners, into this war, this it's a matter of time, and it is connected with the fact that the democracy of the civilized world, it has its own mechanisms for making decisions and taking action, including these planes, and i'm not
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saying a service system there, but pay attention, behind the current conversation about planes, there is a deep conversation about tanks, yes, about abrams, and so on, as it is currently being conducted, yes, we gave the ukrainians armored vehicles, but we did not give them service, we provided service systems, and that's why there is such a technological discussion on both sides, hence from my point of view, everything that you and i are talking about, it by no means , in such a tiny dose, does not lead to the fact that... what can the issue of negotiations will appear, and, moreover, in the current situation, in the current situation, the economy russia, which is run-down, military-industrial, she would show them that this is their salvation,
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in fact, this is the death of russia, the world today looks closely at this and looks at the moscow führer as... that is, what happened, he thought that during the economic upswing and the connections he had with the world, he would not be able to oppose himself to the whole world and skip this period, now everything is the opposite, now the world is more and more grouped around ukraine, the potential of drawing forces into this war is growing, technology is growing, from yes, well, where is the rear course, i'm trying to...well, even move, conditionally speaking, to the side of those who say that it is possible, and what the führer would offer, well , if hypothetically we take into account that he can give certain trade proposals, it is clear that not to us, and it is clear that not publicly, perhaps through intermediaries, we do not want
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to talk about switzerland, but at one time switzerland, austria were used by the soviet union, so to speak, and not only by the soviet union, but also by the reich, yes , like certain countries where... certain conversations can be held, well, accordingly, what the führer can do offer? what a narcissistic person is, they have a peculiarity, they are not able to objectively evaluate reality, they live in a virtual world, therefore, in order to propose some real mechanisms, including real ones that literate people wrote about, there and the foreign office and the new york times, the washington post, there was a whole series of recipes on how to... do, or not, it is impossible for him to apply, because he cannot objectively assess the situation, that is what those , who watched fragments of st. petersburg there, he understands that this person lives in another world, this is his world, which
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99% do not have today, including his compatriots, and therefore it does not matter to him how many hundreds of thousands will die, how many will be maimed and so on, this is his... world, and now, let's imagine that he, he flies like god in this totalitarian world, here and there some scholz, macron, biden walk the earth and even allow a discussion among themselves, you can imagine how this psychopath looks at it, that is , it is obvious to me that the topic of russia and the topic of solutions... the situation is only one thing: in the defeat of russia, in its capitulation, complete capitulation, the other option is that someone there will come to his senses and say that what are we going to do, but what are you doing, it is impossible in principle, from here, if you want to evaluate a person,
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he has a sound head or unhealthy, as soon as he said that you can sit at the table with russia and talk about something, be afraid of such people... and this means that they simply cannot objectively assess the situation. well, this moscow psychopath can't, and especially his clique, well, they're like sows, they're already chattering around him and they, you see, they already have this instinct to bite everything that has developed so much around them, in order not just to bite, but to serve this führer, as far as i understand, the scenario before us is difficult, the question of our resources, that is, the west will be ours to help with money, technology, weapons and possibly instructors, that is, from this review we have some rather powerful support, there is also a personal story. the composition of the west will not be a way out than entering this war, not because
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the west wants to help ukraine or not would like, the fact is that the current process will lead to the fact that this psychopathic person will strike nato countries. here are the statements that he made recently, that you are not in good memory, that you imagine a war between. nato, remember the talks in 2010 , remember the talks later in 2018 and so on. this is a psychopathic person for whom such statements are not a position, it is an announcement of his actions. and that's the only way it should be perceived. i do not want to list the facts of territorial and air violations there. space, maritime space, which are currently happening in the baltic sea and so on, what
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russia is currently creating on the border there with finland, i am not talking about what is happening on the belarusian-polish border, because everyone thinks that it is some migrants there , well, the migrants there seem to have killed a polish soldier, those who think so are in vain, they are in vain they think so, these are absolutely planned provocations, the essence of which was much greater, and we still do not know with you what happened when the poles threw all the attention to this point, what was in other places of this border and so on, what happened in other parts. the current process, which, the investigation that is going on in the czech republic, belgium, poland, france, germany on russian residency, it showed such holes in the european security system, it showed such a strong integration. of european political forces into the fsb system, if this is brought to
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its logical conclusion, it will reveal not only serious failures in the system of european countries, including in the nato system, so i do not see the more this information will come out, because the language in the confrontation between nato and russia now not only because of... the fact that nato does not understand something, nato understands everything perfectly, nato sees where the führer in moscow is going, nato perfectly understands how many agents there are today in the national security systems of the states, nato countries, it is already now it is coming out completely, and you understand that with such dynamics to say that it can be solved sitting at the negotiating table, well, it is necessary, it is simply necessary to be an inadequate person. situation, well, mr. roman, we are talking about the situation in our country, yes, because the western allies are ours
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are ready to supply everything except personnel, we understand that certain processes are ongoing in us, the implementation of the draft law, which began on may 18, we see certain informational and psychological operations, sociology demonstrates a certain fatigue of society , and so on. on the other hand, i don't know what the actual situation is with the enemy, but putin also did not take... public additional mobilization steps, maybe he will do it this fall, maybe he won't, but will continue to simply buy recruits, so in certain states, well, it will recruit additional personnel, televsion for money, but how should we be in that situation? well, judging by what the führer is saying and judging by how the number of recruiting companies abroad is increasing, the situation there is unpleasant, but... that's the way it is. mr. antin, the situation is not that, now, who has more resources, in ukraine
