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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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patriots, what they have for ukraine, why does the usa not also join this, why the united states will not give more installations in addition to the one, to the system that we saw last year. currently , there are no announcements in the pentagon, although there were reports in the media that the united states is considering the transfer of an additional petrio battery to ukraine, jointly, maybe with other countries, maybe on its own, at the moment, the white house says, there are no announcements about this, but we are monitoring everything. move on to another topic, a little for a few weeks. that's why they still gave ukrainians permission to use it american weapons for strikes on military targets in russia immediately across the border. is washington considering expanding this authorization to the remaining relevant military targets inside russia and the use of long-range missiles for this purpose. yura, currently in washington they are repeating what we heard earlier, in particular, in an interview with toby, mike carpenter, we remember, said that this permit concerns the russian border not only in the kharkiv region, but also in other regions. now we heard from jake salivin that ukraine has the right to strike. anywhere from where the russians attack
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troops, however, this permission to yuli does not apply to long-range atakams missiles, which have a range of up to 300 km, and that is exactly what ukraine is asking for now, so that they can strike russian airfields, from where planes take off that drop control of aerial bombs on ukrainian cities. currently, yulia, the permission does not extend to attacks, with whom we know that this pressure on the white house continues, congressmen talk about it, expert circles talk about it, ukraine finally talks about it in ukrainian morons, the ukrainian authorities repeatedly talk about it. again still, there are no changes here yet, but we will monitor whether they will happen later. of course, we will keep our finger on the pulse of this topic. thank you, ostap, my colleague ostap yarysh was in touch with the studio. allow ukraine to hit all relevant military targets on the territory of russia, us senators urge the white house. my colleague kateryna lisynova spoke with legislators from both parties, and this is how they argued their positions. we need to increase our
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military support at this extremely critical time for ukraine, when it is seeking defend ourselves against a russian counteroffensive and prepare for our own military action, hopefully in early 2025, and we must very clearly allow ukraine to attack targets in russian-controlled territory that may be behind the front lines. for some time now , i have supported giving ukraine the authority it needs to strike russian... targets. putin doesn't care how many russians have infrastructure in ukraine, and we need to give ukraine those powers for more distant centers, warehouses, just as they attack will perish as a result of his failure. you can just kill young russians ad infinitum. i don't think it will affect his behavior, but the intelligence indicates that he is really worried about his money and his lost profits. the repo act under which we pursue. assets of russia to
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try to confiscate them to help the victims in ukraine has an effect, it would open another front, if we recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, it will open the possibility of trials in american courts, and it will be more difficult for someone to help. in my view, there should be more military capabilities this summer and fall, and there should be more aggressive action against their economy and russian business. and by the way, the day before, these same senators introduced a bill to... encourage the state department to recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. you are watching, we continue the release. at the peace summit held last weekend in switzerland, canadian prime minister justin trudeau said that russia is carrying out elements of the genocide of ukrainians. he emphasized that no matter what treated the russian war against ukraine, everyone can agree that taking children from... their families and trying to erase their
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language, their culture is an element of genocide. the final declaration of the summit, which was signed by almost 80 countries and four international organizations, states that all deported and illegally displaced ukrainian children should be returned to ukraine. meanwhile, russia appears to be preparing a line of defense in the case of abduction of ukrainian children, which is being considered by the international criminal court. how moscow is trying to hide the crime and how to counter it. kateryna rashevska, an expert of the public organization regional center for human rights, told about this during the voice of america briefing. we see that, first, they are trying to completely destroy the subjective element in this case, because in its statement, the international criminal court, the statement related to the issuance of arrest warrants, clearly announced that the russians intended to take ukrainian children to their territory forever. and then maria livova bilova says: "no, there is no such intention qatar will confirm to you that we
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are returning, just contact us. second, what they are trying to do is to show that the scale that ukraine is talking about does not actually exist, there were no 19ths , already. by the way, more than 7,000 russians also do not mention their figure, and this is exactly what they called a much higher figure than what the competent authorities of ukraine said about it, and they also try to demonstrate in each of the cases that the situation is not so clear-cut, that there was no deportation, but there were ordinary ones private domestic family disputes about the whereabouts of the child, and in order to confirm this thesis, they prepared entire appendices. with a description of each of the 70 cases where they, in their opinion, contributed to the return. that is, this whole story looks like this, as long as we try to prepare and do it absolutely correctly, the line of defense, defense and de-occupation of our territories, that is, this is more of a military aspect.
