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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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espresso, we are moving on, the time for news has come, so we pass the floor to our beautiful colleague, irina kuval, who is already ready to share with us all the most important state at the moment, iro, we congratulate you, we are glad to see you, you look beautiful, and we ask you should take our word for it and tell us what you will talk about in this issue. thank you marta, and i congratulate you, i congratulate all our viewers, well, in the episode i will talk about ukraine's accession to the eu, and also about how the russians destroy their own equipment, so wait for more details in the issue, in ukraine at 15 o'clock and for your attention the news release on tv in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome
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all the viewers and now to the most important events. on june 25, the european union begins negotiations on ukraine's accession to the bloc. this was reported by representatives of belgium, which currently chairs the eu council. all 27 member states have given formal consent to start the process. similar negotiations will take place with moldova. let me remind you that the agreement on the membership of ukraine in the european union should not have any. territorial restrictions, the ukrainian government called the event historic and is already preparing for the first round of official negotiations. already on june 25, we will hold the ukraine-eu intergovernmental conference, which will mark the formal start of negotiations on our accession. next, we will begin detailed technical negotiations on dozens of different chapters of the future agreement. at the same time, we continue our integration into the european union by all means. directions
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the russians shot down their own k-29 helicopter in anapa. several propagandist and opposition publications write about it at once. all four members died the crew it is noted that the plane was hit by their anti-aircraft missiles. previously, allegedly due to a system failure. this helicopter was used by the occupiers during the search and destruction of ukrainian surface drones. the ukrainian side, while the incident. did not comment. and now the general staff officially confirmed today's attack on the afip, il, krasnodar and astrakhan oil refineries in russia this night. ukrainian drones also struck radar stations and electronic intelligence centers in bryansk region the russian federation and occupied crimea. they also successfully hit the places where the shahed were stored in the krasnodar region of the russian federation. such a on the night of june 20
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, the defense forces attacked a warehouse of fuel and lubricants in the tambov region, at least one container with oil products was damaged, as well as the yenimsk oil depot in the republic of adygea in russia. one person died and two were injured in the zaporizhzhia region. the russians bombarded vozdvizhenka with high-explosive aerial bombs, and two private houses were completely destroyed in the pologiv district, he said head of the region ivan fedorov. the body of a 32-year-old man was recovered from under the rubble of the house. another local resident and a woman with injuries are in hospital. a woman who corrected enemy strikes on residential areas will be tried for treason in kharkiv. according to the regional prosecutor's office, in january of this year, the 34-year-old criminal established contact with russian curators. they gave her the task
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of gathering information about the consequences of rocket hits in the city, as well as scouting the routes of movement of units of the ukrainian armed forces. she managed to get for her work a little more than 400 uah. the traitor faces life imprisonment. the security service of ukraine detained more than a dozen officials of territorial procurement centers and military medical commissions. they sold. active references for men of draft age. detainees worked in khmelnytskyi, cherkasy, as well as in poltava, dnipropetrovsk, and odesa regions. the cost of their services was $12,000. for this money, officials helped their clients hide from mobilization and flee abroad. in addition to fake medical certificates, men were also offered to issue fictitious paternity over minor children.
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the state service for emergency situations and the police will have 90% of reserved employees, minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko announced this during question time to the government. in the parliament for her part, the first vice-prime minister of ukraine, the minister of economy, yuliya sveridenko added that there is a general, unified approach to reservations during the mobilization of employees of state bodies. it provides for up to 50% of conscripts. also an official reacted to the issue of economy booking. sveredenko noted that business is asking the government to provide a clear and transparent algorithm for economic armor. but it seems to me that this is such a sensitive topic in society that it is still necessary to hold a broader dialogue, first of all to hear the military, and then make a decision. the government recently made changes to decree 76, which allowed
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up to 100% reservation of energy workers. there was an official address of the minister of internal affairs to the minister of defense on june 13 of this year. on the 14th, the minister of defense was absent and the minister of defense's tvo, mr. gavryliuk signed a letter regarding the approval or pending approval by the ministry of defense of positions on 90% reservation of employees of the state emergency service. the police identified the perpetrators of the assassination attempt on the kazakh oppositionist aidos sadikov. the perpetrators were citizens of kazakhstan aged 33 and 36 . he announced them. wanted internationally, they came to ukraine at the beginning of june to plan the murder. on the day of the assassination attempt , they left for moldova, the prosecutor general's office reported. let me remind you that on june 18, in kyiv, attackers shot a kazakh oppositionist while he was in a car with
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his wife. the man is currently in intensive care in a serious condition. an unknown detonated in buchi near kyiv. grenade in the car of a local resident, the attacker asked the owner of the car to take him to the nearest village. later, threatening him with a grenade, he demanded that he be taken to the belarusian border. after the refusal, he detonated the explosive device and died on the spot. the driver was not injured, he managed to jump out of the car. the police of the kyiv region are establishing the identity of the attacker, as well as the details emergency situation. no, i gave him 100 hryvnias, and here we are already approaching the ring road, he says to me: "father, take me to the belarusian border." i tell him: "i will not take you." i immediately realized that he was pulling a grenade out of his pocket and saying: "i have nothing to lose."
