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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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er, these are isolated cases that are characteristic of russian fascist associations, such as rusych, is this their current practice and what should be done about it, because this is a violation of all, if it does not sound wild, rules of warfare. well, look, it’s a long-term war, that’s it, it’s inherent in war in general, especially for russians, to lose a certain humanity, to break conventions, unfortunately... well, such things happen in every war, that’s what happened in wars too, in which western countries participated, in particular, even, because we know whole stories in the united states americans talk about the way officers were tried for certain actions, and russians are generally cruel, remember what they did in georgia, ossetia, when they played football with severed heads, remember what they did in chechnya. just remember our
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experience in bucheg, stomel, mariupol, etc., unfortunately, this is a typical story for russians, specifically this case is an attempt to intimidate, in particular, servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, but it seems to me that we already know so much about such cases , that it is unlikely that the russians will succeed, that's all, the only thing, that in my opinion, we should not turn into katsapians, into russians, and yet. to adhere to the convention, which the armed forces of ukraine do, yes, but we get a distortion, because another story that immediately appears parallel to this severed head is the procurement through the prozoro system of chocolates, candies and everything else for russian prisoners, do you understand how this contrast with society is perceived on the background of such contrasting news, well, on the one hand, you can... you know, say, let's do
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like the russians, like the russians do with our prisoners, we saw these shots when the prisoners come out as if from concentration camps, thin, it is clear that people were starving, did not have normal access to medical services, but on the other hand, then how will we be different from the russians, we have a war , values ​​in the first place, ukraine chose the values ​​of the western world. russia chose china, chose the values ​​of totalitarian dictatorial countries, that is , accordingly, we have a war of values, so if we have a war of values, then i think that we have these values ​​to adhere to them even with prisoners behave in accordance with all international conventions, that's all, i want to ask about values ​​from the beginning, in fact , public organizations, businesses, every
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ukrainian, and the local administration, too , have always tried to somehow strengthen the front, combat units, now we have official permission to local budgets can finance the defense forces, in your opinion, will it have a significant impact, will it bring significant changes, because we understand that anyway, everyone who can is trying to support donate, well, i will tell you this, that local budgets, all the time and helped the defense forces a lot, i just understand this law, it leads this assistance into a more legal field, there will be fewer problems, and er, that is, in fact, it is a legalization of what was already happening, i believe that it is very the right thing, when there were subventions that were provided to the brigades, it allowed us to repair equipment and purchase drones, drones, well... everything necessary and
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, accordingly, the fact that now the local budget has officially given permission to help the defense forces, well, this will increase our insolvency and resolution of problematic issues will become much easier. what else could be changed in the legislative field, such as these permits, to make it even simpler, more transparent, faster, easier. i think that we have now in... a large number of foreign volunteers helping from abroad with remittances and generator stations and means of communication and the same drones, but if it was possible to do all this much faster, to make it easier for them to clear customs of this , well, i think that would help, now these procedures are somehow a little complicated, thank you mr. myroslav, myroslav gaibov is with us, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and volunteer. by the way, volunteers, in particular
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those who drive across the border themselves, do not just unpack trucks and ship, but cross the border and go through all these procedures, they say that the process is unpleasant, to put it mildly, and they would also like all this it was easier to help. drones were mentioned with mr. myroslav, so i can't help but remind you about our collection, almost 20,000 have already arrived today, we are asking for more, we always ask for more, because this means that we will be able to purchase mavics sooner, and we will be able to send them to the front sooner , and there will already be able to work with them as they see fit, so that it is as effective as possible. the military themselves say, we need it, we need mavics. wishing you good health, we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery reconnaissance, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our
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homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. the most viral information this morning, with reference to the british. intelligence and a ukrainian expert, i'm already watching, everyone is reposting her about what a nuclear attack on the western region of ukraine is considered as a place for a russian tactical nuclear attack to make the territory uninhabitable, because it is a logistical route that has been cut off in this way, british intelligence reports that it allegedly warned the military leadership about this and. .. warn the population of western ukraine. we will have guests today, whom we will ask about this kind of information, how to check it first, what to do, and we remember that russia declares all the time, they would like to all of ukraine was such an uninhabitable territory
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. we have a short break, then we will return, we will talk about aviation, about drones, wait. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call just order now. camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that our production is located in ukraine, we will be able to quickly manufacture a mattress and deliver it directly to you. we perfectly combine innovative technologies and
