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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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a witness has shown that traveling helps children to recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally, i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of the fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe for... now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to every day. it was amazing and i really enjoyed how we went out to restaurants. i visited in the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz.
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this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's give together memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. hello friends, this is the verdict program, the second part of our program, the traditional program on friday, our journalism club, and today we will talk about the following. putin raises the stakes. the kremlin's conditions for ending the war may change, depending on the situation on the ground, what? should be a strategic defeat
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for russia. beating of a military man in the dnipro. people's deputy tyshchenko got into a new scandal: does the deputy's mandate give the right to substitute himself police? black list of journalists. a combatant of the third assault brigade had a public quarrel with a war correspondent and incited her supporters. is it permissible to criticize the military during war? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, whether it is necessary invite russia to the second peace summit? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, please write your comments if they are out of bounds. unequivocal
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answer: if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think russia should be invited to the second peace summit, 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guest of our studio, this is kateryna nekrecha, journalist of radio svoboda, kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, and marina danylyuk yarmalayeva, author and host of youtube channels of show business and centronet, political viewer, media consultant, mrs. maryna, i congratulate you, thank you for with us today, sincere congratulations , ivan, so, dear maryna and kateryna, as we ask our guests whether you would like to donate our tv viewers. what do they think,
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is it necessary to invite russia to the second peace summit, let's try to find out your position in the blitz poll format. marina, z we will start you and we can say such things about the peace summit that in fact there was much more pr about this peace summit than exhaust. the fact that they talked about ukraine for an extra week is certainly good, but i would like more results, considering that for six months we were constantly pumped up with the fact that there will be a peace summit and some peaceful solutions, unfortunately, this did not happen, but many people had such an illusory impression that this peace summit was bound to bring peace to ukraine. and does russia need a second summit? peace? the main thing here is the position from which we will go to these peace summits, because, for example, our foreign colleagues, journalists and time...
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experts, who, by the way, advise their ministry of defense and the ministry of foreign affairs, say, what will you do with to go, because everyone understands that peace agreements are decided first of all on the battlefield, and... then it is somehow legally formalized at the table of diplomatic negotiations, so i would like fewer stories of people like kolya tyshchenko, his assistant and some incomprehensible people beating military, and that we should be more concerned with victories on with a pole well, we will talk about all these cases during our broadcast. kateryna, do you think russia is needed for the second peace summit, since both zelensky and yarmak and... really, here i am in favor of the thesis that the peace summit should bring peace in the expectations of the ukrainians there, yes, but really there there were several important points, among which there was nuclear
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security, etc., and the exchange of prisoners and children with ukrainians, their return, children deported by russia, taken away, stolen, and if this is the case... about specific points and about concrete agreements where the russian side, if it really wants to take part in this, will be able to do something or show that it is ready for some kind of adequate dialogue, well, at least in certain nuances, in certain areas, then surely yes, if it as a platform for expressing their propaganda messages there, well, it is obvious, as many ukrainian experts point out, that it is not, that is, the question here is actually what the topics will be and... well, it is already announced, which by the end of this year should to be another peace summit, and here it is important to again, people were not expecting some simple decisions in a very short time, but for people to clearly understand what this meeting will be about and what specific results ukraine and its partners want
