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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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to strengthen ukraine, why is the kremlin going for it? their moral idiocy works against them, we see that the american administration, our grandfather biden, who hesitates all the time, they resisted to the last and did not want to give permission for the use of american weapons, and precisely these attacks from the belgorod region in the older quarters of kharkiv made it impossible to continue this, we remember a great speech, i showed a video on all my channels ... of the republicans, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee makola, when he with the map of the belgorod region practically shouted at blinken and the administration, what are you doing, they are shooting cities with impunity, they do not understand that this tactic, let's get ahead of the west and still force ukraine to some kind of capitulation, some korean version is working against them. it is with these attacks on kharkiv, kyiv and kryvyi rih that he accelerates the final decision on departure.
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western planes into the skies of ukraine, moscow will lose this race in time. but there is also china, which works very actively, not always publicly. i read a very interesting publication by the reuters agency, yes, in which it is mentioned that the key task set before itself in beijing is to sabotage the swiss summit, yes, instead, proposing to create some other negotiating platform in a couple of months, where the countries of the big country would be represented. half a day, i don't know, there is putin's brother from zimbabwe, and accordingly, maybe a chinese-russian or some other paired position. there are such sweet dreams in beijing to show their outstanding role, they like to be mediators unexpected. remember, last year they were mediators unexpectedly in the restoration of diplomatic relations between iran and saudi arabia. here they want again. all chinese are the same as russians. do not understand the changed dynamics in
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the west. two powerful forces are operating now: first, the so-called coalition led by great britain and france. i remind you about the historic decision, which was also not appreciated in moscow, about the restoration of the entente on the day of its 120th anniversary. because of this, cameron's statement yesterday is very characteristic. and the second effect is one of the effects of the european reaction, the revolution of the reaganites in congress, who broke the resistance trumpists, and they not only ... secured the passage of the law on financial and military aid, but also launched an attack on the biden administration for not giving enough aid to ukraine, so now this double offensive of the reagan republicans. by the way, you noticed how biden in normandy and in the g7 tried to create a motive for his election campaign. he always appealed to the usa. i, biden, will ensure the union with europe. we will resist together. putin
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in ukraine, and in the case of trump's arrival, all this will fail, etc. very good, but republicans resorted to unexpected actions. they made a kind of deal with trump. they forced him to turn his back on ukraine. put aside your pro-putin sympathies for a while and launch an attack on biden for insufficient aid to ukraine. see what two brilliant diplomatic effects have been achieved in ukraine, not only diplomacy. however , we will note the ukrainian myth, but the main thing here is the heroism of the army and the people. first, we see the competition between the us and europe, primarily france, for the mantle of leader of the free world. after all, when it became clear that bidenivska administration failed in this role, macron made claims as the leader of the free world. on the other hand, it created an internal struggle in america. we were always worried that... that the pre-election atmosphere,
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the pre-election struggle would create difficulties for ukraine. and so it seemed, the aid law was blocked for six months. now it has turned in ukraine's favor. biden, democrats and republicans are competing over the question of which of them is the best ally of ukraine. therefore, this trend cannot be reversed. this trend is extremely important, she is extremely kind. on the other hand , we understand that the united states is a few months away. elections will be held, and there is one more very characteristic moment: putin essentially has no military solutions left, except for the use of unconventional weapons, that is, a long war, a trench war, huge losses for putin, equipment is on fire, our fighters are smoking with the help of fpv all that they are only going to drive to the position, i am of course simplifying a little, but
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putin cannot offer any... specific, quantitative solution, and he is scaring the west, and we understand that, taking into account all the inadequacies of putin, well, there could be something... extremely threatening. you marked a very right moment and gave the opportunity to return to my favorite press conference of putin after the meeting with macron on february 6, 2022. two weeks before the full-scale aggression. putin was then in a euphoric state, having just returned from beijing, where he received the green light and saw himself as the ruler of the world. he then devised the entire war strategy. remember, he didn't... said, we understand that at the convention level, we are inferior to the west, we are inferior to nato, but we have super-duper nuclear weapons, there is no analogue in the world, etc., that is, yes, we are inferior on a conventional level, but we intimidate you with our nuclear weapons, but now