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spending billions of dollars. russia does not change its narratives and scenarios, promoting anti-ukrainian theses around the world. over the past quarter, most of the information attacks of the enemy took place on the territory of the eu countries, this is connected in particular with the elections to the european parliament and the holding of the peace summit. the information attacks of the occupiers were aimed at convincing the europeans of their narratives in order to carry out destructive policies. it reached such a scale that even the president of the european union, ursela funderlein , noted in may that... there is an unprecedented level of cyber attacks, information threats, manipulation by russia, which threatens elections, in europe itself, and she emphasized this, a threat to support for ukraine. and in less than an hour
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, the national team of ukraine will take the field of the stadium in düsseldorf. as part of the second round of the european championship, the yellow-blue team will meet the slovakian national team. our opponents in the first round. defeated the belgian national team, instead , the ukrainians unexpectedly lost to the romanians 0:3, after which romania announced the transfer of the patriot system to ukraine, which gave rise to numerous memes. so, the opinion of the fans was divided before today's match: get another patriot or defeat the slovaks in a fundamental match? i am very hopeful and more than sure. that each of us made the right decisions, both individually and as a team, and uh, i just don't want to talk about game with romania, i would like to just turn this page and be 100% focused on tomorrow's game. and
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the espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers with a donation. in the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, they win victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so atvs are indispensable for evacuation. assistants your support significantly increases the chances of kholodnoyarivtsi not only being successful perform combat missions and return from them alive. so join the gathering. now you see the card number on the screen. join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. and we thank everyone who supports the armed forces of ukraine and brings our victory closer. that was all the news at the time. i am iryna koval, i say that we will see each other in already at 4 p.m., you can read more news on our website espresso tv,
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also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube, well, my colleagues continue the broadcast marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149 , in stores ordinary bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light , only for 149 hryvnias. take advantage of such a favorable offer. smart light bulb. works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging, the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially
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3:15 pm
so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or lamp. suddenly the light was turned off, do you need to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries are bad? let there be light in your home. always a smart light bulb for only uah 149. it even works. without electricity, the offer is limited, call, attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers from rozpak tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 and a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time , while the video is being broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow the lawn near fences, along the path line, next to the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simply and easily, leave big heavy mowers in the past, choose kors trimmers, classic or with
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lawnmower function, call now to order at a special reduced price, just see how... our trimmers are powerful, can handle even the thickest weeds and are virtually silent, no more heavy lawnmower, oil or gasoline for refueling, only convenience and a well-kept plot, order now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 799, offer is limited, call, 4:30 p.m., tv channel information day continues, there is a guest in our studio now. ivan yuriichuk, deputy head of the state education quality service for issues of digital development, digital transformations and digitization. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, to each other. well, digitization actually turned out to be much more necessary, much more serious, in particular for education, we are talking, of course, about the functioning of the state mechanism of ukraine and so on, and so on, but in education it played its
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extremely important role. on the other hand, we understand that there are different regions, different regions. we can talk about the situation in the country in general based on the data we have , we periodically conduct research, we actually started doing these research even before the start of a full-scale war in the times of covid. and we set ourselves a very simple task, to record the current state of affairs at the beginning, then subsequent studies gave us the opportunity to track some dynamics. what can be said about this year's study of education during the war? and first of all, as always any research demonstrates
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some positive and some negative trends, first of all about the positive ones, well, first of all, what are you talking about? said, we record the return of children to full-time education, if i am not mistaken, 503% of our respondents indicated that they had access to full-time education last year, and another 28% of respondents indicated that they studied in a mixed mode, that is, in total we have more than 80% of children. who had the opportunity to attend school either five days a week, or at least a few days, in my opinion, this is very important, especially this is important for elementary school, because for children who study in elementary school, maybe even fifth or sixth grade, school is not only a place where you can get knowledge, it is a place where