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to achieve, and expected precisely these results, concrete decisions, let it will be step-by-step, and of course, unfortunately, the issue of ending the war can only be globally resolved by a summit, when it is going to... well, we already see that it is impossible, and this was not the goal in principle, as we understand it, and it is obviously impossible solve the main issue, the issue of peace and the return of ukrainian territories at the second peace summit, even with the participation of russia, because putin clearly articulated his position: give me four oblasts plus the autonomous republic of crimea and withdraw ukrainian troops from there, and then we will talk, well, apart from what he said... having already been in hanoi, in vietnam, the kremlin dictator said that we are ready to negotiate, but on the basis of istanbul and minsk, istanbul is definitely a capitulation plan for ukraine, and there is nothing to talk about here, well plus to these four
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regions that putin demands, and putin says that for russia a strategic defeat will mean the end of its statehood, and therefore there is nothing to be afraid of, it is necessary to go to the end and... well , such statements took place. marina, how do you assess what putin is saying now, he has engaged china, iran and now also north korea so seriously, he decided to gamble on increasing rates and is there a ceiling in these rates, where you are above which he is already simply can't go? and this is the preservation of putin's life, so he will constantly increase these bets, well... and it is worth saying that for him this statement that he very urgently needs zaporizhzhia and kherson, simply so that we leave, withdraw our troops, this statement was useful for him, because in this way he wanted to seize the information initiative so that, first of all, the leaders of western countries
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would comment on exactly these proposals of putin, and in fact the peace summit began precisely with the fact that the leaders of these countries, high representatives, began to comment on these statements, but ... fortunately, a number these statements were just that good for ukraine. i can note, for example, that there was a statement by lloyd austin, who very clearly said that the russian federation is not in a position to demand that the city of zaporozhye be returned to them. well, you know, when now the same putin goes to beg for weapons and for the military-industrial capacities of north korea to be used, because they are not up to the task. the second army of the world is not coping, this is a sign that things are really not so good in the russian federation. thank you, marina, kateryna, judging by what putin says, how he speaks and how he tries to stage another peace summit there, but
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with the participation of china, or rather, the chinese peace formula, which will apparently be at some alternative, er, peace summit, our ambassador will also be voiced. in singapore has already stated that ukraine can also join this summit and take part in this summit, doesn't this mean that with strengthening. putin's attempt to strengthen his position, ukraine is already beginning, let's say, to bargain about how, what, what these peace talks can be, what we will talk about, and the absence of seven questions out of ten on the first peace summits, obviously testify to the fact that ukraine is somehow trying to find some kind of compromise, where actually there can be no compromise. there can be no compromise for ukraine, which clearly declares officially
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that it is a sovereign state, and that the end of the war, that is the return to the borders of 1991, is an important moment, but here, well, what can we talk about say, if the party is the aggressor, it by no means shows even by the slightest steps that it wants some kind of reconciliation, completion of the demarcation line, etc., that is, it seems to me that positive. and the plus is that there are no illusions that, in principle, vladimir putin is there, he clearly expressed his position, his intentions, well , just so that no one has any doubts, because you and i can talk, i can talk to my friends, to talk with colleagues and just somewhere with people, i don’t know about negotiations in the store, and you know this, a popular phrase, they will give up there, they will go to negotiations, and the question is that, whoever there in kyiv does not want something, does not offer it, russian the party and in the kremlin state specifically that they... need even more than they control now, and there is no hint at all that they
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are ready to retreat, to stop, but putin clearly says that ukraine should withdraw its troops, russia is not going to withdraw its troops from anywhere, this must be clearly understood in such a situation when the aggressor continues to wage war , does not stop at all, is not ready to make any compromises, then the ukrainian side is looking for opportunities together with partners, well, first of all, it proves that ukraine is ready, but... adequately to talk, talk and conduct a dialogue, putin shows quite the opposite the opposite, he has an alternative reality and an alternative summit, there are some alternative agreements, alternative partners, that is, a complete mirroring, the only problem is that this is an alternative reality, it has existed for 10 years, and there are ukrainian citizens under occupation, they are also in it, for example , live as they do in donetsk, luhansk and crimea, and that is, this alternative reality of putin, unfortunately, it... is also a reality that must be put up with on the one hand, on the other hand, if putin, on the eve of the summit, has
