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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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putin, which, of course, is not the case. and now, it is precisely because china is so supportive of this that this whole story is taking place, and moreover, now the following question arises: how will the world react to this, how will the un security council react, how will others react country, because such, well, such behavior of a member of the un security council actually raises the following question: can russia be on the un security council? what is she even doing there after all this, it's not just some, you know, some, well, there are pictures there trips and disgusting statements in themselves, no, these are direct threats, well, that is, like threats to arm terrorists, but if earlier they only said that we give weapons to the houthis, now they say, and we will give nuclear weapons to another bandits and terrorists , northern...
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does this mean that the russian federation is already exiting the sanctions regime, how will the united nations organization react to this, the main requirements are the fears of the united states in this particular plane, if russia is exiting the sanctions regime, this means not only magnification. there is not enough manpower, this is also the hypothetical involvement of the north korean military, so, you know, i can tell you that, all those conversations that were before, there are shells from china there, or how they keep dreaming there that the chinese they will send their own. of the military, well, because, well, it
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actually sounds very strange when a country that's, i don't know, five times the size of north korea, uh, expects that they're going to send troops from there, well, it's kind of very strange . in fact, it's more than that, that's the story with the exit of sanctions, it's more like that more resonant, has more resonance in the world, because it... really completely destroys the entire structure and actually the security system of the un, and it actually resembles even more the way nazi germany acted, which also basically destroyed the world structure at that time of security, russia is doing the same now, after this treaty, it must be very clearly understood, it destroys the system of anti-nuclear sanctions, it destroys any system of terrorism deterrence in general. nuclear
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proliferation of everything, and if that doesn't happen after that, what's supposed to happen, that is, howl they simply won't be thrown out of the un security council, and they won't be expelled from some of these world organizations, well, that would be very strange, and it would be very wrong, because in this case we can say that the ball is now in the court, well, probably the un, which should react to all this, well, actually, let's see: in general, how it all happened there, because this whole apotheosis of that, well, this transformation of russia into north korea in its essence, well, it is visible , and it is clear that the russians like it, they just like it stupidly propagandists are delighted, they dream of returning to the soviet union, let's take a look. because congratulations in korean sounded
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today from all russian screens, not only the leader of the democratic people 's republic of korea arrived and himself met the number one flight on which vladimir putin arrived. have we witnessed how the democratic people's republic of korea knows how to welcome guests? how they know how to arrange things there. this step is natural. the cortege moves at high speed, accompanied by an escort of 23 motorcyclists. not everyone has a title below major. a very beautiful picture. koreans know how to organize mass such events. according to official information, 10,000 people took part in the solemn ceremony of the meeting with putin. i think more.
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"russian-korean friendship". even kindergarteners, girls in dresses meet putin. boys in white t-shirts. there are two giant portraits of the leaders on the stage. balloons fly into the sky. for negotiations at the residence of kim susan putin named after
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to korea, they symbolize admiration, loyalty and gratitude. the women are dressed in costumes in the colors of the russian flag. well, what can i say, to drive children and people to +35-36° in order to remind the old marmatician of the soviet union, well, yes, they know how to create a holiday, so what, and after that it remains only to be glad that they gave out a mobile
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phone, and there are also taxis, metro and public transport, you can go outside, there are people on the street, there are cars. we were given phones with access to the internet, here you can access social networks and telegram channels, so they will be taken from us, they are official, temporarily, phones that you can use. north korea is not such a closed country, there are even taxis. you and i traveled last year, we were in pyongyang, remember, together with... there are taxis, public transport and the subway here. yes, but now the report is no longer made, so as not to show how the majors walk again, they just tell that there are taxis, there is a subway, there is
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public transport, such an achievement that it's just, i don't know, hide used. this is what awaits the russians on the one hand, and on the other hand, well, everyone should think now, right? to be russia on the un security council after it actually decided to help nukes terrorists with one more thing, what will technically help them there. question. see you favorite foods and drinks cause heartburn? do you periodically suffer from heartburn? i am a doctor and for conditions accompanied by heartburn, i recommend drinking izota. izota was created by a pharmaceutical company. isota is specially adapted to reduce the manifestations of heartburn and normalize digestion. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction
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swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we didn't give up because we knew you were somewhere nearby. half of the question is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home... "when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation that
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has united around you, see this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova, candidates for the vrp by quota president, how to save up for elite property, eating rations from the state? i am a person who can." and what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty did the grd discover? the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was made that there are no issues. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional reboot and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity - this is the basis of the judicial reform currently being carried out in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our future path to the eu.