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10. sunday 18:15 at espresso. thank you for your generous donations. let's see what you react to the words of the boys. the last amount that arrived was uah 500. generous and actually from those larger donations, because there are often such ones for 10, 20, 50 hryvnias. each of them is valuable. and we, in the meantime, join the conversation of the deputy general director of the company for the production of means. electronic warfare and aviation expert anatoliy khrapchynsky is in touch with our studio. mr. anatoly, we congratulate you. glory to
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ukraine. glory, congratulations. we have already shown various pictures, cartoons and videos to our various military personnel, who are drone pilots themselves. and we will ask you how dangerous what we have shown is. in particular, let's talk about russian developments. the first thing we showed was this type of powerful perun, an attack and transport drone, it was demonstrated by various publics and russian military personnel as a super unique one that can fly far to the rear and even conduct combat operations there, maybe even with a machine gun on board. so they said, have you seen it and can you tell us something about this feather. let's start with the fact that the russians were so frightened by our grandmother,
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that after that they decided to say that we have no better analogues, in fact this drone is an ordinary agricultural drone that can perform the tasks of arresting smokestacks, so we are again processing from a chinese tool, creating some kind of weapon, this is all that russia can do , as we can see, they will be very dependent on china in this matter, because they do not have their own... capacity for the production of these types of drones, but nevertheless it should be noted that due to the ability to receive certain components from china, they such means can do. as for countermeasures, let us all note here that there is a solution for countermeasures both in the electromagnetic aspect, i.e., it suppresses the possibility of this type of multi-copter bopol to and physical destruction at the expense of, we already have experience when fpv drones destroy aerial ones. quite powerfully knocking them down on the approach even in the territory of ukraine, that is, they decided
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to throw septo lightning bolts at our grandmother with feathers, i know they also have these phaetons, we saw what this development looks like, it can take off vertically, it has screws upwards directed, and the question is, is this already something from mass production, and how can they be used if it flies far, will it be an analogue? heads, what targets can be hit and how can we fight them, the same mobile groups? i don't think this drone is capable of flying further than 50-70 km, again, you have to remember that it has a yes, it has an internal combustion engine that allows it to increase its capabilities somewhat, but in view in appearance, considering those combinations that are, for example, in the form of... for example, chinese performance, then this drone is low-powered, and it will be needed more,
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for example, to perform reconnaissance missions, and therefore, in fact, once again it should be noted that now the global task facing the engineering staff of ukraine, which is involved in miltech, is precisely the creation of means , defeating pro and countermeasures precisely by reconnaissance shock waves, which are not very noticeable for classic radar systems, and as we can see, there is... a system that will allow it to be done automatically with the use of a smaller number of personnel, and most likely there are two or three military personnel who will perform the role of the operator of the system for the detection and destruction of such aerial objects. and in general, if you and i are talking about different drones, then if you monitor how they are trying
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to improve, what they are trying to change in their drones, to trick something in order to achieve what goals to... achieve, what is the priority for them now, if you analyze , hype up these drones of theirs and understand how they work? efforts to create more resistant means of radioelectronic warfare, because we are increasingly advancing in this direction and we are creating certain problems for russian drones to use them, saturation of the front line is an important countermeasure in the electromagnetic spectrum, but we must... not forget that there is also a need for physical destruction. of course, russia will try to make more resistant to means of electronic warfare and inconspicuous unmanned systems, but here it should be noted that they are limited by certain opportunities that china provides us, because after all, most of the components that we see on their bopals are of this type, we are not talking now about
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shaheds, and this type is mostly chinese chinese. components that they use for some kind of modification or improvement, but again, most of these tools, it should be noted that most of these tools that russia uses, this is an attempt to copy those solutions that we already have and that are already effectively used on front line, at the expense of copying, they cannot, for example, develop a higher quality product of their own production there, they are copied at the expense of components from china, therefore , again, against... it is simply necessary scale our capabilities and create certain units that, for example, if russia wins them, then they do not understand how they work, and this already relies directly on our engineering systems. as for our drones, we also work constantly, when this so-called babayaga first appeared, they were all just terrified, what
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it is, we understand that we are developing further, whether there is parity, or after all we are on ... one step ahead, in front of them, and our drones are always a little better, a little more powerful. i would say would, that of course, we are a step ahead, because in the unit that we offer, we see the effectiveness, for example, and the effectiveness, the low number of destroyed refineries, and the affected planes, even modern ones, such as 157, and the morozovsky airfield, smash the so34 planes , and this is due to the operation of our unmanned aircraft systems. which can bypass both air defense and anti -radio electronic warfare and can sometimes perform tasks due to algorithms so to speak artificial intelligence, so in fact i would note that the production of our drone systems is quite powerful, because even our western partners already offer not only, for example, their drones,