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or in russia, and it is clear that manpower is more in russia, because there are 100, almost 140 million people, everyone understands this very well, that is not the point , the fact is that this polarization that is going on, which i am addressing attention that divides the world, it forces both sides to be more and more. and more closely, this will lead to the fact that the topic of personnel, it will be resolved due to the fact that this closeness and the need to protect. each other will be so high that the topic of personnel, it will be resolved, i emphasize this once again, this is a question of time, what is the time filled with, the answer to this question was already given a long time ago by mark milley and the diligent in that article , a technological leap, everything was described in great detail there, well, in
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you already understand how it is, the person who was allegedly appointed, but not quite, left. appointed, all that she said, and there are four points, the first, they are the most important, what can be compensated for this manpower, which is inconsistent, only with technological growth? it is interesting that when i was studying the situation at the st. petersburg conference, i came across an article by the former chairman of the verkhovna rada of crimea, konstantinov. who writes that in the current situation, ukraine is radically changing its technological approach to conducting operations, and this radically increases its chances, i don't know who wrote it to him, or someone suggested these things to him, but in fact mark milli and zaluzhny, in fact, they responded to
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this problem of inequality of resources, but inequality. a technological leap in order for the ukrainian armed forces to have more chances, the range, accordingly, the current maneuvers that are being conducted, but they gave permission, they did not give it, this is a consequence of the lack of strategy, you and i have talked about this topic 100 times, i want to once again emphasize, if there is no clearly defined purpose, these conversations have given permission, not given permission, will be conducted from morning to evening, and they are clear to me, they are explanatory, hence it is obvious that the first task in this tactical situation, which is being held now, is to form an answer to this question together with the allies, it can be formed no earlier than the election of the new nato leadership, that is, after and this process will follow. yes,
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mr. roman, but instead you mentioned the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general. industrious, yes, well, we remember what the criticism was, from whom it came, and as far as we understand, it someone's thoughts were relayed, yes, and then everything ended, with the landing in the direction of london, now we also hear similar voices regarding a number of senior ukrainian generals, in particular, regarding the new post-retirement commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general syrskyi, isn't it with us. .. is another big rotation being prepared and what are the possible consequences of this? i can draw only one conclusion from this far-fetched phenomenon: you know, so far they are not running around ukraine, remember, with posters and the crowd that will be shot, hanged and so on, because it was in our history, it means that we are
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healthy, and if we have an exception there, one two or three, and even this... this exception is sitting in the hall of the verkhovna rada, then i will tell you yes, in any a healthy organism is not without problems somewhere, then somewhere a nail broke off, then somewhere scattered and so on, it’s another matter what you hinted to me, if this is not a special operation in order to start spinning in the information space, but such possible only when it comes from one room, and i would even say from one office on the bank, if it is, well, then it, it, it is more than dangerous, but for now i attribute it to the first option, that there is, well, the dogs are barking, and the caravan is going, it is doing its job, and , although anyone will tell you that in the conditions of a war, such bawling
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is very, very dangerous, because it is not dangerous for... the political leadership or the establishment, it is dangerous for society, it divides society, it divides people on the line front very quickly, and this can have very unpleasant consequences, well, we just understand how delicate it is the matter is what is called military command, so we understand that this issue is not just difficult, it very often requires specific decisions, risky, well, the current psychological atmosphere, it does not contribute to what is called strengthening the command line, yes we understand that politicians, society, the army, the church and so on are on... the list, they must all be one, that is, if mini-cracks appear, perhaps communicative ones, perhaps i misunderstood someone and so on, this may have quite
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an unpleasant effect, definitely, definitely that has very unpleasant consequences, and even those things that are released, they are already doing their negative work, if you imagine that the enemy will spin it, of course, it will have paralyzing things in some cases, hence. it is obvious that it is better not to do this, but here it is necessary to understand that in a democratic society there is barking at this, and you and i, who say that you should go to the booth and do not bark there, because it is not true, shut up, because you sow all kinds of trouble in society, but this does not mean that in a democratic society you cannot criticize, you cannot to criticize the government, you cannot express your positions, you can express your thoughts, but all this must be done correctly, in the appropriate and correct form, as is accepted in a democratic society, although we
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fully understand that in the current situation of experiencing the terrible, sometimes emotions will not withstand , i understand this very well, i myself do not live for a month and so on, and i am well aware that sometimes emotions flow over the edge, but... in the current situation, for everyone there is an appropriate level of communication, please those who are in the name of to their state, whoever is elected, they should not just speak, but be responsible for what they say, because every word they say is tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of people who are guided by it, and here you have to be very careful. and to consider such things, especially i say again, if certain persons are identified there with offices, with a corresponding position, with officials, and even
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worse, when these people are such officials themselves, this is a very dangerous thing, so i will repeat it again and again , that what has already been said is complete nonsense, and it carries danger in itself, and here you have to be very careful, and in this situation those who are aware of this, they should not be silent, but say that it is not good to do this and stop, because it will have disastrous consequences. thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that now the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi was working on the air of the tv channel, and you can see more videos with his participation on his individual youtube channel, it is extremely interesting analytics. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you.