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today we will talk about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities of the judges meet the high standards, but first the news: the sixth administrative court of appeal refused to reinstate the former judge of the supreme court of ukraine, bohdan lviv, to the staff of the supreme court. the panel of judges confirmed the legality of lviv's release on the basis of a letter from the sbu about availability. actions of citizenship of the russian federation. we will remind you that bohdan lviv is probably a citizen of russia. according to journalists of the scheme project, he received his russian passport back in 1999, when he was already working as a judge in ukraine. and in 2012, at the age of 45, he renewed this document. the judge's family also owns real estate in moscow. the security service of ukraine confirmed lviv's russian citizenship. already at the last court session, the representative of the sbu reported that the law enforcement officers established through the registers that russian citizenship. lviv exists, but now it is impossible to either prove or disprove information about the existence of citizenship. bohdan
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lviv still continues to assure that there is none passport of the aggressor country. the high qualifications commission of judges continues to clean the judicial system from unscrupulous servants of themis. recently , pavlo gorbasenko, the judge and head of the economic court of the kyiv region, once again had an interview regarding suitability for the position. consideration of this issue is underway. after, uh, it was postponed the previous time to find out additional information, the commission postponed the final decision on gorbasenko for a year and expected additional explanations and documents from him, so at this meeting there was little the question of whether he will remain in the judge's chair will be finally decided. during this time, the public integrity council discovered new facts of gorbasenko's dishonesty and drew up a new conclusion so that the members of the commission could study it, veronika kraydenkova, a member of the ukrainian orthodox church, submitted a petition. about the postponement of the meeting, in fact, there should have been a review and completion of the consideration of his suitability for the position,
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but the public integrity council proposed to postpone the meeting, because we voted a new decision yesterday. the new conclusion of the state administrative court states that the father judge volodymyr gorbasenko, in the midst of a full-scale war unleashed by russia against ukraine, conducts business in the temporarily occupied crimea. he lives in the territory captured by the russians and is a co-founder of two societies from the border. responsibility, sevele nastok and unvest, respectively, pay taxes to the country of the aggressor, moreover, the father of the judge turned out to be a figure in the peacekeeping base. as it turned out, in february, march 22, volodymyr gorbasenko's number was recorded in roaming on the territory of the kyiv region temporarily occupied at that time, which may indicate about his participation in russian aggression. after the capture of crimea by the russians, gorbasenko's wife issued a power of attorney to his father-in-law to dispose of his property on the peninsula, while volodymyr gorbasenko granted similar rights to his son, a judge. everything points to the fact that the head of the economic court
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of the kyiv region maintains close ties with the father, who may turn out to be a collaborator. also, that there is information that he maintains, most likely, ties with his father, which can be a definite criterion for his being recognized as unscrupulous. public council of integrity drew attention to the likely second fictitious divorce of judge gorbasenko and his wife, deputy of the kyiv city council hanna sveridenko. they allegedly broke up for the first time at the end of 2014. however, they remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together 5 days after the divorce. in february 2017. the first child was born to the ex-spouses, joint trips abroad became more frequent. in 2022, the couple remarried, gave birth to a second child within a year and divorced again, filing two identical lawsuits for divorce, allegedly for manipulation of the distribution system, one lawsuit was returned, another was accepted and considered with an abnormal speed in a matter of
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days, with violations of all procedural deadlines. the divorce took place just before the opening of the register of declarations, so there is... every reason to believe that the purpose of the spouses was to hide part of the income and property. horoposenko submitted, firstly, a clarifying declaration for 2022, and secondly, we still have to check some of his declarations, and we see that his wife sverdenko is listed again as a wife, and he another daughter appeared, and we would also like to pay a little more attention to these facts. a lot of questions and benefits of the judge arise. most of the property owned by gorbasenko allegedly came to him from him. mother, she gave two apartments in the capital of 116 and 136 m2 in an elite area on the obolon embankment, and she built a house of more than 800 m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv, while the woman did not run a business, but was a housewife, wife, or whatever ex-wife for the time she was married to gorbasenko from 2012 to 14 years, too
