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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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thank you yurii vitalivych for the conversation, we must support everything that protects the armed forces and pack those who question it, because we will see our only perspective, we will meet with you in 15. after the visit to north korea and vietnam, putin began. to threaten south korea, what caused it and how putin's asian tour will affect ukraine, we analyze in today's edition of the bbc, i'm olga polamaryuk. vladimir putin raises the stakes, and this time threatens south korea. seoul is threatening not to help ukraine in any way. supply lethal weapons to ukraine would be a very big mistake, if this happens, our decisions are unlikely to please the leadership of south korea, that's how, putin said. but actually, what
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happened? on june 20, the south korean president's office hinted that they are ready to reconsider their position on aid to ukraine. we didn't say what it would be, we won't reveal our plans, that's what the national security adviser said. such statements by official seoul are a response to the agreement between north korea and russia. agreement on comprehensive strategic partnership this agreement is called the main goal of putin's visit to the cis. the document consists of 23 articles, but its main point is that in case of aggression against one of the participants, the other should immediately help by all available means. the agreement is open-ended, but it is not clear to the end what exactly follows from the formulation of the documents, and whether pyongyang is therefore ready to openly enter the war against ukraine. putin's deal, which is not unexpected, but no less dangerous, is what they say in the west. russia
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and north korea can have significant consequences not only for ukraine, but also for the entire region. we will also talk about this a little later, but for now let's see how this visit went. north korea doesn't boast a lot of state visits, but now it's putting on a show for an important ally. kimersen square in hanyan was bursting with colors and dances when the two isolated... your constant support of russian policy, including in the ukrainian direction. the government of the dprk highly values ​​the role and mission of the powerful russian federation in supporting global strategic stability of equilibrium. since the beginning of the war in ukraine, vladimir putin and the kimchan have become even closer. during the visit, they signed
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a defense agreement, which provides for mutual assistance in cases of aggression against one of the participants. the document resembles a soviet-style escort agreement between two countries. the move will no doubt raise concerns in washington. but high on vladimir putin's list of priorities is the need for more weapons as the war in ukraine continues. russia is desperate to replenish its reserves, and north korea. can provide it. according to the us and south korea, north korea is already doing this. both washington and seoul would accuse hanyang of supplying russia with dozens of ballistic missiles and thousands of containers of ammunition for use on the battlefield. moscow and ebenyan deny any arms deliveries. kimchynin has his own list of urgent needs. his country has been under severe sanctions for many years and needs money, fuel, food and other aid.
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the leader of north korea has his own ambitions for the expansion of the nuclear arsenal and with regard to spying satellite technologies, what can russia help with? the west is pressing them, the world is shunning them, and there are limits to what these pariah states can realistically offer each other. but for them , this deepening alliance means they haven't exhausted their potential yet. after north korea, putin flew to vietnam, a country that until now managed to balance between russia and. event, and also to maintain good relations with kyiv, precisely for a balanced position in the ukrainian crisis, as he says, putin thanked the president of vietnam, and also agreed on cooperation. they talked in hanoi about defense and security, that the countries will expand investment ties, putin promised to supply vietnam with russian liquefied natural gas, but what did this visit mean for vietnam? bbc correspondent shaima khalil explains. vladimir
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putin was very warmly received in vietnam. both countries have long historical ties that have lasted for decades. russia is an old friend and vietnam describes these relations as relations of gratitude. and loyalty, but this meeting took place at a very difficult time, in a very difficult global context, especially if you look at vietnam's diplomatic strategy, which is called bamboo diplomacy. this means standing at an equal distance from the great powers with which they have good relations. yes, they are friends with russia, and at the same time they have good relations with the united states, europe, china, but friendship with russia does not really fit into this picture. due to the war in ukraine. consider that vietnam still uses russian weapons. the vietnamese army still uses it weapons of russian production. this is a huge market for the sale of russian weapons, and of course, this is all made more difficult by the tightening of sanctions against russia. there are quite
