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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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development of the north korean nuclear program. does this encourage americans to recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism? corruption of ukraine as a stereotype. tensions are increasing between kyiv and washington over the fight against corruption. what could be the consequences of western partners' claims to zelenskyi and his team. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about the results of the global peace summit, which ended last week in switzerland, and about the drafts of the future peace summit, which should be held at the end of this year. putin's trip to north korea and... vietnam and the creation of
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a new axis of evil, where russia, north korea, iran, syria and belarus will be. we will talk about all this in the next two hours. uto, however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how our defense forces hit the russian infrastructure this night and beat on airfields and more than 10 explosions rang out at oil refineries in the krasnoyarsk territory, in particular in the area of ​​the village of afibskyi in the krasnodar territory, and the network also reported about a drone attack in yeisk, in yeisk, where the military airfield of the russian federation is located. let's see what were the consequences of these strikes? the boys
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are flying somewhere, well, in general, the field is on fire, it's really scary, the smoke is standing still, the smoke is already passing through us. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please join our pages and take part in our survey. today we are asking you about whether russia should be invited to the second peace summit. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube,
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if you have your own separate opinion that goes beyond these two unambiguous answers, please write in the comments under the video. if you watch us on tv, take to pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think russia should be invited to the second peace summit, 0800 211 381, or 0800 211 382. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce today's. our first guest is the captain of the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian politician and statesman, former prosecutor general of ukraine and former minister of internal affairs yury lutsenko. yury vitalivych, good evening. i congratulate you. well, let's start with the results of the global peace summit. last sunday ended global peace summit. a lot has already been said, a lot of conclusions have already been drawn, and they have already started talking about the second peace summit. what ukraine gained and what it lost by conducting peace summit, perhaps it is about losses,
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and too much has been said, but what did ukraine not gain and what could it gain at this summit? but none of this led to a russian retreat or even an intention to stop in this crazy bloody putin adventure. so what is this summit for? and i thought that he was just so that zelensky would finally hear the applause, without which it is very difficult for him. but i was not completely right, only half. in fact, this summit was very, from my point of view, best characterized by the political commentator yevhen magda, who called that this summit in switzerland, the alpine mountains gave birth to three mice, that is, of the 10 points of zelensky's peace plan , only three remained that were discussed by this so-called global summit , there is no mention of the withdrawal of russian troops. there is no more money for
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the restoration of the ukrainian economy, compensation for the victims and suffering of the ukrainian people, there is no legal responsibility for the military criminals, there are only... three mice: nuclear security, food security and the exchange of captured and kidnapped children, a large number of world leaders came there, the success of ukrainian diplomacy must be recognized here, they gathered these people, more than 80 heads of state, government or high officials people have gathered, but these three points, well, seem to me. mythical, well, if you say that the super opposition is telling me, well, let's come back to this conversation in a month, or two if you want, do you think that after this vote, russia will give us zaporizhzhia nuclear power station? am i sure or not? do you think that it will stop bombing
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odesa, mykolaiv, kherson, and izmail ports? no. do you think that even thousands of our prisoners, including soldiers of the heroic azov, and tens of thousands will give. stolen children, sure not, then what was it all for? and we received the answer just a few days before this summit, and now these answers continue every day, because in addition to the three mice that this swiss summit gave birth to, there is also one big molehill that leads zelensky to the kremlin. now all the top state officials and their subordinates say that the next summit will be with representatives of russia. that's what they themselves say, and zelenskyi and yarmak said that we are seeing a second peace summit with the participation of the russian side, but today kuleba, among other things, clarified what they meant, because it needed clarification, he said about that i admit that
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the experience of the black sea grain initiative can be used to participate in the second peace summit, and now we will listen to what the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine said when ukraine was leading. russia, and the agreement looked like a document signed between the un turkey and ukraine and the un turkey and russia. do i understand correctly that the first peace summit is a corridor to the next room where the representatives of russia will sit? yes, absolutely, and the president, the head of his office, and his minister are talking about it. of foreign affairs, but yesterday our envoy in singapore made a generally sensational statement that this summit, that ukraine does not exclude participation in the beijing, chinese format of negotiations with the russian federation,
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well, we were all shocked, but imagine feelings, for example, washington, berlin, london, paris, which for 2.5 years put enormous efforts. funds, weapons for the victory of ukraine, and suddenly they find out that negotiations on the end of the war will be conducted by their strategic opponent, china, just think about it, yes, it is about the wisdom of our foreign policy, now what kuleba said, i apologize, well, a little let's comment, mr. kuleba says that there was already an analogue of some negotiations with russia through an intermediary, olon, in this case. well, okay, so what, but he was unsuccessful, and what, was the grain corridor safe after these negotiations? no, it became safe only because of the actions of the armed forces of ukraine, which used naval drones to drive the black sea fleet of the russian federation under three hells, as far as novorossiysk somewhere, and they are still finishing it there. that's all.