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there is communication, where there is socialization, and actually outside of school to provide it. very difficult, so this is a very positive point, the next positive point that we found, we noted, is that also about 80% of children indicate that they had constant access to education, this is significantly more than last year, what is this about, yes, because it may seem that all our children already go to some school somewhere, well at some school are located, at least formally, but we understand that... due to the father's displacement both abroad and within the country, they somewhere created such conditions when we could not say exactly where this child is and whether he has access to education, and there were cases when a significant part of children did not have access to education for a certain period of time, during
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the period of moving from one place to another, during the active phase of hostilities in... certain territories, and children did not have access to education in principle of education, now, i repeat once again, close 80% of children report that they have constant access to education throughout the year, which i think is also a very good dynamic, especially considering that there is a full-scale invasion going on, a high-intensity war, but children have access to education. mr. ivan, let me please, it is also important to take into account the children who are currently abroad, i know that many parents have tried to combine their studies and... in the schools where they are, in the countries where they are and for they continued their studies with the ukrainian program, but we understand why the longer the war lasts, the more children will be excluded from the ukrainian educational system in general, because... because a choice arises between the parents, it is difficult for the child to study in two schools at the same time, and accordingly they make some kind of decision for themselves, whether the child continues to go to school in the country where she is,
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is the child completely on ukrainian education, which , by the way, is unlikely, because even the same poland itself requires that children go to their schools, how is the situation with this in our country now? actually those children who are for border, as a rule, the countries of their current stay, require that children study in their schools, in their... educational systems, and whether these children can simultaneously study under the full ukrainian curriculum, probably not, but i'm not sure either , that this is necessary, because if we analyze the ukrainian educational standard and curricula, at least in those few countries where there are the most ukrainian children, that is poland, that is germany, that is the czech republic, then we will see, in fact, quite a simple and obvious thing, if we are talking about mathematics, then most likely there are a lot of learning outcomes that
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students must achieve, they will coincide, maybe they are taught in the wrong sequence, maybe there is some methodological difference, maybe there is some difference in the amount of material, but after the completion of certain cycles of education ... kids should know about things like that, respectively, why wouldn't we be able to count this component, which is about the natural sciences, which is about the exact sciences, couldn't we be counting on these kids, like studying in a ukrainian school, instead, if we if we provide them with a ukrainian studies component, i.e. ukrainian language, literature and history in the first place, then i think that already in this format of education of ukrainian children who... are abroad, education, i don’t even want to say in a ukrainian educational institution, in the ukrainian education system, we will be able to provide, and this work is going on, in fact,
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the ministry is working on this, as far as i know, work is going on actively here, and the minister pays a lot of attention to it, communicates with his colleagues from other countries, and i think that that we will be able to ensure this, and would it be expedient to make it so that children could... be more involved in the ukrainian educational process, i am not sure that this expediency exists, because it is already, it is already another story, it is already physiology , this is an overload, whether children actually need to duplicate some, some subjects that they study in foreign schools with what they can study in ukrainian schools, i am not sure, so we need to find this balance here so that our children get a good quality education and preferably in a school environment, but at the same time not broke away from ukraine so that we could secure this ukrainian studies component... again, i know that there are contacts with various international organizations, with the same world congress of ukrainians, and around
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the world, in europe, in america there is quite a good one a network of saturday and sunday schools, they could also take part in providing this ukrainian studies component, and i think that after some time, maybe not even a very long time, we will get such a network. yes, mr. ivan, you mentioned the motivation of children, so as not to overload, but let's see and certain such a negative phenomenon, which, well, it is understandable, yes, because there is a war going on, the country is going through an unprecedented huge crisis, and this, without a doubt, is happening on children and on their internal motivation, which is now motivated, with the motivation of rural and urban children, i have spoken about several positive points, but there are also... negative trends that we have identified, and this is not the first year, and the decrease in motivation is also one of these negative trends, but when we talk