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acquired a considerable amount of real estate. house on 122 m2, two apartments on 164 m2. 55 km, two parking spaces and two plots of land, and all this with a total income for that period of 1 million hryvnias. in addition to property in kyiv , real estate in the temporarily occupied crimea is also added, where hanna sverdenko has four non-residential premises in gaspri, near yalta, as well as several plots of land in sudak and a house of more than 300 m2. gorbasenko refuses to explain these facts. the information that is allegedly compiled in a new conclusion already. researched already was justified and refuted, i am categorically against the adjournment and will appeal to the honorable members of the commission to continue the proceedings. after a closed discussion of the higher qualifications, the commission nevertheless decided to postpone the consideration of gorbasenko. based on the results of the discussion , a protocol decision is announced to postpone consideration of
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the issue. we asked pavlo gorbasenko about the probable intention of real marital relationships, connections with the terrorist state and questionable simpletons. mr. pavlo, please tell me what your father used to do roaming in the occupied kyiv region, your divorce from your wife looks doubtful, considering that you have a second child, i don't want to answer you on the fly, if you want to do a good interview, then come to visit, send questions, even about the fortune that analyzed by the public council, finish the impressions, the fortunes are analyzed. and the conclusion is drawn that there are no issues of wealth, so let's not invent a report from what is not there. we hope, after a careful study of all the newly discovered facts, which may testify to the dishonesty of judge pavlo gorbasenko, the commission will make a fair decision regarding him. the ethics council completed
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interviews with candidates for the position of member of the supreme council of justice under the quota of president volodymyr zelenskyi. currently, vrp has 17 members out of 21, the president has to appoint two, and after more than a year and a half, the seats are empty, and the applicants are dubious, this is the judge of the kyiv district administrative court nataliya panchenko, and she has a wonderful friendly family and good social security, so lives in his mother's apartments that his sister bought, drives his daughter's car, and eats rations from the state? i am a person who knows how to save, and i have not had the need to spend since 2000. panchenko is 22 years old and lives with her husband in an apartment designed for the judge's mother. 64 m2 almost in the center of kyiv, she bought it back in december 2012. allegedly discounts on real estate. the financing of this apartment took place, once again i say that at the expense of the savings of my mother, father, and
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my mother's brother, i also said that in the financing of this acquisition of this my sister also took part in the apartment, during the interview, as a candidate for the judge's higher qualification commission, you said: that your sister provided the money for the purchase, her income from 98 to 12 was a total of uah 680,28,332. maybe i answered incorrectly then. two years before purchasing this apartment, the judge's sister bought another 34-square-meter apartment for her mother in the capital, but the woman never lived in any of them, instead she used it. why did you live in this apartment? your sister bought the apartment where you lived, why so? motives for purchasing this
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i would not like to make the apartment for my sister public, but due to certain life circumstances, she bought it, and at the same time, she stayed where she lived. there was no need for me and my family to purchase an apartment due to the fact that we... understood that in the near future we will receive an apartment from the state, natalia panchenko always had a lot of hopes for the state, with the help of social security, for example, i even managed to buy a new audi q7, issued it for my daughter, but she used the car herself judge. in our country, such a thing as the maintenance of officers and their families at the expense of the state was introduced, and i want to tell you about the fact that i can get confused right now, along with this, somewhere up to the third grade, these are my daughters, because i just i remember how we lived like this, we
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were provided, we did not spend money on housing, because the state compensated for it, we did not spend money on food, because the state also provided us with this, and that was the concept of rations, well in russian, pay, well, pay, well that is, when... they gave out food for him and his family members. the entire judge's family obviously knows how to save money. her husband managed to buy a motorcycle with a market value of more than 7 thousand dollars, 15 times cheaper. it is a completely ordinary motorcycle. what i see, as far as i can tell, from an outside observer, there is nothing like that at all. please explain. yes, and such a huge difference between the real price of the motorcycle and the agreement of the parties, and why