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news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom of life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. now our guest will be the famous political scientist andrii piondkovskii, who is in washington. glory to ukraine, andrii andriyovych, glad to see you. all communiques - it is extremely important, all summits are no less important, but the key story is the permission to strike on the territory of the aggressor state. and the issue of aviation, and we understand that this is what will decide the situation on the battlefield. your assessments of the current unfolding of events, so we
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understand that the kremlin is extremely alarmed, and medvedev's corrupted telegram channel is a certain barometer. changes were felt in the kremlin, western sentiments are very serious. the first such event, which has been brewing in recent months, is a great statement by macron, when putin began to threaten him. nuclear weapons. he calmly noted that france also has nuclear weapons. the west stopped responding to putin's nuclear blackmail. he became simply ridiculous. nobody is stopped by red lines one after another, they are crossed. the latest example is yesterday's statement by the minister of foreign affairs, cameron, regarding the next wave of the russians, who slandered and promised to strike on russian territory. how they will react to it, he. answered simply: let russia withdraw its troops from the territory of ukraine and there will be no strikes on russian territory. the whole war plan has failed, after all
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putin is fighting not only against ukraine. declared war on the west, we remember his statement before the war, take away the money and return to the borders of 1994, literally. yes, this is what i call the batia dzhugashvili line, the most westward advance in 1245 and in 1945. but now putin has a different task. he has already understood that he should not be the master of the world and that he must now hold on to power. in a country that lost the war. his task now is to grab some honorable draw that he can sell to his population. this honorable draw is a plan to which forced ukraine all the time, the so-called korean option. ono, look how great north korea, south korea, the war has been stopped. north korea remained a dictatorial regime. in 50 years, the south has become a great state, but ukraine
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will never agree to this. the game is happening now. putin understands that there is very little time left before the west dares to take a decisive step. the one that i have been offering in my every speech for the past three months is to erase the last red line. it consists in the fact that western aircraft should be at the helm exclusively ukrainian pilots. there are not so many ukrainian pilots who were trained in the west. 100, better 200 planes in the sky of ukraine will determine the outcome of the war in a few weeks. ago. that with their help , ukraine will expel the final russian group from crimea, which will cause the political collapse of the regime. france is getting closer to that with every statement macron makes. he made two statements during the normandy meeting. the first - france provides mirages. the second - france provides technical advisors, instructors. well, in simple language we understand, yes, that someone has more to serve military airfields, and we
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are now... also good signals when we talk about what, about additional patriot battery systems that should cover our civilian skies, everything is correct, everything is converging, well, and here you very correctly noted, the question of timing, as it will all work quickly. why has putin dramatically increased terrorist attacks now? his task during this time, while this issue is being resolved, he can destroy residential quarters of ukrainian cities and ukrainian infrastructure with impunity, and he does it. hoping to cause mood, well, maybe we will still think about the armistice, now is the most important time, we see that the outcome of the war will be determined in the next month at most, or when will the west send these planes? sweden's decision to provide two american-type aircraft in addition to the gripens is a very good signal. long-range radar work, and, yes, an analogue of the american avax. it can no longer be about the ukrainian
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pilots who are there... the pilots are laboratory planes, a crew of five or six people who could not be trained during this time, that is , this red line is being blurred with every step, and the russians understand that when 100, better 200, gripens, typhoons and mirages appear in the sky of ukraine, and another 40 ukrainian pilots are trained on the f-16, this will put an end to the russian group in crimea, you mentioned that the russians they can think about something. and i have the feeling that the russian general staff, he is already simply carrying out the orders that are given to him in certain offices of the lubyanka, well, do you remember, yes, this strike on a civilian object in kharkiv, in a supermarket, in a weekday day, killed people, they go to similar, that is, those crimes already blurred their general perception of good and evil irrationally, and after such crimes, of course, the west is simply obliged to strengthen
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ukraine. why is the kremlin doing this? their moral idiocy works against them. we see that the american administration, our grandfather biden, who hesitates all the time. they resisted to the last and did not want to give permission for the use of american weapons. and it was these attacks from the belgorod region on the residential quarters of kharkiv that made it impossible to continue this. we remember a great performance. i'm on all my channels showed a video of republicans, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee. makola's rights, when he was practically shouting at blinken and the administration with a map of the belgorod region, what are you doing, they are shooting cities with impunity. they do not understand that this tactic, let's get ahead of the west and still force ukraine to some kind of capitulation, some korean version, works against them. it is with these attacks on kharkiv, kyiv and kryvyi rih that he accelerates the final decision to send western planes into the sky of ukraine.
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moscow will lose this time race.


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