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close relations with russian companies, for example, they were chosen as a partner for the development of oil and gas fields in the disputed south korean sea, and these things become sensitive. because, while vietnam wants to maintain this long-term relationship, it does not want it to be seen as a violation of any sanctions against russia. it should also be remembered that vietnam never condemned russia's war in ukraine. they never officially signed anything and abstained from the un resolution condemning the war. at the same time, they maintained good relations with official kyiv, with ukraine, especially considering the fact that for years thousands of vietnamese lived there. studied in ukraine, they also sent aid there. this is a very fine line that vietnam wants to walk on, to be on good terms with an isolated, sanctioned russia, to be very friendly to putin, who is himself isolated in the global world, and at the same time appease global players such as
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china, especially the united states, which is very critical of putin's trips, emphasize that he should not be given a platform. in fact, this is what is called bamboo diplomacy in... being a good friend to everyone, maintaining a balance and not forgetting about your national interests. putin's tour indicates his intention to assemble a coalition, according to the white house. a coalition of north korea, iran, syria and to some extent china. the latter, according to american officials, russia does not supply weapons, but sends a lot of goods for production armament. but how does china feel about russia's friendship? with north korea. here is the opinion of the former special representative of the united states, kurt walker. the fact that russia has depended on ammunition supplies from north korea for the past year is not new. so now it is just a reflection of the fact that such relations between countries exist, and it is beneficial for the kimian
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that putin has come to him, and this gives him more status. russia has also hinted that it may provide some assistance to north korea. of course, this violates un sanctions, but i don't think that russia is worried, so it can to provide some missile technology or some other assistance to north korea, but it is amazing that russia has to do this because putin is trying to portray his country as a superpower, great and powerful, but at the same time they cannot produce the weapons necessary for their own war , but if you look at their dependence on other countries, on north korea, they need artillery shells, from iran drones with which they attack the ukrainians, from china they depend on... it depends on trade and other goods, in particular electronic chips, so i think russia is in a much worse situation than putin would like to show. from the point of view of china's position, tupykin is not against north korea supplying shells to russia. china is only too happy to pursue its
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own interests. if they can buy cheap oil and gas from russia, sell goods to russia and get paid for it, they will do it, but that does not mean that china supports russia's war effort. putin would like to get taiwan peacefully, and he would not want his ambitions to be confused with aggression, imperialism and war crimes committed by russia in its war against ukraine. yes, and this was actually the opinion of former us special representative kurt walker, but despite the isolation, technically, north korea is still at war with the south. in recent days, the situation at the border has worsened, moreover, there have been indications that north korea is reducing border crossings. the wall correspondents of bbc verifi analyzed satellite images to establish what is happening there. separation of north and south korea looked unlikely for years, but it was a goal for both countries. that all changed earlier this year, when north korean
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leader kim jong-un said his country was no longer pursuing such a goal. bbc verify has obtained new satellite images which prove that north korea has started building what looks very... like parts of a wall on the border with south korea. we highlighted these areas, we identified several built structures with a total length of approximately 1 km. this wall is located near the eastern one. edge of the demilitarized zone between the north and south korea, which is called dmz for short. it is effectively a buffer zone between two countries that are still technically at war. since they never signed a peace treaty more than 70 years after the end of the korean war. look at the elongated structure. these photos were taken earlier this month. the exact date of the start of construction is unknown due to the lack of good quality images in this area. but this photo taken at the end of last year shows that there was definitely no barrier here. we also found evidence
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that this area was cleared. this picture was taken at the end of last year and this one was taken this month. here it is clearly visible that this strip of land on the part of the demilitarized zone controlled by north korea has been cleared. with experts stressing that such activity so close to the border is highly unusual. this may indicate a military purpose and may contradict the long-standing truce between north and south korea. the south korean military said it was aware of the construction and was closely monitoring the situation. as far as is there a high risk of a new conflict on the korean peninsula? oxford university lecturer, expert on north korea edward hoval analyzes. usually , we have not seen any such incidents in the past, but it actually reflects the change
