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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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then there may be certain threats to the front in the context of the fact that people with the most military experience will be demobilized, i.e. those who have actually been there for some time, they understand how the front works, they know how to defend themselves, won't there be a problem with that, because you can, for example, observe that the people who are arriving now, they also have quality training? uh, look, the problem is that i don't know that law perfectly, and i don't, it's not there yet, i just noticed that he is not there yet, he only says that, in my understanding, those people who are here heart and soul are already in the war, they will not go, they will not run to demobilize, knowing that his unit will not be filled with quality people and provided, well, that's me this is if, if he runs there now to demobilize, it means, well , he is there, well, these are not the right people, that is, i would say so, and you... you will understand that this
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will not happen just once and everyone ran, well , of course it will be gradation, of course it will be gradual, there will be certain ones, well, i would began to demobilize those with limited fitness, i would begin to demobilize useless people, well, we are all adults there, everyone understands it, i would simply demobilize these people, they are good men, they have served, and there are actually guys who were injured there, they even after treatment, well, they are simply not ready morally. why keep them there? let them return, now there is a great shortage of personnel in all areas, uh , there is work, there is enough work, that would be a normal gradation, these would go here, new ones there, we would teach and train them there, and normal adequate guys would go to work now, where there is enough on the labor market, well, i say again, there are many professions, well, there is a lot of work there and sufficient salary, this is normal, natural, in my opinion. action,
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mr. ivan, still about the preparation, i would like to ask you how you evaluate those people who came there in the first months of the great war, there in the second year of the great war, at the beginning and those who come now, often they say that the most motivated went in the first months of the great war, as you estimate the training there, the moral component of those people who come for example the army now, those who come for recruiting, those who are mobilized, here is according to this gradation, which you can evaluate for yourself, look, of course... moral and psychological, ideological training in us completely there in fact, well , to be honest, it is only now starting to work and only now are we starting to think and talk about it, of course motivational people, well, people who were motivated, they left in the first ranks, but now there is also a sufficient number of normal motivated people, it's just that the motivation of not the eye itself is very important here... but the motivation
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of society is very important, again, we say, i would speak for some gradation there, yes, if i understand that i uh, well, that i military serviceman, after all, i am persistent and i will be in a better social status than the dutch, so it is important, because many do not want to go because of the experience of being there for 14-15 years, yes, the boys went to fight, gave their lives . the 16th, 17th were forgotten about them, the 18th were completely forgotten about them, the 19th, they didn’t even know who they were, here and this, and this, and it hurts, you know, when you, when you give, when you work there, serve, when you fight there, risk your life every day, and when you arrive, return home, comrades are there or acquaintances, they just even, well, everything is fine , okay, everyone has their own topic and everyone has their own... that's important. minister
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klymenko, by the way, in an interview with our colleague on radio svoboda the day before, said that negotiations are already underway with some countries of the european union in order to return those men who did not cross legally border and actually went there. do you think that the state should return to ukraine those men who chose a path for themselves, probably evaded mobilization, well, we don't know what their motives were, but they crossed this border illegally during the great war? well, of course, i would conduct the graduation again, but i don’t know how realistically it is possible, i would give them the opportunity to return or the opportunity to monthly finance a sufficient amount of funds to support the armed forces of ukraine, and so on. who doesn't want it, i just released my citizenship, well, for example, what kind of ukrainian can it be, well, there i am... i too could go abroad, and