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they already offer to create a certain joint enterprise and are ready to finance the defense sector of ukraine, because they... see progressive developments on the part of our engineers, and in fact we now have our own separate branch of the military, which is responsible for drones, for unmanned aerial vehicles, i understand that this also to some extent allows us to develop faster and introduce some innovations here, yes about shaheds who fly into ukraine, we are used to it that mostly it is through the south, from chauda, ​​where recently there was also a lot of noise. more often flies somewhere from russia, and there is also a route from the north, they often flew through kharkiv oblast, and recently they became more active in sumy oblast, they fly into the airspace of ukraine from sumy oblast, and before that it was mostly at night, now it is more and more during the day, daylight hours during the day, when it's actually easier to shoot down, and they fly, what are they
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trying to do, what tactics do they use... why, why are they during the day appeared, again, an attempt to actively load air defense, this is the only way that the russian federation is now trying to fight in view of these massive missiles or strikes directly fell of the type of musket, and their main task is to try to penetrate as massively as possible at the expense of there 10 -15 of these bpela. even if one reaches the target, in fact , it is difficult to apply any logic here, because due to a large resource , they can use such blows. well , of course, from our side, we need to strengthen decisions regarding the automation of these detection and destruction processes, because mobile groups are good, but this is a human factor and this is
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a significant burden on the human factor. we are talking about the need to create systems that would be in automatic mode, detect these air targets and destroy them at the expense of either kinetic or destruction at the expense of electronic warfare. throughout march and... at the beginning of april, their tactics were mostly as follows: they launched shahedis, shahedis flew in and for some time some time after that, rockets were fired from there and also from the south from the sea, they were launched, an extreme mass attack, when the attack was directed mostly to the west, we saw that the shaheds flew, after the shaheds, everyone expected that there would be a large number of rockets , because the carrier rockets were also taken out into the sea, but there were none, there were only one, it seems, four or five. they launched five missiles, if they don't launch the caliber, if they don't launch from the sea, it means that they simply had such a tactic, and they decided to withdraw
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the poles, one more thing, or seeing that all the shahets, the shaheds were being shot down, decided not to launch missiles anymore, realizing that the air defense in that place is reliable and they will not be able to break through it and in this way they simply save missiles, let's start with the fact that ... in fact, four missiles of the x101x555 class were launched from strategic aviation. it should be noted here that they were launched from four tu-95 ms aircraft of the caspian sea equator. by the way, this is the first time in a long time, probably this year, the first time they launched from the equator caspian sea. and here it is necessary to note a certain problem. 95 ms aircraft were not designed to launch x101 missiles from under the wing. and... they were designed for missiles of the x-55 class, which they carried in the middle equipment of the fuselage itself in the combat compartment compartments, so in principle we say that
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after russia began to operate aircraft with under-wing missile suspensions, this is essential loaded the airframe of the plane and directly the engine and led to a double reduction of the resource, that is, due to certain changes in the geometry of the flight itself. took place the load that wore out both the engines and the plane itself, so we recently see the use of these tutu 95 planes with a small number of missiles and at short distances, that is, they take off, if they are loaded, they are with a large number of missiles, they already fly directly from engels and over engels somewhere in the volgodonsk region, over a large military training ground, they release these rockets, in this case they were released. simulation of launch first from endrisu, then launch directly from caspian sea four missiles. what does it say? this suggests that russian strategic aviation is becoming weaker.
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they understand the limitations of the resource and they also understand that using strategic aviation, which flies at 600 km and can launch missiles at 4000 km, is not effective in ukraine, because, as they plan, they also have to fight with our western partners and with nato , here then actually they will need these planes a... but they are already with such a shabby resource, so in my opinion what happened, russia tried enter with a small number of rockets through the front line, because in fact the rockets entered from its south, and they tried to pass precisely on the basis of the fact that, for example, there are fewer anti-aircraft defenses, so powerful that they would see these rockets and try to break through the anti-aircraft in this way. in a word, for us it is probably the best, because their aircraft wears out, they burn more fuel, the pilots too, thank god, are getting tired, maybe they are getting tired already. thank you,
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mr. anatoliy, for participating in our broadcast, anatoliy khrepchynskyi, deputy general director companies for the production of electronic warfare equipment and an aviation expert. we're going on a short break, stay tuned for more updates, and then we'll be back. attention, access to... position: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer: a smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging, the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break in a seizure. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp.
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the thickest weeds and at the same time... virtually silent, no more heavy lawn fertilizers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience and well-maintained lot, order now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers, only from uah 799. offer is limited, call. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. today , electricity restrictions will be longer from 1:00 p.m., ukrenergo reported. due to the difficult situation in the energy system , 53 remain without power.


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