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in north korea's foreign policy priorities towards south korea, the rejected military agreement between the two koreas that was signed in 2018, we have seen north korea fundamentally change its position towards south korea, abandoning disunity as a foreign policy goal. kimchanin said about this earlier this year and over the last few weeks we have also seen constant reports, whether it be balloons filled with excrement launched from the north to the south, or even the so-called random invasion of north korean soldiers into south korea, and this is not an isolated incident. case, it happened several times. at the same time , putin's visit shows that north korea and russia are deepening their strategic relationship, it's not just a mutually beneficial relationship, it's something deeper, and it sends a clear message the united states and its allies, south korea and japan, as well as the west, that russia. north korea will not be isolated, any sanctions, any attempts to isolate them simply will not work, and they
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will create a new countermeasure, if you use the definition of the tymchinin - a new alliance against the west, and this justifies further provocations by north korea against the south. so, it is vital that south korea and the west were prepared for this. in practice, this means that greater coordination is needed between washington, seoul and tokyo. we've seen it before at the camp david summit last year. and also see you at the nato summit in washington next month. this would give the us a very good opportunity to reassure its allies while also focusing on containing north korea. this country, in my opinion, does not plan to give up nuclear weapons in the near future. in general, trying to accurately and reliably understand north korea's intentions is always difficult. regarding the barriers erected on the border. north korea is involved in the separation of one korea from another, and this is very clear. korea, in relation to south korea, and this actually underlines how significant
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kimchanin's decision to abandon reunification with south korea actually is. read more about how putin threatened south korea and what consequences this may have, on our website putin warned south korea that it would make a big mistake if it armed ukraine in a war against russia. these came after the government in seoul suggested the possibility in response to a new agreement between russia and north korea to help each other in the event of aggression against either of these countries well, subscribe to our pages on social networks so as not to miss the most important news, we are traditionally on facebook, instagram, tik tok, on youtube you can watch our releases, if you missed it on the air, comment carefully, we read everything. that's all for today. something on monday, as always at 9 p.m., good luck and take care.
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hello friends, this is the verdict program, the second part of our program, the traditional program on friday, our journalism club, and today we will talk about the following. putin raises rates the kremlin's conditions for ending the war may change depending on the situation on the ground. what should be russia's strategic defeat? beating a military man in the dnipro? people's deputy tyshchenko got into a new scandal: does
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the deputy's mandate give the right to replace law enforcement agencies? black. list of journalists. a combatant of the third assault brigade had a public quarrel with a war correspondent and incited her supporters. is it permissible to criticize the military during war? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, there. please subscribe to our pages and also participate in our. survey, today we ask you about the following: should russia be invited to the second peace summit? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, please write your comments if they go beyond a single answer. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if do you think russia should be invited to the second peace summit, 0821381, no, 0800 211-382,
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all calls. these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is kateryna nekrecha, a journalist of radio liberty. kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, and maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, author and host of youtube channels of show business and centronet, political observer, media consultant, mrs. maryna, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. so, dear maryna and kateryna, since we are asking our guests about whether our tv viewers, please tell me what they think, whether it is necessary to invite russia to the second peace summit, let's do a blitz survey, let's try to find out your position, maryna , let's start with you, i can say such
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things about the peace summit, that actually the pr about it... peace was much more than exhaust. the fact that they talked about ukraine for an extra week is certainly good, but i would like more results, considering that we are always six months away they repeatedly pumped up that there would be a peace summit and some kind of peaceful solutions, unfortunately, this did not happen, but many people had such an illusory impression that this peace summit was bound to bring peace to ukraine. and should russia... go to the second peace summit, the main thing here is the position from which we will go to these peace summits, because here, for example, are our foreign colleagues, journalists and numerous experts who, by the way, are advised by their ministry of defense and the ministry of foreign affairs , they say, and what will you go with, because everyone understands that peace agreements are decided primarily on the field