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sensing a threat, the russian federation is already trying to prepare for potential lawsuits. in fact, everything will depend on of what evidence we, as the ukrainian side, have. and what evidence has already been accumulated by the international criminal court, because we are not sitting still, documentation continues, both by non-governmental organizations and by the office of the prosecutor general, special services, and the international criminal court also opened its sexual office in kyiv, in order to the investigation was more efficient and produced potential results with a high, much higher threshold of proof than was necessary to issue arrest warrants, so it is a known thing to open all the information we have. i can't, but i will say frankly that in the individual cases cited by the russian federation, such as those where there was no deportation, we have convincing evidence that there was deportation, and therefore it is important to simply form an effective communication strategy in order to at the political level, not to lose support, or
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not to lose the opportunity to gain this support from states, in particular the so-called global south, as we need them to adopt mechanisms at the international level for the return ukrainian... children, which is our priority, it was not for nothing that you mentioned the fourth point of the peace formula, the final communique of the global peace summit, and how there was an active discussion on how to return, identify the whereabouts of ukrainian children, how to help defending their rights is currently our main task in the near future. see the full version of the interview with kateryna rashevska on the voice of america ukrainian page on youtube. 17-year-old valeria sydorova is one of the tens of thousands of ukrainian children who lost their homes due to the war and were deported by russia. the girl miraculously managed to get out of russian prisons and return to ukraine. my colleague iryna solomko met valeria in new york. her story continues. valeria is an orphan, her mother died
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a few years before the full-scale invasion. before the great war, the girl was engaged in dancing, dreamed of becoming a doctor and loved. my city, the city of my parents, we are right on the dnipro river, as dovzhenko wrote, the fact that we have endless steppes and a river across the road. after the death of her mother, valeria lived with a guardian, she says, almost immediately after the occupation, they wanted to leave the city, but the school, where the collaborators began to manage, refused to issue her documents. then i found out that our director was being taken to the basement, and another director, who did not cooperate at all, was simply taken away. documents, took out safes with documents, thus the russians, according to the girl, gained access to the children's database, after which, in early october 2022, they gathered parents and they informed that the children will be forcibly evacuated tomorrow. on october 8, already at 10 in the morning, we were on
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the main square of the city with all the children, and from there we already went to the crimea. the children were brought to a boarding house near ivpatoria. valeriya says that the next two months were less scary. in her life the morning began with us walking, singing the russian national anthem. after breakfast we had a russian school. teachers came to us, we organized events, if someone urgently needed a russian language day, they had to dance to some russian songs, kalinka-malinka, to some folk songs, they tried to instill it in us, to instill it, to associate it, i felt so exhausted that... probably even after the occupation, after i left, i still feel it, as if i were again will be forced, he came to us and said that today would be an experience, and he sang a ukrainian song,
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elsa's ocean, when the war ends, and we cried, and he was very young, he was 19, he was kicked out of the camp the next day, and i'm quite... i don't know what's wrong with him. after for almost two months , her guardian was able to contact aleria and find out exactly where the girl is in order to pick her up, because children were only released to parents or guardians personally. some. the parents had no opportunity to pick up the child, we just sat in this camp and waited for further actions. of the children with whom she was in the camp, only five managed to return to ukraine, valeriya says. and they are all in russia, one entered a military college, another entered nakhimov, and another went to belarus, and another went under moscow, he was offered to be, so to speak. ambassador of unerm. since it was very dangerous in novaya kakhovka at that time, valeria
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and her guardian settled in yenichensk. from there , the girl began her path to freedom and began preparing for admission to a medical college in odessa. in literally two months, i caught up with the entire biology program for the 10th-11th grade. i raised all my archives in my head in ukrainian. i just opened the textbook and the topic for every day. topic, topic after topic, i just set myself a goal, to it went on, we have a very good program in ukraine, it is an online admission from the occupied territory, it will be difficult, but you can enroll online. in august 2023, a few days before her 17th birthday, valeria received the long-awaited message from the college, she was accepted and began to prepare for the trip. she knew that there was a humanitarian corridor near belgorod, and after collecting all the documents, she went there herself. despite the fact that valeria had lungs. why is she going to odessa and all the necessary documents, she was kept at a russian checkpoint for a long time. i just sat like that
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on the table and looked at the camera, which was standing directly in front of me, and it was just adrenaline. i still remember when you sit and realize that now your whole life depends on people whom i don't know at all, who just came and stamped my country, took me away and are now trying to push me somewhere. and they say, you can go, like, start, i’m just like that, i’m going, and there are mines, and it’s all mined, and i just see our pixel and that’s it, she remembers, the ukrainian military was just shocked when they heard her story, i was the first child, so were they this was not expected, and it was immediately accompanied by psychologists. they helped me a lot to stabilize just then, they offered her to go to