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he is forced to carry out, but the most important thing - his entourage, they understand where he dragged them, he was sure and they with him , that they are intimidating the west with nuclear blackmail, and now he is forced to wage a conventional war, which putin already admitted two years ago that he loses, of course, this dramatically weakens him position, you look at the propaganda broadcasts, they are all hysterical there, and why is it macron who declared war on us, and why have we not destroyed france yet, their threats have now acquired a completely different character, before they threatened to drown the british islands in the abyss of the atlantic.. . and now they say: we will kill the french and british soldiers, and of course you will kill them, they know it, they are going to war, to kill you, to put themselves at risk, that is why this success in crimea, which will happen immediately, after receiving 120 western planes, collapse
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putin's system of power, it will not be necessary to overcome this thousand-kilometer line of defense, this is a classic stalemate situation, the russian-ukrainian war, fortunately... is not exhausted by this line of defense, there is a center of gravity of the war in crimea. the crimean peninsula is an absolutely vulnerable part of the russian military machine. thank you very much andrii andriyovych for this extremely interesting conversation on the air of the espresso tv channel, i want to remind our viewers that andrii piondkovskii, a famous political scientist, was working for them from washington. it's our time programs have run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important things. the events of the day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, watch this week's program judicial control with tatyana shustrova, candidates for the vrp according to
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the president's quota, how to save up for elite property, eating rations from the state? i am a person who knows how to save money, and what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty did the grd discover? fortunes. analyzed and concluded that there are no issues. congratulations, on the air judicial control. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. about how successful the transformation is and whether. we will talk about moral and professional qualities of justice officials to high standards today, but first to the news. the sixth administrative court of appeal refused to reinstate the former judge of the supreme court of ukraine bohdan lviv on
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the staff of the supreme court. the panel of judges confirmed the legality of lviv's dismissal on the basis of a letter from the sbu about the judge's russian citizenship. as a reminder, bohdan lviv is allegedly a citizen of russia, according to information. journalists of the scheme project, he received a russian passport back in 1999, when he was already working as a judge in ukraine, and at the age of 45 in 2012, he renewed this document. the judge's family also owns real estate in moscow. the security service of ukraine confirmed lviv's russian citizenship. already on at the last court session, a representative of the security service of ukraine reported that the law enforcement officers established through the registers that russian citizenship of lviv exists, but now they neither prove nor disprove the information about the existence of citizenship. perhaps bohdan lviv still continues to assure that he does not have a passport of the aggressor country. the high qualifications commission of judges continues to clean the judicial system from unscrupulous servants of themis. recently
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, the judge and head of the economic court of the kyiv region, pavlo, once again conducted an interview regarding the suitability for the position gorbasenko. consideration of this issue is taking place after it was postponed the previous time to find out about... information. last year, the commission postponed the final decision on gorbasenko and expected additional explanations and documents from him, so at this meeting the question of whether he will remain in judges' chairs for... at this time, the public council of virtue discovered new facts of gorbasenko's dishonesty and made a new conclusion so that the members of the commission could study it, the member of the state democratic party, veronika kraydenkova, submitted a petition for postponement of the meeting. actually, there was supposed to be a review and completion of the review of his suitability for the position, but the public integrity council requested to postpone the meeting, because we voted on a new decision yesterday. the new conclusion of the state administrative court states that the father of the judge. in the midst of a full-scale war unleashed by russia against ukraine, he conducts business in the temporarily
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occupied crimea. he lives in the territories seized by the russians and is a co-founder of two limited liability companies: sevele nastok and unvest. accordingly, it pays taxes to the country of the aggressor. what's more, the judge's father turned out to be a member of the peacekeeping base. as it turned out, in february-march 22nd of the year , volodymyr gorbasenko's mobile number was recorded in roaming on the temporarily occupied at that time. from the territory of the kyiv region, which may indicate his participation in the russian aggression. after the seizure of crimea by the russians, gorbasenko's wife issued a power of attorney to tsvekr to dispose of his property on the peninsula, while volodymyr gorbasenko granted similar rights to his son, a judge. everything indicates that the head of the commercial court of the kyiv region maintains close ties with his father, who may turn out to be a collaborator. we also see that there is information that he most likely maintains ties with his father, which can... be a definite criterion for his being recognized as unscrupulous. the public integrity council
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drew attention to the likely second fictitious divorce of judge gorbasenko and his wife, kyiv city council member hanna svyredenko. they allegedly broke up for the first time at the end of 2014. however, they remained in such a wonderful relationship that 5 days after divorced, went to europe together. in february 2017, the former couple had their first child, joint trips abroad became more frequent. in... in 2022, the couple remarried, gave birth to a second child within a year and divorced again, filing two identical lawsuits for divorce, presumably for manipulating the distribution system, one lawsuit was returned, the other was accepted and processed with anomalous speed by counted days with violations of all procedural terms. the divorce took place just before the opening of the register of declarations. so there are all grounds to believe that the purpose of the spouses was to hide part of the income and property. horoposenko submitted, firstly, a clarifying declaration for 2022, and secondly, we still