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i am in koleva's new second initiative, about which i did not mention anything. and we did not forget how many crimean platforms we already had. last year, to the crimean platform to the fanfare of the turbadur bank. gathered 80 representatives of the countries of the world, and that crimea is demilitarized, deoccupied, it is to ukraine? no, russia does not pay attention to the methods of the civilized world at all. from the very beginning of this terrible war, putin broke all the security systems established in 1945 by the victors over. is fascism, there is no un, and by the way, this global summit in switzerland shows that there is no un site, it has to be gathered somewhere else, and there were no representatives, especially since the secretary general himself, who is so worried about starving africa, did not even appear on the question about the grain corridor,
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magate did not come there, which the russians also have somewhere, although nuclear security and so on were discussed, the red cross did not come there, although captivity was discussed. and the children don't come there, yes, russia broke all its obligations to the osce, to international institutions, to international agreements, third-party, tripartite, any, it broke all this and fulfilled the garbage. she stated that we do not want to recognize the order in the world that guaranteed the relative security of large and small countries of strong and weak countries, established by the victors over hitler. the new hitler does not recognize all this, and therefore to speak with in diplomatic languages, even through mediators in the form of a half-corpse of the un, this, to put it mildly,... i think it's a fog. kuleba, like a diplomat, starts a fog for us. and the essence boils down to one thing: for the first time, ukraine
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publicly declared and even sealed in the summit decision that the next summit will be with russia. moreover, no prerequisites, as before, and no 10 points of zelenskyi's peace formula are heard anymore. from my point of view, is this a loss? no, ukrainian diplomacy demonstrated miracles, it competed. to gather a representative summit, ukrainian the president demonstrated his ability to make public speeches, but in everything else he failed, a failure in the desire to lure china and the so-called global south led by him there, they simply did not come, and those who came actually opposed ukrainian interests, and the main failure in because we have now agreed to talk with russia. moreover, without the main condition of the withdrawal of troops, now let’s look at it
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a little, well, from above, not as a summit, but as a global event on the front, which wrote already in the fall of last year , a trench war was established, where neither side has a serious tool to push the front. we pay for it with the lives of our soldiers and have the advantage of their heroism, resilience and the fact that we are on our soil, plus western weapons are often technologically superior, the russians have an advantage in their willingness to give their lives for it, the cabs with which they destroy our positions, and a much larger number of shells, but none the less the balance. and in this situation it becomes obvious that there is a possibility
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even the need to end this form of war, or to find a strategic form of strategic advantage and win back our land, or to find a way to end the war in order to buy time, like during the minsk agreements, and build stronger armed forces, yes, at this moment, both parties, which are in politics, which are in business. act in the same way, declare their wishes. putin stated that he would not agree to anything less than four ukrainian regions. of course, we can say a lot about it, we can say it in short words, but that's all they're profane, so i'll allow myself to skip those emotes. from the point of view of ukraine, we also have to make an application, and zelenskyi repeated it in his speech in paris: the border of 1991, right, right. now, someday these negotiations will begin, because any war ends with negotiations, well, for example, about
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ending the war, but each side is trying to become stronger until this moment, and putin is doing a lot for this, he receives a huge flow of it from the bad one, but a large number of weapons from the north korea, he receives serious material. supplies from china, he is cementing his society, 30% of russians who were against this war at the beginning of the war have already split somewhere, they are simply gone, he controls belarus in the end and can start anything there at any minute, he undermines our positions in the west, and it was a huge success, when for several months we could not get another supply of weapons, our troops were simply bleeding. without shells, rockets, etc., thank god, now this situation
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is critical, he is undermining ukrainian society from the inside with a very effective ipso against mobilization, a very effective ipso against zelensky and so on and so forth, that is , the russians are gaining weight before sentences, pay attention to why he says that zelensky is illegitimate all the time, the last statement seems to be the head of their pseudo . parliament that the time has come to talk without zelensky with the only legitimate body, which they consider to be the ukrainian parliament, that is, they are also trying to undermine the ukrainian parliament here. position, and everything is clear here, they are enemies, but they are acting, well, it must be admitted, well , quite powerfully, now the question is what the ukrainian side is doing in order to strengthen its positions before a diplomatic confrontation with the enemy, with the aggressor, with criminals, the ukrainian side is gathering a peace summit, not a war summit, serhiy, the peace summit, and says,
