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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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the first combat use of these powerful aerial high-explosive bombs was by russia, mr. ivan, what is an aerial bomb, how seriously can it be dangerous? well , look, let's clarify, the russians claim that they used for the first time such a bomb with a unpk model, which turns it into a guided one. unfortunately, this type of air bomb was already used by the russians when they wiped mariupol off the face of the earth using tu-22m bombers. there, in fact, why are there still such expulsions, is it really such a bomb, or did they use a thermobaric mass a bomb weighing, for example, 1.5 tons, because a three-ton bomb can be lifted by only one russian plane, that 22m3 strategic bomber, fly so close by such planes as to be placed under the zone of our air defense, it is unlikely that the russians would take a risk after that episode when one such bomber was shot down, so you have to be a bit careful here, really a bomb that weighs 3 tons and has... that 200 kg and as
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the russians claim can fly 80 kg, well, this is a new level of problems that they have, can create russian weapon, and that's why we need f16 literally yesterday, to at least drive away, but whether it is the fab 300 itself, or maybe just a slightly less powerful weapon, here we need to give time to figure it out, because the russians sometimes make such accusations, declaring that they have really powerful weapons, which they don't really have them, thank you, ivan karychevskyi, military expert of defense express. was on our air by phone, unfortunately, due to the fact that it is not possible to stably connect mr. ivan's video, but we thank him as always for his analysis, we will now go on a short break, i want to remind you about that the most important statements of our live broadcast you can watch on our youtube channel in the video section, there are actually short videos of the most important things, what is said on our broadcast, also in the live section you can watch... our live
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broadcast, leave it there please your comments, we see and try to read them, as when we have free time like this, yes , a minute, but now i see our chat is very active, we thank you for the activity in our chat under our live broadcast, because it will allow this video get into the recommendations, it can be seen by as many people as possible, we ask you also to subscribe to our youtube channel, it is very important for us, so please, if you watch us, if you like our content, then please subscribe to the youtube channel espresso, now we have a short break, after it, we will continue. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. ordinary light bulbs are available in stores cost more than uah 250, and we we offer you
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top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday, from 20 to 22. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. thank you for waiting,
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the information day of the tv channel continues, 4:36 p.m. in the spresso studio live marta oliyarnyk, tantin borkovskyi, minute by minute, we will be joined by yuriy haida, senior economist of the center for economic strategy, well... sometimes news from the senate representatives of the united states presented there a bipartisan bill on recognizing russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. the bill provides for sanctions for countries that that cooperate with russia: the expansion of goods prohibited for export in the russian federation and a significant limitation of moscow's sovereignty in the position of american judges. so, richard blumenthal has already presented this bill to linz grammy. now the state. cuba, iran, north korea, and syria are considered sponsors of terrorism under american law. the governments of these countries have repeatedly supported acts of international terrorism. well, i will quote linzi graham. i look forward to the vote on our russia recognition bill
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a state sponsor of terrorism under us law for several reasons. first of all, this recognition will greatly increase the tools available to the us to punish putin for his barbaric behavior in ukraine. and its destructive actions throughout africa and the world at large putin's russia is a state sponsor of terrorism and it is long past time to officially recognize this under the law, says republican graham. and the democrat blumenthal said that russia deserved its place in the club of exiles, having unleashed the state-sponsors of terrorism a brutal campaign of violence and aggression in ukraine and committing countless atrocities and crimes against humanity, causing terror and death among thousands of innocent civilians. meanwhile, the enemy hit a crooked corner, attacked the city's infrastructure, there was a fire, this is information from the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, and an important message from the main intelligence department. consequently, the armed forces of ukraine broke the plans of the enemy's attack on borova. yes, i am
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now quoting andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. so, strength defenses inflicted significant losses on the russian army and forced the offensive to be suspended near borovan settlement in kharkiv region (i quote: verbatim: the ukrainian defense forces broke the enemy's intentions there, the losses in manpower and equipment are significant. yes, the enemy is trying to raise reserves and the potential threat remains, but at the moment there is no question of forming new powerful groups to repeat the situation. now the russian troops are forced to transfer reserves, in particular from other directions, which are very sensitive for them. the situation for the enemy is not going according to plan we are now adding yuri gaidai, a senior economist at the center for economic strategy, to our airwaves, he will talk with him about our economic situation, about our money, and it is always interesting to understand what is happening to our money and what is happening to our wallets, isn't it?