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have to check some of his declarations, and we see that his wife sverdenko is listed again as a wife, and he has another daughter, and we would also like pay a little more attention to this fact. a lot of questions and benefits of the judge arise. most of the property owned by gorbasenko allegedly came to him from his mother. she donated two apartments in the capital of 116 and 136 m2. in summer area on the obolon embankment, and she built a house for herself on more than 800 m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv. at the same time, the woman did not run a business, but was a housewife. the wife, or rather the ex-wife, during the time she was married to gorbasenko from 2012 to 14, also acquired a considerable amount of real estate. a house of 122 m2, two apartments of 164 and 155 m2, two parking spaces and two plots of land, and all this is available. useless income for that period of 1 million hryvnias.
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real estate in the temporarily occupied crimea is added to the property in kyiv. there, hanna sveredenko has four non-residential premises in gaspri, near yalta. and several plots of land in sudak and a house of more than 300 square meters. gorbasenko refuses to explain these facts. the information that is allegedly compiled in the new conclusion has already been researched, processed and refuted. i am categorically against postponement and i will ask the honorable members of the commission to continue the review. after a closed discussion of the higher qualifications, the commission nevertheless decided to postpone the consideration of gorbasenko. based on the result of the discussion , a protocol decision is announced to postpone consideration of the issue. we asked pavlo gorbasenko about the probable intention to hide real marital relations, connections with the state, terrorists and simpletons who provoke. mr. pavlo, please tell me what your father did while roaming in the occupied kyiv region, your
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divorce from your wife looks doubtful, considering that you had a second child, i don't want to answer you on the go if you want to do a good interview , then come visit, send questions, even about assets analyzed by the public council of dobromka, assets were analyzed and a conclusion was made that there are no issues of assets, so let's not make things up. reporting from what is not there. we hope that, after a thorough investigation of all newly discovered facts that may testify to the dishonesty of judge pavlo gorbasenko, the commission will make a fair decision regarding him. the ethics council completed interviews with candidates for the position of member of the supreme council of justice under the quota of president volodymyr zelenskyi. currently, the vrp has 17 members out of 21. the president has to appoint two , and for more than a year and a half, the seats are empty, and the applicants are doubtful. this is nataliya
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panchenko, judge of the kyiv district administrative court. and she has a wonderful friendly family and good social security. so he lives in apartments. bought by his mother, drives his daughter's car, and eats rations from the state. i am a person who knows how to save, and i did not need to spend. since 2022, panchenko and her husband have been living in an apartment designed for the judge's mother. 64 m almost in she purchased the center of kyiv back in december 2012 . the whole family allegedly threw themselves into real estate. the financing of this apartment was, once again, that... the savings account of my mother, my father, ah, my mother's brother. i also spoke about the fact that my sister also participated in the financing of this purchase of this apartment, during the interview, as a candidate for the judge's higher qualification commission, you said
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that your sister provided the money for the purchase. and her sister, her income from 1998 to the 12th year totaled uah 680, 28,332. maybe i answered incorrectly then, two years before purchasing this apartment, the judge's sister bought another one for her mother in the capital, with an area of ​​34 square meters, and the woman never lived in any of them, instead nataliya panchenko and her husband used the real estate. why did you live in this apartment? and i would not like to disclose the reasons for purchasing this apartment for my sister, but due to certain life circumstances, she purchased it. at the same time, she stayed where she lived. necessity in the acquisition of mine, my family there was no need for an apartment due to
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the fact that we understood that we would get an apartment in the near future. from state to state , natalia panchenko always had many hopes, with the help of social security, for example, she even managed to buy a new audi q7, issued for her daughter, but the judge herself used the car. in our state , such a thing was introduced, the maintenance of officers and their families at the expense of the state, and i want to tell you about what is definitely in hand, now i can get confused, along with it somewhere. third grade, these are my daughters, because i just i remember how we lived like this, and we were also provided for, we did not spend money on housing, because the state compensated for it, we did not spend money on food, because the state also provided us with this, and this was the concept of rations , well, in russian, share, share,
