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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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and since there, well, look, as he said, in the baltic sea 30%, yes, in the black sea 12%, it is for crude oil, these are european vessels, then we say, listen, there is no need to tell the story, we need to take european tankers from of these routes, which means that it is -30%. in numbers , it’s like this: 100 tankers from the baltic and about 20-30 every month from the black sea, take a third, that’s a lot, let them look for tankers in other countries, there, of course, the freight price of these tankers will increase, of course, that will decrease, so , will increase, will increase expenses, that means, in addition... what you
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said, they receive less, they receive less only due to the fact that the route has become longer, that is, they used to transport ustluga from the baltic, from leningrad, and other ports to the ports of the european union , it is very close, cheap and so on. now, of course, when they transport oil from st. petersburg by tanker to... bombay or to shanghai, it takes a month and more than a month, yes, it is more expensive, but it is not critically more expensive, and besides, we do not know since all this with contracts, she in this situation is closed, we do not know what goodies russia is promising to the same india, the same china and other countries. they can,
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therefore, have some other agreements, which seem to be irrelevant, the supply of weapons to someone, benefits for others, some benefits for other areas of economic cooperation, and so on, so we say that there are ways out, and these specific ways , you see, their cameron only indicated that it should be done, we are now advancing the topic, as it is, if time permits, then i still have four or five minutes, mr. andriy, is it possible, uh, please, that is, what should be done, first, well, first, i already said that we need to take away the tankers of the european union, there are american tankers, they transport from the port of novorossiysk there and... to the baltics, mineral
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fertilizers, vegetable oil , we tell them: listen, don't be ashamed of these two or three tankers, take them off these routes. in addition, it means that what needs to be done, each tanker has its unique name, this is the amo registration number of the international maritime organization, which is given to every ship in the world. at his birth, and more not used after the vessels ceased to exist, that is, impose sanctions on all these thousands of tankers that carry what will this mean? the ship goes through the english channel, or through the straits, the cogtegate from kagirak from the baltic to the north sea, in the first
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case it is denmark, in the second case britain and france, they all pay european companies, british companies channel dues, they pay the services of the pilot and all those services that are related to passage through the strait, as soon as you entered them into the sanctions lists, they lose the opportunity. these payments, and by the way, in the bosphorus strait, i think that our turkish neighbors, they will think a lot, and what to do with these tankers, which are entered vessels, not the owners, yes, namely the vessels on these sanctions lists, thank you, that is, uh, and finally, the environmental maritime service of any country can... in its economic
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zone, that is, in the baltic sea and in the straits, stop ships and check them to see if that top, that oil, and all that stuff is flowing there. .. must be done, thank you very much, yes andrii klymenko, project manager at the institute of the black sea strategic researches, told about not at all tyuyun, how it turned out to be the fleet of the russians, with which they export their crude oil, and now we have to take a break literally for a moment, we come back, oh, i remember, you see, although they say that over the years our my memory is getting weaker, but i... am attentive and remember everything. we take dr. ty's memo effect and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect by doctor tys. improves memory and attention, helps think. fm - galicia. listen
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve. facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, more. more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from
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to heyerle kunier. you are watching the joint project of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and tv channel razom birabir. i, gulsum khalilova and my colleague work for you in the studio. thank you, and now we have bohdan dalin, he is an aviation expert on call, aviation sector manager, mr. bohdan, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, let's get started. talking about ukrainian drones entering russian territory, every day the ministry of defense of the russian federation literally declares that it shoots down 120 ukrainian drones, then 100, then 70, 115, have we really already learned to attack russian territory with such a number of drones and are they really shooting them down , are they just telling their viewers to their audience that the drones are going astray, we're actually up to... on target, well look, if we talk about the specified number, then more than a hundred drones that
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would have reached their goal, we would actually see a much brighter reaction of the russians and not single, relevant oil refineries would burn , but dozens at the same time, that's why there are probably two important compositions here , the first important one is that the russians regularly like to inflate the real numbers in order to visit in front of their citizens, they see ukraine effectively destroying dozens or hundreds of their respective shaket-type kamikaze drones, and in order not to look much worse, they simply increase this number, conventionally speaking, tens of drones, they increase it to a hundred, and non-existent drones are simply recorded as those that have been shot down, the generals rejoice because they receive medals, the corresponding servicemen who approach them receive bonuses, i.e. everyone remains satisfied, well, if we actually look at this situation... we have to understand that, after all , some of the drones can be destroyed one way or another, and this is absolutely normal,