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no, no, we will not mention the withdrawal of occupation troops, no, no, we will not mention crimea, donbas, er... half-kherson and 2/3 of the zaporizhzhia region, we do not want that , in order not to frighten the global south and china, we will not be at all about what to say, let's just start negotiations, this is very similar to let's meet mediation, after that the ukrainian authorities do everything not to cement society with the opposition, there have been no conversations for many years, journalists are discredited, those who are not afraid get a summons, or their children get them. subpoena and that's why everyone is silent, well, with the exception of enough heroic, oppositional and objective journalists, unfortunately, they can be counted on the fingers of four hands, energy, well, sorry, half a billion dollars flushed down the toilet during the so-called
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strengthening of the main transformer system of ukraine. half a billion dollars, but the rockets easily destroyed it all, the amount of theft, i don’t even want to discuss, let those who own it deal with it, but i’m sorry, for this money we could buy 1200 00 fpv, two fpv for each katsap, we could all to destroy muscovites at the front , instead of protecting our main substations from rockets with flimsy nets, the authorities continue to cover up. corruption, cover internal conflicts, quarrel with america, throw contemptuous words at the leaders of the western world, in short, from my point of view, the ukrainian side is not raising its positions before the inevitable diplomatic clash. fortunately for us, to end this, on a positive
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note, this part of our conversation, except for zelensky. our position is also shaped by the united states of america and other western allies, and therefore, regardless of what zelensky did, or rather did not do, regardless of all his shows in switzerland, instead of concrete work on mobilization, fortification, remote military equipment, grandfather joe, in silence, without further words, simply. then he took a russian ruble for three cents. the ruble is now a non-convertible currency. the russian stock exchange has disappeared. according to the head of the national bank of russia, who is considered a semi-genius, by the way, the head who saved the russian economy at the beginning of the war, after the first sanctions. now she admits that hyperinflation is ahead, a drop in russia's exports and imports by at least 25%. in fact, this is
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iran's post-sanctions status. from the western world, and how it ended, we remember, oil in exchange for food, that is, they were so hungry that they exchanged oil for food and medicine. next, biden, without thinking for a long time, agreed, well, let's say, pushed the decision among the european members of nato that ukraine will be financed by at least 50 billion dollars in the next and subsequent years at the expense of interest from the confiscated funds. frozen russian assets, and this money can go not only for humanitarian purposes, but also for military purposes, then biden adopts, promotes a decision, it has not yet been adopted, so that ramshtein, that is, a voluntary club for defense of ukraine, was replaced by the
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nato system, with a mandatory fixed contribution of all countries except hungary, 0.25%. of the expenditure part of the budget, which for us is a very serious figure, then there will be a response to putin’s shameful trip to another cold planet in north korea, that is, thank god , our negotiating position in the course of the upcoming diplomatic meeting is not being formed by zelensky’s team, but by biden’s team, and there is a chance in this. you already mentioned this trip by putin, he was in north korea, then he flew to vietnam, that's during. press conferences in in hanoi, the russian dictator declared his readiness to continue dialogue with the ukrainian side on the basis of the istanbul agreements and the minsk agreements, but noted that russia's proposals will change. depending on the situation at the front, let's listen to a small excerpt. i don't think that such nihilism regarding our proposals will last forever,
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something will definitely change. in particular, our conditions will also change, depending on the situation on the ground. well, that is, i understand that these four areas that he named are just for starters conversations, this is the maximum. yes, this is the maximum in order not to lose face and tell our orc subjects that we have won, but here is what he says, but pay attention to what else he said, the liquidation of ukraine, the capture of kyiv, then he talked about left-bank ukraine, yes then about the so-called novorossia, and now he is talking about, he says, the situation on the ground, that is, what they occupied, and he says, here are four regions, and if we can occupy another fifth, then the fifth, this is the project. manner of his utterances, but why are they asking him question, everyone understands that this violates all international agreements, and no one will admit
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it, well, it's just all the rules of coexistence in the world, and if this happens, then the whole world will catch fire, because in fact putin is returning the world to the world 18- 19th century, strong countries also captured weak ones, or imposed their dictators on them, when, for example, catherine the great... made her lover the king of poland, and then she got tired of that lover, she took this poland together with prussia and austria was divided into three parts, and 150 years of poland were gone, then this is the kind of world that putin wants, and everyone understands this anywhere in the world, including vietnam, which also has a very difficult history with its neighbors, because vietnam also consists of at least three historical regions that were under different occupations and in different conditions, and they all understand that this is... the catastrophic consequences of the disappearance of rules and putin is their symbol, that is why he was welcomed in korea, because that dictatorship cannot live otherwise