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that is, when the officer was given food for... him and his family members. the entire judge's family obviously knows how to save money. her husband managed to buy a motorcycle with a market value of more than 7 thousand dollars 15 times cheaper. he is absolutely ordinary by motorcycle what i see, as far as i can tell from an outside observer, there is nothing like that at all. please explain. such a huge difference between. the real price of the motorcycle and this is the agreement of the parties, and why the price was exactly that, i do not know, because i was not a participant in this relationship, why he sold it at that price, i do not know. perhaps panchenko does not see the problem, because she herself gives away her own cars for nothing, she sold her toyota rav-4 for uah 100, she says, the car was badly damaged in
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an accident. in general, questions about the integrity of the judge kyiv district administrative court natalia panchenko. the ethical council had a lot. soon we will find out whether the servant of themis managed to convince the experts of her suitability for the position, a member of the supreme council of justice. and for today i have everything. it was judicial control and i, tatiana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me at facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. all right, see you soon exactly in a week. see this week in the collaborators program. how did the traitor from melitopol lead the russian youth movement?
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i thank vladimir vladimirovich putin for his strong-willed decision to start the svo. but which of the kremlin propagandists received 15 years in prison? russia has already said that this is an effigy, no one will talk to him at all. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who willingly serve the russian occupiers. in today's issue, we will continue to talk about those who exchanged hryvnias for rubles, and the native country to the bolotyan half-empire. he called for the capture of ukraine and pointed rockets at mykolaiv, for which he was punished by the ukrainian themis. this is yuriy podoliaka, he is 48. he was born in sumy, lived in verkhnyi pishchany. his father, a retired doctor, lives there now. yuriy, a graduate. who graduated from the state university was a private entrepreneur, specializing in the repair of auto equipment, with the beginning of the russian invasion of the donbass and the occupation of the crimea, in the 14th year
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he went to bolot, from there he has been conducting subversive activities for more than 10 years. for me it is routine work, i am not afraid of this word, a professional in this business, i am developing some directions myself in russia. podolyak takes an active part in information and psychological operations. of the russian special services regularly appears on propaganda tv channels, in particular on solovyov's talk show. during the broadcasts , he calls for the capture of ukraine and the support of the russian occupation groups in the destruction of the civilian infrastructure of our country. legitimacy in ukraine and before the maidan was such a conditional concept. i can compare the russian reality and the ukrainian one. and he will spread all this to a large audience. has almost 3 million subscribers in telegram and almost 500. in russian roorub. it's scary to even imagine how many rotten krem narratives pour out of these channels. russia has already said that this is an effigy,
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no one will talk to it at all, because it is not clear what it is. most of the world is listening to us, not that green scarecrow sitting over there. according to the sbu , podolyak was involved in the correction of massive russian missile attacks on the mykolaiv oblast, and for the purpose of targeting russian weapons, he formed own networks of informants in the territory of the region. in april 2023, podolyats were notified of suspicion under five articles at once, among them calls to violate the territorial integrity of ukraine, propaganda of war and high treason. at the beginning of 2024 , the ukrainian court sentenced him to 15 years in prison, so far in absentia. hopefully, this mouthpiece of kremlin propaganda will soon be broadcasting only for its cellmates. zaporizhzhia region, most of them support russia, that russia has come to us. all these years i have very strong propaganda was carried out at the school,
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they were forced to wear red t-shirts and speak ukrainian. they literally forced 20-year-old yulia klymenko to speak the state language in ukraine. before the full-scale war, she had a different surname, verzhak, graduated from lyceum number 16, after which she entered the melitopol state... university named after bohdan khmelnytskyi, won prizes in the regional stage of the all-ukrainian competition for student creativity dedicated to the centenary of the formation of the ukrainian central rada and the proclamation of the ukrainian people's republics on the topic motherland is not someone and somewhere i am also a motherland. now she has another family and new political ambitions. the youth of the zaporizhia region invites all regions of the russian federation to visit our beautiful azo. sea, we are waiting for you. when russian troops occupied melitopol, yulia was in her first year of university. the 80-year-old student quickly gave up everything
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she used to live for during independent ukraine. so, the ukrainian yulia varzhak became a collaborator of yulia klymenko. i am yulia, a resident of melitopol, thanking vladimir vladimirovich putin for his willpower the decision on the initiation of the svo, on the liberation of donbas. we have been waiting for this for eight years. klymenko waited and started a career in russian youth organizations, became the head of the volunteers for russia movement. here is a photo where the traitor delivers humanitarian aid with the inscription "i will help you, my son, to the russian scumbags." thanks to diligent work for the invaders, klymenko's career went up. later, she headed the south young movement. the south young youth movement wishes all the residents of crimea and sevastopol a good day. reunification with russia. and very recently klymenko became the head of the regional wing of the so -called young guard of putin's united russia party. now, in fact, she is full.