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are reacting, making such statements, somehow trying to disrupt this summit, so this really means that russia is uncomfortable, probably, that ukraine is leading such a global summit and is attracting as many partners as possible, and not only western partners, who are already accustomed to support ukraine, as well as those countries that sometimes hesitate or show their un... reality, nevertheless, with their participation, they still show some kind of support, as dmytro koleba, for example, noted, and what he sees as the success of this summit, therefore it is important to understand that there is a point that there is now a war, there is an aggressor who is not going to surrender there, is not going to return the territories for which issue, well, putin has already said obviously, for him the issue of crimea and those ukrainian territories that have already been captured closed, they have already written in their constitution that zaporizhzhia and kherson are theirs and that's all, and they are not even going to argue about it, so if in... official kyiv, it can conduct what it conducts, and within the framework of this peaceful summit, we
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will see the results of the return of ukrainians prisoners, the return of ukrainian children, etc., it will already be a victory, it is certainly in these steps, it is certainly better than doing nothing, but we can talk about effectiveness, well, maybe by the end of this year. marin, is peace with russia possible at all, well, such a banal question, but what does peace with... russia mean, is it russia's capitulation, or in the understanding of the ukrainian side, that is, what kind of peace can this peace be? i would like the ukrainian side to think more about how to preserve our allies, how should we improve our position? and i will tell you honestly that for me the more important thing was not the peace summit in switzerland, but the event that preceded it, and in particular the g7 meeting, these are the countries that help ukraine the most with weapons, money and sanctions, and you know , somehow not very probably adequate at the
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moment when italy presides over the g7, and george maloney, by the way, at the beginning when italy began to fulfill its duties, she said that our goal, the goal of our presidency in this great seven - that we help ukraine win the war, me it seems that we are not quite sometimes. uh, we fully use this tool, because, for example, at this g7 summit , a number of very important positions were voiced, for example, for the first time, apparently, the damage caused to us by the war with the russian federation was recorded, there, if i'm not mistaken, 486 they calculated billions of dollars, then there was a story about providing us with a 50 billion loan, which is also an important thing, plus they also said there about nuclear safety, about the need to further deepen
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sanctions, and unfortunately, we are not quite clear and of course, we use this tool, i would like our... diplomats, our bank to pay more attention to this, and not try to somehow come to an agreement with saudi arabia, maybe with china, maybe something will be discussed between the chinese-brazilian option, because let's let's be honest, china is our enemy, it openly shows that it is our enemy, and ukraine is food for it. from the point of view of brazil, if you live somewhere in brazil, in the favelas, you are absolutely purple, what is happening there in that ukraine, you are all white caucasian people... without understanding the intricacies of history, that we, for example, are the same white people who suffered from the colonial policy of the russian empire, this is very important, because politics, it consists of nuances, and excuse me when to my colleague tatiana nikolaenko, journalists from france are approaching, they say that we are all at once, we are all there, we were
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at this peace summit, but we did not quite understand what kind of peace summit it is, you need a war summit, how to improve your... positions in so that you win it. well, that's true note, just half an hour ago , we had yuriy lutsenko on the air, he also talked about the fact that it is necessary to hold a war summit, and not a peace summit, or a victory summit, how to defeat russia, and to articulate all these issues accordingly. well, perhaps, in the process of preparing for the world-2 summit , an idea will arise to hold a victory summit or a summit, how about you? to win this war, not to negotiate with the russians, but at the same time, when we talk about these negotiations from russia, we have to understand the context in which ukraine is now, and the international context and the requirements that our western partners have for the ukrainian authorities, in particular with regard to the fight against corruption,
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this week the washington post publication came out, and in principle, the american influential publication writes: that zelensky was disappointed by blinkin's attention to corruption in ukraine during the last meeting, according to the publication, between the authorities of ukraine and the united states of america, where relations in the fight against corruption are further strained, which creates a constant threat to aid to kyiv, and well it is clear that in this situation, obviously, it is obvious that the issue of fighting corruption will be actualized, we see journalistic investigations that came out literally this week. regarding the deputy prosecutor general verbytskyi, regarding the deputy director of the dbr, who lives there in elite real estate worth more than or around 900 thousand dollars, and declares that he lives somewhere in the wrong place, that is, these issues will be clearly articulated to the ukrainian authorities one way or another, and here the questions in the way the ukrainian