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there we could all go abroad, well, but if you went, evaded in only that you can now feel what the country is, now the country is being rebuilt, now it is being formed, now... how important you are, you should be here in this country, you should work there, help, volunteer, fight, you should give back, well until each of us realizes, er, feels the war, he will not understand what it is, and we are talking about the fact that we want to build a society, how will we build it, if we do not feel it, if now the dude spends two or three years abroad in poland, he will return here, will tell that he... is a great figure in the creation of ukraine there, that he knows very well what to do there, but he knows nothing, because he is here, he did not even feel what they feel, i am already silent there, well, people of, say, central ukraine, western ukraine, where they only hear from sirens, he didn't even feel what
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was happening in kyiv, how the first days were still there in kyiv, well, i and this is my opinion, mr. ivan, i thank you for that and for your opinion and for the fact that you joined , ivan buryak, chief sergeant of the 93rd cold council. guest of our broadcast. austria will be able to live without russian gas. this is what the country's government says. federal chancellor karl nagemer said in an interview with the swiss newspaper nzz that austria is rebuilding the gas transportation system from west to east with fuel from norway and the persian gulf countries. ago if the supply of russian gas stops completely, austria will be able to immediately compensate for it. meanwhile, negotiations are underway in europe to continue the supply of gas through. the russia-ukraine pipeline in 2025, he writes with reference to bloomberg sources. an agreement under which some eastern european countries receive gas through ukraine expires at the end of 2024, so european officials and company representatives are negotiating with ukraine to continue supplies despite
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russia's ongoing war against ukraine. they suggest that european companies purchased and pumped gas from azerbaijan into russian pipelines heading to europe - reports bloomberg. journalists of the publication also write that... this agreement will allegedly be beneficial for ukraine, and if the supply stops, the pipelines may become the targets of russian attacks and their restoration will require large costs. the position of official kyiv on this issue is not yet known. prime minister denys shmyhal previously stated that ukraine is ready to use its gas transportation system, if the european countries act either as a consortium, or if one of the european partners acts as a transitor of their own gas. and energy minister herman galushchenko told ukrinform in march that kyiv has no intention of signing. no additional agreements or extend the validity of the agreement with russia on gas transit. the agreement ends on december 31 of this year. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, joins our broadcast. my greetings to you. good day. mr. oleksandr, thank you for joining. ot
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actual continuation of gas supply through the russia-ukraine pipeline. how can it look, whose gas, whose pipes, how do you see it now? well, in my opinion, here we are talking about... ukraine providing services to its european partners, and it must be understood that the european gas pipeline system was built precisely with the expectation that gas would come from the ukrainian direction, and for many countries of the central europe, this is a serious question, because it is technically very difficult to provide them in the reverse direction, and i listened carefully to what you said about the statements of the austrian government, but we are talking about the fact that the austrian government is only on... this way, just started the way to ensure the possibility of technical transportation in the reverse direction, so there is certainly a large number of european players interested in preserving gas transit through
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ukraine , to save the gas coming from this direction, including, it is a significant factor of european energy and security on the one hand, and without... it has a very strong impact on the costs that europe has to bear, because in the event that the flow is stopped gas from ukraine side, then these expenses will increase significantly, significantly. tell me, please, for the ukrainian side, no matter what this contract looks like and no matter how the extension of this contract looks like, how important and significant is this story from the point of view of the budget, even if this pipeline were actually used? well, in my opinion, for ukraine, there is its own... group of risks if the gas is not transported through this route, firstly, we have very serious security risks, because if the gas is not transported, we understand that instantly moscow's terrorist attacks will begin gas compressor stations, and this can lead
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to very significant problems with gas supply in the east and south of ukraine, and this is a very significant threat. especially in conditions when heating systems depend on gas supply in winter, they depend and depend in a significant way, actually all heating systems are based on gas supply, on gas. therefore, safely for ukraine, this gas transit remains a very significant factor and it weighs. the second parameter is definitely a financial parameter, because maintenance of the gas transportation system - these are substantial funds. and no matter how much we want 300-350 million dollars a year for the maintenance of the gas transportation system, it is necessary to get it somewhere, even in the case that it is not. transit, and the gas transportation system serves exclusively ukrainian consumers and