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control was given to the entire youth movement in melitopol and the region. with this action, all the youth of the zaporizhia region want to prove to the whole world that melitopol is russia. on march 27 , 2024, our law enforcement agencies announced suspicion against this star of the russian tv show for justifying the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. hopefully, the suspicion will very soon become a court sentence with a long term. ah... this is our next traitor from mariupol, 30-year-old nikita avyarkin. we celebrate this day with honor, with pride that we are part of our great and powerful country. until february 24, he managed his own security company, worked as an instructor in the federation of service and sports dog breeding, and was also a member of the public organization iskrennost. when mariupol was occupied, he decided that now it was time for him to be an obedient dog for his new owners
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in exchange for a bone. and this bone he eventually got. he assumed the position of the so -called head of the department for issues of the youth policy of the mariupol city administration, the so-called dpr. today we came as a team and vote for the president, for donbas and for victory. he evidently served his masters faithfully, so he soon received another promotion. he became the leader of putin's youth organization in mariupol, the young guard - united russia. thanks to our federal leaders. we have the opportunity to arrange this event on a grand scale. his main task from the kremlin in this position is to instill the russian standard in children, and one of the main theses in all his speeches is distortion of the events currently taking place in ukraine. when russia held illegal elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, and verkin managed to get a mandate and become a deputy deputy of the mariupol city council from the united russia party. his work is actively
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covered by the propaganda tv channel mariupol. 24, so that everything is in accordance with the letter of the law, you take ownership, complete all the documents. in 2023 , the october district court of dnipro sentenced him in absentia to 10 years in prison for collaborationism. may 17, 2024, averkin became a participant in a new criminal proceeding. received suspicion due to the production and distribution of materials that deny the temporary occupation of part of ukraine. this traitor. is so faithfully served to the russians that soon it may be added to another article of the criminal code. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin's proxies, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. we'll see in a week ether espresso. greetings,
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we are asking for your help in finding this girl, her name is nastya tymoshenko, she is 17 years old and she disappeared in the city of svitlodarsk - this is the donetsk region, bakhmut district. svitlodarsk was occupied on may 24 , 2022, and since mid-june, nastya stopped communicating. unfortunately... nothing is known about the fate of the girl, and due to the fact that she disappeared during the occupation, the search process is very complicated. so, without exaggeration, hope is very high for you, and especially for those who live in the occupied city of svitlodarsk. i i know that ukrainians in the occupation see us, of course, not on ukrainian television, which is not broadcast there, but in particular on youtube and social networks. and that's why i'm asking the residents
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of occupied... svitlodarska to provide us with at least some information about nastya tymoshenko. you can do this by writing to us in the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or by calling the short number 11630. this is the hotline of the child tracing service. we will be grateful for any, even the smallest information. a 13-year-old boy also disappeared in horlivka, donetsk region sashko korsynskyi. it happened in the summer of 2023. this year, namely on august 17, and imagine that since that time there is no news about the boy, where and with whom he is now unknown. of course, it is not excluded that sashka could be taken to russia, as unfortunately often happens with children in the occupied territories, but this is only an assumption, and in fact the boy could be anywhere, for example, still in the occupation. i really hope that everything is okay with sashko, that he is alive and well.


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