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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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in odesa, there are more than two dozen, which were created en masse in the 22nd year, and they perform various functions, according to the law, they have the right to help the police at their request, but here the question arises, first of all, they have the right to help to the police, the issue of their assistance is specifically for the tsc, well , let's say, not quite in the legal field, but they are regularly involved, last year there was... there was a high-profile case when one of these workers broke a window in a car that was stopped at such a mobile checkpoint, then there was this scandal stuck, because the person actually refused further development, as if in exchange for the fact that he will be treated according to the law, that is, this is a very interesting wording, yes, that is, if you want to be treated according to the law, you.. do you refuse to comment on
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the actions of the tsc? valery, you said that there are 200 such formations in odesa, that's right, that's a huge number of people, probably where they join, and 20, i apologize, 20 formations, who pays them for the fact that they help carry out all these measures? officially, these are public formation, they are not necessarily paid, that is, it is not an official job, it is , as it were, for such volunteers. which seem to be able to carry out their actions in this way, we have separately in the legislation so-called, for example, these are public formations, er, which are analogues of territorial defense, and in the 22nd year there were a lot of them, but in my opinion, they fulfilled their function in the 22nd year, and in general they should be, their status should be changed. so, the odesa regional council adopted today's session about the stage i was talking about today. er, very strange
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an appeal to the cabinet of ministers with a request to allow the reservation of 50% of security agencies in the city of odessa, why am i linking these stages, because in fact some of these public formations and these security agencies even have a common name, which, well, common names, i.e. these are different agencies, for example, we have such a public formation alpha and accordingly. for example, we have them who want to book, yes, valery, i apologize, i will only add one more guest to our broadcast, yevhenii oropai, joins, call sign scythian, officer of the third battalion svoboda, the fourth brigade of the operational assignment of the rubizh national guard, i welcome you to our broadcast, good afternoon tv viewers, good afternoon in the studio, evgenia, i am also glad to see you, please tell me, how do you look at all the conflicts between the tcc and civilians, which arise, well, specifically now we. we are discussing
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odesa, because there most often, what do you think, what, who and what should be done so that these conflicts, well , stop or decrease significantly, and without a doubt, more and more soldiers who served on the front lines, were wounded, are now appearing in tsk but still after all, there remained a very large number of military personnel who did not have any, did not take any part in hostilities there. and they, well, let's be honest, treat civilians very badly, they do not perform the function that is entrusted to them, namely the explanation to the civilian population, which is going to be mobilized, or there to serve in the armed forces, the national guard, and what is there for them will equip, train and give all the skills to defend ukraine, this is the main thing that triggers me as a military man when i look at when some tetskashnyk crushes a civilian, well, in a peaceful way. place, well, it’s sad for me to see,
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yevheniya, i understand you, but look, they don’t somehow do it by themselves, well, there is a certain pyramid, i don’t know, a certain state structure, who should lead this process of changes in the tcc , who, which department, which person, name her name in the end, to be honest, i don't know who is doing it, i'm mine, let's say this, all the servicemen, well , basically i'll speak for our battalion, huh. we only look at the external enemy, now we only have an external enemy - this is the aggressor, this is russia, against whom we are fighting, well , it will be a little unfortunate if we start to turn around, look at the internal enemy, but from the other side, but from the other side, evgenia, you, your brothers at the front, including so that ukraine does not turn into russia, just like that, and we are very sorry for what is happening inside the country, what is happening with such cutlets, when doughnuts, that... we talked
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like this today history by the judges, who are beaten there in a drunken state, which happens with moneylenders and even with some police officers, that is, it is a pity for us, but... i think that it is necessary to resolve this issue very decisively and radically and to punish these people in a demonstrative way so that it simply does not happen again in the future. i watched several videos with me, i think it was from odesa where the police did not stand up for the rescue service, well, when 102 arrived, man, i think everyone saw this video, it was very strange for me to see that the police he says, we are not here... we cannot do anything, because we are on the territory of the tsk, if there was no such one the territory of the tsk, there is the territory of ukraine, and you , as policemen, as the ministry of internal affairs, must protect your citizens, even from tetsekashniks, even i excuse myself, from
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deputies, you must protect the interests of citizens in the first place, and i am sorry for these look, when you don't know who to turn to, that we, for example, turned to the ministry of defense to comment on this matter, and not only now, during the last weeks, or even a month, i will not be afraid of this word, because there is an active the mobilization process, and, for example, the ground forces, yes, to which the tsk is subordinate, they do not comment on this, all these conflicts, the ministry of defense does not comment on this, we see such a trend, when it would seem that the state institutions that are supposed to change this system, they are eliminated and do not communicate this process, i do not know. valery, maybe your odesa tsc is somehow commenting on this, because i read their post today, they even closed comments on facebook. unfortunately, the odesa tsc avoids open communication and at best leaves such posts in telegram or on facebook, where
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it is prescribed by the office, sometimes directly, well, sometimes i don't choose the words, directly just lies. uhu, evgenia, please tell me, but when you watch. these tsc employees in odesa, and what you say, you are ashamed and unpleasant to look at them there, would you like such people to join the army? well, any mobilization resource will be useful on the front lines, i'll be honest. bad soldiers, all of them can be used, used both in the battalion of monaco and the battalion from parliament, you can put them on the front line and to turn them into first-class fine soldiers, just for that you need... training, for that you need to explain to them what is required of them, well, what is required of them, that is, they would be happy to take them in, the svoboda battalion is recruiting all mobilization resources, all soldiers are very important to us, unfortunately, we need highly motivated soldiers, because