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authorities will react to it, because in the usual way manners where... the violation of all diplomatic canons and norms that zelensky is currently demonstrating, it will no longer be possible to simply talk to either the americans, the british, or the germans. kateryna, what do you think, whether the ukrainian leadership will still dare and have the will to fight corruption, and i remember very well what olympian zelensky asked at the stadium. at poroshenko, he said: why do all your friends have two hands? well, they say that it is necessary to chop it up, because they were involved in corruption, but apparently the same issue must be articulated now and to zelensky, all your friends are two- handed. we will see how we would like them to react or how they will react. i am referring to my colleague's previous thesis that there is a peace or war summit there, what the partners are ready for, well
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, we clearly understand that, for example, there is no such thing in america or in germany that ukraine must win, but ukraine has you...we we will support ukraine there in order for it to endure, this is the moment, the partners may not be ready to sign up for this, that ukraine should win, and russia should collapse there, well how ukrainians there would dream about it, for example, but with regard to corruption topics and issues, here is an important point, it is obvious that ukraine's partners, they both help and support, but also pay attention, especially since it is the third year of a full-scale war, it is not there the first half of the year or the first year, when everyone... thought about whether ukraine would really survive, and now these questions are timely, as we understand, they stand, as the washington post writes, and what is the conversation it was difficult and unpleasant here, obviously unpleasant, er. i was at the stroos farm today kyiv region, and there, well, we know about ostriches that they bury their heads in the sand. i would like that even if there is some kind of corruption scandal, or there is a question for an official, that he
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lives, well, in such a fortune, very large, and when the investigators do and show it, it really shocks ukrainians, who are used to corruption, but during the war, this does not come to mind, and i wanted it to be communicated here, so that there was really a reaction to it, and then, probably, it would satisfy both the ukrainian society there and the westerners partners, right away the question and to the reaction, first of all, at the time of the investigation, let's figure out why this official lives, and has such wealth, and where he lives, and why he does not declare and so on, if there are any questions in the investigation, i want to see a transparent investigation, i want to see, even for the moment, that there is no verdict or conclusion of the investigation, that these people there or their bosses, they came out and... commented on it, communicated, we saw this week what was going on the parliament did not come to communicate this important issues, this is what i want to see openness, it seems to me that it is not cool here and a cool
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example of communication, when even a person who obviously has certain questions for him, has problems, some indisputable evidence for society of this or that guilt, can there is a moral and ethical one, but it comes out, for example, and communicates it when a... the hero of a certain investigation, he doesn’t communicate it, doesn’t come out or makes such a dry reply and doesn’t answer questions, critical questions, it gives rise to what a round of new questions, mistrust, mistrust, whether there will be an investigation and so on, that is, first of all , you want quick communication, even if you do not yet know what happened there, say that we are following it, we are really investigating, here is the person already there, for example goes on vacation at his own will, so as not to interfere with the investigation, and then, probably, society, as well as... incoming partners, will have more trust in these matters, and then , of course, if there are any suspicions of corruption, so that there investigation, verdict, again, to
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society did not forget, because we now have some kind of news in our telegram channels, some kind of investigation is being carried out, and this fact was remembered, but did this news, this journalistic investigation lead to the fact that the courts really proved guilt or guilt there , this is another question, which , unfortunately, is obviously in a long and distant box. this is what the current government uses, that it is not necessary to answer all the questions, that is, there are some corruption scandals, thank god that we have investigators, thank god that we have schemes, thank god that we have public, thank god that we have bigusinfo, tetyana nikolaenko and yuriy nikolov, people who work thoroughly enough with investigations, marina, how and why in ukraine with such a number of anti-corruption bodies? there are, first of all, there is corruption, to which there are complaints, and why it exists, because the fish rots from the head, and look, if the director
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of the nabu thinks that he does not have to go and comment on high-profile stories, high-profile journalistic investigations at the specialized anti-corruption committee is a sign about unhealthy processes in the state, because i will remind you of mine... the convening of the anti-corruption committee, it was one of the most visited committees, there were always events, there were always things being discussed, there were always some meetings, and so society, the public, journalists could to get some prompt answers to sensitive questions, but now we see, for example, in the investigation of denys bigus, when he meets with this comrade georgy birkadze and... berkadze begins, and you, that's what i'm writing there, i holika, this is what he says to an investigative journalist with a name with a reputation, and whether the word is very weighty