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provides certain transits between european countries, and either these funds will fall on the ukrainian consumer, and accordingly he will have to pay significantly more for gas transportation, or we will continue to provide services to our european partners for pumping gas through system, but next to that's why there is also a third approach from ukrainians who say, why... russia is fighting against ukraine there, and we are continuing this contract, and actually, that's why nagora is raising this issue. tell me, please, but after all, this is russia, no matter how this triangle will be the use of this gas transportation system, whether russian gas or some other gas will go there, russia will still make money from it as well, correctly, if, for example, gas to pump some others, but including it will go from the russian side. certainly, russia will make money from this, we have to understand that, but... but there are several parameters here: first, who has a greater benefit from the fact
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that this transit works, and i think that ukraine is here, well, you know, me too we would really like to concrete the territory of moscow region, but simply take and concrete it completely 10 meters thick, but we understand that this will not happen, and in the objective situation in which we live, we have to understand what makes us stronger. than they, and the work of the gas transportation system, in my opinion, for us is a more important and systemic factor of stability in ukraine and it brings more benefit and protection to ukrainians than any benefit to muscovites. and in this situation, i think we should turn on a cool brain and analyze very clearly what and how we should do step by step. and let's simulate the situation, the european partners there, the european countries , agree with ukraine that
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they want to transport gas through the territory of ukraine through the russia-ukraine pipeline on the condition of some other state. russia should also be interested in this, because it will benefit from it there to receive money, but russia says: we will not allow it to be done, because it extinguishes the russian some others, what then? then the transit is interrupted, i think, and then those gas pipelines there, all those stations that you talked about, they can also be targeted to become ... they fall into a high-risk area, certainly, and that's a significant problem, and we know that in we lack air defense means, ukraine is a big country, we are not some small country that can be completely covered by three air defense batteries. no, ukraine is a big country, and unfortunately, it is a huge number of objects that it will not be possible to cover up, and these risks must be understood and prepared for, and that is why i am saying that it is in the best... interests of ukraine to approach this issue very carefully and approach it with as cool
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a head as possible. are all european countries ready to completely abandon russian gas? so in the coming year? as far as i know, no, there is a certain list of european countries for which technically to refuse russian gas, let’s say, not from russian gas, but from gas coming from the ukrainian direction, it will be much more correct to say so, but for them to refuse. from the gas that comes from the ukrainian direction is very difficult, including a technical task that cannot be solved in months, that is, there needs to be a certain restructuring of gas flows, a certain restructuring of gas pipelines, a change in the direction of pressures, and so on, and this is a task that is being implemented , that is, it is in the process of being implemented, and europe is not sitting idly by, this must also be understood, but at the same time, it is not yet completed, but in this direction... there are works in order to actually, to still try to give up, but it will take time, yes, i
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thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for joining in and telling me how it really is, and well , an interesting approach, an interesting understanding, because i say ambiguous theses always sound, but why is russia fighting against ukraine there, yet this agreement continues and gas continues to flow through this pipeline. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, is a guest of our broadcast. i thank you for the fact that you write in the chat about what you... write the topics that can become the topics of our broadcasts in the future. this is important because it is essentially our communication with you, so we have the opportunity to communicate with you, and you with us. there are a lot of comments and it's actually cool that you write about it, because it means that we choose the right topics, those that concern ukrainian society, my name is oleg galiv, this is the freedom of mornings project, we see you every morning on the air of the radio freedom channel , youtube channel, as well as on the espresso broadcast, subscribe to all our platforms, share this video with friends, it is important for the promotion of quality content, our whole team wishes you a peaceful day, and we will meet with you from monday, see you soon.