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kyiv and study at a medical college in the capital. valeria was provided with housing and a psychologist, because the girl has severe post-traumatic stress disorder. when i start to work with a psychologist, it turns out that there is not only war, and deportation, and the fear of being abandoned, and stolen, and even yesterday, we were walking downtown in the center of new york and a thunderstorm began. instant reaction, i'm crying, i can't see nothing, then i stabilize and can continue to interact, walk calmly, but such moments are triggered, accentuated, they are always there. the support on this path for the girl was her new guardian olga timchenko. the woman works at the children's voices charitable fund, which provides psychological support to children. there she heard about valeria and that she needed a guardian. lera came to our office, we were supposed to... make a cartoon story about deported children, and then we sat down with her and just
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talked, well, that's how it turned out, i lob asked what do you want, i will make a spade over you, eh, and here is this sword, as if, you know, something magical happened, and lyra burst into tears, me too, i did not understand why this is for a person, eh, who has to take his life simply a child who, well, she doesn't know her at all. in fact, well, it seemed that way to me, but then we just got closer day by day, i see that olya, she just gives me permission to go on. olga and valeria have been living together for three months, and tymchenko says she has already felt how her little girl has changed. you can directly see how every drop of your kindness falls on very, very fertile, such a soil, how it just blossoms, how this child changes, he sleeps better, teaches better. she smiles, becomes a child at last, and not as stern, collected, adult as she sometimes is, that
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's why i would like to call on ukrainians, adults, to help children. for valeria , it is important that the world knows about the crimes of the russians, and she also dreams of becoming a rehabilitation doctor in order to put the ukrainian military on its feet. in fact, my dream now is to stabilize and to be useful for ukraine, because i feel the mission, just like a child who cares for children, i am ready to do everything for victory, i will return home, we will rebuild kokhovska hes, i feel this strength, the inner strength of a ukrainian in such people as i am probably i understand it and accept it, from new york irena selomka pavlo teryhop, the voice of america. only according to official data of the united nations children's fund. since the beginning of the full-scale war in ukraine , almost 200 children have died or been injured.
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hundreds of thousands of children have been forced to leave their homes, millions have access problems to education it also affected foreign families of children for whom ukrainian surrogate mothers carry and give birth. thanks to the legislation, which largely normalizes the rights of both surrogate mothers and biological parents, ukraine was one of the world centers for so -called reproductive tourism by 2022. maria prus will tell how the situation has changed now. the californian couple, gio gelera and candice ngen gelera, were expecting their first child. her first child by a surrogate mother in ukraine when russia launched a full-scale intrusion. it was very shocking, it did n't seem real, we were very nervous. the couple could only take home their son, born on may 22, personally in ukraine, so
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the gelers enlisted the support of the government organization project daynemo and its leader brian stern. we crossed the medical border, crossed the border on foot and he was already waiting for us on the other side, he accompanied us, took us to a safe place where we spent the night and prepared to pick up the baby, and that morning we went to pick up vincent. all worries about whether he is in ok, we calmed down when we saw the baby, everything fell into place, and although we were stunned at the moment it happened, the emotions really came out when we... got to a safe place, the first night with the baby, and this there was the realization that our boy had to go through so much. ukraine normalized surrogate motherhood in 2013. such reproductive services can be obtained only by an officially married man and woman who have been recognized as infertile. according to ukrainian legislation, a surrogate mother should not have any
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genetic connection with the child. the embryo must have the genetic material of at least one of the couple, and the child. from the moment of conception. the birth of surrogate children in ukraine for the geler couple was organized and conducted by the adonis private clinic. they have been providing reproductive services there since 2014, and since 2019 they have opened a separate office for american and canadian couples. its head, maria feikes , says that with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company continued to support existing surrogate pregnancies, but ... did not start new ones, however, in may 2022, the clinic transferred part of its processes to the west of the country and fully restored reproductive services, in particular for foreigners. in 2022 , we had 98 surrogacy births for our american and canadian families alone. in 2023, it was
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107 babies, and many more pregnancies are occurring and continuing now. feikis says that while there was a certain decline in requests for such reproductive services from foreigners, it has now mostly recovered. what really helped us is despite the reduction in numbers of women who can become surrogate mothers and who we are willing to take into the program is that we have a lot of women who become surrogate mothers again. among such women is 26-year-old dnipryanka, who asked to hide her face and name. through this clinic, she became a surrogate mother twice. in my family, the topic of infertility is very big. i understand how difficult it is, because it is simply, well, a blessing and a gift to have a child. and when you understand that people do not have such an opportunity, and you can, then you want with this kindness,