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about motivation in particular, as for me it's like this - matter, or if you can say a game where there are at least several players, it is the child himself, it is the teacher, it is the parents, it is at least, it is the least, and the motivation of the child. to learning, this, in my opinion, is not only the responsibility of the child himself, er, and accordingly, to increase this motivation, we all have to do something for this, when i say all of us, i mean these players, which i named, yes, these are first of all teachers - they are also parents, ah, besides, motivation, it also depends on, on the condition of the child, in first of all, from the psychological state, and here we are just fixing some, again , negative trends, we asked the children how they feel, 68% of respondents
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noted that they feel constant. constant fatigue, and we assume that this fatigue is a result of stress, uh, this is a result of stress, and we understand that a child who constantly feels tired and who uh lives in stress, of course, that his performance decreases, of course , that such a child, it is more difficult for such a child to learn the material that he... used to learn easily, those volumes material that she previously learned easily, and accordingly, when i work the way i worked, or even more, and the result is worse, here the motivation will definitely decrease, if, if we do not somehow support this motivation, and that is why it is very important here , correctly diagnose the current state of the child and psycho-emotional and diagnose the state, or
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rather the level. educational achievements to compare these things and adjust the educational process according to the needs of a specific child. it is clear that for this you need good, reliable tools, and her work in this direction is also going. let's say, in order for a teacher to be able to diagnose the level of educational achievements of a specific student on a specific topic, er, we, in the state service for the quality of education together with... the ukrainian center for evaluating the quality of education, together with our partners from the project with which we we have a long, good cooperation, this is a research project that was funded by the government of canada, we developed a set of tests, they are called diagnostic tests, which can be used to measure the level of knowledge acquisition in specific subjects, we did it in nine subjects and in specific topics. a teacher can go to the all-ukrainian
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school online platform. register the children of your class there, conduct such testing, primary, ugh, understand where there are problems, adjust the work with students, after a certain time conduct a secondary diagnosis, see if there are any dynamics, in addition, this is what concerns the diagnosis of the level of educational achievements, psycho-emotional state, it is a more subtle thing, and we understand that, and we understand that our hypothesis, at least, is that... the psychological emotional state of the child in the classroom is very important depends on the state of the teacher, because the teacher is such a repeater, if the teacher is in the classroom, well, we do not have access to the family, so to speak, but we work directly with the teachers, and we understand that we understand that the teacher who came to class and retransmits insecurity or retransmits stress or retransmits it, then most likely the children
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will feel similar things, respectively we. we work with teachers, we have a good project with ours, also with our other partners, this is the mental health center of the kylian academies as well as several international organizations and we run such, such a training course for teachers called safe space, and to put it very simply, we teach teachers to be resilient, to be a resource and most importantly to broadcast it. on our students, so we hope that such things will help support or improve motivation, but at the same time, again, we have to understand that the situation in the country is such that it is not always, not always possible to solve it, these problems are not always possible to be solved only in the education system, and we have to understand it as, for example, you mean, if we are not talking about
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the ministry of education in particular, we... we are talking about, for example, the ministry of economy, or the ministry of finance, which can to somehow stimulate more teachers, i mean, maybe some kind of higher remuneration for their work can somehow motivate them more, by the way, a good question, and literally yesterday, the minister here in lviv is taking place, the educational festival is taking place for the second day already, and yesterday the minister was there and talked with educators, and he said that the reform of teachers' salaries... has been worked out, there is a model, and now work is underway with the ministry of finance to get funds for it. of course, we all understand that it is very difficult to get any funds that are not related to the defense sector, but the very fact that there is such a model, that the team that is working now, the political team that is working now in the ministry, decided on it, because it is actually a very complicated story, and frankly speaking, well, my opinion is that... a lot
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previous teams simply did not dare to take such a step.


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