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for public opinion, i think it is not quite adequate when a story appears that our potential minister of infrastructure, a person who is literally all the holes when it is necessary to close a vacant place somewhere in the government, and she was busy. probably corruption stories, but due to the agreement with naboo , she did not have searches, well, this is probably not a very healthy signal for our western partners, who will precisely because of infrastructure mines give money and control the reconstruction of ukraine. it is obvious that they will not just give money like that without control, because, for example, more and more of their society, their citizens internally ask, ah... why do we have to endure, for example, another increase in taxes? i wouldn't mind helping ukraine, but it's important for me to know that my money really goes to the reconstruction of ukraine, to
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ukrainian. the army, but not, sorry, for a brand-new chanel handbag that appears on some 100-500th girl, the deputy attorney general. this, by the way, is a lot greatly confuses our western partners, and when there are intergovernmental meetings, when there are meetings with the public, all these handbags, love for brands, for cars, it is thrown into the eyes of our western friends, and it confuses them that a warring country turns out to be fat. here as in the last day of the plague. well, obviously, the weakness of law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption agencies, political influence on this is replaced by what we saw yesterday in dnipro, performed by mykola tyshchenko, that is, when law enforcement agencies do not work, when the prosecutorial system doesn't work, then mykola tyshchenko comes out, surrounded by guards, and starts beating a soldier,
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a former, er... soldier of the krakin battalion, dmytro pavlov with the call sign son, and that's how it was, let's see, because this is a very revealing story and another scandal mykola tyshchenko. please apply, i am on military registration, we have information, i am on military registration, i have been on military registration since the age of 14.
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well, this is the performance of the bully bodyguards of mykola tyshchenko, the godfather of the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak and his explanation about the fact that they are fighting with some call centers there, some kind of coup d'état, someone is doing, well, that is, some kind of delusion. the most typical, well, as of tonight, i did not see any reaction of the law enforcement system of ukraine, what, what, actually, what kind of reaction, i.e., why is mykola tyshchenko taking on himself the powers that no one gave him, secondly, what kind of call centers do they catch, catch, well, some kind of hop-stop, just kateryna, in this story, when law enforcement agencies are inactive or deliberately try not to react to it, so what? what exactly am i like?
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it will have an effect on society and what kind of reaction can there be in society , the vets of the russian-ukrainian war are a part of it, which is exactly what we saw even now, when the man who fought in the kraken, liberated kharkiv oblast, was forced to come into contact with these very people, let's face it, i wasn't there, just like we weren't there, we saw the video footage, and that's why i don't want to immediately hang labels on who is guilty, who is not guilty and... here, by the way, it's interesting of communication issues, mykola tychenko, he has already started immediately, in principle, to comment on oleksia goncharenko there in the council, on the kyiv24 tv channel, he was on the air, but how he communicates, i will allow myself to express myself in this way very brazenly, and because journalists ask questions there, for example, the journalist wants to receive these answers, and why does the people's deputy do what he does on the streets of dnipro and what kind of security is it, or is it security, he did not give direct answers to these questions, so i really really want an investigation and
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clarification of this. video, because this video is horrifying, well, you and i understand that people say and what do we think when we are there, when ukraine is in a state of war there, well, first of all, there is danger, and we already see such examples of weapons there, maybe some insolent behavior, many people in military uniform, sometimes someone already simply tells a real story, that someone is afraid, and someone is there something else, here we saw a stroller, a child, it is not clear who is approaching whom, because for example, there is a policeman there, as if who was a policeman, it is not very clear from him that he a policeman, and they can be here and legal issues arise, i don’t know if this case will go to court there, in fact, whether the person who was stopped there is a military ex-military from krakin, whether he understood that it was the police at all, or whether it was just some young men, who are these people in military uniform around mykola tyshchenko, is it really his bodyguard, if so, why is she in military uniform, there are a lot of questions, it all looks not very civilized, to
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put it mildly. and it's really scary, because here.


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