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grace, just to share. the woman gave birth to the second surrogate child for the american family and... already after the start of the full-scale invasion of russia, we had the first attempts even before the war, so no one expected that there would be such a scale, but it already turned out only in the war, i got pregnant in the 22nd year, well, at the end of autumn, so of course, we decided that even in this difficult period... we will still go to such an experience, because happiness, it can come at any moment, and so it was difficult, but still possible. travels that is full-scale the war added anxiety and uncertainty, but it was a positive experience. the clinic is located in kyiv and it was necessary to travel
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to kyiv for consultations and examinations. yes, i was in the dnipro for almost the entire period of my pregnancy. the explosions, yes, it was difficult at times, but i made a very important decision for myself, i asked myself if i could influence it, if i could change it, and i answered. there were no, so i simply did not take it so close to my heart, and tried to be as calm as possible. so is a surrogate mother who gave birth to families gelera offered to do it again a year after her first child. in 2023, the couple returned to kyiv for replenishment. we said, wow, okay, let's do it again. so we did it again. and yes, this time it was obvious. you know, in some parts of the country, things were a bit more controlled, lviv was much calmer at that time, so we did it a second time, it was a great experience, we are absolutely happy and i must
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say that ukraine is a wonderful country, we are very grateful to your country and people in the us, surrogacy is allowed in most cases states, but the cost starts from 100 thousand dollars and can approach 200. instead , such programs in ukraine, including embryo transfer. compensation for the mother, medical expenses and family support with paperwork starts at $45,000. the surrogate mother receives from 15,000 dollars, there is also compensation for transportation costs, healthy food and clothes, says maria feikes. yes, financial considerations and adequate remuneration for their work, for their great gift and the risks that they go being a surrogate mother. financial reward is very important, but not every woman who wants financial compensation for her family will go for surrogacy, because it really takes a person with a big heart.
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i have relatives who knew, they said that you are simply, you are an angel for us, you, well, you are doing an incredible job, because you are just like a guide, a little girl to her parents. in fact, if given the opportunity, i would gladly do it again, again. again and again, because it is a great happiness to have a baby and to understand how difficult it is for people, and if i can be that conduit between them and their children, so why shouldn't i? maria prus, maxim shulga, voice of america. and i conclude with this. thank you for watching voa . all the best, pa-pa! there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts on evrfast soft cups 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings.
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resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right to start winning. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. maria gurska every week. meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government on recovery of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what are they saying?
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about ukraine in the eu, how we should perceive the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sestra au. channels spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most pressing social issues discussions what news exactly? will analyze the guests of the project this week, and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. a just peace will prevail. president zelenskyi's team is preparing to hold a second
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summit in a few months. peace, to which russia can be included, whether an alternative chinese peace conference will not interfere with ukraine's plans. axis development evil the defense agreement between putin and kimchinin caused concern in the world due to the threat of the development of the north korean nuclear program. does this encourage the americans to recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism? the corruption of ukraine is a stereotype, the tension between kyiv and washington is increasing due to the issue of fighting corruption, what could be the consequences of the claims of western partners to zelenskyi and his team? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good
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health. over the next two hours. we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. let's talk about the results of the global peace summit, which ended last week in switzerland, and about the drafts of the future peace summit, which should be held at the end of this year. putin's trip to north korea and vietnam and the creation of a new axis of evil, where russia, north korea, iran, syria and belarus will be. we will talk about all this in the next two hours. uto, however, before we start our big talk, i suggest you watch a video of how our defense forces tonight hit the russian infrastructure and hit the airfields and oil refineries of the krasnoyarsk territory, in particular in the area of ​​the village of afibska, more than 10 explosions thundered in the krasnodar territory, it was also reported on the network.
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there is a military airfield about a drone attack in yeisk, in yeisk, there of the russian federation, let's see what the consequences of these strikes were, guys somewhere. ah, well, in general, the field is on fire, it’s really scary, the smoke is standing still, it’s already passing through us, something has exploded over there, glory to the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces
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of ukraine. and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please join our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: should russia be invited to the second peace summit? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion that goes beyond these two unambiguous answers, please write in the comments under the video. if you look at us on the air, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think russia should be invited to the second peace summit (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211 382. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce our first guest today, he is a captain of the armed forces of ukraine, a ukrainian politician and statesman, a former prosecutor general of ukraine and a former minister.


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