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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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for acute hemorrhoids 600, treat hemorrhoids without any oops, there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts on foams stel, 20% in pharmacies plantain, pam and savings. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics that... more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback connection, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, with tuesday through friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions. to
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inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. see that tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. as a reminder, this is a session week, so parliament. of ukraine works, and how it works, we will find out, now the people's deputy of ukraine, oleksiy honcharenko, should be with us, we are waiting, because he introduced the broadcast today, we watched, so you can watch the video broadcast, you can read his message, what is happening, news broadcasting from under the dome of the verkhovna rada is not always easy, for example, people's deputy iryna gerashchenko tried to do it, and it turned out a little wrong. but
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we can even show these footage, they appeared, broadcast from the parliament, yes sometimes very difficult and insurmountable obstacles, if we can show this video to our viewers now, so that people realize the difficult conditions in which deputies have to work, do we have colleagues for this video, we don’t have it now, probably, that’s how it looks like in a word, i ’ll remind you, because we showed it yesterday, probably or the day before yesterday, it looks like this when... someone broadcasts, someone parades in front of the camera, obscuring what other deputies are trying to broadcast, and showing their own mostly smiling face, well, we mean that always , when you try to lead broadcast from the verkhovna rada, and we will remind the rada channel, which should do it, it does not do it, because it is the only marathon included, then the deputies themselves will slow down and then various radio technical obstacles appear, stronger. than rap, for example, in the outfit
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of maryana bezovolaya, who just runs in front of the screen, this is what we wanted, oh, this is exactly what it looks like, i.e. the former speaker of the verkhovna rada is speaking, he is obstructed, this is what it looked like and i will try the stream iryna gerashchenko, like oleksiy honcharenko, we probably asked him, if now it will be possible to establish a connection, it turns out to be not an easy task, not easy, because it is a job in the verkhovna rada, first of all, it is always. and drugerenko also has affairs and responsibilities as a people's elected official, so it is not always possible to participate at the exact moment when we would like or plan to do so, the word is currently being discussed in the verkhovna rada, in particular the story we talked about today , a story about the dnipro, about how the soldier krakyn was approached, actually demanding to show his documents and then. there was even such
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a use of force, and these are people in balaclavas, about whose activities he commented, in particular, the head of the national police, klymenko, said so, everyone is equal before the law, even those who cover their faces with balaclavas, so two two criminal proceedings for er, minor bodily injuries and in this one, well, let's say so, the fight, when the former or current fighter kraken was twisted, i still don't understand it, it's very interesting here that... because it was mykola tyshchenko, and mykola tyshchenko says that this video is actually taken out of context, she explained it completely, tell more about it, you can check on his facebook page, there he is signed as nikolay tishchenko, that's how it is written there, and he writes that the attacker was in a white t-shirt, that's us, and we can see from the video that he had a black louis vuitton handbag, that's right writes deputy mykola tishchenko, and
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accuses him of being part of the power block of a gang, a group called the nine in the city of dnipro, and that he does not... he helps them, and this is nothing more than some kind of bot farm or call center , i don't know whether it is part of mykola tyshchenko's official duties to travel with some guys with a balaclava from the call center to the bot farm farm to the call center, but he writes about this on his page, moreover, he refers to the telegram channels trukha and card office, and ukraine online, in a word, these... channels that are affiliated with the office, well in trukha, in general, in decent circles, this is not even spoken aloud as a source of information, but it is precisely these sources of information that mp mykola tyshchenko refers to in order to accuse this dnipro resident, who was walking with a stroller with a child, of being, well,
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a force barigou in organized crime group of nine from the city of dnipro. it's interesting what the law enforcement officers will do next. they say, because two proceedings have already been opened, we cannot find out any details or disclose there, we only take from open sources what was written by one of the participants in this high-profile case, it is getting more and more decibels, scandals and details, we will find out , have we made contact yet, i just have to share this news, i hope it's news, information from one of our servicemen, and it looks... that there is a decommissioned naval aviation helicopter, russian, probably k-29, and let's hope that this information will be confirmed, that we will have another plus, and they will have another minus in the list that the general staff will publish tomorrow about
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the losses of the enemy, and regarding nato, there will be a military mission in ukraine, hungary will get off the train on the way, viktor orban says. he really hopes that trump will be able to stop the train as well, well, we'll see, now we'll talk about something else, i still have to tell you good news, because there is a visible front, and there is invisible, we don’t often tell you about the invisible, we also have achievements there, and it’s not only how we get up in the morning, but the frightened occupiers in the occupied territories shout that they have already shot down one and a half hundred of those drones, although around everything is on fire and burning and... and so on, and there are even stronger blows inflicted by the ukrainian it army, you know that yesterday one of the largest dedos attacks was carried out by the ukrainian cyber army, as a result, as a result, the servers of such russian banks, such as vtb, sberbank,