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shape. call now and order an orthopedic mattress. kemel: instead of the full cost of the mattress, pay only half. we are returning, we thank our colleagues for their work, we will add that there is already information about the night attack from the air force, that they aimed at critical objects, fortunately they did not succeed, we know what was heard in kharkiv recently several explosions, probably outside the city, our colleagues report. social, well , in the meantime, we will add to the conversation people's deputy andriy osachuk in connection with our studio, mr. andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning. mr. andriy, you are on your third attempt, and the two, the previous two were the most scandalous with the law on the economic security bureau, the two previous draft laws, it was something that
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even our partners from the big seven ambassadors grabbed their heads. and so on, all this was in conflict of our obligations, but now yesterday's law was passed on restarting the bureau of economic security, what is your assessment of whether this law will work? well, roman, there were many more attempts, we have to remember the whole epic with this body, because the creation of a separate body that will control the business, instead of this whole game of security forces. the police, the sbu, tax officials, and so on, was a pre-election promise of the servants of the people, and the voice spoke about it in its pre-election program. european solidarity, this is at least what i remember from memory, and this actually started from the very beginning of the work of the verkhovna rada, i remember very well the fall of 1919, when endless
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meetings were held in the tax policy committee, and i was then involved in it, and it was then that... the process of developing the first draft law began, then it had a different name, i don’t even remember anymore, not the bureau of economic security, somehow it was called differently, but then the first version was voted on, then it was canceled, the preparation of the second version began, the babe itself was created, it seems, in the 20th year, then there was a rather shameful epic with the first appointment of the manager, and then actually the competition. the commission was created by servants from the opz, also, it seems, on the second attempt, and when the first so-called competition ended, it was clear that nothing would come of this body, because... let me remind you, the first competition for the manager was won by mr. melnyk, who was the manager of the tax police, that is, in fact , what we fought against all those years, it actually
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headed this body, and even then it was clear that there would be no cinema, as they say, and actually this confirmed the time, and in fact somewhere after the beginning of the big war it became clear that beb cannot be corrected. and it must be completely reloaded, and throughout the first and second year of the war, there were endless scandals and conversations about the fact that, on the one hand , ukraine is constantly asking for help, you understand how dependent we were, are, and will be on our partners and allies , but at the same time we were constantly told that our boys and girls are dear, but how are you doing inside ukraine with the fight against shadow business? first of all , we are talking about shadow tobacco, shadow alcohol, well, the entire excise group, shadow fuel, gambling business, and it is no longer a secret for anyone,
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there is also the work of investigative commissions of the verkhovna rada, there was a lot of public information that in the first two years of the war, we lost, as a state , tens of billions of hryvnias in revenue, which obviously should have gone to the budget, and this is not somewhere they are very hidden, everyone knew the address. shadow, tobacco factories, everyone knew the names of the main players of this story, but the bep, as they say, fought and threw up its hands, that is , the issue of resetting the bep turned into a question of national security in general and the survival of the ukrainian economy, and already near the end of last year, there were agreements with our partners who see all this well, understand all this well, and there was an agreement that... it is necessary to completely restart the structure, launch the tender procedure, look for a new the head, re-certification of everyone, and maybe it will somehow
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work, the servants were very sorry for this, the office of the president was very sorry for this, the first attempts, as you say, these are already this year, ended in just huge scandals and the most disgusting pressure on opposition deputies, i remember, i personally had one. story, when i voted with a red button for one of the projects that was pushed through the office of the president, i was almost an enemy of the people, then they announced, i was canceled there, they tried to cancel the trip to the hague to the international criminal court, more precisely , in plain text, that is, the office and the coalition, they fought hard for their version of the reboot in quotes, but we all pushed through, we pushed through because... we work with our partners and allies, we work with open maps, we're nothing special did not demand, we demanded honesty, transparency
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and openness of the process of restarting the bep, and in fact the last two or three days, i did not take part in it directly, because it happened on the site of the tax policy committee, but literally the day before yesterday, if i'm not mistaken, at night with a new version of the comparative appeared. the table for the second reading, which at first no one saw, and then it was actually started yesterday morning, the day before yesterday, excuse me, in the morning to watch, study, there were a couple of meetings at the level of the tax policy committee, and such impression that the price of the issue played its role, because whether this law was passed in its normal version or not, at least 3 billion euros of direct aid to ukraine directly depended on it. and this is actually an example of what i fought for all the years, while i was in the verkhovna rada, and even from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, i