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they become thinner and whether the purchasing power of what we can buy with this money does not decrease. mr. yuri, we congratulate you, i congratulate you. the real incomes of ukrainians are growing noticeably in the 24th year. it would seem, you know, at first i read this information, i thought that it some kind of joke, as a result of the increase in salaries, pensions and the decrease in inflation, at least that's what the nbu says. but you wanted your economic point of view on this statement, well, a very good statement, life has become better, it has become more fun, i don't know who there, what salaries are being raised, well, but we understand that they are growing noticeably in numbers, well, in numbers it can be increases, i.e. in the pocket, it is something i understand, it does not increase very much in people, well, but i think that the senior economist of the center for economic strategy will now tell us everything clearly, so actually eh we... we have to remember that for two years now, i won't get tired of talking about it, there is such a big, big fiscal
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stimulus of the economy going on, which means we are getting a lot of help from international partners, that is sums of the order of 23-25% of gdp every year, and usually, if the state withdraws from the economy less than it invests in the economy, then this actually stimulates growth, it is one of the factors, so it is clear that we have large ones. war losses and assets and people, including those who left the of ukraine, but nevertheless the fact that tens of billions of dollars are actually poured in every year, these are funds that go, well, we, of course , delimit, so far international aid has not been directed to defense, but all the same , all the funds that the state spends they go through the salaries of the military, through social assistance, through other payments, through certain construction, restoration of destruction. it all goes into the economy, it's what 's paid out to people, it's what actually becomes their income that they use, and
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if in the 22nd year and the first half of the 23rd we had such shock inflation because of the invasion, because of devaluation, now because of such a strict monetary policy, because of the high rates of the national bank, and actually because of the aid, because of the foreign aid, we managed to bring down inflation, inflation is low, well, plus we now have a seasonal effect, yes , when they start to appear. the same vegetables, when we had several years of good harvests, it also had the effect of reducing inflation, at least in some components, and in general it gives the same result, that is, we still need to remember just as we have a big shortage of workers, that is, if of course people who depend very much on social assistance there, they may not feel that their welfare is increasing now, although there have also been increases, qualified workers are now competing for them . that is, business competes for them, the defense sector competes for them, and salaries of
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several thousand dollars, which were previously available only to highly qualified, super highly qualified employees, are now much more real, and that's why moreover, our defenders also have such salaries, so in general, the national bank makes a conclusion, including indirect indicators, so it looks at how much money appears in bank accounts and deposits. people, people really have more, more funds now, and taking into account the low inflation, it can already be said that real incomes are growing, and not only nominal incomes in the hryvnia, well, it sounds optimistic, it’s all on paper, it sounds, you know, how will you go , i don't know, to the brick house or to the bazaar, well, everything has somehow increased in price, but the indices of conflicting prices convince me that no, borkovsky, don't worry, so to speak, everything is stable, but you know, so far... it somehow hits the pockets, what do we have with consumer prices? well, in fact, if i recently
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watched the actual conference, i just go to the shops, that is, i, well, i also go to the conferences and hear that the dynamics are positive, the patient is normal, behaves normally and so on, the money is poured into this one, but i go to the silicon , if i go to the bazaar and everything there is somehow different, that's what, what's up with that everyone, please explain to me. it's me you know, well self-suggestion, you don't have any self-suggestion, the cost- actually the prices of products were really going up uh, and again, if we 're talking about the retail business conference that i wanted to say, these are the people who not that they have any interest in maintaining official inflation data or anything, i.e. they have a huge set of their own data, i.e. the same supermarket retail chains, and they also analyze prices, and what i've actually seen from them.. well, first of all, you can see that it is real demand is now growing, that is, purchasing power, it
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shows that people have purchasing power, they buy more, and secondly, they have their conditional inflation index according to the products they sell, of course , supermarkets do not sell much more other, which is included in the consumer basket, it is also roughly proportional to the official inflation, there is a difference of several percentage points, so again, it is simply not worth judging the general situation here. in the economy, according to some specific examples, when everyone gets better on average, someone can get worse, someone, someone , someone better here, well, you can't argue with that, it's so golden. and yet we have literally a few minutes regarding the fact that they are raising us, they have already raised our electricity tariffs, and actually, how does this affect the prices in the store? i would even say that this is not how tariffs float, although it is clear that there will be a certain effect more
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on the prices, the lack of this electricity may affect, because precisely, if we are talking about... grocery retail, it is very dependent on refrigeration equipment, and if this refrigeration equipment needs to be powered by generators, then the cost of the electricity they consume, their electricity expenses will be much higher, and it's not only supermarkets, it's also storage in warehouses, well, it also applies to a number of items of medicine there and so on, and of course, all this can also have a negative impact in the summer, because it needs to be included in the cost of products, which is exactly why the national bank expects that... this is low uh, the current low level of inflation, it will turn around, and inflation will go a little up, first of all, actually, this is the energy factor, but secondly, it will also be pressured, the increase in wages will also pressure it, of course, thank you, yurii business is looking for employees, yurii gaidai, senior economist of the center for economic strategy, was on our airwaves, we with lentin, we are already
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finishing our work for today, our colleagues will continue to be with you, so stay with espresso, and we will say goodbye to you until monday, peace. you have a weekend russian president vladimir putin was greeted with a red carpet in pyongyang. this is his first visit to the country in the last 24 years. the day before, he signed an agreement on... the west believes that putin appealed to pyongyang to help him with weapons in the context of the war in ukraine. russia and north korea are walking side by side, kim jong-un has promised russia's full support in the war with