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tinkov, alfabank, beeline, and the office of mts, rostelikom, these are their mobile operators, gazprom bank, megafon, st. petersburg, you can imagine how many at once. in fact, the services were completely blocked and did not function, but in fact , it is also nice to share such victories, definitely, and for everyday, everyday things, which we cannot do without, i am talking about the harvest season, we are already harvesting, not just planting, weeding, as we said about kherson oblast and other regions, the harvest is already being harvested and according to the forecasts of the ministry of agriculture, this year , unfortunately, it will be worse than last year, but enough to... supply our domestic market, our population, supply the needs we have, and still have something left over for export. so, about how one of the farms in the kyiv region works in the realities of war, so that we can imagine it all, further on in the story of our colleagues. food
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security is one of the state's priorities, because a hungry person will not fight, believes leonid, who has been working for almost 25 years. is a farm near the white church, they grow grain and technical crops, wheat, barley, sunflower, soy, rapeseed and others. currently, farmers cultivate almost 2,000 hectares of land in the surrounding villages. according to the man, a total of 30 people of various professions work on the farm, from drivers to veterinarians . and had to adapt to new realities. a large part of our products were even exported abroad, they worked in poland, slovakia, and romania, they worked for export. these were extremely different profits, different, different figures. for today day we work with large traders,
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grain companies that directly export all over the world, i think so, grain, working with them today gives some confidence that they really sweat financially. are not calculated. in particular, last year , wheat yielded 72 centners per hectare, winter rape yielded 43 centners per hectare. according to the owner, these indicators are average. for their zone, for land cultivation, they have the appropriate equipment, tractors, combines, etc., mainly abroad, we have built such a practice for ourselves, that is, thanks to small plots, in two years we will have a 100-hectare field, which we can already sow with the material that suits us, which in our conditions gives the highest yield, the highest quality of wheat, because today the quality of wheat also plays a big role in... in the price difference . almost every piece of land is used on this farm. here you have
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an orchard, although not a cherry orchard, but a cherry and apple orchard. there are also cows, calves and pigs. there are as many as a thousand of the latter. all animals are cared for by specialists. and today we produce, produce certain products which, which satisfies the demand, i say, mainly of those people who are here around our villages, and what kind of truth is this? you can list so that, well, this is absolutely all dairy products that are available there, it is cheese, sour cream, cheese, today they make four types of cheese, even condensed milk, and they are trying to make hard cheese, now more than 724 thousand good ones are planted in the region agricultural crops, in particular, more than 44,000 barley and more than 32,000 wheat, however, due to the long occupants of more than 900 hectares of land in the region should be examined for explosive
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objects. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. well, our colleagues showed you the plot. all this time we have been trying to establish a connection with the parliament, and it is not so easy to do, since people's deputy oleksii goncharenko is currently conducting his stream about another deputy, about whom we told you. they said about nikolay tishchenko, and in particular after this high-profile situation, so we will postpone it, we can do it another time, and we , in addition to what we tried to establish communication, we are constantly monitoring what is happening with the cards on which we are collecting for the 100th brigade of art reconnaissance, the 100th brigade, and we calculated that another 250 hryvnias, if it arrives now to the account, then in the morning 20,000 will be collected, i'll change it. .. that 250 hryvnias will arrive in a second, because after we last showed what our
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defenders were saying, the donations just flew away, it was 400 hryvnias, then 100, then 200, then it was 25, then it was 200 again hryvnias, you see, donations are different, and the money is collected in the morning almost 20 00, 250 hryvnias, just 250 hryvnias to round off today's morning collection, it will sound so good, it will look good, and we encourage you, in the end it will be good. there, our defenders actually address you personally, listen, i wish you good health, we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery intelligence, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, and i already see that another donation of uah 25 has fallen, again 25. but this is already closer to the required amount. in the meantime, we will talk with the director
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of energy programs of the razumkov center, volodymyr omelchenko, in connection with our studio. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. congratulations to you too. well, after yesterday 's double information about the fact that drones were flying, they were all shot down, but then there was a statement from ukrenergo that objects in four regions, in particular energy objects. lines and transformers were damaged, which should increase the duration of outages and balancing of the electrical system, i.e considering such small strikes, because they are small, compared to those massive missile strikes, in which direction we are moving and what the balancing of the energy system will look like, what we as consumers have to prepare for first of all and businesses in particular, well, i would not say that it is small because it was the seventh powerful enough attack since march 21 of this
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year, and the drone and missile strikes, including there were about 10 missiles, hit not only the transmission system or the distribution system, but also the generation, several thermal power plants and... and and moreover, there was quite serious damage to one of these power plants. well , you see, mr. volodymyr, here is precisely the problem of communication, because at first it was stated that... everything was shot down, only the wreckage was damaged, and then it turns out that something else, that is, it is not your problem, it is a communication problem, those who tell us, but you say that it was quite a serious blow, and we understand that this is not, unfortunately, not the last, that is, how much more we still have, as they say, the opportunity to switch and balance,
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how many hits before our system collapses? well , no one can say about it, our thermal generation is practically completely destroyed and today we practically provide energy at the expense of nuclear energy and solar power plants, partially wind power plants and hydroelectric power plants, which are also 40-40. 5% destroyed, well, we are talking about the hydroelectric power plant, about the kakhovskaya hpp, about the dniester hpp, which also suffered from shocks, about other power plants, so it is very, very difficult to balance, mr. volodymyr, about schedules too we want to ask, because we understand that while