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battle, and then it is already legally formalized somehow at the table of diplomatic negotiations, so... we wanted less stories like kolya tyshchenko, his assistant and some incomprehensible people beating the military, and that we were more concerned with victories in battle. well, we will talk about all these cases during our broadcast. katerina, do you think russia is needed for the second peace summit, since both zelensky and yarmak and today kuleba stated that there could be a special format, as it is about grain. is russia needed at all? second peace summit? i really agree with this thesis that the peace summit should bring peace in the expectations of the ukrainians there, yes, but in fact there were several important points, among which there were nuclear security, etc. and the exchange of ukrainian prisoners and children, the return of those deported by russia children, taken away, stolen, and if it is
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about specific points and about specific agreements where the russian... side, if it still wants to participate in this, it will be able to do something or show that it is ready for some kind of adequate dialogue , well at least in certain nuances there, in certain spheres, then surely yes, if it is like a platform for expressing your propaganda messages there, well, obviously, as many ukrainian experts point out, no, that is, the question here is really what the topics will be , and again, it is already being announced that there should be another peace summit by the end of this year. and here it is important that , once again, people should not be expecting some simple solutions in a very short time, but that people should clearly understand what this meeting will be about and which specific results ukraine. and the partners want to achieve and were expecting exactly these results, concrete solutions, let it be step by step, but of course, unfortunately, the issue of ending the war can only be globally resolved by a summit, when
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the partners gather in ukraine, well, we can already see that it is impossible, and it was not intended in principle, as we understand it, and it is obviously impossible to solve the main issue, the issue of peace and the return of ukrainian territories, at the second peace summit, even with the participation of russia, because putin clearly articulated his... position: give me four regions plus the autonomous republic of crimea and withdraw ukrainian troops from there, and then we will talk. well, besides, as he said, the kremlin dictator, who is already in hanoi, in vietnam, he said that we are ready to negotiate, but based on istanbul and minsk, istanbul is definitely a capitulation plan for ukraine, and here even there is nothing to talk about, well plus... to these four areas that putin demands, and putin says that for russia a strategic defeat will mean the end of its statehood, and therefore there is nothing to be afraid of, you have to go to the end, and well
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such statements have taken place, maryna, how do you assess what putin is saying now, having engaged china, iran, and now north korea, he is serious enough, he decided to play tricks. ponds and is there a ceiling in these ponds, where you are above which he simply will not be able to go? and this is the preservation of putin’s life, so he will constantly raise these rates, and it is worth saying that for him this statement that he urgently needs zaporizhzhia and kherson, simply so that we withdraw, withdraw our troops, for him this the statement was useful, because in this way he wanted to intercept the information initiative so that , first of all, the leaders of the western... countries would comment on exactly these proposals of putin, and in fact the peace summit just began with the fact that the leaders of these countries, high representatives
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began to comment on these statements, but fortunately a number of these statements were just as favorable for ukraine. i can note, for example, there was a statement by lloyd austin, who very clearly said that the russian federation is not in a position to demand that the city of zaporizhzhia, which has a million inhabitants, be given to them, and you know, but... when now the same putin is going to beg for weapons and for the military-industrial capacity of north korea to be used, because they are not coping, the second army of the world is not coping, this is a sign that everything is really not so good in the russian federation. thank you, marina, kateryna, judging by what putin says, how he speaks, and how he tries to stage another peace summit there. but already with the participation of china, or rather, the chinese peace formula, which will apparently be
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announced at some alternative peace summit, and our ambassador in singapore has already stated that ukraine can also join this summit and take part in this summit, doesn't this mean that with the strengthening of putin's attempt to strengthen ukraine's position. is already beginning, shall we say, to negotiate about how, what, what these peace talks can be, what we will talk about, and the absence of seven questions out of ten at the first peace summit, obviously indicate that ukraine is trying in some way to find some compromise where there can be no compromise, there can be no compromise for of ukraine, which clearly declares. officially that it is a sovereign state and that the end of the war is a return to the borders of 1991, this is an important point,