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we see that even these shahedis that the russians launch , as a rule, there is still a certain one the percentage that is 10-15% there, unfortunately, it achieves its goals, as well as ukrainian drones, i hope that this percentage is much higher, because according to official data, how many are launched and how many are directly hit by one or another unfortunately, there are no objects, so it is difficult. the effectiveness of ukrainian drones, but the number of ulankas and destroyed drones, which are shown by the relevant russian military, it definitely does not speak to the version that there are only hundreds of drones, after all, we are talking about launching dozens of long -range drones, but relatively speaking, cheap small drones can be used to cover them, which are also launched into the so-called buffer zone, i.e. up to 50 km, this is the front line or the border. with the russian federation, a territory with a sufficiently aggressive electronic warfare system and many things against air defense. here, i
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would like to note, another gulsum, i will take one question from you, i would like to note that the russians mostly use the same models of drones, there are shaheds, well there are their modifications, their tyrants, but ukraine is constantly experimenting, i remember the beaver, then the drone, which they did not have at first . the names then began to be called ferocious, and then some other modifications, that is, we constantly have some kind of experimental work, and it is connected, as i understand it, with the fact that we cannot use western models of such weapons to attack the russians, so we are forced to develop something of their own, and the russians just buy ready-made iranian models, am i wrong, or do we act in approximately the same way, well look, here the situation is quite different, because the first... an important component, most drones, they all consist of western components, including
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navigation systems, control systems, engines, etc., if you look in principle at these products, which are also ukrainian, including those purchased outside of ukraine, it is still such a zoo of various drones, there are several reasons, because on the one hand, of course, the resources in the access and procurement market are limited, that is, you have to buy dozens, not thousands or hundreds and all this is stretched over months of their supply, that is, at different suppliers, different models in order to cover the required amount. the second important component is, of course, domestic production, but it is also based on western components. today , it is quite difficult for the russians to get these components, first of all, if they are equipping the so-called dual or military purpose, and this, of course, narrows the opportunity for the teresians to create new models of unmanned vehicles, because everything after all, the main market where... these components can be taken is the chinese market, but it also has certain limitations, and this leads to
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the fact that the nomenclature, it narrows, on the one hand, on the other hand, it still works if the model, when, after all, the state, already having domestic production for the assembly of these drones, its komikazas of the shachet type, they simply take them en masse in order to reduce their cost, that is, in principle, ukraine could also move to... creation of large, powerful factories for the production of thousands drones, but such factories, unfortunately, will become an almost instantaneous target of the enemy, so another system works, the so-called, as it works at sea, the so-called mosquito net. it works in the same way with production, i.e. diversification, small producers, their large number, i.e. it is basically impossible to destroy such production, and it is interesting that we have drones that fly even to bashkartastan and tatarstan, and this, if i do not i’m wrong, 1200 and 1300 km, but it’s very interesting, what kind of drones are these and where are
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the real russian air defense systems, well, look, if we talk about this case, so far we are unfortunately talking about... nightly such damage, that is, unfortunately, we are not talking about some serial drone, that is, we are talking about a convertible so-called ultra-light aircraft, and in addition, such strikes at such a long distance of more than 100 km, today there are only a few of them, the key task is to bypass the air defense system in a buffer manner, here , in fact, 50-60 km after the border with the russian federation, the so-called internal airspace of the russian federation begins, where you can long distance... practically being unnoticed and with low mobility to be shot down, because the existing complexes themselves are c300, c400, they are imprisoned under the destruction of large targets, at high speeds, as a rule, at heights there of three or more kilometers, if we look at the drones that strike russian objects, then they fly at much lower altitudes, at the same time , the greatest danger for such drones is
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not so much the air defense system, because even specialized panzers russia has only about a hundred units, but... more serious ones are electronic warfare systems, that is, rebs, which can also affect the navigation signal, and this leads to the fact that such drones can physically just fall and crash, and we see that the number of so-called drones intercepted by the russians, it is measured not by the number of downed, but mostly showing the wreckage of the bodyless, which were directly planted or destroyed by the use of rebs, and recently the center of strategic... communications he calculated the losses of russian occupiers on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea in the last 3-4 months, and there they write that russia has lost dozens of air defense systems, dozens of s-300, s-350, s-400 systems, and what is very important, and