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the balancing and restoration of the power system will take place, someone has to... pay for it, someone has to suffer, i 'm talking about the schedules, and there was no information today that there will be disconnections all day, we have this plate, there are cells where there is a disconnection, where there is a possible disconnection and where there should be a light, so let me know when a message appears that by the example of 13 o'clock these graphs and these disconnections will be more saturated, this means that, that hope, expect that it will be warmer, it will be hotter, accordingly there will be more use. the same air conditioners, and that is why it is necessary to implement schedules, or what is the logic in this case? well, again, but these are the graphs of probable outages, that they do not work 100%, yes, that is, the logic is that they really look at the weather forecast on the one hand, what will the weather be like, because today the weather has a very strong effect on e-work
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energy system, and indeed, if it's hot, then... maybe they count on the fact that there will be more people and enterprises, offices air conditioning, but again, that it is air conditioning, on the other hand, it is overlapped in the day by a large, large amount of electrical energy that is produced in solar power plants, so it seems to me that there is rather even ... a factor at play , that of solar power plants it is more influential, but really, when the heat is the greatest there, it is from 12 o'clock, it is possible there until the fourth o'clock, then, then there may indeed be certain problems, but when there is
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heat, we understand, what more is also and sunlight, accordingly, the same power plants accumulate more. of energy, does it somehow balance, or can't the number of solar power plants that we have in ukraine and in private farms, in particular, balance, somehow balance the losses? well, unfortunately, unfortunately, we have such a big shortage of power today that it's very difficult to do it, and, well, for example, at 5 o'clock there or, for example, somewhere ... 10 o'clock, so there is also sun , but there is no such heat, so it is probably easier to balance here, you have to look specifically at a specific situation, on a specific day, or now, at least for this summer period and for the time, while the daylight hours are longer,
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the installation of additional systems, additional solar power plants can... have a positive effect and help our energy system, or what, because we know , which are already encouraging people to install and say that it is important, is it possible to implement such things very quickly in such a short period of time in that part of the country where it is currently possible, maybe create some programs for people, clarify with on the one hand, on the other hand, and the financial opportunity to create such, maybe some loans, well, solar roof systems can definitely be done quickly. industrial solar power plants, well, it will take much more time, it can take a year or more, huh. mr. volodymyr, you have already mentioned nuclear generation, but on the one hand, we understand that nuclear power plants can be balanced in one way or another, on the other
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hand, we hear all the time that it is taken out for maintenance in the summer period, so this is another unit, that is, as of the fall , they will all be, as they say, after maintenance, they will all be involved in generation, well, for today, according to the plans, there cannot be more than three units in... from operation to scheduled repairs, right now , three units are under repair right now, and they are taking turns, some are being repaired, others are being repaired, and why is this being done in the summer , in order to prepare the nuclear units so that they can work at full capacity precisely in the autumn and winter period, and according to the schedule, schedules of planned... repair work, precisely in the fall, starting from mid-october, all nuclear units, nine nuclear units, which are currently controlled by the country, they
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must work in the energy system and transmit energy, uh, and then, is it in the known, we are asking everyone who is one way or another involved or is an expert in this case, because we were very surprised by the statement of gros in, well, he says about understanding that he is understanding, it is a common language, i will come, everything is fine, there is not much the situation is not resolved, what is the understanding there? about the seizure of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, do you know anything, well, i think that the question here is money itself, if in general the magate, the magate is not only money, but it is also primarily the board of managers, like me... elects tosi and others and others, so the board of directors clearly expressed its position regarding
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the urgent return of the zaporozhian nuclear power plant to ukraine's control and the withdrawal of all terrorist formations, but for some reason the money says otherwise what those who put it in this ... garden say to him finds some kind of understanding, what is this understanding, that all military units have already withdrawn from this station, or have this station been handed over to the control of ukraine, as required by the resolutions of the general assembly, no, apparently, this person is extremely corrupt, mr. grossi, who has repeatedly done such statements in general say that the russian nuclear power industry... is a failure, firstly, secondly, this person repeatedly came to za nuclear plant, there the terrorists who manage this
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plant kissed directly in the throat, then, and then he was directed to to the russian dictator and something happened with him, that's why i personally have no trust in mr. grossi, well, we also monitored all his other previous... statements, that's why it accumulated. mr. volodymyr, thank you for the clarification. volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs of the razumkov center, was with us. meanwhile, how actively did you donate? at first , 25 uah was donated, then 100, 250, 100. then we simply could not keep track, because there were so many of them that as of this morning , 23,245 uah were donated. the last donation, which we fixed it, it was 200 hryvnias. thank you for that. victory, peaceful, safe day to you, take care in a few minutes, do not miss the news, and we will meet with you tomorrow morning, see espresso. there are discounts
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12:00 pm
noiseless. no more heavy lawn mowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience and a nice manicured lot. order now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 799. offer is limited, call. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. now the general staff has officially confirmed today's attack on...


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