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we have such a very determined battalion and we are not assigned to such, shall we say, easy... tasks, uh, easy directions, easy tasks. motivation, sorry, i finish, motivation is very important, but among these i am sure there are people who want to defend the country, and they would be happy to join us. valery, please tell me, evgeny said that after all, and we know it, that a certain number of tsk employees are former military personnel, and this was the idea when they talked about rebooting this system, in odesa, you know something about the fact that exactly when... military personnel became part of these tsk, did this reform not reach there in odesa? it seems to me that this is one of the worst results of this reform, because in fact these heroes they are framed by the fact that they are sent to the tsc. what happens next, the leadership of tsk has not
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changed, in fact, these are the same people who were there before, we are talking not only about the leaders, but about the management in general, instead of people with injuries, people even with amputations. who want to continue to serve, and who have already fulfilled their duty at the front, are directed to such actions, they, some of them are already refusing even such things, we are now trying to persuade one of the employees of the tsk, who is ready to speak directly about it, but of course what the issue here is, yes, security issues, which he already sees, but he says, well, i'm not ready to follow criminal orders. which are given to us and go to detain people on the street so that someone can make money from it. this is the video we are currently showing, by the way, from uzhhorod, these are the former military personnel who joined the ranks of the shopping center, well, that's right, that is , a lot of veterans are involved in the street actions, and i
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think that in this way it humiliates the honor and the dignity of these veterans, and i wanted to add that not only the police, but also the regional military administration which actually. is one of the bodies that failed the mobilization at the previous stages, are guilty of this, and at the same time, not recently, our head uva directly stated that he... believes that there is no forced mobilization in odesa, and i also believe , that in this way he is lying, because there are direct cases that have already been proven, when there was a forced mobilization of people, including people with very serious disorders of the disease, well , unfortunately, one of them led, at least one of them led to a fatality directly in landlady thank you very much, gentlemen, i am glad to see you on our air, valery bolgan, editor-in-chief of intent odesa and yevhenii oropai, call sign skif, officer of the third battalion of svoboda. of the fourth operational brigade of the rubizh national guard. thank you very much. well, the minister
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of internal affairs of ukraine, ihor klymenko , announced that his only son was mobilized for the army. the head of the ministry of internal affairs said this in an exclusive interview with radio liberty. we spent the day at the training ground of the national guard of ukraine, where we talked about mobilization, training of recruits and challenges after the war. a full interview will be possible. to watch on radio svoboda's youtube channel, we will definitely leave a link under this video, in particular, and now i offer a short fragment of this conversation. a year ago, when you and i wrote an interview, i asked you where your son was, and you said that your son has bad eyesight, he volunteers, he works as an engineer, but due to his health, he cannot be involved to the army now the situation has changed, and people with poor eyesight can also join the army. where is your son now? my son, he has come of age. 7 years in february months, and he immediately mobilized, independently, independently, without a summons, without
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a summons, so he went to the shopping center, at the same time, it was before the adoption of the law, we did not yet know what changes there would be in the selection rules, i mean the medical selection, he was preparing for it, to be honest, it was difficult for him for four months of civilian life, more or less free, to enter the life in which he now fell, and why was he preparing, he could not have prepared, i understand correctly, he could do not prepare, we had conversations that were long enough, the first two months of these conversations, still on at the end of last year, he was not ready for this, but he already knew that he had to go, this is the father's factor, because his father is a minister or something, how does he understand this? well, if the father is a minister, perhaps he could be a major of some kind,
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in fact, i am quite serious about what should be the responsibility of the son of the minister and the minister who has a son, before the state, including your son in these barracks lived, yes, of course, and there it was, olaz in the same, in the same fields, you as a father, how was this decision of his, or was it your joint decision, is it his at all, how was it, he came to you, father, i will probably go to the army, did you come to him, son, i guess i should, no, we first talked about what was happening in the country, that to all of us, perhaps, as you and i have talked for a year that when necessary, we should go to the army, and he made the decision on his own, i told him that it will be your only independent decision, he fell into the group of those people who. .. some of these people had experience of combat operations here, the facts are that he was preparing in such a way
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not here, yes, in such conditions , the boys began to drag him along in training, and he passed the adaptation, well, i count the hope that it passed this adaptation to date, how long has he been in the army? for about three months, in fact you are the person on whom the quality of the conditions, the quality of the training of a certain part of the military depends, because not everyone is trained by you, and neither is your department, who will go to the front, there is a difference when you do this work and your son is not in the army , and when you do this work, but your son is in the army, ot honestly, yes, i can look these guys in the eye and demand from the commanders. to demand what i have to demand, to fulfill all the tasks that stand, i have to do it according to my position, and
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they have to obey, but each of them can say about himself, no one forbids us to think, but what have you done, watch this interview in full, the minister and i talked, of course, not only about his son, but also about challenges and reservations, and how the police will be involved in the mobilization, and about corruption. in the environment of the minister on radio svoboda channel, be sure to watch, and i say goodbye to you, like this broadcast, in this way you will support our work, and until monday. "mom, i threw up and i'm sick, the heat always leads to poisoning, intoxication can cause dehydration, and it is important to restore the water-electrolyte balance when ordinary water is not enough, i recommend reo to adults and children. let's save ourselves with reo water. reo saves.