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russia lost 15 radar stations, recently it became known that... russia has already, unfortunately, repaired the kerch crossing. tell me, please, whether they will be able to restore all these losses that we have seen in the last 3-4 months and how much they, well, need for this time. well, look, from the point of view air defense systems, the production cycle is quite long, that is, it can take years. at the same time, the number of systems that the russian federation has remains quite large, that is... we are talking about hundreds, one of these complexes, at the same time, in order to cover individual objects on the territory of the crimean peninsula, they will need to remove these objects from other parts of the russian federation, thus reducing the protection of certain objects, primarily airfields, individual cities, that's it of course, thus directly creating more gaps for the possibility of drones,
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for example, to enter the territory of the russian federation from other directions, because today we only see... strikes that are inflicted on drones flying from the territory of ukraine, but given that this area and coverage of missile defense will be reduced, then in principle nothing prevents the creation, conditional conversion of the ship into an aircraft carrier of such drones, and strikes on other territories of the russian federation, but of course it is necessary to understand how these ships will then safely leave the zone affected by russian aircraft or corresponding sea vessels, and in addition, if we talk specifically about... the territory of crimea, this may be one of the stages of preparation for the next military operations on the territory of crimea, including the use of western aviation platforms such as f-16s, because in principle , the dilution and destruction of air defense systems is much easier to do in crimea today than, for example, in other regions, because there is less forest cover,
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there are also certain relevant horos and terrain, that is, the number of locations where these systems can... deploy, it is much smaller, but it is also quite difficult to move it to other locations or to hide it due to the lack of a large amount of forest cover, that is, in fact, crimea turns into a kind of shooting range for the destruction of russian air defense systems, with sufficiently high efficiency, and plus there are ukrainian partisans there, who, of course, report on its movement of russian military equipment, how quite effectively, as far as i know, we know directly... about several partisan groups, the largest of them, and also, i wanted to ask about magura sea platoons, i know, i understand that you are aviation experts, there is also an aviation topic here, i will install it on sea platforms. now missiles that hit air targets, how effective is the use of a sea platform for launching such missiles, or is it just experiments for now? well, look, we
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see that in principle the number of such installations with launchers has increased, but at the same time these installations pose a key threat to helicopters, as well as to planes that fly at a low altitude, mainly, if we talk about flights at a low altitude, then this is exactly fighter aircraft that can er... conduct reconnaissance or search for such sea drones for their further destruction, that is, it is actually one of the means of protecting these e naval drones from attacks from the air, because these missiles have a so-called thermal homing head, but their launch from the ground has certain limitations, primarily this affects the maximum range at which such missiles can operate , that is, they are there are reduced from tens of kilometers there to two or three times, that is, to a significantly shorter range, this also affects the maximum height to which these missiles can fly, that is, if they foresee the destruction of a whole at an altitude of 10-12 km, at ranges there about
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50-70 km, then, unfortunately, the thick ground will limit the maximum height there to three or four, maybe 5 km, of course the maximum range there will not exceed probably 10-12 km, due to the fact that the air resistance near the ground is much larger, the first component, the second the component that the rocket is launching. it already has an additional speed of the order of 500-600 km and more per hour, and when launching from the ground it has, that is, initially there a minimum speed of tens of kilometers, and of course it loses the largest amount of energy for this, that is, this approach can be effective, but only against a narrow list is enough, that is, these are helicopters, planes that can directly conduct reconnaissance and search for such drones. mr. bohdan, i remember even before the full-scale invasion you as civilian an aviation expert and you, i think, could comment on the issue of resuming civil air traffic, whether it is realistic to resume it during hostilities, or should we
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wait until russia capitulates? well , look, the issue here is also quite complex, that is, we already see examples from around the world, including israel, when air traffic was restored, and even its suspension there was no more than six hours, including in the conditions of e... existing rocket attacks, which were somewhere commensurate with the waves of shelling carried out by the russian federation against ukraine. at the same time, we see that ukraine has not yet made such a decision, and here is the decision, of course, on the opening of the airspace should be initiated by ukraine. here was information about the beginning of certain consultations there with such world aviation regulators as the fa, this is the american administration and eas, the european aviation safety agency, along with some results. according to these negotiations, we did not see what they were like, whether they were positive or not negative, but in principle we see that there are experiences and approaches in the world, that is, this