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the price was exactly that, i do not know, because i am not was a participant in this relationship, why did he sell it at that price, i don’t know , maybe panchenko doesn’t see the problem, because she herself gives away her own cars for nothing, she sold her toyota raav-4 for uah 100, she says the car was badly damaged in an accident , in general... there were many questions about the integrity of the judge of the kyiv district administrative court nataliya panchenko in the ethical council. soon we will find out whether the servant of themis managed to convince the experts of her suitability for the position, a member of the supreme council of justice. and on today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shostrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report about... an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the e-mail address you see on the screen. it's all good,
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we'll meet in exactly one week. greetings, we are looking for two children who... disappeared in temporarily occupied donetsk, one of them is 15-year-old kostya tyzhnavoy, we lost contact with him on october 26, 2023, and nothing is known about the boy since then. because of he disappeared during the occupation, we know little about the circumstances of his disappearance. it is likely that kostya is still in the temporarily occupied territory, but for one reason or another he cannot report himself. so... i ask residents of donetsk, who may see this video on social networks, to look especially carefully at the photo of the boy. if you know at least some information about him or where he might
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be. call us on the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630. you can also write to us either on our website or at chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we are also looking for this girl, her name is angelina buynova, she is 16 years old, and she also went missing in temporarily occupied donetsk. it happened in the fall of 2023, and since then it is not known where and with whom angelina is. unfortunately, it is possible that she could have been taken out or deported to russia. this, of course, is only an assumption, and in general the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide. so i note that if you know about any crime against a child, in particular about deportation, do not be indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website of course, you can do it anonymously if you wish. of course,
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searching for children from the temporarily occupied territories is a very difficult and usually long process. however, our experience shows that the search must be continued even in the most difficult, or sometimes it would seem, hopeless situations. so, for example, we were able to find a guy from the then still occupied part of the kherson region, nothing was known about igor since february 24, 2022. we only knew that... he lived in the village of sonyachne, kherson region, which was under occupation. in our programs, we called on the residents of this village, if they do see us on the internet, to let us know, if possible, whether 17-year-old igor still lives in sonyachny and whether everything is fine with him, and it worked, we were sent this video from igor my name is igor, today is october 31, 2022, i live in
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seri sochny, khersonsk. region with grandfather and grandmother, everything is fine. the guy confirmed that he still lives in the village of sonyachne with his grandmother and grandfather and all this time he could not report himself, because there was no ukrainian mobile phone service in the occupation. i really hope that the story of the search for demyanchyk tyurin, who went missing in mariupol, will end with the same happy ending. i am asking you immediately, please share this wanted video on your social media pages. networks, this is actually very important, because you have to understand that the more people learn about the missing boy, the more chances there will be to find him, so please do not remain indifferent. demyanchyk is only three river, he disappeared on march 2, 2022 in mariupol, when hostilities were going on in the city . what happened to the child, who she was with then and where she may be now is unknown. and
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that's why everyone who sees this video... i ask you to look carefully at the boy's face. he looks 3-4 years old, of medium build, has fair, blond hair and dark eyes. so, if you know anything about demyan tyurin, do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the child tracing service at the number 116 30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine without price also, write to our website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. i want to emphasize that any, even the smallest information can be important in the search, so let's not be indifferent and let's try to find the missing demyan tyurin together. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch
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all possible mechanisms for... we are starting an information day on the espresso tv channel, on the air of the news, in the studio is working khrystyna porubiy. the occupiers attacked dnipropetrovsk region with drones and artillery, targeting the civil infrastructure of nikopol, pokrovska, marganytska and myrivska communities. a farm building was destroyed, three more in nivychchyna. seven private houses and
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power lines were also damaged. - said the head of the regional military administration.


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