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reo - water for special medical purposes. listen to your own represent unbreakable discounts on tablets citramon darnytsia. 10% in pharmacies, travel flan and savings. big broadcast, vasyl zima, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front, member, serhii zgurets, and what
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is the world like, yuriy fizer is already with me, and it’s time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours, to be aware of... economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chechchenina, our tv viewer, i am ready to say good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, i am ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good man of the day, events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin
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borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, and model them. or our future every saturday at 1:10pm with a repeat at 10:00pm. studio zahid with anton borkovsky on spress. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday, from 20 to 22. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time, it means to save his life. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way from zero to
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our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuation of the wounded from ground zero. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. congratulations. we are looking for two children who disappeared in temporarily occupied donetsk. one of them is 15-year-old kostya tyzhneva. communication with him was lost on october 26. in 2023 and since then , nothing is known about the boy, due to the fact that he disappeared during the occupation, we do not know much about the circumstances of his disappearance. it is likely that kostya is still temporarily occupied territory, however, for one reason or another , he cannot report himself, so i ask residents
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of donetsk, who may see this video on social networks, to look especially carefully at the photo of the boy. if you know at least some information about him or where he might be, let us know on the hotline of the child tracing service at number 1163. you can also write to us either on our website or to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we are also looking for this girl, her name is angelina buynova, she is 16 years old, and she also went missing in the temporarily occupied donetsk. it happened in the fall of 2023, and since then it hasn't happened. where and with whom angelina is. unfortunately, it is possible that she could have been taken out or deported to russia. this, of course, is only an assumption, and in general , the deportation of children is... a component of the crime of genocide. so i note that if you know about any crime against a child, in particular about deportation, do not be indifferent and immediately
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report it to the police, or report it to our site stopcrimeua. of course, you can do it anonymously if you wish. searches, of course children from temporarily occupied territories is a very difficult and usually long process. however , our experience shows that the search must be continued even in the most difficult, or sometimes seemingly hopeless situations. so, for example, we were able to find a boy from the then still occupied part of the kherson region, nothing was known about igor since february 24, 2022. we only knew that he lived in the village of sonyachne, kherson region, which was under occupation. in our programs, we called on the residents of this village, if they... still see us in on the internet to let us know if 17-year-old igor is still living in soniachny and if everything is fine with him, and it worked, we were sent
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this video with igor. my name is igor, today is the 31st of shoka, 2022, i live in serisechny, kherson region, with my grandfather and grandmother. everyone is fine. the boy confirmed that he still lives in the village of sonyachne with his grandparents. and the whole... at that time could not report about himself, because there was no ukrainian mobile phone service in the occupation. i really hope that the ending is just as happy the story of the search for demyanchyk tyurin, who went missing in mariupol, will end. i am asking you immediately to please share this manhunt video on your social media pages. this is actually very important, because you have to understand that the more people know about the missing boy, the more chances there will be... to find him, so please do not remain indifferent. demyanchyk was only three years old, he disappeared on march 2, 2022 in mariupol, when hostilities were going on in the city
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. what happened to the child, who was she with then was and where she may be now is unknown. and that's why i ask everyone who sees this video to look carefully at the boy's face. he looks to be 3-4 years old, of medium build, has fair, blond hair and... dark eyes, so if you know anything about demyan tyurin, don't delay and immediately call the hotline of the children's tracing service on 11630 calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. also, write to our website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. i want to emphasize that it can become important in the search any, even the smallest information. so, let's not be indifferent and let's go together. let's try to find the missing demyan tyurin. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child.