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than in a state of war with the whole world, just like russia , and vietnam doesn't want that, and no documents about the conversion of the ruble, about the facilitation of export operations, the avoidance of western sanctions were not signed with him, not only by western countries, but also by more or less civilized ones. and a successful country is not going to be a member of the club of suicidal dictators from the goys of the world, which are today putin and this, well, this is mr., mr. pigs, well, what is the next in, yes, in, in, these two cadres today challenged the whole planet, they have of course, there are followers who sit in the bushes or in the alpine mountains, and wait for how it will end in order to attack their neighbors, there are such. and therefore for us very much it is important today to feel unity with the entire civilized world, and this unity should not be so much diplomatic,
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preprozhe, because he putin and ying do not understand this, it should be military, we just have to give them a shout for one and the other, although we should minimize the danger of the union putin and north korea are not worth it, we must honestly say. that there is an army of two million in korea, which really wants to fight somewhere, and to rule out the fact that 10 divisions arrived in ukraine there, unfortunately, today no one can, and when we say north korea, the whole world immediately mr. president, the first thing that comes up when you mention the name of this country is illegal nuclear weapons, not bad, but missiles, and they can appear anywhere. and putin's blackmail with nuclear weapons, in his russian style, is cunning, but i think how to
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say this word is more accurate, cunning, but it can lead to the fact that it will be a korean, any missile, with which there will be no dirty uranium, that is, putin now has a lot of new versions to scare the world, as he likes, variability appears in him. yes, unfortunately, yes, and we have such a way, hold a war summit, or let's have a victory summit, where to gather, sorry, not cape verde, probably a beautiful island country in africa that probably wants our wheat but doesn't vote for us, probably we don't really need east timor, and even with all dear san marino, well, there is such a city, a state in italy, yes, it seems to me that we need to gather those who are ready for ukraine. give more weapons, a larger radius and do the following: a simple analysis, why does russia
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exceed us in aviation today? airplanes taking off from the unsinkable aircraft carrier crimea, without reaching the impact zone of our anti-aircraft defense, they hit our trenches with missiles and cruise bombs. what do we need, we need to get western weapons, maybe even south korean ones, now there is a chance for weapons that will hit russian airports. destroy their air defense, launch the f-16s promised to us and shoot down, for example, 20 russian planes in two weeks, then our position at this victory summit will be high, much better than negotiations with saudi arabia, cape verde and san marino. i swear to you, the only way to get putin to back down is to punch him in the face. all other
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diplomatic... pieces of paper, he does not believe in serious arguments at all, he understands only force, anyone in the world who spoke with him will tell you this, in all the interviews of people who spoke with them in everyday life, in work, especially in confrontation, he understands only force, and that is why we should now ask our western and possibly even asian allies to give us the weapons that putin will realize, and after that, maybe we can go to negotiations, but besides... going to the second peace summit means actually going to the legalization, i apologize, of the istanbul capitulation, because it is not for nothing that putin published the text of the istanbul capitulation through an american newspaper on the very day or on the day of the summit, it simply shows where the ukrainian delegation was , which she initialed, and he constantly reminds of it, trying to say, this is your chance,
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and the chance is there... terrible, the army is reduced by 10 times, tanks and artillery remain ten times there, measly, there are 120 minometers we still had 500 tanks, an artillery system, 300 tanks, and 85 thousand ukrainian army, just think about today's million, the ukrainian language is forbidden, the nazis are punished, neutrality is mandatory, we have to ask russia. permission to conduct military maneuvers, we have, we do not have the right to either produce or buy weapons that hit more than 40 km. in fact, this is a repetition of munich, when the czech republic surrendered a small belt of mountains in which the german minority lived, and everyone thought that hitler would stop there, but the army and society were so demoralized that six months later, without a single declaration of war, hitler was in prague,
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and the czech and slovak ... states ceased to exist, therefore the destruction of the armed forces, its disarmament and the ban on communication with the outside world, its neutral status, which will mean just an easy sacrifice for putin. for those who still believe russian propaganda, that neutral status can be a way out, i would like to remind you that putin annexed crimea and occupied two-thirds of donbas, when ukraine under yanukovych's law was formally non-bloc. state and no nato, even by law we had no right to go, but putin didn't care, there was just a weak victim, he took her away. and now, perhaps a very important story, who lobbied all this in istanbul? the delegation was created by president zelenskyi's decree. led by mr. arahami. and who was the main diplomat in this delegation? mr. oleksandr chaly. not to be confused with valery chaly, our deputy
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deputy minister.


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