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but here, well, what can we talk about if the side is the aggressor, it does not show at all even the smallest steps, that she wants some kind of reconciliation there, the completion of the demarcation line, etc., that is, it seems to me that the positive and plus point is that there are no illusions that, in principle, vladimir putin is there, he... er, clearly expressed his position, one's intentions, well , just so that no one has doubts, that's why that you and i can talk, i can talk with friends, with colleagues, and just somewhere with people, i don't know, in a store about negotiations, and you know this, a popular phrase there they will give up, they will go to negotiations, and the question is, uh, no matter what anyone in kyiv wants or offers, the russian side and the kremlin state specifically that they need even more than they control now, and there is no hint at all. to the fact that they are ready to retreat, to stop, while putin clearly says that ukraine should withdraw its own troops, russia is not going to withdraw its troops from anywhere. this must be clearly
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understood. in such a situation, when the aggressor... continues to wage war, does not stop at all, is not ready to make any compromises, the ukrainian side is looking for opportunities together with partners, well, first of all, it proves that ukraine is ready to adequately talk, speak and lead dialogue, in contrast, putin shows the complete opposite there, he has an alternative reality and an alternative summit, there are some alternative agreements, alternative partners, i.e. absolute mirroring, the only problem is that this is... an alternative reality, it has existed for 10 years, and there ukrainian citizens are under occupation, they live in it, for example, as they do in donetsk, luhansk and crimea, and that is, this alternative reality of putin, unfortunately, it is also a reality with which one must, on the one hand, put up with, on the other hand, if putin reacts like this on the eve of the summit, makes such statements, somehow tries to disrupt this summit, then it means that really says that russia is uncomfortable,
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probably ukraine. conducts such a global summit and attracts as many partners as possible, and not only the western ones, who usually already support ukraine, but also those countries that hesitate somewhere or show their neutrality, nevertheless, with their participation, they still show some kind of support, as dmytro koleba, for example, noted, and what he sees as the success of this summit there, therefore it is important to understand that there is a point that there is now a war, there is an aggressor who is not going to surrender there, is not going to return the territories for which the question... well, putin already said that it is obvious for him that the issue of crimea and those ukrainian territories that have already been captured is closed, they have already written in their constitution that zaporizhzhia and kherson are theirs and that's all, and they are not going to even argue about it, so if official kyiv, he can conduct what is taking place, and within the framework of this peace summit we will see the results of the return of ukrainian prisoners, the return of ukrainian children, etc., then this will already be a victory, it is certainly in these steps, it is
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certainly better than doing nothing, but... we can talk about efficiency, well, maybe already there at the end of this year. marin, but is peace with russia even possible? well, such a banal question, but what does peace with russia mean? is this the capitulation of russia or in the understanding of the ukrainian side, i.e. what kind of peace can this be? i would like the ukrainian side to think more about how to keep our allies, how to improve our positions. and i will tell you honestly that for me the more important thing was not the swiss peace summit, but the event that preceded it, and in particular the g7 meeting, these the countries that help ukraine the most with weapons, money and sanctions, and you know, somehow it is not very adequate at a time when italy is the chairman of the g7, and george maloney, by the way, at the beginning when italy began to
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fulfill its duties , she said that... our goal, the goal of our presidency in this big seven is that we help ukraine win the war. it seems to me that sometimes we do not fully use this tool because, for example, at this g7 summit there were a number of positions that were very important, for example, the damage caused to us by the war with russia was probably recorded for the first time. tion there, if i am not mistaken, they counted 486 billion dollars, then there was a story about granting us a 50 billion loan, also an important thing, plus they also said there about nuclear security, about the need to further deepen the sanctions, and we, unfortunately , we do not use this tool very clearly and clearly, i would like our diplomats, our bank to pay more attention to this, and not try
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to somehow come to an agreement with saudi arabia, maybe with china, maybe something will be looped between the chinese-brazilian option, because let's be honest, china is our enemy, it openly shows that it is our enemy and for it ukraine is food, and from the point of view of brazil, if you live somewhere in brazil, in the favelas, you are absolutely purple, what is happening there in that ukraine, you consider all white people of european descent a priori to be colonizers, not understanding the intricacies of history, that we, for example, are those... the same white people who suffered from the colonial policy of the russian empire. it very important, because politics, it consists of nuances, and excuse me, when journalists from france approach my colleague tetyana nikolayenko, they say that we are all at once, we are all there, we were at this peace summit, but we did not quite understand, what is this peace summit, you need a war summit, how do you improve your position to win it? well, that's a valid point, literally.
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we had him on the air half an hour ago.


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