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anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. on the air from washington, the program of the ukrainian service of the voice of america chas time, i am yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. the netherlands, in cooperation with partners, is preparing to transfer to ukraine and more one patriot battery. the country's minister of defense kaisa olengren, who will soon leave her post, told about this in an interview with the local press. romania also announced an additional patriot system for ukraine this week, and the white house confirmed the change in export priorities of american arms manufacturers the day before.
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from now on, all new missiles for patriot and nasa will be sent to ukraine first. the meaning of this decision and other main news of the week in the field of military aid, let's talk with our correspondent at pentagon by ostap yarysh. ostape, hello. congratulations. ostape, why did the us make this decision to change priorities and... what effect could this have on the course of the war? tagil, many of the decisions this week regarding the strengthening of the ukrainian air defense system, the decisions of the united states were indeed announced yesterday in the white house and the pentagon. we remind the audience what it is about: the united states has now decided to change its international military sales program and prioritize the delivery of missiles to the patriot and nasems ukraine before other countries. we know that patriots, in particular in europe, have, let's say, greece, spain, have. poland or germany, right now, until ukraine's needs are met, supplies to other countries will have to be postponed, john kirby said, they hope there, in the white house,
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they hope in the pentagon that... this will help ukraine at least for the next 16 months, why now, yulia, why not sooner, and what practical significance it will have in combat, i had the opportunity to ask pentagon spokesman pat ryder, let's hear what he actually answered this question. i'm sure you know that the international military sales program, of course, supports many countries around the world, but in this particular case, why exactly... now we see russia again trying to destroy ukraine's energy system and infrastructure on the eve of winter, so the ukrainians urgently need additional air defense capabilities, and you heard secretary austin raise this issue last week. therefore, the accelerated delivery of additional missiles to ukraine is about survival. this is prompted the decision to change the plans
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in the near future. rates of critical missiles for air defense to send them to ukraine. that's why now. in practice, this will mean that ukraine's stockpiles will be replenished more quickly to enable them to continue to protect their critical infrastructure and civilian population as winter approaches. ostap zmi reports that the netherlands is preparing to hand over the patriot battery. earlier this week , romania announced an additional installation for ukraine. did washington play any role in passing these solutions and? should i wait for an additional battery from the us itself? yes, yulia, we also heard news in this direction: the netherlands said that, together with another country, it is going to hand over an additional patriot battery to ukraine, they do not announce which country it is, they say that they believe that the government of this partner, ally should announce about it myself. romania , in its turn, promised to provide ukraine with a patriot battery, but emphasized that this was done on the condition that the allies, and
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especially the united states... would help find a temporary solution and help find a similar or equivalent system for romania to protect romanian skies. in the united states, in the pentagon, in particular, when i asked how exactly the united states was involved in this decision and whether it played any role, they said that they would not go into details, but emphasized that these decisions, in particular, were discussed during the meeting contact defense, meetings of the defense group of ukraine. in the rammstein format, we remember, she was last week in brussels and we know that then, in particular, they also talked about strengthening the ukrainian air defense system, and now we see that according to the results of the meeting of this group , we saw announcements from romania and the netherlands about how exactly the united states evaluates this decision, what is ukraine involved in here and what was was washington's role here, pat ryder talked about it, let's
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listen. without going into specifics, as you know, on a bilateral basis, as nato allies, we work with all our partners to take into account their defense needs, and we will do everything possible to support them, in the case of the redirection of air defense missiles for ukraine, all the states that are affected have been notified and we are working with them to make sure, as i emphasized before, that the industry can work for... these demands, so we're going to do what good allies do, and by the way, by prioritizing the delivery of missiles to ukraine, the main message here to our allies and partners is that if there's an existential threat, then we're coming you on help, as in this case. these are the words of the spokesman of the pentagon, yuli, and the question definitely arises, okay, the united states calls on its partners to transfer the patriot installations they have to ukraine,
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why the united states. also not involved in this, why the united states will not provide more installations in addition to the one, to the system that we saw last year, so far there are no announcements in the pentagon, although there have been media reports that the united states is considering the transfer of an additional petrio battery to ukraine , jointly possible with other countries, perhaps alone, at the moment, they say there are no announcements about it in the white house, but we are keeping an eye on it. ostape, to another topic, a little bit, a few weeks ago they gave permission to ukrainians to use american women. weapons for strikes on military targets in russia immediately across the border. is washington considering expanding this authorization to the remaining relevant military targets inside russia and the use of long-range missiles for this purpose. yuli, at the moment in washington they are repeating what we heard before, in particular, in an interview with you mike carpenter, we remember said that this permission applies to the russian border not only in the kharkiv region, but also in others.


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