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is the so-called segmentation of the airspace, when not all the airspace is closed, separate zones are defined, the risks for these zones are calculated, and a decision is made about certain restrictions and flight conditions in separate zones, that is, there are options, there are also approaches, here the question remains technical and political, political. the readiness of the relevant state authorities to decide that they are ready to open air traffic. the second important word is this is of course technical, i.e. currently air traffic is controlled, in principle , by the military, i.e. there must also be their readiness and confirmation that they can ensure and coordinate the safe operation, if not of the entire airspace, then of separately designated airfields or separately designated areas, and including the development of the relevant legal framework, how who... who makes decisions, how planes operate in conditions of certain threats, how planes operate on the ground, how the relevant airports operate, whether there are do they have storage facilities, how and in what
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time do they have to move these or other passengers to the conditional storage facilities there from possible missile or other strikes, well, here are the airports that can be launched first, let’s conclude something with you, maybe pariahs, lviv, uzhhorod, kyiv, that this will be the first, well, look, first of all , we understand that from the point of view of... the damage that they achieve, the ports that are farthest from the relevant launchers of the russian federation, they have a higher level of security, that is, the probability to fly a drone there to lviv or uzhgorod, it is substantially less than the probability of this drone to fly to kyiv, in addition , the risks and efficiency of shooting down certain objects are superimposed on this map, i.e. we see a sufficiently high efficiency around kyiv and the number of destroyed targets, i.e. here, in the first place, indeed, probably in such a zone... the more protected cities include both kyiv and individual airfields in western ukraine, but in order to actually make an assessment, it is necessary to have a complete picture, i.e. the entire
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statistics on launches and...destroyed targets and understand the existing air defense systems, what means of destruction they can destroy, that is, whether they can destroy only sawed-off missiles and drone communications, including how to counter ballistic missiles of certain types or certain characteristics. thank you very much, mr. bohdan, chsagl, for finding time and joining our broadcast, we will meet in other broadcasts of the atr tv channel and the tv channel. choh saglnas. bohdan dolinsy was in direct contact with us. air expert, manager of the aviation sector. i want to urge the viewers who watch us on youtube to be sure to subscribe to the youtube channel, if you watch on youtube, respectively on atp, preferably on both youtube channels, and to like, set the bell and comment on this broadcast, we come after the broadcasts in the comments and answer the questions, if they are based on the essence of the questions that we touched on in our broadcasts, and this is really
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very... important for us, very important, both for the tv channel and for the atp tv channel, so that the more people who simply like or simply write comments, the more others who have not seen our broadcasts, who have not heard our broadcasts, will already see them too, well, unfortunately, this is how the youtube algorithm works and they will also be able to simply hear news about crimea, about occupied crimea and everything that is happening there, because it is very important, it is... what can be said to be a bridge between matrak's ukraine and occupied crimea, that is, we say to occupied crimea that ukraine does not forget about crimea, and ukraine really does does everything for him today deoccupation, in ukraine, in the matryka part of ukraine, we are talking about the fact that people in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea are still waiting for the armed forces of ukraine. players, i would like to make just such a bridge between.
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mainland ukraine and crimea, and look, while in mainland ukraine, on the banks of the dnieper, the beaches are full of people, the crimean beaches are empty, we have a corresponding video, i will ask our technical team to show this video, it is something incredible, the heat is enormous in the crimea, but at the same time there are no vacationers there, and even i would say that they are footage that we see that the beaches are not sufficiently prepared. for recreation, but they are rather preparing for the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine than for recreation. and at the same time, you can observe what is happening on the beaches in kyiv, not everywhere you can swim, there is martial law, but we also see people moving around, and swimming on and in kayaks, and in principle resting on the beach, on the shore, but really everything it's a change. so when
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ukraine returns to crimea and returns crimea to ukraine, and then everything will change, as it was before 2014. and finally, i urge you, if you see a qr code on the screen, transfer money specifically for the liberation of crimea, a unit of oshb-48, which bears the name of noman chilibin. this unit is created. from the crimeans, who are mostly crimean tatars and who seek to liberate their homeland. well, unfortunately, we are already ending this broadcast, stay with us, stay with the first crimean tatar tv channel atp and the spresso tv channel and we will meet in a week. i am andriy yanitskyi and my colleague gulsum khalilova, were with you today. korushkenja, yes.
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goodbye. in ukraine, it's 6 p.m. and it's news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers and start with pleasant news, which has been so rare lately, that is, the national team of ukraine won a strong-willed victory over the slovaks in the second round of euro-2024, which continues in germany after missing in the first.


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