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ukraine. the government of the democratic people's republic of korea highly values ​​the role and mission of the powerful russian federation in maintaining strategic stability and balance in the world. we fully support the special military operation of the russian government in ukraine in order to protect its sovereignty and territorial stability. putin thanked him for his support and said the two countries would sign an agreement to strengthen partnership to fight what he called imperialist hegemonic policies. the usa and its allies. we greatly appreciate your systematic and constant support of russia's policy, in particular regarding the ukrainian issue. relations between our countries are based on the principles of equality and mutual respect of interests. i am very happy about our new meeting. i hope that the next meeting will take place in russia, in moscow. putin's visit came amid
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fears in the west that north korea would provide russia with weapons to support the war in ukraine. russia can provide it with economic aid and technology that can strengthen pyongyang's nuclear program. north korea is under tough un security council sanctions over its nuclear program, while russia is also under sanctions from the us and western partners over the war in ukraine. and now i invite alessio patalano, associate professor department of east asian war and strategy , faculty of military studies, king's college. london. thank you so much for joining us today at franz 24. so what will russia really get from north korea. russia will get what it needs most now - ammunition. we come to this conclusion thanks to a comparative analysis of the intelligence of various intelligence services of the usa, great britain and south
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korea. it is obvious that the traffic of trains from north korea to russia has increased significantly. some speculate it could be in the millions ammunition we are convinced every day that attrition is the biggest battle that russia must win in the war with ukraine, and ammunition is crucial to this . and how does beijing look at all this? a great question that introduces an element of complexity. on the one hand, we have much closer relations. north korea and russia, on the other hand, we see how north korea is getting closer to china, for example, there are constant talks about the possibility of increasing cooperation in order to open... the port of rajin, which is located in northeast of korea and only 15 km from the border with china, this would allow china
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to bypass the sea of ​​japan and the east china sea and have access to the so-called northern passage. this is a very important strengthening of the relationship due to the significant chinese investment in north korea. north korea is actually pitting russia and china against each other in order to best you... use them both. china, for its part , is concerned about the increasingly close relations between russia and north korea. you mentioned that russia turned to north korea specifically through ammunition. but i wonder how it is that the most sanctioned country in the world also turns to one of the most sanctioned countries in the world to get what it wants. answer. your question raises the broader question of the effectiveness of sanctions if they are not applied in a consistent way around the world. however , the remains of korean ammunition, which were
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found on the battlefield in ukraine, are the best confirmation that such countries perfectly manage to adapt, being under sanctions. north korea, precisely because it is has been under sanctions for a very long time, has learned to navigate relatively well and circumvent these restrictions. this is the key problem in countries with significant experience in circumventing sanctions and maintaining a military machine. of course, putin's visit to north korea, which is an international exile, does not mean that he has suddenly ceased to be an international pariah, but immediately after that visit, putin went to vietnam. this shows some support for his policy. what does he want to get from vietnam? you absolutely are right, there is a certain symbolism around putin, because after the covid pandemic, he has become especially paranoid about his health, and does not
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expose himself to danger unnecessarily. this visit tells us a lot about his desire not to be seen as isolated. north korea is becoming a very reliable partner, so this is a necessary action for them. in addition, there is an ideological alignment with regimes that have traditional communist. parties with strong connections and presence in their own realities and spheres, and this is one of the spaces in which putin is trying orientate. vietnam, which still has a very strong communist party, becomes an interesting point of contact. this also applies to other parts of the world, whether in africa or in latin america, this is the plane on which putin and xi jinping maneuver very well. it's not just what they do, it's how they know... the frustration of those who want to challenge the existing international order. this ideological and political tone is almost the first bell for them to challenge and
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give more meaning to their narratives. alessio patalano, thank you so much for joining our program today. thank you. attention, total sale, sadovi trime kors unbox tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, hurry to order while the video is being broadcast, trime kors easy and very powerful, mow with gas near fences along the line of tracks. sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past, choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawn mower function. call
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the war, about the war front. time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money, during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen postakhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters , about cultural news, alina chykhchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to talk, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as honorable guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people, from we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day! the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and... more feedback connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, with tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. objectively and substantively, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions.
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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and we start from the notice that currently. explosions are heard in odesa region, it is reported that the enemy has struck, we will keep you informed, and the russian army also attacked the infrastructure of kryvyi rih, a fire broke out as a result of a missile strike, the head of the region serhiy lysak reported about it, there is no information about the victims yet. and one person died and two were injured in the zaporizhzhia region. the russians fired high-explosive aircraft.


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