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constantly promoted a very simple thesis in dialogues with our allies: no matter how hard it is for us, no matter how we did not need help, but help should come in exchange for specific reforms that ukraine itself critically needs, and this is an example of just such an approach. i'm sorry, the restart of the bep and the normal operation of the bep is not needed by the eu, not by france, not by great britain, not by the united states of america, it is needed by us. we have to ensure comfort for white business, we have to ensure the persecution of fraudsters, and smugglers, and everyone who is engaged in illegal business, we are obliged to put order in our house, this is our interest. therefore , we supposedly achieved what we wanted, will it work, well... i have no doubt that as an analogy with other similar stories, servants will fight to the end. i think we are in for another epic contest for a new
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manager. so, i remind everyone that not only did we have all the previous contests on sap and on nabu, these are all the events of this political cycle, where everything was very ugly, sometimes very scandalous, so it is difficult to count on that , that it will be somehow different this time, but again, we have no other option but to once again defend the european principles for which we are actually fighting. i remind the servants and all colleagues that boys and girls, well, we are constantly we repeat the abbreviation eu and nato, well, these are not just words, if we are fighting for this, then we must meet these standards at all levels, including speaking about key state institutions, in the words of mr. andriy, we got what we needed now we really need, that is, control and improvement, improvement of our country itself, through
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reforms, and due to this, we will also receive additional funding. one more important, another question about another important body, we have the draft law on the military police, but already information is beginning to appear that it is not everything is so good with the existence and functioning of this body, what is wrong, can we correct it at this stage, we have just under three minutes? well, not so that words matter, and the word police is in your mind, in your mind. of our viewers has a clear association with a law enforcement agency, a law enforcement agency, that is why it is called a law enforcement agency, because it must have the full range of powers in order to perform a law enforcement function. unfortunately, what we voted for is simply called very beautifully, but in fact it is nothing the military service of law and order, which has been functioning in the armed forces of ukraine for quite some time, has been given additional powers. why did you decide to use the beautiful name
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military police? because ukraine has had commitments for a long time, and there have been talks for a long time about the fact that we want to build a system of military justice, this is all much more complicated, it is about military courts, about the military prosecutor's office, about the military police, because ukraine is absolutely unique for europe, because sometimes we are told that there is no such thing in europe, there is no military justice, but excuse me, in europe, there is no army anywhere, where there are a million people, and where there is a correspondingly huge number of problems about ... violations, this is normal for such a number, and in order for it to function properly, you need discipline, you need to prosecute those who violate rules, and civilians are not able to investigate or judge the military, because of course there are specifics, that is, on the one hand, we were supposed to develop military justice, and on the other hand, the forces of the servants of the people were only enough to draft a draft law, where on the basis of the military service of law and order
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, a body called the military police is allegedly being created, there are more questions than answers, when we voted on it, well , the servants voted with their allies in the first reading, then it was quite unique that the verkhovna rada extended the deadline for providing amendments and proposals , because usually stefanchuk likes to shorten, because we are always in a hurry somewhere, here we continued, how to emphasize that there is a lot of work, and there, i think, we will have to rewrite a significant part of this entire story, so that's it. the beginning of this epic but the last sentence, i think, is very important for the hunger strikers: no matter how this story ends, this body, no matter what it is called, even if it will be called the military police, will apply only to the military, to civilians, it will not matter at all , so you don't need to worry that this is some additional repressive function of the state, it's all an attempt to bring order to the army, mr. andriy, thank you, andriy osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine, in particular, he said about
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the military... police, let's remind you that this is how it turned out historically , that in the 19th year when the government changed the reform of the prosecutor general's office was also abolished, it became the office of the prosecutor general, the post of military prosecutor was abolished, that is, military justice was destroyed to zero, and now they are beginning to rebuild it in three stages, there must be military courts, the prosecutor's office and the police, they have only just begun, as they say from the end, although it is logical to start from the beginning, but this story is not about us to start from the beginning. but it's time to pass the word to our colleagues, it's about us, it's about us, khrystyna parobiy has already waited, because she knows much more about the latest and the most important thing, so christina, you have a word. thank you, colleagues, there was a large-scale drone attack this night and in the morning, in russia and in the occupied crimea. i'll tell you what happens there in the release, so stay tuned.


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